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A number of factors influencing embryogenesis from isolated microspores of radish (Raphanus sativus) were examined. Of 11 genotypes evaluated, six produced embryos ranging from 8.3 embryos per 105 microspores for Chugoku-ao to 0.2 for Tenshun, but five genotypes were not responsive. An initial culture period at elevated temperature before incubation at 25°C was essential for induction of microspore embryogenesis. However, the optimum period of the treatment varied among genotypes and/or experiments. Bud size also influenced microspore embryogenesis. Though optimum bud size was different between genotypes, the microspore populations represented in these buds contained uninucleate and binucleate microspores. Selection of embryogenic microspores using percoll density gradient resulted in up to 1.3-fold increase of embryo yield. Though almost all embryos failed to develop directly into plantlets, plants were obtained by multiple subcultures. The regenerated plants had hyperploid chromosome numbers.  相似文献   

An efficient protocol to improve microspore embryogenesis is established in an important oleiferous crop, Brassica juncea (Indian mustard). Colchicine was used for enhancing microspore embryogenesis and also to obtain doubled haploid embryos. Colchicine at high concentrations (>10 mg l−1), for 24 h, proved convenient for direct recovery of diploid embryos. Higher temperature treatment and an antiauxin PCIB (p-chlorophenoxyisobutyric acid) enhanced microspore embryogenesis significantly as compared to colchicine. An increase in temperature from 32°C to 35°C proved very efficient in increasing embryogenesis by 10-fold. The highest embryogenesis rate was obtained when PCIB was added at 35°C in the culture after 1 day of culture initiation. 20 μM PCIB could enhance microspore embryogenesis by 5-fold. Different abnormal shapes of embryos like lemon, banana, flask and fused cotyledons were observed. Both normal and fused cotyledonous embryos showed normal germination when transferred on the B5 basal medium.  相似文献   

A highly efficient and convenient method for the Agrobacterium rhizogenes-dependent production of transformed roots of Saponaria vaccaria L. (Caryophyllaceae) is described. The parameters tested and optimized include S. vaccaria cultivar, explant type, Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain and culture conditions. For cotransformation using additional recombinant T-DNA-containing A. rhizogenes strains, use of neomycin phosphotransferase and enhanced green fluorescent protein genes as selectable markers were tested alone and in combination. Optimal results, yielding a minimum of one transformed root per explant, were obtained using the cultivar Pink Beauty, the A. rhizogenes strain LBA9402 and internode explants precultured on a phytohormone mixture. Selection of cotransformed roots by observation of enhanced green fluorescent protein fluorescence alone was highly effective and convenient. NRCC Publication No. 48435.  相似文献   

In this paper, we would like to show unexpected morphogenic potential of cell suspensions derived from seedling explants of Gentiana kurroo (Royle). Suspension cultures were established with the use of embryogenic callus derived from seedling explants (root, hypocotyl and cotyledons). Proembryogenic mass proliferated in liquid MS medium supplemented with 0.5 mg l−1 2,4-D and 1.0 mg l−1 Kin. The highest growth coefficient was achieved for root derived cell suspensions. The microscopic analysis showed differences in aggregate structure depending on their size. To assess the embryogenic capability of the particular culture, 100 mg of cell aggregates was implanted on MS agar medium supplemented with Kin (0.0–2.0 mg l−1), GA3 (0.0–2.0 mg l−1) and AS (80.0 mg l−1). The highest number of somatic embryos was obtained for cotyledon-derived cell suspension on GA3-free medium, but the best morphological quality of embryos was observed in the presence of 0.5–1.0 mg l−1 Kin, 0.5 mg l−1 GA3 and 80.0 mg l−1 AS. The morphogenic competence of cultures also depended on the size of the aggregate fraction and was lower when size of aggregates decreased. Flow cytometry analysis reveled luck of uniformity of regenerants derived from hypocotyl suspension and 100% of uniformity for cotyledon suspension.  相似文献   

Developing embryos from immature seeds were excised and cultured. Optimal proliferation of differentiated secondary embryos occurred on Murashige-Skoog media containing 7% sucrose, 0.1 M 2,4-D, and 0.1–1.0 M zeatin. Higher levels of auxins inhibited embryo proliferation. Secondary embryos were subcultured to produce more embryos. The results indicate the feasibility of clonal propagation of meadowfoam.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - BA 6-Benzyladenine  相似文献   

Anthers from Frumoasa alba (White beauty), Otilia, Valerien, Mission and Siegfried Rebe (FS4) cultivars were cultured at the uninucleate stage of the microspore on Murashige and Skoog (1962) and Nitsch and Nitsch (1969) media supplemented with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (4.9 M) and benzyladenine (4.4 M). The primary calli were subcultured on MS medium with 6.6 M BA and 1.1 M indolylacetic acid, in order to induce their growth and plant regeneration. After seven months, vegetative buds were obtained with Frumoasa alba (2.7%), Otilia (0.3%), Valerien (4.5%), embryogenic callus was obtained with Mission and plant regeneration with Siegfried Rebe. Long term embryogenesis was maintained in Mission cv. for four years, by selection and regular transfer of the embryogenic areas of anther-derived calli. The embryogenic calli have the ability to generate abnormal somatic embryos with one, two or three cotyledons and cup or trumpet-shaped with fused cotyledons. In parallel with the embryogenic process, organogenesis with buds, leaf and shoot differentiation was regularly observed.  相似文献   

Brassica napus L. microspores at the late uninucleate to early binucleate stage of development can be induced in vitro to alter their development from pollen to embryo formation. High temperatures or other stress treatments are required to initiate this redirection process. The critical period for induction of microspore embryogenesis is within the first 8 h of temperature-stress imposition. During this period, which precedes the first embryogenic nuclear division, the process regulating the induction and sustainment of microspore embryogenesis is activated. A number of mRNAs and proteins, some of them possibly heat-shock proteins, appear in microspores during the commitment phase of the induction process.Abbreviations SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Summary The cauliflower mosaic virus 35S (35S-CaMV) promoter, which is generally used as a constitutive promoter in plants, is known to be silent during microspore and pollen development. Here we analyzed whether the 35S-CaMV promoter fused to thegus (-glucuronidase) gene can be used as a marker for early sporophytic development in embryogenic microspore cultures of tobacco andBrassica napus. In microspore culture ofB. napus, the 35S-CaMV promoter remained off from the start of embryogenic culture up to the mid-cotyledonary embryo stage. 35S-CaMV promoter activity was only present in those microspores that initiated sporophytic development, but failed to enter embryogenic development. Similar results were also obtained with shed-microspore cultures of tobacco, in which rapid, direct embryogenesis takes place. In isolated-microspore cultures, in which embryogenesis is delayed, an intermitting period of sporophytic development was observed, characterized by extensive 35S-CaMV promoter activity. Therefore, the 35S-CaMV promoter discriminates between two classes of sporophytic development: it is activated in microspores which change fate from gametophytic into (temporarily) nonembryogenic sporophytic development, whereas the promoter is silent in sporophytic microspores that enter embryogenic development directly. This mirrors our observation that the 35S-CaMV promoter is also silent in young zygotic embryos.  相似文献   

The diet of the cockle Anadara antiquata L. was studied along Dar es Salaam coast during the N-E Monsoon season. No zooplankton were found in the 80 cockle guts examined. 27 phytoplankton genera were identified, an indication of wide phytophagy. Members of classes Bacillariophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Pyrophyceae and Prasnophyceae were very prevalent in the diet. Scenedesmus, Chlamydomonas, Palmeria, Exuviella, and Coscinodiscus showed the highest recurrence frequencies per gut.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis and further plant regeneration were observed using zygotic embryos, young inflorescences and young leaves ofEuterpe edulis (Palmae) as explants. Both for the cultures of zygotic embryos and inflorescences, activated charcoal in the medium was essential for the establishment of viable cultures. Embryogenesis was induced by using a gelled basal medium with MS or Euwens salts supplemented by high 2, 4-D levels (50–100 mg L−1). The embryogenic process was direct without a callus stage. For further development, cultures with globular or post-globular embryos were transferred to the basal medium with 2-iP (2.5 mg L−1) and NAA (0.1 mg L−1). To convert embryos to plantlets, cultures were transferred to a third medium in which sucrose and salts were reduced to the half-strenght of the basal medium, without growth regulators. In the case of liquid medium, with either 2, 4-D or NAA (10–20 mg L−1). The developmental stage of each explant was critical for the induction of embryogenesis. The histological study of embryogenic cultures revealed that in the case of zygotic embryos, somatic embryos arise directly from the surface of the cotyledonar node, or from subepidermal tissues. In the inflorescences, a pro-embryogenic tissue is formed at the floral primordium region; in the leaves, the first morphogenic event is cell proliferation in the vascular parenchyma.  相似文献   

We have established an efficient method to induce embryo formation from isolated wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) microspores. Culture of excised anthers under starvation and heat shock conditions induced the formation of embryogenic microspores at high frequency in nine Austrian winter wheat genotypes, including cultivars that had been considered as recalcitrant in anther culture. Percoll gradient centrifugation of the mechanically isolated microspores allowed us to obtain homogeneous populations of embryogenic microspores in all genotypes which, after transfer to a rich medium containing immature ovaries for conditioning, divided and produced globular embryos. Thousands of embryos were produced in one petri dish. Many of these embryos developed into plantlets after transfer to a solid medium without ovaries.  相似文献   

Specific stress treatments (sucrose starvation, alone or combined with a heat shock) applied to isolated tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) microspores irreversibly blocked normal gametophytic development and induced the formation of embryogenic cells, which developed subsequently into pollen-derived embryos by culture at 25°C in a sugar-containing medium. A cold shock at 4°C did not inhibit microspore maturation in vitro and did not induce cell division activity, even when combined with a starvation treatment. In the absence of sucrose, microspores isolated in the G1 phase of the cell cycle replicated their DNA and accumulated in G2. Late microspores underwent miotosis during the first day of culture which resulted in a mixed population of bicellular pollen grains and uninucleate microspores, both embryogenic. After the inductive stress treatments the origin of the first multicellular structures, formed in the sugar-containing medium, could be traced to divisions of the microspore cell or divisions of the vegetative cell of bicellular pollen, indicating that the symmetry of microspore mitosis in vitro is not important for embryogenic induction. These results represent a step forward towards a unified model of induction of embryogenesis from microspores/pollen which, within a relatively wide developmental window, are competent to deviate from normal gametophytic development and initiate the alternative sporophytic programme, in response to specific stress signals.Abbreviation DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole We acknowledge the help of Monica Boscaiu and Zarko Hrzenjak with the artwork, and Michaela Braun-Mayer for growing the tobacco plants. This project was financed by the Austrian Fonds zur Forderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, grant S6003-BIO.  相似文献   

Calli of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) initiated from seedling hypocotyl tissue were placed in liquid suspension and maintained by serial subculture in hormone-free Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium. Suspensions were sieved and globular embryos collected, washed, resuspended in basal medium and plated onto various semi-solid media. High inorganic salts (MS), low salt (2/3 MS), excess KNO3, and the growth regulators napthaleneacetic acid (NAA), gibberellic acid (GA3) and kinetin were tested for their effects on somatic embryo maturation. Long-term embryo proliferation and maturation were best on medium containing MS plus 1.9g/l KNO3. Embryos 3 mm to 10 mm in size were removed from this plating medium and placed on sterile vermiculite saturated with Stewart and Hsu's medium plus 0.1 mg/l indoleacetic acid (IAA). Plants were recovered from 10.6% of the embryos. When 5 mm embryos were placed on this medium, 30% of the embryos formed plants within six weeks. Smaller embryos required a longer period of development on the vermiculite and the addition of fresh medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/l GA3. Plants with an extensive root system and two true leaves were removed from sterile culture and potted in either one-to-one peat and sand, or vermiculite. Eighty percent of the regenerants were successfully hardened when glass beakers of increasing size (10 to 150 ml) were sequentially placed over the young plants during a two-week period.  相似文献   

Isolated tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) microspores maturing in vitro can be induced to undergo symmetrical divisions, instead of the normal asymmetrical first pollen mitosis, by addition of anther extracts to the culture medium. The two daughter cells in symmetrically divided pollen resemble vegetative pollen cells in cytological characteristics, nuclear size and chromatin condensation, are separated by a cell wall and remain viable during in vitro maturation. After transfer to a germination medium, only one of the two vegetativelike cells forms a pollen tube in vitro. Therefore, apparently normal gametophytic development can be maintained after symmetrical microspore division. These results are discussed in relation to current models for induction of microspore embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Prior to this report, heat treatment (32.5°C, 24 h) was the method used to induce embryogenesis fromBrassica napus microspores. Continuous culture at 25°C results in pollen development. This study shows that colchicine alone, at the non-inductive temperature of 25°C, can induce embryogenesis, thus demonstrating that heat shock is not required for embryogenic induction inB. napus cv. Topas. Embryogenic frequencies of over 15% were obtained by culturing isolated microspores with 25 M colchicine for 42 h at 25°C. The microspore developmental stages responsive to colchicine were unicellular vacuolate and late unicellular, somewhat earlier stages than the population responsive to heat induction. Other groups have reported that heat-shock proteins are essential to the induction of embryogenesis. The present study offers a method of embryogenic induction without the use of heat which will allow discrimination between the factors associated with response to heat shock and those involved with changing cell development.Abbreviations LU Late-unicellular - PPB Preprophase band - UV unicellular-vacuolate The authors wish to thank C. Bornman for his interest and encouragement. We gratefully acknowledge support from the School of Graduate Studies and Research, Queen's University to J.-P. Z., from Hilleshog AB, Sweden to D.H.S., and from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada to D.H.S. and W.N. Plant Research Centre contribution No. 1595.  相似文献   

A simple and efficient method for high frequency somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from hypocotyl-derived cultures and suspension cultures of Gossypium klotzschianum Anderss, a wild, diploid species of cotton is described here. Embryogenic cultures were induced from hypocotyl sections on MSB medium with 0.9 M 2,4-D and 2.32 M kinetin. MSB medium containing 0.045 M 2,4-D, 0.93 M kinetin, 2.46 M IBA promoted embryogenic culture proliferation and embryo development. Suspension cultures with 0.23 M 2,4-D and 0.93 M kinetin also produced many embryos. Somatic embryos cultured on MSB medium with PGRs produced secondary embryos, and embryos developed into normal plantlets on PGR-free MSB medium. Regenerated plantlets were transferred onto the quarter-strength MSB medium with 0.5% active charcoal to avoid recallusing. Hypocotyls were better than cotyledons for culture induction and plant regeneration. 2,4-D and kinetin were essential for culture induction and maintenance.  相似文献   

Kotov  Alexey A.  Boikova  Olga S. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,442(1-3):127-143
The embryonic development of Daphnia galeata and D. hyalina (`Cladocera', Anomopoda, Daphniidae) has been investigated by observing living embryos removed from female brood pouches. The sequence of morphological changes was analysed, as was the time at which the activity of certain organs began. The timing of these events at 22 °C is documented for both species.These data were compared with similar information, previously obtained for two representatives of the Ctenopoda (Kotov & Boikova, 1998). The sequence of events is basically similar in the two groups during early and late phases of their development, but the time of shedding of the embryonic membranes is different in the Anomopoda and Ctenopoda. The ctenopod embryo hatching from the second egg membrane is covered by the third membrane, which will be cast some hours later. The anomopod embryo hatches from the second egg membrane approximately simultaneously with the shedding of the third membrane, and it is covered already by the fourth membrane after the shedding of the second egg membrane.Earlier (Kotov & Boikova, 1998), we determined four embryonic instars in the course of the development of the Ctenopoda. Two of them are passed within the egg membranes, the next two instars occur after the shedding the egg membranes within the mother's brood pouch. However, in anomopods, one of the latter (the third) occurs within the second egg membrane, one is incorporated into the egg. Thus, the development of the Anomopoda is more embryonized in comparison with that of the Ctenopoda.  相似文献   

Summary Brassica napus cv. Topas microspores isolated and cultured near the first pollen mitosis and subjected to a heat treatment develop into haploid embryos at a frequency of about 20%. In order to obtain a greater understanding of the induction process and embryogenesis, transmission electron microscopy was used to study the development of pollen from the mid-uninucleate to the bicellular microspore stage. The effect of 24 h of high temperature (32.5 °C) on microspore development was examined by heat treating microspore cultures or entire plants. Mid-uninucleate microspores contained small vacuoles. Late-uninucleate vacuolate microspores contained a large vacuole. The large vacuole of the vacuolate stage was fragmented into numerous small vacuoles in the late-uninucleate stage. The late-uninucleate stage contained an increased number of ribosomes, a pollen coat covering the exine and a laterally positioned nucleus. Prior to the first pollen mitosis the nucleus of the lateuninucleate microspore appeared to be appressed to the plasma membrane; numerous perinuclear microtubules were observed. Microspores developing into pollen divided asymmetrically to form a large vegetative cell with amyloplasts and a small generative cell without plastids. The cells were separated by a lens-shaped cell wall which later diminished. At the late-bicellular stage the generative cell was observed within the vegetative cell. Starch and lipid reserves were present in the vegetative cell and the rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi were abundant. The microspore isolation procedure removed the pollen coat, but did not redistribute or alter the morphology of the organelles. Microspores cultured at 25 °C for 24 h resembled late-bicellular microspores except more starch and a thicker intine were present. A more equal division of microspores occurred during the 24 h heat treatment (32.5 °C) of the entire plant or of cultures. A planar wall separated the cells of the bicellular microspores. Both daughter cells contained plastids and the nuclei were of similar size. Cultured embryogenie microspores contained electron-dense deposits at the plasma membrane/cell wall interface, vesicle-like structures in the cell walls and organelle-free regions in the cytoplasm. The results are related to embryogenesis and a possible mechanism of induction is discussed.Abbreviations B binucleate - LU late uninucleate - LUV late uninucleate vacuolate - M mitotic - MU mid-uninucleate - RER rough endoplasmic reticulum - TEM transmission electron micrograph  相似文献   

Callus cultures were initiated from mature excised caryopses of bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flugge) on Murashige & Skoog medium supplemented with 20 gl–1 sucrose and 2 mg l–1 2,4-D. Excised mature caryopses readily germinated and callus developed at the base of coleoptiles. There was considerable variation in the amount of non-embryogenic callus among the cultures. Most of the explants produced non-embryogenic translucent callus consisting of thin-walled cells and unorganized tissue. Some of these calli gave rise only to roots. Other explants formed embryogenic calli which were distinguished morphologically as white, globular and friable. Somatic embryos developed and germinated precociously when embryogenic calli were transferred to a 2,4-D-free medium. Somatic embryogenesis was confirmed by histological sections and scanning electron microscopy. Of the 300 cultures, 35 were embryogenic but only 10 produced plants that were successfully grown to maturity.  相似文献   

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