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Previously identified high affinity integrin-binding motifs in collagens, GFOGER and GLOGER, are not present in type III collagen. Here, we first characterized the binding of recombinant I domains from integrins alpha(1) and alpha(2) (alpha(1)I and alpha(2)I) to fibrillar collagen types I-III and showed that each I domain bound to the three types of collagens with similar affinities. Using rotary shadowing followed by electron microscopy, we identified a high affinity binding region in human type III collagen recognized by alpha(1)I and alpha(2)I. Examination of the region revealed the presence of two sequences that contain the critical GER motif, GROGER and GAOGER. Collagen-like peptides containing these two motifs were synthesized, and their triple helical nature was confirmed by circular dichroism spectroscopy. Experiments show that the GROGER-containing peptide was able to bind both alpha(1)I and alpha(2)I with high affinity and effectively inhibit the binding of alpha(1)I and alpha(2)I to type III and I collagens, whereas the GAOGER-containing peptide was considerably less effective. Furthermore, the GROGER-containing peptide supported adhesion of human lung fibroblast cells when coated on a culture dish. Thus, we have identified a novel high affinity binding sequence for the collagen-binding integrin I domains.  相似文献   

Integrins alpha(1)beta(1) and alpha(2)beta(1) are two major collagen receptors on the surface of eukaryotic cells. Binding to collagen is primarily due to an A-domain near the N terminus of the alpha chains. Previously, we reported that recombinant A-domain of alpha(1)beta(1) (alpha(1)A) had at least two affinity classes of binding sites in type I collagen (Rich, R. L., et al. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 24906-24913). Here, we compared the binding of the recombinant A-domain of alpha(2)beta(1) (alpha(2)A) to type I collagen with that of alpha(1)A using surface plasmon resonance and showed that alpha(2)A exhibited only one detectable class of binding sites in type I collagen, with a K(D) of approximately 10 microm at approximately 3 binding sites per collagen molecule. We further demonstrated that alpha(1)A and alpha(2)A competed with each other for binding to type I collagen in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), suggesting that the binding sites in collagen for the two A-domains overlap or are adjacent to each other. By using rotary shadowing, the complexes of alpha(1)A- and alpha(2)A-procollagen were visualized. Morphometric analyses indicated three major binding regions (near the N terminus, in the central part, and near the C terminus) along the type I procollagen molecule for both A-domains. The positions of the respective binding regions for alpha(1)A and alpha(2)A were overlapping with or adjacent to each other, consistent with the ELISA results. Analysis of the sequences of type I collagen revealed that GER or GER-like motifs are present at each of the binding regions, and notably, the central region contains the GFOGER sequence, which was previously identified as a high affinity site for both alpha(1)A and alpha(2)A (Knight, C. G., et al. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 35-40). Peptides containing GLOGERGRO (peptide I, near the N terminus), GFOGERGVQ (peptide II, central), and GASGERGPO (peptide III, near the C terminus) were synthesized. Peptides I and II effectively inhibited the binding of alpha(1)A and alpha(2)A to type I collagen, while peptide III did so moderately. The N-terminal site in type I collagen has the sequence GLOGER in all three chains. Thus, it seems that peptide I represents a newly discovered native high affinity site for alpha(1)A and alpha(2)A.  相似文献   

Integrins can mediate the attachment of cells to collagen type I. In the present study we have investigated the possible differences in collagen type I recognition sites for the alpha 1 beta 1 and alpha 2 beta 1 integrins. Different cyanogen bromide (CB) fragments of the alpha 1 (I) collagen chain were used in cell attachment experiments with three rat cell types, defined with regard to expression of collagen binding integrins. Primary rat hepatocytes expressed alpha 1 beta 1, primary rat cardiac fibroblasts alpha 1 beta 1 and alpha 2 beta 1, and Rat-1 cells only alpha 2 beta 1. All three cell types expressed alpha 3 beta 1 but this integrin did not bind to collagen--Sepharose or to immobilized collagen type I in a radioreceptor assay. Hepatocytes and cardiac fibroblasts attached to substrata coated with alpha 1(I)CB3 and alpha 1(I)CB8; Rat-1 cells attached to alpha 1(I)CB3 but only poorly to alpha 1(I)CB8-coated substrata. Cardiac fibroblasts and Rat-1 cells spread and formed beta 1-integrin-containing focal adhesions when grown on substrata coated with native collagen or alpha 1(I)CB3; focal adhesions were also detected in cardiac fibroblasts cultured on alpha 1(I)CB8. The rat alpha 1 specific monoclonal antibody 3A3 completely inhibited hepatocyte attachment to alpha 1(I)CB3 and alpha 1(I)CB8, as well as the attachment of cardiac fibroblasts to alpha 1(I)CB8, but only partially inhibited the attachment of cardiac fibroblasts to alpha 1(I)CB3. 3A3 IgG did not inhibit the attachment of Rat-1 cells to collagen type I or to alpha 1(I)CB3.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Rabbit synovial fibroblasts (RSF) express basal levels of the metalloproteinases (MMP) collagenase, stromelysin-1 and 92-kD gelatinase when plated on intact fibronectin (FN), but elevated levels when plated on either the central RGD-containing cell-binding region of FN (120FN) or antibody against the alpha 5 beta 1 integrin, suggesting that domains outside 120FN may suppress the induction of MMP (Werb, Z., P. M. Tremble, O. Behrendtsen, E. Crowley, and C.H. Damsky. 1989. J. Cell Biol. 109:877-889). We therefore attempted to reconstitute the basal signaling of intact FN by plating RSF on 120FN together with domains of FN outside this region. Large COOH-terminal fragments containing both the heparin-binding and HICS domains suppressed MMP when combined with 120FN. To map the active sequences, peptides from this region and larger fragments that did, or did not, include the CS-1 portion of IIICS were tested. Only CS-1 peptide, or larger fragments containing CS-1, suppressed MMP expression induced by 120FN. In contrast, peptide V from the heparin-binding region, shown previously to stimulate focal contact formation, further enhanced MMP expression by RSF when present on the substrate with 120FN. RSF expressed alpha 4 beta 1 integrin, the receptor for CS-1, and the anti-alpha 4 mAb blocked the ability of CS-1 to suppress MMP induction by 120FN. These results show that signals modulating MMP expression and focal contact assembly are regulated independently, and that cooperative signaling by alpha 5 beta 1 and alpha 4 beta 1 integrins plays a dominant role in regulating expression of these extracellular matrix-remodeling genes in response to FN. This work demonstrates directly the modular way in which information in the extracellular matrix is detected and processed by cell surface receptors.  相似文献   

A directed migration of leukocytes through the extracellular matrix requires the regulated engagement of integrin cell adhesion receptors. The integrin alpha(M)beta(2) (CD11b/CD18, Mac-1) is progressively upregulated to high levels on migrating phagocytic leukocytes in response to inflammatory stimuli and is able to bind numerous ligands in the interstitial matrix. The role of alpha(M)beta(2) in migration of leukocytes through the extracellular matrix and its cooperation with other leukocyte integrins during migration are not understood. Using a model system consisting of cells that express different levels of alpha(M)beta(2) and an invariable level of endogenous integrin alpha(5)beta(1), we have explored a situation relevant to migrating neutrophils when alpha(M)beta(2) and alpha(5)beta(1) engage the same ligand, fibronectin. We show that fibronectin is a ligand for alpha(M)beta(2) and that both alpha(M)beta(2) and alpha(5)beta(1) on the alpha(M)beta(2)-expressing cells contribute to adhesion to fibronectin. However, migration of these cells to fibronectin is mediated by alpha(5)beta(1), whereas alpha(M)beta(2) retards migration. The decrease in migration correlates directly with the increased alpha(M)beta(2) density. Ligation of alpha(M)beta(2) with function-blocking antibodies can reverse this effect. The restorative effects of antibodies are caused by the removal of restraint imposed by the excess of alpha(M)beta(2)-fibronectin adhesive bonds. These findings indicate that alpha(M)beta(2) can increase general cell adhesiveness which results in braking of cell migration mediated by integrin alpha(5)beta(1). Because alpha(M)beta(2) binds numerous proteins in the extracellular matrix with a specificity overlapping that of the beta(1) integrins, the results suggest that alpha(M)beta(2) can affect the beta(1) integrin-mediated cell migration.  相似文献   

Altered airway smooth muscle (ASM) function and enrichment of the extracellular matrix (ECM) with interstitial collagen and fibronectin are major pathological features of airway remodeling in asthma. We have previously shown that these ECM components confer enhanced ASM proliferation in vitro, but their action on its newly characterized secretory function is unknown. Here, we examined the effects of fibronectin and collagen types I, III, and V on IL-1beta-dependent secretory responses of human ASM cells, and characterized the involvement of specific integrins. Cytokine production (eotaxin, RANTES, and GM-CSF) was evaluated by ELISA, RT-PCR, and flow cytometry. Function-blocking integrin mAbs and RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp)-blocking peptides were used to identify integrin involvement. IL-1beta-dependent release of eotaxin, RANTES, and GM-CSF was enhanced by fibronectin and by fibrillar and monomeric type I collagen, with similar changes in mRNA abundance. Collagen types III and V had no effect on eotaxin or RANTES release but did modulate GM-CSF. Analogous changes in intracellular cytokine accumulation were found, but in <25% of the total ASM cell population. Function-blocking Ab and RGD peptide studies revealed that alpha2beta1, alpha5beta1, alphavbeta1, and alphavbeta3 integrins were required for up-regulation of IL-1beta-dependent ASM secretory responses by fibronectin, while alpha2beta1 was an important transducer for type I collagen. Thus, fibronectin and type I collagen enhance IL-1beta-dependent ASM secretory responses through a beta1 integrin-dependent mechanism. Enhancement of cytokine release from ASM by these ECM components may contribute to airway wall inflammation and remodeling in asthma.  相似文献   

The collagen-binding integrins α1β1 and α2β1 have profoundly different functions, yet they are often co-expressed in epithelial cells. When both integrins are expressed in the same cell, it has been suggested that α1β1 negatively regulates integrin α2β1-dependent functions. In this study we utilized murine ureteric bud (UB) epithelial cells, which express no functionally detectable levels of endogenous integrins α1β1 and α2β1, to determine the mechanism whereby this regulation occurs. We demonstrate that UB cells expressing integrin α2β1, but not α1β1 adhere, migrate and proliferate on collagen I as well as form cellular cords in 3D collagen I gels. Substitution of the transmembrane domain of the integrin α2 subunit with that of α1 results in decreased cell adhesion, migration and cord formation. In contrast, substitution of the integrin α2 cytoplasmic tail with that of α1, decreases cell migration and cord formation, but increases proliferation. When integrin α1 and α2 subunits are co-expressed in UB cells, the α1 subunit negatively regulates integrin α2β1-dependent cord formation, adhesion and migration and this inhibition requires expression of both α1 and α2 tails. Thus, we provide evidence that the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of the α2 integrin subunit, as well as the α1 integrin subunit, regulate integrin α2β1 cell function.  相似文献   

The integrins alpha(1)beta(1), alpha(2)beta(1), alpha(10)beta(1), and alpha(11)beta(1) are referred to as a collagen receptor subgroup of the integrin family. Recently, both alpha(1)beta(1) and alpha(2)beta(1) integrins have been shown to recognize triple-helical GFOGER (where single letter amino acid nomenclature is used, O = hydroxyproline) or GFOGER-like motifs found in collagens, despite their distinct binding specificity for various collagen subtypes. In the present study we have investigated the mechanism whereby the latest member in the integrin family, alpha(11)beta(1), recognizes collagens using C2C12 cells transfected with alpha(11) cDNA and the bacterially expressed recombinant alpha(11) I domain. The ligand binding properties of alpha(11)beta(1) were compared with those of alpha(2)beta(1). Mg(2+)-dependent alpha(11)beta(1) binding to type I collagen required micromolar Ca(2+) but was inhibited by 1 mm Ca(2+), whereas alpha(2)beta(1)-mediated binding was refractory to millimolar concentrations of Ca(2+). The bacterially expressed recombinant alpha(11) I domain preference for fibrillar collagens over collagens IV and VI was the same as the alpha(2) I domain. Despite the difference in Ca(2+) sensitivity, alpha(11)beta(1)-expressing cells and the alpha(11) I domain bound to helical GFOGER sequences in a manner similar to alpha(2)beta(1)-expressing cells and the alpha(2) I domain. Modeling of the alpha I domain-collagen peptide complexes could partially explain the observed preference of different I domains for certain GFOGER sequence variations. In summary, our data indicate that the GFOGER sequence in fibrillar collagens is a common recognition motif used by alpha(1)beta(1), alpha(2)beta(1), and also alpha(11)beta(1) integrins. Although alpha(10) and alpha(11) chains show the highest sequence identity, alpha(2) and alpha(11) are more similar with regard to collagen specificity. Future studies will reveal whether alpha(2)beta(1) and alpha(11)beta(1) integrins also show overlapping biological functions.  相似文献   

Fibrillins are the major glycoprotein components of microfibrils that form a template for tropoelastin during elastic fibrillogenesis. We have examined cell adhesion to assembled purified microfibrils, and its molecular basis. Human dermal fibroblasts exhibited Arg-Gly-Asp and cation-dependent adhesion to microfibrils and recombinant fibrillin-1 protein fragments. Strong integrin alpha 5 beta 1 interactions with fibrillin ligands were identified, but integrin alpha v beta 3 also contributed to cell adhesion. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis confirmed the presence of abundant alpha 5 beta 1 and some alpha v beta 3 receptors on these cells. Adhesion to microfibrils and to Arg-Gly-Asp containing fibrillin-1 protein fragments induced signaling events that led to cell spreading, altered cytoskeletal organization, and enhanced extracellular fibrillin-1 deposition. Differences in cell shape when plated on fibrillin or fibronectin implied substrate-specific alpha 5 beta 1-mediated cellular responses. An Arg-Gly-Asp-independent cell adhesion sequence was also identified within fibrillin-1. Adhesion and spreading of smooth muscle cells on fibrillin ligands was enhanced by antibody-induced beta1 integrin activation. A375-SM melanoma cells bound Arg-Gly-Asp-containing fibrillin-1 protein fragments mainly through alpha v beta 3, whereas HT1080 cells used mainly alpha 5 beta 1. This study has shown that fibrillin microfibrils mediate cell adhesion, that alpha 5 beta 1 and alpha v beta 3 are both important but cell-specific fibrillin-1 receptors, and that cellular interactions with fibrillin-1 influence cell behavior.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,120(6):1509-1517
The beta 2 integrins (LFA-1, Mac-1, and p150,95) are critical for many adhesive functions of leukocytes. Although the binding of the IgG- opsonized particles occurs normally in the absence of beta 2 integrins, phagocytosis of IgG-opsonized particles by activated neutrophils (PMN) requires these integrins. This observation suggests a role for beta 2 integrins in phagocytosis subsequent to particle binding. To investigate the mechanism of involvement of beta 2 integrins in IgG- mediated functions, we examined the role of beta 2 integrins in adhesion to immune complex (IC)-coated surfaces. Initial adhesion and spreading on IC-coated surfaces were equivalent in control and beta 2- deficient phagocytes. However, both genetically beta 2-deficient PMN and PMN treated with the anti-beta 2 mAb IB4 subsequently detached from the IC-coated surfaces. To determine whether biochemical consequences of IgG activation were also affected by beta 2 deficiency, LTB4 production in response to Fc receptor ligation was assessed. LTB4 production by beta 2-deficient PMN adherent to IC-coated surfaces was markedly decreased in comparison with control PMN. Importantly, LTB4 production by PMN stimulated with fluid phase heat-aggregated IgG also required the beta 2 integrins, showing that the defect was not a simple consequence of abnormal adhesion. In contrast, superoxide production by IC-adherent PMN was equivalent in control and beta 2-deficient PMN. The initial rises in intracytoplasmic [Ca2+]i in response to aggregated IgG also were unaffected by inhibition of beta 2 integrins. These data show that lack of beta 2 integrins does not inhibit all FcR-dependent signal transduction. Finally, LTB4 production by normal PMN adherent to ICs was inhibited by antibodies to FcRII, but not FcRIII, showing that FcRII ligation was required for this effect. Together these data identify a role for the beta 2 integrins in a signal transduction pathway leading to sustained adhesion and LTB4 production in response to IC. Since both beta 2 integrins and FcRII are required for these effects, the data further suggest cooperation between these receptors in generating PMN activation in response to IC stimulation.  相似文献   

A method for the separation of type III collagen from type I collagen by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis has been developed. This is based on the observation that the presence of 3-4 M urea decreases the mobility of the alpha 1 [III] chain to a greater extent than those of the alpha 1[I] and alpha 2 chains, although the alpha 1[I] and alpha 1[III] chains move at the same rate in the absence of urea. An attempt to separate the alpha 1[II] chain of type II collagen from the alpha 1[I] chain was unsuccessful under the experimental conditions employed.  相似文献   

The collagens are recognized by the alphaI domains of the collagen receptor integrins. A common structural feature in the collagen-binding alphaI domains is the presence of an extra helix, named helix alphaC. However, its participation in collagen binding has not been shown. Here, we have deleted the helix alphaC in the alpha(2)I domain and tested the function of the resultant recombinant protein (DeltaalphaCalpha(2)I) by using a real-time biosensor. The DeltaalphaCalpha(2)I domain had reduced affinity for type I collagen (430 +/- 90 nM) when compared with wild-type alpha(2)I domain (90 +/- 30 nM), indicating both the importance of helix alphaC in type I collagen binding and that the collagen binding surface in alpha(2)I domain is located near the metal ion-dependent adhesion site. Previous studies have suggested that the charged amino acid residues, surrounding the metal ion-dependent adhesion site but not interacting with Mg(2+), may play an important role in the recognition of type I collagen. Direct evidence indicating the participation of these residues in collagen recognition has been missing. To test this idea, we produced a set of recombinant alpha(2)I domains with mutations, namely D219A, D219N, D219R, E256Q, D259N, D292N, and E299Q. Mutations in amino acids Asp(219), Asp(259), Asp(292), and Glu(299) resulted in weakened affinity for type I collagen. When alpha(2) D219N and D292N mutations were introduced separately into alpha(2)beta(1) integrin expressed on Chinese hamster ovary cells, no alterations in the cell spreading on type I collagen were detected. However, Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing double mutated alpha(2) D219N/D292N integrin showed remarkably slower spreading on type I collagen, while spreading on type IV collagen was not affected. The data indicate that alpha(2)I domain binds to type I collagen with a different mechanism than to type IV collagen.  相似文献   

T Sasaki  C Brakebusch  J Engel    R Timpl 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(6):1606-1613
Human Mac-2 binding protein (M2BP) was prepared in recombinant form from the culture medium of 293 kidney cells and consisted of a 92 kDa subunit. The protein was obtained in a native state as indicated by CD spectroscopy, demonstrating alpha-helical and beta-type structure, and by protease resistance and immunological analysis. It was highly modified by N- and O-glycosylation but not by glycosaminoglycans. Ultracentrifugation showed non-covalent association into oligomers with molar masses of 1000-1500 kDa. Electron microscopy showed ring-like shapes with diameters of 30-40 nm. M2BP bound in solid-phase assays to collagens IV, V and VI, fibronectin and nidogen, but not to fibrillar collagens I and III or other basement membrane proteins. The protein also mediated adhesion of cell lines at comparable strength with laminin. Adhesion to M2BP was inhibited by antibodies to integrin beta1 subunits but not to alpha2 and alpha6 subunits, RGD peptide or lactose. This distinguishes cell adhesion of M2BP from that of laminin and excludes involvement of lactose-binding galectin-3. Immunological assays demonstrated variable secretion by cultured human cells of M2BP, which was detected in the extracellular matrix of several mouse tissues.  相似文献   

Integrin-mediated interactions between the basement membrane and epithelial cells control the differentiation of epithelia. We characterized the modulation of adhesive behaviors to basement membrane proteins and of integrin function in the human colon adenocarcinoma HT-29 cell line, which differentiates into enterocytes after the substitution of galactose for glucose in the medium. We demonstrate an increased capability of these cells to adhere to collagen type IV during the early stage of differentiation. This effect occurs without any changes in integrin cell surface expression but rather results from an alpha2beta1/alpha3beta1 integrin switch, alpha3beta1 integrin becoming the major collagen receptor. The increase in laminin-5 secretion and deposit on the matrix is a key factor in the mechanism regulating cell adhesion, because it is responsible for the activation of alpha3beta1 integrin. Furthermore, down-regulation of RhoA GTPase activity occurs during HT-29 cell differentiation and correlates with the activation of the integrin alpha3beta1. Indeed, C3 transferase, a RhoA GTPase inhibitor, induces a similar alpha2beta1/alpha3beta1 switch in undifferentiated HT-29 cells. These results indicate that the decrease in RhoA activation is the biochemical mechanism underlying this integrin switch observed during cell differentiation. The physiological relevance of such modulation of integrin activity in the functioning of the crypt-villus axis is discussed.  相似文献   

alpha11beta1 constitutes the most recent addition to the integrin family and has been shown to display a binding preference for interstitial collagens found in mesenchymal tissues. We have previously observed that when alpha11beta1 integrin is expressed in cells lacking endogenous collagen receptors, it can mediate PDGF-BB-dependent chemotaxis on collagen I in vitro. To determine in which cells PDGF and alpha11beta1 might cooperate in regulating cell migration in vivo, we studied in detail the expression and distribution of alpha11 integrin chain in mouse embryos and tested the ability of PDGF isoforms to stimulate the alpha11beta1-mediated cell migration of embryonic fibroblasts. Full-length mouse alpha11 cDNA was sequenced and antibodies were raised to deduced alpha11 integrin amino acid sequence. In the embryonic mouse head, alpha11 protein and RNA were localized to ectomesenchymally derived cells. In the periodontal ligament, alpha11beta1 was expressed as the only detectable collagen-binding integrin, and alpha11beta1 is thus a major receptor for cell migration and matrix organization in this cell population. In the remainder of the embryo, the alpha11 chain was expressed in a subset of mesenchymal cells including tendon/ligament fibroblasts, perichondrial cells, and intestinal villi fibroblasts. Most of the alpha11-expressing cells also expressed the alpha2 integrin chain, but no detectable overlap was found with the alpha1 integrin chain. In cells expressing multiple collagen receptors, these might function to promote a more stable cell adhesion and render the cells more resistant to chemotactic stimuli. Wild-type embryonic fibroblasts activated mainly the PDGF beta receptor in response to PDGF-BB and migrated on collagens I, II, III, IV, V, and XI in response to PDGF-BB in vitro, whereas mutant fibroblasts that lacked alpha11beta1 in their collagen receptor repertoire showed a stronger chemotactic response on collagens when stimulated with PDGF-BB. In the cellular context of embryonic fibroblasts, alpha11beta1 is thus anti-migratory. We speculate that the PDGF BB-dependent cell migration of mesenchymal cells is tightly regulated by the collagen receptor repertoire, and disturbances of this repertoire might lead to unregulated cell migration that could affect normal embryonic development and tissue structure.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to identify the domains of type IV collagen participating in cell binding and the cell surface receptor involved. A major cell binding site was found in the trimeric cyanogen bromide-derived fragment CB3, located 100 nm away from the NH2 terminus of the molecule, in which the triple-helical conformation is stabilized by interchain disulfide bridges. Cell attachment assays with type IV collagen and CB3 revealed comparable cell binding activities. Antibodies against CB3 inhibited attachment on fragment CB3 completely and on type IV collagen to 80%. The ability to bind cells was strictly conformation dependent. Four trypsin derived fragments of CB3 allowed a closer investigation of the binding site. The smallest, fully active triple-helical fragment was (150)3-amino acid residues long. It contained segments of 27 and 37 residues, respectively, at the NH2 and COOH terminus, which proved to be essential for cell binding. By affinity chromatography on Sepharose-immobilized CB3, two receptor molecules of the integrin family, alpha 1 beta 1 and alpha 2 beta 1, were isolated. Their subunits were identified by sequencing the NH2 termini or by immunoblotting. The availability of fragment CB3 will allow for a more in-depth study of the molecular interaction of a short, well defined triple-helical ligand with collagen receptors alpha 1 beta 1 and alpha 2 beta 1.  相似文献   

TPA primes alpha2beta1 integrins for cell adhesion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Integrin avidity is regulated by changes in the conformation of the heterodimer and cluster formation. We measured cell adhesion by integrin alpha2beta1 (CHO-alpha2) to collagen at short contact times (0.5-60s) by single cell force spectroscopy (SCFS). The adhesion increased rapidly with contact time and was further strengthened by the addition of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), a protein kinase C (PKC) and integrin activator. TPA also improved the strength of adhesive units. Furthermore, changes in membrane nanotube properties indicated better coupling of integrins to the cell cytoskeleton. We conclude that in addition to increasing integrin avidity TPA strengthens integrin-cytoskeletal linkage.  相似文献   

Adhesive interactions are crucial to cell migration into inflammatory sites. Using murine lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus as an Ag model system, we have investigated expression and function of collagen-binding integrins, alpha(1)beta(1) and alpha(2)beta(1), on activated and memory T cells. Using this system and MHC tetramers to define Ag-specific T cells, we demonstrate that contrary to being VLAs, expression of alpha(1)beta(1) and alpha(2)beta(1) can be rapidly induced on acutely activated T cells, that expression of alpha(1)beta(1) remains elevated on memory T cells, and that expression of alpha(1)beta(1) parallels that of viral-specific effector CD8(+) T cells (defined by tetramer and IFN-gamma staining). In an adoptive transfer model, mAb-mediated blockade of these integrins on activated effector and memory T cells inhibited Ag-specific delayed-type hypersensitivity responses; similar decreased responses were seen upon transfer of alpha(1)-deficient activated/memory T cells. Thus, expression of alpha(1)beta(1) and alpha(2)beta(1) integrins on activated T cells is directly functionally important for generation of inflammatory responses within tissues. Finally, the inhibitory effect of alpha(1)beta(1) blockade on the delayed-type hypersensitivity response could be bypassed by direct injection of Ag-specific T cells to inflammatory sites, demonstrating for the first time in vivo that collagen-binding integrins are involved in leukocyte migration into tissues.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1995,131(6):1903-1915
The reorganization of extracellular matrix (ECM) is an important function in many biological and pathophysiological processes. Culture of fibroblasts in a three-dimensional collagenous environment represents a suitable system to study the underlying mechanisms resulting from cell-ECM interaction, which leads to reprogramming of fibroblast biosynthetic capacity. The aim of this study was to identify receptors that transduce ECM signals into cellular events, resulting in reprogramming of connective tissue metabolism. Our data demonstrate that in human skin fibroblasts alpha 1 beta 1 and alpha 2 beta 1 integrins are the major receptors responsible for regulating ECM remodeling: alpha 1 beta 1 mediates the signals inducing downregulation of collagen gene expression, whereas the alpha 2 beta 1 integrin mediates induction of collagenase (MMP-1). Applying mAb directed against different integrin subunits resulted in triggering the heterodimeric receptors and enhancing the normal biochemical response to receptor ligation. Different signal transduction inhibitors were tested for their influence on gel contraction, expression of alpha 1(I) collagen and MMP-1 in fibroblasts within collagen gels. Ortho-vanadate and herbimycin A displayed no significant effect on any of these three processes. In contrast, genistein reduced lattice contraction, and completely inhibited induction of MMP-1, whereas type I collagen down- regulation was unaltered. Calphostin C inhibited only lattice contraction. Taken together, these data indicate a role of tyrosine- specific protein kinases in mediating gel contraction and induction of MMP-1, as well as an involvement of protein kinase C in the contraction process. The data presented here indicate that different signaling pathways exist leading to the three events discussed here, and that these pathways do not per se depend upon each other.  相似文献   

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