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记述了分布于中国东洋区的拟花托摇蚊属Stempellinella 1新种:裸拟花托摇蚊 Stempellinella depilisa sp.nov.正模♂,福建省上杭县步云山,1993-05-05,王新华采.本种与本属已知种的主要区别特征在于肛节(第9)背板不具有中区长刚毛.同时本种个体小;触角比只有0.47.文中对Cranston等(1989)提出的属级鉴别特征作了修订.新种模式标本保存于南开大学生命科学学院.  相似文献   

记述了新花托摇蚊属1新种,即四叶新花托摇蚊N.quaternaria sp.nov.本属已有记录4种,分布于新北区的N.reissi Caldwell、非洲区的N.abnormis(Lehmann)以及古北区的N.thienemanni Reiss和N.pilosa Reiss.四叶新花托摇蚊N.quaternaria sp.nov.正模♂,内蒙莫尔道嘎,1988-07-08,卜文俊采.新种生殖节构造与分布于土耳其的N.pilosaReiss近似,主要区别为:上附器内缘下凹,具有3根顶刚毛和3根侧缘毛,中附器具有4根粗壮的叶状刚毛.文中提供了本属世界雄成虫检索表.新种模式标本保存于南开大学生命科学学院.  相似文献   

记述了我国东洋区三突多足摇蚊亚属(Tripodura Townes)2新种。双刺多足摇蚊Polypedilum(Tripodura)bispinumsp.nov.(图1~5)本种与裸突多足摇蚊P.(T.)nudiprostatum Zhang&Wang相似,区别在于此新种r4+5翅室具有2个翅斑,m1+2和m3+4翅室端部具云状斑,肛尖矛尖状,肛尖侧突覆有微毛,上附器内侧中部具2个刺状刚毛。正模♂,海南黎水县吊罗镇,1989-05-20,灯诱,王新华采。抹刀多足摇蚊,新种Polypedilum(Tripodura)spathum sp.nov.(图6~10)本种可借如下特征区别于本亚属已知种:上附器呈抹刀形;前足比高(2.63-2.89,2.75);第9背板中部刚毛少,2~3根;下附器长、刚毛少,具2~3根刚毛。正模♂,云南勐腊县勐伦镇,1987-04-12,灯诱,邹环光采。本研究所用标本存放在南开大学生命科学学院摇蚊研究室。  相似文献   

记述采自湖北咸丰趋流摇蚊属1新种,命名为缢尖趋流摇蚊Rheocricotopus(Psilocricotopus)constrictus sp.nov.,新种隶属Psilocricotopus亚属的orientalis群.与R.(P.)orientalis Wang,R.(P.)calviculus Wang et Saether和R.(P.)villiculus Wang et Saether 3种近缘,主要区别为:下附器极长,棒状,并具有长毛;肛尖中部收缢;下唇须第3节仅具1簇感觉棒.迄今本群只记录于中国南方(东洋区),该群具有若干可以认定为亚属或属级阶元的特征,但尚需幼期虫态的发现加以确认.文中同时提供了世界本群雄成虫检索表.  相似文献   

异环足摇蚊属隶属于双翅目摇蚊科直突摇蚊亚科,全世界已记录4种。本文对中国产本属进行了系统研究。记述了2新种:简异环足摇蚊A.simplex sp.nov.和扎陵异环足摇蚊A.zhalingensis sp.nov.,重新核定了亮异环足摇蚊A.lucens(Zett.)。提供了世界本属雄成虫检索表。依据中国标本和相关文献,对Cranston等1989年所描述的本属的触角比、前足比、下附器的形状等属级鉴别特征予以订正。模式标本均保存于南开大学生物系。简异环足摇蚊A.simplexsp.nov.:正模:雄性,西藏建日,9/3/1987,邓成玉采。与本属已知种的区别:后足胫节无栉;无额鬃和唇基毛; R2+3脉清晰。扎陵异环足摇蚊A.zhalingensis sp.nov.:正模:雄性,青海扎陵湖,8/20/1986,任淑智采。与本属已知种的区别:个体大;无唇基毛;翅臀叶强烈突出,半球状;下附器三角形,强烈骨化,抱器端节具有13根粗长的刚毛。  相似文献   

Datta等于1992年依据印度标本建立1新种,命名为Tanytarsus gracilistylus (Chaudhuri & Datta),,本文作者在中国长跗摇蚊族研究中发现了采自福建省的同一种类,依据Ekrem(1999)和Cranstonetn,(1989)提出的属级鉴别特征,对该种性状进行比较分析,确认该种除中附器不分枝外,其余特征均符合枝长跗摇蚊属Cladotanytarsus的属征,而与长跗摇蚊属Tanytarsus的属征不符。该种中附器不具分枝应属于枝长跗摇蚊属内种间的一个特殊变异。本文将该种由长跗摇蚊属移入枝长跗摇蚊属作为新组合,同时依据中国标本对该种进行了详细描述,制作了本属中国13种雄成虫分种检索表。  相似文献   

本文记录斑摇蚊属Stictochironomus 1新种:俊才斑摇蚊Stictochironomus juncaii,sp.nov.和2中国新记录种:多齿斑摇蚊S.multannulatus(Tokunaga)和皮可齿斑摇蚊Spictulus(Meigen)。编制了中国斑摇蚊属已知雄成虫的检索表。模式标本保存于南开大学生命科学学院。  相似文献   

记述中印区克鲁斯摇蚊属雄成虫4种,对新种韦氏克鲁斯摇蚊Kloosia weii Yah et Wang,sp.nov.进行了描述和绘图.并重新检查和绘图了旧纪录种Kloosia koreana Reiss.提供了世界克鲁斯摇蚊属雄成虫分种检索表.模式标本存放于南开大学生命科学学院摇蚊学研究室.韦氏克鲁斯摇蚊,新种Kloosia weii Yan et Wang,sp.nov.(图4~6)新种上附器近似于K.dorsenna(Saether),但特征区别如下:头部具额瘤,胸部具深棕色色斑,R1脉无小刚毛,第9背板带V型;下附器直,抱器端节端部膨大.正模♂,湖北省汉口市,2000-04-15,韦思颖,灯诱.副模1 ♂,其它同正模.词源:新种种名以采集人姓氏而命名.  相似文献   

对中国摇蚊属的双叶摇蚊亚属作了系统学记述。描述了2个新种:宽铗双叶摇蚊Chironomus(Camptochironomus)latusus sp.nov.和六毛双叶摇蚊Chironomus(Camptochironomus) senisetosus sp.nov.,重新描述了苍白双叶摇蚊Chironomus(Camptochironomus) pallidivittatus和伸展双叶摇蚊Chironomus(Camptochironomus) tentans。并编制了中国本亚属4种雄成虫分种检索表。宽铗双叶摇蚊,新种Chironomus(Camptochironomus) latusus sp.nov.(图1~2)雄虫生殖节构造与苍白双叶摇蚊相似,但本种肛尖两侧叶强烈骨化,抱器端节明显宽大。AR值明显小于后者(表2)。正模♂,内蒙古乌梁素海,1982-04-25,王新华灯诱。六毛双叶摇蚊,新种Chironomus(Camptochironomus) senisetosus sp.nov.(图5~6)雄虫生殖节构造与伸展双叶摇蚊相似,但可借以下特征区别于后者(表4):上附器发达,6根长刚毛有序地围绕并着生在上附器基部,肛节侧片毛缺失,腋瓣缘明显少于后者。正模♂,贵州省罗甸县,2004-08-11,于昕网捕。  相似文献   

记述中国直突摇蚊属中直突摇蚊亚属Orthocladius(Mesorthocladius)雄成虫3种,并对1新种O.(M.)tornatilis sp.nov.和中国1新纪录种O.(M.)vaillantiLangton & Cranston做详细描述。模式标本保存于南开大学生命科学学院摇蚊学研究室。圆钝中直突摇蚊,新种O.(M.)tornatilis sp.nov.(图1~3)雄成虫与本亚属其它已知种的区别如下:下附器背叶末端圆钝,抱器端节中部最宽,亚端背脊长而低。正模♂,吉林省长白山岳桦林,1994-04-30,扫网,王俊才采。词源:新种种名源自其下附器背叶圆钝。  相似文献   

Recent stygobiological investigations carried out in the circum-Mediterranean area resulted in the discovery of a new species of the genus Pseudectinosoma Kunz, described herein as P. janineae sp. n. The taxonomic status of the genus is reviewed in a phylogenetic perspective. The origin of the present-day distribution of the genus Pseudectinosoma is reconstructed both from patterns of relationships among the species and from palaeogeographical data.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):161-164

The genus Lobatiriccardia Furuki is reported as new to China, from the Dulong River valley, Gaoligong Shan range, Yunnan Province and this material is described as a new species endemic to China, Lobatiriccardia yunnanensis Furuki & D.G. Long, the fifth known species in the genus. The differences between the new species and the other members of the genus are enumerated, along with a key to all known species of Lobatiriccardia.  相似文献   

Observations are made on the occurrence and distribution of the red algal genus Hypoglossum Kützing (Delesseriaceae, Ceramiales) in the tropical western Atlantic. In addition to the type of the genus, H. hypoglossoides (Stackh.) Coll. & Herv., three other species are reported: H. anomalum sp. nov., H. involvens (Harv.) J. Ag., and H. tenuifolium (Harv.) J. Ag. A key is presented to distinguish these four species. The newly described species, H. anomalum, is like other species in the genus in that its branches arise endogenously from the primary axial row but it is unique in that the branches emerge from the parent blade at some point between the midline and the margin of the blade. The new species is reported from Puerto Rico and Florida.  相似文献   

1. A classification is made on seven species of the genus Dysosma, of which four are proposed as new combinations, and one as new species. 2. The pollens of six species in the genus Dysosma and two species of Podophyllum are examined. Morphologically, the Asiatic. P. emodi is radically distinct from the North American P. peltatum and can be separated from Podophyllum as an independent genus-Sinopodophyllum. 3. The trend of evolution in Dysosma (fig. 2)and its relationships with the genera Sinopodophyllum and podophyllum are discussed. 4. Based on the evidence from an analysis of the ecology and geographical distribution of the component species (fig. 3), the problem of the centre of development of the genus Dysosma has been discussed.  相似文献   

Scalithrium gen. n. (Cestoda, Tetraphyllidea) is proposed with Scalithrium minimum (Van Beneden, 1850) n. comb., parasite of Dasyatis pastinaca (Elasmobranchii, Dasyatidae) as type-species. The new genus Scalithrium (Tetraphyllidea, Phyllobothriidae, Rhinebothriinae) is erected for several species previously included in the genus Rhinebothrium. These species have a scolex with four bothridia, the distal surface of which is divided by transverse septa in a single row of loculi. Scalithrium minimum (Van Beneden, 1850) n. comb. is redescribed from specimens collected from the type-host Dasyatis pastinaca in Tunisia and becomes the type-species of the new genus. After Braun (1900) Echeneibothrium variabile Van Beneden, 1850 is considered as type-species of the genus Echeneibothrium. Species of Rhinebothriinae to be transferred into the genus Scalithrium are discussed and a key is proposed for the eight species.  相似文献   

A new pennatulacean species, Crassophyllum thessalonicae sp.n. is described from the Mediterranean (North Aegean Sea). This is the first record of a Crassophyllum Tixier-Duri vault, 1961 species from the Mediterranean Sea. The differences between the new species and C. cristatum Tixier-Durivault, 1961, the other known species of the genus, are discussed, and the genus Crassophyllum is critically compared with the other two related genera Pteroeides Herklots, 1858 and Sarcoptilus Gray, 1848.  相似文献   

Prohemistomum azimi n. sp. is described from one out of four Egyptian slit-faced bats, Nycteris thebaica Geffroy, 1910 captured from Giza, Egypt. The new species is compared with other related species of the genus and its specific diagnosis is outlined. The new species is the first record of the genus Prohemistomum Odhner, 1913 from Chiroptera.  相似文献   

Relationships among species assigned to the ascosporic yeast genera Sporopachydermia, Stephanoascus, Trichomonascus, Wickerhamiella and Zygoascus, and to the associated anamorphic genera Arxula, Blastobotrys, Sympodiomyces and Trigonopsis, were determined from phylogenetic analyses of gene sequences from the nearly complete large-subunit rRNA gene, the mitochondrial small-subunit rRNA gene, and cytochrome oxidase II. The genus Stephanoascus is polyphyletic, resulting in reassignment of two species to the older genus Trichomonascus and the third to Sugiyamaella gen. nov. (type species Sugiyamaella smithiae). The genera Sporopachydermia, Wickerhamiella and Zygoascus appear to be monophyletic. The species Pichia ofunaensis and P. tannicola are proposed for transfer to Zygoascus. Arxula, Blastobotrys and Sympodiomyces are members of the Trichomonascus clade, with the genus Blastobotrys having taxonomic priority for anamorphic states. Trigonopsis variabilis and three species of Candida represent a distinct clade. From the foregoing gene sequence analyses, the new ascosporic genus Sugiyamaella is proposed, as are 14 new species combinations and the new family Trichomonascaceae.  相似文献   

Catadiscus pomaceae sp. n. from the intestine of the prosobranch mollusc Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck, 1801), is described. The host snail was collected from a lenitic biotope belonging to the Riachuelo basin (Corrientes province, Argentina) during 1985-1986. So far the species of the genus Catadiscus Cohn, 1904 have been recorded in amphibians and reptiles. This is the first instance of a species of that genus parasitizing a mollusc.  相似文献   

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