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In endocrine cells, prohormones and granins are segregated in the TGN (trans-Golgi network) from constitutively secreted proteins, stored in concentrated form in dense-core secretory granules, and released in a regulated manner on specific stimulation. The mechanism of granule formation is only partially understood. Expression of regulated secretory proteins, both peptide hormone precursors and granins, had been found to be sufficient to generate structures that resemble secretory granules in the background of constitutively secreting, non-endocrine cells. To identify which segment of CgA (chromogranin A) is important to induce the formation of such granule-like structures, a series of deletion constructs fused to either GFP (green fluorescent protein) or a short epitope tag was expressed in COS-1 fibroblast cells and analysed by fluorescence and electron microscopy and pulse-chase labelling. Full-length CgA as well as deletion constructs containing the N-terminal 77 residues generated granule-like structures in the cell periphery that co-localized with co-expressed SgII (secretogranin II). These are essentially the same segments of the protein that were previously shown to be required for granule sorting in wild-type PC12 (pheochromocytoma cells) cells and for rescuing a regulated secretory pathway in A35C cells, a variant PC12 line deficient in granule formation. The results support the notion that self-aggregation is at the core of granule formation and sorting into the regulated pathway.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1985,101(5):1999-2011
We report on the biochemical and immunological properties as well as on the cellular and subcellular distribution of two proteins, called secretogranins I and II. These proteins specifically occur in a wide variety of endocrine and neuronal cells that package and sort regulatory peptides into secretory granules. Both secretogranins take the same intracellular route as the peptides and are also sorted into secretory granules. Secretogranins I and II are biochemically and immunologically distinct proteins and differ from chromogranin A. Yet, these three proteins are similar to each other in many respects and therefore constitute one class of proteins. A remarkable feature of this protein class is a very acidic pI, brought about by a high content of acidic amino acids as well as by phosphorylation on serine and sulfation on tyrosine and O-linked carbohydrate. As a result, this class of proteins has a high net negative charge even at the acidic pH of the trans Golgi cisternae. We discuss the possibility that this property of the proteins may point to a role in the packaging of regulatory peptides into secretory granules.  相似文献   

Unlike the neuroendocrine cell lines widely used to study trafficking of soluble and membrane proteins to secretory granules, the endocrine cells of the anterior pituitary are highly specialized for the production of mature secretory granules. Therefore, we investigated the trafficking of three membrane proteins in primary anterior pituitary endocrine cells. Peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase (PAM), an integral membrane protein essential to the production of many bioactive peptides, is cleaved and enters the regulated secretory pathway even when expressed at levels 40-fold higher than endogenous levels. Myc-TMD/CD, a membrane protein lacking the lumenal, catalytic domains of PAM, is still stored in granules. Secretory granules are not the default pathway for all membrane proteins, because Tac accumulates on the surface of pituitary endocrine cells. Overexpression of PAM is accompanied by a diminution in its endoproteolytic cleavage and in its BaCl(2)-stimulated release from mature granules. Because internalized PAM/PAM-antibody complexes are returned to secretory granules, the endocytic machinery of the pituitary endocrine cells is not saturated. As in corticotrope tumor cells, expression of PAM or Myc-TMD/CD alters the organization of the actin cytoskeleton. PAM-mediated alterations in the cytoskeleton may limit maturation of PAM and storage in mature granules.  相似文献   

Many endocrine and neuroendocrine cells contain specialized secretory organelles called dense core secretory granules. These organelles are the repository of proteins and peptides that are secreted in a regulated manner when the cell receives a physiological stimulus. The targeting of proteins to these secretory granules is crucial for the generation of certain peptide hormones, including insulin and ACTH. Although previous work has demonstrated that proteins destined to a variety of cellular locations, including secretory granules, contain targeting sequences, no single consensus sequence for secretory granule-sorting signals has emerged. We have shown previously that alpha-helical domains in the C-terminal tail of the prohormone convertase PC1/3 play an important role in the ability of this region of the protein to direct secretory granule targeting (Jutras, I. Seidah, N. G., and Reudelhuber, T. L. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 40337-40343). In this study, we show that a variety of alpha-helical domains are capable of directing a heterologous secretory protein to granules. By testing a series of synthetic alpha-helices, we also demonstrate that the presence of charged (either positive or negative) amino acids spatially segregated from a hydrophobic patch in the alpha-helices of secretory proteins likely plays a critical role in the ability of these structures to direct secretory granule sorting.  相似文献   

Assadi M  Sharpe JC  Snell C  Loh YP 《Biochemistry》2004,43(24):7798-7807
Prohormone convertase 2 (PC2) is a member of the subtilisin family of proteases involved in prohormone maturation in the granules of the regulated secretory pathway (RSP). It has been suggested that targeting of this enzyme to the RSP is dependent on its association with lipid rafts in membranes at the trans-Golgi network. Here, we investigate the orientation of PC2 in granule membranes and the role of the C-terminus in sorting of the enzyme to the RSP. Molecular modeling and circular dichroism showed that this domain of PC2 forms an alpha-helix and inserts into artificial membranes. Furthermore, we show that the C-terminus of PC2 can be biotinylated at the C-terminus in intact chromaffin granules, indicating that it is a transmembrane protein. To determine if the PC2 C-terminus is necessary for raft association and sorting, we transfected a chimera of CPEDelta15 (carboxypeptidase E without the last 15 residues) and the last 25 residues of PC2 (CPEDelta15-PC2), and a truncated PC2 mutant with the last 6 residues deleted (PC2Delta6) into Neuro2a cells. Whereas CPEDelta15 was not raft-associated or sorted to the RSP, addition of the 25 residues of PC2 C-terminus to CPEDelta15 restored raft association and localization to the RSP granules, as determined by immunocytochemistry. Deletion of the last 6 residues of PC2 eliminated lipid raft association and sorting of PC2Delta6 to the RSP. These results showed that the PC2 C-terminus confers raft association and is sufficient and necessary for sorting PC2 to the RSP.  相似文献   

The effect of exogenous polyamines on electrolyte leakage, chilling index, polygalacturonase activity (PG), ethylene production, and firmness in zucchini squash fruits stored for 12 days at 2 degrees C or 10 degrees C, 85-90% RH was evaluated. Fruits were infiltrated with putrescine (PUT) spermidine (SPD) and spermine (SPM) at 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 2.0, and 4.0 mM. All polyamines exerted a protective effect on cell and organelle membranes. The most effective was SPD, which reduced electrolyte leakage between 62% and 82%, compared to control fruits stored at 2 degrees C. At 10 degrees C they did not exhibit chilling injury (CI) symptoms, while at 2 degrees C SPM (0.5 mM) and SPD (0.5 mM) diminished them 92% and 100%, respectively; which extended storage life for 8-10 days at 2 degrees C. High concentrations of polyamines (>2.0 mM) caused the appearance of CI symptoms. PG activity diminished proportionally to the concentration of polyamine except for the concentration at 4.0 mM. No significant changes were observed in ethylene production.  相似文献   

It is not clear how protein cargo is sorted to and retained in forming regulated secretory granules (RSG). Here, the sulfated mucin-type glycoprotein pro-Muclin was tested for its ability to induce RSG in the poorly differentiated rat pancreatic cell line AR42J. AR42J cells express RSG content proteins, but they fail to make granules. Adenovirus-pro-Muclin-infected AR42J cells store amylase, accumulate RSG, and respond to hormonal stimulation by secreting the stored protein. Expression of pro-Muclin combined with the inducing effect of dexamethasone resulted in a significant enhancement of the efficiency of regulated secretion. The effect of pro-Muclin was a strong decrease in constitutive secretion compared with dexamethasone-induction alone. A pro-Muclin construct missing the cytosolic tail domain was less effective at improving the efficiency of regulated secretion compared with the full-length construct. Increased expression of cargo (using adenovirus amylase) also modestly enhanced regulated secretion, indicating that part of pro-Muclin's effect may be due to increased expression of cargo protein. Overall, the data show that pro-Muclin acts as a sorting receptor that can induce RSG, and that its cytosolic tail is important in this process. regulated secretion; protein sorting  相似文献   

Although immunoblotting (Western blotting) is widely used for the detection of specific proteins, it is often thought to be an inadequate technique for accurate and precise measurements of protein concentration. However, an accurate and precise technique is essential for quantitative testing of hypotheses, and thus for the analysis and understanding of proposed molecular mechanisms. The analysis of Ca(2+)-triggered exocytosis, the ubiquitous eukaryotic process by which vesicles fuse to the plasma membrane and release their contents, requires such an unambiguous identification and a quantitative assessment of the membrane surface density of specific molecules. Newly refined immunoblotting and analysis approaches permit a quantitative analysis of the SNARE protein complement (VAMP, SNAP-25, and syntaxin) of functional secretory vesicles. The method illustrates the feasibility of the routine quantification of femtomole to attomole amounts of known proteins by immunoblotting. The results indicate that sea urchin egg secretory vesicles and synaptic vesicles have markedly similar SNARE densities.  相似文献   

U H Weidle  P Buckel 《Gene》1987,57(1):131-141
Expression plasmids for human tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-pA) were introduced into mouse myeloma cells and stable cell lines constitutively secreting t-pA established by selection with mycophenolic acid. Expression of t-pA is driven either by the simian virus 40 early promoter or by immunoglobulin regulatory elements of either light or heavy chains of the mouse. The availability of myeloma cells secreting a heterologous protein is of importance for biotechnological applications, because large-scale fermentation of myeloma cells is well established.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,134(5):1229-1240
Targeting of P-selectin to the regulated secretory organelles (RSOs) of phaeochromocytoma PC12 cells has been investigated. By expressing from cDNA a chimera composed of HRP and P-selectin, and then following HRP activity through subcellular fractionation, we have discovered that P- selectin contains signals that target HRP to the synaptic-like microvesicles (SLMV) as well as the dense-core granules (DCGs) of these cells. Mutagenesis of the chimera followed by transient expression in PC12 cells shows that at least two different sequences within the carboxy-terminal cytoplasmic tail of P-selectin are necessary, but that neither is sufficient for trafficking to the SLMV. One of these sequences is centred on the 10 amino acids of the membrane-proximal C1 exon that is also implicated in lysosomal targeting. The other sequence needed for trafficking to the SLMV includes the last four amino acids of the protein. The same series of mutations have a different effect on DCG targeting, showing that traffic to the two different RSOs depends on different features within the cytoplasmic domain of P-selectin.  相似文献   

Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) is the first and rate-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis of catecholamines, and its expression is regulated in a developmental stage- and cell type-specific manner. Our previous work suggested that the genetic elements responsible for cell type-specific expression of TH were in the repressor region of the TH promoter between −2187 and −1232 bp. To investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying the specificity of TH expression, the DNA methylation patterns of the CpG islands in the repressor region of the TH promoter were examined in human neural stem cells (NSCs) and dopaminergic neuron-like cells. Using a bisulfite sequencing method, we found that the cytosine residues of CpG islands within the NRSE-R site were specifically methylated in NSCs, but not in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. In NSCs, CpG methylation correlated with reduced TH gene expression, and inhibition of DNA methylation with 5-azacytidine restored TH expression. Furthermore, methyl-CpG binding domain proteins (MBDs) bound to the highly methylated X-1 and X-2 regions of the TH gene in NSCs. Taken together, these results suggest that region-specific methylation and MBDs play important roles in TH gene regulation in NSCs.  相似文献   

Renin is formed by intracellular processing of prorenin and catalyzes the conversion of angiotensinogen to angiotensin I, the precursor to angiotensin II. Several tissues synthesize prorenin. However, in man, the kidney is the only known source of circulating renin, raising the possibility that the processing enzyme is unique to that tissue. We have transfected a gene that directs prorenin synthesis in pituitary AtT-20 cells, which are capable of processing other prohormones. The results demonstrate that transfected AtT-20 cells can secrete inactive prorenin, accurately process prorenin to active renin, and be stimulated to release active renin in response to a secretagogue. These data imply that cellular elements capable of directing the processing of prorenin to renin and its correct subcellular compartmentalization may be present in nonrenal cell types and that critical elements of the regulated release of renin that occur in the kidney can be reconstituted in cells in culture.  相似文献   

Regulated secretory proteins are thought to be sorted in the trans-Golgi network (TGN) via selective aggregation. The factors responsible for this aggregation are unknown. We show here that two widespread regulated secretory proteins, chromogranin B and secretogranin II (granins), remain in an aggregated state when TGN vesicles from neuroendocrine cells (PC12) are permeabilized at pH 6.4 in 1-10 mM calcium, conditions believed to exist in this compartment. Permeabilization of immature secretory granules under these conditions allowed the recovery of electron dense cores. The granin aggregates in the TGN largely excluded glycosaminoglycan chains which served as constitutively secreted bulk flow markers. The low pH, high calcium milieu was sufficient to induce granin aggregation in the RER. In the TGN of pituitary GH4C1 cells, the proportion of granins conserved as aggregates was higher upon hormonal treatment known to increase secretory granule formation. Our data suggest that a decrease in pH and an increase in calcium are sufficient to trigger the selective aggregation of the granins in the TGN, segregating them from constitutive secretory proteins.  相似文献   

MacroH2A1 is a histone variant that is found as a component of the inactive X chromosome where it is detected as a dense accumulation called a macrochromatin body (MCB). Macrochromatin bodies co-localize with Xist RNA, which is an untranslated RNA that is expressed exclusively from the inactive X chromosome of placental mammals. However, no studies to date have investigated whether Xist RNA expression is necessary or sufficient to cause the formation of MCBs. Here we show that expression of Xist RNA is sufficient to cause the formation of MCBs even when Xist is expressed from an inducible transgene at ectopic autosomal sites. Macrochromatin bodies form at sites of transgenic Xist expression in differentiating mouse ES cell lines and transgenic fibroblasts, but MCBs cannot form in undifferentiated ES cells even after prolonged Xist expression. The kinetics of MCB formation revealed that Xist expression precedes MCB formation and that differentiating ES cells undergo a rapid and synchronous transition that renders them competent to form MCBs. Once MCBs have formed, continued expression of Xist is required for their maintenance. These results show that Xist RNA and macroH2A1 function in a common pathway. Expression of Xist in a permissive nuclear environment is sufficient to initiate a chromatin-remodeling event culminating in the incorporation of macroH2A1. The results also strongly suggest the existence of additional regulatory factors for X inactivation that are regulated developmentally. In addition, we present evidence that macroH2A1 density is not simply a measure of the general degree of DNA compaction.  相似文献   

The distribution of three proteins discharged by regulated exocytosis--growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL), and secretogranin II (SgII)--was investigated by double immunolabeling of ultrathin frozen sections in the acidophilic cells of the bovine pituitary. In mammotrophs, heavy PRL labeling was observed over secretory granule matrices (including the immature matrices at the trans Golgi surface) and also over Golgi cisternae. In contrast, in somatotrophs heavy GH labeling was restricted to the granule matrices; vesicles and tubules at the trans Golgi region showed some and the Golgi cisternae only sparse labeling. All somatotrophs and mammotrophs were heavily positive for GH and PRL, respectively, and were found to contain small amounts of the other hormone as well, which, however, was almost completely absent from granules, and was more concentrated in the Golgi complex, admixed with the predominant hormone. Mixed somatomammotrophs (approximately 26% of the acidophilic cells) were heavily positive for both GH and PRL. Although admixed within Golgi cisternae, the two hormones were stored separately within distinct granule types. A third type of granule was found to contain SgII. Spillage of small amounts of each of the three secretory proteins into granules containing predominantly another protein was common, but true intermixing (i.e., coexistence within single granules of comparable amounts of two proteins) was very rare. It is concluded that in the regulated pathway of acidophilic pituitary, cell mechanisms exist that cause sorting of the three secretory proteins investigated. Such mechanisms operate beyond the Golgi cisternae, possibly at the sites where condensation of secretion products into granule matrices takes place.  相似文献   

Formation of secretion granules in regulated secretory cells involves packaging a subject of proteins undergoing intracellular transport into specific vesicular carriers that function in stimulus-dependent exocytosis. Recent findings suggest that immature granules are a site of passive sorting, involving condensation of regulated secretory proteins. Proteins that are not condensed are stored to a lesser degree and are enriched in unstimulated, constitutive-like secretion. While these observations have helped to distinguish possible mechanisms of secretory protein sorting, there are only recent hints about the sorting processes that may be required to create the regulated secretory carrier membranes.  相似文献   

Enterococci respond to iron deprivation in vitro by increasing the expression of a number of iron-regulated proteins. They detected in whole protoplasts lysates and corresponded to proteins with apparent molecular masses of the region 14.4-43 Kda. Their occurrence were correlated to siderophore production.  相似文献   

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