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Summary The fine structure of the secretory tubules in the kidney of the aglomerular goose-fish (Lophius piscatorius) is described. The cells have a pyramidal shape, are joined together by multiple desmosomes, and share as main characteristics: abundant and deep inflections of the basal and lateral cell membranes; coated luminal plasma membranes forming multiple microvilli or a genuine brush border; moderate numbers of comparatively small mitochondria, usually unassociated with the basal and lateral plasma membrane specializations; numerous multivesicular bodies occuring in the apical cytoplasm; abundant large lysosome-like bodies in the intermediate regions of the cytoplasm; and comparatively poor development of endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus.The observations suggest that the cells perform both absorptive and secretory functions and are metabolically unusually active in autolytic and heterolytic work. Comparisons with other aglomerular species indicate that the ability for active secretory function is not necessarily dependent on a close association between plasma membrane and mitochondria; however, this ability does appear to require a markedly increased basal and/or lateral cell surface created by multiple invaginations of the plasma membrane. The abundance of desmosomes and associated structures appears to represent a unique structural specialization of the goosefish tubule, and indicates that the cells must be firmly anchored to one another to supply a rigid and mechanically continuous lining of the tubule. The multivesicular bodies probably represent endocytic vacuoles which fuse with apical vesicles and invaginate their outer membrane to form the internal vesicles; they appear to transform to ambilysosomes via a function as heterophagosomes and — later — combined hetero- and autophagosomes.Supported by grants from Karolinska Institutet, Fonden til Videnskabens Fremme and Konsul Johannes Fogh-Nielsen og fru Ella Fogh-Nielsens Légat. Part of the study was performed at the Zoological Station at Naples, Italy. The assistance of Mrs. Britt-Marie Karlsson is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary The photoreceptive microvilli in the visual cells of the leech protrude into a large intracellular vacuole which is but an extracellular compartment (ionic composition unknown), because it communicates with the extracellular space by narrow ( 20 nm) clefts (septate junctions) of unknown permeability properties. Application of Thiéry's cytochemical silver proteinate method reveals that the vacuole contains carbohydrate-rich material. We used electron probe microanalysis of dry, ultrathin cryosections to determine quantitatively the elemental (K, Na, Cl, Mg, Ca, P, S) composition of the cytoplasm, vacuole and extracellular space.The composition of the vacuole is similar to that of the extracellular space, as shown by the comparable Na/K (11 to 13) and K/Ca (1.8 to 2.2) ratios in these two compartments. There are neglible concentration gradients for Na, K and Cl between vacuole and extracellular space. The vacuole has a high S content and a relatively large deficit of Cl compared to [Na]+[K]+2 [Ca]. Thus the data indicate that the vacuole is in ionic communication with the extracellular space and contains sulfonated glycoprotein(s) that can partially exclude Cl; electroneutrality is maintained in part by these organic anions. The cytoplasmic K concentration (393±30 mmol/kg dry wt) is comparable to that in other nerve cells. The cytoplasmic Cl concentration (216±14 mmol/kg dry wt) is relatively high: significantly (P<0.001) higher than the cytoplasmic Na (130±15 mmol/kg dry wt). The high cytoplasmic Cl content is in excess of that predicted by passive distribution, and suggests the operation of a Cl pump.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of the antennal glands was studied during the embryonic and post-embryonic development of Astacus leptodactylus. The future glands arising from undifferentiated columnar cells were detectable at the metanauplius stage EI 150 m (EI: eye index; approximately 440 m at hatching). The tubule and labyrinth differentiated in embryos at EI 190 m, and the bladder and coelomosac at EI 250 m. At EI 350 m, the tubule lengthened and divided into proximal and distal sub-regions. In later stages, the gland retained the same morpho-anatomy but the differentiation and size of each part increased. The cells of the coelomosac displayed the cytological features of podocytes in late embryonic development at EI 440 m. Only small apical microvilli and a few mitochondria were observable in the labyrinth cells at EI 250 m; by EI 440 m, these cells presented well-shaped apical microvilli, formed bodies, basal infoldings and mitochondria. In the cells of the tubules and bladder, mitochondria and basal infoldings occurred at EI 440 m and EI 250 m, respectively. The differentiation of the tubules and bladder cells suggested that they were involved in active transport at EI 440 m. Following hatching, the differentiation of the cells and the size of the glands increased. The ontogeny of the antennal glands thus starts in early embryos, the specific cellular functional features being differentiated in the various parts of the glands by EI 440 m. The antennal glands are probably functional just before hatching, i.e., before the juveniles are confronted with the low osmolality of freshwater.Thanks are due to the University of Tarbiat Modarres and Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran, for financial aid and support. Special thanks are also extended to the Société Française dExportation des Ressources Educatives (SFERE) for a scholarship to S.K.  相似文献   

The mangrove killifish Rivulus marmoratus was reared at 25°±1°C and 17ppt salinity from 0 to 100 days after hatching (DAH), and its early development was described by examining growth and morphometric parameters, meristic characters (vertebral and fin-ray counts), bone-cartilage development, and pigmentation. Growth was isometric for preanal length, head length, snout length, body depth, pectoral-fin length, dorsal-fin length, anal-fin length, and caudal-peduncle depth. Negative allometric growth was observed in eye diameter and gape size. Meristic counts (mean±SD) for vertebrae (34.2±0.4) and dorsal- (8.6±0.5), anal- (11.4±0.5), and caudal-fin rays (30.2±0.8) were complete at 0 DAH (n=5), whereas pectoral-fin rays and pelvic-fin rays were complete by 30 DAH (14.5±0.4, n=5) and 60 DAH (4.2±0.8, n=5). Full ossification of meristic elements proceeded in the following sequence: vertebrae (by 30 DAH), caudal-, dorsal-, and anal-fin rays (by 60 DAH), pectoral-fin rays (between 60 DAH and 100 DAH), and pelvic-fin rays (by 100 DAH). Both morphological characters and meristic counts indicate that this species can be considered to be a juvenile after 9.8mm in standard length (20 DAH).  相似文献   

Summary This paper reports on the fine structure of chemo and mechano-receptor cells found in three species of fishes (Corydoras paleatus, Cnesterodon decemmaculatus, Fitzroyia lineata).Taste cells were studied in the food-finding barbels of adult species belonging to the Genus Corydoras. They are characterized by the presence of a great amount of vesicular material concentrated at the level of the apical and medial region. Most of these cells terminate at the barbel surface by means of a cylindrical or tapered extremity devoid of sensory hairs. It was possible to observe, in some cases, the existence of short and ill defined microvilli. The basal pole of each sensory cell contacts with several sensory nerve fibers. These fibers contain mitochondria and a few vesicles.The fine structure of the olfactory neurons was studied in full-developed embryos of Cnesterodon and Fitzroyia. The olfactory sensory hairs consist of long cilia which project into the lumen of the olfactory pit. Cilia arise from the olfactory knob which is merely an apical swelling of the dendrite. The dendrite of the olfactory neuron shows profiles of small tubules, aligned parallel to its length. Near the basement membrane of the epithelium groups of axons are seen encased in the surface of the sustentacular cells.The mechano-receptor cells studied were: 1.) The sensory cells existing in the neuromasts of the lateral line system of Cnesterodon and Fitzroyia, and 2.) the receptor cells of the ampullar crests of the same species.Neuromast receptor-cells have well developed sensory hairs which consist of cilia and microvilli. It is highly probable that each receptor cell, like those of the vestibular epithelium, bears only one cilium asymmetrically located in relation to the units of the sensory process. One of the most striking characteristics of this type of cell is the existence of a high amount of vesicular material accumulated in the cytoplasm of the basal region; it is at this level that the nerve fibers take contact with the receptor cell membrane.Three main types of neuroepithelial junction are described in the neuromasts (nerve fiber deeply recessed in the cytoplasm, calyx type and knob-like ending). In these junctions the vesicular material is almost exclusively concentrated in the cytoplasm of the receptor cell, while only few vesicles are seen within the neuroplasm of the sensory fibers.The receptor cells occuring in the ampullar crests of Cnesterodon and Fitzroyia show many structural characteristics similar to those present in neuromasts' receptor cells. Like these, they bear sensory hairs consisting of several microvilli and only one cilium which is always asymmetrically located within the group of hairs. The basal region of the cell is filled with a large amount of small vesicles. Nerve endings also show vesicles but they are less in number than inside the cytoplasm of the receptor cell.Comments are made on the apparent significance of the sensory hairs. These structures are considered (in chemo-receptor cells) as devices serving to enlarge the active surface of the cell and increasing by this way the effectiveness of the whole receptive system. In mechano-receptor cells cilia and microvilli may act as levers of different mechanical characteristics which convey stimuli to the receptor-cell cytoplasm.In this paper three main types of neuroepithelial junctions connecting receptor cells with the central nervous system are described.  相似文献   

Six male volunteers assumed either relaxed or unrelaxed postures, as defined by a Behavioral Relaxation Scale, in seven areas of the body. Electromyographic (EMG) levels in the muscle groups associated with each area were determined for both categories of postures. In all instances, the relaxed postures produced significantly lower EMG levels than the unrelaxed postures. This indicates that the Behavioral Relaxation Scale is a valid behavioral measure of relaxation. Also, it supports other studies which have shown that direct training in emitting relaxed postures is an effective means of achieving relaxation.This study was conducted in partial fulfillment of the M.A. degree by Jerry P. Maurer. Appreciation is expressed to Tz-Yi Jiang, Dr. Robert Lehr, and Jim Rice for their assistance.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor (TGF)- isoforms have been implicated in cellular signalling during tooth development and repair, but little is known of their cellular localisation or distribution within the dental tissues in the mature tooth. This study investigated the presence of TGF-1, 2 and 3 isoforms in tissues of sound and carious human molar teeth, to understand better the expression of TGF-s during health and disease. In healthy tissues, odontoblasts, cells of the cell rich layer, pulpal fibroblasts and endothelial cells were stained to varying degrees for all isoforms, with TGF-3 showing the greatest intensity and TGF-1 the weakest intensity. Similar patterns of staining were observed in carious teeth; however, TGF-1 showed significantly increased staining intensity within odontoblasts and pulpal cells of carious teeth (p<0.001). Biochemical analysis showed greater amounts of TGF-1 in tertiary dentine than in primary dentine samples. The expression of TGF-s in odontoblasts and the increased presence of TGF-1 in tertiary dentine suggest that these isoforms may be important in odontoblast behaviour and the modulation of the tissue response to injury.  相似文献   

Spherosomes (oleosomes) of cotyledons of rape (Brassica napus L.), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), and watermelon (Citrullus vulgaris, Schrad.) seedlings are delimited by a half unit membrane that appears to be continuous with each of the osmiophilic layers of a tripartite unit membrane forming a handlelike appendix of the spherosomes. Prior to any noticeable utilization of the spherosomal storage fat, ribosomes were found to be attached to these handles. At later stages appendices of the spherosomes are smooth, showing a diameter of about 22 nm that greatly exceeds the thickness of any other unit membrane profiles identical in structure and diameter osomes appears to be continuous with the thick lipid layer of the handles. In intermediate stages of fat depletion the spherosomal bodies become invaginated with cytoplasmic material. Finally vesicles with cytoplasmic contents surrounded by a membrane with a typically thick lipid layer are left in the cells. Membrane profiles indentical in structure and diameter to the spherosomal appendices were also present in electron micrographs of the lipolytic membrane fraction recovered from sucrose density gradients after centrifugation of a microsomal cell fraction. The ultrastructural observations are taken for evidence that the spherosomal appendices represent the lipase-carrying membranes isolated previously (Theimer and Rosnitschek, 1978). A novel hypothesis for development and utilization of fat-storing spherosomes is also proposed.  相似文献   

Protoplasts from Chlamydomonas smithii prepared by the action of C. reinhardii gamete autolysine have been studied with respect to cell wall regeneration. Natural protoplasts within sporangia were also investigated for purposes of comparison. In both cases a new cell wall is completed within 2–3 h of the onset of regeneration. The first visible stages of wall regeneration are to be seen after 40–60 min as a fine fringe outside of the plasmalemma. The development of the typical central triplet follows within the next 1 h. Cell wall regeneration is reversibly inhibited by cycloheximide (10g ml-1) and reversibly disturbed by concanavalin A (50 g ml-1). Actinomycin D at concentration over 100g ml-1 also inhibit but the inhibition is irreversible and peculiar membrane effects are observed. Chelators (ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid; ethyleneglycol-bis-aminoethyl ether) and 2-deoxyglucose slightly retard or have no effect on cell wall regeneration.Abbreviations EDTA ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid - EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis(aminoethyl ether) - N,N tetraacetic acid  相似文献   

Summary The incidence of myosatellite cells associated with white and red muscle fibres of the parietal muscle and red fibres of the craniovelar muscle was estimated by quantitative electron microscopy in the Atlantic hagfish (Myxine glutinosa, L.). Myosatellite cell nuclei constitute 3, 11 and 23 % of the total number of nuclei inside the basal lamina of the three types of muscle fibres, respectively. However, the total number of nuclei is highest in white fibres, most of the nuclei belonging to striated muscle cells. Myosatellite cell profiles in transverse sections constitute 23, 41 and 61 % of the number of muscle fibre profiles of the three types, respectively. The intervals between adjacent myosatellite cells are 135 m in white fibres, 55 m in red parietal fibres, and only 25 m in craniovelar fibres. Since craniovelar fibres are also comparatively thin, myosatellite cells constitute a significant fraction of the volume inside the basal lamina in these fibres. The myosatellite cells are 30–50 m long and up to 5 m thick. Some myosatellite cells possess few organelles, whereas others appear to contain many free ribosomes, granular endoplasmic reticulum, prominent Golgi apparatus and lysosome-like bodies.This investigation was supported by the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities (NAVF grant No. C20.30–37). The authors are indebted to Jorunn Line Vaaland and Berit Branil for technical assistance, and to Dr. Finn Walvig, Biological Station, University of Oslo, Drøbak, for supplying the hagfish  相似文献   

Summary The secretory tissue of the uropygial gland is of the holocrine type, containing both dividing progenitor cells and lipid-filled differentiated cells. In this study, we examined the relationship between cell division and differentiation. The location of dividing cells was determined by autoradiography of tissue sections from ducklings injected intra-abdominally with 3H-thymidine. Only cells on the basal lamina of the tubules contained labeled nuclei. Dividing cells were distributed uniformly over the length of the tubules. Over the next five days, most of the labeled cells migrated to the lumen of the tubules and disappeared. Cells containing the lipogenic enzymes, fatty acid synthase and malic enzyme, were localized either immunocytochemically using affinity-purified antibodies or cytochemically using a specific assay for malic enzyme activity. Fatty acid synthase and malic enzyme were undetectable in dividing basal cells but present at high levels in differentiating and differentiated cells. Thus, basal cells lying along the basal lamina of the tubules were replacing lipid-laden cells that were continually sloughed into the lumens of the tubules. The signals for differentiation and enzyme accumulation appear to be linked to one another and to cessation of cell division.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin chains were isolated from the catfishParasilurus asotus, the scadDecapterus maruadsi, the filefishThamnaconus modestus, and the scorpaenoidSebastiscus marmoratus by reverse-phase chromatography, and the N-terminal sequences were determined. To obtain the complete amino acid sequence, a 20-meric redundant consensus primer based on the N-terminal amino acid sequences of the chains was designed. Using this primer and oligo-dT adaptor, we amplified successfully the -chain cDNAs of about 600 bp from the four fishes. The amplified products fromParasilurus andDecapterus were subcloned in theSmaI site of pUC18 and cDNA-derived amino acid sequences of 147 residues were determined, of which 69 and 76 residues, respectively, were identified by the chemical amino acid sequencing of internal peptides. Thus this PCR methodology using the consensus primer should be widely applicable for amplifying hemoglobin chains from teleosts.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Retinula im Ommatidium der Mehlmotte besteht aus einer wechselnden Anzahl (9–12, meist 11) langgestreckter, prismatischer Sinneszellen. Außerdem enthält jede Retinula nahe der Basalmembran im Zentrum zwischen diesen distalen Retinulazellen noch eine basale Retinulazelle. Die Längsachse der Retinula wird von der Achsenstruktur eingenommen, die aus Mikrovilli besteht. Ihr distaler Teil ist der Achsenfaden, der breitere, proximale Teil bildet das Rhabdom. Dieses erscheint im Querschnitt meist vierstrahlig gelappt, da seine Außenseite in Längsrichtung tief gekehlt ist. Der Rhabdomquerschnitt gliedert sich in mehrere Schöpfe parallel angeordneter Mikrovilli (Rhabdomsektoren); jeder Rhabdomsektor besteht aus 1 oder 2 Rhabdomeren. Die basale Retinulazelle entsendet einen kleinen Schopf von Mikrovilli in die proximale Spitze des Rhabdoms. Die distalen Retinulazellen setzen sich proximal in Neuriten fort, welche sich in Einkehlungen der basalen Retinulazelle bzw. der Tracheenendzelle einschmiegen. Jeweils eine Tracheole durchbricht zusammen mit dem Neuritenstrang einer Retinula die Basalmembran; sie verzweigt sich distal zu ca. 30 Tracheolen, die die Retinula umhüllen.Die Kristallkegelzellen grenzen distal an die Cornea; proximal laufen die Kristallkegelzellen eines Ommatidiums in einen gemeinsamen Fortsatz aus, der zwischen den Retinulazellen unmittelbar am Achsenfaden endet. — Nur das helladaptierte Auge wurde untersucht. Hierbei erscheint im distalen Teil der Retinula nur der Achsenfaden lichtdurchlässig, das Cytoplasma der Retinulazellen hingegen von Pigmentgrana durchsetzt und für Licht undurchlässig.
Fine structure of the eye of the meal moth, Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera, Pyralididae)
Summary In each ommatidium of the meal moth a retinula is formed from a varying number (9–12, mostly 11) of elongated, prismatic sense cells. In addition, a basal retinular cell is situated near the basement membrane in the center of the other (distal) retinular cells. The axis of the retinula is occupied by many microvilli forming the axial structure, the distal section of which is the slender axial thread. Proximally, the axial structure widens (to 8.5 m instead of 1 m in diameter) and is now called rhabdom. Cross sections of the rhabdom mostly look like a petaloid with four petals; this figure is due to longitudinal infoldings along the length of the rhabdom surface. The rhabdom cross section is subdivided into several brushes of microvilli (rhabdom sectors), each one being characterized by an approximately parallel arrangement of its microvilli. One rhabdom sector may be composed of one or two rhabdomeres respectively.The basal retinular cell participates in rhabdom formation through a small brush of microvilli at the proximal end of the rhabdom. Proximally, the distal retinular cells taper into slender neurites which are embedded in grooves at the surface of the basal retinular cell and the tracheal end cell respectively. One tracheole piercing the basement membrane together with the neurites of one retinula branches into about 30 tracheoles surrounding the retinula.The crystalline cone cells touch the cornea; proximally, their cytoplasm forms a point which eventually terminates amongst the distal tips of the retinular cells, immediately at the axial thread.—Our work was restricted to light adapted eyes; in this condition, light transmission in the distal part of the retinula seems to be blocked by retinular cell pigment except inside the axial thread.
Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary Analysis of 62 mature Norway spruce (Picea abies provenance Viborg) trees growing in a Danish plantation was undertaken along with analysis of their nutrient contents (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, B and Na), in each of the three youngest needle age classes, from branches of four exposure directions near the tree top. The aim was to investigate if one among the studied possible predisposing factors was also a triggering factor in the 1989 outbreak of the Red Norway spruce decline in Denmark. Neither nutrient imbalance or deficiency, nor excessive N-deposition or salt-stress were indicated as triggering factors in 1989. The Red syndrome, noticeable for the bright red colour of the current-year needles, was found to be an extension of the European type Novel Decline. Red syndrome is similar to previously reported phenomena of top-dying and sub top-dying, in that it had fewer needle age classes and significantly higher contents of mobile cations (and Ca) in the younger needle classes. Tree ring analysis suggested that the Red syndrome was initiated in the early 1980s, when the trees experienced adverse climatic conditions. Because of this long-term development of the Red Norway spruce decline syndrome, it is concluded that a triggering factor is of minor importance relative to the multitude of predisposing factors.  相似文献   

A protocol was developed for rapid in vitro propagation of Dioscorea zingiberensis Wright using stems as explants. MS medium with the macroelements at half strength and supplemented with 20.0 g l–1 sucrose and 8.0 g l–1 agar was used as basal medium. Lateral buds on nodal cuttings grew into shoots within 20 days after culture on basal medium supplemented with 4.4 M 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and 1.1 M -naphthalene acetic acid (NAA). The shoots were cut into segments and cultured on medium with 8.9 M BA and 5.4 M NAA for 30 days for callus formation. The callus was cut into pieces and cultured on medium containing 22.2 M BAP and 1.1 M NAA, on which 87.5% of the callus pieces regenerated multiple shoots within 50 days. The shoots were rooted on medium containing 4.9 M indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) for 20 days. Adventitious buds and shoots could be repeatedly formed after the calli were cut into pieces and cultured on the medium containing 8.9 M BAP plus 1.1 M NAA. More than 85% of the regenerated plantlets survived and grew vigorously 1 month after they were transplanted in vermiculite and each plant formed 2–4 microtubers 3 months of transplanting.  相似文献   

Summary Freeze-etch preparations of mesothelial cells taken from the peritoneum of mouse reveal the presence of vesicles invaginating the apical and the basal cell surfaces. These vesicles are scarcely seen within the cytoplasm. Long tortuous tubular profiles extend for considerable distance within the cytoplasm and are frequently associated with the vesicles. The possible nature and role of the vesicles and the tubules in transport phenomena across the mesothelial barrier, are discussed in relation to the pore theory advanced by physiologists and the stomata concept observed by early German and contemporary anatomists. Occludens junctions of the leaky type are seen though their macular or zonular nature is yet to be established.  相似文献   

Summary In tip-growingChara rhizoids, the in-vivo saltatory movements of Golgi vesicles were recorded. The movements in radial direction back and forth between the ER aggregate and the plasma membrane occurred three times more often than movements passing the ER aggregate tangentially. The mean velocity of the class of Golgi vesicles observed (0.4–1 m in diameter) was approx. 0.3 m/s. Higher speed of 1–1.5 m/s occurred only in radial directions. Possibly, the ER aggregate is involved in guidance of the Golgi vesicles.Abbreviations DIC differential interference contrast - ER endoplasmic reticulum - OsFeCN osmium tetroxide-potassium ferricyanide Dedicated to the memory of Professor O. Kiermayer  相似文献   

Summary The objective of this study has been to determine the intracellular localization of calcium in cryofixed, cryosectioned suspensions of kidney proximal tubules using quantitative electron probe X-ray microanalysis. Two populations of cells have been identified: 1) Viable cells, representing the majority of cells probed, are defined by their relatively normal K/Na concentration ratio of 41. Their measured Ca content is 4.1±1.4 (sem) mmol/kg dry wt in the cytoplasm and 3.1 ± 1.1 mmol/kg dry wt in the mitochondria, or an average cell calcium content of 3.8 mmol/kg dry wt. 2) Nonviable cells, defined by the presence of dense inclusions in their mitochondria and a K/Na concentration ratio of 1. The Ca content is 15±2 mmol/kg dry wt in the cytoplasm and 685±139 mmol/kg dry wt in the mitochondria of such cells. Assuming 25 to 30% of the cell volume is mitochondrial, the overall calcium content of such nonviable cells is 210 mmol/kg dry wt. The presence of these inclusions in 4 to 5% of the cells would account for the average total Ca content measured in perchloric acid extracts of isolated proximal tubule suspensions ( 18 nmol/mg protein or 12.6 mmol/kg dry wt). Whole kidney tissues display a large variability in toal Ca content (4.5 to 18 nmol/mg protein, or 3.4 to 13.5 mmol/kg dry wt), which could be accounted for by inclusion in 0 to 4% of the cells. The electron probe X-ray microanalysis (EPXMA) data conclusively demonstrate that thein situ mitochondrial Ca content of viable cells from the kidney, proximal tubule is low and support the idea that mitochondrial Ca may regulate dehydrogenase activity but probably does not normally control cytosolic free Ca.  相似文献   

Summary The organ of Bellonci in Sphaeroma serratum comprises principal cells which consists of a cell body and an outer segment connected by a ciliary piece. The outer segment is prolonged by bundles of very long microvilli which are free in the central lumen, whereas the cell body is bounded by flat bordering cells. In the cell body there are large electron-dense spheres and a lot of granules, the latter appearing to be glycogen according to results obtained with light and electron microscopical cytochemical methods. These substances are released in the central lumen. The principal cells have not the fine structure of neurosecretory but of sensory cells. They may be photosensitive or chemosensitive elements. These results set the problem of the homology of the organs named of Bellonci seen in various groups of Crustacea.
Equipe de recherche associée C.N.R.S. n 230: Physiologie et Génétique des Crustacés.  相似文献   

The interaction of125I-labeledErythrina cristagalli agglutinin (ECA) with neutral glycosphingolipids on thin layer chromatograms was examined by the overlay technique followed by radioautography. The lectin bound topara-globoside with a sensitivity about 10 times higher than to lactosylceramide or globoside, in agreement with the specificity of the lectin forN-acetyllactosamine. The lower limit of detection ofpara-globoside was about 0.66 nmol. The specific binding of ECA to this glycolipid was confirmed by a highly sensitive enzyme-linked lectin assay (ELLA), utilizing the horseradish peroxidase-avidin-biotin system for detection of bound lectin. Overlays of neutral glycosphingolipid extracts from human erythrocyte membranes and from human granulocytes with ECA demonstrated that the lectin can be employed for the detection of small amounts ofpara-globoside in biological materials also in the presence of excess globoside. No staining was obtained when thin layer chromatograms of neutral glycosphingolipid extracts from rabbit erythrocyte membranes were overlayed with125I-ECA. Afterin situ treatment of the chromatograms with -galactosidase, the lectin bound to several components, one of which had a mobility corresponding to that of the pentahexosylceramide Gal3Gal4GlcNAc3Gal4Glc1Cer, the major neutral glycosphingolipid of rabbit erythrocytes, thus providing further evidence for the specificity of ECA forpara-globoside.Abbreviations GSL glycosphingolipid(s) - CDH lactosylceramide, Gal4Glc1Cer - CTH trihexosylceramide, Gal4Gal4Glc1Cer - GLOB globoside, GalNac3Gal4Gal4Glc1Cer - PG para-globoside, Gal4GlcNAc3Gal4Glc1Cer - AsGM1 asialo-GM1, Gal3GalNAc4Gal4Glc1Cer - FORS Forsmann antigen, GalNAc3GalNAc3Gal4Gal4Glc1Cer - CPH pentahexosylceramide, Gal3Gal4GlcNAc3Gal4Glc1Cer - ECA Erythrina cristagalli agglutinin - SBA soybean agglutinin - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - PVP-40 polyvinylpyrrolidone M.W. 40000 - BSA bovine serum albumin - HRP-avidin horseradish peroxidase conjugated to avidin - ELLA enzyme-linked lectin assay - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - PMNL polymorphonuclear leukocytes - HPTLC high performance thin layer chromatography  相似文献   

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