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A relevant problem in drug design is the comparison and recognition of protein binding sites. Binding sites recognition is generally based on geometry often combined with physico-chemical properties of the site since the conformation, size and chemical composition of the protein surface are all relevant for the interaction with a specific ligand. Several matching strategies have been designed for the recognition of protein-ligand binding sites and of protein-protein interfaces but the problem cannot be considered solved.  相似文献   

一个新的核酸序列比对算法及其在序列全局比对中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前在序列比对中所广泛使用的动态规划算法,虽然能达到最优比对结果,但却由于具有高计算复杂度O(N_2)而极大地降低了计算效率。将多阶段动态规划决策算法用于两两序列比对并用Visual BASIC编程实现,结果发现该新算法在将计算复杂度减小到O(N)的同时,也能够获得较为理想的计算精度,预期将在序列全局比对中起重要作用。  相似文献   



Traditional genome alignment methods consider sequence alignment as a variation of the string edit distance problem, and perform alignment by matching characters of the two sequences. They are often computationally expensive and unable to deal with low information regions. Furthermore, they lack a well-principled objective function to measure the performance of sets of parameters. Since genomic sequences carry genetic information, this article proposes that the information content of each nucleotide in a position should be considered in sequence alignment. An information-theoretic approach for pairwise genome local alignment, namely XMAligner, is presented. Instead of comparing sequences at the character level, XMAligner considers a pair of nucleotides from two sequences to be related if their mutual information in context is significant. The information content of nucleotides in sequences is measured by a lossless compression technique.  相似文献   

在生物信息学研究中,生物序列比对问题占有重要的地位。多序列比对问题是一个NPC问题,由于时间和空间的限制不能够求出精确解。文中简要介绍了Feng和Doolittle提出的多序列比对算法的基本思想,并改进了该算法使之具有更好的比对精度。实验结果表明,新算法对解决一般的progressive多序列比对方法中遇到的局部最优问题有较好的效果。  相似文献   

A fast and sensitive multiple sequence alignment algorithm   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A two-step multiple alignment strategy is presented that allowsrapid alignment of a set of homologous sequences and comparisonof pre-aligned groups of sequences. Examples are given demonstratingthe improvement in the quality of alignments when comparingentire groups instead of single sequences. The modular designof computer programs based on this algorithm allows for storageof aligned sequences and successive alignment of any numberof sequences. Received on August 23, 1988; accepted on December 6, 1988  相似文献   

Multiple sequence alignment plays an important role in molecular sequence analysis. An alignment is the arrangement of two (pairwise alignment) or more (multiple alignment) sequences of 'residues' (nucleotides or amino acids) that maximizes the similarities between them. Algorithmically, the problem consists of opening and extending gaps in the sequences to maximize an objective function (measurement of similarity). A simple genetic algorithm was developed and implemented in the software MSA-GA. Genetic algorithms, a class of evolutionary algorithms, are well suited for problems of this nature since residues and gaps are discrete units. An evolutionary algorithm cannot compete in terms of speed with progressive alignment methods but it has the advantage of being able to correct for initially misaligned sequences; which is not possible with the progressive method. This was shown using the BaliBase benchmark, where Clustal-W alignments were used to seed the initial population in MSA-GA, improving outcome. Alignment scoring functions still constitute an open field of research, and it is important to develop methods that simplify the testing of new functions. A general evolutionary framework for testing and implementing different scoring functions was developed. The results show that a simple genetic algorithm is capable of optimizing an alignment without the need of the excessively complex operators used in prior study. The clear distinction between objective function and genetic algorithms used in MSA-GA makes extending and/or replacing objective functions a trivial task.  相似文献   

A parameterized algorithm for protein structure alignment.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper proposes a parameterized polynomial time approximation scheme (PTAS) for aligning two protein structures, in the case where one protein structure is represented by a contact map graph and the other by a contact map graph or a distance matrix. If the sequential order of alignment is not required, the time complexity is polynomial in the protein size and exponential with respect to two parameters D(u)/D(l) and D(c)/D(l), which usually can be treated as constants. In particular, D(u) is the distance threshold determining if two residues are in contact or not, D(c) is the maximally allowed distance between two matched residues after two proteins are superimposed, and D(l) is the minimum inter-residue distance in a typical protein. This result clearly demonstrates that the computational hardness of the contact map based protein structure alignment problem is related not to protein size but to several parameters modeling the problem. The result is achieved by decomposing the protein structure using tree decomposition and discretizing the rigid-body transformation space. Preliminary experimental results indicate that on a Linux PC, it takes from ten minutes to one hour to align two proteins with approximately 100 residues.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Multiple structure alignments are becoming important tools in many aspects of structural bioinformatics. The current explosion in the number of available protein structures demands multiple structural alignment algorithms with an adequate balance of accuracy and speed, for large scale applications in structural genomics, protein structure prediction and protein classification. RESULTS: A new multiple structural alignment program, MAMMOTH-mult, is described. It is demonstrated that the alignments obtained with the new method are an improvement over previous manual or automatic alignments available in several widely used databases at all structural levels. Detailed analysis of the structural alignments for a few representative cases indicates that MAMMOTH-mult delivers biologically meaningful trees and conservation at the sequence and structural levels of functional motifs in the alignments. An important improvement over previous methods is the reduction in computational cost. Typical alignments take only a median time of 5 CPU seconds in a single R12000 processor. MAMMOTH-mult is particularly useful for large scale applications. AVAILABILITY: http://ub.cbm.uam.es/mammoth/mult.  相似文献   

Sequence alignment underpins common tasks in molecular biology, including genome annotation, molecular phylogenetics, and homology modeling. Fundamental to sequence alignment is the placement of gaps, which represent character insertions or deletions. We assessed the ability of a generalized affine gap cost model to reliably detect remote protein homology and to produce high-quality alignments. Generalized affine gap alignment with optimal gap parameters performed as well as the traditional affine gap model in remote homology detection. Evaluation of alignment quality showed that the generalized affine model aligns fewer residue pairs than the traditional affine model but achieves significantly higher per-residue accuracy. We conclude that generalized affine gap costs should be used when alignment accuracy carries more importance than aligned sequence length.  相似文献   

A generalized algorithm for determining category size   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Kirk A. Moloney 《Oecologia》1986,69(2):176-180
Summary A revision and extension of Vandermeer's algorithm for choosing size categories from demographic data is presented along with an example of its use. The extension permits an exact consideration of sample populations which may have different underlying transition probabilities at different census periods and/or within different subpopulations. Once categories are chosen transition matrices may be computed to investigate the dynamics of the population.  相似文献   

Tabu search is a meta-heuristic approach that is proven to be useful in solving combinatorial optimization problems. We implement the adaptive memory features of tabu search to refine a multiple sequence alignment. Adaptive memory helps the search process to avoid local optima and explores the solution space economically and effectively without getting trapped into cycles. The algorithm is further enhanced by introducing extended tabu search features such as intensification and diversification. The neighborhoods of a solution are generated stochastically and a consistency-based objective function is employed to measure its quality. The algorithm is tested with the datasets from BAliBASE benchmarking database. We have observed through experiments that tabu search is able to improve the quality of multiple alignments generated by other software such as ClustalW and T-Coffee. The source code of our algorithm is available at http://www.bii.a-star.edu.sg/~tariq/tabu/.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Recently, the concept of the constrained sequence alignment was proposed to incorporate the knowledge of biologists about structures/functionalities/consensuses of their datasets into sequence alignment such that the user-specified residues/nucleotides are aligned together in the computed alignment. The currently developed programs use the so-called progressive approach to efficiently obtain a constrained alignment of several sequences. However, the kernels of these programs, the dynamic programming algorithms for computing an optimal constrained alignment between two sequences, run in (gamman2) memory, where gamma is the number of the constraints and n is the maximum of the lengths of sequences. As a result, such a high memory requirement limits the overall programs to align short sequences only. RESULTS: We adopt the divide-and-conquer approach to design a memory-efficient algorithm for computing an optimal constrained alignment between two sequences, which greatly reduces the memory requirement of the dynamic programming approaches at the expense of a small constant factor in CPU time. This new algorithm consumes only O(alphan) space, where alpha is the sum of the lengths of constraints and usually alpha < n in practical applications. Based on this algorithm, we have developed a memory-efficient tool for multiple sequence alignment with constraints. AVAILABILITY: http://genome.life.nctu.edu.tw/MUSICME.  相似文献   

A local algorithm for DNA sequence alignment with inversions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A dynamic programming algorithm to find all optimal alignments of DNA subsequences is described. The alignments use not only substitutions, insertions and deletions of nucleotides but also inversions (reversed complements) of substrings of the sequences. The inversion alignments themselves contain substitutions, insertions and deletions of nucleotides. We study the problem of alignment with non-intersecting inversions. To provide a computationally efficient algorithm we restrict candidate inversions to theK highest scoring inversions. An algorithm to find theJ best non-intersecting alignments with inversions is also described. The new algorithm is applied to the regions of mitochondrial DNA ofDrosophila yakuba and mouse coding for URF6 and cytochrome b and the inversion of the URF6 gene is found. The open problem of intersecting inversions is discussed.  相似文献   

Myers' elegant and powerful bit-parallel dynamic programming algorithm for approximate string matching has a restriction that the query length should be within the word size of the computer, typically 64. We propose a modification of Myers' algorithm, in which the modification has a restriction not on the query length but on the maximum number of mismatches (substitutions, insertions, or deletions), which should be less than half of the word size. The time complexity is O(m log |Σ|), where m is the query length and |Σ| is the size of the alphabet Σ. Thus, it is particularly suited for sequences on a small alphabet such as DNA sequences. In particular, it is useful in quickly extending a large number of seed alignments against a reference genome for high-throughput short-read data produced by next-generation DNA sequencers.  相似文献   

Pairwise sequence alignments aim to decide whether two sequences are related and, if so, to exhibit their related domains. Recent works have pointed out that a significant number of true homologous sequences are missed when using classical comparison algorithms. This is the case when two homologous sequences share several little blocks of homology, too small to lead to a significant score. On the other hand, classical alignment algorithms, when detecting homologies, may fail to recognize all the significant biological signals. The aim of the paper is to give a solution to these two problems. We propose a new scoring method which tends to increase the score of an alignment when "blocks" are detected. This so-called Block-Scoring algorithm, which makes use of dynamic programming, is worth being used as a complementary tool to classical exact alignments methods. We validate our approach by applying it on a large set of biological data. Finally, we give a limit theorem for the score statistics of the algorithm.  相似文献   

序列比对是生物信息学中的一项重要任务,通过序列比对可以发现生物序列中的功能、结构和进化的信息。序列比对结果的生物学意义与所选择的匹配、不匹配、插入和删除以及空隙的罚分函数密切相关。现介绍一种参数序列比对方法,该方法把最佳比对作为权值和罚分的函数,可以系统地得到参数的选择对最佳比对结果的影响。然后将其应用于RNA序列比对,分析不同的参数选择对序列比对结果的影响。最后指出参数序列比对算法的应用以及未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

An algorithm for aligning biological sequences is presented that is an adaptation of the sequence generating function approach used in the statistical mechanics of biopolymers. This algorithm uses recursion relationships developed from a partition function formalism of alignment probabilities. It is implemented within a dynamic programming format that closely resembles the forward algorithm used in hidden Markov models (HMM). The algorithm aligns sequences or structures according to the statistically dominant alignment path and will be referred to as the SDP algorithm. An advantage of this method over previous ones is that it allows more complicated and physically realistic gap penalty functions to be incorporated into the algorithm in a facile manner. The performance of this algorithm in a case study of aligning the heavy and light chain from the variable region of an immunoglobulin is investigated.  相似文献   

MUSTANG: a multiple structural alignment algorithm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multiple structural alignment is a fundamental problem in structural genomics. In this article, we define a reliable and robust algorithm, MUSTANG (MUltiple STructural AligNment AlGorithm), for the alignment of multiple protein structures. Given a set of protein structures, the program constructs a multiple alignment using the spatial information of the C(alpha) atoms in the set. Broadly based on the progressive pairwise heuristic, this algorithm gains accuracy through novel and effective refinement phases. MUSTANG reports the multiple sequence alignment and the corresponding superposition of structures. Alignments generated by MUSTANG are compared with several handcurated alignments in the literature as well as with the benchmark alignments of 1033 alignment families from the HOMSTRAD database. The performance of MUSTANG was compared with DALI at a pairwise level, and with other multiple structural alignment tools such as POSA, CE-MC, MALECON, and MultiProt. MUSTANG performs comparably to popular pairwise and multiple structural alignment tools for closely related proteins, and performs more reliably than other multiple structural alignment methods on hard data sets containing distantly related proteins or proteins that show conformational changes.  相似文献   

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