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Veratric acid (VA) is plant-derived phenolic acid known for its therapeutic potential, but its anticancer effect on highly invasive triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is yet to be evaluated. Polydopamine nanoparticles (nPDAs) were chosen as the drug carrier to overcome VA's hydrophobic nature and ensure a sustained release of VA. We prepared pH-sensitive nano-formulations of VA-loaded nPDAs and subjected them to physicochemical characterization and in vitro drug release studies, followed by cell viability and apoptotic assays on TNBC cells (MDA-MB-231 cells). The SEM and zeta analysis revealed spherical nPDAs were uniform size distribution and good colloidal stability. In vitro drug release from VA-nPDAs was sustained, prolonged and pH-sensitive, which could benefit tumor cell targeting. MTT and cell viability assays showed that VA-nPDAs (IC50=17.6 μM) are more antiproliferative towards MDA-MB-231 cells than free VA (IC50=437.89 μM). The induction of early and late apoptosis by VA-nPDAs in the cancer cells was identified using annexin V and dead cell assay. Thus, the pH response and sustained release of VA from nPDAs showed the potential to enter the cell, inhibit cell proliferation, and induce apoptosis in human breast cancer cells, indicating the anticancer potential of VA.  相似文献   

Alcohol extract, saponins and flavones fractionated from Dodonaea viscosa leaves were tested for their acaricidal activity against the adult females of Tetranychus urticae Koch. It was found that crude alcohol extract was more potent than the isolates obtained. At LC50 and LC90 levels, the crude extract ranked the first. All the biotic factors are significantly affected. The fecundity was seriously reduced however, the hatchability of eggs was not affected. Two flavonoids were identified as Querectin 3–0-glucose 7-0-rhamnoside and the other as Querectin 3-0 arabinose 7-0 rhammoside from the ethyl acetate fraction of the alcohol extract.  相似文献   

Naringenin is a naturally occurring flavonoid and due to its broad spectrum of biological activities, including anticancer properties, has attracted scientific attention in recent years. To contribute to these studies, we synthesized some new (±)‐naringenin cyclic aminoethyl derivatives, analyzed the cytotoxic and anti‐proliferative properties of them via 3‐(4,5‐dimethylthiazol‐2‐yl)‐2,5‐diphenyl‐2H‐tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay, and mitochondrial apoptosis signaling response and gene expressions belong to caspase‐3 depended apoptosis as biomarkers in both healthy and cancer cell lines. Our results suggest that some of our naringenin derivatives are potential anticancer agents with a selective death potential and targeting properties for mitochondrial apoptosis signaling against at least human cervix and breast cancer.  相似文献   

Noscapine an FDA-approved antitussive agent. With low cytotoxicity with higher concentrations, noscapine and its derivatives have been shown to have exceptional anticancer properties against a variety of cancer cell lines. In order to increase its potency, in this study, we synthesized a series of new amido-thiadiazol coupled noscapinoids and tested their cytotoxicity in vitro. All of the newly synthesised compounds demonstrated potent cytotoxic potential, with IC50 values ranging from 2.1 to 61.2 μM than the lead molecule, noscapine (IC50 value ranges from 31 to 65.5 μM) across all cell lines, without affecting normal cells (IC50 value is>300 μM). Molecular docking of all these molecules with tubulin (PDB ID: 6Y6D, resolution 2.20 Å) also revealed better binding affinity (docking score range from −5.418 to −9.679 kcal/mol) compared to noscapine (docking score is −5.304 kcal/mol). One of the most promising synthetic derivatives 6aa (IC50 value ranges from 2.5 to 7.3 μM) was found to bind tubulin with the highest binding affinity (ΔGbinding is −28.97 kcal/mol) and induced apoptosis in cancer cells more effectively.  相似文献   

Studies on the effects of tropical rainforest fragmentation and disturbance have often focussed on plants and vertebrates such as birds and mammals and seldom on invertebrates, despite the latter being among the most biologically diverse groups in these ecosystems. Spiders are one such group of invertebrate predators that are known to be sensitive indicators of environmental change in tropical ecosystems. The present study assesses the spider community structure and responses to rainforest fragmentation and degradation and conversion to shade-coffee plantations in the Anamalai hills, southern Western Ghats, India. Ten rainforest fragments ranging in size from 11 ha to 2,600 ha under varying levels of degradation within the Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary and private lands of the Valparai plateau, and two shade-coffee plantation sites were sampled for spiders using visual searches along time-constrained belt transects between January and May 2005. Within a total sampled area of 5.76 ha, 4,565 individual spiders (4,300 detections) belonging to 156 morphospecies within 21 families and 8 functional groups were recorded. The estimated total number of understorey spider species in the study area was 192 (±5.15 SD) species, representing around 13% of the total number of spider species so far described from India. Overall spider density, species richness, and species density showed no trend in relation to fragment area across all sites. Specific comparisons among undisturbed sites indicated however that high altitude sites had fewer species than mid-altitude sites and fragments had fewer species than relatively larger continuous forest sites. In contrast to the lack of trend in overall species richness and abundance, species composition changed substantially in relation to habitat alteration and altitude. Cluster analysis of Bray-Curtis similarities among sites in spider species composition revealed four distinct clusters: high altitude undisturbed sites, mid-altitude disturbed sites with an undisturbed mid altitude site, mid-altitude highly disturbed sites with a disturbed site, and shade-coffee plantation sites. Spider species, such as Psechrus torvus and Tylorida culta, that contributed significantly to the dissimilarity between undisturbed and disturbed rainforest sites, and rainforest and shade-coffee sites were identified that serve as useful indicators of habitat alteration.  相似文献   

Introduction. During a recent floristic survey of liverworts from Western Ghats, India, two interesting liverworts of genus Cololejeunea were collected from forests in Mahabaleshwar in the state of Maharashtra.

Methods. After critical investigation, they have been described as new to science and both species, C. ghatensis G.Asthana & A.Srivastava sp. nov. and C. mehrana G.Asthana & A.Srivastava sp. nov. are illustrated and described here.

Key results. Cololejeunea ghatensis is an epiphyllous species growing on angiosperm leaves and has been collected near Chinaman Waterfall, Robbers Cave, Connaught Peak and Polo Ground area. Cololejeunea mehrana has been collected near Monkey point and the latter has an interesting habitat as it was found growing on moss leaves. Cololejeunea ghatensis is monoicous and C. mehrana is dioicous.  相似文献   

R. J. RANJIT DANIELS 《Ibis》1996,138(4):64-69
The principle of landscape ecology finds wide application in conservation of biodiversity in fragmented and Man altered landscapes. Protection of carefully chosen habitats, networked by appropriate corridors can considerably enhance local biodiversity, especially outside major protected areas. This paper discusses the landscape ecology approach to the conservation of birds in a south India hill district. By the protection of 5 of the 21 major habitats spread over 18 localities, 76% of the district's avifauna can be conserved and protected.  相似文献   

Ariopsis macrosperma sp. nov. from Western Ghats of Maharashtra, India, is described and illustrated. It differs from the other two species in the genus, A. peltata and A. protanthera, in having a typical terrestrial habit, growing on the soil as undergrowth below the forest canopy, thick, leathery leaves and lower number of larger, ovoid and ribbed seeds.  相似文献   

以金沙江干热河谷主要树种坡柳、银合欢、山毛豆实生幼苗为材料,通过盆栽苗自然干旱胁迫,同时以浇水处理为对照,研究了干旱胁迫对坡柳、银合欢、山毛豆3个树种丙二醛含量、膜相对透性及保护酶活性的影响。结果表明,干旱胁迫下3个树种幼苗的细胞膜透性、MDA及SOD, POD酶活性都发生了变化,只是变化的幅度和进程不同。干旱胁迫对银合欢膜系统损伤生成的主要降解产物不是MDA;山毛豆清除活性氧毒害作用主要不是通过SOD和POD的作用;通过叶片相对保水力测定及膜透性、MDA相对含量、酶活性变化情况的分析,3个树种中坡柳耐旱性最强,其次为银合欢,山毛豆居后。  相似文献   

Endophytic bacteria were isolated from the tissues of surface sterilized roots, stems, and leaves of fifty different crop plants. Phenotypic, biochemical tests and species-specific PCR assay permitted identification of four isolates of Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus from root tissues of carrot (Daucus carota L.), raddish (Raphanus sativus L.), beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) and coffee (Coffea arabica L.). Further the plant growth promoting traits such as nitrogenase activity, production of phytohormone indole acetic acid (IAA), phosphorus and zinc solubilization were assessed. Significant nitrogenase activity was recorded among the isolates and all the isolates produced IAA in the presence of tryptophan. Though all the four isolates efficiently solubilized phosphorus, the zinc solubilizing ability differed among the isolates.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Ceropegia media is an endemic and endangered plant as its propagation through seeds is unreliable due to low germination, slow growth and seedling decay under...  相似文献   

Biodiversity conservation in forested landscapes outside protected areas is important to sustain populations of species with restricted ranges. However, such habitats face many anthropogenic threats, including logging, extraction of firewood and leaf-litter for mulch in plantations. In this study, we determined the effects of forest degradation on amphibians and reptiles in forests outside protected areas by measuring their species richness and community composition across a disturbance gradient from near pristine to highly degraded forests in Agumbe, Western Ghats, India. Twenty-one strip 15 m × 150 m transects were laid across the disturbance gradient and diurnal visual encounter surveys were conducted. Sampling was repeated three times per transect covering the dry, intermediate and wet seasons. Amphibian and reptile communities were affected by the decrease in canopy cover and leaf litter volume, respectively. Our results indicate that the collection of firewood and leaf-litter can severely affect amphibian and reptile populations. Structured conservation planning outside of protected areas is therefore imperative.  相似文献   

Aim To study (1) the large-scale distribution patterns of freshwater fishes in the Western Ghats of India; (2) the endemism and uniqueness of the fishes in various zones; and (3) the threat status of fishes by categorizing them under low risk (LR), vulnerable (VU), endangered (EN) and critically endangered (CR). Location The Western Ghats of India. Methods The scientific literature describing the freshwater fishes of the Western Ghats was reviewed. Data describing the lists of the species were extracted and complied. The species accumulation curve was plotted using Michaelis–Menten-like equation. The Western Ghats was divided into six zones and similarity of the species was calculated using Jacquard's index. Results Literature to date records 288 species belonging to 12 orders, 41 families and 109 genera, of which 118 species are endemic and 51 are unique. However, the species accumulation curve shows that there might be 345 species in this region, indicating that 16% species have not been recorded to date. An analysis of the distribution pattern of fishes in the Western Ghats suggests that the southern region is more diverse than the northern and central regions. The southern region shows high endemism and high uniqueness while the northern region shows high endemism but less uniqueness. The similarity index between the zones indicates that as the distance between the zones increases similarity decreases. The status of 105 of 288 species was not known due to data deficiency but among the remaining 183 species, 58 species were categorized as LR, 41 as VU, 54 as EN, 24 as CR while the remaining six species were introduced. Conclusions The distribution patterns of fishes in the Western Ghats are discussed in accordance with the geography of Western Ghats, its climatic conditions and ‘Satpura Hypothesis’. The threat status of fishes found in Western Ghats suggests that at least 41% of fish fauna is threatened by either being VU, EN or CR. Implication of potent conservation measures is necessary to conserve the fish fauna of Western Ghats.  相似文献   

Oryza malampuzhaensis Krish.et Chand. (2n = 4x = 48; Poaceae,Oryza) is endemic to Western Ghats, South India, and shows a highly localized distribution over a small geographical area in this region. This is the most poorly understood taxon in genusOryza and is often misidentified asO. officinalis owing to their close morphology. We assessed the nature and distribution of genetic variation among 11 populations ofO. malampuzhaensis using random amplified polymorphic DNA markers. The analysis revealed low genetic variation inO. malampuzhaensis. Cluster analysis of pairwise genetic distances of populations revealed three distinct clusters and the grouping of populations largely corresponded to their geographical proximity. Restricted gene flow and a geography-dependent differentiation were evident among populations. The altitude-influenced differences in ecological factors among the natural habitats of the populations seem to be the cause of the geography-dependent differentiation. Genetically isolated smaller populations and a narrow genetic base inO. malampuzhaensis point to its vulnerability to genetic drift and genetic depauperation. ThusO. malampuzhaensis appears to be under the threat of extinction and needs to be conserved by use of suitable methods. The present study also identified molecular markers diagnostic forO. malampuzhaensis.  相似文献   

We analyzed mycorrhizal types and dark septate endophyte (DSE) fungal associations in a shola vegetation of Western Ghats region, southern India. Plants belonging to 29 species of 19 families were assessed for mycorrhizal type and DSE fungal association. Five mycorrhizal classes were classified based on morphological traits: arbuscular, ecto-, ectendo-, ericoid-, and orchid mycorrhizas. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) association was the most predominant mycorrhizal type, occurring in 16 plant species, followed by orchid (3 species), ericoid- (2 species), and ecto- and ectendomycorrhizas (1 species each). Mycorrhizal association is reported for the first time in 19 plant species. DSE fungal association was found in six plant species. Arum- and Paris-type AM morphology was found, respectively, in 10 and 5 plant species, with intermediate type recorded in one species. In this study, some new records on the morphological types of AM in some plant families were obtained. Further occurrence of ectendomycorrhizas in Pinus oocarpa and dark septate fungal association in Eleaocarpus munronii, Symplocos cochinchiensis, Daphniphyllum neilgherrense, Euodia roxburghiana, Syzygium arnottianum, and Syzygium montanum are reported for the first time. Roots of Berberis tinctoria, Mahonia leschenaultii (Berberidaceae), Elaeagnus latifolia (Elaeagnaceae), and Elaeocarpus oblongus (Elaeocarpaceae) lacked any fungal structures.  相似文献   

This study reports the endemism and sexual system in the wet evergreen tree flora of the Western Ghats. A total of 656 species from 66 families and 231 genera were listed. This included a gymnosperm family (Podocarpaceae) and a monocot family (Arecaceae). No family was endemic to the Western Ghats, but 352 species (53%) from 43 families and five genera were endemic. Nearly 35% of the families had no endemics. The largest families with endemics were Dipterocarpaceae (92%), Anacardiaceae (84%), Lauraceae (72%), Fabaceae, Rubiaceae and Myrtaceae (68%). The top five contributing families in the tree flora of the Western Ghats were Euphorbiaceae, Lauraceae, Rubiaceae, Myrtaceae and Annonaceae. The 656 species were largely hermaphrodites (57%) followed by dioecious (20%), polygamous (16%) and monoecious species (5%). The rate of dioecy reported in this study (20%) is higher than reports for Puerto Rico (18%) but lower than the Malaysian rainforest (26%). Structurally, like the Neotropical forests, most evergreen forest types of the Western Ghats could be classified into four ensembles. Yet, the Western Ghats had fewer species than other tropical and Neotropical forests. The proportion of endemics in the ensembles of the Western Ghats ranged from 34% (ensemble IV) to 14% (ensemble I).  相似文献   

A new nematode species, Rhabdochona (Globochona) puntii n. sp. (Rhabdochonidae), is described based on specimens collected from the intestine of the pool barb Puntius sophore (Hamilton) and Neolissochilus hexastichus (McClelland) (both Cyprinidae) from the Gadhena River, the Western Ghats, Maharashtra State, India. The nematode was also found in Wallago attu (Bloch & Schneider) which probably acts as postcyclic host. Rhabdochona (Globochona) puntii n. sp. differs markedly from its congeners in the body size, the number and distribution of caudal papillae, in the presence of an unpaired papilla-like structure on the anterior cloacal lip, and in having unusual shape and structure of the terminal crown of mucrons. This is the seventh species of the subgenus Globochona Moravec, 1972 reported from freshwater Indian fishes.  相似文献   

Methoxy group enriched eight coumarin-chalcone hybrid derivatives were synthesized. Antimicrobial/ antiproliferative activities were tested against eight human pathogenic microorganisms and four cancer cell lines (AGS, HepG2, MCF-7 and PC-3), respectively. Antimicrobial results showed that most of the compounds were almost more active than used standard antibiotics. Cytotoxicity results showed that 2,3,4-trimethoxyphenyl and thiophene containing structures have promising antiproliferative effects against AGS gastric cell lines with ∼5 μg/ml IC50 values. At the same time, 2,4-dimethoxyphenyl bearing derivative exhibited the lowest IC50 values against HepG2 (∼10 μg/ml) and PC-3 (∼5 μg/ml) cell lines. Particularly, the cell viabilities of MCF-7 cell lines were remarkably inhibited by all the compounds with lower IC50 values. Therefore, molecular docking studies between hybrid ligands and quinone reductase-2 enzyme (regulates in MCF-7 cancer cells) were performed. The results demonstrated that all the derivatives can smoothly interact with interested enzyme in agreement with the experimental results. Finally, ADME parameters were studied to reveal drug-likeness potentials of the coumarin-chalcone hybrids.  相似文献   

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