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We studied whether similar developmental genetic mechanisms are involved in both convergent and divergent evolution. Mimetic insects are known for their diversity of patterns as well as their remarkable evolutionary convergence, and they have played an important role in controversies over the respective roles of selection and constraints in adaptive evolution. Here we contrast three butterfly species, all classic examples of Müllerian mimicry. We used a genetic linkage map to show that a locus, Yb, which controls the presence of a yellow band in geographic races of Heliconius melpomene, maps precisely to the same location as the locus Cr, which has very similar phenotypic effects in its co-mimic H. erato. Furthermore, the same genomic location acts as a "supergene", determining multiple sympatric morphs in a third species, H. numata. H. numata is a species with a very different phenotypic appearance, whose many forms mimic different unrelated ithomiine butterflies in the genus Melinaea. Other unlinked colour pattern loci map to a homologous linkage group in the co-mimics H. melpomene and H. erato, but they are not involved in mimetic polymorphism in H. numata. Hence, a single region from the multilocus colour pattern architecture of H. melpomene and H. erato appears to have gained control of the entire wing-pattern variability in H. numata, presumably as a result of selection for mimetic "supergene" polymorphism without intermediates. Although we cannot at this stage confirm the homology of the loci segregating in the three species, our results imply that a conserved yet relatively unconstrained mechanism underlying pattern switching can affect mimicry in radically different ways. We also show that adaptive evolution, both convergent and diversifying, can occur by the repeated involvement of the same genomic regions.  相似文献   

Understanding the production, response, and genetics of signals used in mate choice can inform our understanding of the evolution of both intraspecific mate choice and reproductive isolation. Sex pheromones are important for courtship and mate choice in many insects, but we know relatively little of their role in butterflies. The butterfly Heliconius melpomene uses a complex blend of wing androconial compounds during courtship. Electroantennography in H. melpomene and its close relative Heliconius cydno showed that responses to androconial extracts were not species specific. Females of both species responded equally strongly to extracts of both species, suggesting conservation of peripheral nervous system elements across the two species. Individual blend components provoked little to no response, with the exception of octadecanal, a major component of the H. melpomene blend. Supplementing octadecanal on the wings of octadecanal-rich H. melpomene males led to an increase in the time until mating, demonstrating the bioactivity of octadecanal in Heliconius. Using quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping, we identified a single locus on chromosome 20 responsible for 41% of the parental species’ difference in octadecanal production. This QTL does not overlap with any of the major wing color or mate choice loci, nor does it overlap with known regions of elevated or reduced FST. A set of 16 candidate fatty acid biosynthesis genes lies underneath the QTL. Pheromones in Heliconius carry information relevant for mate choice and are under simple genetic control, suggesting they could be important during speciation.  相似文献   

The butterflies in the genus Heliconius offer an exceptional opportunity for the study of the ecology and genetics of an adaptive radiation due to their extensive intra‐ and interspecific variation in wing colour patterns and mimetic associations. Here, we characterize 22 polymorphic microsatellite loci in Heliconius melpomene that have been shown to be useful for linkage mapping and population studies in this and other species. Levels of variation were high, although heterozygosity deficiencies were found in most loci, probably due to null alleles. The loci showed broad amplification success on six other species across the genus.  相似文献   

To understand the evolution of premating signals in moths, it is important to know the genetic basis of these signals. We conducted Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) analysis by hybridizing two noctuid moth species, Heliothis virescens (Hv) and Heliothis subflexa (Hs), and backcrossing the F1 females to males of both parental species. One of these backcrosses (F1 × Hs) was a biological replicate of our previous study (Sheck et al., 2006) and served to test the robustness of our previous findings. The backcross to Hv was designed to reveal QTL with recessive inheritance of the Hv character state. This study confirms previously discovered QTL, but also reports new QTL. Most importantly, we found relatively large QTL affecting Z9-16:Ald, the critical sex pheromone component of Hs. For Z9-14:Ald, the critical sex pheromone component of Hv, as well as for the minor pheromone compound 14:Ald, we found QTL in which the change in pheromone ratio was opposite-to-expected. Linking QTL to the biosynthetic pathways of the pheromone compounds of Hv and Hs implicates several candidate genes in the divergence of these premating signals, the most important of which are acetyl transferase, one or more desaturase(s), and a fatty acyl reductase or alcohol oxidase.  相似文献   

Ecological speciation proceeds through the accumulation of divergent traits that contribute to reproductive isolation, but in the face of gene flow traits that characterize incipient species may become disassociated through recombination. Heliconius butterflies are well known for bright mimetic warning patterns that are also used in mate recognition and cause both pre- and post-mating isolation between divergent taxa. Sympatric sister taxa representing the final stages of speciation, such as Heliconius cydno and Heliconius melpomene, also differ in ecology and hybrid fertility. We examine mate preference and sterility among offspring of crosses between these species and demonstrate the clustering of Mendelian colour pattern loci and behavioural loci that contribute to reproductive isolation. In particular, male preference for red patterns is associated with the locus responsible for the red forewing band. Two further colour pattern loci are associated, respectively, with female mating outcome and hybrid sterility. This genetic architecture in which ‘speciation genes’ are clustered in the genome can facilitate two controversial models of speciation, namely divergence in the face of gene flow and hybrid speciation.  相似文献   

The degree to which loci promoting reproductive isolation cluster in the genome—that is, the genetic architecture of reproductive isolation—can influence the tempo and mode of speciation. Tight linkage between these loci can facilitate speciation in the face of gene flow. Pheromones play a role in reproductive isolation in many Lepidoptera species, and the role of endogenously produced compounds as secondary metabolites decreases the likelihood of pleiotropy associated with many barrier loci. Heliconius butterflies use male sex pheromones to both court females (aphrodisiac wing pheromones) and ward off male courtship (male‐transferred antiaphrodisiac genital pheromones), and it is likely that these compounds play a role in reproductive isolation between Heliconius species. Using a set of backcross hybrids between H. melpomene and H. cydno, we investigated the genetic architecture of putative male pheromone compound production. We found a set of 40 significant quantitative trait loci (QTL) representing 33 potential pheromone compounds. QTL clustered significantly on two chromosomes, chromosome 8 for genital compounds and chromosome 20 for wing compounds, and chromosome 20 was enriched for potential pheromone biosynthesis genes. There was minimal overlap between pheromone QTL and known QTL for mate choice and color pattern. Nonetheless, we did detect linkage between a QTL for wing androconial area and optix, a color pattern locus known to play a role in reproductive isolation in these species. This tight clustering of putative pheromone loci might contribute to coincident reproductive isolating barriers, facilitating speciation despite ongoing gene flow.  相似文献   

It is known from field observations that vernal gonad recrudescence begins in January for the Stock dove, a month later at the end of February for the Wood pigeon, while many town pigeons ( Columba livia ) have active gonads throughout the year.
Photostimulation experiments demonstrate that spermatogenesis can be stimulated in the Stock dove by exposure to an artificial daylength regimeincreasing from 9.1 to 10.8 hours over 28 days. This photoperiod is the approximate equivalent of natural daylength changes occurring from late January onwards at 52° N. The same phototreatment, however, was not stimulatory for the testes of Wood pigeons, which required the equivalent of a March photoperiod. Natural daylength changes occurring in late November and December failed to evoke gametogenetic recovery in Stock dove controls.
The gonads of feral pigeons in full breeding condition were unaffected when the subjects were transferred from full summer photoperiods to those found in midwinter and spermatogenesis was maintained in birds kept under winter daylengths for four months.
The discussion mentions the problem of intraspecific geographical variation in photosensitivity. Scottish Wood pigeons begin their gonad recovery earlier and by March have considerably larger testes than birds in the south of England. Furthermore, they achieve this more advanced condition before the vernal equinox when daylengths are shorter in Scotland than in the south of England.  相似文献   

The Chlorella virus RNA triphosphatase (cvRTPase) is involved in the formation of the RNA cap structure found at the 5′-end of the viral mRNAs and requires magnesium ions to mediate its catalytic activity. To extend our studies on the role of metal ions in phosphohydrolysis, we have used a combination of fluorescence spectroscopy, circular dichroism, denaturation studies and thermodynamic analyses to monitor the binding of magnesium ions to the cvRTPase. Using these techniques, the thermodynamic forces responsible for the interaction of metal ions with an RNA triphosphatase were also evaluated for the first time. Our thermodynamic analyses indicate that the initial association of magnesium with the cvRTPase is dominated by a favorable entropic effect and is accompanied by the release of eight water molecules from the enzyme. Moreover, both fluorescence spectroscopy and circular dichroism assays indicated that minor conformational changes were occurring upon magnesium binding. Mutational studies were also performed and confirmed the importance of three specific glutamate residues located in the active site of the enzyme for the binding of magnesium ions. Finally, in contrast to the yeast RNA triphosphatase, we demonstrate that the binding of magnesium ions to the cvRTPase does not lead to the stabilization of the ground state binding of the RNA substrate. Based on the results of the present study, we hypothesize that the binding of magnesium ions induces local conformational perturbations in the active site residues that ultimately positions the lateral chains of critical amino acids involved in catalysis. Our results highlight fundamental differences in the role of magnesium ions in the phosphohydrolase reactions catalyzed by the cvRTPase and the closely related yeast RNA triphosphatase.  相似文献   

Partitioning of a protein in an aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) is governed by interactions of the protein with aqueous media in the two phases. Here we describe how partitioning of proteins in a set of ATPS of different compositions can be used to quantify differences between 3D structures of closely related proteins. We also provide perspective on practical applications of the technology when comparative analysis of the higher-order structure of proteins is desired.  相似文献   

In Heliconius butterflies, it has been proposed that speciation occurs through a combination of divergence in ecological habitat preferences and mimetic colour patterns. Here we test this hypothesis by investigating a parapatric form of the widespread species Heliconius erato. Mendelian (colour patterns) and molecular genetic data permit us to address hypotheses about introgression and genetic differentiation between different populations. Combined analysis of colour pattern, microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA showed that Heliconius erato venus and Heliconius erato chestertonii form a bimodal hybrid zone implying partial reproductive isolation. In a sample of 121 individuals collected in sympatry, 25% were hybrids representing a significant deficit of heterozygotes compared to the Hardy-Weinberg expectation. Seven microsatellite loci, analysed for a subset of these individuals, showed marked differentiation between the parental taxa, and unambiguously identified two genotypic clusters concordant with our phenotypic classification of individuals. Mitochondrial DNA analysis showed H. erato venus as a monophyletic group well differentiated from H. erato chestertonii, implying a lack of historical introgression between the populations. Heliconius erato chestertonii is therefore an incipient species that maintains its integrity despite high levels of hybridization. Moreover, H. erato chestertonii is found at higher altitudes than other races of H. erato and has a distinct colour pattern and mimetic relationship. Hence, there are now two examples of parapatric incipient species related to H. erato, H. himera and H. erato chestertonii, both of which are associated with higher altitudes, more arid habitats and distinct mimetic relationships. This implies that parapatric habitat adaptation is a likely cause of speciation in this group.  相似文献   

A technique for genome-wide detection of differences in the integration site positions of interspersed repeats in related genomes (DiffIR) is described. The technique is based on a whole- genome selective PCR amplification of the repeats’ flanking regions followed by a differential hybridization screening of the arrayed library of the selected amplicons. The technique was successfully applied to the comparison of the integration sites in the human and chimpanzee genomes, allowing us to discover 11 new human-specific integrations of human endogenous retrovirus, K family (HML-2) long terminal repeats.  相似文献   

Identifying the traits causing reproductive isolation and the order in which they evolve is fundamental to understanding speciation. Here, we quantify prezygotic and intrinsic postzygotic isolation among allopatric, parapatric, and sympatric populations of the butterflies Heliconius elevatus and Heliconius pardalinus. Sympatric populations from the Amazon (H. elevatus and H. p. butleri) exhibit strong prezygotic isolation and rarely mate in captivity; however, hybrids are fertile. Allopatric populations from the Amazon (H. p. butleri) and Andes (H. p. sergestus) mate freely when brought together in captivity, but the female F1 hybrids are sterile. Parapatric populations (H. elevatus and H. p. sergestus) exhibit both assortative mating and sterility of female F1s. Assortative mating in sympatric populations is consistent with reinforcement in the face of gene flow, where the driving force, selection against hybrids, is due to disruption of mimicry and other ecological traits rather than hybrid sterility. In contrast, the lack of assortative mating and hybrid sterility observed in allopatric populations suggests that geographic isolation enables the evolution of intrinsic postzygotic reproductive isolation. Our results show how the types of reproductive barriers that evolve between species may depend on geography.  相似文献   

Starch-gel electrophoresis was employed to compare six enzymes in three closely related species of nemertean worms, Lineus ruber (Müller, 1774), Lineus sanguineus (Rathke, 1799), and Linens viridis (Müller, 1774). Differences in mobility recorded for most of the enzyme loci examined support the hypothesis that these nemerteans are distinct taxa.  相似文献   

The heme of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) participates in O2 activation but also binds self-generated NO, resulting in reversible feedback inhibition. We utilized mutagenesis to investigate if a conserved tryptophan residue (Trp409), which engages in pi-stacking with the heme and hydrogen bonds to its axial cysteine ligand, helps control catalysis and regulation by NO. Mutants W409F and W409Y were hyperactive regarding NO synthesis without affecting cytochrome c reduction, reductase-independent N-hydroxyarginine oxidation, or Arg and tetrahydrobiopterin binding. In the absence of Arg electron flux through the heme was slower in the W409 mutants than in wild-type. However, less NO complex accumulated during NO synthesis by the mutants. To understand the mechanism, we compared the kinetics of heme-NO complex formation, rate of heme reduction, kcat prior to and after NO complex formation, NO binding affinity, NO complex stability, and its reaction with O2. During the initial phase of NO synthesis, heme-NO complex formation was three and five times slower in W409F and W409Y, which corresponded to a slower heme reduction. NO complex formation inhibited wild-type turnover 7-fold but reduced mutant turnover less than 2-fold, giving mutants higher steady-state activities. NO binding kinetics were similar among mutants and wild type, although mutants also formed a 417 nm ferrous-NO complex. Oxidation of ferrous-NO complex was seven times faster in mutants than in wild type. We conclude that mutant hyperactivity primarily derives from slower heme reduction and faster oxidation of the heme-NO complex by O2. In this way Trp409 mutations minimize NO feedback inhibition by limiting buildup of the ferrous-NO complex during the steady state. Conservation of W409 among NOS suggests that this proximal Trp may regulate NO feedback inhibition and is important for enzyme physiologic function.  相似文献   

Shifts in host‐plant use by phytophagous insects have played a central role in their diversification. Evolving host‐use strategies will reflect a trade‐off between selection pressures. The ecological niche of herbivorous insects is partitioned along several dimensions, and if populations remain in contact, recombination will break down associations between relevant loci. As such, genetic architecture can profoundly affect the coordinated divergence of traits and subsequently the ability to exploit novel habitats. The closely related species Heliconius cydno and H. melpomene differ in mimetic colour pattern, habitat and host‐plant use. We investigate the selection pressures and genetic basis underlying host‐use differences in these two species. Host‐plant surveys reveal that H. melpomene specializes on a single species of Passiflora. This is also true for the majority of other Heliconius species in secondary growth forest at our study site, as expected under a model of interspecific competition. In contrast, H. cydno, which uses closed‐forest habitats where both Heliconius and Passiflora are less common, appears not to be restricted by competition and uses a broad selection of the available Passiflora. However, other selection pressures are likely involved, and field experiments reveal that early larval survival of both butterfly species is highest on Passiflora menispermifolia, but most markedly so for H. melpomene, the specialist on that host. Finally, we demonstrate an association between host‐plant acceptance and colour pattern amongst interspecific hybrids, suggesting that major loci underlying these important ecological traits are physically linked in the genome. Together, our results reveal ecological and genetic associations between shifts in habitat, host use and mimetic colour pattern that have likely facilitated both speciation and coexistence.  相似文献   

We describe the morphology of alar androconia and the female abdominal scent gland of Heliconius erato phyllis, Heliconius ethilla narcaea, and Heliconius besckei. Androconial scales of Heliconius, which are arranged in overlapping wing bands, release pheromones during courtship, probably through vibratory movements of male wings over the female to induce her to mate. An antiaphrodisiac is produced by glands located in the valves of the male and is transferred during copulation to the yellow dorsal abdominal sac present in the virgin female, causing this sac to emit a scent that reduces the attractiveness of the female for courtship with other males. Stereomicroscopy, SEM, and TEM analyses were conducted to describe the morphology of the internal and external scales and the external abdominal scent sac. The findings revealed different sizes of external androconial scales and an internal group of porous structural vesicles that are probably related to the preservation of internal space, reception and storage of secretions, and elimination of volatiles when the male is actively involved in courtship. Translucent projections on the female abdominal scent sac create open reservoirs for the reception, storage, and emission of antiaphrodisiac volatiles along with stink clubs. Male valve denticles vary in form and probably attach securely to the female sac during mating, thus ensuring secretion transfer. These features are discussed in the context of a comparative analysis.  相似文献   

The host response to mycobacterial infection depends on host and pathogen genetic factors. Recent studies in human populations suggest a strain specific genetic control of tuberculosis. To test for mycobacterial-strain specific genetic control of susceptibility to infection under highly controlled experimental conditions, we performed a comparative genetic analysis using the A/J- and C57BL/6J-derived recombinant congenic (RC) mouse panel infected with the Russia and Pasteur strains of Mycobacterium bovis Bacille Calmette Guérin (BCG). Bacillary counts in the lung and spleen at weeks 1 and 6 post infection were used as a measure of susceptibility. By performing genome-wide linkage analyses of loci that impact on tissue-specific bacillary burden, we were able to show the importance of correcting for strain background effects in the RC panel. When linkage analysis was adjusted on strain background, we detected a single locus on chromosome 11 that impacted on pulmonary counts of BCG Russia but not Pasteur. The same locus also controlled the splenic counts of BCG Russia but not Pasteur. By contrast, a locus on chromosome 1 which was indistinguishable from Nramp1 impacted on splenic bacillary counts of both BCG Russia and Pasteur. Additionally, dependent upon BCG strain, tissue and time post infection, we detected 9 distinct loci associated with bacillary counts. Hence, the ensemble of genetic loci impacting on BCG infection revealed a highly dynamic picture of genetic control that reflected both the course of infection and the infecting strain. This high degree of adaptation of host genetics to strain-specific pathogenesis is expected to provide a suitable framework for the selection of specific host-mycobacteria combinations during co-evolution of mycobacteria with humans.  相似文献   

Genetic trade-offs such as between generalist–specialist strategies can be masked by changes in compensatory processes involving energy allocation and acquisition which regulation depends on the state of the individual and its ecological surroundings. Failure to account for such state dependence may thus lead to misconceptions about the trade-off structure and nature of constraints governing reaction norm evolution. Using three closely related butterflies, we first show that foraging behaviours differ between species and change remarkably throughout ontogeny causing corresponding differences in the thermal niches experienced by the foraging larvae. We further predicted that thermal reaction norms for larval growth rate would show state-dependent variation throughout development as a result of selection for optimizing feeding strategies in the respective foraging niches of young and old larvae. We found substantial developmental plasticity in reaction norms that was species-specific and reflected the different ontogenetic niche shifts. Any conclusions regarding constraints on performance curves or species-differentiation in thermal physiology depend on when reaction norms were measured. This demonstrates that standardized estimates at single points in development, or in general, allow variation in only one ecological dimension, may sometimes provide incomplete information on reaction norm constraints.  相似文献   

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