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BackgroundThe existence of locations with low but stable onchocerciasis prevalence is not well understood. An often suggested yet poorly investigated explanation is that the infection spills over from neighbouring locations with higher infection densities.MethodologyWe adapted the stochastic individual based model ONCHOSIM to enable the simulation of multiple villages, with separate blackfly (intermediate host) and human populations, which are connected through the regular movement of the villagers and/or the flies. With this model we explore the impact of the type, direction and degree of connectedness, and of the impact of localized or full-area mass drug administration (MDA) over a range of connected village settings.Principal findingsIn settings with annual fly biting rates (ABR) below the threshold needed for stable local transmission, persistence of onchocerciasis prevalence can well be explained by regular human traffic and/or fly movement from locations with higher ABR. Elimination of onchocerciasis will then theoretically be reached by only implementing MDA in the higher prevalence area, although lingering infection in the low prevalence location can trigger resurgence of transmission in the total region when MDA is stopped too soon. Expanding MDA implementation to the lower ABR location can therefore shorten the duration of MDA needed. For example, when prevalence spill-over is due to human traffic, and both locations have about equal populations, then the MDA duration can be shortened by up to three years. If the lower ABR location has twice as many inhabitants, the reduction can even be up to six years, but if spill-over is due to fly movement, the expected reduction is less than a year.Conclusions/SignificanceAlthough MDA implementation might not always be necessary in locations with stable low onchocerciasis prevalence, in many circumstances it is recommended to accelerate achieving elimination in the wider area.  相似文献   

The elimination of onchocerciasis through community-based Mass Drug Administration (MDA) of ivermectin (Mectizan) is hampered by co-endemicity of Loa loa, as individuals who are highly co-infected with Loa loa parasites can suffer serious and occasionally fatal neurological reactions from the drug. The test-and-not-treat strategy of testing all individuals participating in MDA has some operational constraints including the cost and limited availability of LoaScope diagnostic tools. As a result, a Loa loa Antibody (Ab) Rapid Test was developed to offer a complementary way of determining the prevalence of loiasis. We develop a joint geostatistical modelling framework for the analysis of Ab and Loascope data to delineate whether an area is safe for MDA. Our results support the use of a two-stage strategy, in which Ab testing is used to identify areas that, with acceptably high probability, are safe or unsafe for MDA, followed by Loascope testing in areas whose safety status is uncertain. This work therefore contributes to the global effort towards the elimination of onchocerciasis as a public health problem by potentially reducing the time and cost required to establish whether an area is safe for MDA.  相似文献   

A combination of methods, including mathematical model construction, demographic plus epidemiological data analysis and parameter estimation, are used to examine whether mass drug administration (MDA) alone can eliminate the transmission of soil-transmitted helminths (STHs). Numerical analyses suggest that in all but low transmission settings (as defined by the magnitude of the basic reproductive number, R0), the treatment of pre-school-aged children (pre-SAC) and school-aged children (SAC) is unlikely to drive transmission to a level where the parasites cannot persist. High levels of coverage (defined as the fraction of an age group effectively treated) are required in pre-SAC, SAC and adults, if MDA is to drive the parasite below the breakpoint under which transmission is eliminated. Long-term solutions to controlling helminth infections lie in concomitantly improving the quality of the water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). MDA, however, is a very cost-effective tool in long-term control given that most drugs are donated free by the pharmaceutical industry for poor regions of the world. WASH interventions, by lowering the basic reproductive number, can facilitate the ability of MDA to interrupt transmission.  相似文献   

In August 2002, 65 cases of Loa-associated neurological Serious Adverse Events were reported after ivermectin treatment. The first signs, occurring within the 12-24 hours following treatment, included fatigue, generalized arthralgia, and sometimes agitation, mutism, and incontinence. Disorders of consciousness, including coma, generally appeared between 24 and 72 hours, and showed a rapid variation with time. The most frequent objective neurological signs were extrapyramidal. The patients presented with haemorrhages of the conjunctiva and of the retina. Biological examinations showed a massive Loa microfilaruria, the passage of Loa microfilariae into the cerebrospinal fluid, haematuria, and an increase in the C-reactive protein, all of which have been correlated with the high intensity of the initial Loa microfilaraemia. Eosinophil counts decreased dramatically within the first 24 hours, and then rose again rapidly. Electroencephalograms suggested the existence of a diffuse pathological process within the first weeks; the abnormalities disappearing after 3-6 months. Death may occur when patients are not properly managed, i.e. in the absence of good nursing. However, some patients who recovered showed sequelae such as aphasia, episodic amnesia, or extrapyramidal signs. The main risk factor for these encephalopathies is the intensity of the initial Loa microfilaraemia. The disorders of consciousness may occur when there are >50,000 Loa microfilariae per ml. The possible roles of co-factors, such as Loa strains, genetic predisposition of individuals, co-infestations with other parasites, or alcohol consumption, seem to be minor but they should be considered. The mechanisms of the post-ivermectin Loa-related encephalopathies should be investigated to improve the management of patients developing the condition.  相似文献   

In June 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO), recognizing the need for new diagnostics to support the control and elimination of onchocerciasis, published the target product profiles (TPPs) of new tests that would support the two most immediate needs: (a) mapping onchocerciasis in areas of low prevalence and (b) deciding when to stop mass drug administration programs. In both instances, the test should ideally detect an antigen specific for live, adult O. volvulus female worms. The preferred format is a field-deployable rapid test. For mapping, the test needs to be ≥ 60% sensitive and ≥ 99.8% specific, while to support stopping decisions, the test must be ≥ 89% sensitive and ≥ 99.8% specific. The requirement for extremely high specificity is dictated by the need to detect with sufficient statistical confidence the low seroprevalence threshold set by WHO. Surveys designed to detect a 1–2% prevalence of a given biomarker, as is the case here, cannot tolerate more than 0.2% of false-positives. Otherwise, the background noise would drown out the signal. It is recognized that reaching and demonstrating such a stringent specificity criterion will be challenging, but test developers can expect to be assisted by national governments and implementing partners for adequately powered field validation.  相似文献   

Abstract. From May 1984 to May 1985, the transmission of onchocerciasis by blackflies (Dipteria: Simuliidae) was studied around Gilgel Ghibe and Gojeb rivers in southwest Ethiopia. The predominant anthropophilic species of Simulium at both localities were S.(Edwardsellum) damnosum sensu law and S.(Lewisellum) ethiopiense. Some S.(Anasolen) dentulosum also landed on human bait at Gilgel Ghibe river.
Dissections of S. damnosum from Gilgel Ghibe and Gojeb revealed mean parous rates of 92% (n = 18,291) and 84% (n = 9530), respectively. S. ethiopiense from Gilgel Ghibe and Gojeb showed mean parous rates of 53% (n = 322) and 93% (n = 14), respectively. Of the parous S. damnosum , 1.3% at Gilgel Ghibe and 0.5% at Gojeb harboured infective third-stage larvae (L3) of Onchocerca volvulus (or morphologically indistinguishable from it). Unknown filariae of animal origin, indicative of zoophily, were found in 0.3% and 0.7% of Simulium damnosum complex females from Gilgel Ghibe and Gojeb, respectively. S. ethiopiense harboured developing (L,) larvae only, with 7.7% infection rate in both localities. In contrast, S. dentulosum did not harbour any filaria larvae. The annual infective biting rate (AIBR) and transmission potential (ATP) of the S. damnosum complex at Gilgel Ghibe river were 858 and 5478, respectively. The AIBR and ATP of S. damnosum s.I. at Gojeb river were 519.5 and 1963, respectively. These results emphasize the predominant role of the S. damnosum complex in the transmission of O. volvulus in southwest Ethiopia  相似文献   

Mass drug administration (MDA) is a means of delivering safe and inexpensive essential medicines based on the principles of preventive chemotherapy, where populations or sub-populations are offered treatment without individual diagnosis. High-coverage MDA in endemic areas aims to prevent and alleviate symptoms and morbidity on the one hand and can reduce transmission on the other, together improving global health. MDA is the recommended strategy of the World Health Organisation to control or eliminate several neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). More than 700 million people now receive these essential NTD medicines annually. The combined cost of integrated NTD MDA has been calculated to be in the order of $0.50 per person per year. Activities have recently been expanded due, in part, to the proposed attempt to eliminate certain NTDs in the coming two decades. More than 1.9 billion people need to receive MDA annually across several years if these targets are to be met. Such extensive coverage will require additional avenues of financial support, expanded monitoring and evaluation focusing on impact and drug efficacy, as well as new diagnostic tools and social science strategies to encourage adherence. MDA is a means to help reduce the burden of disease, and hence poverty, among the poorest sector of populations. It has already made significant improvements to global health and productivity and has the potential for further successes, particularly where incorporated into sanitation and education programmes. However logistical, financial and biological challenges remain.  相似文献   

BackgroundPapua New Guinea (PNG) has a high burden of lymphatic filariasis (LF) caused by Wuchereria bancrofti, with an estimated 4.2 million people at risk of infection. A single co-administered dose of ivermectin, diethylcarbamazine and albendazole (IDA) has been shown to have superior efficacy in sustained clearance of microfilariae compared to diethylcarbamazine and albendazole (DA) in small clinical trials. A community-based cluster-randomised trial of DA versus IDA was conducted to compare the safety and efficacy of IDA and DA for LF in a moderately endemic, treatment-naive area in PNG.MethodologyAll consenting, eligible residents of 24 villages in Bogia district, Madang Province, PNG were enrolled, screened for W. bancrofti antigenemia and microfilaria (Mf) and randomised to receive IDA (N = 2382) or DA (N = 2181) according to their village of residence. Adverse events (AE) were assessed by active follow-up for 2 days and passive follow-up for an additional 5 days. Antigen-positive participants were re-tested one year after MDA to assess treatment efficacy.Principal findingsOf the 4,563 participants enrolled, 96% were assessed for AEs within 2 days after treatment. The overall frequency of AEs were similar after either DA (18%) or IDA (20%) treatment. For those individuals with AEs, 87% were mild (Grade 1), 13% were moderate (Grade 2) and there were no Grade 3, Grade 4, or serious AEs (SAEs). The frequency of AEs was greater in Mf-positive than Mf-negative individuals receiving IDA (39% vs 20% p<0.001) and in Mf-positive participants treated with IDA (39%), compared to those treated with DA (24%, p = 0.023). One year after treatment, 64% (645/1013) of participants who were antigen-positive at baseline were re-screened and 74% of these participants (475/645) remained antigen positive. Clearance of Mf was achieved in 96% (52/54) of infected individuals in the IDA arm versus 84% (56/67) of infected individuals in the DA arm (relative risk (RR) 1.15; 95% CI, 1.02 to 1.30; p = 0.019). Participants receiving DA treatment had a 4-fold higher likelihood of failing to clear Mf (RR 4.67 (95% CI: 1.05 to 20.67; p = 0.043). In the DA arm, a significant predictor of failure to clear was baseline Mf density (RR 1.54; 95% CI, 1.09 to 2.88; p = 0.007).ConclusionIDA was well tolerated and more effective than DA for clearing Mf. Widespread use of this regimen could accelerate LF elimination in PNG.Trial registrationRegistration number NCT02899936; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02899936.  相似文献   

The populations of many endangered species are becoming increasingly fragmented, and accurate, current information on the status of these subpopulations is essential for the design of effective conservation strategies within a human-dominated landscape. The drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus) is one of the most spectacular and endangered primates in Africa, yet up-to-date information on its distribution, population status, and conservation outlook is lacking. Cameroon has been estimated to encompass 80 % of the species’ range. We examined the distribution, population status, and conservation outlook for the drill throughout its historic range in Cameroon. To do this, we divided the historic range of the drill in Cameroon (46,000 km2) into 52 survey units along natural and manmade boundary features. Based on a series of field surveys in 2002–2009, village interviews, analysis of geospatial data, and bibliographical research, we assigned each survey unit a rank of 0–4 for 15 parameters indicative of current situation for drills, habitat suitability, and conservation outlook. We obtained direct evidence for the presence of drills in 16 of the 52 survey units, with those of Ejagham, Korup, Ebo, and Nta Ali receiving the highest index scores. We warn of local extirpations and increased isolation among drill populations due to loss of dispersal corridors, e.g., Douala Edea survey unit. In some cases drills persist in forest fragments within human-dominated landscapes, e.g., Kupe-Manenguba, but the species’ future is probably dependent on effective wildlife management in a handful of isolated strongholds where probability of long-term protection is higher, particularly in Korup National Park, Takamanda National Park, and the proposed Ebo National Park. Pressure from current and proposed large-scale commercial plantations, oil prospecting, logging, and the continual human population growth in this region means that a concerted conservation effort will be needed to safeguard the remaining drill habitat if the species is to survive in Cameroon.  相似文献   

Scabies is endemic in Fiji and is a significant cause of morbidity. Little is known about the sociocultural beliefs and practices that affect the occurrence of scabies and impetigo, or community attitudes towards the strategy of mass drug administration that is emerging as a public health option for scabies and impetigo control in Fiji and other countries. Data were collected during semi-structured interviews with 33 community members in four locations in Fiji’s Northern Division. Thematic analysis examined participants’ lived experiences of scabies and impetigo; community knowledge and perceptions about scabies and impetigo aetiology and transmission; community-based treatment and prevention measures; and attitudes towards mass drug administration. Many indigenous Fijian (iTaukei) participants noted extensive and ongoing experience of scabies and impetigo among children in their families and communities, but only one participant of Indian descent (Indo-Fijian) identified personal childhood experience of scabies. Scabies and impetigo were perceived as diseases affecting children, impacting on school attendance and families’ quality of sleep. Awareness of scabies and impetigo was considerable, but there were major misconceptions around disease causation and transmission. Traditional remedies were preferred for scabies treatment, followed by biomedicines provided by local health centres and hospitals. Treatment of close household contacts was not prioritised. Attitudes towards mass drug administration to control scabies were mostly positive, although some concerns were noted about adverse effects and hesitation to participate in the planned scabies elimination programme. Findings from this first study to document perspectives and experiences related to scabies and impetigo and their management in the Asia Pacific region illustrate that a community-centred approach to scabies and impetigo is needed for the success of control efforts in Fiji, and most likely in other affected countries. This includes community-based health promotion messaging on the social dynamics of scabies transmission, and a campaign of education and community engagement prior to mass drug administration.  相似文献   

A small-scale trial was carried out in the Upper Kinabatangan district of Sabah, Malaysia, to determine the effect of using permethrin-impregnated bednets on malaria transmission. A total of 306 nylon bednets with cotton borders, impregnated at a dose estimated to have been 0.062 g permethrin/m2 of nylon netting, were distributed to 139 households in five villages. At the time of distributing bednets, mass drug administration with Fansidar plus primaquine was also administered to the human population to clear all parasitaemias due to Plasmodium falciparum Welch. In another village, for comparison, mass drug administration was the only intervention. After intervention measures in December 1984 and January 1985, the parasite rates in children declined in all villages during the first month, significantly more in the villages with impregnated bednets than in the control, thus proving that the nets had an impact on malaria. However, after about 2 months, parasite rates started to increase again. After 4-6 months, parasite rates in the villages with bednets approached the rate in the control village without nets. The increase in parasite rates was paralleled by a significant deterioration in the quality, physical condition and the degree of non-utilization of bednets. Entomological evaluation proved the efficacy of permethrin-impregnated nets for controlling Anopheles balabacensis Baisas and other anophelines. Bioassays (1 h exposure) of permethrin-impregnated bednets gave 100% mortality initially and 44-61% mortality after 85-106 days. Mosquito collections in treated bednets were significantly reduced for at least 217 days. The project failed to achieve prolonged suppression of malaria transmission for a combination of entomological, sociological and practical reasons which are discussed in relation to the objectives and implementation of future bednet studies.  相似文献   

Ivermectin is a potent antiparasitic drug from macrocyclic lactone (ML) family, which interacts with the ABC multidrug transporter P-glycoprotein (Pgp). We studied the interactions of ivermectin with the multidrug resistance proteins (MRPs) by combining cellular and subcellular approaches. The inhibition by ivermectin of substrate transport was measured in A549 cells (calcein or 2',7'-bis(2-carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein, BCECF) and in HL60-MRP1 (calcein). Ivermectin induced calcein and BCECF retention in A549 cells (IC(50) at 1 and 2.5microM, respectively) and inhibited calcein efflux in HL60-MRP1 (IC(50)=3.8microM). The action of ivermectin on the transporters ATPase activity was followed on membranes from Sf9 cells overexpressing human Pgp, MRP1, 2 or 3. Ivermectin inhibited the Pgp, MRP1, 2 and 3 ATPase activities after stimulation by their respective activators. Ivermectin showed a rather good affinity for MRPs, mainly MRP1, in the micromolar range, although it was lower than that for Pgp. The transport of BODIPY-ivermectin was followed in cells overexpressing selectively Pgp or MRP1. In both cell lines, inhibition of the transporter activity induced intracellular retention of BODIPY-ivermectin. Our data revealed the specific interaction of ivermectin with MRP proteins, and its transport by MRP1. Although Pgp has been considered until now as the sole active transporter for this drug, the MRPs should be taken into account for the transport of ivermectin across cell membrane, modulating its disposition in addition to Pgp. This could be of importance for optimizing clinical efficacy of ML-based antiparasitic treatments. This offers fair perspectives for the use of ivermectin or non-toxic derivatives as multidrug resistance-reversing agents.  相似文献   

Three stage-specific cohesive systems operate in D. discoideum: VEG, elaborated by vegetative cells: AR, by aggregation competent cells; and PAR, by post aggregation stage cells. Previous study of a mutant strain JC-5 had shown the stability of its PAR system (but not the AR) to be temperature sensitive. However, the phenotypic expression of this mutation termed Coh A is complicated by the presence in that strain of a preexisting mutant gene Rde A, which accelerates developmental events generally and alters the pattern of morphogenesis. Genetic evidence presented here indicates that the two mutations have been separated by parasexual recombination yielding a Coh A, Rde A+ segregant class of which strain JC-36 is a prototype. At the permissive temperature, JC-36 follows a morphogenetic sequence like that of the wild type in respect to timing, morphogenetic pattern, and spore appearance. At the restrictive temperature, it forms normal aggregates at the usual time but exhibits two morphogenetic aberrancies during post aggregative development. First, fruit construction is arrested at a stage approximating the 16 hr “Bottle” stage of the wild type, though more squat and blunt tipped, and then the aggregate regresses. Cytodifferentiation into spores and stalk cells is also blocked. Second, a shift of slugs migrating normally at the permissive temperature to the restrictive causes the latter to disintegrate progressively as they leave clumps of cells behind them within the flattened sheath. JC-36 cells developing at the restrictive temperature also exhibited a decrease in EDTA resistant cohesivity attributable on two grounds to the sensitivity of the PAR system. In addition, the disappearance of the AR system completed in the wild type by the Mexicanhat (18–19 hr) stage is indefinitely arrested at an intermediate level in JC-36.  相似文献   

Dacryodes edulis is one of the most preferred tree species by farmers in the humid lowlands of Cameroon. The fruit of the species figures prominently in cross-boundary trade between Cameroon, Nigeria and Gabon. Although there exist empirical data on the volume of trade of the fruit at this level, no data are available at the farm level. A field survey was undertaken to identify uses, management, and farmers’ improvement objectives and to quantify, at the farm-level, the economic potential of the species. The results of the survey indicate thatD. edulis is widely planted and found mainly in tree crop fields and in home gardens. The fruit is highly consumed and traded. The farm-level value of fruit production reaches $US161 a year per grower or collector. The dead branches of the species are used as firewood and its bark is used as medicine. Desired improvement objectives include increased fruit size, good tasting fruit, high yield and reduced time to bearing.  相似文献   

An isolated population of approximately 50 lions (Panthera leo L.) in Waza National Park, Cameroon, caused considerable damage to livestock. Home range sizes of five collared lions were assessed, the mean was very large: 630 km2. The lions differed in their stock raiding behaviour, with two male habitual problem animals, one female nonproblem animal and two female seasonal problem animals that left the Park in the wet season. Together, they were inferred to kill over 100 heads of cattle annually.  相似文献   

4-Bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine (2C-B) is a psychoactive drug of abuse often sold under the general street name "Ecstasy". Recent reports on the abuse of 2C-B and analogues denote the lack of knowledge on this drug metabolism. In the present study, we investigated the metabolic profile of 2C-B in the mouse and found unchanged 2C-B and several metabolites, which could be identified by GC/MS in the mice urine. The identification of 2C-B metabolites may give important clues for the biological and toxicological effects of this drug of abuse and provides new important data for forensic analysis on samples taken from 2C-B abusers.  相似文献   

The Transporter Classification (TC) system is a functional/phylogenetic system designed for the classification of all transmembrane transport proteins found in living organisms on Earth. It parallels but differs from the strictly functional EC system developed decades ago by the Enzyme Commission of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB) for the classification of enzymes. Recently, the TC system has been adopted by the IUBMB as the internationally acclaimed system for the classification of transporters. Here we present the characteristics of the nearly 400 families of transport systems included in the TC system and provide statistical analyses of these families and their constituent proteins. Specifically, we analyze the transporter types for size and topological differences and analyze the families for the numbers and organismal sources of their constituent members. We show that channels and carriers exhibit distinctive structural and topological features. Bacterial-specific families outnumber eukaryotic-specific families about 2 to 1, while ubiquitous families, found in all three domains of life, are about half as numerous as eukaryotic-specific families. The results argue against appreciable horizontal transfer of genes encoding transporters between the three domains of life over the last 2 billion years.  相似文献   

The Global Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis has made considerable progress but is experiencing challenges in meeting targets in some countries. Recent World Health Organization guidelines have recommended two rounds of triple-drug therapy with ivermectin, diethylcarbamazine (DEC), and albendazole (IDA), in areas where mass drug administration (MDA) results with two drugs (DEC and albendazole) have been suboptimal, as is the case in Samoa. In August 2018, Samoa was the first country in the world to implement countrywide triple-drug MDA. This paper aims to describe Samoa’s experience with program coverage and adverse events (AEs) in the first round of triple-drug MDA. We conducted a large cross-sectional community survey to assess MDA awareness, reach, compliance, coverage and AEs in September/October 2018, 7–11 weeks after the first round of triple-drug MDA. In our sample of 4420 people aged ≥2 years (2.2% of the population), age-adjusted estimates indicated that 89.0% of the eligible population were offered MDA, 83.9% of the eligible population took MDA (program coverage), and 80.2% of the total population took MDA (epidemiological coverage). Overall, 83.8% (2986/3563) reported that they did not feel unwell at all after taking MDA. Mild AEs (feeling unwell but able to do normal everyday things) were reported by 13.3% (476/3563) and moderate or severe AEs (feeling unwell and being unable to do normal everyday activities such as going to work or school) by 2.9% (103/3563) of participants. This study following the 2018 triple-drug MDA in Samoa demonstrated a high reported program awareness and reach of 90.8% and 89.0%, respectively. Age-adjusted program coverage of 83.9% of the total population showed that MDA was well accepted and well tolerated by the community.  相似文献   

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