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For many protein therapeutics including monoclonal antibodies, aggregate removal process can be complex and challenging. We evaluated two different process analytical technology (PAT) applications that couple a purification unit performing preparative hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) to a multi-angle light scattering (MALS) system. Using first principle measurements, the MALS detector calculates weight-average molar mass, Mw and can control aggregate levels in purification. The first application uses an in-line MALS to send start/stop fractionation trigger signals directly to the purification unit when preset Mw criteria are met or unmet. This occurs in real-time and eliminates the need for analysis after purification. The second application uses on-line ultra-high performance size-exclusion liquid chromatography to sample from the purification stream, separating the mAb species and confirming their Mw using a µMALS detector. The percent dimer (1.5%) determined by the on-line method is in agreement with the data from the in-line application (Mw increase of approximately 2750 Da). The novel HIC-MALS systems demonstrated here can be used as a powerful tool for real-time aggregate monitoring and control during biologics purification enabling future real time release of biotherapeutics.  相似文献   

As the therapeutic monoclonal antibody (mAb) market continues to grow, optimizing production processes is becoming more critical in improving efficiencies and reducing cost-of-goods in large-scale production. With the recent trends of increasing cell culture titers from upstream process improvements, downstream capacity has become the bottleneck in many existing manufacturing facilities. Single Pass Tangential Flow Filtration (SPTFF) is an emerging technology, which is potentially useful in debottlenecking downstream capacity, especially when the pool tank size is a limiting factor. It can be integrated as part of an existing purification process, after a column chromatography step or a filtration step, without introducing a new unit operation. In this study, SPTFF technology was systematically evaluated for reducing process intermediate volumes from 2× to 10× with multiple mAbs and the impact of SPTFF on product quality, and process yield was analyzed. Finally, the potential fit into the typical 3-column industry platform antibody purification process and its implementation in a commercial scale manufacturing facility were also evaluated. Our data indicate that using SPTFF to concentrate protein pools is a simple, flexible, and robust operation, which can be implemented at various scales to improve antibody purification process capacity.  相似文献   

An orthogonal chromatography methodology for the enrichment of host cell protein (HCP) species relative to monoclonal antibody (mAb) products was developed and applied for the successful enrichment of HCP from post‐Protein A process pools for seven different mAb products. An advanced two‐dimensional liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry platform (2D‐LC/MSE) was utilized to demonstrate that the HCP enriched material was representative, in terms of species content, to pre‐enriched process pools. The HCP enrichment methodology was scaled up for two different mAb products, and this process relevant enriched HCP material was used to conduct advanced spike challenge studies to demonstrate the utility of the approach for the understanding of (1) quantitative HCP clearance, (2) individual species clearance, and (3) species clearance redundancy across polishing chromatography steps. The combined ability to enrich process relevant HCP, detect individual HCP species with 2D‐LC/MSE technology, and conduct advanced challenge studies with process relevant material surmounts prior limitations to high integrity process challenge study implementation, and facilitates significant process understanding for development of risk‐based control strategies and strategic process design. This also demonstrates implementation of a foundational strategy for conducting spike‐challenge studies using process‐relevant impurities isolated from processes of interest using orthogonal approaches. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:983–989, 2015  相似文献   

Integrated designs of chromatographic processes for purification of biopharmaceuticals provides potential gains in operational efficiency and reductions of costs and material requirements. We describe a combined method using screening and in silico algorithms for ranking chromatographic steps to rapidly design orthogonally selective integrated processes for purifying protein therapeutics from both process- and product-related impurities. IFN-α2b produced in Pichia pastoris containing a significant product variant challenge was used as a case study. The product and product-related variants were screened on a set of 14 multimodal, ion exchange, and hydrophobic charge induction chromatography resins under various pH and salt linear gradient conditions. Data generated from reversed-phase chromatography of the fractions collected were used to generate a retention database for IFN-α2b and its variants. These data, in combination with a previously constructed process-related impurity database for P. pastoris, were input into an in silico process development tool that generated and ranked all possible integrated chromatographic sequences for their ability to remove both process and product-related impurities. Top-ranking outputs guided the experimental refinement of two successful three step purification processes, one comprising all bind-elute steps and the other having two bind-elute steps and a flowthrough operation. This approach suggests a new platform-like approach for rapidly designing purification processes for a range of proteins where separations of both process- and product-related impurities are needed.  相似文献   

Knowledge‐based development of chromatographic separation processes requires efficient techniques to determine the physicochemical properties of the product and the impurities to be removed. These characterization techniques are usually divided into approaches that determine molecular properties, such as charge, hydrophobicity and size, or molecular interactions with auxiliary materials, commonly in the form of adsorption isotherms. In this study we demonstrate the application of a three‐dimensional liquid chromatography approach to a clarified cell homogenate containing a therapeutic enzyme. Each separation dimension determines a molecular property relevant to the chromatographic behavior of each component. Matching of the peaks across the different separation dimensions and against a high‐resolution reference chromatogram allows to assign the determined parameters to pseudo‐components, allowing to determine the most promising technique for the removal of each impurity. More detailed process design using mechanistic models requires isotherm parameters. For this purpose, the second dimension consists of multiple linear gradient separations on columns in a high‐throughput screening compatible format, that allow regression of isotherm parameters with an average standard error of 8%. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:1283–1291, 2016  相似文献   

In this study, we describe a new approach for the characterization of process‐related impurities along with an in silico tool to generate orthogonal, integrated downstream purification processes for biological products. A one‐time characterization of process‐related impurities from product expression in Pichia pastoris was first carried out using linear salt and pH gradients on a library of multimodal, salt‐tolerant, and hydrophobic charge induction chromatographic resins. The Reversed‐phase ultra‐performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) analysis of the fractions from these gradients was then used to generate large data sets of impurity profiles. A retention database of the biological product was also generated using the same linear salt and pH gradients on these resins, without fraction collection. The resulting two data sets were then analyzed using an in silico tool, which incorporated integrated manufacturing constraints to generate and rank potential three‐step purification sequences based on their predicted purification performance as well as whole‐process “orthogonality” for impurity removal. Highly ranked sequences were further examined to identify templates for process development. The efficacy of this approach was successfully demonstrated for the rapid development of robust integrated processes for human growth hormone and granulocyte‐colony stimulating factor.  相似文献   

The specialized protein synthesis functions of the cytosol and endoplasmic reticulum compartments are conferred by the signal recognition particle (SRP) pathway, which directs the cotranslational trafficking of signal sequence-encoding mRNAs from the cytosol to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Although subcellular mRNA distributions largely mirror the binary pattern predicted by the SRP pathway model, studies in mammalian cells, yeast, and Drosophila have also demonstrated that cytosolic protein-encoding mRNAs are broadly represented on ER-bound ribosomes. A mechanism for such noncanonical mRNA localization remains, however, to be identified. Here, we examine the hypothesis that de novo translation initiation on ER-bound ribosomes serves as a mechanism for localizing cytosolic protein-encoding mRNAs to the ER. As a test of this hypothesis, we performed single molecule RNA fluorescence in situ hybridization studies of subcellular mRNA distributions and report that a substantial fraction of mRNAs encoding the cytosolic protein GAPDH resides in close proximity to the ER. Consistent with these data, analyses of subcellular mRNA and ribosome distributions in multiple cell lines demonstrated that cytosolic protein mRNA-ribosome distributions were strongly correlated, whereas signal sequence-encoding mRNA-ribosome distributions were divergent. Ribosome footprinting studies of ER-bound polysomes revealed a substantial initiation codon read density enrichment for cytosolic protein-encoding mRNAs. We also demonstrate that eukaryotic initiation factor 2α is bound to the ER via a salt-sensitive, ribosome-independent mechanism. Combined, these data support ER-localized translation initiation as a mechanism for mRNA recruitment to the ER.  相似文献   

The single segment, double-stranded RNA genome of the L-A virus (L-A) of yeast encodes two proteins: the major coat protein Gag (76 kDa) and the Gag-Pol fusion protein (180 kDa). The icosahedral L-A capsid is formed by 120 copies of Gag and has architecture similar to that seen in the reovirus, blue tongue virus and rice dwarf virus inner protein shells. Gag chemically removes the m7GMP caps from host cellular mRNAs. Previously we identified a trench on the outer surface of Gag that included His154, to which caps are covalently attached. Here we report the refined L-A coordinates at 3.4 angstroms resolution with additional structural features and the structure of L-A with bound m7GDP at 6.5 angstroms resolution, which shows the conformational change of the virus upon ligand binding. Based on site-directed mutations, residues in or adjacent to the trench that are essential (or dispensable) for the decapping reaction are described here. Along with His154, the reaction requires a cluster of positive charge adjoining the trench and residues Tyr 452, Tyr150 and either Tyr or Phe at position 538. A tentative mechanism for decapping is proposed.  相似文献   

Model-based design of integrated continuous train coupled with online process analytical technology (PAT) tool can be a potent facilitator for monitoring and control of Critical Quality Attributes (CQAs) in real time. Charge variants are product related variants and are often regarded as CQAs as they may impact potency and efficacy of drug. Robust pooling decision is required for achieving uniform charge variant composition for mAbs as baseline separation between closely related variants is rarely achieved in process scale chromatography. In this study, we propose a digital twin of a continuous chromatography process, integrated with an online HPLC-PAT tool for delivering real time pooling decisions to achieve uniform charge variant composition. The integrated downstream process comprised continuous multicolumn capture protein A chromatography, viral inactivation in coiled flow inverter reactor (CFIR), and multicolumn CEX polishing step. An online HPLC was connected to the harvest tank before protein A chromatography. Both empirical and mechanistic modeling have been considered. The model states were updated in real time using online HPLC charge variant data for prediction of the initial and final cut point for CEX eluate, according to which the process chromatography was directed to switch from collection to waste to achieve the desired charge variant composition in the CEX pool. Two case studies were carried out to demonstrate this control strategy. In the first case study, the continuous train was run for initially 14 h for harvest of fixed charge variant composition as feed. In the second case study, charge variant composition was dynamically changed by introducing forced perturbation to mimic the deviations that may be encountered during perfusion cell culture. The control strategy was successfully implemented for more than ±5% variability in the acidic variants of the feed with its composition in the range of acidic (13%–17%), main (18%–23%), and basic (59%–68%) variants. Both the case studies yielded CEX pool of uniform distribution of acidic, main and basic profiles in the range of 15 ± 0.8, 31 ± 0.3, and 53 ± 0.5%, respectively, in the case of empirical modeling and 15 ± 0.5, 31 ± 0.3, and 53 ± 0.3%, respectively, in the case of mechanistic modeling. In both cases, process yield for main species was >85% and the use of online HPLC early in the purification train helped in making quicker decision for pooling of CEX eluate. The results thus successfully demonstrate the technical feasibility of creating digital twins of bioprocess operations and their utility for process control.  相似文献   

Molecular Cloning of cDNA to mRNA for a Cerebellar Spot 35 Protein   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The nucleotide sequence of mRNA for rat cerebellar spot 35 protein, a Ca-binding protein, was determined from recombinant complementary DNA (cDNA) clones. The sequence was composed of 1,714 base pairs (bp) which included the 783 bp of the complete coding region, the 130 bp of the 5'-noncoding region, and the 801 bp of the 3'-noncoding region containing a polyadenylation signal. In addition, a polyadenylic acid [poly(A)] tail was also found. Because the size of spot 35 mRNA was estimated to be about 1,900 bases by Northern blot analysis, the longest insert was verified to contain a nearly full-length cDNA sequence including the poly(A) tail. The amino acid sequence of the protein deduced from the nucleotide sequence contains 261 amino acids and at least five Ca-binding domains. There was a high homology in the amino acid sequences (79%) and the nucleotide sequences (77%) between spot 35 protein and chick intestinal Ca-binding protein (28K).  相似文献   

High throughput approaches to facilitate the development of chromatographic separations have now been adopted widely in the biopharmaceutical industry, but issues of how to reduce the associated analytical burden remain. For example, acquiring experimental data by high level factorial designs in 96 well plates can place a considerable strain upon assay capabilities, generating a bottleneck that limits significantly the speed of process characterization. This article proposes an approach designed to counter this challenge; Strategic Assay Deployment (SAD). In SAD, a set of available analytical methods is investigated to determine which set of techniques is the most appropriate to use and how best to deploy these to reduce the consumption of analytical resources while still enabling accurate and complete process characterization. The approach is demonstrated by investigating how salt concentration and pH affect the binding of green fluorescent protein from Escherichia coli homogenate to an anion exchange resin presented in a 96‐well filter plate format. Compared with the deployment of routinely used analytical methods alone, the application of SAD reduced both the total assay time and total assay material consumption by at least 40% and 5%, respectively. SAD has significant utility in accelerating bioprocess development activities. © 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2012  相似文献   

Northern blotting (NB), a gold standard for RNA detection, has lost its charm due to its hands-on nature, need for good quality RNA, and radioactivity. With the emergence of the field of microRNAs (miRNAs), the necessity for sensitive and quantitative NBs has again emerged. Here, we developed highly sensitive yet non-radiolabeled, fast, economical NB, and liquid hybridization (LH) assays without radioactivity or specialized reagents like locked nucleic acid (LNA)- or digoxigenin-labeled probes for mRNAs/small RNAs, especially miRNAs using biotinylated probes. An improvised means of hybridizing oligo probes along with efficient transfer, cross-linking, and signal enhancement techniques was employed. Important caveats of each assay were elaborated upon, especially issues related to probe biotinylation, use of exonuclease, and bioimagers not reported earlier. We demonstrate that, while the NBs were sensitive for mRNAs and small RNAs, our LH protocol could efficiently detect these and miRNAs using less than 10–100 times the total amount of RNA, a sensitivity comparable to radiolabeled probes. Compared to NBs, LH was a faster, more sensitive, and specific approach for mRNA/small RNA/miRNA detection. A comparison of present work with six seminal studies is presented along with detailed protocols for easy reproducibility. Overall, our study provides effective platforms to study large and small RNAs in a sensitive, efficient, and cost-effective manner.  相似文献   

A procedure for the rapid fractionation of mRNA has been used to enrich mRNAs encoding a set of intermediate filament proteins in trophoblastoma cells. The procedure involves sucrose-gradient fractionation followed by high-resolution preparative gel electrophoresis. Part of the enriched mRNA preparation has been used to prepare a hybridization probe to screen a trophoblastoma cDNA library in Escherichia coli. A small proportion of the clones hybridized to the probe, and among these a specific clone was identified.  相似文献   

This article presents the use of caprylic acid (CA) to precipitate impurities from the protein A capture column elution pool for the purification of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) with the objective of developing a two chromatography step antibody purification process. A CA‐induced impurity precipitation in the protein A column elution pool was evaluated as an alternative method to polishing chromatography techniques for use in the purification of mAbs. Parameters including pH, CA concentrations, mixing time, mAb concentrations, buffer systems, and incubation temperatures were evaluated on their impacts on the impurity removal, high‐molecular weight (HMW) formation and precipitation step yield. Both pH and CA concentration, but not mAb concentrations and buffer systems, are key parameters that can affect host–cell proteins (HCPs) clearance, HMW species, and yield. CA precipitation removes HCPs and some HMW species to the acceptable levels under the optimal conditions. The CA precipitation process is robust at 15–25°C. For all five mAbs tested in this study, the optimal CA concentration range is 0.5–1.0%, while the pH range is from 5.0 to 6.0. A purification process using two chromatography steps (protein A capture column and ion exchange polishing column) in combination with CA‐based impurity precipitation step can be used as a robust downstream process for mAb molecules with a broad range of isoelectric points. Residual CA can be effectively removed by the subsequent polishing cation exchange chromatography. © 2015 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 31:1515–1525, 2015  相似文献   

Process Analytical Technology (PAT) has been gaining a lot of momentum in the biopharmaceutical community because of the potential for continuous real time quality assurance resulting in improved operational control and compliance. In previous publications, we have demonstrated feasibility of applications involving use of high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) for real‐time pooling of process chromatography column. In this article we follow a similar approach to perform lab studies and create a model for a chromatography step of a different modality (hydrophobic interaction chromatography). It is seen that the predictions of the model compare well to actual experimental data, demonstrating the usefulness of the approach across the different modes of chromatography. Also, use of online HPLC when the step is scaled up to pilot scale (a 2294 fold scale‐up from a 3.4 mL column in the lab to a 7.8 L column in the pilot plant) and eventually to manufacturing scale (a 45930 fold scale‐up from a 3.4 mL column in the lab to a 158 L column in the manufacturing plant) is examined. Overall, the results confirm that for the application under consideration, online‐HPLC offers a feasible approach for analysis that can facilitate real‐time decisions for column pooling based on product quality attributes. The observations demonstrate that the proposed analytical scheme allows us to meet two of the key goals that have been outlined for PAT, i.e., “variability is managed by the process” and “product quality attributes can be accurately and reliably predicted over the design space established for materials used, process parameters, manufacturing, environmental, and other conditions”. The application presented here can be extended to other modes of process chromatography and/or HPLC analysis. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

Zone-interference chromatography is a new method for studying macromolecular interactions (S. Endo and A. Wada, Anal. Biochem. 124 (1982) 372). This method is a new style of affinity chromatography which requires no preparation of affinity-column materials but utilizes the velocity difference in a column between interacting molecular species. Using the stochastic theory on the behavior of solute molecules, both the association and the dissociation rate constants can be analytically obtained from the degree of deformation of elution patterns, i.e., the change of the first and second moments. In order to verify the present theory, computer simulation of elution profiles by the extended plate theory and a binding experiment between glutamate dehydrogenase and ADP have been carried out.  相似文献   

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