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猫小脑皮质浦肯野细胞超微结构的年龄相关变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的比较观察青年猫(1-3岁)和老年猫(12-13岁)小脑皮质浦肯野细胞(Purkinje cell,PC)的超微结构,探讨其年龄相关变化的生理意义。方法常规电镜包埋、切片、染色,透射电镜下观察并拍照。结果老年组PC粗面内质网碎裂,核糖体解离;线粒体膨解,嵴减少;高尔基复合体扁平囊扩张,极性退化;脂褐素聚积;膜性髓样结构与空泡变性出现;核膜内陷,染色质固缩;生物膜系统结构破坏等。结论衰老过程中细胞器结构退化可能影响老年PC物质合成、能量供应、信息传递及神经元的结构稳定,导致衰老PC死亡,推测与老年个体运动调节和运动学习等小脑功能退化有重要联系。  相似文献   

目的观察慢性酒精中毒所致的成年小鼠小脑皮质浦肯野细胞(Purkinje cell,PC)胞体的超微结构变化,探讨其对神经元超微结构的影响方式及生理意义。方法用15%酒精饲喂3月龄小白鼠3个月,经行为学检测后,取小脑前叶做电镜包埋,切片,染色,透射电镜下观察并拍照。结果酒精中毒组PC核周质中线粒体膨解,基质囊泡化;高尔基复合体扁平囊扩张;粗面内质网碎裂,核糖体颗粒减少;空泡变性出现;双层核膜界限不清;染色质边集等变化。结论慢性酒精中毒可导致小脑浦肯野细胞多种细胞器出现异常改变,推测这些变化可引起胞内物质合成减少,空间构筑紊乱,神经元死亡,最终导致小脑功能损伤。  相似文献   

小脑浦肯野细胞的轴突是小脑皮层唯一的传出通路,研究其动作电位传输能力对于了解小脑的生理功能具有重要意义.大鼠在出生后第2周到第3周,小脑浦肯野细胞的形态及功能都有显著变化,产生动作电位的能力明显增强.而轴突上动作电位传输能力的变化还有待研究.运用胞体以及轴突的双电极膜片钳技术,研究了出生8天以及15天的Wistar大鼠小脑浦肯野细胞轴突上动作电位的传输.与8天组相比,15天组大鼠小脑浦肯野细胞轴突上动作电位的传输能力明显增强.后超极化可以增强8天组轴突上动作电位的传输能力.研究表明,随着发育的成熟,动作电位的产生能力以及轴突上动作电位的传输能力同步增强.  相似文献   

Tian L  Wen YQ  Li HZ  Xiong HB  Wang JJ 《生理学报》1999,(2):219-223
在离体大鼠小脑脑片上观察了组胺对小脑皮层第Ⅹ小叶浦肯野细胞的作用。组胺(3~100μmol/L)主要引起浦肯野细胞的兴奋反应(944%,51/54),在少数细胞上也观察到组胺所引起的放电抑制现象(56%,3/54)。用低Ca2+/高Mg2+人工脑脊液灌流脑片,不能取消浦肯野细胞对组胺的兴奋反应(n=4)。H2受体对抗剂ranitidine(01~5μmol/L)能够阻断浦肯野细胞对组胺的兴奋反应(n=20),而H1受体对抗剂triprolidine(05~5μmol/L)不能够(n=9)或仅轻微地(n=4)阻断浦肯野细胞对组胺的兴奋反应。这些结果提示,组胺可能主要通过H2受体的介导对浦肯野细胞起兴奋性调节作用,下丘脑小脑组胺能神经通路可能参与了小脑的某些躯体的和非躯体的功能调节。  相似文献   

本研究在麻醉并制动的大鼠上观察了电刺激巨细胞网状核(Gi)对小脑浦肯野细胞(PC)自发及诱发简单锋电位的影响。结果如下:(1)刺激Gi可使PC的简单锋电位出现潜伏期小于20ms的抑制性或兴奋性反应,并以抑制性反应为主。抑制性反应持续40-100ms,而兴奋性反应的时程可达200ms以上;(2)注射5-HT_2型受体阻断剂methysergide可以减弱或阻断电刺激Gi对PC自发简单锋电位的抑制作用;(3)条件性Gi刺激可以显著压抑或加强由刺激对侧大脑皮层感觉运动区引起的PC诱发简单锋电位反应。以上结果说明:在大鼠存在Gi-小脑通路,这一通路中的部分纤维是5-HT能的。Gi-小脑纤维可能通过突触和/或非经典突触的化学传递方式对PC的电活动产生某种调制性的影响。推测Gi-小脑传入纤维投射可能在某些小脑功能活动,如肌紧张及姿势的调节等方面发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

在麻醉并麻痹的猫上观察到:刺激中缝背核(DR)可引起小脑皮层浦肯野细胞(PC)兴奋或抑制(主要是抑制);由被动性腕关节屈伸运动刺激引起的外周本体传入可以增强或减速PC对DR刺激的反应。这些结果表明中缝-小脑5-HT能纤维的传入活动可以调制PC的放电活动,并与外周传入有相互作用。  相似文献   

吴杰  陈培熹 《生理学报》1992,44(4):340-346
Simple spike of cerebellar Purkinje cells (PC-SS) was recorded with microelectrode. In the NCCVF (normalized cross-covariance function) histogram, spontaneous PC-SS does not show obvious peak. When the saphenous nerve is stimulated at lower intensities, which elicits the A-fiber input only, the discharge response (A-CED) consists of an early component with a latency of 16.7 +/- 0.9 ms and a late component with a latency of 270.8 +/- 12.8 ms. After A-fibers are blocked selectively by polarizing current, the stimulation at a suprathreshold strength for C-fiber evokes a characteristic response (C-CED) with a latency of 142.4 +/- 4.3 ms. However, the C-CED can not be evoked by the inputs of A- and C-fiber simultaneously. In NPSDF histogram, the spontaneous activities of PC-SS can be divided into two groups, the high and the low peak group. The high peak group (n = 15) has a peak energy value of 15.7 +/- 4.7 x 10(-3) and peak frequency of 4.07 +/- 1.69 Hz. A-fiber input causes an increase of the peak value, while C-fiber input causes a decrease. The low peak group (n = 16) has a peak energy value 8.4 +/- 1.4 x 10(-3) and peak frequency of 3.67 +/- 2.90 Hz. Both A-fiber and C-fiber inputs cause an increase of the peak value, but the effect of A-fiber input was more prominent. The results show that the pure C-fiber input can reach the cerebellar PC and elicit characteristic simple spike response.  相似文献   

目的观察胶质细胞源性神经营养因子(GDNF)在青年和老年大鼠小脑和海马中的表达特征。方法采用免疫组织化学方法显示GDNF在青年及老年大鼠小脑和海马的分布变化。应用计算机图像分析系统对免疫组织化学反应切片进行检测。结果青年组小脑蒲肯野细胞GDNF阳性反应明显强于老年组;但在青年和老年大鼠海马区,GDNF免疫细胞反应的差别并不明显。结论GDNF在蒲氏细胞内含量的增龄性变化提示它影响蒲肯野细胞及小脑其它神经元的功能与存活,对于小脑神经细胞的老化有重要意义。  相似文献   

脊髓小脑共济失调(spinocerebellar ataxias, SCAs)是一组常染色体显性遗传性神经退行性疾病。目前已知的SCAs亚型众多,具有明显的遗传异质性和临床变异性。浦肯野神经元变性和小脑萎缩是大部分SCAs亚型共同的病理特征。浦肯野神经元的生理功能受到多重因素的调节,其信号转导功能障碍会导致小脑运动控制能力失常。本文主要综述了SCAs中浦肯野神经元电压门控离子通道、细胞内钙信号及谷氨酸信号转导异常,旨在为深入理解SCAs的共同发病机制、寻找并开发特异性治疗方法提供理论依据。  相似文献   

NA和5-HT对小脑脑片浦肯野细胞自发及诱发电活动的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在大鼠小脑脑片上观察了NA和5-HT对浦肯野细胞(PC)的自发放电活动及由白质刺激所引起的诱发放电活动的影响。结果表明:(1)NA使PC产生抑制、兴奋和双相反应,以抑制反应为主(79.8%);5-HT引起PC兴奋和抑制反应,以兴奋反应略多(57.8%)。(2)先后灌流NA和5-HT对同一个PC自发放电的影响主要为抑制(NA)-兴奋(5-HT)(53.8%)。(3)NA对PC的诱发复杂锋电位(CS)和简单锋电位(SS)反应,主要产生增强效应(57.1%和62.8%);5-HT对PC诱发CS和SS反应则主要产生压抑作用(60.0%和68.2%)。(4)先后灌流NA和5-HT对同一个PC的诱发CS和SS反应,主要表现为NA对这两种诱发反应的增强和5-HT的压抑效应(60.0%和52.9%)。这些结果提示,NA能和5-HT能传入纤维可以通过释放NA和5-HT调节PC的兴奋性水平并改变PC对爬行纤维和苦状纤维突触传入的反应敏感性,影响小脑皮层神经元网络的感觉运动整合过程。  相似文献   

目的 观察树突棘素在大鼠小脑中的表达及年龄相关性变化。方法 应用免疫组织化学和Western blot方法,显示树突棘素在不同年龄组的大鼠小脑中的表达,并用图像分析系统对阳性免疫反应结果进行定量分析。结果 在中年组大鼠小脑中,树突棘素呈高表达,而在老年组和青年组大鼠小脑组织中表达水平相对较低。在小脑树突棘素的表达以分子层为主,其次表达在颗粒层细胞周围,少量树突棘素在大鼠小脑的蒲肯野细胞也有表达。结论 树突棘素的表达随着年龄的改变而变化;这种变化可能与不同年龄段大鼠小脑组织中突触的可塑性变化有关。  相似文献   

The maturation of cerebellar Purkinje cells of normal and nervous (nr/nr) mutant mice has been studied by light and electron microscopy. In the mutant, 90% of Purkinje cells selectively degenerate between postnatal days 23 and 50. Losses are greater in lateral than medial regions. Other cerebellar neurons appear normal. The first morphological abnormality recognized is the presence of rounded mitochondria in perikarya of some Purkinje cells of the mutant at 9 days after birth. By 15 days, all nr/nr Purkinje cells contain spherical mitochondria and begin to deviate from the normal maturational sequence. Elaboration of the extensive dendritic tree halts midway and newly formed axon collateral fibers degenerate. In the perikaryon, the basal polysomal accumulation and climbing fiber-somatic spine synapses are sometimes abnormally retained. Cisternae of the Golgi apparatus and rough endoplasmic reticulum cease to form aligned stacks, and decrease in number, while polysomes dissociate into free ribosomes. These changes are progressive, culminating in cell death. Although every nr/nr Purkinje cell demonstrates spherical mitochondria, some cells survive the critical period, retain a near-normal complement of organelles, and reacquire normal-appearing mitochondria. The disorder appears intrinsic to Purkinje cells since all major classes of synapses were identified before cell death.  相似文献   

Cytophotometric studies revealed that the content of Feulgen DNA in Purkinje cells in the developing rat cerebellum remains at the diploid level throughout the postnatal life. No evidence was found to suggest resumption of DNA synthesis in the neurons. This finding is in accord with autoradiographic observations that neuroblasts once differentiated from matrix cells do not synthesize DNA nor divide again.  相似文献   

Embryonic ectodermal cells of rat embryos were examined by light and electron microscopy during the early stage of neurulation. Before the onset of neurulation (day 9–6 hr embryos), the cells underwent certain characteristic ultrastructural changes; that is, apical cytoplasmic protrusions and free spherules appeared, numerous vacuoles were formed in the cytoplasm, mitochondria showed ballooning, and the endoplasmic reticulum became dilated. The amniotic cells derived from the embryonic ectoderm exhibited the same ultrastructural changes, but those from the extraembryonic mesoderm did not. Embryonic mesodermal cells and neuroectodermal cells also did not show these changes. In the middle stage of neurulation (day 9–12 hr embryos), the embryonic ectodermal cells and the amniotic cells derived from the embryonic ectoderm assumed a flat squamous shape. None of the ultrastructural changes observed in day 9–6 hr embryos were noted in these cells. The functional significance of the production of apical cytoplasmic protrusions and free spherules in the embryonic ectodermal cells and amniotic cells is discussed in relation to similar phenomena reported to occur in other cell types.  相似文献   

Abstract— The effect of the convulsant, 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MP) on the content of free amino acids and on the activity of some enzymes related to their metabolism was studied in the rat cerebellum. A decrease in the activity of glutamate decarboxylase (EC and in the level of GABA was found; at the same time, the activity of GABA-aminotransferase (EC was increased. These changes coincided with a profound alteration of the morphology of the Purkinje cells which was related to the dose of MP. These findings, plus some changes in the content of other free amino acids and the activities of related enzymes, suggest that 3-mercaptopropionic acid induces in the cerebellum an imbalance among the amino acids involved in the excitation-inhibition mechanisms.  相似文献   

新生大鼠雌激素注射后睾丸肥大细胞的变化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
新生大鼠注射雌二醇后,睾丸肥大细胞于第30天可见到,细胞数量随年龄增长而增多,生后4-6个月,睾丸网附近仍可见大量肥大细胞。睾丸内的肥大细胞比皮肤内的结缔组织肥大细胞(CTMC)小而与小肠粘膜的粘膜肥大细胞(MMC)相近,AB-S染色后基本着蓝色,硫酸小檗碱荧光染色后呈现中等强度黄色荧光,结果提示,新生大鼠雌激素注射后睾丸内肥大细胞的增多可能与免疫过程有关,睾丸内肥大细胞与CTMC和MMC皆有所不同。  相似文献   

对AFP基因重新表达的分子机制的研究,有助于了解癌变的本质。我们以AFPmRNA反转录合成的~3H-cDNA为探针,进行液相杂交;用RAF 65和RAF_(87)与体外染色质转录系统转录的~(32)P-RNA进行点杂交,测出移植性大鼠肝癌AH_(66)细胞核和离体染色质的AFP基因转录水平远远高于正常大鼠肝。以BamHI,EcoRI,HindⅢ和PstI酶解基因组DNA,然后与缺口翻译标记的~(32)P-RAF_(65)和~(32)P-RAF_(87)探针杂交,测知BamHI和EcoRI的酶谱相同,而HindⅢ和Pst I的带型明显不同,表明结构上存在某些变化。用HpaⅡ和MspI测定了AH_(66)和正常大鼠肝AFP基因的甲基化程度,结果表明,AH_(66)的AFP基因甲基化不足。AFP基因的染色质构型,由它对DNaseI的敏感性来测定,AH_(66)对DNaseI比正常大鼠肝更敏感,表明基因处于活性状态。所有这些结果表明,AH_(66)的AFP基因存在某些结构上的变化,这种变化对于AFP基因从掩盖到活性状态可能是重要的。  相似文献   

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