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The gene encoding human phenol-preferring phenol sulfotransferase (STP) has been cloned and mapped to chromosome 16p. A HindIII RFLP in this gene is described.  相似文献   

The highly polymorphic fourth component of human complement (C4) is usually encoded by two genes. C4A and C4B, adjacent to the 21-hydroxylase (21-OH) genes, 21-OHA and 21-OHB, and is also remarkable in the high frequency of the 'null' alleles, C4A Q0 and C4B Q0. The molecular basis for the C4A Q0 allele was studied in 26 families through restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis with C4 and 21-OH cDNA probes after digestion of the DNA with the endonuclease HindIII. The individuals expressing the extended haplotype HLA-A1 (of A2) Cw7 B8 C2C BfS C4AQ0B1 DR3 have a large deletion taking off the C4A and 21-OHA genes.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) maps have been constructed for cultivated sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) using three independent sets of RFLP probes. The aim of this research was to integrate RFLP markers from two sets with RFLP markers for resistance gene candidate (RGC) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Genomic DNA samples of HA370 and HA372, the parents of the F2 population used to build the map, were screened for AFLPs using 42 primer combinations and RFLPs using 136 cDNA probes (RFLP analyses were performed on DNA digested with EcoRI, HindIII, EcoRV, or DraI). The AFLP primers produced 446 polymorphic and 1101 monomorphic bands between HA370 and HA372. The integrated map was built by genotyping 296 AFLP and 104 RFLP markers on 180 HA370 x HA372 F2 progeny (the AFLP marker assays were performed using 18 primer combinations). The HA370 x HA372 map comprised 17 linkage groups, presumably corresponding to the 17 haploid chromosomes of sunflower, had a mean density of 3.3 cM, and was 1326 cM long. Six RGC RFLP loci were polymorphic and mapped to three linkage groups (LG8, LG13, and LG15). AFLP markers were densely clustered on several linkage groups, and presumably reside in centromeric regions where recombination is reduced and the ratio of genetic to physical distance is low. Strategies for targeting markers to euchromatic DNA need to be tested in sunflower. The HA370 x HA372 map integrated 14 of 17 linkage groups from two independent RFLP maps. Three linkage groups were devoid of RFLP markers from one of the two maps.  相似文献   

Heparin cofactor II (HCII) is an inhibitor of thrombin in plasma that is activated by dermatan sulfate or heparin. An apparently full-length cDNA for HCII was isolated from a human liver lambda gt11 cDNA library. The cDNA consisted of 2215 base pairs (bp), including an open-reading frame of 1525 bp, a stop codon, a 3'-noncoding region of 654 bp, and a poly(A) tail. The deduced amino acid sequence contained a signal peptide of 19 amino acid residues and a mature protein of 480 amino acids. The sequence of HCII demonstrated homology with antithrombin III and other members of the alpha 1-antitrypsin superfamily. Blot hybridization of an HCII probe to DNA isolated from sorted human chromosomes indicated that the HCII gene is located on chromosome 22. Twenty human leukocyte DNA samples were digested with EcoRI, PstI, HindIII, KpnI, or BamHI, and Southern blots of the digests were probed with HCII cDNA fragments. A restriction fragment length polymorphism was identified with BamHI. A slightly truncated form of the cDNA, coding for Met-Ala instead of the N-terminal 18 amino acids of mature HCII, was cloned into the vector pKK233-2 and expressed in Escherichia coli. The resultant protein of apparent molecular weight 54,000 was identified on an immunoblot with 125I-labeled anti-HCII antibodies. The recombinant HCII formed a complex with 125I-thrombin in a reaction that required the presence of heparin or dermatan sulfate.  相似文献   

Summary Direct gene analysis of the haptoglobin gene region was carried out by Southern blotting using an Hp cDNA as probe. Two types of polymorphism were observed: one due to intragenic duplication, is characterized by a constant fragment length difference of 1700bp observed with several enzymes and by complete correspondence with the protein molecular weight polymorphism; the second type, due to point mutation, was represented by two additional restriction sites for Eco RI and Pst I, with a frequency comparable to that of other genes. These two mutations segregated together in families, suggesting that the recently described Hp related gene is closely linked to the Hp gene. Moreover, they were completely associated with each other. The evolutionary significance of this finding is discussed.  相似文献   

The study was aimed at the screening of human chromosomal DNA for restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) at the human thyroglobulin (hTg) gene locus. The RFLP screening was performed in a typical way. As hybridization probes were used 5 Pst I fragments of hTg cDNA of the total length 5.1 kb pairs cloned in pBR 322. One not described polymorphism was found by using the probe hTg 10, (nucleotides from position 4830 to 5810 in the 3' flanking region of hTg). Restriction enzyme Msp I identified a single two allele polymorphism: A1: 3.5 kb and A2: 2.5 kb. Of 32 unrelated healthy individuals two were homozygous for 3.5 kb, one was homozygous 2.5 kb and 29 were heterozygous for both 3.5 kb. and 2.5 kb. Thus, the frequencies of the 3.5 and 2.5 kb Msp I alleles were 0.52 and 0.48 respectively.  相似文献   

Summary Using a partial cDNA probe for human coagulation factor IX, we have detected a new restriction fragment length polymorphism in human DNA digested with MspI. The frequency of the minor allele is 0.20±0.05 and average heterozygosity is about 0.32. The MspI RELP is in strong linkage disequilibrium with the TaqI RFLP previously described, but should nevertheless be useful in segregation analysis in case of homozygosity for the TaqI minor allelc.  相似文献   

Summary A systematic search for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) on the human Y chromosome was performed. DNA samples from 16–34 individuals were screened with five restriction enzymes and 12 Y-chromosomal probes, 3 of which detect lowly repetitive sequences and 9 of which are apparently single copy in genomic DNA. None of the single-copy probes revealed any variation. The repetitive sequence probe p21A1 (DYZ?) revealed a TaqI RFLP with q = 0.05. The frequency of fixed point mutations in Y-chromosomal DNA outside the pseudoautosomal region is probably less than 1 in 18000 bp.  相似文献   

Summary The objectives of this study were to assess the degree of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) in Cucumis melo and to determine interrelationships among cultivated varieties. Initial screening of a genomic PstI library revealed that approximately 40% of the clones were repetitive. A total of 162 unique and low-copy sequence clones were hybridized to seven diverse accesions of C. melo and a C. sativus cultivar Pacer to evaluate RFLP variation. Of these, 130 probes (80%) detected a polymorphism between C. melo accessions and C. sativus, and the majority were polymorphic with more than one enzyme digest. In contrast, only 53 probes (33%) were useful in differentiating at least one of the seven accessions. Of those, only 9% were informative with more than one enzyme digest. This indicates that within C. melo, the differences among accessions are due to infrequent base substitutions, whereas between the two species, differences are mainly due to genome rearrangements such as insertions and deletions or numerous base substitutions. Of the informative probes, 34 were used in analyzing 44 C. melo lines to establish a data base of RFLP hybridization patterns. Percent similarity based on RFLP profiles was computed among lines and analyzed by principal component analysis, to visualize relationships among lines. There were clear demarcations among, but not within, muskmelon and honeydew groups.  相似文献   

Summary Using a fragment of the cDNA for human coagulation factor VIII as a hybridization probe, we have detected a new polymorphic Hind III site in intron 19 of the factor VIII gene. The frequency of the minor allele is 0.30. This polymorphism shows strong linkage disequilibrium with a previously described BclI polymorphism in intron 18.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria separated from symbiosis with several species of the angiospermGunnera were comparatively characterized and correlated with the locales and taxonomy of their host plants. All were identified as strains ofNostoc. Protein profiles and DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms (from hybridizations with heterologousnifH andglnA probes) determined that three of the four cyanobacteria fromGunnera grown at one site in Sweden, each from a different host species, were very similar or identical. Plants of one species,G. manicata, grown in a second location at the site were infected with a different cyanobiont. Among five isolates from two species ofGunnera, collected in the same locale in New Zealand, three subgroups were documented. Isolates from three differentGunnera species grown in separate locations in the United States were each uniquely different. None of the cyanobacteria differed in the molecular weights of their glutamine synthetase and Fe-nitrogenase proteins. The diversity and accessibility of compatibleNostoc populations present in the soil micro-environment, not a critical selective factor required byGunnera, were concluded to be a major determinant in symbiont selection.  相似文献   

Summary The feasibility of creating a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) linkage map in Brassica species was assessed by screening EcoRI-, HindIII-, or EcoRV-digested total genomic DNA from several accessions of B. campestris, B. oleracea, and B. napus using random genomic DNA clones from three Brassica libraries as hybridization probes. Differences in restriction fragment hybridization patterns occurred at frequencies of 95% for comparisons of accessions among species, 79% for comparisons of accessions among subspecies within species, and 70% for comparisons among accessions within subspecies. In addition, species differences in the level of hybridization were noted for some clones. The high degree of polymorphism found even among closely related Brassica accessions indicates that RFLP analysis will be a very useful tool in genetic, taxonomic, and evolutionary studies of the Brassica genus. Development of RFLP linkage maps is now in progress.  相似文献   

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