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Predicting species vulnerability to global warming requires a comprehensive, mechanistic understanding of sublethal and lethal thermal tolerances. To date, however, most studies investigating species physiological responses to increasing temperature have focused on the underlying physiological traits of either acute or chronic tolerance in isolation. Here we propose an integrative, synthetic approach including the investigation of multiple physiological traits (metabolic performance and thermal tolerance), and their plasticity, to provide more accurate and balanced predictions on species and assemblage vulnerability to both acute and chronic effects of global warming. We applied this approach to more accurately elucidate relative species vulnerability to warming within an assemblage of six caridean prawns occurring in the same geographic, hence macroclimatic, region, but living in different thermal habitats. Prawns were exposed to four incubation temperatures (10, 15, 20 and 25 °C) for 7 days, their metabolic rates and upper thermal limits were measured, and plasticity was calculated according to the concept of Reaction Norms, as well as Q10 for metabolism. Compared to species occupying narrower/more stable thermal niches, species inhabiting broader/more variable thermal environments (including the invasive Palaemon macrodactylus) are likely to be less vulnerable to extreme acute thermal events as a result of their higher upper thermal limits. Nevertheless, they may be at greater risk from chronic exposure to warming due to the greater metabolic costs they incur. Indeed, a trade‐off between acute and chronic tolerance was apparent in the assemblage investigated. However, the invasive species P. macrodactylus represents an exception to this pattern, showing elevated thermal limits and plasticity of these limits, as well as a high metabolic control. In general, integrating multiple proxies for species physiological acute and chronic responses to increasing temperature helps providing more accurate predictions on species vulnerability to warming.  相似文献   

Habitat Fragmentation and Burying Beetle Abundance and Success   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Four species of burying beetle (Nicrophorus marginatus F., N. tomentosus Weber, N. orbicollis Say and N. defodiens Mannerheim) are attracted to small, fresh mouse carcasses in northern Michigan. The number of burying beetles and their success (burial of a carcass) were greater in woodlands than in edge or field habitats. Species diversity was least in open fields as assessed by two different indices of diversity. Nicrophorus marginatus was the only species captured in large fields (<25ha). This species was never trapped in small fields (>5ha) suggesting that a minimum habitat size might be necessary to maintain local populations. In contrast to previous studies which employed pitfall traps baited with a large quantity of carrion, N. tomentosus was caught exclusively in woodlands at single mouse carcasses. In Connecticut woodlands, burying beetle success, assayed as the proportion of carcasses buried and held for 7 days, was significantly greater in larger as compared to smaller woodlands. The limited success of burying beetles in smaller woodlands was due, in part, to a higher rate of scavenging by vertebrates.  相似文献   

Abstract Lynx (Lynx canadensis) occur in the northern counties of Washington state, USA; however, current distribution and status of lynx in Washington is poorly understood. During winters 2002–2004 we snow-tracked lynx for 155 km within a 211-km2 area in northern Washington, to develop a model of lynx-habitat relationships that we could use to assess their potential distribution and status in the state. We recorded movements and behaviors of lynx with a Global Positioning System and overlaid digitized lynx trails on various habitat layers using a Geographic Information System. Based on univariate analyses, lynx preferred Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) forests, with moderate canopy and understory cover, and elevations ranging from 1,525 m to 1,829 m but avoided Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forests, openings, recent burns, open canopy and understory cover, and steep slopes. A map of suitable lynx habitat based on a logistic regression model built using these candidate variables revealed that habitats at elevations >1,400 m where lynx historically occurred in Washington are intersected and fragmented by landscape features and forest conditions that are generally avoided by lynx. Our habitat suitability map predicts 3,800 km2 of lynx habitat in Washington that could support 87 lynx, far fewer than previous estimates. Since 1985, natural fires have burned >1,000 km2 of forested habitat in Okanogan County, the only region in Washington where lynx occurrence has been documented during that period. Loss of suitable habitat from natural and human-caused disturbances, and the lack of verifiable evidence of lynx occurrence in historic lynx range, suggests that fragmented landscape conditions may have impeded recolonization of these areas by lynx. Consequently, translocations may be necessary to ensure lynx persistence in Washington. We suggest that managers assess the potential for translocation by first identifying the scale and distribution of potential foraging habitats for lynx based on our or similar habitat models, survey various habitat conditions to obtain reliable estimates of snowshoe hare densities, and identify a genetically compatible source population of lynx. If habitat and source populations are adequate, reintroducing lynx to areas of their historic range may be an appropriate conservation strategy.  相似文献   

Species can respond to environmental pressures through genetic and epigenetic changes and through phenotypic plasticity, but few studies have evaluated the relationships between genetic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity of plant species along changing environmental conditions throughout wide latitudinal ranges. We studied inter‐ and intrapopulation genetic diversity (using simple sequence repeats and chloroplast DNA sequencing) and inter‐ and intrapopulation phenotypic variability of 33 plant traits (using field and common‐garden measurements) for five populations of the invasive cordgrass Spartina densiflora Brongn. along the Pacific coast of North America from San Francisco Bay to Vancouver Island. Studied populations showed very low genetic diversity, high levels of phenotypic variability when growing in contrasted environments and high intrapopulation phenotypic variability for many plant traits. This intrapopulation phenotypic variability was especially high, irrespective of environmental conditions, for those traits showing also high phenotypic plasticity. Within‐population variation represented 84% of the total genetic variation coinciding with certain individual plants keeping consistent responses for three plant traits (chlorophyll b and carotenoid contents, and dead shoot biomass) in the field and in common‐garden conditions. These populations have most likely undergone genetic bottleneck since their introduction from South America; multiple introductions are unknown but possible as the population from Vancouver Island was the most recent and one of the most genetically diverse. S. densiflora appears as a species that would not be very affected itself by climate change and sea‐level rise as it can disperse, establish, and acclimate to contrasted environments along wide latitudinal ranges.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation, the conversion of landscapes into patchy habitats separated by unsuitable environments, is expected to reduce dispersal among patches. However, its effects on dispersal should depend on dispersal syndromes, i.e. how dispersal covaries with phenotypic traits, because these syndromes can drastically alter dispersal and subsequent ecological and evolutionary dynamics. Our comprehension of whether environmental factors such as habitat fragmentation generate and/or modify dispersal syndromes (i.e. conditional dispersal syndromes) is therefore key for biodiversity forecasting. Here we tested whether habitat fragmentation modulates dispersal syndromes by experimentally manipulating matrix harshness, a critical feature of habitat fragmentation, in ciliate microcosms. We found evidence for dispersal syndromes involving multiple traits linked to morphology (elongation and size), movement (velocity and linearity) and demography (growth rate and maximal population density). More importantly, these syndromes were modified by matrix harshness, with increased differences between residents and dispersers in morphology and movement traits, and decreased differences in growth rate as the matrix became increasingly harsh. Our findings thus reveal that habitat fragmentation can mediate the intensity and form of dispersal syndromes, a context-dependence that could have important consequences for ecological and evolutionary dynamics under environmental changes.  相似文献   

Habitat connectivity is considered to have an important role on the persistence of populations in the face of habitat fragmentation, in particular, for species with conservation concern. However, it can also impose indirect negative effects on native species through the spread of invasive species. Here, we investigated direct and indirect effects of habitat connectivity on populations of invasive bullfrogs and native wrinkled frogs and how these effects are modified by the presence of common carp, a resident shared predator, in a farm pond system in Japan. The distribution pattern analysis using a hierarchical Bayesian modelling indicated that bullfrogs had negative effects on wrinkled frogs, and that these negative effects were enhanced with increasing habitat connectivity owing to the metapopulation structure of bullfrogs. The analysis also suggested that common carp mitigated these impacts, presumably owing to a top-down trophic cascade through preferential predation on bullfrog tadpoles. These presumed interspecific interactions were supported by evidence from laboratory experiments, i.e. predation by carp was more intense on bullfrog tadpoles than on wrinkled frog tadpoles owing to the difference in refuge use. Our results indicate that metacommunity perspectives could provide useful insights for establishing effective management strategies of invasive species living in patchy habitats.  相似文献   

Although the effects of edges on the biotas of habitat patches have been widely discussed, there have been few empirical studies of the mechanistic basis of population and community differences between patch edges and interiors. This is particularly true of differential effects of edges on species' mortalities, and on interactions in insect populations and communities. Here we examine edge-associated differences in the prevalence and mortality factors of the holly leaf-miner Phytomyza ilicis , in a suburban woodland in Sheffield, U.K. Leaf miner prevalence was higher and survivorship to adulthood lower at the woodland edge. Natural enemies and other mortality factors contributed differently to total mortality at the edge and interior. Mechanisms underlying edge effects on P. ilicis arose from the interaction between microclimate, adult movement and host-plant quality. The differential induction of species mortality found, confirms the complexity of species' responses to habitat edges and the importance of understanding the effects of edges on species interactions.  相似文献   

Darwinian evolution can be defined minimally as “any net directional change or any cumulative change in the characteristics of … populations over many generations—in other words, descent with modification”1 (p. 5). In archeology the population comprises artifacts, which are conceived of as phenotypic.2–4 Extension of the human phenotype to include ceramic vessels, projectile points, and the like is based on the notion that artifacts are material expressions of behavior, which itself is phenotypic. Archeology's unique claim within the natural sciences is its access to past phenotypic characters. Thus, historical questions are the most obvious ones archeologists can ask, although admittedly this is hardly a strong warrant for asking them. But if the issue is evolution, then historical questions must be asked. Posing and answering historical questions is the goal of evolutionary archeology.5.  相似文献   

We studied changes in a population of red‐footed Amazonian tortoises, Geochelone carbonaria, consequent to isolation in an insular forest fragment. Altered age structure, population density, and body growth rate are shown here for the first time to be associated responses. Age structure was strongly biased toward juveniles and growth rates were reduced compared to the mainland. Our data suggest that density‐dependent processes induced by habitat fragmentation changed demography and life history parameters in a scant 16 years.  相似文献   

Ongoing climate change is assumed to be exceptional because of its unprecedented velocity. However, new geophysical research suggests that dramatic climatic changes during the Late Pleistocene occurred extremely rapid, over just a few years. These abrupt climatic changes may have been even faster than contemporary ones, but relatively few continent‐wide extinctions of species have been documented for these periods. This raises questions about the ability of extant species to adapt to ongoing climate change. We propose that the advances in geophysical research challenge current views about species' ability to cope with climate change, and that lessons must be learned for modelling future impacts of climate change on species.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation and species richness   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
In a recent article in this journal, Fahrig (2013, Journal of Biogeography, 40 , 1649–1663) concludes that variation in species richness among sampling sites can be explained by the amount of habitat in the ‘local landscape’ around the sites, while the spatial configuration of habitat within the landscape makes little difference. This conclusion may be valid for small spatial scales and when the total amount of habitat is large, but modelling and empirical studies demonstrate adverse demographic consequences of fragmentation when there is little habitat across large areas. Fragmentation effects are best tested with studies on individual species rather than on communities, as the latter typically consist of species with dissimilar habitat requirements. The total amount of habitat and the degree of fragmentation tend to be correlated, which poses another challenge for empirical studies. I conclude that fragmentation poses an extra threat to biodiversity, in addition to the threat posed by loss of habitat area.  相似文献   

While average temperature is likely to increase in most locations on Earth, many places will simultaneously experience higher variability in temperature, precipitation, and other climate variables. Although ecologists and evolutionary biologists widely recognize the potential impacts of changes in average climatic conditions, relatively little attention has been paid to the potential impacts of changes in climatic variability and extremes. We review the evidence on the impacts of increased climatic variability and extremes on physiological, ecological and evolutionary processes at multiple levels of biological organization, from individuals to populations and communities. Our review indicates that climatic variability can have profound influences on biological processes at multiple scales of organization. Responses to increased climatic variability and extremes are likely to be complex and cannot always be generalized, although our conceptual and methodological toolboxes allow us to make informed predictions about the likely consequences of such climatic changes. We conclude that climatic variability represents an important component of climate that deserves further attention.  相似文献   

Biological invasions in Hungary are causing severe problems as a result of recent introductions and rapid land use changes. Poorly managed agricultural and rural, disturbed areas, and aquatic ecosystems are the most prone to plant invasions. Dry grasslands and semi-natural forests are less prone to invasions. A few plant species have led to human health (allergenic) problems. Some insect species have caused economic problems to crop production. A number of monitoring networks and control measures are in place for selected plants and insects. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Abstract Many ectothermic animals are subject to fluctuating environmental temperatures during incubation as well as post‐birth. Numerous studies examined the effects of incubation temperature or ambient temperature on various aspects of offspring phenotype. We investigated whether incubation temperature and ambient temperature have an interactive effect on offspring performance. Our study animal, the ectothermic vertebrate Lampropholis delicata (common garden skink; De Vis 1888), experiences fluctuating environmental temperatures caused by differential invasion of an exotic plant Vinca major (blue periwinkle). In the laboratory, eggs from wild‐caught females were assigned to different incubation temperatures that mimicked variation in natural nests. The feeding performance and digestion time of each hatchling was tested at ambient temperatures that represented environments invaded to different degrees by periwinkle. Incubation and ambient temperature interacted to affect a lizard's mobility, the time that it took to capture, subdue and handle a prey, and the number of handling ‘errors’ that it made while foraging. For a number of these characteristics, incubation‐induced changes to a lizard's mass significantly affected this relationship. Irrespective of size, no interaction effect was found for digestion time: lizards digested food faster at warmer temperatures, regardless of incubation temperature. Thus, temperatures experienced during incubation may alter an animal's phenotype so that the surrounding thermal environment differentially affects aspects of feeding performance. Our results also demonstrate that incubation environment can induce changes to morphology and behaviour that carry over into a lizard's early life, and that in some cases these differences in phenotype interact to affect performance. We suggest that the immediate removal of exotic plants as part of a weed control strategy could have important implications for the foraging performance, and presumably fitness, of ectothermic animals.  相似文献   

Under changing environmental conditions, intraspecific variation can potentially rescue populations from extinction. There are two principal sources of variation that may ultimately lead to population rescue: genetic diversity and phenotypic plasticity. We compared the potential for evolutionary rescue (through genetic diversity) and plastic rescue (through phenotypic plasticity) by analysing their differential ability to produce dynamical stability and persistence in model food webs. We also evaluated how rescue is affected by the trophic location of variation. We tested the following hypotheses: (i) plastic communities are more likely to exhibit stability and persistence than communities in which genetic diversity provides the same range of traits. (ii) Variation at the lowest trophic level promotes stability and persistence more than variation at higher levels. (iii) Communities with variation at two levels have greater probabilities of stability and persistence than communities with variation at only one level. We found that (i) plasticity promotes stability and persistence more than genetic diversity; (ii) variation at the second highest trophic level promotes stability and persistence more than variation at the autotroph level; and (iii) more than variation at two trophic levels. Our study shows that proper evaluation of the rescue potential of intraspecific variation critically depends on its origin and trophic location.  相似文献   

Many taxonomic groups contain both rare and widespread species, which indicates that range size can evolve quickly. Many studies have compared molecular genetic diversity, plasticity, or phenotypic traits between rare and widespread species; however, a suite of genetic attributes that unites rare species remains elusive. Here, using two rare and two widespread Boechera (Brassicaceae) species, we conduct a simultaneous comparison of quantitative trait diversity, genetic diversity, and population structure among species with highly divergent range sizes. Consistent with previous studies, we do not find strong associations between range size and within‐population genetic diversity. In contrast, we find that both the degree of phenotypic plasticity and quantitative trait structure (QST) were positively correlated with range size. We also found higher FST: QST ratios in rare species, indicative of either a greater response to stabilizing selection or a lack of additive genetic variation. While widespread species occupy more ecological and climactic space and have diverged at both traits and markers, rare species display constrained levels of population differentiation and phenotypic plasticity. Combined, our results provide evidence for a specialization–generalization trade‐off across three orders of magnitude of range size variation in the ecological model genus, Boechera.  相似文献   

A host may be physically isolated in space and then may correspond to a geographical island, but it may also be separated from its local neighbours by hundreds of millions of years of evolutionary history, and may form in this case an evolutionarily distinct island. We test how this affects the assembly processes of the host''s colonizers, this question being until now only invoked at the scale of physically distinct islands or patches. We studied the assembly of true bugs in crowns of oaks surrounded by phylogenetically more or less closely related trees. Despite the short distances (less than 150 m) between phylogenetically isolated and non-isolated trees, we found major differences between their Heteroptera faunas. We show that phylogenetically isolated trees support smaller numbers and fewer species of Heteroptera, an increasing proportion of phytophages and a decreasing proportion of omnivores, and proportionally more non-host-specialists. These differences were not due to changes in the nutritional quality of the trees, i.e. species sorting, which we accounted for. Comparison with predictions from meta-community theories suggests that the assembly of local Heteroptera communities may be strongly driven by independent metapopulation processes at the level of the individual species. We conclude that the assembly of communities on hosts separated from their neighbours by long periods of evolutionary history is qualitatively and quantitatively different from that on hosts established surrounded by closely related trees. Potentially, the biotic selection pressure on a host might thus change with the evolutionary proximity of the surrounding hosts.  相似文献   

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