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The lateral line system displays highly divergent patterns in adult teleost fish. The mechanisms underlying this variability are poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that the lateral line mechanoreceptor, the neuromast, gives rise to a series of accessory neuromasts by a serial budding process during postembryonic development in zebrafish. We also show that accessory neuromast formation is highly correlated to the development of underlying dermal structures such as bones and scales. Abnormalities in opercular bone morphogenesis, in endothelin 1-knockdown embryos, are accompanied by stereotypic errors in neuromast budding and positioning, further demonstrating the tight correlation between the patterning of neuromasts and of the underlying dermal bones. In medaka, where scales form between peridermis and opercular bones, the lateral line displays a scale-specific pattern which is never observed in zebrafish. These results strongly suggest a control of postembryonic neuromast patterns by underlying dermal structures. This dermal control may explain some aspects of the evolution of lateral line patterns.  相似文献   

Studies based on about 18 larval stages of each of two fish (a snakehead and a catfish) supply data about the development of those dermal bones of the head which are associated with the latero-sensory canals. Comparisons are made with other fish, living and extinct.  相似文献   

Ørvig, T. (Section of Palaeozoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden.) The latero-sensory component of the dermal skeleton in lower vertebrates and its phyletic significance. Zool. Scripta 1(3–4): 139–155, 1972.–A latero-sensory component of the dermal skeleton is met with not only in teleostomian fishes, but also in arthrodires, holocephalians (the lateral line canal “rings”), some fossil selachians, bradyodonts and acanthodians, and a few, at least, of the Osteostraci. Although not yet traceable with certainty in the Heterostraci, such a component probably existed even in early stages of vertebrate history. The persistence in the adult of this component as separate ossicles embracing the lateral line canals is surely the result of regression or other modifications of the dermal skeleton in fishes like arthrodires, coelacanthids and actinopterygians, but is apparently a primitive feature in e.g. acanthodians. In discussing the phyletic relations between the latero-sensory and membranous components of the dermal skeleton, it is concluded that these probably were separate formations from the very beginning. A condition (exemplified by certain acanthodians) where separate latero-sensory ossicles of the lateral line canals are surrounded by a mosaic of small scales of membranous origin is presumably that from which the various dermal bone-patterns in lower vertebrates are all derived. A discussion is also included in this paper of the scales and otoliths in acanthodians.  相似文献   

An assemblage of amphisbaenian embryos has allowed us to characterize the external morphology of the developing embryos as well as the chondrification and ossification sequences of their skeletal elements. The external characterization of embryos serves as an incomplete developmental table. In contrast to the condition in other squamates, the premaxilla seems to arise azygously from the beginning or to represent very early fusion during embryogenesis. The tabulosphenoid forms from two cartilages to which are added extensive membranous ossifications. The two parietals engage in medial fusion at the midline, where the anterior process of the synotic tectum ossifies and forms the sagittal crest. The lateral element‐X does not ossify until very late in embryogenesis and is interpreted as an epiphysial ossification. The compound mandibular bone arises from the ossification of the posterior part of Meckel's cartilage and the fusion of at least two dermal centers, interpreted as surangular and splenial. The vertebral column shows an antero‐posterior gradient of vertebral differentiation. The number of vertebrae is fixed from the beginning of their differentiation. The remnants of pectoral and pelvic girdles are represented by cartilaginous rods. Some reproductive data obtained during the collection of data could be compared with those from the literature. J. Morphol. 239:1–25, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The recessive mutation nanomelia blocks the synthesis of a large aggregating proteoglycan (aggrecan) by avian embryo chondrocytes. Lack of aggrecan is associated with short stature, multiple morphological defects in cartilage, and embryo lethality. Bony defects have also been described, but were assumed to be a secondary consequence of the cartilage defect. However, two lines of evidence presented in this paper indicate that the aggrecan deficiency directly affects intramembranous bone. First, the morphology (i.e. projected area and shape) of certain membranous bones of nanomelia embryos was abnormal. Second, membranous bone from nanomelia embryos proved to be significantly stiffer in biomechanical tests that measured functional properties of the extracellular matrix. These findings were unexpected because intramembranous bones normally develop from mesenchyme and not from a cartilage intermediate, and they prompted a search for evidence of aggrecan expression in the bone of normal chick embryos. We report that: 1) aggrecan mRNA was identified by PCR analysis of total RNA isolated from day-13 chick embryo calvarium, 2) the PCR method successfully amplified aggrecan mRNA from primary chick embryo osteoblasts in culture, 3) in situ hybridization of membranous bone tissue sections demonstrated aggrecan expression by chick embryo osteoblasts in vivo, and 4) the aggrecan message was identified in Northern blots of calvarial mRNA probed at high stringency. The results of the molecular and biomechanical studies provide evidence that aggrecan is indeed expressed in membranous bone as well as cartilage. Altogether, these results suggest that aggrecan may contribute to the functional properties and the normal growth and development of avian membranous bone.  相似文献   

We studied the development and evolution of craniofacial features in the teleost fish, Astyanax mexicanus. This species has an eyed surface dwelling form (surface fish) and many different cave dwelling forms (cavefish) with various degrees of reduced eyes and pigmentation. The craniofacial features we examined are the tooth-bearing maxillary bones, the nasal and antorbital bones, the circumorbital bones, and the opercular bones, all of which show evolutionary modifications in different cavefish populations. Manipulations of eye formation by transplantation of the embryonic lens, by lentectomy, or by removing the optic vesicle showed that eye-dependent and -independent processes change both the surface fish and cavefish craniofacial skeletons. The size of the olfactory pits, which the nasal and antorbital bones define, and the size and positioning of the circumorbital bones were found to correlate with eye development. For the six suborbital bones (SO1-6), the relationship with the developing eye appears to be due to ossification initiated from foci in the suborbital canal of cranial neuromasts, whose patterning is also highly correlated with the presence or absence of an eye. By contrast, we found that the number of maxillary teeth, the number of SO3 bone elements, the positioning of SO4-6 with respect to the opercular bone, and the shape of the opercular bone are not dependent on eye formation and vary among different cavefish populations. The results suggest that evolution of the cavefish craniofacial skeleton is controlled by multiple developmental events, some a direct consequence of eye degeneration and others unrelated to loss of the eye.  相似文献   

The development of the cranial and branchial skeleton of the surfperch Amphistichus argenteus, a member of the family Embiotocidae, is described, and phylogenetic and functional aspects of the skull development of this species are discussed. The earliest bones to appear are those dermal elements of the branchial skeleton involved with feeding, and the bones, both dermal and endochondral, located in the basicranial region of the neurocranium. These are followed by dermal bones associated with the lateral line system and finally by the remainder of the bones of the branchial skeleton and the cartilaginous bones of the otic capsules. The last bone to develop is the ethmoid.  相似文献   

In metopic and coronal suture synostosis, the involved bone centers are abnormally situated just next to the affected suture. Bone centers are the starting point of ossification during embryogenesis from which bone growth spreads radially. In this paper, we describe a similar observation for sagittal suture synostosis, with both parietal bone centers located almost completely cranially. The (reduced) distance between the bone centers of a synostotic suture reflects the time during embryogenesis at which fusion took place. We suggest that in craniosynostosis the bone centers arise in their normal position, and initial outgrowth is undisturbed until the bone fronts meet. It is during this developmental stage that fusion occurs instead of suture formation. Due to the fusion, growth can only occur at the free bony rims from then on. The bone centers remain located at a fixed distance from one another in the middle of the fused bones, becoming relatively more displaced with time. This implies that the distance between the involved bone centers directly indicates the developmental period during which sutural growth was arrested. The same phenomenon of bone center displacement is found in types of craniosynostosis with and without fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) or TWIST gene mutations.  相似文献   

Endothelin 1 (Edn1), a secreted peptide expressed ventrally in the primordia of the zebrafish pharyngeal arches, is required for correct patterning of pharyngeal cartilage development. We have studied mutants and morpholino-injected larvae to examine the role of the Edn1 signal in patterning anterior pharyngeal arch bone development during the first week after fertilization. We observe a remarkable variety of phenotypic changes in dermal bones of the anterior arches after Edn1 reduction, including loss, size reduction and expansion, fusion and shape change. Notably, the changes that occur appear to relate to the level of residual Edn1. Mandibular arch dermal bone fusions occur with severe Edn1 loss. In the dorsal hyoid arch, the dermal opercle bone is usually absent when Edn1 is severely reduced and is usually enlarged when Edn1 is only mildly reduced, suggesting that the same signal can act both positively and negatively in controlling development of a single bone. Position also appears to influence the changes: a branchiostegal ray, a dermal hyoid bone normally ventral to the opercle, can be missing in the same arch where the opercle is enlarged. We propose that Edn1 acts as a morphogen; different levels pattern specific positions, shapes and sizes of bones along the dorso-ventral axis. Changes involving Edn1 may have occurred during actinopterygian evolution to produce the efficient gill-pumping opercular apparatus of teleosts.  相似文献   

The tetrapod skull has undergone a reduction in number of bones in all major lineages since the origin of vertebrates, an evolutionary trend known as Williston’s Law. Using connectivity relations between bones as a proxy for morphological complexity we showed that this reduction in number of bones generated an evolutionary trend toward more complex skulls. This would imply that connectivity patterns among bones impose structural constraints on bone loss and fusion that increase bone burden due to the formation of new functional and developmental dependencies; thus, the higher the number of connections, the higher the burden. Here, we test this hypothesis by exploring plausible evolutionary scenarios based on selective versus random processes of bone loss and fusion. To do this, we have built a computational model that reduces iteratively the number of bones by loss and fusion, starting from hypothetical ancestral skulls represented as Gabriel networks in which bones are nodes and suture connections are links. Simulation results indicate that losses and fusions of bones affect skull structure differently whether they target bones at random or selectively depending on the number of bone connections. Our findings support a mixed scenario for Williston’s Law: the random loss of poorly connected bones and the selective fusion of the most connected ones. This evolutionary scenario offers a new explanation for the increase of morphological complexity in the tetrapod skull by reduction of bones during development.  相似文献   

Morphological changes in free neuromasts are reported from larvae of the Ayu,Plecoglossus altivelis. In newly-hatched larvae, free neuromasts were already recognizable in both the head and trunk. During larval growth, the number of free neuromasts increased, and the number of its sensory cells 2 days after hatching was constant. In the trunk, two types of free neuromasts, one with maximum sensitivity in the antero-posterior direction and the other with maximum sensitivity in the dorso-ventral direction, were observed. The former type predominated. In the head, free neuromasts were located around the eye and nose, their directions of maximum sensitivity forming lines tangential to concentric circles about the eye and nose. Distinct changes in free neuromasts occurred during the formation of the canal organ. The canal organ was first observed in the head region 64 days after hatching and in the trunk region 100 days after hatching. Concomitant with the formation of the canal organ, the profile of the cupulae of the free neuromasts changed from a flat bar to semispherical. Sensory cells in the canal neuromasts did not differ morphologically from those in the free neuromasts. It is considered that there is a close relationship between the sensitivity of the neuromast and the shape of the cupula, i.e., that the free neuromasts are adapted to slow water flow, as in lakes and the sea, while the neuromasts in the canal organ are adapted to rapid water flow.  相似文献   

Generalized anuran tadpoles across families exhibit a similar neuromast morphology on their heads, as follows: (1) all neuromast lines known for anurans are present; (2) within these lines total neuromast number ranges from about 250 to 320; (3) neuromasts form linear stitches composed of two to three, but sometimes up to five, neuromasts; (4) neuromast linear dimensions are ? 10 μm; and (5) neuromasts contain ? 15 hair cells. Compared with generalized forms, stream, arboreal, carnivorous, and desert-pond forms have fewer neuromasts but they contain more hair cells. They do not, however, form stitches. Obligate midwater suspension-feeding forms, including Xenopus (Pipidae), Rhinophrynus (Rhinophyrnidae), and Phrynomerus (Microhylidae), form stitches that contain > six, but potentially up to 18 or more, loosely aggregated neuromasts. Xenopus and Rhinophrynus have large neuromasts (up to 40 μm across). Chiasmocleis (Microhylidae) tadpoles form stiches that are linearly arranged with up to ten neuromasts. Whereas urodeles can have more than one neuromast row per line and may form both linear and transverse stitches, anurans have only one row of neuromasts per line and form only transverse stitches. Neuromasts in anurans tend to be smaller and more circular than in urodeles and positioned flush with the epidermal surface. A greater percentage of anurans form stitches, and anurans have greater intrafamilial variation in stitch formation than do urodeles.  相似文献   

Transverse lines were examined in 633 long bones from 73 individuals exhumed from two burial sites in the Republic of Ireland: Waterford City and Tintern Abbey. The burials cover four distinct periods between the 11th and 17th centuries. Lines were most numerous in the tibia, especially in the distal segment, and were not seen in the humerus nor the proximal part of the femur. The number of lines varied between the proximal and distal segments of each long bone, and though apparently equal in number across the midline, there were significant differences in the incidence of lines between corresponding pairs of bones. Thus, it is unwise to rely on the results of a single bone or one type of long bone alone either to indicate the health status of an individual, or as the basis for assessing the health status of a small population. Such results should be used only in association with other indicators. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In the developing skeleton, dermal bone morphogenesis includes the balanced proliferation, recruitment and differentiation of osteoblast precursors, yet how bones acquire unique morphologies is unknown. We show that Hedgehog (Hh) signaling mediates bone shaping during early morphogenesis of the opercle (Op), a well characterized dermal bone of the zebrafish craniofacial skeleton. ihha is specifically expressed in a local population of active osteoblasts along the principal growing edge of the bone. Mutational studies show that Hh signaling by this osteoblast population is both necessary and sufficient for full recruitment of pre-osteoblasts into the signaling population. Loss of ihha function results in locally reduced proliferation of pre-osteoblasts and consequent reductions in recruitment into the osteoblast pool, reduced bone edge length and reduced outgrowth. Conversely, hyperactive Hh signaling in ptch1 mutants causes opposite defects in proliferation and growth. Time-lapse microscopy of early Op morphogenesis using transgenically labeled osteoblasts demonstrates that ihha-dependent bone development is not only region specific, but also begins exactly at the onset of a second phase of morphogenesis, when the early bone begins to reshape into a more complex form. These features strongly support a hypothesis that dermal bone development is modular, with different gene sets functioning at specific times and locations to pattern growth. The Hh-dependent module is not limited to this second phase of bone growth: during later larval development, the Op is fused along the dysmorphic edge to adjacent dermal bones. Hence, patterning within a module may include adjacent regions of functionally related bones and might require that signaling pathways function over an extended period of development.  相似文献   

The dermal skeleton (=exoskeleton) has long been recognized as a major determinant of vertebrate morphology. Until recently however, details of tissue development and diversity, particularly among amniotes, have been lacking. This investigation explores the development of the dermatocranium, gastralia, and osteoderms in the American alligator, Alligator mississippiensis. With the exception of osteoderms, elements of the dermal skeleton develop early during skeletogenesis, with most initiating ossification prior to mineralization of the endoskeleton. Characteristically, circumoral elements of the dermatocranium, including the pterygoid and dentigerous elements, are among the first to form. Unlike other axially arranged bones, gastralia develop in a caudolateral to craniomedial sequence. Osteoderms demonstrate a delayed onset of development compared with the rest of the skeleton, not appearing until well after hatching. Osteoderm development is asynchronous across the body, first forming dorsally adjacent to the cervical vertebrae; the majority of successive elements appear in caudal and lateral positions. Exclusive of osteoderms, the dermal skeleton initiates osteogenesis via intramembranous ossification. Following the establishment of skeletal condensations, some preossified spicules become engorged with many closely packed clusters of chondrocyte-like cells in a bone-like matrix. This combination of features is characteristic of chondroid bone, a tissue otherwise unreported among nonavian reptiles. No secondary cartilage was identified in any of the specimens examined. With continued growth, dermal bone (including chondroid bone) and osteoid are resorbed by multinucleated osteoclasts. However, there is no evidence that these cells contribute to the rugose pattern of bony ornamentation characteristic of the crocodylian dermatocranium. Instead, ornamentation develops as a result of localized concentrations of bone deposited by osteoblasts. Osteoderms develop in the absence of osteoblastic cells, osteoid, and periosteum; bone develops via the direct transformation of the preexisting dense irregular connective tissue. This mode of bone formation is identified as metaplasia. Importantly, it is also demonstrated that osteoderms are not histologically uniform but involve a range of tissues including calcified and uncalcified dense irregular connective tissue. Between taxa, not all osteoderms develop by homologous processes. However, it is concluded that all osteoderms may share a deep homology, connected by the structural and skeletogenic properties of the dermis.  相似文献   

Entire sensory canal systems of the coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae, are described: not only the course of principal canals with their primary and secondary collaterals, but also the course and branches of the pit-line and reticular canals. The number of pores on the left side of the head were found to be 296 in an early (yolksac) embryo, 321 in a late term fetus, 485 in a juvenile, and 2974 in adults. This means that in latimeria most of the lateral-line canal system develop after parturition. Pit lines of the living coelacanth are not rows of superficial neuromasts but canals covered by a thin epidermis like in other sensory canals of the lateral line. These pit-line canals, however, have a very specific structure and branching pattern: the medial dorsal pit-line canal is connected by fine branches on top of the head. The infra-dentary pit-line canal connects via these branches with canals deep inside the bones. Several fine and richly branched canaliculi of unknown function radiate from each quadratojugal pit-line canal. The gular plate pit-line canal has superficially branching arms as well as connections to numerous deeper canals inside the bone. These canals consist of fine branches that in turn lead to and open on the ventral surface of the gular plates as small pores. The system is reminiscent of the reticular (pore) canal system known only from some fossil agnathans and fishes. Thus latimeria combines the reticular system of ancient vertebrates with the lateral-line system of modern fishes. The significance of this gular (possibly electro-sensory) system for feeding by the coelacanth will be discussed.  相似文献   

Ever since the appearance of the first land vertebrates, the skull has undergone a simplification by loss and fusion of bones in all major groups. This well-documented evolutionary trend is known as “Williston’s Law”. Both loss and fusion of bones are developmental events that generate, at large evolutionary scales, a net reduction in the number of skull bones. We reassess this evolutionary trend by analyzing the patterns of skull organization captured in network models in which nodes represent bones and links represent suture joints. We also evaluate the compensatory process of anisomerism (bone specialization) suggested to occur as a result of this reduction by quantifying the heterogeneity and the ratio of unpaired bones in real skulls. Finally, we perform simulations to test the differential effect of bone losses in skull evolution. We show that the reduction in bone number during evolution is accompanied by a trend toward a more complex organization, rather than toward simplification. Our results indicate that the processes by which bones are lost or fused during development are central to explain the evolution of the morphology of the skull. Our simulations suggest that the evolutionary trend of increasing morphological complexity can be caused as a result of a structural constraint, the systematic loss of less connected bones during development.  相似文献   

Summary: The migrating cranial neural crest cells of birds, fish, and mammals have been shown to form the membranous bones of the cranium and face. These findings have been extrapolated to suggest that all the dermal bones of the vertebrate exoskeleton are derived from the neural crest ectomesenchyme. However, only one group of extant animals, the Chelonians, has an extensive bony exoskeleton in the trunk. We have previously shown that the autapomorphic carapacial and plastron bones of the turtle shell arise from dermal intramembranous ossification. Here, we show that the bones of the plastron stain positively for HNK‐1 and PDGFRα and are therefore most likely of neural crest origin. This extends the hypothesis of the neural crest origin of the exoskeleton to include the turtle plastron. genesis 31:111–117, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The development of two of the cranial lateral line canals is described in the cichlid, Archocentrus nigrofasciatus. Four stages of canal morphogenesis are defined based on histological analysis of the supraorbital and mandibular canals. "Canal enclosure" and "canal ossification" are defined as two discrete stages in lateral line canal development, which differ in duration, an observation that has interesting implications for the ontogeny of lateral line function. Canal diameter in the vicinity of individual neuromasts begins to increase before ossification of the canal roof in each canal segment; this increase in canal diameter is accompanied by an increase in canal neuromast size. The mandibular canal generally develops later than the supraorbital canal in this species, but in both of these canals development of the different canal segments contained within a single dermal bone is asynchronous. These observations suggest that a dynamic process requiring integration and interaction among different tissues, in both space and time, underlies the development of the cranial lateral line canal system. The supraorbital and mandibular canals appear to demonstrate a "one-component" pattern of development in Archocentrus nigrofasciatus, where the walls of each canal segment grow up from the underlying dermal bone and then fuse to form the bony canal roof. This is contrary to numerous published reports that describe a "two-component" pattern of development in teleosts where the bony canal ossifies separately and then fuses with an underlying dermal bone. A survey of the literature in which lateral line canal development is described using histological analysis suggests that the occurrence of two different patterns of canal morphogenesis ("one-component" and "two-component") may be due to phylogenetic variation in the pattern of the development of the lateral line canals.  相似文献   

This article describes the growth of the anuran pectoral girdle of Rana pipiens and compares skeletal development of the shoulder to that of long bones. The pectoral girdle chondrifies as two halves, each adjacent to a developing humerus. In each, the scapula and coracoid form as single foci of condensed chondrocytes that fuse, creating a cartilaginous glenoid bridge articulating with the humerus. Based on histological sections, both the dermal clavicle and cleithrum begin to ossify at approximately the same time as the periosteum forms around the endochondral bones. The dermal and endochondral bones of the girdle form immobile joints with neighboring girdle elements; however, the cellular organization and growth pattern of the scapula and coracoid closely resemble those of a long bone. Similar to a long bone epiphysis, distal margins of both endochondral elements have zones of hyaline, stratified, and hypertrophic cartilages. As a result, fused elements of the girdle can grow without altering the glenoid articulation with the humerus. Comparisons of anuran long bone and pectoral girdle growth suggest that different bones can have similar histology and development regardless of adult morphology.  相似文献   

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