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Laccase (E.C. from Trametes versicolor was immobilized (adsorbed) by drying on various supports (glass, glass powder, silica gel, and Nylon 66 membrane). The enzyme activity and stability were determined in diethyl ether, ethyl acetate, and methylene chloride. The initial rate for the oxidation of syringaldazine varied up to 245-fold depending on the solvent and support, the best results being obtained with Nylon 66 membrane. No inactivation of immobilized laccase over 72 h was observed in diethyl ether and ethyl acetate, while exposure to methylene chloride resulted in significant activity decreases regardless of the support material.  相似文献   

New immobilized biocatalysts based on phosphotriesterase and porous fabric materials impregnated with chemically cross-linked chitosan and sulphate chitosan gels were investigated. Analysis of the rheological characteristics of enzyme-containing gels confirmed their high plasticity and mechanical strength, while scanning electron microscopy verified their macroporous structure. The fabric matrix could absorb and retain a large amount of liquid thereby increasing its own weight 3.5-4.5 fold. The catalytic characteristics of the immobilized biocatalyst hydrolyzing Paraoxon, Coumaphos, Chlorpyrifos and Diisopropyl fluorophosphate were investigated. The catalytic efficacy of the soluble enzyme was 3.0-5.5-times higher compared to the immobilized form mainly due to the lower Km values. With constant 55-60% humidity the biocatalyst retained 77% and 67-70% activity after 50-day storage at 4°C and 23°C, respectively. Benzalkonium chloride appeared to be an appropriate preservative for long-term storage of immobilized biocatalyst in a wet state.  相似文献   

New immobilized biocatalysts based on phosphotriesterase and porous fabric materials impregnated with chemically cross-linked chitosan and sulphate chitosan gels were investigated. Analysis of the rheological characteristics of enzyme-containing gels confirmed their high plasticity and mechanical strength, while scanning electron microscopy verified their macroporous structure. The fabric matrix could absorb and retain a large amount of liquid thereby increasing its own weight 3.5–4.5 fold. The catalytic characteristics of the immobilized biocatalyst hydrolyzing Paraoxon, Coumaphos, Chlorpyrifos and Diisopropyl fluorophosphate were investigated. The catalytic efficacy of the soluble enzyme was 3.0–5.5-times higher compared to the immobilized form mainly due to the lower Km values. With constant 55–60% humidity the biocatalyst retained 77% and 67–70% activity after 50-day storage at 4°C and 23°C, respectively. Benzalkonium chloride appeared to be an appropriate preservative for long-term storage of immobilized biocatalyst in a wet state.  相似文献   

The performance of lipases from Candida rugosa and wheat germ have been investigated in three reaction media using three acetate hydrolyses as model reactions (ethyl acetate, allyl acetate, and prenyl acetate). The effect of substrate properties and water content were studied for each system (organic solvent, biphasic system, and reverse micelles). Not unexpectedly, the effect of water content is distinct for each system, and the optimal water content for enzyme activity is not always the same as that for productivity. A theoretical model has been used to simulate and predict enzyme performance in reverse micelles, and a proposed partitioning model for biphasic systems agrees well with experimental results. While the highest activities observed were in the micellar system, productivity in microemulsions is limited by low enzyme concentrations. Biphasic systems, however, support relatively good activity and productivity. The addition of water to dry organic solvents, combined with the dispersion of lyophilized enzyme powders in the solvent, resulted in significant enzyme aggregation, which not surprisingly limits the applicability of the "anhydrous" enzyme suspension approach. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Continuous hydrolysis of olive oil by immobilized lipase in organic solvent   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Lipase (EC from Candida rugosa was immobilized with DEAE-Sephadex A50, Sephadex G50, Sephadex LH-20, Amberlite IRA94, and Amberlite XAD-7. The enzye immobilized with DEAE-Sephadex A50 was found to be most effective for continuous hydrolysis of olive oil in isooctane. For the continuous reaction, 0.2 g of dry immobilized enzyme was swollen with predetermined amount of water, and packed in a glass column reactor. When the organic solvent (Isooctane) containing olive oil substrate was cocurrently fed with aqueous buffer, the two phases were evenly distributed throughout the packed bed without surfactant supplement or prior mixing of the two phases. A small amount of the surfactant (AOT) was used only in packing procedure, and no additional surfactant was necessary thereafter. Effects of initial water content of the swollen gel, buffer types, and strength were examined in the continuous reaction. Our results suggest that the operational half-life was affected by desorption of the bound enzyme. Under the conditions of 20% olive oil in isooctane and 25 mM triethanolamine buffer (pH 7.0), operational half life was 220 h at 30 degrees C. The reactor was also operable with n-hexane, but the operational stability of the immobilized enzyme in n-hexane was only half of that in isooctane. Our results indicate that various enzyme carrier having hydrophilic or amphiphilic properties could be used for two-phase continuous reaction in packed-bed column, reactor without any surfactant supply or prior dispersion of the two immiscible phases. (c) 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

有机酸在植物对重金属耐性和解毒机制中的作用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
植物对重金属的耐受和解毒机制可分为外部排斥和内部耐受两大类。该文综述了有机酸作为一类金属配位体, 在植物对重金属的这两大类机制中的重要作用。在重金属的外部排斥过程中, 植物根系分泌有机酸, 与金属离子形成稳定的金属配位体复合物, 改变重金属的移动性和生物可利用性, 阻止金属离子进入植物体内或避免其在根部敏感位点累积。此外, 有机酸还可与进入植物体内的金属离子螯合, 使其转化为无毒或毒性较小的结合形态, 缓解重金属的毒害效应, 实现植物对重金属的内部耐受。  相似文献   

The activity and stability of yeast alcohol dehydrogenase (YADH) entrapped in aerosol OT reverse micellar droplets have been investigated spectrophotometrically. Various physical parameters, e.g., water pool size, w(0), pH, and temperature, were optimized for YADH in water/AOT/isooctane reverse micelles. It was found that the enzyme exhibits maximum activity at w(0) = 28 and pH 8.1. It was more active in reverse micelles than in aqueous buffers at a particular temperature and was denatured at about 307deg;C in both the systems. At a particular temperature YADH entrapped in reverse micelles was less stable than when it was dissolved in aqueous buffer.  相似文献   

Glutathione transferases (GSTs, EC are a widespread family of enzymes that play a central role in the detoxification, metabolism, and transport or sequestration of endogenous or xenobiotic compounds. During the last two decades, delineation of the important structural and catalytic features of GSTs has laid the groundwork for engineering GSTs, involving both rational and random approaches, aiming to create new variants with new or altered properties. These approaches have expanded the usefulness of native GSTs, not only for understanding the fundamentals of molecular detoxification mechanisms, but also for the development medical, analytical, environmental, and agricultural applications. This review article attempts to summarize successful examples and current developments on GST engineering, highlighting in parallel the recent knowledge gained on their phylogenetic relationships, structural/catalytic features, and biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

Organophosphate hydrolase has potential as a bioremediation and chemical detoxification enzyme, but the problems of reusability and stability need to be addressed to use this enzyme on an industrial scale. Immobilizing the enzyme to a nanoscaffold may help to solve these problems. Amyloid fibrils generated from insulin and crystallin provided a novel nanoscaffold for the immobilization of organophosphate hydrolase, using glutaraldehyde as the crosslinking reagent. Electrophoretic, centrifugation, and temperature stability experiments, together with transmission electron microscopy were undertaken to verify that crosslinking had successfully occurred. The resulting fibrils remained active towards the substrate paraoxon and when immobilized to the insulin amyloid fibrils, the enzyme exhibited a significant (~ 300%) increase in the relative temperature stability at 40, 45, and 50°C (as measured by comparing the initial enzyme activity to the activity remaining after heating), compared to free enzyme. This confirms that amyloid fibrils could provide a new type of nanoscaffold for enzyme immobilization.  相似文献   

White-rot fungi are considered to be promising biotechnological tools to complement or replace the current technologies for the treatment of effluents from textile production plants. The aim of this work was to investigate the decolorization capacity of Ganoderma weberianum B-18 in solid state fermentation with sugarcane bagasse as a substrate and ligninolytic inducer as well as to decolorize and detoxify industrial effluents by this strain in a laboratory scale packed-bed bio-reactor. The results demonstrated that G. weberianum B-18 indeed showed to possess decolorization capacity in solid state fermentation with sugarcane bagasse supplemented with synthetic dyes. Moreover, fungal biomass of G. weberianum B-18 immobilized in sugarcane bagasse in a packed-bed bioreactor was shown to efficiently decolorize and detoxify different dyes and authentic industrial effluents in semi-continuous conditions. In this decolorization process, laccase enzymes secreted by the fungus played the main role. Hence, a packed-bed reactor with G. weberianum B-18 immobilized in sugarcane bagasse seems to be a suitable system for the further development of an efficient bioprocess for large-scale treatment of dye-containing wastewaters.  相似文献   

Thermolysin (Bacillus thermoproteolyticus neutral proteinase, EC has been immobilized by radiation polymerization of hydrophilic and hydrophobic monomers, and its properties, such as enzyme activity, thermal stability and durability, have been studied. The activity of the immobilized enzymes increased with an increase in the hydrophilicity of the polymer matrix and with a decrease in monomer concentration. Immobilization with hydrophilic monomers increased the thermal stability of the enzymes, but the thermal stability of the enzymes immobilized with hydrophobic monomers was comparable with that of native enzymes. The durability of the immobilized enzymes was examined by continuous hydrolysis of casein; enzymes immobilized with a high concentration (90%) of hydrophilic monomers appeared to be stabilized and could be used for long times.  相似文献   

A novel organic solvent-based coupling method has been developed for the covalent immobilization of biological material to gold surfaces. The method employs the polar organic solvent anhydrous 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol as the reaction medium and involves dissolution of the protein (catalase) in the solvent allowing protein coupling to proceed under basic conditions in a dry organic environment. The advantage of this method is that protein attachment is favored over hydrolysis of the coupling reagent. We have shown qualitatively and quantitatively that following attachment to the gold surface a significant proportion of the enzyme catalase remains catalytically active (at least 20-31%).  相似文献   

李小珍  刘映红 《昆虫学报》2007,50(10):989-995
昆虫解毒酶是一类异质酶系, 对分解大量的内源或外源有毒物质、维持正常生理代谢起着重要作用。本文采用生物化学的方法测定了5种寄主果实对南亚果实蝇Bactrocera tau Walker 3个虫态体内总蛋白含量和5种解毒酶的活力。双因子方差分析显示, 南亚果实蝇种群取食黄瓜Cucumis sativus L.、南瓜Cucurbita moschala L.、丝瓜Luffa cylindrical L.、冬瓜Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Coqn.和苦瓜Momordica charantia L.后, 体内蛋白含量和解毒酶活性均存在显著差异。以丝瓜为食料时, 南亚果实蝇体内蛋白含量较高; 而以黄瓜和冬瓜为食料时蛋白含量则相对较低。在以上5种寄主果实间, 南亚果实蝇的羧酸酯酶(CarE)活性在黄瓜和南瓜上较高, 细胞色素P450 O-脱甲基和谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(GST)活性在苦瓜上较高, 酸性磷酸酯酶(ACP)和碱性磷酸酯酶(ALP)活性却分别在黄瓜和南瓜上较低。在幼虫、蛹和成虫3个虫态间, 解毒酶活性亦存在显著差异, 成虫具有较高的CarE活性;幼虫具有较高的细胞色素P450 O-脱甲基, GST和ALP活性,但具有较低的ACP活性;除ACP外,蛹期解毒酶活性均较低。据以上结果可以推测,南亚果实蝇解毒酶活力受寄主果实种类以及该种群本身发育阶段的影响。  相似文献   

The protease trypsin was immobilized to porous glass in both the presence and absence of acetylated soybean trypsin inhibitor (STI) to determine whether immobilization could alter enzyme activity in favor of aminolysis over hydrolysis. Actiive-site titration with 4-methylumbelliferylguanidinobenzoate (MUGB) showed that only about 10% of immobilized trypsin had catalytic activity. Immobilization in the presence of STI produced a higher yield of active enzyme accessible to the inhibitor but did not increase the total yield of MUGB-active immobilized enzyme. Thus, enzyme inactivation upon immobilization could not be attributed to an inaccessible enzyme orientation, nor did STI prevent inactivation by stabilizing the active-site conformation. Kinetic parameters were determined for soluble and immobilized trypsin for two esters, N-tosyl-L-arginine methyl ester (TAME) and N-benzoyl-L-arginine ethyl ester (BAEE), and two amides, N-benzoyl-L-arginine p-nitroanilide (BAPNA) and N-t-boc-leucylglycylarginine p-nitroanilide (LGRNA). In all cases, immobilization caused a greater decrease in k(cat) for amidase activity than for esterase activity. The ratio [k(cat)/ K(m) (ester)]/[k(cat)/K(m) (amide)] increased slightly or stayed the same (for I.GRNA) or decreased sharply (for BAPNA). Including STI during immobilization had little effect on the active enzyme's intrinsic kinetics. A direct comparison of energy diagrams and free energies of activation for BAEE and BAPNA indicates that immobilization raises the free energy barriers for both amide and ester hydrolysis and lowers the energy barrier for aminolysis. In practice, these effects should lower the amidase activity and increase the aminolysis-hydrolysis ratio, rendering the immobilized enzyme a more efficient catalyst for peptide synthesis. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

镉(cadmium,Cd)是引起粮食减产的主要金属之一,具有高溶解性及高迁移性,易被植物吸收和积累。微生物长期在镉胁迫的条件下进化出一系列的镉解毒机制。微生物对镉的解毒包括抑制Cd(Ⅱ)的进入、促进Cd(Ⅱ)的外排,以及将进入胞内的Cd(Ⅱ)进行“扣押”。微生物的Cd(Ⅱ)钝化是通过细胞吸附和胞外沉淀将游离态的Cd(Ⅱ)进行钝化,这类微生物具有较强的土壤镉污染治理潜力。本文主要介绍微生物的镉解毒机制、微生物-微生物互作、微生物-植物互作机制及其在镉污染生物修复中应用的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

【目的】挖掘梨小食心虫Grapholita molesta幼虫中肠中高表达消化酶和解毒酶基因,为今后研究以肠道为靶标的新型农药和转基因作物提供理论依据。【方法】基于梨小食心虫4龄幼虫中肠转录组高通量测序数据的FPKM值,筛选高表达基因,进行GO功能注释和KEGG通路富集分析,并使用BLAST软件进行比对筛选高表达的消化酶和解毒酶基因,利用MEGA对这些高表达的消化酶和解毒酶及其他鳞翅目昆虫的同源蛋白进行系统发育分析。利用qRT-PCR技术对梨小食心虫幼虫不同龄期中肠中的高表达代表性消化酶和解毒酶基因表达量进行定量分析和验证。【结果】在GO数据库中注释了103 677个在梨小食心虫4龄幼虫中肠中高表达基因,包括细胞组分、分子功能和生物学进程三大类功能共41个分支。KEGG通路分析表明,10 846个高表达基因参与了5类生化代谢通路。筛选到具有完整开放阅读框的消化酶基因17个[5个胰蛋白酶(trypsin, TRY)基因、3个氨肽酶(aminopeptidase, APN)基因和9个羧肽酶(carboxypeptidase, CP)基因]和解毒酶基因32个[11个谷胱甘肽S-转移酶(glu...  相似文献   

A study was performed to determine the effectiveness of using biofiltration for the removal of a complex mixture of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) air-stripped from petroleum hydrocarbons. A biofilter was constructed which contained 264 cm3 of packing material (Celite? R-635). The unit was inoculated with a mixed culture containing a hydrocarbon-degrading Pseudomonas sp and an Alcaligenes sp. Several of the major compounds in the VOC mixture were monitored individually, along with the total VOCs, using gas chromatography. The average influent concentration of the VOC mixture was 320 ppmv and the average total VOC removal rate was over 56%, with the average removal rate of the monitored individual compounds ranging from 49–90%. After 30 days of operation the average overall removal rate was 69% and the removal of the major compounds averaged 92%. The toxicity and mutagenicity of the air stream was monitored using the Microtox and Ames assays, respectively. These data show marked decreases in toxicity and mutagenicity of the air stream as a result of the biofiltration treatment. The biofiltration system, therefore, was not only effective in removing VOCs from the air stream over an extended time-period, but was also effective in greatly reducing the toxicity and mutagenicity associated with the remaining VOCs. Received 03 July 1997/ Accepted in revised form 25 November 1997  相似文献   

糖苷类化合物在医药、食品、表面活性剂和化妆品等领域应用广泛,通过糖苷酶催化糖苷类化合物合成具有原料成本低、反应条件温和等优点.糖苷酶催化过程可分为逆水解反应和转糖苷反应两大类,但反应体系中的水会限制反应的进行,而适当降低体系中的水活度可以有效提高糖苷酶的催化效率.但游离的糖苷酶在低水活度时容易失活,限制了糖苷酶在低水环...  相似文献   

Cells of Escherichia coli induced for l-tryptophan synthase [l-serine hydro-lyase (adding indole-glycerol-phosphate), EC] have been assayed in DMF and DMSO aqueous solvents as reaction medium. Up to 20% DMF/water, cells retained 90% of their tryptophan synthase activity. Concentrations of 20 mM indole, which did not inhibit this reactivity, could be reached with 5% DMF/water. Four matrices were compared for cell immobilization: polyacrylamide, foam particles of bovine seum albumin, alginate and κ-carrageenan. The best activity was retained with the latter matrix, and the preparations thus obtained allowed high productivity of l-tryptophan. Various systems of production of l-tryptophan with κ-carrageenan and DMF/water were studied.  相似文献   

N-(benzyloxycarbonyl)-L-aspartyl-L-phenylalanine methyl ester, a precursor of the synthetic sweetener, aspartame, was synthesized from N-(benzyloxycarbonyl)-L-aspartic acid and L-phenylalanine methyl ester with an immobilized thermolysin (EC in the mixed organic solvent system of tert-amyl alcohol and ethyl acetate. A mixed solvent consisting of tert-amyl alcohol and ethyl acetate at a ratio of 33:67 (v/v) was found to be the most suitable with respect to synthetic rate and stability of the immobilized enzyme. The reaction continued to proceed quite successfully in a column reactor at 40 degrees C and at a space velocity of 3.6 h(-1) with a yield of 99%, using 40 mM Z-Asp and 200 mM PheOMe dissolved in the mixed solvent as the substrate. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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