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Our earlier studies have shown that red blood cell (RBC) morphology in Alzheimer's disease (AD) subjects was altered (> 15% of the RBCs were elongated as compared to 5.9% in normal controls (p < 0.0001)). These results suggested alterations in the RBC membrane architecture in AD subjects, possibly due to RBC-β-amyloid interactions and/or changes in the expression of membrane proteins. We hypothesized that the observed changes could be due to changes in the level of the protein components of the cytoskeleton and those linked to the RBC membrane. To examine this, we performed a proteomic analysis of RBC membrane proteins of AD subjects, and their age-matched controls using one pool of samples from each group, following their separation by SDS-PAGE, in-gel Tryptic digestion, LC-MS-MS of peptides generated, and a label-free approach of semi-quantitative analysis of their relative MS spectral intensities.  相似文献   

The conductance and capacitance of flowing and quiescent red blood cell (RBC) suspensions were measured at a frequency of 0.2 MHz. The results demonstrate that the time-dependent changes in the conductance recorded during the aggregation process differ in nature for suspensions of short linear rouleaux, branched aggregates and RBC networks. It is shown that the conductance of RBC suspensions measured during the aggregation and disaggregation processes follows the morphological transformations of the RBC aggregates. Thus, this method enables characterization of the morphology of RBC aggregates formed in whole blood and in suspensions with physiological hematocrits both under flow conditions and in stasis. These results in combination with previous ones suggest that this technique can be used for studies of dynamic RBC aggregation and probably for diagnostic use.  相似文献   

Data are reviewed from twenty-two astronauts from seven space missions in a study of red blood cell mass. The data show that decreased red cell mass in all astronauts exposed to space for more than nine days, although the actual dynamics of mass changes varies with flight duration. Possible mechanisms for these changes, including alterations in erythropoietin levels, are discussed.  相似文献   

In anuran amphibians, larval red blood cells (RBCs) are replaced by adult-type RBCs during metamorphosis. We previously showed that tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand 1 (TRAIL1) induces apoptosis in larval-, but not adult-type RBCs in Xenopus laevis. We also found that protein kinase C (PKC) activation is involved in establishing resistance to TRAIL1-induced apoptosis in adult-type RBCs. Here, we investigated whether erythropoietin (EPO), which induces PKC activation in mammalian erythroblasts, is involved in the RBC transition in X. laevis. RT-PCR analysis revealed that epo mRNA was upregulated in the lung, from the metamorphic climax (stage 60) onward. In an RBC culture system, EPO pretreatment significantly attenuated the TRAIL1-induced death of larval- and adult-type RBCs isolated from tadpoles and adults, probably due partly to PKC activation. In samples from froglets undergoing RBC transition, which included both larval- and adult-type RBCs, EPO exhibited a stronger protective effect on the adult-type than the larval-type RBCs. Newly differentiated RBCs isolated from tadpoles treated with a hemolytic reagent were more resistant to TRAIL1-induced cell death than non-treated controls. These results suggest that EPO functions to protect adult-type RBCs from TRAIL1-induced cell death during RBC transition, and that the protective effect might decrease as RBCs age.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is a genetically programmed phenomenon that aids in maintaining homeostasis in multicellular organisms. The characteristic morphological features of apoptosis are highly conservative and are dependent on the cell type and the apoptotic inducer. The nuclear events occurring during apoptosis include changes at the molecular level (i.e. DNA cleavage, modifications of nuclear polypeptides, and proteolysis of several proteins important for cell maintenance), and, consequently, alterations at the morphological level (i.e. chromatin condensation, nuclear shrinkage, DNA fragmentation and apoptotic body formation). These events are still not fully understood. It is very probable that a progressive decrease in pH could also be an essential factor for the induction of nuclease and protease activities, and an important element of the optimal conditions for their function. This review details the current state of knowledge on apoptotic nuclear events, with particular focus on the proteins involved in the execution of apoptosis in cell nuclei, and on the differences in substrate cleavage profiles for different types of cell undergoing cell death.  相似文献   

Reticulocytosis was induced in rabbits by two methods: phlebotomy and injection of phenylhydrazine. Normal erythrocytes, reticulocytes from bed rabbits, reticulocytes from phenylhydrazine-treated rabbits, and erythrocytes treated in vitro with phenylhydrazine were compared with respect to their plasma membrane labeling by galactose oxidase and NaB3H4, and lactoperoxidase-catalyzed incorporation of 125I. Normal erythrocyte membranes and membranes from reticulocytes of bled rabbits showed almost identical labeling patterns, the presence of 2–3 glycoproteins with moderate to low mobilities on dodecyl sulfate acrylamide gel electrophoresis. Labeling in the absence of enzyme was negligible. In contrast, the reticulocytes from phenylhydrazine-treated rabbits exhibited a large incorporation of tritium without prior treatment with galactose oxidase. Even after prereduction with unlabeled NaBH4 to remove this nonspecific labeling, the labeled glycoprotein components found in normal erythrocytes were not detectable. Normal erythrocytes treated in vitro with phenylhydrazine, washed, and labeled with galactose oxidase had labeling patterns, including high nonspecific incorporation of 3H, similar to those observed with in vivo phenylhydrazine treatment.Solubilization of membranes with lithium diiososalicylate followed by partitioning with phenol showed that the same glycoproteins were presented in normal or phenylhydrazine membranes, although only the former extract was labeled by galactose oxidase. Individual carbohydrates from the membranes were analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography and, in the case of hexosamines, on the amino acid analyzer. The results of these analyses indicated a slight decline in galactose content with phenylhydrazine treatment. Reticulocyte membranes from bled rabbits also showed a decrease in galactose content, although it was less pronounced.Most of the label incorporated by nonspecific borohydride labeling of membranes from phenylhydrazine-treated animals was found associated with protein. The modified amino acids from labeled proteins are similar to those formed in reactions of oxidized lipids and proteins in model systems.  相似文献   

Recent studies of chitosan have increased the interest in its conversion to chitooligosaccharides (COSs) because these compounds are water-soluble and have potential use in several biomedical applications. Furthermore, such oligomers may be more advantageous than chitosans because of their much higher absorption profiles at the intestinal level, which permit their facilitated access to systemic circulation and potential distribution throughout the entire human body. In that perspective, it is important to clarify their effect on blood further, namely, on human red blood cells (RBCs). The aim of this work was thus to study the effect of two COS mixtures with different molecular weight (MW) ranges, <3 and <5 kDa, at various concentrations (5.0-0.005 mg/mL) on human RBCs. The interactions of these two mixtures with RBC membrane proteins and with hemoglobin were assessed, and the RBC morphology and surface structure were analyzed by optical microscopy (OM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). In the presence of either COS mixture, no significant hemolysis was observed; however, at COS concentrations >0.1 mg/mL, changes in membrane binding hemoglobin were observed. Membrane protein changes were also observed with increasing COS concentration, including a reduction in both alpha- and beta-spectrin and in band 3 protein, and the development of three new protein bands: peroxiredoxin 2, calmodulin, and hemoglobin chains. Morphologic evaluation by OM showed that at high concentrations COSs interact with RBCs, leading to RBC adhesion, aggregation, or both. An increase in the roughness of the RBC surface with increasing COS concentration was observed by AFM. Overall, these findings suggest that COS damage to RBCs was dependent on the COS MW and concentration, and significant damage resulted from either a higher MW or a greater concentration (>0.1 mg/mL).  相似文献   

Mice have close genetic/physiological relationships to humans, breed rapidly, and can be genetically modified, making them the most used mammal in biomedical research. Because the red blood cell (RBC) is the sole gas transporter in vertebrates, diseases of the RBC are frequently severe; much research has therefore focused on RBC and cardiovascular disorders of mouse and humans. RBCs also host malaria parasites. Recently we presented an in-depth proteome for the human RBC. Here we present directly comparable data for the mouse RBC as membrane-only, soluble-only, and combined membrane-bound/soluble proteomes (comprising, respectively, 247, 232, and 165 proteins). All proteins were identified, validated, and categorized in terms of subcellular localization, protein family, and function, and in comparison with the human RBC, were classified as orthologs, family-related, or unique. Splice isoforms were identified, and polypeptides migrating with anomalous apparent molecular weights were grouped into putatively ubiquitinated or partially degraded complexes. Overall there was close concordance between mouse and human proteomes, confirming the unexpected RBC complexity. Several novel findings in the human proteome have been confirmed here. This comparison sheds light on several open issues in RBC biology and provides a departure point for more comprehensive understanding of RBC function.  相似文献   

The effect of lipopolysaccharide (LPS, endotoxin), isolated from Proteus mirabilis S1959 strain, on red blood cell (RBC) membranes in whole cells as well as on isolated membranes was studied. Lipid membrane fluidity, conformational state of membrane proteins and the osmotic fragility of RBCs were examined using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and spectrophotometric method. Lipid membrane fluidity was determined using three spin-labeled fatty acids: 5-, 12- and 16-doxylstearic acid (5-, 12- and 16-DS). The addition of LPS S1959 to RBC suspension resulted in an increase in membrane fluidity, as indicated by 12-DS. At the concentrations of 0.5 and 1 mg/ml, LPS treatment led to a significant (P<0.05) increase in lipid membrane fluidity in the deeper region of lipid bilayer (determined by 12-DS). The conformational changes in membrane proteins were determined using two covalently bound spin labels, 4-maleimido-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl and 4-iodoacetamido-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (ISL). The highest concentration of endotoxin significantly (P<0.05) decreased the relative rotational correlation time of ISL and significantly (P<0.05) increased the osmotic fragility of RBCs. The effect of endotoxin was much more profound in isolated membranes than in intact cells treated with LPS. At the concentrations 0.5 and 1 mg/ml, LPS led to a significant increase in h(w)/h(s) ratio. These results indicated increased membrane protein mobility, mainly in the spectrin-actin complex in membrane cytoskeleton. These data suggest that LPS-induced alterations in membrane lipids and cytoskeleton proteins of RBCs lead to loss of membrane integrity.  相似文献   

Alanine and glutamine transport have been studied during red blood cell maturation in the rat. Kinetic parameters of Na+-dependent L-alanine transport were:K m 0.43 and 1.88 mM andV max 158 and 45 nmoles/ml ICW/min for reticulocytes and erythrocytes, respectively. During red cell maturation in the rat there is a loss of capacity and affinity of the system ASC for L-alanine transport. The values for Na+-dependent L-glutamine transport in reticulocytes wereK m 0.51 mM andV max 157 nmoles/ml ICW/min. On the other hand, a total loss of L-glutamine transport mediated by both N and ASC systems is demonstrated in mature red cells. This seems to indicate that during rat red cell maturation the system N disappears. Furthermore, the system ASC specificity in mature cells changes, and glutamine enters the red cell by non-mediated diffusion processes.  相似文献   

Red blood cell membrane exhibits a large resistance to changes in surface area. This resistance is characterized by the area expansivity modulus K, which relates the isotropic membrane force resultant, T, to the fractional change in membrane surface area delta A/Ao. The experimental technique commonly used to determine K is micropipette aspiration. Using this method, E. A. Evans and R. Waugh (1977, Biophys. J. 20:307-313) obtained a value of 450 dyn/cm for the modulus. In the present report, it is shown that the value of K, as determined using this method, is affected by electric potential differences applied across the tip of the pipette. Using Ag-AgCl electrodes and current clamping electronics, we obtained values for K ranging from 150 dyn/cm with -1.0 V applied, to 1,500 dyn/cm with 1.0 V applied. At 0.0 V the modulus obtained was approximately 500 dyn/cm. A reversible, voltage- and pressure-dependent change in the cell volume probably accounts for the effect of the voltage on the calculated value of the modulus. The use of lanthanum chloride or increasing the extra- and intracellular solute concentrations reduced the voltage dependence of the measurements. It was also found that when dissimilar metals were used to "ground" the pipette to the chamber to prevent lysis of cells by static charge, values for K ranged from 121 to 608 dyn/cm. Based on measurements made at zero applied volts, in the presence of 0.4 mM lanthanum and at high solute concentration, we conclude that the true value of the modulus is approximately 500 dyn/cm.  相似文献   

Micropipette aspiration is a potentially useful and accurate technique to measure red blood cell (RBC) geometry. Individual RBCs are partially aspirated and from the resulting sphere diameter, total cell length, and pipette diameter, membrane area and cell volume can be calculated. In this study we have focused on possible shape artifacts associated with the aspirated portion of RBC. We observed that the apparent RBC geometry (calculated area and volume) changed markedly (P < 0.001) with the applied aspiration pressure; for normal human RBC the area increased by 5.6 +/- 0.6% and volume decreased by 4.7 +/- 0.6% when the aspiration pressure was increased from 20 to 100 mm water. The calculated membrane area dilation modulus was 7.4 dyn/ cm, which is far below the expected value, and microscopic observations revealed a membrane folding artifact as a possible artifact. These assumptions were strengthened by using a short-duration (3 s) pressure peak of 20-100-20 mm water. The folding then disappeared permanently, but a small (0.31 +/- 0.09%; P < 0.001) area decrease was detected which yields a realistic dilation modulus of 215 dyn/cm. We conclude that membrane folding can critically affect RBC micropipette measurements and that a transient pressure peak can unfold the RBC membrane, thus allowing accurate measurements of RBC geometry.  相似文献   

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - The effect of red blood cells and the undulation of the endothelium on the shear stress in the microvasculature is studied numerically using the...  相似文献   

Summary The intracellular localization and isozyme distribution of hexokinase were studied during rabbit reticulocyte maturation and aging. In reticulocytes 50% of the enzyme was particulate while in the mature erythrocytes all the hexokinase activity was soluble. The bound enzyme co-sediments with mitochondria and by column chromatography it was found to be hexokinase Ia. The cytosol of reticulocytes contains hexokinase Ia (38%) and hexokinase Ib (62%) while the mature erythrocytes contain only hexokinase Ia. The amount of bound hexokinase decreases very quickly during cell maturation and aging as was shown by following in vivo reticulocyte maturation or by analysis of hexokinase compartmentation in cells of different ages, obtained by density gradient ultracentrifugations. A role for this intracellular distribution of hexokinase is suggested.  相似文献   

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