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For the four anthracyclines idarubicin, daunorubicin, epirubicin and doxorubicin the passive and active efflux rates in intact multidrug resistant cells were compared. Although highly similar structurally, these anti-tumor agents differ in lipophilicity and membrane permeability (k). The method we used was based on the continuous measurement of the cellular efflux and determination of the ratio (RVp) of transport rates just before and just after inhibition of the active transport with verapamil (Vp). Hence, RVp - 1 should reflect the active transport rate relative to the passive transport rate. If cells were single, well-stirred compartments, RVp - 1 should equal Vmax/(k.Km), where Vmax is the maximal pumping rate and Km is the Michaelis constant. However, using the plasma membrane permeabilizing agent digitonin, we found an effective intracellular anthracycline store. Particularly, when the efflux was fast, e.g. with idarubicin or in intensively pumping cells, the intracellular transport began to control the cellular efflux. Under these conditions, k underestimated the true plasma membrane permeability (k0) and RVp - 1 underestimated Vmax/(k.Km). Based on the effects of digitonin on the efflux rates in pumping and nonpumping cells, we developed an index (RVp,corrected - 1) which should equal Vmax/(k0. Km). The term Vmax/(k0.Km) varied substantially between the drugs. It appears that differences in lipophilicity between the drugs do not affect passive efflux and pumping equally. This demonstrates that passive permeation plays a substantial and independent role in determining the drug resistance for these anthracyclines. The methods developed here enable dissection of this role from that of drug pumping and intracellular subcompartmentation.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein plays a key role in multidrug resistance of tumor cells. In order to elucidate the possible quarternary structure/function relationship of P-glycoprotein, we treated multidrug-resistant human leukemia K562/ADM cells with the crosslinking reagent, disuccinimidyl suberate. In addition to 180K P-glycoprotein, a 340K protein was immunoprecipitated with an anti-P-glycoprotein monoclonal antibody, MRK-16. The 340K protein is most probably a dimeric P-glycoprotein, since only the 180K P-glycoprotein was immunoprecipitated with MRK-16 when K562/ADM cells were treated with the cleavable crosslinking reagent, dithiobis(succinimidylpropionate), and analysed under reduced conditions. The dimeric P-glycoprotein was photolabeled with [3H]azidopine like the 180K monomeric P-glycoprotein and the photolabeling was inhibited by excess amount of vincristine and verapamil. The dimeric P-glycoprotein could be a functionally active form of the protein involved in the transport of antitumor agents.  相似文献   

Regulation of P-glycoprotein (Pgp) expression occurs not only at the DNA and mRNA level but also at the protein level. We showed previously that Pgp was stabilized when multidrug-resistant CH(R)C5 and SKVCR 2.0 ovarian cell lines were subjected to serum-starved or high-cell-density growth conditions, whereas Pgp turnover in a leukemic multidrug-resistant cell line, CEMVLB0.1, was not affected by serum starvation (Muller et al., 1995). On further analysis, we have observed that the majority of the CH(R)C5 and SKVCR 2.0 cells under these conditions were in the G1/G0 phase of the cell cycle, whereas the cell cycle of CEMVLB0.1 cells was not affected. Pgp in CEMVLB0.1 cells was stabilized only when the cell cycle was delayed in the G1/G0 phase by using amino acid-deficient growth medium. In CH(R)C5 cells, Pgp half-life was also considerably increased when the cell cycle of these ovary-derived cells was delayed in the G1/G0 phase by using high concentrations of progesterone under normal serum growth conditions. In contrast, Pgp stability was not greatly affected if these cells were delayed in the S or G2/M phase of the cell cycle with Ara-C, cisplatin, or colchicine under the same conditions. Insulin-like growth factors could release the serum-starved CH(R)C5 and SKVCR2.0 cells from the G1/G0 phase and destabilized Pgp. These results indicate that Pgp turnover is a cell-cycle-related process in MDR cells.  相似文献   

An antipeptide antibody (P7) to P-glycoprotein has been produced by immunizing rabbits with a synthetic peptide. Antibody P7 is directed against the amino-terminal region of P170 (residues 28-35). The antibody immunoprecipitates a 170-kDa P-glycoprotein from extracts of drug-resistant KB-V1 cells that is not present in the drug-sensitive cell line KB-3-1. Antibody P7 was used to quantitate the amount of P-glycoprotein present in drug-resistant KB lines at various levels of resistance and to demonstrate the presence of P-glycoprotein in NIH 3T3 cells transfected with a cloned MDR1 cDNA or human genomic DNA encoding MDR1. Pulse-chase labeling experiments demonstrated that P-glycoprotein is synthesized as a 140-kDa precursor which is slowly converted over 2-4 h to a 170-kDa glycoprotein. Tunicamycin treatment blocks the conversion of the precursor to the mature form, and removal of N-linked oligosaccharides with Endo F reduces the relative molecular weight of P-glycoprotein to 140K. The mobility of mature P-glycoprotein is unaffected by treatment with neuraminidase and Endo H. These data indicate that P-glycoprotein is N-glycosylated and contains little or no neuraminic acid. P-Glycoprotein is also phosphorylated, and the extent of phosphate incorporated is proportional to the amount of protein present in drug-resistant cells.  相似文献   

A series of chalcogenopyrylium dyes were evaluated as modulators/inhibitors of P-glycoprotein (Pgp). Their ability to inhibit verapamil (VER)-dependent ATPase activity (IC(50) values) in lipid-activated, mouse Cys-less mdr3 Pgp was determined. Their ability to promote calcein-AM (CAM) uptake in MDCKII-MDR1 cells and their capacity to be transported by Pgp in monolayers of MDCKII-MDR1 cells were also evaluated. The chalcogenopyrylium dyes promoted CAM uptake with values of EC(50) between 5 x 10(-6) and 3.5 x 10(-5)M and 7 of the 9 dyes examined in transport studies were substrates for Pgp with efflux ratios (P(BA/AB)) between 14 and 390. Binding of three compounds (1-S, 3-S, and 4-S) to Pgp was also assessed by fluorescence. These three thiopyrylium dyes showed increased fluorescence upon binding to Pgp, giving apparent binding constants, K(app), on the order of 10(-7) to 10(-6)M. Compound 8-Te was particularly intriguing since it appeared to influence Pgp at low micromolar concentrations as evidenced by its influence on VER-stimulated ATPase activity (IC(50) of 1.2 x 10(-6)M), CAM uptake (EC(50) of 5.4 x 10(-6)M), as well as [(3)H]-vinblastine transport by Pgp in cells (IC(50) of 4.3 x 10(-6)M) and within inside-out membrane vesicles (IC(50) of 9.6 x 10(-6)M). Yet, Pgp did not influence the distribution of 8-Te in MDCKII-MDR1 monolayers suggesting that 8-Te may bind to an allosteric site.  相似文献   

Resistance of tumor cells to multiple cytotoxic drugs is a major impediment to cancer chemotherapy. Multidrug resistance in human cells is determined by the mdr1 gene, encoding a high molecular weight membrane glycoprotein (P-glycoprotein). Complete primary structure of human P-glycoprotein has been determined from the cDNA sequence. The protein, 1280 amino acids long, consists of two homologous parts of approximately equal length. Each half of the protein includes a hydrophobic region with six predicted transmembrane segments and a hydrophilic region. The hydrophilic regions share homology with peripheral membrane components of bacterial active transport systems and include potential nucleotide-binding sites. These results are consistent with a function for P-glycoprotein as an energy-dependent efflux pump responsible for decreased drug accumulation in multidrug-resistant cells.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein, a hydrophobic 170-kDa integral protein overexpressed in the plasma membrane of multidrug-resistant cells, is proposed to function as an ATP-dependent drug efflux pump. Plasma membrane preparations highly enriched in P-glycoprotein were isolated from multidrug-resistant cells by discontinuous sucrose gradient and Ca2+ precipitation methods. Several strategies were used for P-glycoprotein purification, with the goal being to achieve both good yields and purity, while keeping experimental manipulation to a minimum. P-glycoprotein was solubilized from the plasma membrane using 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate. Immunoaffinity chromatography using C219 monoclonal antibody produced low yields of moderately pure protein. Sequential lectin affinity chromatography on RCA-120 followed by lentil lectin resulted in a P-glycoprotein preparation that showed a single band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A fraction of P-glycoprotein did not bind to RCA-120, most likely as a result of heterogeneous glycosylation. A combination of chromatography on RCA-120 followed by immunoaffinity chromatography on C219 resulted in low yields of very pure P-glycoprotein.  相似文献   

Patterns of anthracycline retention modulation in human tumor cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Laser excitation of cellular doxorubicin and daunomycin content (with or without incubation in the presence of efflux blockers such as phenothiazines or verapamil) was studied in cells from leukemic peripheral blood, bone marrow aspirates, and ascites and pleural fluid of solid tumor patients. Selected examples are presented to show that heterogeneity in cellular anthracycline retention as well as sensitivity to efflux modulators is seen in human tumor cells. Several tumor subpopulations differing in their cellular retention of anthracyclines or sensitivity to modulators were seen. In serial tumor samples from patients (pre- and post-treatment with anthracycline-containing protocols), initial drug retention and sensitivity to efflux modulators was followed by lack of drug retention and insensitivity to modulators. The present study shows that in view of the variables encountered in drug-retention characteristics and sensitivity to efflux modulators, one needs to screen tumor samples before recommending use of any particular transport modulator to enhance drug retention and sensitivity of drug-resistant cells.  相似文献   

The simulation of aerial movement--IV. A computer simulation model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A computer simulation model of human airborne movement is described. The body is modelled as 11 rigid linked segments with 17 degrees of freedom which are chosen with a view to modelling twisting somersaults. The accuracy of the model is evaluated by comparing the simulation values of the angles describing somersault, tilt and twist with the corresponding values obtained from film data of nine twisting somersaults. The maximum deviations between simulation and film are found to be 0.04 revolutions for somersault, seven degrees for tilt and 0.12 revolutions for twist. It is shown that anthropometric measurement errors, from which segmental inertia parameters are calculated, have a small effect on a simulation, whereas film digitization errors can account for a substantial part of the deviation between simulation and film values.  相似文献   

P-Glycoprotein (P-GP) plays a pivotal role in maintaining the multidrug-resistant (MDR) phenotype. This membrane glycoprotein is overproduced in MDR cells and the endometrium of the mouse gravid uterus (Arceci, R.J., Croop, J.M., Horwitz, S.B., and Housman, D. (1988) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 85, 4350-4354). This latter observation and an interest in endogenous substrates for P-GP led to a study of the interaction of steroids with P-GP found in the endometrium of the mouse gravid uterus and in MDR cells derived from the murine macrophage-like cell J774.2. [3H]Azidopine labeling of P-GP from these two sources was inhibited by various steroids, particularly progesterone. Progesterone also markedly inhibited [3H]vinblastine binding to membrane vesicles prepared from MDR cells, enhanced vinblastine accumulation in MDR cells, and increased the sensitivity of MDR cells to vinblastine. In addition, we have demonstrated that the hydrophobicity of a steroid is important in determining its effect on inhibition of drug binding to P-GP. It is concluded that progesterone, a relatively nontoxic endogenous steroid, interacts with P-GP and is capable of reversing drug resistance in MDR cells.  相似文献   

The control of P-glycoprotein (Pgp) expression in multidrug-resistant cells (MDR) is complex and may be regulated at different levels. We have investigated Pgp stability in four different human and hamster MDR cell lines. Using a pulse-chase procedure we show that Pgp half-life is between 14 and 17 h in all these cell lines when they are growing exponentially. However, in the presence of a low level of serum, Pgp half-life is increased four to sixfold. A similar effect is observed when the cell cultures are maintained in high cell density. The increased Pgp stability appears to be differently regulated as serum deprivation results in a general enhanced degradation of total cytoplasmic and membrane proteins. Moreover, the observed serum effect suggests the involvement of growth factors in the control of Pgp stability. These findings suggest that protein stability may be an important factor in the regulation of Pgp expression. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The mechanism of reversal of resistance to Vinca alkaloids by cyclosporins is unclear. We investigated the molecular mechanism of reversal of Vinca alkaloid resistance by cyclosporin A (CsA) and its nonimmunosuppressive analog O-acetyl C9(1) CsA (SDZ 33-243) in multidrug resistant DC-3F/VCRd-5L Chinese hamster cells. CsA at 3 microM increased vincristine (VCR) sensitivity and almost totally reversed VCR resistance. SDZ 33-243 at 1 microM reduced the IC50 for VCR in resistant cells from 62.0 to 0.00062 microM. CsA and SDZ 33-243 at 10 microM increased [3H]vinblastine (VBL) accumulation in DC-3F/VCRd-5L cells by 27- and 22-fold, respectively. At 10 microM, these compounds also increased [3H]VCR accumulation by 3.5- and 4.0-fold, respectively. [3H]VCR uptake by membrane vesicles from DC-3F/VCRd-5L cells showed high and low affinity components with Michaelis-Menten kinetics, and apparent Km values were 0.140 +/- 0.0523 and 24.8 +/- 6.67 microM, respectively. Kinetic analysis of [3H]VCR uptake in membrane vesicles in the presence of 0.2 microM CsA revealed that CsA competitively inhibited the high affinity [3H]VCR uptake with an apparent inhibition constant (Ki) of 0.126 +/- 0.0173 microM. In addition, CsA and SDZ 33-243 inhibited VBL photoaffinity labeling of P-glycoprotein in a dose-dependent manner, with half-maximum inhibition at 0.5 and 0.4 microM, respectively, compared with that of VBL at 0.6 microM. These data confirm that cyclosporins modulate Vinca alkaloid resistance at least partially through interaction with P-glycoprotein.  相似文献   

The effect of a local X-irradiation on the transmembrane transfer of Na ions and activity of Na-K ATPase in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells has been investigated. Irradiation with doses of 0.05 and 0.15 C/kg are shown to change natrium ion transport. This effect is absent at a dose of 0.08 C/kg. A change in the rate of active transport correlates to some extent with the disturbance in Na-K ATPase occurring at the same radiation doses.  相似文献   

With the whole set of the tested anthracyclines, a bimodal localization, nuclear and lysosomal, is observed. But the percentage of the drug which is stored in the nuclei is different according to the drug. With some derivatives which have a high therapeutic efficiency, 82–87 % of the drug is recovered in the nuclei. In a second group whatever the biological activity of the drug only 49–52 % of the drug accumulates in the nuclei.  相似文献   

A homeomorphic mathematical model of cell surface insulin receptor regulation is developed. The overall structure of the model is based on molecular mechanisms suggested by in vivo and in vitro experimental evidence from many different cell types. Model parameters correspond to cellular processes which are constrained by known boundry value conditions. As an example, computer simulation results are compared with published data from BC3H-1 myocytes in culture. With appropriate parameter choice, this model is able to simulate data from other cell types. Cellular processes which are explicitly represented in the model include: bound and unbound receptor endocytosis, receptor recycling, intracellular receptor degradation, and state-dependent receptor synthesis. Most of these processes are represented as first-order events. Using more complex representations of the model structure with higher order rate constants or saturable pathways does not qualitatively improve simulation results. Simulations are able to reproduce ligand-induced down and up regulation of receptors as well as the initial spontaneous display of surface insulin receptors. To demonstrate the behavior of our model and illustrate its utility for explaining insulin receptor regulation for a variety of conditions, simulations for which experimental data is unavailable for direct comparison are also shown. We believe the structure of our model is sufficient to explain insulin receptor regulation in a wide variety of cell types. In addition our model may aid in understanding the receptor component of insulin resistance (decreased sensitivity or responsiveness to insulin) seen in pathological states such as obesity and diabetes mellitus. Finally, this model may be applicable to the study of the regulation of other polypeptide hormone receptors.  相似文献   

In the present study we show that neutral hexanoyl-(glyco)sphingolipids inhibit P-glycoprotein (Pgp) activity in human ovarian 2780AD cells. By contrast, hexanoylceramide and the gangliosides GM(3) and GM(2) had no effect on Pgp activity, whereas sphingosine had a stimulating effect. In the case of hexanoylglucosylceramide, inhibition of Pgp activity by was reflected by a regained doxorubicin sensitivity of cells, which were grown in medium supplemented with the lipid. Our results lead to the conclusion that a direct transmodulation of Pgp activity by glycolipids occurs, depending on lipid headgroup structure, which can result in reduced resistance to the chemotherapeutic agent doxorubicin.  相似文献   

A novel mathematical model to simulate mesenchymal stem cells differentiation into specialized cells is proposed. The model is based upon material balances for extracellular matrix compounds, growth factors and nutrients coupled with a mass-structured population balance describing cell growth, proliferation and differentiation. The proposed model is written in a general form and it may be used to simulate a generic cell differentiation pathway occurring in vivo or during in vitro cultivation when specific growth factors are used. Literature experimental data concerning the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells into chondrocytes in terms of total DNA and glycosaminoglycan content are successfully compared with model results, thus demonstrating the validity of the proposed model as well as its predictive capability. A further test of the model capability is performed for the case of in vivo fracture healing during which mesenchymal stem cells differentiate into chondrocytes and osteoblasts. Considerations about the extension of the proposed model to different pathologies beside fracture healing are reported. Finally, sensitivity analysis of model parameters is also performed in order to clarify what mechanisms most strongly influence differentiation and the distribution of cell types.  相似文献   

S Nair  S V Singh  A Krishan 《Cytometry》1991,12(4):336-342
We have used an enzymatic (spectro-photometric) and a flow cytometric (GSH-MBCL) method to compare the glutathione (GSH) content of doxorubicin sensitive (P388) and resistant (P388/R-84) murine leukemic and human lung cancer cells. The flow cytometric analysis revealed that GSH-MBCL conjugate formation was dependent on glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activity. The human solid tumor cell lines exhibited extensive heterogeneity, high GSH content, and GST activity. In contrast to the enzymatic method, the flow cytometric method did not accurately reflect the 95% reduction in GSH content of cells treated for 24 h with 100 microM BSO. Possible reaction of MBCL with other sulfhydryl groups (other than GSH) in BSO-treated cells may be responsible for this discordance. We have also shown the feasibility of using dual parameter flow cytometry to monitor cellular anthracycline (daunorubicin) retention and GSH-MBCL conjugate fluorescence in human tumor cells. These two parameters, which measure drug retention and cellular detoxification, are believed to be the important determinants of chemoresistance in tumor cells.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistant (MDR) cells overexpress a 170-180 kDa membrane glycoprotein, the P-glycoprotein, which is believed to export drugs in an ATP-dependent manner. Plasma membrane vesicles from the MDR CHRC5 cell line, but not the AuxB1 drug-sensitive parent, showed uptake of [3H]colchicine and [3H]vinblastine that was stimulated by the presence of ATP and an ATP-regenerating system. Steady-state uptake of drugs was achieved by 10 min and was stable for greater than 30 min. Non-hydrolysable ATP analogues were unable to support drug uptake, indicating that ATP hydrolysis is essential for transport. ATP-stimulated drug uptake appeared to result from drug transport into inside-out vesicles, since uptake was osmotically sensitive and could be prevented by detergent permeabilization. Steady-state uptake was half-maximal at 100 microM colchicine and 200 nM vinblastine and was inhibited by a 10-100-fold excess of MDR drugs and chemosensitizers, in the order vinblastine greater than verapamil greater than daunomycin greater than colchicine. In addition to being vanadate-sensitive, drug uptake was inhibited by 10-200 microM concentrations of several sulfhydryl-modifying reagents, suggesting that cysteine residues play an important role in drug transport. Vesicular colchicine was rapidly exchanged by an excess of unlabelled drug, demonstrating that drug association is the net result of opposing colchicine fluxes across the membrane.  相似文献   

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