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The lipo-chitooligosaccharidic Nod factors produced by rhizobia are key molecules in the establishment of symbiosis with legumes and probably are recognized by the host plant via specific receptors. Here, we report on the presence of a binding site in cell cultures of Phaseolus vulgaris displaying a high affinity for Nod factors from Rhizobium tropici (NodRt-V) (Me, S, C18:1), a symbiont of this legume. The binding site shares common properties with NFBS2, a Nod-factor binding site previously characterised in Medicago varia, in terms of affinity, preferential plasma-membrane location, and sensitivity to proteases and lysine reactive reagents. However, the bean site poorly recognizes the Nod factors produced by Sinorhizobium meliloti, the symbiont of Medicago. The study of selectivity toward the Nod factors reveals that the length and degree of unsaturation of the acyl chain and the length of the oligosaccharidic moiety are important determinants of high affinity binding to the bean site; whereas, the N-methyl and O-sulfuryl groups play a minor role. Thus, the common characteristics of P. vulgaris and M. varia Nod-factor binding sites suggest that they probably correspond to structurally related proteins, but their different selectivity suggests that they may be involved in a differential perception system for Nod factors in legumes.  相似文献   

A novel method for factor binding site mutagenesis.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Fifty-two killer, factor-resistant, nuclear mutants were isolated from sensitive strains of yeast and assorted into three functional groups. All but one mutant owed their resistance to an alteration in the cell wall binding site for killer. In several mutant strains, an alteration at the site of killer binding was associated with a change in the susceptibility of the cell wall to degradation by glusulase. The killer-binding site could be inactivated by periodate but not by pronase treatment. The nature of the site is discussed.  相似文献   

Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) is a multifunctional serpin with antitumorigenic, antimetastatic, and differentiating activities. PEDF is found within tissues rich in the glycosaminoglycan hyaluronan (HA), and its amino acid sequence contains putative HA-binding motifs. We show that PEDF coprecipitation with glycosaminoglycans in media conditioned by human retinoblastoma Y-79 cells decreased after pretreatments with hyaluronidase, implying an association between HA and PEDF. Direct binding of human recombinant PEDF to highly purified HA was demonstrated by coprecipitation in the presence of cetylpyridinium chloride. Binding of PEDF to HA was concentration-dependent and saturable. The PEDF-HA interactions were sensitive to increasing NaCl concentrations, indicating an ionic nature of these interactions and having affinity higher than PEDF-heparin. Competition assays showed that PEDF can bind heparin and HA simultaneously. PEDF chemically modified with fluorescein retained the capacity for interacting with HA but lacked heparin affinity, suggesting one or more distinct HA-binding regions on PEDF. The HA-binding region was examined by site-directed mutagenesis. Single-point and cumulative alterations at basic residues within the putative HA-binding motif K189A/K191A/R194A/K197A drastically reduced the HA-binding activity without affecting heparin- or collagen I binding of PEDF. Cumulative alterations at sites critical for heparin binding (K146A/K147A/R149A) decreased HA affinity but not collagen I binding. Thus these clusters of basic residues (BXBXXBXXB and BX3AB2XB motifs) in PEDF are functional regions for binding HA. In the spatial PEDF structure they are located in distinct areas away from the collagen-binding site. The HA-binding activity of PEDF may contribute to deposition in the extracellular matrix and to its reported antitumor/antimetastatic effects.  相似文献   

The extracellular portion of the kit-encoded receptor for the stem cell factor (SCF) comprises five immunoglobulin (Ig)-like domains. To localize the ligand recognition site, we exploited the lack of binding of human SCF to the murine receptor by using human-mouse hybrids of Kit and species-specific monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that inhibit ligand binding. Replacement of the three N-terminal Ig-like domains of the murine Kit with the corresponding portion of the human receptor conferred upon the chimeric receptor high-affinity binding of the human ligand as well as of human-specific ligand-inhibitory MAbs. By constructing five chimeric murine Kit proteins which individually contain each of these three human Ig-like units or pairs of them, we found that the second human domain confers upon the mouse Kit high-affinity binding of the human ligand and also binding of species-specific SCF-competitive MAbs. Nevertheless, the flanking Ig-like domains also affect high-affinity recognition of SCF. Moreover, it appears that the determinants that define ligand specificity of the murine and the human receptors do not structurally coincide. This observation allowed us to identify a chimeric receptor that displayed a dual specificity; namely, it bound with high affinity either the human or the murine SCF molecules and reacted with mouse- as well as human-specific ligand-inhibitory MAbs. Conversely, another chimera, which included all of the five Ig-like domains, bound neither ligand. In conclusion, interdomain packing involving the second Ig-like domain of human Kit and noncontiguous structural motifs of the receptor are involved in SCF recognition.  相似文献   

Stem cell factor (also known as mast cell growth factor and kit-ligand) is a transmembrane growth factor with a highly conserved cytoplasmic domain. Basolateral membrane expression in epithelia and persistent cell surface exposure of stem cell factor are required for complete biological activity in pigmentation, fertility, learning, and hematopoiesis. Here we show by site-directed mutagenesis that the cytoplasmic domain of stem cell factor contains a monomeric leucine-dependent basolateral targeting signal. N-terminal to this motif, a cluster of acidic amino acids serves to increase the efficiency of basolateral sorting mediated by the leucine residue. Hence, basolateral targeting of stem cell factor requires a mono-leucine determinant assisted by a cluster of acidic amino acids. This mono-leucine determinant is functionally conserved in colony-stimulating factor-1, a transmembrane growth factor related to stem cell factor. Furthermore, this leucine motif is not capable of inducing endocytosis, allowing for persistent cell surface expression of stem cell factor. In contrast, the mutated cytoplasmic tail found in the stem cell factor mutant Mgf(Sl17H) induces constitutive endocytosis by a motif that is related to signals for endocytosis and lysosomal targeting. Our findings therefore present mono-leucines as a novel type of protein sorting motif for transmembrane growth factors.  相似文献   

Studies on the zinc binding site to the serum thymic factor   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Gel filtration studies of 65Zn2+ binding to thymulin show that the nonapeptide can strongly bind one zinc metal ion. At pH 7.5, thymulin binds one zinc ion with an apparent affinity constant Kd of 5 +/- 2 X 10(-7) M. Binding is pH dependent. No binding is observed below pH 6.0. Ga3+, Al3+, Mn2+ and Cu2+ can compete with the binding of Zn2+ at pH 7.5. A good correlation between the competition potencies of metal ions used and the extent of biological activity of thymulin in the presence of these metal ions in an in vitro rosette assay is observed. Structural analogs of thymulin and non-thymulin-related peptides were used in a gel filtration technique to tentatively define the nature of amino acids present in the Zn2+-binding site of thymulin.  相似文献   

We reported previously that residue 347 in activated fX (fXa) contributes to binding of the cofactor, factor Va (fVa) (Rudolph, A. E., Porche-Sorbet, R. and Miletich, J. P. (2000) Biochemistry 39, 2861-2867). Four additional residues that participate in fVa binding have now been identified by mutagenesis. All five resulting fX species, fX(R306A), fX(E310N), fX(R347N), fX(K351A), and fX(K414A), are activated and inhibited normally. However, the rate of inhibition by antithrombin III in the presence of submaximal concentrations of heparin is reduced for all the enzymes. In the absence of fVa, all of the enzymes bind and activate prothrombin similarly except fXa(E310N), which has a reduced apparent affinity ( approximately 3-fold) for prothrombin compared with wild type fXa (fXa(WT)). In the absence of phospholipid, fVa enhances the catalytic activity of fXa(WT) significantly, but the response of the variant enzymes was greatly diminished. On addition of 100 nm PC:PS (3:1) vesicles, fVa enhanced fXa(WT), fXa(R306A), and fXa(E310N) similarly, whereas fXa(R347N), fXa(K351A), and fXa(K414A) demonstrated near-normal catalytic activity but reduced apparent affinity for fVa under these conditions. All enzymes function similarly to fXa(WT) on activated platelets, which provide saturating fVa on an ideal surface. Loss of binding affinity for fVa as a result of the substitutions in residues Arg-347, Lys-351, and Lys-414 was verified by a competition binding assay. Thus, Arg-347, Lys-351, and Lys-414 are likely part of a core fVa binding site, whereas Arg-306 and Glu-310 serve a less critical role.  相似文献   

Titration of elongation factor G (EF-G) with the thiol reagents 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoate) (DNTB), p-hydroxymercuribenzoate (HMB), and N-ethylmaleimide and analysis of cysteic acid after performic acid oxidation revealed a total of four sulfhydryl groups per EF-G molecule. One of these is exposed in the native state and could be used to distinguish between two different conformations of EF-G in our preparations according to its rate of reaction with DTNB and HMB. No evidence for disulfide bridges was obtained. Among the different nucleotides tested, GTP, GDP, and GMP were able to protect the native sulfhydryl group against reaction with DTNB in the absence of ribosomes. Their Kd values with the faster reacting EF-G were 3.4 x 10(-4) M, 0.3 X 10(-4)M, and 2.0 x 10(-4) M, respectively. Because of the specificity of protection by guanine nucleotides and the correspondence of the Kd values with Ki values for GDP and GMP in the ribosome-EF-G GTPase reaction, their binding site on EF-G should be closely related to the active center for ribosome-dependent GTP hydrolysis. Blockage of the native sulfhydryl group of EF-G with a variety of irreversible thiol reagents reduced its activity from one to two-thirds in ribosome-dependent complex formation, GTP hydrolysis, and poly(U)-directed poly(phenylalanine) synthesis. A test of the N-ethylmaleimide-treated EF-G showed both the Km and Vmax of the GTPase reaction to be affected. Thus, the native sulfhydryl group, although important, appears not to be located in the GTPase active center. Denaturation of EF-G with guanidine-HCl and random blockage of any of the three masked sulfhydryl groups caused inactivation, likely due to steric interference with proper chain folding upon renaturation. Treatment of ribosomes or ribosomal subunits with six different thiol reagents at a concentration of 0.27 mM had little or no effect on the ribosome-EF-G GTPase, except for the case with HMB which inactivated the 30 S subunit. An interaction of EF-G with the 30 S subunit in addition to that known to occur with the 50 S subunit is suggested by a rapid and preferential exchange of HMB from the native sulfhydryl group of EF-G to the 30 S subunit of 70 S ribosomes.  相似文献   

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