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Many marine populations exhibit high variability in the recruitment of young into the population. While environmental cycles and oceanography explain some patterns of replenishment, the role of other growth-related processes in influencing settlement and recruitment is less clear. Examination of a 65-mo. time series of recruitment of a common coral reef fish, Stegastes partitus, to the reefs of the upper Florida Keys revealed that during peak recruitment months, settlement stage larvae arriving during dark lunar phases grew faster as larvae and were larger at settlement compared to those settling during the light lunar phases. However, the strength and direction of early trait-mediated selective mortality also varied by settlement lunar phase such that the early life history traits of 2–4 week old recruit survivors that settled across the lunar cycle converged to more similar values. Similarly, within peak settlement periods, early life history traits of settling larvae and selective mortality of recruits varied by the magnitude of the settlement event: larvae settling in larger events had longer PLDs and consequently were larger at settlement than those settling in smaller pulses. Traits also varied by recruitment habitat: recruits surviving in live coral habitat (vs rubble) or areas with higher densities of adult conspecifics were those that were larger at settlement. Reef habitats, especially those with high densities of territorial conspecifics, are more challenging habitats for young fish to occupy and small settlers (due to lower larval growth and/or shorter PLDs) to these habitats have a lower chance of survival than they do in rubble habitats. Settling reef fish are not all equal and the time and location of settlement influences the likelihood that individuals will survive to contribute to the population.  相似文献   

Counting growth increments in otoliths recently has become an accepted method of ageing tropical fishes, however, verification is essential for each new species. In this study, growth increments in otoliths of the juveniles of several coral reef damselfishes (Pomacentridae) were deposited daily and a distinct transition from wide to narrow increments coincided with settlement from the pelagic larval phase into the demersal habitat. Thus, the data of settlement for each individual fish could be calculated with acceptable accuracy. The daily pattern of recruitment to a coral reef was successfully reconstructed using the otoliths from a large sample of juvenile fish collected at the end of the breeding season. This was because the original pattern of settlement was preserved in the age distribution for at least 4 to 5 months. This application of otolith ageing techniques may be extended to reveal the temporal patterns of recruitment to many localities encompassing spatial scales larger than would be logistically possible using visual censuses.  相似文献   

To clarify differences in community structures and habitat utilization patterns of fishes in Enhalus acoroides- and Thalassia hemprichii-dominated seagrass beds on fringing coral reefs, visual censuses were conducted at Iriomote and Ishigaki islands, southern Japan. The numbers of fish species and individuals were significantly higher in the E. acoroides bed than in the T. hemprichii bed, although the 15 most dominant fishes in each seagrass bed were similar. Cluster and ordination analyses based on the number of individuals of each fish species also demonstrated that fish community structures were similar in the two seagrass beds. Species and individual numbers of coral reef fishes which utilized the seagrass beds numbered less than about 15% of whole coral reef fish numbers, although they comprised about half of the seagrass bed fishes. Of the 15 most dominant species, 5 occurred only in the two seagrass beds, including seagrass feeders. Ten other species were reef species, their habitat utilization patterns not differing greatly between the two seagrass beds. Some reef species, such as Lethrinus atkinsoni and L. obsoletus, showed ontogenetic habitat shifts with growth, from the seagrass beds to the coral areas. These results indicate that community structures and habitat utilization patterns of fishes were similar between E. acoroides- and T. hemprichii-dominated seagrass beds, whereas many coral reef fishes hardly utilized the seagrass beds.  相似文献   

The global degradation of coral reefs is having profound effects on the structure and species richness of associated reef fish assemblages. Historically, variation in the composition of fish communities has largely been attributed to factors affecting settlement of reef fish larvae. However, the mechanisms that determine how fish settlers respond to different stages of coral stress and the extent of coral loss on fish settlement are poorly understood. Here, we examined the effects of habitat degradation on fish settlement using a two-stage experimental approach. First, we employed laboratory choice experiments to test how settlers responded to early and terminal stages of coral degradation. We then quantified the settlement response of the whole reef fish assemblage in a field perturbation experiment. The laboratory choice experiments tested how juveniles from nine common Indo-Pacific fishes chose among live colonies, partially degraded colonies, and dead colonies with recent algal growth. Many species did not distinguish between live and partially degraded colonies, suggesting settlement patterns are resilient to the early stages of declining coral health. Several species preferred live or degraded corals, and none preferred to associate with dead, algal-covered colonies. In the field experiment, fish recruitment to coral colonies was monitored before and after the introduction of a coral predator (the crown-of-thorns starfish) and compared with undisturbed control colonies. Starfish reduced live coral cover by 95–100%, causing persistent negative effects on the recruitment of coral-associated fishes. Rapid reductions in new recruit abundance, greater numbers of unoccupied colonies and a shift in the recruit community structure from one dominated by coral-associated fishes before degradation to one predominantly composed of algal-associated fish species were observed. Our results suggest that while resistant to coral stress, coral death alters the process of replenishment of coral reef fish communities.  相似文献   

Srinivasan M 《Oecologia》2003,137(1):76-84
Many coral reef fishes have restricted depth ranges that are established at settlement or soon after, but the factors limiting these distributions are largely unknown. This study examines whether the availability of microhabitats (reef substrata) explains depth limits, and evaluates whether juvenile growth and survival are lower beyond these limits. Depth-stratified surveys of reef fishes at Kimbe Bay (Papua New Guinea) showed that the abundance of new settlers and the cover of coral substrata differed significantly among depths. A field experiment investigated whether settling coral reef fishes preferred particular depths, and whether these depth preferences were dependent on microhabitat. Small patch reefs composed of identical coral substrata were set up at five depths (3, 6, 10, 15 and 20 m), and settlement patterns were compared to those on unmanipulated reef habitat at the same five depths. For all species, settlement on patch reefs differed significantly among depths despite uniform substratum composition. For four of the six species tested, depth-related settlement patterns on unmanipulated habitat and on patch reefs did not differ, while for the other two, depth ranges were greater on the patch reefs than on unmanipulated habitat. A second experiment examined whether depth preferences reflected variation in growth and survival when microhabitat was similar. Newly settled individuals of Chrysiptera parasema and Dascyllus melanurus were placed, separately, on patch reefs at five depths (as above) and their survival and growth monitored. D. melanurus, which is restricted to shallow depths, had highest survival and growth at the shallowest depth. Depth did not affect either survival or growth of C. parasema, which has a broader depth range than D. melanurus (between 6 and 15 m). This suggests that the fitness costs potentially incurred by settling outside a preferred depth range may depend on the strength of the depth preference.  相似文献   


Coral recruitment is important in sustaining coral reef ecosystems and contributing to their recovery after disturbances. Despite widespread acceptance that crustose coralline algae (CCA) positively influence coral recruitment success, especially by enhancing coral settlement and early post-settlement stages, there are no experimental data on the effects of CCA species on late post-settlement survival and growth of corals. This study tested the impact of four common, thick-crusted CCA species from two habitats (exposed and subcryptic) on the survival and growth of two recruit size categories of the coral genus Pocillopora. Coral recruits and CCA were transplanted adjacent to each other using epoxy in Petri dishes directly attached to the reef substratum on the forereef of Moorea (French Polynesia) in a 1-year field experiment. In the subcryptic habitat, survival of small-sized recruits adjacent to subcryptic CCA (0–5%) was lower than adjacent to dead CCA (35%), while in the exposed habitat, survival of small-sized recruits adjacent to exposed CCA (20–25%) was higher than adjacent to dead CCA (5%). None of the CCA species affected the survival of large-sized recruits within exposed or subcryptic habitats. However, the growth of large-sized recruits adjacent to subcryptic CCA was lower than adjacent to dead CCA. Recruits adjacent to exposed CCA died less from competition with turf algae relative to dead CCA, while recruits adjacent to subcryptic CCA frequently died from overgrowth by CCA. These results suggest that, in subcryptic habitats, CCA can reduce the survival and/or growth of coral recruits via direct competitive overgrowth, while in exposed habitats, they can enhance coral recruit survival by alleviating competition with turf algae. Importantly, our study demonstrates that not all CCA species are beneficial to the survival and growth of coral recruits and that there is considerable variability in both the outcome and process of competition between CCA and corals.


Few studies have considered how seagrass fish assemblages are influenced by surrounding habitats. This information is needed for a better understanding of the connectivity between tropical coastal ecosystems. To study the effects of surrounding habitats on the composition, diversity and densities of coral reef fish species on seagrass beds, underwater visual census surveys were carried out in two seagrass habitat types at various locations along the coast of Zanzibar (Tanzania) in the western Indian Ocean. Fish assemblages of seagrass beds in a marine embayment with large areas of mangroves (bay seagrasses) situated 9 km away from coral reefs were compared with those of seagrass beds situated on the continental shelf adjacent to coral reefs (reef seagrasses). No differences in total fish density, total species richness or total juvenile fish density and species richness were observed between the two seagrass habitat types. However, at species level, nine species showed significantly higher densities in bay seagrasses, while eight other species showed significantly higher densities in reef seagrasses. Another four species were exclusively observed in bay seagrasses. Since seagrass complexity could not be related to these differences, it is suggested that the arrangement of seagrass beds in the surrounding landscape (i.e. the arrangement on the continental shelf adjacent to the coral reef, or the arrangement in an embayment with mangroves situated away from reefs) has a possible effect on the occurrence of various reef-associated fish species on seagrass beds. Fish migration from or to the seagrass beds and recruitment and settlement patterns of larvae possibly explain these observations. Juvenile fish densities were similar in the two types of seagrass habitats indicating that seagrass beds adjacent to coral reefs also function as important juvenile habitats, even though they may be subject to higher levels of predation. On the contrary, the density and species richness of adult fish was significantly higher on reef seagrasses than on bay seagrasses, indicating that proximity to the coral reef increases density of adult fish on reef seagrasses, and/or that ontogenetic shifts to the reef may reduce adult density on bay seagrasses.  相似文献   

The settlement process of coral larvae following simultaneous mass-spawning remains poorly understood, particularly in terms of population and community parameters. Here, the larval settlement patterns of Acropora corals, which are the most diverse genera of scleractinian corals at the species (haplotype) level, were investigated within a single subtropical reef. Across a 4-year period (2007–2010), the mitochondrial and nuclear molecular markers of 1,073 larval settlers were analyzed. Of the 11 dominant haplotypes of recruited populations, nine exhibited non-random patterns of settlement distribution. This result suggests that the actual habitat segregation starts during the early swimming larval stages of their life history, rather than by natural selection after random settlement. In addition, the presence of a depth-related settlement pattern supports that species-specific vertical zonation of coral larvae may play a role in the establishment of habitat segregation. Moreover, in some species that showed a preference toward the shoreward area of the bay, the settlement pattern was consistent with that of the adult distribution. This result indicates that the gametes were not mixed between fore and back reefs in the period from fertilization to settlement during the mass-spawning event, even within a single small reef. Another compatible hypothesis of this pattern is that the larvae are able to recognize various types of environmental information, facilitating the selection of optimal micro-habitats. Overall, Acropora coral larvae that are produced from a simultaneous mass-spawning event may have adapted to complex reef topography by means of multi-step habitat selection at settlement, corresponding to different spatial scales.  相似文献   

Recruitment plays an important role in the population dynamics of marine organisms and is often quantified as a surrogate for settlement. When quantified, recruitment includes settlement plus a period of time in the benthic habitat. Therefore, it is essential to determine whether post-settlement processes alter patterns established at settlement. I conducted a series of experiments on 2.0 m2 patch reefs to examine the importance of pre- and post-settlement processes to the distribution and abundance of recruits of the stoplight parrotfish, Sparisoma viride, on the Tague Bay reef, St. Croix, USVI. Recruitment was higher to the coral Porites porites than to another common coral Montastrea annularis, but there was no evidence of microhabitat choice at settlement. This result, in conjunction with the examination of the size classes of recruits present on P. porites and M. annularis patch reefs in a separate experiment suggested that differences in recruitment were established after settlement. Stoplights settled in higher numbers to patch reefs that contained conspecific residents, and persistence was higher at higher recruit density. Although resident damselfish directed significant amounts of agonistic behavior towards newly stoplight recruits, damselfish presence had no effect on settlement. However, damselfish presence did reduce stoplight recruitment. These results demonstrate that both pre- and post-settlement processes influence the recruitment of stoplight parrotfish. More importantly, these results indicate that benthic processes can alter recruitment patterns from initial settlement patterns, and indicate that workers should be careful in using recruitment as a proxy for settlement.  相似文献   

Patterns of distribution and abundance of coral reef fish depend in part on recruitment of a pelagic larval stage, on subsequent dispersal among habitats, and survival of new recruits. We studied recruitment of five species of Stegastes and two species of Chromis damselfish onto reef habitats of St. Thomas, USVI during one year. The two study sites, Flat Cay and Outer Brass Island, were on the southern and northern sides of St. Thomas, respectively. At both sites, recruitment occurred largely in the summer months, although one species (Stegastes planifrons) showed significant winter recruitment at Flat Cay. The onset of increased summer recruitment in 1992 of other species occurred several weeks later and was shorter in duration at Outer Brass Island than at Flat Cay, perhaps indicating differences in oceanographic conditions (currents etc.) or spawning cycles between sites. The two Chromis species showed lunar periodicity of settlement at Flat Cay. At Flat Cay, recruits of three species (S. leucostictus, S. diencaeus and S. planifrons) were associated with conspecifics possibly due to preferential settlement. Similarly, new recruits were more often found near live coral than coral rubble, and very few occurred on sand habitat. Substratum complexity was a poor predictor of recruitment within a habitat, although larger juveniles of some species were more common on more complex substrate. Contrary to other studies, there were no apparent depth preferences among recruits, although larger juveniles of two Stegastes species were found more often in deeper water. It appears that within habitats, newly arriving larvae may be attracted first to the presence of conspecifics and secondarily take up position adjacent to live coral. Apparent survivorship of some Stegastes species and one Chromis species was higher at Outer Brass Island than at Flat Cay, and may partly compensate for lower recruitment of some species at Outer Brass Island.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of the dominant initial macroborers of dead coral substrate, sipunculans and polychaetes were investigated over time at seven sites within French Polynesia. Sites were located in the lagoon of high islands and atolls, and varied from highly eutrophic to oligotrophic. Significant differences occurred between sites and patterns of recruitment varied over time and between sites. With increasing exposure, the densities of polychaetes increased but not the number of species present, whereas both the densities and number of species of sipunculans increased. The atoll sites tended to be dominated by suspension feeding polychaetes and the high island sites by deposit feeding polychaetes. Sipunculans tended to dominate the high island sites in comparison to the atoll sites and they all fed by scraping algae and detritus from the substrate. We suggest that this distribution of feeding types is related to water quality and to land run off. In the atolls, the lagoonal waters are oligotrophic and little land run off occurs, whereas at the high island sites, high rates of land run off occur during the wet season with high levels of suspended material in the water column.These variations in densities of boring species, affect rates of bioerosion and have the potential to alter the equilibrium between reef growth and reef destruction. We suggest that it is critical for reef managers to try to maintain water quality and limit land-based terrestrial run off and associated nutrients into coastal waters. This is especially important if the reefs have been affected by bleaching events or Crown of Thorns plagues, resulting in extensive death of coral colonies and with it, the potential for a massive increase in the rate of bioerosion. The long-term maintenance of the reef structure is critical if coral recruitment and recovery of the reef are to occur.  相似文献   

We explore the mechanisms underlying the survival of a cohort of a coral reef fish ( Pomacentrus amboinensis ) in the first month following settlement. To investigate the extent to which growth history immediately following settlement is linked to early survival, we tagged 900 fish the morning after settlement and recaptured the survivors (n=34) 30 days later. Otolith analysis showed that individuals that were larger at settlement preferentially survived the first month in benthic habitats. We also compared these survivors with conspecifics from the same cohort that were collected at settlement and then outgrown in two experimental feeding conditions to produce fast- and slow-growing fish. Comparison of the growth histories exhibited by the survivors to those of experimental conspecifics revealed that survivors exhibited relatively slow initial growth during their first few days on the reef, followed by a period of accelerated growth. We suggest that the flexibility in growth potential of young fish allows for the occurrence of periods of rapid (and compensatory) growth that might enhance post-settlement survival by attenuating the high risk of size-selective mortality.  相似文献   

Sandin SA  McNamara DE 《Oecologia》2012,168(4):1079-1090
The community structure of sedentary organisms is largely controlled by the outcome of direct competition for space. Understanding factors defining competitive outcomes among neighbors is thus critical for predicting large-scale changes, such as transitions to alternate states within coral reefs. Using a spatially explicit model, we explored the importance of variation in two spatial properties in benthic dynamics on coral reefs: (1) patterns of herbivory are spatially distinct between fishes and sea urchins and (2) there is wide variation in the areal extent into which different coral species can expand. We reveal that the size-specific, competitive asymmetry of corals versus fleshy algae highlights the significance of spatial patterning of herbivory and of coral growth. Spatial dynamics that alter the demographic importance of coral recruitment and maturation have profound effects on the emergent structure of the reef benthic community. Spatially constrained herbivory (as by sea urchins) is more effective than spatially unconstrained herbivory (as by many fish) at opening space for the time needed for corals to settle and to recruit to the adult population. Further, spatially unconstrained coral growth (as by many branching coral species) reduces the number of recruitment events needed to fill a habitat with coral relative to more spatially constrained growth (as by many massive species). Our model predicts that widespread mortality of branching corals (e.g., Acropora spp) and herbivorous sea urchins (particularly Diadema antillarum) in the Caribbean has greatly reduced the potential for restoration across the region.  相似文献   

Tropical reefs are dynamic ecosystems that host diverse coral assemblages with different life-history strategies. Here, we quantified how juvenile (<50 mm) coral demographics influenced benthic coral structure in reef flat and reef slope habitats on the southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Permanent plots and settlement tiles were monitored every six months for three years in each habitat. These environments exhibited profound differences: the reef slope was characterised by 95% less macroalgal cover, and twice the amount of available settlement substrata and rates of coral settlement than the reef flat. Consequently, post-settlement coral survival in the reef slope was substantially higher than that of the reef flat, and resulted in a rapid increase in coral cover from 7 to 31% in 2.5 years. In contrast, coral cover on the reef flat remained low (~10%), whereas macroalgal cover increased from 23 to 45%. A positive stock-recruitment relationship was found in brooding corals in both habitats; however, brooding corals were not directly responsible for the observed changes in coral cover. Rather, the rapid increase on the reef slope resulted from high abundances of broadcast spawning Acropora recruits. Incorporating our results into transition matrix models demonstrated that most corals escape mortality once they exceed 50 mm, but for smaller corals mortality in brooders was double those of spawners (i.e. acroporids and massive corals). For corals on the reef flat, sensitivity analysis demonstrated that growth and mortality of larger juveniles (21–50 mm) highly influenced population dynamics; whereas the recruitment, growth and mortality of smaller corals (<20 mm) had the highest influence on reef slope population dynamics. Our results provide insight into the population dynamics and recovery trajectories in disparate reef habitats, and highlight the importance of acroporid recruitment in driving rapid increases in coral cover following large-scale perturbation in reef slope environments.  相似文献   

Laura Gutiérrez 《Oecologia》1998,115(1-2):268-277
Local patterns of adult distribution in organisms that disperse young as pelagic larvae can be determined at the time of recruitment through habitat selection or, shortly thereafter, through post-recruitment processes such as differential juvenile survivorship and interspecific competition. This study addresses the importance of habitat selection by recruits in establishing the local pattern of adult distribution in two sympatric Caribbean damselfish species, Stegastes dorsopunicans and S. planifrons. Both species inhabit shallow reefs but show little overlap in their distribution; S. dorsopunicans predominates in the reef crest and S. planifrons occurs primarily on the reef slope. Furthermore, S. dorsopunicans is associated with rocky substrate, while S. planifrons occupies live coral. The substrate cover follows a similar pattern with coral being much less common on the reef crest than on the reef slope. Monitoring recruitment every other day in reciprocal removal experiments and artificial reefs indicates that the observed pattern of local adult distribution is a product of habitat selection for both species. The presence or absence of conspecifics did not influence recruitment patterns for either species. Stegastes dorsopunicans recruited primarily to shallow, rocky areas, appearing to cue on both substratum type and depth. Stegastes planifrons recruited exclusively to coral substratum independent of depth. These results indicate that local adult patterns of distribution can be explained by habitat selection at recruitment, and that substrate type and depth may be important cues. Received: 27 May 1997 / Accepted: 4 January 1998  相似文献   


Knowledge on the early life history, ecology, and biology of marine species is crucial for future projections of the resilience of coral reef ecosystems and for adequate management strategies. A fundamental component of population dynamics is the recruitment of new individuals, and in some marine populations, this may be a limiting factor. Recruitment peaks of coral reef fishes commonly occur during the warmer months of the year in many subtropical and temperate locations worldwide. In the Red Sea, very little is known about the influence of temperature on reproductive patterns of coral reef fishes and studies on recruitment are missing. The Red Sea is one of the hottest and most isolated tropical seas in the world. We hypothesized that sea surface temperatures (SSTs) during the Red Sea’s hottest season may exceed the optimum for successful recruitment of some coral reef fishes, which therefore has to occur during other, cooler seasons, unlike recruitment among coral reef ecosystems around the world. We identified taxa among fish recruits by matching mitochondrial DNA sequences (using COI, commonly known as “barcoding”) and assessed potential biological and environmental drivers of recruitment. We studied three reefs located along a cross-shelf gradient for 12 consecutive months in the central Red Sea to capture seasonal changes in biotic and abiotic parameters along this gradient. Our results indicated that recruitment peaks did not occur during the hottest SSTs for most taxa, especially at the hottest inshore and mid-shelf reefs, and identified fish recruitment to be mainly and strongly correlated with the biomass of planktonic invertebrates. Moreover, temporal patterns of fish recruitment differed within and among taxonomic families among the reefs.


Although the global decline in coral reef health is likely to have profound effects on reef associated fishes, these effects are poorly understood. While declining coral cover can reduce the abundance of reef fishes through direct effects on recruitment and/or mortality, recent evidence suggests that individuals may survive in disturbed habitats, but may experience sublethal reductions in their condition. This study examined the response of 2 coral associated damselfishes (Pomacentridae), Chrysiptera parasema and Dascyllus melanurus, to varying levels of live coral cover. Growth, persistence, and the condition of individuals were quantified on replicate coral colonies in 3 coral treatments: 100% live coral (control), 50% live coral (partial) and 0% live coral (dead). The growth rates of both species were directly related to the percentage live coral cover, with individuals associated with dead corals exhibiting the slowest growth, and highest growth on control corals. Such differences in individual growth between treatments were apparent after 29 d. There was no significant difference in the numbers of fishes persisting or the physiological condition of individuals between different treatments on this time-scale. Slower growth in disturbed habitats will delay the onset of maturity, reduce lifetime fecundity and increase individual's vulnerability to gape-limited predation. Hence, immediate effects on recruitment and survival may underestimate the longer-term impacts of declining coral on the structure and diversity of coral-associated reef fish communities.  相似文献   

The larval phase of most species of coral reef fishes is spent away from the reef in the pelagic environment. At the time of settlement, these larvae need to locate a reef, and recent research indicates that sound emanating from reefs may act as a cue to guide them. Here, the auditory abilities of settlement-stage larvae of four species of coral reef fishes (families Pomacentridae, Lutjanidae and Serranidae) and similar-sized individuals of two pelagic species (Carangidae) were tested using an electrophysiological technique, auditory brainstem response (ABR). Five of the six species heard frequencies in the 100–2,000 Hz range, whilst one carangid species did not detect frequencies higher than 800 Hz. The audiograms of the six species were of similar shape, with best hearing at lower frequencies between 100 and 300 Hz. Strong within-species differences were found in hearing sensitivity both among the coral reef species and among the pelagic species. Larvae of the coral reef species had significantly more sensitive hearing than the larvae of the pelagic species. The results suggest that settlement-stage larval reef fishes may be able to detect reef sounds at distances of a few 100 m. If true hearing thresholds are lower than ABR estimates, as indicated in some comparisons of ABR and behavioural methods, the detection distances would be much larger.  相似文献   

A total of 76 reef fish species from 31 families was collected at two coral reef sites, one in a marine reserve and the other in an adjacent fished area of the Soufrière Marine Management Area (SMMA) in St. Lucia. Five families (Scaridae, Pomacentridae, Synodontidae, Apogonidae and Blennidae) dominated the collections at both sites while species of high commercial value were rare. Monthly patterns of larval supply differed among selected species, but overall trends were similar between the two sites for most species. However, despite the geographical proximity of the two sites, the fished area received a consistently higher abundance and diversity of larvae than the marine reserve throughout the study period. Patterns in larval supply generally were reflected in the settlement patterns of Stegastes partitus. Results suggest that local-scale variation in hydrodynamic and or biological features is influencing the arrival and hence settlement of larvae at the reef.  相似文献   

The benthic grazer Diadema antillarum Philippi (Echinoidea) has been demonstrated experimentally to contribute to the control of coral community structure in shallow water. In Discovery Bay, Jamaica, West Indies, Diadema densities were manipulated over a range of 0-64/m2 with the aid of enclosures. Grazing by Diadema under primary and post-primary succession conditions were compared.Algal percent-cover decreased as Diadema density was increased. Despite the presence of high algal cover. highest coral recruitment and diversity occurred at lowest Diadema densities, with planular settlement occurring predominantly in openly exposed micro-habitats. However, since algal growth rates greatly exceeded those of corals, space was rapidly monopolized by the former, resulting in intense competition and high coral mortality. This was particularly evident in Agaricia and Porites spp. At high Diadema densities, coral recruitment was greatly depressed in at least a genus-specific manner by intense levels of biological disturbance resulting from the echinoid's abrasive grazing activities. Favia Fragum (Esper) was especially susceptible to this perturbation. The surviving coral spat were found generally in cryptic, protected areas. Here they suffered some competitive losses to other sessile epifauna and -flora, particularly coralline algae, polychaetes and forams, which were well adapted to these physical and biological conditions. Increased sedimentation also depressed coral recruitment, replacing grazing as a limiting factor for successful settlement.Optimal conditions for coral survival, competitive success, and possibly growth were found at intermediate densities due to a balance between competition for space and biological disturbance. Diadema antillarum plays an important role in controlling the distribution and abundance of coral spat in the shallow reef community.  相似文献   

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