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Abstract Numerous software packages exist to provide support for quantifying peptides and proteins from mass spectrometry (MS) data. However, many support only a subset of experimental methods or instrument types, meaning that laboratories often have to use multiple software packages. The Progenesis LC-MS software package from Nonlinear Dynamics is a software solution for label-free quantitation. However, many laboratories using Progenesis also wish to employ stable isotope-based methods that are not natively supported in Progenesis. We have developed a Java programming interface that can use the output files produced by Progenesis, allowing the basic MS features quantified across replicates to be used in a range of different experimental methods. We have developed post-processing software (the Progenesis Post-Processor) to embed Progenesis in the analysis of stable isotope labeling data and top3 pseudo-absolute quantitation. We have also created export ability to the new data standard, mzQuantML, produced by the Proteomics Standards Initiative to facilitate the development and standardization process. The software is provided to users with a simple graphical user interface for accessing the different features. The underlying programming interface may also be used by Java developers to develop other routines for analyzing data produced by Progenesis.  相似文献   

The availability of user‐friendly software to annotate biological datasets and experimental details is becoming essential in data management practices, both in local storage systems and in public databases. The Ontology Lookup Service (OLS, http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ols ) is a popular centralized service to query, browse and navigate biomedical ontologies and controlled vocabularies. Recently, the OLS framework has been completely redeveloped (version 3.0), including enhancements in the data model, like the added support for Web Ontology Language based ontologies, among many other improvements. However, the new OLS is not backwards compatible and new software tools are needed to enable access to this widely used framework now that the previous version is no longer available. We here present the OLS Client as a free, open‐source Java library to retrieve information from the new version of the OLS. It enables rapid tool creation by providing a robust, pluggable programming interface and common data model to programmatically access the OLS. The library has already been integrated and is routinely used by several bioinformatics resources and related data annotation tools. Secondly, we also introduce an updated version of the OLS Dialog (version 2.0), a Java graphical user interface that can be easily plugged into Java desktop applications to access the OLS. The software and related documentation are freely available at https://github.com/PRIDE-Utilities/ols-client and https://github.com/PRIDE-Toolsuite/ols-dialog .  相似文献   

The design of Jemboss: a graphical user interface to EMBOSS   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DESIGN: Jemboss is a graphical user interface (GUI) for the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite (EMBOSS). It is being developed at the MRC UK HGMP-RC as part of the EMBOSS project. This paper explains the technical aspects of the Jemboss client-server design. The client-server model optionally allows that a Jemboss user have an account on the remote server. The Jemboss client is written in Java and is downloaded automatically to a user's workstation via Java Web Start using the HTML protocol. The client then communicates with the remote server using SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol). A Tomcat server listens on the remote machine and communicates the SOAP requests to a Jemboss server, again written in Java. This Java server interprets the client requests and executes them through Java Native Interface (JNI) code written in the C language. Another C program having setuid privilege, jembossctl, is called by the JNI code to perform the client requests under the user's account on the server. The commands include execution of EMBOSS applications, file management and project management tasks. Jemboss allows the use of JSSE for encryption of communication between the client and server. The GUI parses the EMBOSS Ajax Command Definition language for form generation and maximum input flexibility. Jemboss interacts directly with the EMBOSS libraries to allow dynamic generation of application default settings. RESULTS: This interface is part of the EMBOSS distribution and has attracted much interest. It has been set up at many other sites globally as well as being used at the HGMP-RC for registered users. AVAILABILITY: The software, EMBOSS and Jemboss, is freely available to academics and commercial users under the GPL licence. It can be downloaded from the EMBOSS ftp server: http://www.uk.embnet.org/Software/EMBOSS/, ftp://ftp.uk.embnet.org/pub/EMBOSS/. Registered HGMP-RC users can access an installed server from: http://www.uk.embnet.org/Software/EMBOSS/Jemboss/  相似文献   

Malin is a software package for the analysis of eukaryotic gene structure evolution. It provides a graphical user interface for various tasks commonly used to infer the evolution of exon-intron structure in protein-coding orthologs. Implemented tasks include the identification of conserved homologous intron sites in protein alignments, as well as the estimation of ancestral intron content, lineage-specific intron losses and gains. Estimates are computed either with parsimony, or with a probabilistic model that incorporates rate variation across lineages and intron sites. Availability: Malin is available as a stand-alone Java application, as well as an application bundle for MacOS X, at the website http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~csuros/introns/malin/. The software is distributed under a BSD-style license.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Besides classical clustering methods such as hierarchical clustering, in recent years biclustering has become a popular approach to analyze biological data sets, e.g. gene expression data. The Biclustering Analysis Toolbox (BicAT) is a software platform for clustering-based data analysis that integrates various biclustering and clustering techniques in terms of a common graphical user interface. Furthermore, BicAT provides different facilities for data preparation, inspection and postprocessing such as discretization, filtering of biclusters according to specific criteria or gene pair analysis for constructing gene interconnection graphs. The possibility to use different biclustering algorithms inside a single graphical tool allows the user to compare clustering results and choose the algorithm that best fits a specific biological scenario. The toolbox is described in the context of gene expression analysis, but is also applicable to other types of data, e.g. data from proteomics or synthetic lethal experiments. AVAILABILITY: The BicAT toolbox is freely available at http://www.tik.ee.ethz.ch/sop/bicat and runs on all operating systems. The Java source code of the program and a developer's guide is provided on the website as well. Therefore, users may modify the program and add further algorithms or extensions.  相似文献   

Here we describe the Immunogenetic Management Software (IMS) system, a novel web-based application that permits multiplexed analysis of complex immunogenetic traits that are necessary for the accurate planning and execution of experiments involving large animal models, including nonhuman primates. IMS is capable of housing complex pedigree relationships, microsatellite-based MHC typing data, as well as MHC pyrosequencing expression analysis of class I alleles. It includes a novel, automated MHC haplotype naming algorithm and has accomplished an innovative visualization protocol that allows users to view multiple familial and MHC haplotype relationships through a single, interactive graphical interface. Detailed DNA and RNA-based data can also be queried and analyzed in a highly accessible fashion, and flexible search capabilities allow experimental choices to be made based on multiple, individualized and expandable immunogenetic factors. This web application is implemented in Java, MySQL, Tomcat, and Apache, with supported browsers including Internet Explorer and Firefox on Windows and Safari on Mac OS. The software is freely available for distribution to noncommercial users by contacting Leslie.kean@emory.edu. A demonstration site for the software is available at http://typing.emory.edu/typing_demo , user name: imsdemo7@gmail.com and password: imsdemo.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Mathematical modelling has become a standard technique to improve our understanding of complex biological systems. As models become larger and more complex, simulations and analyses require increasing amounts of computational power. Clusters of computers in a high-throughput computing environment can help to provide the resources required for computationally expensive model analysis. However, exploiting such a system can be difficult for users without the necessary expertise. RESULTS: We present Condor-COPASI, a server-based software tool that integrates COPASI, a biological pathway simulation tool, with Condor, a high-throughput computing environment. Condor-COPASI provides a web-based interface, which makes it extremely easy for a user to run a number of model simulation and analysis tasks in parallel. Tasks are transparently split into smaller parts, and and submitted for execution on a Condor pool. Result output is presented to the user in a number of formats, including tables and interactive graphical displays. CONCLUSIONS: Condor-COPASI can effectively use a Condor high-throughput computing environment to provide significant gains in performance for a number of model simulation and analysis tasks. Condor-COPASI is free, open source software, released under the Artistic License 2.0, and is suitable for use by any institution with access to a Condor pool. Source code is freely available for download at http://code.google.com/p/condor-copasi/, along with full instructions on deployment and usage.  相似文献   

The analysis of genetic data often requires a combination of several approaches using different and sometimes incompatible programs. In order to facilitate data exchange and file conversions between population genetics programs, we introduce PGDSpider, a Java program that can read 27 different file formats and export data into 29, partially overlapping, other file formats. The PGDSpider package includes both an intuitive graphical user interface and a command-line version allowing its integration in complex data analysis pipelines. AVAILABILITY: PGDSpider is freely available under the BSD 3-Clause license on http://cmpg.unibe.ch/software/PGDSpider/.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: G-language Genome Analysis Environment (G-language GAE) is an open source generic software package aimed for higher efficiency in bioinformatics analysis. G-language GAE has an interface as a set of Perl libraries for software development, and a graphical user interface for easy manipulation. Both Windows and Linux versions are available. AVAILABILITY: From http://www.g-language.org/ under GNU General Public License. CD-ROMs are distributed freely in major conferences.  相似文献   

Data Analysis Tool Extension (DAnTE) is a statistical tool designed to address challenges associated with quantitative bottom-up, shotgun proteomics data. This tool has also been demonstrated for microarray data and can easily be extended to other high-throughput data types. DAnTE features selected normalization methods, missing value imputation algorithms, peptide-to-protein rollup methods, an extensive array of plotting functions and a comprehensive hypothesis-testing scheme that can handle unbalanced data and random effects. The graphical user interface (GUI) is designed to be very intuitive and user friendly. AVAILABILITY: DAnTE may be downloaded free of charge at http://omics.pnl.gov/software/. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: An example dataset with instructions on how to perform a series of analysis steps is available at http://omics.pnl.gov/software/  相似文献   

HORA suite (Human blOod Range vAlidator) consists of a Java application used to validate the metabolomic analysis of human blood against a database that stores the normal plasma and serum range concentrations of metabolites. The goal of HORA is to find the metabolites that are outside the normal range and to show those not present in the list provided by the user, for different thresholds of concentration. Moreover it supplies a graphical interface to manage the data. The software can also be used to compare different metabolomic techniques. HORA is open-source software and it can be accessed at . A separate file contains instructions for the installation and a brief tutorial.  相似文献   

ChromoScan is an implementation of a genome-based scan statistic that detects genomic regions, which are statistically significant for targeted measurements, such as genetic associations with disease, gene expression profiles, DNA copy number variations, as well as other genome-based measurements. A Java graphic user interface (GUI) is provided to allow users to select appropriate data transformations and thresholds for defining the significant events. AVAILABILITY: ChromoScan is freely available from http://www.epidkardia.sph.umich.edu/software/chromoscan/  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Recent advances in high-throughput technology have increased the quantity of available data on protein complexes and stimulated the development of many new prediction methods. In this article, we present ProCope, a Java software suite for the prediction and evaluation of protein complexes from affinity purification experiments which integrates the major methods for calculating interaction scores and predicting protein complexes published over the last years. Methods can be accessed via a graphical user interface, command line tools and a Java API. Using ProCope, existing algorithms can be applied quickly and reproducibly on new experimental results, individual steps of the different algorithms can be combined in new and innovative ways and new methods can be implemented and integrated in the existing prediction framework. AVAILABILITY: Source code and executables are available at http://www.bio.ifi.lmu.de/Complexes/ProCope/.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The specifications of the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) define standards for storing and exchanging computer models of biological processes in text files. In order to perform model simulations, graphical visualizations and other software manipulations, an in-memory representation of SBML is required. We developed JSBML for this purpose. In contrast to prior implementations of SBML APIs, JSBML has been designed from the ground up for the Java programming language, and can therefore be used on all platforms supported by a Java Runtime Environment. This offers important benefits for Java users, including the ability to distribute software as Java Web Start applications. JSBML supports all SBML Levels and Versions through Level 3 Version 1, and we have strived to maintain the highest possible degree of compatibility with the popular library libSBML. JSBML also supports modules that can facilitate the development of plugins for end user applications, as well as ease migration from a libSBML-based backend. AVAILABILITY: Source code, binaries and documentation for JSBML can be freely obtained under the terms of the LGPL 2.1 from the website http://sbml.org/Software/JSBML.  相似文献   

The creation of classification kernel models to categorize unknown data samples of massive magnitude is an extremely advantageous tool for the scientific community. Excel2SVM, a stand-alone Python mathematical analysis tool, bridges the gap between researchers and computer science to create a simple graphical user interface that allows users to examine data and perform maximal margin classification. This valuable ability to train support vector machines and classify unknown data files is harnessed in this fast and efficient software, granting researchers full access to this complicated, high-level algorithm. Excel2SVM offers the ability to convert data to the proper sparse format while performing a variety of kernel functions along with cost factors/modes, grids, crossvalidation, and several other functions. This program functions with any type of quantitative data making Excel2SVM the ideal tool for analyzing a wide variety of input. The software is free and available at www.bioinformatics.org/excel2svm. A link to the software may also be found at www.kernel-machines.org. This software provides a useful graphical user interface that has proven to provide kernel models with accurate results and data classification through a decision boundary.  相似文献   



The Matlab software is a one of the most advanced development tool for application in engineering practice. From our point of view the most important is the image processing toolbox, offering many built-in functions, including mathematical morphology, and implementation of a many artificial neural networks as AI. It is very popular platform for creation of the specialized program for image analysis, also in pathology. Based on the latest version of Matlab Builder Java toolbox, it is possible to create the software, serving as a remote system for image analysis in pathology via internet communication. The internet platform can be realized based on Java Servlet Pages with Tomcat server as servlet container.


In presented software implementation we propose remote image analysis realized by Matlab algorithms. These algorithms can be compiled to executable jar file with the help of Matlab Builder Java toolbox. The Matlab function must be declared with the set of input data, output structure with numerical results and Matlab web figure. Any function prepared in that manner can be used as a Java function in Java Servlet Pages (JSP). The graphical user interface providing the input data and displaying the results (also in graphical form) must be implemented in JSP. Additionally the data storage to database can be implemented within algorithm written in Matlab with the help of Matlab Database Toolbox directly with the image processing. The complete JSP page can be run by Tomcat server.


The proposed tool for remote image analysis was tested on the Computerized Analysis of Medical Images (CAMI) software developed by author. The user provides image and case information (diagnosis, staining, image parameter etc.). When analysis is initialized, input data with image are sent to servlet on Tomcat. When analysis is done, client obtains the graphical results as an image with marked recognized cells and also the quantitative output. Additionally, the results are stored in a server database. The internet platform was tested on PC Intel Core2 Duo T9600 2.8GHz 4GB RAM server with 768x576 pixel size, 1.28Mb tiff format images reffering to meningioma tumour (x400, Ki-67/MIB-1). The time consumption was as following: at analysis by CAMI, locally on a server – 3.5 seconds, at remote analysis – 26 seconds, from which 22 seconds were used for data transfer via internet connection. At jpg format image (102 Kb) the consumption time was reduced to 14 seconds.


The results have confirmed that designed remote platform can be useful for pathology image analysis. The time consumption is depended mainly on the image size and speed of the internet connections. The presented implementation can be used for many types of analysis at different staining, tissue, morphometry approaches, etc. The significant problem is the implementation of the JSP page in the multithread form, that can be used parallelly by many users. The presented platform for image analysis in pathology can be especially useful for small laboratory without its own image analysis system.

The Thermo Proteome Discoverer program integrates both peptide identification and quantification into a single workflow for peptide-centric proteomics. Furthermore, its close integration with Thermo mass spectrometers has made it increasingly popular in the field. Here, we present a Java library to parse the msf files that constitute the output of Proteome Discoverer. The parser is also implemented as a graphical user interface allowing convenient access to the information found in the msf files, and in Rover, a program to analyze and validate quantitative proteomics information. All code, binaries, and documentation is freely available at http://thermo-msf-parser.googlecode.com.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics are essential for life, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has been used extensively to characterize these phenomena since the 1950s. For the past 15 years, the Carr-Purcell Meiboom-Gill relaxation dispersion (CPMG RD) NMR experiment has afforded advanced NMR labs access to kinetic, thermodynamic, and structural details of protein and RNA dynamics in the crucial μs-ms time window. However, analysis of RD data is challenging because datasets are often large and require many non-linear fitting parameters, thereby confounding assessment of accuracy. Moreover, novice CPMG experimentalists face an additional barrier because current software options lack an intuitive user interface and extensive documentation. Hence, we present the open-source software package GUARDD (Graphical User-friendly Analysis of Relaxation Dispersion Data), which is designed to organize, automate, and enhance the analytical procedures which operate on CPMG RD data (). This MATLAB-based program includes a graphical user interface, permits global fitting to multi-field, multi-temperature, multi-coherence data, and implements χ 2-mapping procedures, via grid-search and Monte Carlo methods, to enhance and assess fitting accuracy. The presentation features allow users to seamlessly traverse the large amount of results, and the RD Simulator feature can help design future experiments as well as serve as a teaching tool for those unfamiliar with RD phenomena. Based on these innovative features, we expect that GUARDD will fill a well-defined gap in service of the RD NMR community.  相似文献   

Recent technological advances have made it possible to identify and quantify thousands of proteins in a single proteomics experiment. As a result of these developments, the analysis of data has become the bottleneck of proteomics experiment. To provide the proteomics community with a user-friendly platform for comprehensive analysis, inspection and visualization of quantitative proteomics data we developed the Graphical Proteomics Data Explorer (GProX)(1). The program requires no special bioinformatics training, as all functions of GProX are accessible within its graphical user-friendly interface which will be intuitive to most users. Basic features facilitate the uncomplicated management and organization of large data sets and complex experimental setups as well as the inspection and graphical plotting of quantitative data. These are complemented by readily available high-level analysis options such as database querying, clustering based on abundance ratios, feature enrichment tests for e.g. GO terms and pathway analysis tools. A number of plotting options for visualization of quantitative proteomics data is available and most analysis functions in GProX create customizable high quality graphical displays in both vector and bitmap formats. The generic import requirements allow data originating from essentially all mass spectrometry platforms, quantitation strategies and software to be analyzed in the program. GProX represents a powerful approach to proteomics data analysis providing proteomics experimenters with a toolbox for bioinformatics analysis of quantitative proteomics data. The program is released as open-source and can be freely downloaded from the project webpage at http://gprox.sourceforge.net.  相似文献   

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