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In quinoline treated blastomeres of Triturus helveticus Raz. and Pleurodeles waltlii Michah., microtubules disappear and around the centrioles markedly enlarged dense bodies accompanied by striated bodies are accumulated, from prophase beyond metaphase. It is concluded that these bodies in untreated cells play a role in the formation of the spindle microtubules. — During metaphase the chromosome are smooth-surfaced and show a pronounced tendency to stickiness. During ana-telophase they become surrounded by nuclear membranes and form caryomeres. — Quinoline does not interfere with centriole replication, but prevents the separation if diplosomes that have been already formed, if it acts before that separation. — Some centrioles exhibit different degrees of ultrastructural disarrangement.  相似文献   

Maly IV 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e38921
Positioning of the mitotic spindle through the interaction of astral microtubules with the cell boundary often determines whether the cell division will be symmetric or asymmetric. This process plays a crucial role in development. In this paper, a numerical model is presented that deals with the force exerted on the spindle by astral microtubules that are bent by virtue of their confinement within the cell boundary. It is found that depending on parameters, the symmetric position of the spindle can be stable or unstable. Asymmetric stable equilibria also exist, and two or more stable positions can exist simultaneously. The theory poses new types of questions for experimental research. Regarding the cases of symmetric spindle positioning, it is necessary to ask whether the microtubule parameters are controlled by the cell so that the bending mechanics favors symmetry. If they are not, then it is necessary to ask what forces external to the microtubule cytoskeleton counteract the bending effects sufficiently to actively establish symmetry. Conversely, regarding the cases with asymmetry, it is now necessary to investigate whether the cell controls the microtubule parameters so that the bending favors asymmetry apart from any forces that are external to the microtubule cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Mitotic Aurora-A kinase was found to be required for formation of bipolar spindle, ensuring accurate chromosome segregation in mitosis. Recently, Aurora-A was shown to promote Ran-GTP-induced spindle formation and astral microtubule development. Here, by selective immunodepletion, we showed that Aurora-A was required for centrosome- but not Ran-GTP-induced astral microtubule formation in Xenopus egg extracts. Aurora-A enhanced microtubule polymerization in both centrosome- and Ran-GTP-induced aster assemblies: shortening the timing of aster assembly and increasing the aster size. Indeed, adding of Aurora-A protein alone induced microtubule clustering, which was abrogated by Aurora kinase inhibitory small molecule ZM447439. In addition, we showed that Aurora-A was indispensable for Ran-GTP-induced bipolar spindle formation. Inhibition of Aurora-A activity by adding of kinase inactive dominant mutant led to spindle collapse and formation of monopolar spindle whereas minus-end motor protein dynein/dynactin inhibitor p50/dynamitin rescued the bipolar structure. Lastly, we revealed that Aurora-A was necessary for microtubule poleward flux and this requirement depended on kinase activity. Thus, we showed that Aurora-A promoted microtubule polymerization and maintained microtubule flux in ensuring proper bipolar spindle assembly.  相似文献   

Correct orientation of cell division is considered an important factor for the achievement of normal brain size, as mutations in genes that affect this process are among the leading causes of microcephaly. Abnormal spindle orientation is associated with reduction of the neuronal progenitor symmetric divisions, premature cell cycle exit, and reduced neurogenesis. This mechanism has been involved in microcephaly resulting from mutation of ASPM, the most frequently affected gene in autosomal recessive human primary microcephaly (MCPH), but it is presently unknown how ASPM regulates spindle orientation. In this report, we show that ASPM may control spindle positioning by interacting with citron kinase (CITK), a protein whose loss is also responsible for severe microcephaly in mammals. We show that the absence of CITK leads to abnormal spindle orientation in mammals and insects. In mouse cortical development, this phenotype correlates with increased production of basal progenitors. ASPM is required to recruit CITK at the spindle, and CITK overexpression rescues ASPM phenotype. ASPM and CITK affect the organization of astral microtubules (MT), and low doses of MT‐stabilizing drug revert the spindle orientation phenotype produced by their knockdown. Finally, CITK regulates both astral‐MT nucleation and stability. Our results provide a functional link between two established microcephaly proteins.  相似文献   

A 40-kD protein kinase C (PKC)epsilon related activity was found to associate with human epithelial specific cytokeratin (CK) polypeptides 8 and 18. The kinase activity coimmunoprecipitated with CK8 and 18 and phosphorylated immunoprecipitates of the CK. Immunoblot analysis of CK8/18 immunoprecipitates using an anti-PKC epsilon specific antibody showed that the 40-kD species, and not native PKC epsilon (90 kD) associated with the cytokeratins. Reconstitution experiments demonstrated that purified CK8 or CK18 associated with a 40-kD tryptic fragment of purified PKC epsilon, or with a similar species obtained from cells that express the fragment constitutively but do not express CK8/18. A peptide pseudosubstrate specific for PKC epsilon inhibited phosphorylation of CK8/18 in intact cells or in a kinase assay with CK8/18 immunoprecipitates. Tryptic peptide map analysis of the cytokeratins that were phosphorylated by purified rat brain PKC epsilon or as immunoprecipitates by the associated kinase showed similar phosphopeptides. Furthermore, PKC epsilon immunoreactive species and CK8/18 colocalized using immunofluorescent double staining. We propose that a kinase related to the catalytic fragment of PKC epsilon physically associates with and phosphorylates cytokeratins 8 and 18.  相似文献   

The effects of formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene, and 1,5-difluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene on the electrophysiological properties of cardiac Purkinje fibers were studied. At concentrations of 2.5 mM the aldehydes produced a transient hyperpolarization, lengthening of the plateau of the action potential, and an increase in action potential overshoot and upstroke velocity. If exposure to aldehyde was continued, the fiber failed to repolarize after an action potential and the membrane potential stabilized at about -30 mv. If exposure was terminated before this, recovery was usually complete. At the time the fibers were hyperpolarized the input resistance was increased without much change in length constant, leading to an increase in both calculated membrane resistance and calculated core resistance. Although it was anticipated that an effect of the aldehydes on the membrane was to increase fixed negative charge, it was difficult to explain all the electrophysiological changes on this basis. The major effects of the fluorobenzene compounds were not the same; they produced a shortening of the action potential and a rapid loss of excitability.  相似文献   

The rates of glutaraldehyde and formaldehyde fixation of F1 histones have been investigated using chromatin from rat pancreas, chicken erythrocyte, and human spleen. These chromatins differ in number, type and relative proportion of F1 species present. In all cases the rates of fixation by glutaraldehyde and formaldehyde of the F1 components is much faster than for the other histones. The rates of fixation of F1-type histones are similar in each case with the exception of one minor F1 histone from chicken which reacts slower than the rest of that F1 group. The results suggest that the interactions of all F1 type histones with DNA are similar.  相似文献   

Paul Sentein 《Chromosoma》1970,32(1):97-134
Quinoline in saturated solution (0,46 M) progressively destroys spindle and astral fibers, beginning in the juxtacentromeric region; it blocks the centrosphere material around the centriole. Chromosomes are immobilized in equatorial position far off the blocked centrospheres and may undergo telophasic transformation into karyomeres. Diastema may be inactivated before mitosis. Centrospheres are first deprived of some fibers, then granular and more or less dissociated, last completely smooth and segregated into cortex and medulla. Breaks and recombinations of chromosomes may appear after a long while, when a brief action is interrupted. With less concentrated solutions monopolar mitoses and monopolar telophases (rosettes) are observed (1/8 saturated solution), then shortened bipolar mitoses (1/16 saturated). Qualitative differences between quinoline and colchicine actions are evident.  相似文献   

A continuous flow reactor system was developed to evaluate the efficacy of antimicrobial treatments against sulfate-reducing bacterial biofilms. An annular reactor operating at a nominal dilution rate of 0.5 h−1 was fed one-tenth strength Postgate C medium diluted in 1.5% NaCl and was inoculated with a mixed culture enriched from oilfield-produced water on the same medium. Thin biofilms developed in this reactor after 2 days of operation. The activity of these biofilms resulted in approximately 50 mg S l−1 of sulfide at steady state prior to biocide treatment. Biocide efficacy was quantified by recording the time required for sulfide production to recover following an antimicrobial treatment. In a control experiment in which pure water was applied, the time required to reach 10 mg S l−1 sulfide after the treatment was 1.7±1.2 h, whereas the time to reach this level of sulfide after a pulse dose of 500 mg l−1 glutaraldehyde was delayed to 61±11 h. Nitrite treatment suppressed sulfide production as long as the nitrite concentration remained above 15 mg N l−1. Sulfide production recovered more rapidly after nitrite treatment than it did after glutaraldehyde treatment. Received 01 February 2002/ Accepted in revised form 13 June 2002  相似文献   

Cytokinesis in animal cells depends on spindle-derived spatial cues that culminate in Rho activation, and thereby actomyosin assembly, in a narrow equatorial band. Although the nature, origin, and variety of such cues have long been obscure, one component is certainly the Rho activator Ect2. Here we describe the behavior and function of Ect2 in echinoderm embryos, showing that Ect2 migrates from spindle midzone to astral microtubules in anaphase and that Ect2 shapes the pattern of Rho activation in incipient furrows. Our key finding is that Ect2 and its binding partner Cyk4 accumulate not only at normal furrows, but also at furrows that form in the absence of associated spindle, midzone, or chromosomes. In all these cases, the cell assembles essentially the same cytokinetic signaling ensemble—opposed astral microtubules decorated with Ect2 and Cyk4. We conclude that if multiple signals contribute to furrow induction in echinoderm embryos, they likely converge on the same signaling ensemble on an analogous cytoskeletal scaffold.  相似文献   

A note on the behaviour of spindle fibres at mitosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dr. A. Bajer 《Chromosoma》1961,12(1):64-71
Summary Measurements done on mitosis in plant endosperm with the use of Dr. Inoué's polarizing microscope indicate that the whole chromosomal spindle fibre is shifted during anaphase, i.e. the distance between the spindle pole and the polar end of the spindle fibre decreases during anaphase. Consequently in endosperm mitosis the chromosomes move faster to the poles than the chromosomal spindle fibres decrease in length. As the chromosomal spindle fibres in animal materials presumably extend to the spindle poles already from the beginning of anaphase, the chromosomes will here approach the poles with the same speed, as the spindle fibres contract.This paper is dedicated to Professor Franz Schrader on the occasion of his seventieth birthday.  相似文献   

Summary The reactions between osmium tetroxide and glutaraldehyde and formaldehyde were investigated. It was found that they react together to form intermediate products which then break down to form osmium black. Glutaraldehyde reacts much more rapidly with osmium tetroxide than formaldehyde. The rates of the reactions are increased by increasing the glutaraldehyde concentration or adding bovine serum albumin to the reaction mixture. The reaction rates increase with temperature. The mixtures of fixatives were also tried on tissues and the results paralleled the model experiments. The crosslinking of bovine serum albumin by osmium tetroxide, formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde singly and in mixtures was quantitatively assessed by viscosimetry, gel filtration and disc electrophoresis coupled with densitometry. The crosslinking of bovine serum albumin by pairs of fixatives was less than that produced by the most effective of the pair. After 5 min reaction osmium tetroxide was the most effective crosslinking agent according to viscosimetric experiments, but after one hour's reaction with bovine serum albumin, glutaraldehyde was revealed as the most effective crosslinking agent by gel filtration and electrophoresis.  相似文献   

We have employed video-enhanced light microscopy to study alterations of the overall shape of microtubules that are produced by the aldehyde fixation methods commonly employed to study them in vitro. Changes brought about by these methods include deformation and breakage. The severity of the effects depends on the fixative employed and increases with its concentration, and with the time of fixation. The changes are observed under a variety of conditions, such as brief exposure to 3.7% formaldehyde, or somewhat longer exposure to glutaraldehyde at concentrations as low as 0.05%. The observed distortion explains why microtubules usually appear curved or sinuous in electron micrographs while appearing relatively rigid and linear in video-enhanced light microscopy. The observed breakage implies that caution must be used in inferring length distributions from measurements of aldehyde-fixed microtubules.  相似文献   

Pregnant outbred albino mice were given formaldehyde or Sonacide (potentiated acid glutaraldehyde) by gavage on days 6--15 of gestation. The mice were killed on day 18, the general health and reproductive status of the dam evaluated, and the fetuses examined and processed in order to characterize external, visceral, and skeletal malformations. Although formaldehyde (stock solution containing 12--15% methanol as a preservative) was lethal to 22 of 34 dams treated with 185 mg/kg/day, and one of 35 dams treated with 148 mg/kg/day, these doses did not produce statistically significant (two-sided p < 0.05 versus controls) teratogenic effects in the fetuses of the surviving dams. Sonacide was also judged not to be teratogenic to the mice employed in this study, in spite of the fact that relatively high doses were employed. The highest doses of Sonacide studied (5.0 ml/kg/day, which is equivalent to 100 mg/kg/day of glutaraldehyde) killed 19 of 35 dams and caused a significant reduction in the mean weight gain of the surviving mothers. In addition, this dose produced a significant increase in the number of stunted fetuses.  相似文献   

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