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K M Morden  B M Gunn  K Maskos 《Biochemistry》1990,29(37):8835-8845
One- and two-dimensional NMR experiments were carried out on a decamer, d-(CGCTTTTCGC).d(GCGAAAAGCG), and on the same sequence with the addition of an unpaired thymidine, d(CGCTTTTCGC).d(GCGAATAAGCG), which will be referred to as the T-bulge decamer. Evidence from one-dimensional NOE experiments on the exchangeable protons indicates that the unpaired thymidine is extrahelical. This conclusion is also supported by numerous cross-peaks in the two-dimensional NOESY spectrum of the nonexchangeable protons. Assignments for all of the resonances, with the exception of the H5' and H5" resonances, have been made for both oligonucleotide duplexes through the use of 2D NOESY, COSY, and relayed COSY experiments. Temperature dependence of the methyl resonance chemical shifts indicates that the unpaired thymidine shows unusual behavior compared to other thymidines in the duplex. Two-dimensional NOESY experiments carried out from 5 to 35 degrees C indicate the unpaired thymidine remains extrahelical throughout this temperature range. A similar temperature dependence for the methyl chemical shift is found in the corresponding single-strand d(GCGAATAAGCG). The oligo-(dA).oligo(dT) tracts in both the decamer and the T-bulge decamer have structures different from B-form DNA and exhibit NOEs similar to those observed in other oligonucleotides containing A.T tracts. The formation of this unusual A.T tract structure may induce the extrahelical conformation of the unpaired thymidine.  相似文献   

A DNA binding protein that recognizes oligo(dA).oligo(dT) tracts.   总被引:28,自引:4,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文

Monte Carlo simulations [(N, V, T)-ensemble] were performed for the hydration shell of poly(dA-dT).poly(dA-dT) in canonical B form and for the hydration shell of poly(dA).poly(dT) in canonical B conformation and in a conformation with narrow minor groove, highly inclined bases, but with a nearly zero-inclined base pair plane (B' conformation). We introduced helical periodic boundary conditions with a rather small unit cell and a limited number of water molecules to reduce the dimensionality of the configuration space. The coordinates of local maxima of water density and the properties of one- and two-membered water bridges between polar groups of the DNA were obtained. The AT-alternating duplex hydration mirrors the dyad symmetry of polar group distribution. At the dApdT step, a water bridge between the two carbonyl oxygens O2 of thymines is formed as in the central base-pair step of Dickerson's dodecamer. In the major groove, 5-membered water chains along the tetranucleotide pattern d(TATA).d(TATA) are observed. The hydration geometry of poly(dA).poly(dT) in canonical B conformation is distinguished by autonomous primary hydration of the base-pair edges in both grooves. When this polymer adopts a conformation with highly inclined bases and narrow minor groove, the water density distribution in the minor groove is in excellent agreement with Dickerson's spine model. One local maximum per base pair of the first layer is located near the dyad axis between adjacent base pairs, and one local maximum per base pair in the second shell lies near the dyad axis of the base pair itself. The water bridge between the two strands formed within the first layer was observed with high probability. But the water molecules of the second layer do not have a statistically favored orientation necessary for bridging first layer waters. In the major groove, the hydration geometry of the (A.T) base-pair edge resembles the main features of the AT-pair hydration derived from other sequences for the canonical B form. The preference of the B' conformation for oligo(dA).oligo(dT) tracts may express the tendency to common hydration of base-pair edges of successive base pairs in the grooves of B-type DNA. The mean potential energy of hydration of canonical B-DNA was estimated to be -60 to -80 kJ/mole nucleotides in dependence on the (G.C) contents. Because of the small system size, this estimation is preliminary.  相似文献   

A Levy  P Weisman-Shomer  M Fry 《Biochemistry》1989,28(18):7262-7267
Distamycin A, a polypeptide antibiotic, binds to dA.dT-rich regions in the minor groove of B-DNA. By virtue of its nonintercalating binding, distamycin acts as a potent inhibitor of the synthesis of DNA both in vivo and in vitro. Here we report that distamycin paradoxically stimulates Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I (pol I), its large (Klenow) fragment, and bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase to copy oligo(dA).poly(dT) in vitro. It is found that distamycin increases the maximum velocity (Vmax) of the extension of the oligo(dA) primer by pol I without affecting the Michaelis constant (Km) of the primer. Gel electrophoresis of the extended primer indicates that the antibiotic specifically increases the rate of addition of the first three dAMP residues. Lastly, in the presence of both distamycin and the oligo(dT)-binding protein factor D, which increases the processivity of pol I, a synergistic stimulation of polymerization is attained. Taken together, these results suggest that distamycin stimulates synthesis by increasing the rate of initiation of oligo(dA) extension. The stimulatory effect of distamycin is inversely related to the stability of the primer-template complex. Thus, maximum stimulation is exerted at elevated temperatures and with shorter oligo(dA) primers. That distamycin increases the thermal stability of [32P](dA)9.poly(dT) is directly demonstrated by electrophoretic separation of the hybrid from dissociated [32P](dA)9 primer. It is proposed that by binding to the short primer-template duplex, distamycin stabilizes the oligo(dA).poly(dT) complex and, therefore, increases the rate of productive initiations of synthesis at the primer terminus.  相似文献   

The propeller DNA conformation of poly(dA).poly(dT).   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Physical properties of the DNA duplex, poly(dA).poly(dT) differ considerably from the alternating copolymer poly(dAT). A number of molecular models have been used to describe these structures obtained from fiber X-ray diffraction data. The recent solutions of single crystal DNA dodecamer structures with segments of oligo-A.oligo-T have revealed the presence of a high propeller twist in the AT regions which is stabilized by the formation of bifurcated (three-center) hydrogen bonds on the floor of the major groove, involving the N6 amino group of adenine hydrogen bonding to two O4 atoms of adjacent thymine residues on the opposite strand. Here we show that it is possible to incorporate the features of the single crystal analysis, specifically high propeller twist, bifurcated hydrogen bonds, and a narrow minor groove, as well as the close interstrand NMR signal between adenine HC2 and ribose HC1' of the opposite strand, into a model that is fully compatible with the diffraction data obtained from poly(dA).poly(dT).  相似文献   

The genome of the eukaryotic microbe Dictyostelium discoideum contains some 200 copies of the nonlong-terminal repeat retrotransposon DRE. Among several unique features of this retroelement, DRE is transcribed in both directions leading to the formation of partially overlapping plus strand and minus strand RNAs. The synthesis of minus strand RNAs is controlled by the C-module, a 134-bp DNA sequence located at the 3'-end of DRE. A nuclear protein (CMBF) binds to the C-module via interaction with two almost homopolymeric 24 bp oligo(dA) x oligo(dT) sequences. The DNA-binding drugs distamycin and netropsin, which bind to A x T-rich DNA sequences in the minor groove, competed efficiently for the binding of CMBF to the C-module. The CMBF-encoding gene, cbfA, was isolated and a DNA-binding domain was mapped to a 25-kDa C-terminal region of the protein. A peptide motif involved in the binding of A x T-rich DNA by high mobility group-I proteins ('GRP' box) was identified in the deduced CMBF protein sequence, and exchange of a consensus arginine residue for alanine within the CMBF GRP box abolished the interaction of CMBF with the C-module. The current data support the theory that CMBF binds to the C-module by detecting its long-range DNA conformation and interacting with A x T base pairs in the minor groove of oligo(dA) x oligo(dT) stretches.  相似文献   

C Zimmer  G Luck    I Fric 《Nucleic acids research》1976,3(6):1521-1532
The formation of oligomeric duplex molecules in the presence of the antibiotic netropsin in the series p(dA)n-p(dT)n is demonstrated using low-temperature CD measurements. Addition of Netropsin to mixtures of oligomers generates the same type of CD spectra as observed for poly(dA)-poly(dT) and maintains the duplex structure at temperatures at which base pairing of free oligomers is thermodynamically unstable. The shortest chain length forming a netropsin complex by thymine-specific interaction with the oligopeptide is represented by p(dA)4-p(dt)4. Studies with sequence isomers show that adjacent thymine residues strongly favour the complex formation with the oligopeptide.  相似文献   

Structural conformation of triple-helical poly(dT)-poly(dA)-poly(dT) has been a very controversial issue recently. Earlier investigations, based on fiber diffraction data and molecular modeling, indicated an A-form conformation with C'3-endo sugar pucker. On the other hand, Raman, solution infrared spectral, and NMR studies show a B-form structure with C'2-endo sugars. In accordance with these experimental results, a theoretical model with B-form, C'2-endo sugars was proposed in 1993. In the present work we investigate the dynamics and stability of the two conformations within the effective local field approach applied to the normal mode calculations for the system. The presence of counterions was explicitly taken into account. Stable equilibrium positions for the counterions were calculated by analyzing the normal mode dynamics and free energy of the system. The breathing modes of the triple helix are shifted to higher frequencies over those of the double helix by 4-16 cm-1. The characteristic marker band for the B conformation at 835 cm-1 is split up into two marker bands at 830 and 835 cm-1. A detailed comparison of the normal modes and the free energies indicates that the B-form structure, with C'2-endo sugar pucker, is more stable than the A-form structure. The normal modes and the corresponding dipole moments are found to be in close agreement with recent spectroscopic findings.  相似文献   

The conformations of double-stranded d(GGAAATTTCC) x 2, d(GGTTTAAACC) x 2, d(CGCAAAAAAGCG)d(CGCTTTTTTGCG) and d(GCATTTTGAAACG)d(CGTTTCAAAATGC) have been studied by NMR spectroscopy. Analyses of cross peaks in NOESY spectra between the H2 of an adenine and the H1' of a deoxyribose in the 3'-neighbouring residue on the complementary strand revealed that the minor groove of the oligo(dA) tract is compressed gradually from 5' to 3' in each duplex. In view of this gradual compression of the minor groove along the oligo(dA) tract, it can be understood clearly why d(GGAAATTTCC)n x 2 and d(GAAAATTTTC)n x 2 are bent, and d(GGTTTAAACC)n x 2 and d(GTTTTAAAAC)n x 2 are not bent. The relative extents of bending of a series of d(AjN10-j)nd(N10-jTj)n sequences can also be understood systematically. Additionally, it was found that the TA step disturbed the compression of the minor groove of the oligo(dA) tract to some extent.  相似文献   

Scaffold-associated regions (SARs) are A + T-rich sequences defined by their specific interaction with the nuclear scaffold. These sequences also direct highly specific binding to purified histone H1, and are characterized by the presence of oligo(dA).oligo(dT) tracts, which are a target for the drug distamyin, an antibiotic with a wide range of biological activities. The interaction of distamycin with SAR sequences results in the complete suppression of binding to either scaffolds or histone H1, suggesting that (dA.dT)n tracts play a direct role in mediating these specific interactions and that histone H1 and nuclear scaffold proteins may recognize a characteristic minor groove width or conformation. The effect of distamycin on these specific DNA-protein interactions in vitro suggests that binding of SARs to the nuclear scaffold and SAR-dependent nucleation of H1 assembly might be important targets of the drug in vivo.  相似文献   

R W Behling  D R Kearns 《Biochemistry》1986,25(11):3335-3346
The structure of poly(dA).poly(dT) in aqueous solution has been studied by using 1H two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect (2D NOE) spectroscopy and relaxation rate measurements on the imino and nonexchangeable protons. The assignments of the 1H resonances are determined from the observed cross-relaxation patterns in the 2D NOE experiments. The cross-peak intensities together with the measured relaxation rates show that the purine and pyrimidine strands in poly(dA).poly(dT) are equivalent in aqueous solution. The results are consistent with a right-handed B-form helix where the sugars on both strands are in the C2'-endo/anti configuration. These observations are inconsistent with a proposed heteronomous structure for poly(dA).poly(dT) [Arnott, S., Chandrasekaran, R., Hall, I. H., & Puigjaner, L. C. (1983) Nucleic Acids Res. 11, 4141-4155]. The measured relaxation rates also show that poly(dA).poly(dT) has fast, large-amplitude local internal motions (+/- 20-25 degrees) in solution and that the amplitudes of the base and sugar motions are similar. The motion of the bases in poly(dA).poly(dT) is also similar to that previously reported for poly(dA-dT).poly(dA-dT) and poly(dG-dC).poly(dG-dC) [Assa-Munt, N., Granot, J., Behling, R. W., & Kearns, D. R. (1984) Biochemistry 23, 944-955; Mirau, P. A., Behling, R. W., & Kearns, D. R. (1985) Biochemistry 24, 6200-6211].  相似文献   

The effect of berenil on plasmid DNA replication was studied on pBR322-derived plasmids containing poly(dA)poly(dT) sequences. In comparison to the parental plasmid pBR322, plasmid pKH47 harboring 100 bp of poly(dA)poly(dT) at the PvuII site showed a decrease in plasmid yield in the presence of berenil. This effect was also observed in pVL26, a related plasmid in which the location of the poly(dA)poly(dT) region had been shifted to the EcoRV site in pBR322. [(3)H]Thymidine incorporation experiments indicated that DNA synthesis may be affected in these plasmids in the presence of the drug. Bromodeoxyuridine incorporation experiments coupled to Cs(2)SO(4) equilibrium density gradient centrifugation indicated that the lower plasmid yield was due to an inhibition of DNA replication by berenil. We have also found that berenil induces DNA degradation in plasmids containing the homopolymer. Our studies strongly suggest that the effect of berenil on plasmid replication and DNA stability results from its binding to the poly(dA)poly(dT) region present in these plasmids. Moreover, we have found a correlation between the position of the poly(dA)poly(dT) region and this inhibitory effect. Thus, plasmid pKH47, containing the poly(dA)poly(dT) region most proximal to the origin of pBR322 replication, was most severely affected.  相似文献   

The influence of the intercalating oxazolopyridocarbazolium (HOPC) on the stabilization of modified oligonucleotides: alpha-T4c5OPC or beta-T4c5OPC associated to beta-oligo (dA) was studied. It appears that the situation is different from what has been observed for the interaction of these modified oligonucleotides with poly (rA). The higher free energy of formation of the alpha-T4c5OPC :beta-oligo(dA), when compared to beta-T4c5OPC, is essentially due to the overall stability added to this system by the intercalator. This enhanced stability comes from a higher number of binding sites of HOPC for the alpha:beta duplex together with a lower van't Hoff energy of formation of the alpha:beta duplex.  相似文献   

Coralyne is a small crescent-shaped molecule known to intercalate duplex and triplex DNA. We report that coralyne can cause the complete and irreversible disproportionation of duplex poly(dT)·poly(dA). That is, coralyne causes the strands of duplex poly(dT)·poly(dA) to repartition into equal molar equivalents of triplex poly(dT)·poly(dA)·poly(dT) and poly(dA). Poly(dT)·poly(dA) will remain as a duplex for months after the addition of coralyne, if the sample is maintained at 4°C. However, disproportionation readily occurs upon heating above 35°C and is not reversed by subsequent cooling. A titration of poly(dT)·poly(dA) with coralyne reveals that disproportionation is favored by as little as one molar equivalent of coralyne per eight base pairs of initial duplex. We have also found that poly(dA) forms a self-structure in the presence of coralyne with a melting temperature of 47°C, for the conditions of our study. This poly(dA) self-structure binds coralyne with an affinity that is comparable with that of triplex poly(dT)·poly(dA)·poly(dT). A Job plot analysis reveals that the maximum level of poly(dA) self-structure intercalation is 0.25 coralyne molecules per adenine base. This conforms to the nearest neighbor exclusion principle for a poly(dA) duplex structure with A·A base pairs. We propose that duplex disproportionation by coralyne is promoted by both the triplex and the poly(dA) self-structure having binding constants for coralyne that are greater than that of duplex poly(dT)·poly(dA).  相似文献   

One- and two-dimensional NMR studies of yeast phosphoglycerate kinase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One- and two-dimensional proton NMR studies have been carried out on yeast phosphoglycerate kinase (Mr approximately 45,000) in order to identify amino-acid spin systems and obtain sequence-specific assignments. A number of sequence-specific assignments have been made using a combination of structural information contained in nuclear Overhauser effect spectra and X-ray crystallographic data. The results of substrate binding studies (both 3-phosphoglycerate and Mg.ATP), which indicate mutual reorientation of certain assigned aromatic residues in the inter-domain region of the protein, are discussed.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional proton NMR studies are reported on the complementary d(C-A-T-G-T-G-T-A-C).d(G-T-A-C-epsilon A-C-A-T-G) nonanucleotide duplex (designated epsilon dA.dT 9-mer duplex) containing 1,N6-ethenodeoxyadenosine (epsilon dA), a carcinogen-DNA adduct, positioned opposite thymidine in the center of the helix. Our NMR studies have focused on the conformation of the epsilon dA.dT 9-mer duplex at neutral pH with emphasis on defining the alignment at the dT5.epsilon dA14 lesion site. The through-space NOE distance connectivities establish that both dT5 and epsilon dA14 adopt anti glycosidic torsion angles, are directed into the interior of the helix, and stack with flanking Watson-Crick dG4.dC15 and dG6.dC13 pairs. Furthermore, the d(G4-T5-G6).d(C13-epsilon A14-C15) trinucleotide segment centered about the dT5.epsilon dA14 lesion site adopts a right-handed helical conformation in solution. Energy minimization computations were undertaken starting from six different alignments of dT5(anti) and epsilon dA14(anti) at the lesion site and were guided by distance constraints defined by lower and upper bounds estimated from NOESY data sets on the epsilon dA.dT 9-mer duplex. Two families of energy-minimized structures were identified with the dT5 displaced toward either the flanking dG4.dC15 or the dG6.dC13 base pair. These structures can be differentiated on the basis of the observed NOEs from the imino proton of dT5 to the imino proton of dG4 but not dG6 and to the amino protons of dC15 but not dC13 that were not included in the constraints data set used in energy minimization. Our NMR data are consistent with a nonplanar alignment of epsilon dA14(anti) and dT5(anti) with dT5 displaced toward the flanking dG4.dC15 base pair within the d(G4-T5-G6).d(C13-epsilon A14-C15) segment of the epsilon dA.dT 9-mer duplex.  相似文献   

The effect of hydrostatic pressure upon the DNA duplex, poly(dA)poly(dT), and its component single strands, poly(dA) and poly(dT) has been studied by fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The spectral data indicate that at 28 degrees C and pressures up to 12 kbar (1200 MPa) all three polymers retain the B conformation. Pressure causes the band at 967 cm(-1), arising from water-deoxyribose interactions, to shift to higher frequencies, a result consistent with increased hydration at elevated pressures. A larger pressure-induced frequency shift in this band is observed in the single stranded polymers than in the double stranded molecule, suggesting that the effect of pressure on the hydration of single strands may be greater than upon a double stranded complex. A pressure-dependent hypochromicity in the bands attributed to base stacking indicates that pressure facilitates the base stacking in the three polymers, in agreement with previous assessments of the importance of stacking in the stabilization of DNA secondary structure at ambient and high pressures.  相似文献   

Cyclobutane dimer formation has been used to probe conformation of (dA)n.(dT)n-tracts cloned in plasmid DNA. The observed dimer probability patterns for (dA)n.(dT)n-tracts with n greater than or equal to 4 exhibit maximum intensity at the 3'-terminal TT site of Tn-tract, whereas photoreactivity at all the other TT sites is inhibited. Both the temperature and dimethyl sulfoxide increase dimer formation within Tn-tracts and result in an even dimer pattern. The data obtained have been interpreted in terms of an unusual structure adopted by (dA)n.(dT)n-tracts. An influence of flanking base pairs, ethidium bromide binding and ionic strength has also been studied.  相似文献   

K Zieba  T M Chu  D W Kupke  L A Marky 《Biochemistry》1991,30(32):8018-8026
The role of water in the formation of stable duplexes of nucleic acids is being studied by determining the concurrent volume change, heats, and counterion uptake that accompany the duplexation process. The variability of the volume contraction that we have observed in the formation of a variety of homoduplexes suggests that sequence and conformation acutely affect the degree of hydration. We have used a combination of densimetric and calorimetric techniques to measure the change in volume and enthalpy resulting from the mixing of two complementary strands to form (a) fully paired duplexes with 10 or 11 base pairs and (b) bulged decameric duplexes with an extra dA or dT unmatched residue. We also monitored absorbance vs temperature profiles as a function of strand and salt concentration for all four duplexes. Relative to the decamer duplex, insertion of an extra dA.dT base pair to form an undecamer duplex results in a favorable enthalpy of -5.6 kcal/mol that is nearly compensated by an unfavorable entropy term of -5.1 kcal/mol. This enthalpy difference correlates with a differential uptake of water molecules, corresponding to an additional hydration of 16 mol of water molecules/mol of base pair. Relative to the fully paired duplexes, both bulged duplexes are 12-16 degrees C less stable and exhibit marginally larger counterion uptake on forming the duplex. The enthalpy change is slightly lower for the T-bulge duplex and less still for the A-bulge duplex. The volume change results indicate that an unmatched residue increases the amount of coulombic and/or structural hydration. The combined results strongly suggest that the destabilizing forces in bulged duplexes are partially compensated by an increase in hydration levels.  相似文献   

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