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In nine anesthetized supine spontaneously breathing dogs, we compared moving average electromyograms (EMGs) of the costal diaphragm and the third parasternal intercostal muscles with their respective respiratory changes in length (measured by sonomicrometry). During resting O2 breathing the pattern of diaphragm and intercostal muscle inspiratory shortening paralleled the gradually incrementing pattern of their moving average EMGs. Progressive hypercapnia caused progressive increases in the amount and velocity of respiratory muscle inspiratory shortening. For both muscles there were linear relationships during the course of CO2 rebreathing between their peak moving average EMGs and total inspiratory shortening and between tidal volume and total inspiratory shortening. During single-breath airway occlusions, the electrical activity of both the diaphragm and intercostal muscles increased, but there were decreases in their tidal shortening. The extent of muscle shortening during occluded breaths was increased by hypercapnia, so that both muscles shortened more during occluded breaths under hypercapnic conditions (PCO2 up to 90 Torr) than during unoccluded breaths under normocapnic conditions. These results suggest that for the costal diaphragm and parasternal intercostal muscles there is a close relationship between their electrical and mechanical behavior during CO2 rebreathing, this relationship is substantially altered by occluding the airway for a single breath, and thoracic respiratory muscles do not contract quasi-isometrically during occluded breaths.  相似文献   

To assess the mechanical coupling between the parasternal and external intercostals in the cranial portion of the rib cage, we measured the respiratory changes in length and the electromyograms of the two muscles in the same third or fourth intercostal space in 24 spontaneously breathing dogs. We found that 1) the amount of inspiratory shortening of the external intercostal was considerably smaller than the amount of shortening of the parasternal; 2) after selective denervation of the parasternal, the inspiratory shortening of both the parasternal and the external intercostal was almost abolished; 3) on the other hand, after selective denervation of the external intercostal, the inspiratory shortening of the parasternal was unchanged, and the inspiratory shortening of the external intercostal was reduced but not suppressed; and 4) this persistent shortening of the external intercostal was reversed into a clear-cut inspiratory lengthening when the parasternal was subsequently denervated. We conclude that in the dog 1) the inspiratory contraction of the external intercostals in the cranial portion of the rib cage is agonistic in nature as is the contraction of the parasternals; 2) during resting breathing, however, the changes in length of these external intercostals are largely determined by the action of the parasternals. These observations are consistent with the idea that in the dog, the parasternals play a larger role than the external intercostals in elevating the ribs during resting inspiration.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that the shortening of the canine parasternal intercostals during inspiration results primarily from the muscles' own activation (J. Appl. Physiol. 64: 1546-1553, 1988). In the present studies, we have tested the hypothesis that other inspiratory rib cage muscles may contribute to the parasternal inspiratory shortening. Eight supine, spontaneously breathing dogs were studied. Changes in length of the third or fourth right parasternal intercostal were measured during quiet breathing and during single-breath airway occlusion first with the animal intact, then after selective denervation of the muscle, and finally after bilateral phrenicotomy. Denervating the parasternal virtually eliminated the muscle shortening during quiet inspiration and caused the muscle to lengthen during occluded breaths. After phrenicotomy, however, the parasternal, while being denervated, shortened again a significant amount during both quiet inspiration and occluded breaths. These data thus confirm that a component of the parasternal inspiratory shortening is not active and results from the action of other inspiratory rib cage muscles. Additional studies in four animals demonstrated that the scalene and serratus muscles do not play any role in this phenomenon; it must therefore result from the action of intrinsic rib cage muscles.  相似文献   

When the parasternal intercostal in a single interspace is selectively denervated in dogs with diaphragmatic paralysis, it continues to shorten during both quiet and occluded inspiration. In the present studies, we have tested the hypothesis that this passive parasternal inspiratory shortening is due to the action of the other parasternal intercostals. Changes in length of the denervated third right parasternal were measured in eight supine phrenicotomized animals. We found that 1) the inspiratory muscle shortening increased after denervation of the third left parasternal but gradually decreased with denervation of the parasternals situated in the second, fourth, and fifth interspaces; 2) the muscle, however, always continued to shorten during inspiration, even after denervation of all the parasternals; 3) stimulating selectively the third left parasternal caused a muscle lengthening; and 4) bilateral stimulation of the parasternals in the second or the fourth interspace produced a muscle shortening. We conclude that 1) the two parasternals situated in the same interspace on both sides of the sternum are mechanically arranged in series, whereas the parasternals located in adjacent interspaces are mechanically arranged in parallel; and 2) if a denervated parasternal continues to shorten during inspiration, this is in part because of the action of the parasternals in the adjacent interspaces and in part because of other inspiratory muscles of the rib cage, possibly the external intercostals and the levator costae.  相似文献   

The diaphragm acting alone causes a cranial displacement of the lower ribs and a caudal displacement of the upper ribs. The respiratory effect of the lower rib displacement, however, is uncertain. In the present study, two sets of experiments were performed in dogs to assess this effect. In the first, all the inspiratory intercostal muscles were severed, so that the diaphragm was the only muscle active during inspiration, and the normal inspiratory cranial displacement of the lower ribs was suppressed at regular intervals. In the second experiment, the animals were given a muscle relaxant to abolish respiratory muscle activity, and external, cranially oriented forces were applied to the lower rib pairs to simulate the action of the diaphragm on these ribs. The data showed that 1) holding the lower ribs stationary during spontaneous, isolated diaphragm contraction had no effect on the change in lung volume during unimpeded inspiration and no effect on the fall in pleural pressure (Ppl) during occluded breaths; 2) the procedure, however, caused an increase in the caudal displacement of the upper ribs; and 3) pulling the lower rib pairs cranially induced a cranial displacement of the upper ribs and a small fall in Ppl. These observations indicate that the force applied on the lower ribs by the diaphragm during spontaneous contraction, acting through the interdependence of the ribs, is transmitted to the upper ribs and has an inspiratory effect on the lung. However, this effect is very small compared to that of the descent of the dome.  相似文献   

The interosseous external intercostal (EI) muscles of the upper rib cage are electrically active during inspiration, but the mechanical consequence of their activation is unclear. In 16 anesthetized dogs, we simultaneously measured EI (3rd and 4th interspaces) and parasternal intercostal (PA) (3rd interspace) electromyogram and length. Muscle length was measured by sonomicrometry and expressed as a percentage of resting length (%LR). During resting breathing, each muscle was electrically active and shortened to a similar extent. Sequential EI muscle denervation (3rd and 4th interspaces) followed by PA denervation (3rd interspace) demonstrated significant reductions in the degree of inspiratory shortening for each muscle. Mean EI muscle shortening of the third and fourth interspaces decreased from -3.4 +/- 0.5 and -3.0 +/- 0.4% LR (SE) under control conditions to -0.2 +/- 0.2 and -0.8 +/- 0.3% LR, respectively, after selective denervation of each of these muscles (P less than 0.001 for each). After selective denervation of the PA muscle, its shortening decreased from -3.5 +/- 0.3 to +0.6% LR (SE) (P less than 0.001). PA muscle denervation also caused the EI muscle in the third interspace to change from inspiratory shortening of -0.2% to inspiratory lengthening of +0.2% +/- 0.2 (P less than 0.05). We conclude that during eupneic breathing 1) the EI muscles of the upper rib cage, like the PA muscles, are inspiratory agonists and actively contribute to rib cage expansion and 2) PA muscle contraction contributes to EI muscle shortening.  相似文献   

The inspiratory intercostal muscles elevate the ribs and thereby elicit a fall in pleural pressure (DeltaPpl) when they contract. In the present study, we initially tested the hypothesis that this DeltaPpl does, in turn, oppose the rib elevation. The cranial rib displacement (Xr) produced by selective activation of the parasternal intercostal muscle in the fourth interspace was measured in dogs, first with the rib cage intact and then after DeltaPpl was eliminated by bilateral pneumothorax. For a given parasternal contraction, Xr was greater after pneumothorax; the increase in Xr per unit decrease in DeltaPpl was 0.98+/-0.11 mm/cmH2O. Because this relation was similar to that obtained during isolated diaphragmatic contraction, we subsequently tested the hypothesis that the increase in Xr observed during breathing after diaphragmatic paralysis was, in part, the result of the decrease in DeltaPpl, and the contribution of the difference in DeltaPpl to the difference in Xr was determined by using the relation between Xr and DeltaPpl during passive inflation. With diaphragmatic paralysis, Xr during inspiration increased approximately threefold, and 47+/-8% of this increase was accounted for by the decrease in DeltaPpl. These observations indicate that 1) DeltaPpl is a primary determinant of rib motion during intercostal muscle contraction and 2) the decrease in DeltaPpl and the increase in intercostal muscle activity contribute equally to the increase in inspiratory cranial displacement of the ribs after diaphragm paralysis.  相似文献   

To assess the relative contributions of the different groups of inspiratory intercostal muscles to the cranial motion of the ribs in the dog, we have measured the axial displacement of the fourth rib and recorded the electromyograms of the parasternal intercostal, external intercostal, and levator costae in the third interspace in 15 anesthetized animals breathing at rest. In eight animals, the parasternal intercostals were denervated in interspaces 1-5. This procedure caused a marked increase in the amount of external intercostal and levator costae inspiratory activity, and yet the inspiratory cranial motion of the rib was reduced by 55%. On the other hand, the external intercostals in interspaces 1-5 were sectioned in seven animals, and the reduction in the cranial rib motion was only 22%; the amount of parasternal and levator costae activity, however, was unchanged. When the parasternals in these animals were subsequently denervated, the levator costae inspiratory activity increased markedly, but the inspiratory cranial motion of the rib was abolished or reversed into an inspiratory caudal motion. These studies thus confirm that, in the dog breathing at rest, the parasternal intercostals have a larger role than the external intercostals and levator costae in causing the cranial motion of the ribs during inspiration. A quantitative analysis suggests that the parasternal contribution is approximately 80%.  相似文献   

The inspiratory intercostal muscles enhance the force generated by the diaphragm during lung expansion. However, whether the diaphragm also alters the force developed by the inspiratory intercostals is unknown. Two experiments were performed in dogs to answer the question. In the first experiment, external, cranially oriented forces were applied to the different rib pairs to assess the effect of diaphragmatic contraction on the coupling between the ribs and the lung. The fall in airway opening pressure (deltaPa(O)) produced by a given force on the ribs was invariably greater during phrenic nerve stimulation than with the diaphragm relaxed. The cranial rib displacement (Xr), however, was 40-50% smaller, thus indicating that the increase in deltaPa(O) was exclusively the result of the increase in diaphragmatic elastance. In the second experiment, the parasternal intercostal muscle in the fourth interspace was selectively activated, and the effects of diaphragmatic contraction on the deltaPa(O) and Xr caused by parasternal activation were compared with those observed during the application of external loads on the ribs. Stimulating the phrenic nerves increased the deltaPa(O) and reduced the Xr produced by the parasternal intercostal, and the magnitudes of the changes were identical to those observed during external rib loading. It is concluded, therefore, that the diaphragm has no significant synergistic or antagonistic effect on the force developed by the parasternal intercostals during breathing. This lack of effect is probably related to the constraint imposed on intercostal muscle length by the ribs and sternum.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom maintains that the diaphragm lifts the lower ribs during isolated contraction. Recent studies in dogs have shown, however, that supramaximal, tetanic stimulation of the phrenic nerves displaces the lower ribs caudally and inward. In the present study, the hypothesis was tested that the action of the canine diaphragm on these ribs depends on the magnitude of muscle activation. Two experiments were performed. In the first, the C5 and C6 phrenic nerve roots were selectively stimulated in 6 animals with the airway occluded, and the level of diaphragm activation was altered by adjusting the stimulation frequency. In the second experiment, all the inspiratory intercostal muscles were severed in 7 spontaneously breathing animals, so that the diaphragm was the only muscle active during inspiration, and neural drive was increased by a succession of occluded breaths. The changes in airway opening pressure and the craniocaudal displacements of ribs 5 and 10 were measured in each animal. The data showed that 1) contraction of the diaphragm causes the upper ribs to move caudally; 2) during phrenic nerve stimulation, the lower ribs move cranially when the level of diaphragm activation is low, but they move caudally when the level of muscle activation is high and the entire rib cage is exposed to pleural pressure; and 3) during spontaneous diaphragm contraction, however, the lower ribs always move cranially, even when neural drive is elevated and the change in pleural pressure is large. It is concluded that the action of the diaphragm on the lower ribs depends on both the magnitude and the mode of muscle activation. These findings can reasonably explain the apparent discrepancies between previous studies. They also imply that observations made during phrenic nerve stimulation do not necessarily reflect the physiological action of the diaphragm.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to assess the effects of bronchoconstriction on respiratory changes in length of the costal diaphragm and the parasternal intercostal muscles. Ten dogs were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium and tracheostomized. Respiratory changes in muscle length were measured using sonomicrometry, and electromyograms were recorded with bipolar fine-wire electrodes. Administration of histamine aerosols increased pulmonary resistance from 6.4 to 14.5 cmH2O X l-1 X s, caused reductions in inspiratory and expiratory times, and decreased tidal volume. The peak and rate of rise of respiratory muscle electromyogram (EMG) activity increased significantly after histamine administration. Despite these increases, bronchoconstriction reduced diaphragm inspiratory shortening in 9 of 10 dogs and reduced intercostal muscle inspiratory shortening in 7 of 10 animals. The decreases in respiratory muscle tidal shortening were less than the reductions in tidal volume. The mean velocity of diaphragm and intercostal muscle inspiratory shortening increased after histamine administration but to a smaller extent than the rate of rise of EMG activity. This resulted in significant reductions in the ratio of respiratory muscle velocity of shortening to the rate of rise of EMG activity after bronchoconstriction for both the costal diaphragm and the parasternal intercostal muscles. Bronchoconstriction changed muscle end-expiratory length in most animals, but for the group of animals this was statistically significant only for the diaphragm. These results suggest that impairments of diaphragm and parasternal intercostal inspiratory shortening occur after bronchoconstriction; the mechanisms involved include an increased load, a shortening of inspiratory time, and for the diaphragm possibly a reduction in resting length.  相似文献   

In an attempt to understand the role of the parasternal intercostals in respiration, we measured the changes in length of these muscles during a variety of static and dynamic respiratory maneuvers. Studies were performed on 39 intercostal spaces from 10 anesthetized dogs, and changes in parasternal intercostal length were assessed with pairs of piezoelectric crystals (sonomicrometry). During static maneuvers (passive inflation-deflation, isovolume maneuvers, changes in body position), the parasternal intercostals shortened whenever the rib cage inflated, and they lengthened whenever the rib cage contracted. The changes in parasternal intercostal length, however, were much smaller than the changes in diaphragmatic length, averaging 9.2% of the resting length during inflation from residual volume to total lung capacity and 1.3% during tilting from supine to upright. During quiet breathing the parasternal intercostals always shortened during inspiration and lengthened during expiration. In the intact animals the inspiratory parasternal shortening was close to that seen for the same increase in lung volume during passive inflation and averaged 3.5%. After bilateral phrenicotomy, however, the parasternal intercostal shortening during inspiration markedly increased, whereas tidal volume diminished. These results indicate that 1) the parasternal intercostals in the dog are real agonists (as opposed to fixators) and actively contribute to expand the rib cage and the lung during quiet inspiration, 2) the relationship between lung volume and parasternal length is not unique but depends on the relative contribution of the various inspiratory muscles to tidal volume, and 3) the physiological range of operating length of the parasternal intercostals is considerably smaller than that of the diaphragm.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In an attempt to obtain insight in the forces developed by the parasternal intercostal muscles during breathing, changes in parasternal intramuscular pressure (PIP) were measured in 14 supine anesthetized dogs using a microtransducer method. In six animals, during bilateral parasternal stimulation a linear relationship between contractile force exerted on the rib and PIP was demonstrated (r greater than 0.95). In eight animals, during quiet active inspiration, substantial (55 +/- 11.5 cmH2O) PIP was developed. During inspiratory resistive loading and airway occlusion the inspiratory rise in PIP increased in proportion to the inspiratory fall in pleural pressure (r = 0.82). Phrenicotomy and vagotomy resulted in an increase in the inspiratory rise in PIP of 21% and 99%, respectively. During passive deflation, when the parasternal intercostals were passively lengthened, large rises (320 +/- 221 cmH2O) in intramuscular pressure were observed. During passive inflation intramuscular pressure remained constant or even decreased slightly (-8 +/- 25 cmH2O) as expected on the basis of the passive shortening of the muscles. PIP thus invariably increased when tension increased either actively or passively. From PIP it is clear that the parasternals exert significant forces on the ribs during respiratory maneuvers.  相似文献   

Mechanical function of hyoid muscles during spontaneous breathing in cats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We assessed the mechanical behavior of the geniohyoid and sternohyoid muscles during spontaneous breathing using sonomicrometry in anesthetized cats. When the animals breathed O2, the hyoid muscles either became longer or did not change length (but never shortened) during inspiration. During progressive hyperoxic hypercapnia, transient increases in geniohyoid muscle inspiratory lengthening occurred in many animals; however, at high PCO2 the geniohyoid invariably shortened during inspiration (mean 4.9% of resting length at the end of CO2 rebreathing; P less than 0.001). The PCO2 at which geniohyoid inspiratory lengthening changed to inspiratory shortening was significantly higher than the CO2 threshold for the onset of geniohyoid electrical activity (P less than 0.01). For the sternohyoid muscle, hypercapnia caused inspiratory lengthening in 13 of 17 cats and inspiratory shortening in 4 of 17 cats; on average the sternohyoid lengthened by 1.6% of resting length at the end of CO2 rebreathing (P less than 0.01). Sternohyoid lengthening occurred in spite of this muscle being electrically active. These results suggest that the relationship between hyoid muscle electrical activity and respiratory changes in length is very complex, so that the presence of hyoid muscle electrical activity does not necessarily indicate muscle shortening, and among the geniohyoid and sternohyoid muscles, the geniohyoid has a primary role as a hypopharyngeal dilator in the spontaneously breathing cat, with the sternohyoid muscle acting in an accessory capacity.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of reversible vagal cooling on respiratory muscle activities in awake chronically instrumented tracheotomized dogs. We specifically analyzed electromyographic (EMG) activity and its ventilatory correlates, end-expiratory lung volume (EELV) and diaphragmatic resting length via sonomicrometry. Elimination of phasic and tonic mechanoreceptor activity by vagal cooling doubled the EMG activity of the costal, crural, and parasternal muscles, with activation occurring sooner relative to the onset of inspiratory flow. Diaphragmatic postinspiration inspiratory activity in the intact dog coincided with a brief mechanical shortening of the diaphragm during early expiration; vagal blockade removed both the electrical activity and the mechanical shortening. Vagal blockade also doubled the EMG activity of a rib cage expiratory muscle, the triangularis sterni, but reduced that of an abdominal expiratory muscle, the transversus abdominis. Within-breath electrical activity of both muscles occurred sooner relative to the onset of expiratory flow during vagal blockade. Vagal cooling was also associated with a 12% increase in EELV and a 5% decrease in end-expiratory resting length of the diaphragm. We conclude that vagal input significantly modulates inspiratory and expiratory muscle activities, which help regulate EELV efficiently and optimize diaphragmatic length during eupneic breathing in the awake dog.  相似文献   

The distribution of motor drive to the costal and crural diaphragm and parasternal intercostal muscles was evaluated during progressive isocapnic hypoxia in anesthetized dogs. Bipolar stainless steel wire electrodes were placed unilaterally into the costal and crural portions of the diaphragm and into the parasternal intercostal muscle in the second or third intercostal space. Both peak and rate of rise of electromyographic activity of each chest wall muscle increased in curvilinear fashion in response to progressive hypoxia. Both crural and parasternal intercostal responses, however, were greater than those of the costal diaphragm. The onset of crural activation preceded that of the costal portion of the diaphragm and parasternal intercostal muscle activation. Despite differences in the degree of activation among the various chest wall muscles, the rate of increase in activation for any given muscle was linearly related to the rate of increases for the other two. This suggests that respiratory drive during progressive hypoxia increases in fixed proportion to the different chest wall inspiratory muscles. Our findings lend further support to the concept that the costal and crural diaphragm are governed by separate neural control mechanisms and, therefore, may be considered separate muscles.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that in normal humans the change in airway opening pressure (DeltaPao) produced by all the parasternal and external intercostal muscles during a maximal contraction is approximately -18 cmH(2)O. This value is substantially less negative than DeltaPao values recorded during maximal static inspiratory efforts in subjects with complete diaphragmatic paralysis. In the present study, therefore, the respiratory effects of the two prominent inspiratory muscles of the neck, the sternomastoids and the scalenes, were evaluated by application of the Maxwell reciprocity theorem. Seven healthy subjects were placed in a computed tomographic scanner to determine the fractional changes in muscle length during inflation from functional residual capacity to total lung capacity and the masses of the muscles. Inflation induced greater shortening of the scalenes than the sternomastoids in every subject. The inspiratory mechanical advantage of the scalenes thus averaged (mean +/- SE) 3.4 +/- 0.4%/l, whereas that of the sternomastoids was 2.0 +/- 0.3%/l (P < 0.001). However, sternomastoid muscle mass was much larger than scalene muscle mass. As a result, DeltaPao generated by a maximal contraction of either muscle would be 3-4 cmH(2)O, which is about the same as DeltaPao generated by the parasternal intercostals in all interspaces.  相似文献   

Changes in intrathoracic pressure produced by the various inspiratory intercostals are essentially additive, but the interaction between these muscles and the diaphragm remains uncertain. In the present study, this interaction was assessed by measuring the changes in airway opening (DeltaPao) or transpulmonary pressure (DeltaPtp) in vagotomized, phrenicotomized dogs during spontaneous inspiration (isolated intercostal contraction), during isolated rectangular or ramp stimulation of the peripheral ends of the transected C(5) phrenic nerve roots (isolated diaphragm contraction), and during spontaneous inspiration with superimposed phrenic nerve stimulation (combined diaphragm-intercostal contraction). With the endotracheal tube occluded at functional residual capacity, DeltaPao during combined diaphragm-intercostal contraction was nearly equal to the sum of the DeltaPao produced by the two muscle groups contracting individually. However, when the endotracheal tube was kept open, DeltaPtp during combined contraction was 123% of the sum of the individual DeltaPtp (P < 0.001). The increase in lung volume during combined contraction was also 109% of the sum of the individual volume increases (P < 0.02). Abdominal pressure during combined contraction was invariably lower than during isolated diaphragm contraction. It is concluded, therefore, that the canine diaphragm and intercostal muscles act synergistically during lung expansion and that this synergism is primarily due to the fact that the intercostal muscles reduce shortening of the diaphragm. When the lung is maintained at functional residual capacity, however, the synergism is obscured because the greater stiffness of the rib cage during diaphragm contraction enhances the DeltaPao produced by the isolated diaphragm and reduces the DeltaPao produced by the intercostal muscles.  相似文献   

Inflation induces a marked decrease in the lung-expanding ability of the diaphragm, but its effect on the parasternal intercostal muscles is uncertain. To assess this effect, the phrenic nerves and the external intercostals were severed in anesthetized, vagotomized dogs, such that the parasternal intercostals were the only muscles active during inspiration, and the endotracheal tube was occluded at different lung volumes. Although the inspiratory electromyographic activity recorded from the muscles was constant, the change in airway opening pressure decreased with inflation from -7.2+/-0.6 cmH2O at functional residual capacity to -2.2+/-0.2 cmH2O at 20-cmH2O transrespiratory pressure (P<0.001). The inspiratory cranial displacement of the ribs remained virtually unchanged, and the inspiratory caudal displacement of the sternum decreased moderately. However, the inspiratory outward rib displacement decreased markedly and continuously; at 20 cmH2O, this displacement was only 23+/-2% of the value at functional residual capacity. Calculations based on this alteration yielded substantial decreases in the change in airway opening pressure. It is concluded that, in the dog, 1) inflation affects adversely the lung-expanding actions of both the parasternal intercostals and the diaphragm; and 2) the adverse effect of inflation on the parasternal intercostals is primarily related to the alteration in the kinematics of the ribs. As a corollary, it is likely that hyperinflation also has a negative impact on the parasternal intercostals in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  相似文献   

To assess the respiratory function of the ribs, we measured the changes in airway opening pressure (Pao) induced by stimulation of the parasternal and external intercostal muscles in anesthetized dogs, first before and then after the bony ribs were removed from both sides of the chest. Stimulating either set of muscles with the rib cage intact elicited a fall in Pao in all animals. After removal of the ribs, however, the fall in Pao produced by the parasternal intercostals was reduced by 60% and the fall produced by the external intercostals was eliminated. The normal outward curvature of the rib cage was also abolished in this condition, and when the curvature was restored by a small inflation, external intercostal stimulation consistently elicited a rise rather than a fall in Pao. These findings thus confirm that the ribs play a critical role in the act of breathing by converting intercostal muscle shortening into lung volume expansion. In addition, they carry the compression that is required to balance the pressure difference across the chest wall.  相似文献   

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