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Control of cell proliferation by Myc family genes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The chromosome translocations characteristic of certain B lymphoid tumours associate the myc oncogene and immunoglobulin loci. The typical t(12;15) in murine plasmacytomas and analogous t(14;8) in Burkitt lymphomas couple the myc coding region to one of the switch recombination regions within the immunoglobulin heavy (H) chain locus; hence the switch machinery may promote some translocations. Significantly, translocation induces constitutive myc expression, the untranslocated myc allele remaining silent. The predilection for breakpoints near the 5' end of the c-myc gene may reflect selection for altered myc regulation. In most tumours, the stimulatory effect of the H locus context is not understood, but an H locus enhancer participates in some tumours, including one displaying a novel transposition. The variant (6;15) translocations found in about 15% of plasmacytomas involve the myc band and the region of chromosome 6 where the kappa locus lies. The t(6;15) is shown here to represent an exchange between C kappa and a chromosome 15 locus (designated pvt-1) which lies unexpectedly far from c-myc. The association of myc expression with pvt-1 alterations suggest that myc can be activated at a distance. Myc has also been implicated in some T lymphomas by detection of proviral inserts near myc and also, surprisingly, within the pvt-1 locus. Inserts near myc appear to activate its expression via the retroviral enhancer.  相似文献   

Id genes in nervous system development   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The evolution of gene therapy has led to the development of promising new therapeutic approaches. This NeuroView will introduce the variety of delivery vehicles currently available for gene therapy, a range of preclinical strategies for tackling major diseases of the nervous system, the clinical limitations, and ethical considerations.  相似文献   

Summary The expression of the CD15 epitope was investigated by immunohistochemistry, western blotting and immuno-thin-layer chromatography on a large series of human nervous system tumours and ethylnitrosourea-induced rat gliomas. Our results show that CD15 is expressed as a glycoprotein- or glycolipid-associated epitope in normal human and rat brain. In contrast, immunoreactivity for CD15 was absent in tumour cells of experimental rat gliomas. In human tumours we found a more complex expression pattern. While intra- and perivascular granulocytes as well as macrophages in necrotic areas of anaplastic tumours were always strongly CD15-positive, immunoreactive tumour cells were detectable only in a fraction of low-grade gliomas. Anaplastic gliomas and glioblastomas consistently did not express the epitope on their tumour cells. In addition to individual low-grade gliomas, we found CD15-positive cases among metastatic carcinomas, craniopharyngeomas, meningiomas, germinomas and malignant melanomas. Our results suggest that immunohistochemistry for CD15 is potentially useful in diagnostic neuropathology as a marker for granulocytes in paraffin sections, as a supplementary tool for the histopathological grading of gliomas, and as an aid for differentiation between anaplastic glioma cells and non-neoplastic glia. Furthermore, it can be speculated that the lack of CD15 expression on anaplastic glioma cells may potentially be responsible for some of their characteristics-such as altered cellular interaction and loss of contact inhibition.  相似文献   

In all complex organisms, glial cells are pivotal for neuronal development and function. Insects are characterized by having only a small number of these cells, which nevertheless display a remarkable molecular diversity. An intricate relationship between neurons and glia is initially required for glial migration and during axonal patterning. Recent data suggest that in organisms such as Drosophila, a prime role of glial cells lies in setting boundaries to guide and constrain axonal growth.  相似文献   

同源框基因是指一类含有同源序列的基因,它编码的蛋白质作为转录调节因子调节细胞的发育和分化,控制基因的表达形式。LIM同源框基因不仅含有同源框基因也含有编码LIM结构域的保守序列。  相似文献   

Oxygen-sensing mechanisms are often dysfunctional in tumours. Oxygen sensing is mediated partly via prolyl hydroxylation. The EglN prolyl hydroxylases are well characterized in regulating the hypoxia inducible factor α (HIF-α) hypoxic response, but also are implicated in HIF-independent processes. EglN3 executes apoptosis in neural precursors during development and failure of EglN3 developmental apoptosis can lead to certain forms of sympathetic nervous system tumours. Mutations in metabolic/mitochondrial enzymes (SDH, FH, IDH) impair EglN activity and predisposes to certain cancers. This is because the EglNs not only require molecular oxygen to execute hydroxylation, but also equally require the electron donor α-ketoglutarate, a metabolite from the Krebs cycle. Therefore EglN enzymes are considered oxygen, and also, metabolic sensors. α-Ketoglutarate is crucial for EglN hydroxylation activity, whereas the metabolites succinate and fumarate are inhibitors of the EglN enzymes. Since EglN activity is dependent upon metabolites that take part in the Krebs cycle, these enzymes are directly tied into the cellular metabolic network. Cancer cells tend to convert most glucose to lactate regardless of whether oxygen is present (aerobic glycolysis), an observation that was first made by Otto Warburg in 1924. Despite the striking difference in ATP production, cancer cells might favour aerobic glycolysis to escape from EglN hydroxylation, resulting in the accumulation of oncogenic HIFα and/or resistance to EglN3-mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   

Helix Command Specific 2 (HCS2) gene is constantly expressed in parietal premotor (command) interneurons involved in control of the terrestrial snail Helix lucorum withdrawal behavior as a trigger element. It is also expressed under noxious conditions in other neurons presumably involved in withdrawal behavior. In this study we addressed the role of neuropeptide CNP4, encoded by gene HCS2, in the regulation of activity of the respiratory system, and in the influence on growth of isolated neurons in culture. It was shown that activity of the premotor interneuron elicits a direct effect (pneumostome closure), and a delayed intensification of respiratory movements. Application of CNP4 mimicked the delayed effects. Presence of the peptide CNP4 in solution for cultured neurons led to increase of neuronal growth. Immunochemical localization of the protein precursor encoded by gene HCS2 and peptide CNP4 in the cultured premotor interneurons revealed their preferential presence in the growth cones. The obtained results suggest that CNP4 may be secreted and involved in synergic regulation of behavior of a snail.  相似文献   

Genomically imprinted genes show parentally fixed mono-allelic expression and are important for the mammalian development. Dysregulation of genomic imprinting leads to several complex pathological conditions. Though the genetic and epigenetic regulation of imprinted genes has been well studied, their protein aspects are largely ignored. Here, we systematically studied a sub-network centered on proteins encoded by imprinted genes within human interactome. Using concepts of network biology, we uncover a highly connected, transitive and central network module of imprinted gene-products and their interacting partners (IGPN). The network is enriched in development, metabolism and cell cycle related functions and its malfunctioning ascribes error intolerance to human interactome network. Further, detailed analysis revealed that its higher centrality is determined by ‘date’ interactions among the proteins belonging to different functional classes than the ‘party’ interactions within the same functional class. Interestingly, a significant proportion of this network genetically associates with disease phenotypes. Moreover, the network comprises of gene-sets that are upregulated in leukemia, psychosis, obesity/diabetes and downregulated in autism. We conclude that imprinted gene-products are part of a functionally and topologically important module of human interactome and errors in this sub-network are intolerant to, otherwise robust, human interactome. The findings might also shed light on how imprinted genes, which are rather very few, coordinate at protein level to pleiotropically regulate growth and metabolism during embryonic and post-natal development.  相似文献   

25 neuronal tumours with a panel of antibodies were studied and it was found that vimentin was present in 15 tumours. It was also found in a few cells within rosettes. PGP 9.5 showed a somatic pattern of staining with nuclear and perinuclear positivity in 23. Neurofilament reactivity was found in 14. Retinal S-antigen was detected only in one medulloblastoma, 3/4 pineal tumours and 2/2 retinoblastomas. Reactivity, for synaptophysin was present in 2/5 medulloblastomas, 3/10 neuroblastomas and 2/2 retinoblastomas. GFAP was demonstrated in scattered tumour cells in 4/5 medulloblastomas. Two of these were the only tumours featuring bipolar differentiation whilst it was unipolar in the remainder. The significance of these findings in relation to the ontogeny of these tumours is discussed.  相似文献   

The myelin of central and peripheral nervous system of UDP-galactose-ceramide galactosyltransferase deficient mice (cgt -/-) is completely depleted of its major lipid constituents, galactocerebrosides and sulfatides. The deficiency of these glycolipids affects the biophysical properties of the myelin sheath and causes the loss of the rapid saltatory conduction velocity of myelinated axons. With the onset of myelination, null mutant cgt -/- mice develop fatal neurological defects. CNS and PNS analysis of cgt -/- mice revealed (1) hypomyelination of axons of the spinal cord and optic nerves, but no apoptosis of oligodendrocytes, (2) redundant myelin in younger mice leading to vacuolated nerve fibers in cgt -/- mice, (3) the occurrence of multiple myelinated CNS axons, and (4) severely distorted lateral loops in CNS paranodes. The loss of saltatory conduction is not associated with a randomization of voltage-gated sodium channels in the axolemma of PNS fibers. We conclude that cerebrosides (GalC) and sulfatides (sGalC) play a major role in CNS axono-glial interaction. A close axono-glial contact is not a prerequisite for the spiraling and compaction process of myelin. Axonal sodium channels remain clustered at the nodes of Ranvier independent of the change in the physical properties of myelin membrane devoid of galactosphingolipids. Increased intracellular concentrations of free ceramides do not trigger apoptosis of oligodendrocytes.  相似文献   

The yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae is currently used for the production of recombinant DNA-generated proteins derived from a variety of eukaryotic organisms. The applications of a yeast-based technology in the production of proteins for pharmaceutical and industrial purposes is discussed including current methods for introducing recombinant genes into yeast and strategies for maximizing their expression.  相似文献   

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