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Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries - As habitats change, highly specialised species may die or be forced to relocate. However, some obligate coral-dwelling damselfishes appear to survive the...  相似文献   

Cold-adapted ecosystems are often considered to be stable, species poor, and well protected. However, such ecosystems have been identified as being especially sensitive to threats from global warming. Despite this, recent studies have found low proportions of Red Listed species in these systems. In this study we explored the number of alpine species (dependent on alpine habitats for their survival) and their Red List status in Sweden. We determined the proportion of Red Listed species and explored discrepancies among different groups of organisms in terms of the proportion of Red Listed species and the criteria used for Red Listing. We found a total of 389 alpine species in twelve analyzed species groups. The overall proportion of Red Listed species was 29%, with 15% regarded as threatened. There were substantial differences among taxonomic groups with respect to the proportion of Red Listed species. Among mammals 75% of the species are Red Listed, along with 63% of butterflies and 50% of birds. In addition the single alpine dragonfly species and all three alpine stinging wasp species are also Red Listed. Although beetles, bumblebees and grasshoppers are represented by a total of 17 alpine species, none are Red Listed. In contrast to previous studies, our results show that the proportion of Red Listed species is high in alpine environments, indicating that ecosystems found above the tree line are indeed threatened. No species in Sweden have been Red Listed on the basis of the IUCN criterion E (unfavorable quantitative analysis), this is surprising since entire cold-adapted ecosystems are likely to disappear in the future. We highlight the need for a better and more coordinated application of the IUCN criteria, as well as a more stringent strategy to assess the extinction risks for alpine species, thus maintaining reliable Red Lists.  相似文献   

One of the most consensual ecological effects of the current climate warming is the alteration of the environmental timing of ecosystems. Phenological shifts, at different levels of food webs, are predicted to have major effects on species assemblages. Indeed it is unlikely that all species should be able to respond to the phenological shifts of their environment evenly. Yet questions remain about the specific traits that predict the ability of a species to track the temporal fluctuations of its environment. In this study, we use data from the French Constant Effort Site ringing program over a 20 years period (1989–2008) to estimate the ability of 20 common passerine species to adjust their breeding phenology to spring temperature variations. We show that the sensitivity of species breeding phenology to climate relates to species mean migration distance, species’ thermal and habitat niche breadth and brain mass. Species with the broadest ecological and thermal niches, the shortest mean migration distances and the largest brains were most able to adjust their breeding phenology to temperature variations. Our results thus identify long distance migrants and ecological specialists as species that could most suffer from the future expected climate change and suggests phenological adjustment as one possible mechanism underlying the replacement of specialist species by more generalist ones, the so called functional biotic homogenization.  相似文献   

How Tough are Sclerophylls?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fracture toughness was estimated for a 'least tough' path inthe leaves of woody species from three sclerophyllous plantcommunities. Most of the species from Mediterranean, tropicalheath forest and lowland tropical rain forest habitats had verytough leaves, with toughness generally 600-1300 J m-2, whichis two to four times higher than soft-leaved tropical pioneertrees. The toughest leaf (2032 J m-2), Parishia insignis, camefrom the canopy of the lowland rain forest. Leaves from theshaded understorey of the rain forest did not appear any lesstough than those from the canopy.Copyright 1993, 1999 AcademicPress Leaf fracture toughness, sclerophylly, Mediterranean vegetation, tropical forest  相似文献   

Bruce D 《EMBO reports》2008,9(Z1):S37-S40

Many groups of closely related species have reticulate phylogenies. Recent genomic analyses are showing this in many insects and vertebrates, as well as in microbes and plants. In microbes, lateral gene transfer is the dominant process that spoils strictly tree‐like phylogenies, but in multicellular eukaryotes hybridization and introgression among related species is probably more important. Because many species, including the ancestors of ancient major lineages, seem to evolve rapidly in adaptive radiations, some sexual compatibility may exist among them. Introgression and reticulation can thereby affect all parts of the tree of life, not just the recent species at the tips. Our understanding of adaptive evolution, speciation, phylogenetics, and comparative biology must adapt to these mostly recent findings. Introgression has important practical implications as well, not least for the management of genetically modified organisms in pest and disease control.  相似文献   



Genome sequences vary strongly in their repetitiveness and the causes for this are still debated. Here we propose a novel measure of genome repetitiveness, the index of repetitiveness, I r, which can be computed in time proportional to the length of the sequences analyzed. We apply it to 336 genomes from all three domains of life.  相似文献   

α-actinin, an actin binding protein, plays a key role in cell migration, cross-links actin filaments in the Z-disk, and is a major component of contractile muscle apparatus. The flexibility of the molecule is critical to its function. The flexibility of various regions of the molecule, including the linker connecting central subunits is studied using constant force steered molecular dynamics simulations. The linker, whose structure has been a subject of debate, is predicted to be semi-flexible. The flexibility of the linker is compared to all possible segments of equal length throughout the molecule. The stretching profile of the molecule at different forces suggests that loops and regions adjacent to the loops are much more rigid than the helices in the protein. Amino acid composition analysis of most flexible and most rigid regions of the molecule reveals that the rigid regions are rich in Ser, Val and Ile whereas the flexible regions are rich in Ala, Leu and Glu.  相似文献   

How many species are there is a question receiving more attention from biologists and reasons for this are suggested. Different methods of answering this question are examined and include: counting all species; extrapolations from known faunas and regions; extrapolations from samples; methods using ecological models; censusing taxonomists' views. Most of these methods indicate that global totals of 5 to 15 million species are reasonable. The implications of much higher estimates of 30 million species or more are examined, particularly the question of where these millions of species might be found.  相似文献   

How perennial are perennial plants?   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Johan Ehrln  Kari Lehtil 《Oikos》2002,98(2):308-322
Trade-offs involving life span are important in the molding of plant life histories. However, the empirical examination of such patterns has so far been limited by the fact that information on life span is mainly available in terms of discrete categories; annuals, semelparous perennials and iteroparous perennials. We used transition matrix models to project continuous estimates of conditional life spans from published information on size- or stage-structured demography for 71 perennial plant species. The projected life span ranged from 4.3 to 988.6 years and more than half of the species had a life span of more than 35 years. Woody plants had on average a projected life span more than four times as long as non-woody plants. Life spans were higher in forests than in open habitats and individuals of non-clonal species tended to have a longer life span than ramets of clonal species. Self-incompatible plants on average lived longer than self-compatible plants. There were no clear relations between life span and geographical region, dispersal syndrome, pollination mode, seed size or the presence of a seed bank. We conclude that accurate estimates of life span are central to understand how longevity is correlated to other traits within the group of perennial plants.  相似文献   

S. J. Leach 《Biopolymers》1983,22(1):425-440
Most of a protein surface is potentially antigenic, consisting of numerous overlapping domains each complementary to antibody-combining sites. These domains may include peptide sequences that are demonstrably antigenic but only when antibodies from the appropriate host individuals and species are used. Methods for locating antigenic peptide sequences are described in which hydrophilic polyamide supports are used for peptide synthesis, then solid-phase radioimmunoassay with antisera and protein A. Most antigenic domains, however, comprise amino acid side chains contributed by two or more nearby polypeptide chains. Such domains can be identified by comparing the cross-reactivities of groups of very closely related proteins towards monoclonal antibodies raised to one of them. Such studies, using myoglobins, have identified a number of residues not previously shown to be antigenic and have provided a guide for the choice of synthetic peptides which are likely to carry several immunodominant side chains. One such peptide corresponding to residues (72–89) of beef myoglobin has been shown, using CD and antibodies to the parent protein, to have interesting conformational and antigenic properties. The peptide (25–55) is also antigenic.  相似文献   

How essential are nonessential genes?   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Gene essentiality in bacteria has been identified in silico, focusing on gene persistence, or experimentally, focusing on the growth of knockouts in rich media. Comparing 55 genomes of Firmicutes and Gamma-proteobacteria to identify the genes which, while persistent among genomes, do not lead to a lethal phenotype when inactivated, we show that the characteristics of persistence, conservation, expression, and location are shared between persistent nonessential (PNE) genes and experimentally essential genes. PNE genes show an overrepresentation of genes related to maintenance and stress response. This outlines the limits of current experimental techniques to define gene essentiality and highlights the essential role of genes implicated in maintenance which, although dispensable for growth, are not dispensable from an evolutionary point of view. Firmicutes and Gamma-proteobacteria are mostly differing in the construction of the cell envelope, DNA replication and proofreading, and RNA degradation. In addition to suggesting functions for persistent genes that had until now resisted identification, we show that these genes have many characters in common with experimentally identified essential genes. They should then be regarded as truly essential genes.  相似文献   

How clonal are human mitochondria?   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Phylogenetic trees constructed using human mitochondrial sequences contain a large number of homoplasies. These are due either to repeated mutation or to recombination between mitochondrial lineages. We show that a tree constructed using synonymous variation in the protein coding sequences of 29 largely complete human mitochondrial molecules contains 22 homoplasies at 32 phylogenetically informative sites. This level of homoplasy is very unlikely if inheritance is clonal, even if we take into account base composition bias. There must either be 'hypervariable' sites or recombination between mitochondria. We present evidence which suggests that hypervariable sites do not exist in our data. It therefore seems likely that recombination has occurred between mitochondrial lineages in humans.  相似文献   

How ancient are ancient asexuals?   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Ancient asexual animal groups, such as bdelloid rotifers and darwinuloid ostracods, are excellent model organisms to study the effects of long-term asexuality. However, the absolute length of time that these groups have been fully asexual is mostly ignored. In the case of the darwinuloid ostracods, the fossil record shows that sexual reproduction disappeared almost completely after the end of Permian mass extinction (ca. 245 Myr ago), although several putative records of males from the Mesozoic obscure the exact time-frame of obligate asexuality in darwinuloids. Here, we re-examine the Mesozoic darwinuloid records, with regard to the reproductive mode of the assemblages. Three criteria to distinguish males in fossil populations (lack of brood pouch, position of muscle scars and size dimorphism) are used here to test for the presence of males in darwinuloid assemblages. A large, well-preserved assemblage of Darwinula leguminella (Forbes 1885) from the latest Jurassic (ca. 145 Myr ago) of England is found to be markedly variable in size and shape, but nevertheless turns out to be an all female assemblage. The exceptional preservation of the material also allows the re-assignment of this species to the extant darwinuloid genus Alicenula. All other putative dimorphic darwinuloid records from the Mesozoic are re-examined using the same criteria. The hypothesis that these assemblages represent bisexual populations is rejected for all post-Triassic (ca. 208 Myr ago) records.  相似文献   

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