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Joo K  Lee SJ  Lee J 《Proteins》2012,80(7):1791-1797
We present a method to predict the solvent accessibility of proteins which is based on a nearest neighbor method applied to the sequence profiles. Using the method, continuous real-value prediction as well as two-state and three-state discrete predictions can be obtained. The method utilizes the z-score value of the distance measure in the feature vector space to estimate the relative contribution among the k-nearest neighbors for prediction of the discrete and continuous solvent accessibility. The Solvent accessibility database is constructed from 5717 proteins extracted from PISCES culling server with the cutoff of 25% sequence identities. Using optimal parameters, the prediction accuracies (for discrete predictions) of 78.38% (two-state prediction with the threshold of 25%), 65.1% (three-state prediction with the thresholds of 9 and 36%), and the Pearson correlation coefficient (between the predicted and true RSA's for continuous prediction) of 0.676 are achieved An independent benchmark test was performed with the CASP8 targets where we find that the proposed method outperforms existing methods. The prediction accuracies are 80.89% (for two state prediction with the threshold of 25%), 67.58% (three-state prediction), and the Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.727 (for continuous prediction) with mean absolute error of 0.148. We have also investigated the effect of increasing database sizes on the prediction accuracy, where additional improvement in the accuracy is observed as the database size increases. The SANN web server is available at http://lee.kias.re.kr/~newton/sann/.  相似文献   

Adamczak R  Porollo A  Meller J 《Proteins》2005,59(3):467-475
Owing to the use of evolutionary information and advanced machine learning protocols, secondary structures of amino acid residues in proteins can be predicted from the primary sequence with more than 75% per-residue accuracy for the 3-state (i.e., helix, beta-strand, and coil) classification problem. In this work we investigate whether further progress may be achieved by incorporating the relative solvent accessibility (RSA) of an amino acid residue as a fingerprint of the overall topology of the protein. Toward that goal, we developed a novel method for secondary structure prediction that uses predicted RSA in addition to attributes derived from evolutionary profiles. Our general approach follows the 2-stage protocol of Rost and Sander, with a number of Elman-type recurrent neural networks (NNs) combined into a consensus predictor. The RSA is predicted using our recently developed regression-based method that provides real-valued RSA, with the overall correlation coefficients between the actual and predicted RSA of about 0.66 in rigorous tests on independent control sets. Using the predicted RSA, we were able to improve the performance of our secondary structure prediction by up to 1.4% and achieved the overall per-residue accuracy between 77.0% and 78.4% for the 3-state classification problem on different control sets comprising, together, 603 proteins without homology to proteins included in the training. The effects of including solvent accessibility depend on the quality of RSA prediction. In the limit of perfect prediction (i.e., when using the actual RSA values derived from known protein structures), the accuracy of secondary structure prediction increases by up to 4%. We also observed that projecting real-valued RSA into 2 discrete classes with the commonly used threshold of 25% RSA decreases the classification accuracy for secondary structure prediction. While the level of improvement of secondary structure prediction may be different for prediction protocols that implicitly account for RSA in other ways, we conclude that an increase in the 3-state classification accuracy may be achieved when combining RSA with a state-of-the-art protocol utilizing evolutionary profiles. The new method is available through a Web server at http://sable.cchmc.org.  相似文献   

Wang JY  Lee HM  Ahmad S 《Proteins》2005,61(3):481-491
A multiple linear regression method was applied to predict real values of solvent accessibility from the sequence and evolutionary information. This method allowed us to obtain coefficients of regression and correlation between the occurrence of an amino-acid residue at a specific target and its sequence neighbor positions on the one hand, and the solvent accessibility of that residue on the other. Our linear regression model based on sequence information and evolutionary models was found to predict residue accessibility with 18.9% and 16.2% mean absolute error respectively, which is better than or comparable to the best available methods. A correlation matrix for several neighbor positions to examine the role of evolutionary information at these positions has been developed and analyzed. As expected, the effective frequency of hydrophobic residues at target positions shows a strong negative correlation with solvent accessibility, whereas the reverse is true for charged and polar residues. The correlation of solvent accessibility with effective frequencies at neighboring positions falls abruptly with distance from target residues. Longer protein chains have been found to be more accurately predicted than their smaller counterparts.  相似文献   

Garg A  Kaur H  Raghava GP 《Proteins》2005,61(2):318-324
The present study is an attempt to develop a neural network-based method for predicting the real value of solvent accessibility from the sequence using evolutionary information in the form of multiple sequence alignment. In this method, two feed-forward networks with a single hidden layer have been trained with standard back-propagation as a learning algorithm. The Pearson's correlation coefficient increases from 0.53 to 0.63, and mean absolute error decreases from 18.2 to 16% when multiple-sequence alignment obtained from PSI-BLAST is used as input instead of a single sequence. The performance of the method further improves from a correlation coefficient of 0.63 to 0.67 when secondary structure information predicted by PSIPRED is incorporated in the prediction. The final network yields a mean absolute error value of 15.2% between the experimental and predicted values, when tested on two different nonhomologous and nonredundant datasets of varying sizes. The method consists of two steps: (1) in the first step, a sequence-to-structure network is trained with the multiple alignment profiles in the form of PSI-BLAST-generated position-specific scoring matrices, and (2) in the second step, the output obtained from the first network and PSIPRED-predicted secondary structure information is used as an input to the second structure-to-structure network. Based on the present study, a server SARpred (http://www.imtech.res.in/raghava/sarpred/) has been developed that predicts the real value of solvent accessibility of residues for a given protein sequence. We have also evaluated the performance of SARpred on 47 proteins used in CASP6 and achieved a correlation coefficient of 0.68 and a MAE of 15.9% between predicted and observed values.  相似文献   

Adamczak R  Porollo A  Meller J 《Proteins》2004,56(4):753-767
Accurate prediction of relative solvent accessibilities (RSAs) of amino acid residues in proteins may be used to facilitate protein structure prediction and functional annotation. Toward that goal we developed a novel method for improved prediction of RSAs. Contrary to other machine learning-based methods from the literature, we do not impose a classification problem with arbitrary boundaries between the classes. Instead, we seek a continuous approximation of the real-value RSA using nonlinear regression, with several feed forward and recurrent neural networks, which are then combined into a consensus predictor. A set of 860 protein structures derived from the PFAM database was used for training, whereas validation of the results was carefully performed on several nonredundant control sets comprising a total of 603 structures derived from new Protein Data Bank structures and had no homology to proteins included in the training. Two classes of alternative predictors were developed for comparison with the regression-based approach: one based on the standard classification approach and the other based on a semicontinuous approximation with the so-called thermometer encoding. Furthermore, a weighted approximation, with errors being scaled by the observed levels of variability in RSA for equivalent residues in families of homologous structures, was applied in order to improve the results. The effects of including evolutionary profiles and the growth of sequence databases were assessed. In accord with the observed levels of variability in RSA for different ranges of RSA values, the regression accuracy is higher for buried than for exposed residues, with overall 15.3-15.8% mean absolute errors and correlation coefficients between the predicted and experimental values of 0.64-0.67 on different control sets. The new method outperforms classification-based algorithms when the real value predictions are projected onto two-class classification problems with several commonly used thresholds to separate exposed and buried residues. For example, classification accuracy of about 77% is consistently achieved on all control sets with a threshold of 25% RSA. A web server that enables RSA prediction using the new method and provides customizable graphical representation of the results is available at http://sable.cchmc.org.  相似文献   

Yuan Z  Burrage K  Mattick JS 《Proteins》2002,48(3):566-570
A Support Vector Machine learning system has been trained to predict protein solvent accessibility from the primary structure. Different kernel functions and sliding window sizes have been explored to find how they affect the prediction performance. Using a cut-off threshold of 15% that splits the dataset evenly (an equal number of exposed and buried residues), this method was able to achieve a prediction accuracy of 70.1% for single sequence input and 73.9% for multiple alignment sequence input, respectively. The prediction of three and more states of solvent accessibility was also studied and compared with other methods. The prediction accuracies are better than, or comparable to, those obtained by other methods such as neural networks, Bayesian classification, multiple linear regression, and information theory. In addition, our results further suggest that this system may be combined with other prediction methods to achieve more reliable results, and that the Support Vector Machine method is a very useful tool for biological sequence analysis.  相似文献   

Wang JY  Lee HM  Ahmad S 《Proteins》2007,68(1):82-91
A number of methods for predicting levels of solvent accessibility or accessible surface area (ASA) of amino acid residues in proteins have been developed. These methods either predict regularly spaced states of relative solvent accessibility or an analogue real value indicating relative solvent accessibility. While discrete states of exposure can be easily obtained by post prediction assignment of thresholds to the predicted or computed real values of ASA, the reverse, that is, obtaining a real value from quantized states of predicted ASA, is not straightforward as a two-state prediction in such cases would give a large real valued errors. However, prediction of ASA into larger number of ASA states and then finding a corresponding scheme for real value prediction may be helpful in integrating the two approaches of ASA prediction. We report a novel method of obtaining numerical real values of solvent accessibility, using accumulation cutoff set and support vector machine. This so-called SVM-Cabins method first predicts discrete states of ASA of amino acid residues from their evolutionary profile and then maps the predicted states onto a real valued linear space by simple algebraic methods. Resulting performance of such a rigorous approach using 13-state ASA prediction is at least comparable with the best methods of ASA prediction reported so far. The mean absolute error in this method reaches the best performance of 15.1% on the tested data set of 502 proteins with a coefficient of correlation equal to 0.66. Since, the method starts with the prediction of discrete states of ASA and leads to real value predictions, performance of prediction in binary states and real values are simultaneously optimized.  相似文献   

An easy and uncomplicated method to predict the solvent accessibility state of a site in a multiple protein sequence alignment is described. The approach is based on amino acid exchange and compositional preference matrices for each of three accessibility states: buried, exposed, and intermediate. Calculations utilized a modified version of the 3D―ali databank, a collection of multiple sequence alignments anchored through protein tertiary structural superpositions. The technique achieves the same accuracy as much more complex methods and thus provides such advantages as computational affordability, facile updating, and easily understood residue substitution patterns useful to biochemists involved in protein engineering, design, and structural prediction. The program is available from the authors; and, due to its simplicity, the algorithm can be readily implemented on any system. For a given alignment site, a hand calculation can yield a comparative prediction. Proteins 32:190–199, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Information on relative solvent accessibility (RSA) of amino acid residues in proteins provides valuable clues to the prediction of protein structure and function. A two-stage approach with support vector machines (SVMs) is proposed, where an SVM predictor is introduced to the output of the single-stage SVM approach to take into account the contextual relationships among solvent accessibilities for the prediction. By using the position-specific scoring matrices (PSSMs) generated by PSI-BLAST, the two-stage SVM approach achieves accuracies up to 90.4% and 90.2% on the Manesh data set of 215 protein structures and the RS126 data set of 126 nonhomologous globular proteins, respectively, which are better than the highest published scores on both data sets to date. A Web server for protein RSA prediction using a two-stage SVM method has been developed and is available (http://birc.ntu.edu.sg/~pas0186457/rsa.html).  相似文献   

Ahmad S  Gromiha MM  Sarai A 《Proteins》2003,50(4):629-635
The solvent accessibility of amino acid residues has been predicted in the past by classifying them into exposure states with varying thresholds. This classification provides a wide range of values for the accessible surface area (ASA) within which a residue may fall. Thus far, no attempt has been made to predict real values of ASA from the sequence information without a priori classification into exposure states. Here, we present a new method with which to predict real value ASAs for residues, based on neighborhood information. Our real value prediction neural network could estimate the ASA for four different nonhomologous, nonredundant data sets of varying size, with 18.0-19.5% mean absolute error, defined as per residue absolute difference between the predicted and experimental values of relative ASA. Correlation between the predicted and experimental values ranged from 0.47 to 0.50. It was observed that the ASA of a residue could be predicted within a 23.7% mean absolute error, even when no information about its neighbors is included. Prediction of real values answers the issue of arbitrary choice of ASA state thresholds, and carries more information than category prediction. Prediction error for each residue type strongly correlates with the variability in its experimental ASA values.  相似文献   

In this work, we explore a novel method to broaden the scope of sequence-based predictions of solvent accessibility or accessible surface area (ASA) to the atomic level. All 167 heavy atoms from the 20 types of amino acid residues in proteins have been studied. An analysis of ASA distribution of these atomic groups in different proteins has been performed and rotamer-style libraries have been developed. We observe that the ASA of some atomic groups (e.g., backbone C and N atoms) can be estimated from the sequence environment within a mean absolute error of 2-3 angstroms(2). However, some side chain atoms such as CG in Pro, NH1 in Arg and NE2 in Gln show a strong variability making it more difficult to estimate their ASA from sequence environment. In general, the prediction of ASA becomes more difficult for atomic positions at the side chain extremities of long amino acid residues (aromatic side chain terminals being the exception). Several atomic groups are frequently exposed to solvent. Some of them have a bimodal distribution, suggesting two stable conformations in terms of their solvent exposure. More detailed understanding and prediction of solvent accessibility, i.e., at an atomic level is expected to help in bioinformatics approaches to structure prediction, functional relevance of atomic solvent accessibilities and other interaction analyses.  相似文献   

Qin S  He Y  Pan XM 《Proteins》2005,61(3):473-480
We have improved the multiple linear regression (MLR) algorithm for protein secondary structure prediction by combining it with the evolutionary information provided by multiple sequence alignment of PSI-BLAST. On the CB513 dataset, the three states average overall per-residue accuracy, Q(3), reached 76.4%, while segment overlap accuracy, SOV99, reached 73.2%, using a rigorous jackknife procedure and the strictest reduction of eight states DSSP definition to three states. This represents an improvement of approximately 5% on overall per-residue accuracy compared with previous work. The relative solvent accessibility prediction also benefited from this combination of methods. The system achieved 77.7% average jackknifed accuracy for two states prediction based on a 25% relative solvent accessibility mode, with a Mathews' correlation coefficient of 0.548. The improved MLR secondary structure and relative solvent accessibility prediction server is available at http://spg.biosci.tsinghua.edu.cn/.  相似文献   

Liu S  Zhang C  Liang S  Zhou Y 《Proteins》2007,68(3):636-645
Recognizing the structural similarity without significant sequence identity (called fold recognition) is the key for bridging the gap between the number of known protein sequences and the number of structures solved. Previously, we developed a fold-recognition method called SP(3) which combines sequence-derived sequence profiles, secondary-structure profiles and residue-depth dependent, structure-derived sequence profiles. The use of residue-depth-dependent profiles makes SP(3) one of the best automatic predictors in CASP 6. Because residue depth (RD) and solvent accessible surface area (solvent accessibility) are complementary in describing the exposure of a residue to solvent, we test whether or not incorporation of solvent-accessibility profiles into SP(3) could further increase the accuracy of fold recognition. The resulting method, called SP(4), was tested in SALIGN benchmark for alignment accuracy and Lindahl, LiveBench 8 and CASP7 blind prediction for fold recognition sensitivity and model-structure accuracy. For remote homologs, SP(4) is found to consistently improve over SP(3) in the accuracy of sequence alignment and predicted structural models as well as in the sensitivity of fold recognition. Our result suggests that RD and solvent accessibility can be used concurrently for improving the accuracy and sensitivity of fold recognition. The SP(4) server and its local usage package are available on http://sparks.informatics.iupui.edu/SP4.  相似文献   

Accuracy of predicting protein secondary structure and solvent accessibility from sequence information has been improved significantly by using information contained in multiple sequence alignments as input to a neural 'network system. For the Asilomar meeting, predictions for 13 proteins were generated automatically using the publicly available prediction method PHD. The results confirm the estimate of 72% three-state prediction accuracy. The fairly accurate predictions of secondary structure segments made the tool useful as a starting point for modeling of higher dimensional aspects of protein structure. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Faraggi E  Xue B  Zhou Y 《Proteins》2009,74(4):847-856
This article attempts to increase the prediction accuracy of residue solvent accessibility and real-value backbone torsion angles of proteins through improved learning. Most methods developed for improving the backpropagation algorithm of artificial neural networks are limited to small neural networks. Here, we introduce a guided-learning method suitable for networks of any size. The method employs a part of the weights for guiding and the other part for training and optimization. We demonstrate this technique by predicting residue solvent accessibility and real-value backbone torsion angles of proteins. In this application, the guiding factor is designed to satisfy the intuitive condition that for most residues, the contribution of a residue to the structural properties of another residue is smaller for greater separation in the protein-sequence distance between the two residues. We show that the guided-learning method makes a 2-4% reduction in 10-fold cross-validated mean absolute errors (MAE) for predicting residue solvent accessibility and backbone torsion angles, regardless of the size of database, the number of hidden layers and the size of input windows. This together with introduction of two-layer neural network with a bipolar activation function leads to a new method that has a MAE of 0.11 for residue solvent accessibility, 36 degrees for psi, and 22 degrees for phi. The method is available as a Real-SPINE 3.0 server in http://sparks.informatics.iupui.edu.  相似文献   

Dor O  Zhou Y 《Proteins》2007,66(4):838-845
An integrated system of neural networks, called SPINE, is established and optimized for predicting structural properties of proteins. SPINE is applied to three-state secondary-structure and residue-solvent-accessibility (RSA) prediction in this paper. The integrated neural networks are carefully trained with a large dataset of 2640 chains, sequence profiles generated from multiple sequence alignment, representative amino acid properties, a slow learning rate, overfitting protection, and an optimized sliding-widow size. More than 200,000 weights in SPINE are optimized by maximizing the accuracy measured by Q(3) (the percentage of correctly classified residues). SPINE yields a 10-fold cross-validated accuracy of 79.5% (80.0% for chains of length between 50 and 300) in secondary-structure prediction after one-month (CPU time) training on 22 processors. An accuracy of 87.5% is achieved for exposed residues (RSA >95%). The latter approaches the theoretical upper limit of 88-90% accuracy in assigning secondary structures. An accuracy of 73% for three-state solvent-accessibility prediction (25%/75% cutoff) and 79.3% for two-state prediction (25% cutoff) is also obtained.  相似文献   

The ability to predict local structural features of a protein from the primary sequence is of paramount importance for unraveling its function in absence of experimental structural information. Two main factors affect the utility of potential prediction tools: their accuracy must enable extraction of reliable structural information on the proteins of interest, and their runtime must be low to keep pace with sequencing data being generated at a constantly increasing speed. Here, we present NetSurfP-2.0, a novel tool that can predict the most important local structural features with unprecedented accuracy and runtime. NetSurfP-2.0 is sequence-based and uses an architecture composed of convolutional and long short-term memory neural networks trained on solved protein structures. Using a single integrated model, NetSurfP-2.0 predicts solvent accessibility, secondary structure, structural disorder, and backbone dihedral angles for each residue of the input sequences. We assessed the accuracy of NetSurfP-2.0 on several independent test datasets and found it to consistently produce state-of-the-art predictions for each of its output features. We observe a correlation of 80% between predictions and experimental data for solvent accessibility, and a precision of 85% on secondary structure 3-class predictions. In addition to improved accuracy, the processing time has been optimized to allow predicting more than 1000 proteins in less than 2 hours, and complete proteomes in less than 1 day.  相似文献   

Xu Z  Zhang C  Liu S  Zhou Y 《Proteins》2006,63(4):961-966
Solvent accessibility, one of the key properties of amino acid residues in proteins, can be used to assist protein structure prediction. Various approaches such as neural network, support vector machines, probability profiles, information theory, Bayesian theory, logistic function, and multiple linear regression have been developed for solvent accessibility prediction. In this article, a much simpler quadratic programming method based on the buriability parameter set of amino acid residues is developed. The new method, called QBES (Quadratic programming and Buriability Energy function for Solvent accessibility prediction), is reasonably accurate for predicting the real value of solvent accessibility. By using a dataset of 30 proteins to optimize three parameters, the average correlation coefficients between the predicted and actual solvent accessibility are about 0.5 for all four independent test sets ranging from 126 to 513 proteins. The method is efficient. It takes only 20 min for a regular PC to obtain results of 30 proteins with an average length of 263 amino acids. Although the proposed method is less accurate than a few more sophisticated methods based on neural network or support vector machines, this is the first attempt to predict solvent accessibility by energy optimization with constraints. Possible improvements and other applications of the method are discussed.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Membrane transport proteins play a crucial role in the import and export of ions, small molecules or macromolecules across biological membranes. Currently, there are a limited number of published computational tools which enable the systematic discovery and categorization of transporters prior to costly experimental validation. To approach this problem, we utilized a nearest neighbor method which seamlessly integrates homologous search and topological analysis into a machine-learning framework. RESULTS: Our approach satisfactorily distinguished 484 transporter families in the Transporter Classification Database, a curated and representative database for transporters. A five-fold cross-validation on the database achieved a positive classification rate of 72.3% on average. Furthermore, this method successfully detected transporters in seven model and four non-model organisms, ranging from archaean to mammalian species. A preliminary literature-based validation has cross-validated 65.8% of our predictions on the 11 organisms, including 55.9% of our predictions overlapping with 83.6% of the predicted transporters in TransportDB.  相似文献   

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