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Evolution of black yeasts: possible adaptation to the human host   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Ascomycetous black yeasts show adaptations to a wide array of environmental conditions. Dothideaceous black yeasts are mostly found on plant leaves, while among herpotrichiellaceous species there are numerous opportunists on humans.Factors which are of ecological significance include the presence of melanin and carotene, formation of thick cell walls and meristematic growth, presence of yeast-like phases, presence of additional forms of conidiogenesis, thermo- and osmotolerance, adhesion, hydrophobicity, production of extracellular polysaccharides, siderophores and acidic or alkaline secondary metabolites.The potential pathogenicity of a species is partly determined by its natural ecological niche. Dothideaceous black yeasts are osmotolerant rather than pathogenic. Herpotrichiellaceous black yeasts probably have low competitive ability and are found in rather special niches as secondary saprophytes, e.g., on bacterial mats, on other fungi or in poor environments. Some species possibly utilize animal vectors for dispersal.  相似文献   

Cancer is not rare anywhere in the world now, and the global burden of cancer continues to increase largely every year. Previous research on infections and cancers reported that, about 17.8 % of the cancers worldwide, which are over 1.9 million cases of cancer, are related to viral infections. At least six oncoviruses, cancer-causing viruses, have been known so far, which include hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, Epstein–Barr virus (EBV or HHV-4), human papillomavirus, human T lymphotropic virus type 1, Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV or HHV-8), but the pathogenic mechanism is far from being completely understood. In this study, assuming that finding human proteins significantly similar to viral oncoproteins leads to a categorization of the cancer-related pathways that are currently not clearly known, we analyzed different types of virus-caused cancers based on their similarity in order to clarify the unknown cancer mechanisms. As a result, we obtained several potential tumor pathways that may be significant and essential in oncogenic cancer process, which will be helpful for further study on cancer mechanisms and the development of new drug targets.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11693-014-9141-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Surface EMG was recorded in four subjects on three different occasions from the three parts of the deltoid, the clavicular part of the pectoralis major and from the infraspinatus muscles at different angles of abduction, in the frontal and scapular plane. The integrated EMG was related to the maximum values found for each muscle or muscle part during test contractions (%EMG). Linear relations can be seen for abduction angle vs %EMG. During abduction in the scapular plane the middle and posterior parts of the deltoid muscle showed significantly less activity than in the frontal plane. A simple two dimensional model to calculate the deltoid force out of total external moment at the shoulder is presented. For the middle part of the deltoid an EMG-force relation is presented. The maximal deltoid forces found during test contractions are compared with the absolute muscle force. Also, the length-force relation for the middle part of the deltoid muscle is given between 30° and 90° of abduction.  相似文献   

The architecture of the shoulder in some mammals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A series of nine features of the shoulder girdle, chosen as having functional significance in relation to the movements of the shoulder in arboreal locomotion, have been studied in 1188 specimens of 194 genera of mammals. The features were defined metrically and examined by means of a multivariate statistical technique: viz. canonical analysis. The study has shown that those mammals which are nonarboreal differ considerably among themselves and form the arboreal forms. But the myriad shapes of the shoulder girdle in a wide range of mammals (e.g. some marsupials, edentates, rodents, carnivores and primates) which climb or forage in trees, can be summarized mathematically by a very small number of similar canonical variates. This information correlates well with that of a previous series of studies carried out on the primates alone. The biological information that was postulated as being reflected by the individual canonical variates for the primates is also apparent for the arboreal mammals. The different variates separate the forms in ways which are consonant with what is known about the function of the shoulder in locomotion. Aspects of the shape of the shoulder defined by the analysis appear to be discernible from an examination of the contribution of the original variables to each individual canonical variate. This seems to confirm that the shape of the shoulder girdle within a very wide range of mammals is limited by a very small number of underlying factors of biological significance. One interpretation of the results suggests that the genetic model of the mammalian shoulder may have been sufficiently fixed at an early stage in the evolution of the class as to place considerable constraints upon the subsequent evolution of the shoulder in the different Orders.  相似文献   

Evolution of chlorocatechol catabolic pathways   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The aerobic bacterial degradation of chloroaromatic compounds often involves chlorosubstituted catechols as central intermediates. They are converted to 3-oxoadipate in a series of reactions similar to that for catechol catabolism and therefore designated as modifiedortho-cleavage pathway. Among the enzymes of this catabolic route, the chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenases are known to have a relaxed substrate specificity. In contrast, several chloromuconate cycloisomerases are more specific, and the dienelactone hydrolases of chlorocatechol catabolic pathways do not even convert the corresponding intermediate of catechol degradation, 3-oxoadipate enol-lactone. While the sequences of chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenases and chloromuconate cycloisomerases are very similar to those of catechol 1,2-dioxygenases and muconate cycloisomerases, respectively, the relationship between dienelactone hydrolases and 3-oxoadipate enol-lactone hydrolases is more distant. They seem to share an / hydrolase fold, but the sequences comprising the fold are quite dissimilar. Therefore, for chlorocatechol catabolism, dienelactone hydrolases might have been recruited from some other, preexisting pathway. Their relationship to dienelactone (hydrolases identified in 4-fluorobenzoate utilizing strains ofAlcaligenes andBurkholderia (Pseudomonas) cepacia is investigated). Sequence evidence suggests that the chlorocatechol catabolic operons of the plasmids pJP4, pAC27, and pP51 have been derived from a common precursor. The latter seems to have evolved for the purpose of halocatechol catabolism, and may be considerably older than the chemical industry.  相似文献   

To analyze differences between apes and monkeys and the affinities of man, we have studied the shoulder girdle of 327 specimens of anthropoid primates. The scapula, clavicle and humerus are viewed as an integrated functional complex on the basis of 18 measurements. Several varieties of multivariate analysis show that man is clearly closer to other hominoids than to the included monkey taxa (whether terrestrial or arboreal, Old World or New World). The marked shoulder differences between apes and monkeys and similarities between apes and man correlate with the muscular anatomy, which in hominoids allows the motions involved in their locomotion and feeding behavior. As the hominid-pongid correspondence in shoulder morphology is especially detailed regarding the functionally important joint surfaces, it is consistent with a fairly recent period of common ancestry and behavior. No hypothetical evolutionary pathway or ancestral form of the human shoulder need look far beyond the model afforded by extant pongids. In contrast with previous studies on the primate shoulder, these results agree with information accumulating from other systems—comparative anatomy, primate behavior, and molecular biology — in suggesting very close relationship between man and extant African pongids.  相似文献   

Many microorganisms possess a remarkable ability to construct new metabolic pathways by modifying and utilizing their existing DNA. Regulatory mutations permit the deregulation or constitutive synthesis of enzymes that possess gratuitous catalytic activity for new substrates. Often silent or cryptic genes, genes not known to be expressed or utilized by the parent strain, are mobilized to catalyse a critical reaction in establishing the new pathway.  相似文献   

Biomechanical model of the human shoulder joint--II. The shoulder rhythm   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A method to investigate the rhythm of the human shoulder, i.e. the interplay between the motion of constituent parts of the shoulder, has been devised and tested. The method is based upon numerical evaluation of low dose roentgenstereophotogrammetric motion pictures of subjects equipped with radiation dense implantations in the bones. Evaluation of the method shows that it may be used in determining motion patterns and that the employed interpolation techniques can be used to simulate motions not actually performed in the laboratory. The shoulder rhythm has been previously poorly investigated and quantified results published pertain to one plane only. Our results on motion patterns correlate with previous investigations. With this method, we show that the absolute position of the bones varies significantly between individuals while the relative displacement of the bones during motion exhibit similarities. In particular the results show that, under normal conditions, the individual rhythm is very stable and insensitive to small hand-loads.  相似文献   

Bagheri HC  Wagner GP 《Genetics》2004,168(3):1713-1735
Dominance is a form of phenotypic robustness to mutations. Understanding how such robustness can evolve provides a window into how the relation between genotype and phenotype can evolve. As such, the issue of dominance evolution is a question about the evolution of inheritance systems. Attempts at explaining the evolution of dominance have run into two problems. One is that selection for dominance is sensitive to the frequency of heterozygotes. Accordingly, dominance cannot evolve unless special conditions lead to the presence of a high frequency of mutant alleles in the population. Second, on the basis of theoretical results in metabolic control analysis, it has been proposed that metabolic systems possess inherent constraints. These hypothetical constraints imply the default manifestation of dominance of the wild type with respect to the effects of mutations at most loci. Hence, some biologists have maintained that an evolutionary explanation is not relevant to dominance. In this article, we put into question the hypothetical assumption of default metabolic constraints. We show that this assumption is based on an exclusion of important nonlinear interactions that can occur between enzymes in a pathway. With an a priori exclusion of such interactions, the possibility of epistasis and hence dominance modification is eliminated. We present a theoretical model that integrates enzyme kinetics and population genetics to address dominance evolution in metabolic pathways. In the case of mutations that decrease enzyme concentrations, and given the mechanistic constraints of Michaelis-Menten-type catalysis, it is shown that dominance of the wild type can be extensively modified in a two-enzyme pathway. Moreover, we discuss analytical results indicating that the conclusions from the two-enzyme case can be generalized to any number of enzymes. Dominance modification is achieved chiefly through changes in enzyme concentrations or kinetic parameters such as k(cat), both of which can alter saturation levels. Low saturation translates into higher levels of dominance with respect to mutations that decrease enzyme concentrations. Furthermore, it is shown that in the two-enzyme example, dominance evolves as a by-product of selection in a manner that is insensitive to the frequency of heterozygotes. Using variation in k(cat) as an example of modifier mutations, it is shown that the latter can have direct fitness effects in addition to dominance modification effects. Dominance evolution can occur in a frequency-insensitive manner as a result of selection for such dual-effects alleles. This type of selection may prove to be a common pattern for the evolution of phenotypic robustness to mutations.  相似文献   

A recent discussion by Corruccini and Ciochon ('76) implies that previous multivariate morphometric studies of the shoulder, reviewed in Oxnard ('73), have been misinterpreted because due allowance was not made for the overall sizes of the specimens. Results that were given functional significance in the earlier investigations are cited as being due at least in part to overall bodily size. Although examination of the range of genera selected for mention by corruccini and Ciochon seems superficially to support this view, it is demonstrated here that examination of the full range of genera in the earlier studies refutes, unequivocally, that suggestion. The discussion by Corruccini and Ciochon ('76) also implies that the more complex size correction applied in their study produces a result different from that of the previous workers. Again, although perusal of the particular part of the earlier study selected for discussion by Corruccini and Ciochon would appear to bear that out, it is demonstrated here that comparisons with all parts of the earlier results provide a different picture. Thus the main result of Corruccini and Ciochon replicates rather closely a more restricted part of the earlier result not mentioned by Corruccini and Ciochon. The difference between Corruccini and Ciochon's principal result and the main result of the prior authors is shown to rest upon the difference between the more restricted earlier study of "residual" shoulder dimensions and the other broader studies; i.e., not upon any multivariate manipulation, but upon the inclusion in the broader study of a wider range of information about the shape of the primate shoulder. Knowledge of these and other points is important in assessing the overall contribution of the discussion of Corruccini and Ciochon.  相似文献   

Moderate physical activity when performed on a regular basis presents a number of benefits to the whole organism, especially regarding immune system function, such as augmenting resistance to infections and to cancer growth. Although glutamine production by active muscle cells as well as neuroendocrine alterations mediated by the chronic adaptation to exercise may play a role, the entire mechanism by which exercise makes the immune system aware of challenges remains mostly uncovered. This is particularly true for the effects of an acute exercise session on immune function. In this work, circulating monocytes/macrophages from sedentary rats submitted to an acute (1 h) swimming session were tested for the ability of phagocytosing zymosan particles, phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)-induced hydrogen peroxide production, nitric oxide (NO) release (assessed by nitrate and nitrite production) and the expression of NO synthases (NOS-1, NOS-2 and NOS-3). The results showed that an exercise bout induced a 2.4-fold rise in macrophage phagocytic capacity (p = 0.0041), a 9.6-fold elevation in PMA-induced hydrogen peroxide release into the incubation media (1-h, p = 0.0022) and a 95.5%-augmentation in nitrite basal production (1-h incubation; p = 0.0220), which was associated with a marked expression of NOS-2 (the inducible NOS isoform; p = 0.0319), but not in other NOS gene products. Although NOS-2 expression is nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB)-dependent, no systemic oxidative stress was found, as inferred from the data of plasma TBARS and glutathione disulphide (GSSG) to glutathione (GSH) ratio in circulating blood erythrocytes which remained constant after the acute exercise. Also, no stressful situation seemed to be faced by monocytes/macrophages, since the expression of the 70-kDa heat shock protein (HSP70) remained unchanged. We conclude that NF-kappaB-dependent induction of NOS-2 and macrophage activation must be related to local factor(s) produced in the surroundings of monocytes/macrophages.  相似文献   

The stages of formulating the theory of sex evolution, determination, and expression in plants were briefly reviewed. The role of phytohormones in sex differentiation in dioecious and monoecious plants was analyzed.  相似文献   

Cancer, the main cause of human deaths in the modern world is a group of diseases. Anticancer drug discovery is a challenge for scientists because of involvement of multiple survival pathways of cancer cells. An extensive study on the regulation of each step of these pathways may help find a potential cancer target. Up-regulated HIF-1 expression and altered metabolic pathways are two classical characteristics of cancer. Oxygen-dependent (through pVHL, PHDs, calcium-mediated) and independent (through growth factor signaling pathway, mdm2 pathway, HSP90) regulation of HIF-1α leads to angiogenesis, metastasis, and cell survival. The two subunits of HIF-1 regulates in the same fashion through different mechanisms. HIF-1α translation upregulates via mammalian target of rapamycin and mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathways, whereas HIF-1β through calmodulin kinase. Further, the stabilized interactions of these two subunits are important for proper functioning. Also, metabolic pathways crucial for the formation of building blocks (pentose phosphate pathway) and energy generation (glycolysis, TCA cycle and catabolism of glutamine) are altered in cancer cells to protect them from oxidative stress and to meet the reduced oxygen and nutrient supply. Up-regulated anaerobic metabolism occurs through enhanced expression of hexokinase, phosphofructokinase, triosephosphate isomerase, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase and down-regulation of aerobic metabolism via pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase and lactate dehydrogenase which compensate energy requirements along with high glucose intake. Controlled expression of these two pathways through their common intermediate may serve as potent cancer target in future.  相似文献   

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