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Recent studies have revealed interesting differences in upper first molar morphology across the hominin fossil record, particularly significant between H. sapiens and H. neanderthalensis. Usually these analyses have been performed by means of classic morphometric methods, including the measurement of relative cusp areas or the angles defined between cusps. Although these studies have provided valuable information for the morphological characterization of some hominin species, we believe that the analysis of this particular tooth could be more conclusive for taxonomic assignment. In this study, we have applied geometric morphometric methods to explore the morphological variability of the upper first molar (M(1)) across the human fossil record. Our emphasis focuses on the study of the phenetic relationships among the European middle Pleistocene populations (designated as H. heidelbergensis) with H. neanderthalensis and H. sapiens, but the inclusion of Australopithecus and early Homo specimens has helped us to assess the polarity of the observed traits. H. neanderthalensis presents a unique morphology characterized by a relatively distal displacement of the lingual cusps and protrusion in the external outline of a large and bulging hypocone. This morphology can be found in a less pronounced degree in the European early and middle Pleistocene populations, and reaches its maximum expression with the H. neanderthalensis lineage. In contrast, modern humans retain the primitive morphology with a square occlusal polygon associated with a round external outline.  相似文献   

【目的】定量分析5种常见稻蝗属昆虫前后翅的形态变化规律。【方法】运用几何形态测量学方法对5种稻蝗雄性前、后翅进行量化分析,并结合主成分分析法(Principal component analysis,PCA)和薄片样条(Thin-plate spline,TPS)分析法探讨稻蝗前后翅的大小和形态变异。【结果】5种稻蝗前、后翅的大小和形态差异都比较显著,前、后翅的相似关系和5种稻蝗的系统发育关系一致。前翅差异的部位主要在缘前脉域、前缘脉域和臀脉域;后翅的差异主要在亚前缘脉域、前缘脉域及轭脉域。【结论】稻蝗前、后翅形态变化的几何形态测量学分析结果与稻蝗系统发育关系一致,可用于稻蝗属种的分类。稻蝗前、后翅发生变化的部位是其飞行时的受力部位,这些部位可以作为稻蝗物种分类特征。  相似文献   

Extinct populations of Terricola savii have been investigated in order to analyse evolutionary stasis and correlation of first lower molar shape with climatic proxies by means of geometric morphometrics. Evolutionary stasis, its recognition and explanation are central topics in evolutionary paleobiology. In this study, tooth shape variation of the arvicolid T. savii has been analysed through time. In addition to explicit multivariate tests of stasis based on landmark and semi‐landmark geometric morphometrics, first lower molar M1 shape has been decomposed in orthogonal axes of variation and tested for correlation with climate changes. Multivariate tests were consistent with evolutionary stasis. Yet, according to univariate tests, the dominant dimension of shape variation shows a temporal trend well correlated with a climatic proxy, i.e. δ18O. The remaining variation does not show any trend. Adaptation to current climatic condition might occur even without affecting shape as a whole. Phenotypic plasticity of this species could be invoked to explain evolutionary stasis, as a long time pattern.  相似文献   

The development and evolution of the rodent mandible have been studied in depth in recent years. The mandible is a complex structure because it consists of six morphogenetic components formed by different condensations of mesenchymal cells. Using recent techniques for the geometric analysis of shape, we have combined developmental information with a powerful quantification of shape variation and an independent estimate of phylogeny (molecular data) to assess the evolutionary patterns of shape change in mandibles of the rodent genus Trinomys . In general, the major trends in shape variation did not agree with the expected phylogenetic pattern. However, for small-scale morphological differences, one species ( T. yonenagae ) was responsible for the lack of association between morphology and molecular divergence. This species is genetically similar to but morphologically different from other Trinomys . The coronoid process was considered to be the most conservative morphogenetic component in the mandible.  相似文献   

Seventeen extant populations of Microtus (Terricola) savii have been investigated for correlations of first lower molar shape to climatic variables by means of geometric morphometrics, and controlling for phylogenetic inheritance. Comparative methods revealed that climatic variables and phylogeography provide a very similar contribution to variation in first lower molars morphology, whereas tooth size does not appear to be affected by climatic conditions. Climate‐related changes have been recognized in the anteroconid portion of the tooth. This indicates that molar tooth variation is strongly influenced by climatic conditions, although in a complex way. Calabrian populations, often ascribed to Microtus (Terricola) brachycercus, form a distinct cluster, in agreement with the most recent genetic analyses. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 632–647.  相似文献   

Morphological character variation was examined in Atherinops affinis , a temperate marine silverside with a broad geographic range and presumed limited powers of dispersal. Populations of this species were sampled from three California mainland sites, one Channel Island site and one site in the upper Gulf of California. A geometric morphometric analysis yielded higher resolution in the assessment of phenotypic divergence among the four Pacific coast populations than either body measurement or meristic analysis, and it showed that most of the shape variation among these populations occurs in the head region and body depth of the fish. All three analyses supported the hypothesis that populations of A. affinis from central and southern California coastal waters and from Santa Catalina Island are morphologically distinct from each other; the Santa Catalina Island population was found to be the most divergent. On the basis of meristic characters alone, the population of A. affinis from the upper Gulf of California was different from A. affinis populations along the Pacific coast of California. The analyses revealed variation in several morphological characters, e.g . body depth and meristics, known to vary in association with environmental conditions. Given that A. affinis appears to have low among‐population genetic variation, this species may be phenotypically plastic in response to the environmental conditions of the habitat of each population.  相似文献   

Digging ability in armadillos has been shown to be closely related to the relative length of the olecranon process of the ulna. This study uses geometric morphometrics to examine the relationship between humeral shape, digging ability and size in a range of living and fossil cingulates. The extant species in the sample include representatives of 11 species of armadillo, while the fossil specimens include three species of fossil armadillos ( Peltephilus, Proeutatus and Eutatus ) and three Glyptodonts ( Propalaeohoplophorus, Glyptodon and Neosclerocalyptus ). The results show that in general, living species with good digging ability have larger sites for muscle attachment, particularly the proximal tubercles and the crests descending therefrom, and the epicondylar region at the distal end of the humerus. Some differences were found in the smallest armadillo ( Chlamyphorus truncatus ), which seems to have a different method of digging. The proportions of the olecranon process would indicate good digging ability in some glyptodonts, but humeral features do not fit with this interpretation and the differences may be related to large size. The relationship between cingulate phylogeny and humeral morphology is also examined, and it seems that while cingulates are to some extent constrained by their phylogeny, many of the humeral features are directly related to digging.  相似文献   

The phenotype is a product of its phylogenetic history and its recent adaptation to local environments, but the relative importance of the two factors is controversial. We assessed the effects of diet, habitat, elevation, temperature, precipitation, body size, and mtDNA genetic divergence on shape variation in skulls, mandibles, and molars, structures that differ in their genetic and functional control. We asked whether these structures have adapted to environment to the same extent and whether they retain the same amount of phylogenetic signal. We studied these traits in intra- and interspecific populations of Eurasian marmots whose last common ancestor lived 2-5 million years ago. Path Analysis revealed that body size explained 10% of variation in skulls, 7% in mandibles, and 15% in molars. Local vegetation explained 7% of variation in skulls, 11% in mandibles, and 12% in molars. Dietary category explained 25% of variation in skulls, 11% in mandibles, and 9% in molars. Cyt b mtDNA divergence (phylogeny) explained 15% of variation in skulls, 7% in mandibles, and 5% in molars. Despite the percentages of phylogenetic variance, maximum-likelihood trees based on molar and skull shape recovered most phylogenetic groupings correctly, but mandible shape did not. The good performance of molars and skulls was probably due to different factors. Skulls are genetically and functionally more complicated than teeth, and they had more mathematically independent components of variation (5-6-in skulls compared to 3-in molars). The high proportion of diet-related variance was not enough to mask the phylogenetic signal. Molars had fewer independent components, but they also have less ecophenotypic variation and evolve more slowly, giving each component a proportionally stronger phylogenetic signal. Molars require larger samples for each operational taxonomic unit than the other structures because the proportion of within-taxon to between-taxon variation was higher. Good phylogenetic signal in quantitative skeletal morphology is likely to be found only when the taxa have a common ancestry no older than hundreds of thousands or millions of years (1% to 10% mtDNA divergence)--under these conditions skulls and molars provide stronger signal than mandibles.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that skull shape within the genus Mus may vary with geographic location by assessing the extent and spatial distribution of phenotypic skull variation within and among two wild mouse species, M. macedonicus and M. cypriacus, using traditional and geometric morphometrics including a rather novel application of sliding semilandmarks. Shape was shown to be significantly correlated both with longitude and latitude in M. macedonicus, yet the correlation between morphometric and geographic distances was not significant, and morphometric differences between Asian and European populations were not higher than those within the particular continents. The phylogenetic signal was found to be stronger in dental characters than in cranial ones, however, overall concordance between the pattern of morphometric variation and the presumed history of M. macedonicus was rather weak. In both species, the dorsal and ventral sides of the skull were shown to covary in many aspects though there were also some differences between them, making the functional interpretation of these differences difficult. Discrimination between M. cypriacus and M. macedonicus as well as discrimination between two M. macedonicus subspecies was highly reliable using both traditional and geometric morphometric tools to analyze skull measurements.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the contribution of cytogenetics to the systematics of Arvicanthis in East Africa, by reviewing all the known chromosomal cytotypes of the genus in the area. We also provide G‐ and C‐banding comparisons for two recently described karyotypes, provisionally named ANI‐5 (2n = 56, NFa = 62) and ANI‐6 (2n = 60, NFa = 72). This, therefore, brings the total number of known cytotypes in this area to 10. Five of these correspond to the species recognized by the latest rodent checklist, i.e. A. nairobae (2n = 62, NFa = 78), A. neumanni (2n = 52–53, NFa = 62), A. blicki (2n = 48, NFa = 62), A. abyssinicus (2n = 62, NFa = 64) and A. niloticus (2n = 62, NFa = 60–62). The taxonomic status of the remaining five cytotypes (A. cf. somalicus, 2n = 62 NFa = 62–63; ANI‐5, 2n = 56, NFa = 62; ANI‐6/6a 2n = 60, NFa = 72/76; ANI‐7, 2n = 56, NFa = 78; and ANI‐8, 2n = 44, NF = 72) is discussed. Finally, we reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships among all the known karyotypes on the basis of banding data available for the genus in Africa and show the occurrence of two main clades, each characterized by different types of chromosomal rearrangements. The times of the cladogenetic events, inferred by a molecular clock, indicate that karyotype evolution has accomplished almost all the dichotomic events from the end of the Miocene to the present day. The discovery of a large chromosomal differentiation between populations showing low genetic distances and intrapopulation chromosomal polymorphism suggests that the process of chromosomal differentiation in Arvicanthis is still ongoing and may possibly be responsible for speciation.  相似文献   

Socio-sexual selection is predicted to be an important driver of evolution, influencing speciation, extinction and adaptation. The fossil record provides a means of testing these predictions, but detecting its signature from morphological data alone is difficult. There are, nonetheless, some specific patterns of growth and variation which are expected of traits under socio-sexual selection. The distinctive parietal-squamosal frill of ceratopsian dinosaurs has previously been suggested as a socio-sexual display trait, but evidence for this has been limited. Here, we perform a whole-skull shape analysis of an unprecedentedly large sample of specimens of Protoceratops andrewsi using a high-density landmark-based geometric morphometric approach to test four predictions regarding a potential socio-sexual signalling role for the frill. Three predictions—low integration with the rest of the skull, significantly higher rate of change in size and shape during ontogeny, and higher morphological variance than other skull regions—are supported. One prediction, sexual dimorphism in shape, is not supported, suggesting that sexual differences in P. andrewsi are likely to be small. Together, these findings are consistent with mutual mate choice or selection for signalling quality in more general social interactions, and support the hypothesis that the frill functioned as a socio-sexual signal in ceratopsian dinosaurs.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of Mus minutoides and Steatomys pratensis are virtually unknown. These two species were live-trapped over a 12-month period in a subtropical grassland in Swaziland. Numbers of M. minutoides were relatively high in winter, declined in spring and the population disappeared in summer and autumn. By contrast, numbers of S. pratensis increased gradually from winter to summer and reached a peak in autumn. There were no differences between the mean weights of male and female M. minutoides and S. pratensis. There were, however, seasonal differences in the mean weight of male S. pratensis, with highest weights recorded in summer. Individuals of both species came into breeding condition in spring (October–November). Reproduction had ceased by the end of autumn (April–May). Monthly survival rates of M. minutoides were highest in winter, but did not vary seasonally in S. pratensis. Burning had a pronounced effect on the distribution of S. pratensis. Steatomys pratensis individuals selected recently burnt but revegetated areas over unburnt areas. The effect of burning on the M. minutoides population is difficult to assess, as this species disappeared shortly after the fire.  相似文献   

Sabrina Renaud   《Mammalian Biology》2005,70(3):157-170
The patterns of shape variation of the first upper molar and mandible have been investigated within and among wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) populations from northern Germany. Some factors such as sex and age of the animals could be a source of within-group morphological variability interfering with among-groups patterns of differentiation. The relative importance of both sources of shape variation was investigated, in order to evaluate the robustness of patterns of fine-scale geographic differentiation. The increasing age of the animals, estimated by wear stages of the upper tooth row, caused significant variations in size and shape of the molars due to progressive abrasion of the cusps. It also involved shape changes of the mandible due to bone remodelling. However, these intrapopulational effects are of limited importance compared to geographic differentiation.Gene flow among populations should be favoured across mainland populations but lowered between mainland and islands, and to a lesser extent among close islands. Shape differences in molars are in agreement with this expected pattern of gene flow. Patterns of mandible differentiation rather match local variations in habitats. At this fine geographic scale, molar shape would vary according to the amount of genetic exchange among populations whereas mandible shape might be under local selective and/or functional constraints.


Die Form von erstem oberen Molar und Unterkiefer der Waldmaus (Apodemus sylvaticus) in Norddeutschland: Alter, Habitat und InseleffektDie Formvariabilität des Molars (M1/) und des Unterkiefers von norddeutschen Waldmäusen (Apodemus sylvaticus) wurde untersucht. Dabei wurde sowohl die Variabilität zwischen verschiedenen Populationen als auch die Variabilität innerhalb einer Population studiert. So können Geschlecht und Alter beispielsweise die Formvariabilität innerhalb einer Population verursachen. Deshalb wurde die Bedeutung dieser Faktoren mit der Variabilität zwischen geographisch unterschiedlichen Populationen verglichen. Geschlechtsdimorphismus wurde nicht beobachtet. Ein zunehmendes Alter verursacht eine Variation der Größe und der Form des Molars infolge fortschreitender Abnutzung. Der Unterkiefer ändert sich auch durch spätes Wachstum und Umgestaltung des Knochens. Jedoch sind diese Effekte von beschränkter Bedeutung verglichen mit der Variabilität von Ort zu Ort.Der Genfluß zwischen Festland-Populationen sollte begünstigt sein verglichen mit dem Genfluß zwischen nordfriesischen Inseln und zwischen Inseln und Festland. Sylt nimmt dabei eine Zwischenstellung ein, weil diese Insel durch einen Damm mit dem Festland verbunden ist. Die Differenzierung des Molars stimmt mit diesem erwarteten Muster überein. Die Differenzierung der Form des Unterkiefers entspricht eher den unterschiedlichen Habitaten zwischen Holstein, Nordfriesland, und den nordfriesischen Inseln. Trotz des kleinen geographischen Rahmens dieser Untersuchung lassen sich folgende Ergebnisse ableiten: Die Molaren scheinen sich mit dem Genfluß zwischen verschiedenen Populationen zu ändern während sich der Unterkiefer durch selektive und/oder funktionelle Besonderheiten zu ändern scheint.  相似文献   

Genetic variation was studied using protein electrophoresis of 28–38 gene loci in 1347 specimens of Apodemus agrar-ius, A. peninsulae, A. flavicollis, A. sylvaticus, A. alpicola, A. uralensis, A . cf. hyrcanicus, A. hermonensis, A. m. mystacinus and A. m. epimelas , representing 121 populations from Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. Mean values of heterozygosity per locus for each species ranged from 0.02 to 0.04. Mean values of Nel's genetic distance ( D ) between the taxa ranged from 0.06 (between A. flavicollis and A. alpicola) to 1.34 (between A. uralensis and A. agrarius ). The highest values of D were found between A. agrarius and other Apodemus species (0.62-1.34). These values correspond to those generally observed between genera in small mammals. Our data show that A. agrarius and A. peninsulae are sister species, well-differentiated from other taxa. High genetic distance between A. m. mystacinus and A. m. epimelas leads us to consider them distinct species and sister taxa to other Western Palaearctic species of the subgenus Sylvaemus . The data also suggest a recent separation of members of the latter group from a common ancestor, and subsequent rapid radiation, making it difficult to infer phylogenetic relationships. Some taxonomic implications of the results are discussed further.© 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 75 , 395–419.  相似文献   

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