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The excision of pyrimidine dimers from DNA of ultraviolet irradiated yeast   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Summary It is shown that pyrimidine dimers formed by ultraviolet light in the DNA of haploid Saccharomyces cerevisae are removed under the influence of photoreactivating light and also in the dark under growth conditions. The integrity of the rad 1 locus is necessary for the dark-removal of dimers.  相似文献   

A cell culture technique for quantitative analysis of radiation-induced chromosome aberrations in somatic cells has been developed and used for the comparison of chromosomal sensitivity of skin cells of mouse and man to 60Co-gamma-rays. This includes culture of irradiated tissues or cells in culture in arginine and isoleucine-deficient medium and subsequent refeeding with complete medium (CM). With this technique, radiation-induced chromosome aberrations can be analyzed selectively in the cells exposed in G1 phase and recovered at their first post-irradiation mitosis. When tested on the human embryonic cells, the dicentric yield was essentially the same whether they were skin cells irradiated in silu or cultured cells at various in vitro passages irradiated in vitro. In contrast, when studied in the skin cells irradiated in silu, mouse embryos and newborns were insensitive to the induction of dicentrics. In young mice on day II however, the sensitivity was at a level comparable to that in human embryonic cells and it was intermediate on day 4. Such embryonic insensitivity of the mouse cells was rapidly lost during serial transfer in vitro; and, when tested at 4th or later subculture generations, mouse and human cells were equally sensitive to the induction of dicentrics. These results suggest that the chromosomal radiosensitivity is essentially the same for mouse and human cells but can be modified by some biological factors, possibly DNA repair mechanisms, which differ between species as well as among the states of differentiation of particular cell types. Special attention was paid to the parellelism between the age-dependent changes in the chromosomal, mutational and carcinogenic radiosensitivities in the mouse. If this parallelism can be carried over to man, human pre-natal irradiation will not present any reduced genetic hazards.  相似文献   

The production and removal of 254 nm ultraviolet-induced pyrimidine dimers was measured in the DNA of the free-living nematode Turbatrix aceti. Approximately 0.0035 per cent pyrimidine dimers are produced per J/m2. Following a fluence of 100 Jm2, approximately 50 per cent of the dimeric photoproducts were excised within 60 min. The number of pyrimidine dimers excised did not change with increasing U.V. fluence, indicating saturation of the U.V. repair system in T. aceti. The results indicate a highly efficient and selective repair system in Turbatrix aceti for dimeric photoproducts.  相似文献   

Summary Germinated conidia of Neurospora have been monitored for their ability to excise pyrimidine dimers. Dimer concentration was measured in DNA extracted immediately after UV treatment, and it was compared to that of DNA from cells which had a post-UV incubation before extraction. Two methods were used to assay dimer level in DNA: 1) measurement of the number of single-strand breaks (as revealed in alkaline sucrose gradients) produced by a dimer-specific endonuclease; 2) monitoring the ability to compete for binding to dimer-specific antibodies in a radioimmuno assay. Both methods showed efficient excision of dimers by wild-type and by uvs-2, even though an earlier study had reported that uvs-2 was unable to excise dimers.UV-induced mutation shows a dose-rate effect: acute UV yields several times as many mutations as does the same dose of chronic UV. There is a parallel effect on dimer accumulation. The concentration of dimers at the conclusion of the UV treatment shows a strong correlation with the resultant mutation frequency.  相似文献   

A substrate of DNA containing 4HAQO adducts, suitable for studies of excision repair, was prepared by reacting calf thymus DNA with [3H]monoacetyl-4HAQO. A crude HeLa cell extract was prepared by the method of Mortelmans et al (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 73, 2757, 1976). The cell extract would specifically excise pyrimidine dimers from UV-irradiated DNA but would not release 4HAQO adducts in an acid soluble form. This result points to different initial steps in the excision repair process for these two forms of damage even though much of the repair mechanism is common to both.  相似文献   

The relationship between pyrimidine dimers (measured as endonuclease-sensitive sites) and newly-synthesized DNA has been examined in several different ways, with the following results:- 1. After UV-irradiation of normal human fibroblasts the frequency of pyrimidine dimer sites in sections of DNA which have been synthesized immediately before the UV-irradiation is similar to that in the bulk DNA. 2. The frequency of pyrimidine dimer sites in the parental strands of replicating DNA in UV-irradiated normal human fibroblasts is similar to that in the bulk DNA. 3. In UV-irradiated XP variant cells the size of DNA synthesized in the presence of caffeine immediately after UV irradiation accurately corresponds with the average interdimer distance in the parental DNA. This suggests that in this experimental situation each pyrimidine dimer gives rise to a disocntinuity or a termination site in the daughter strand.  相似文献   

Cell-free extracts prepared from rad1-19, rd2-2, rad3-1, rad4-3, rad7-1, rad10-1, rd14-1, rad16-1, and cyc1-1 (rad7) mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae all catalyze the preferential excision of thymine-containing pyrimidine dimers from ultraviolet-irradiated DNA specifically incised with M. luteus ultraviolet deoxyribonucleic acid incising activity.  相似文献   

Normal human fibroblasts were UV-irradiated and incubated for 6 hr with harman. The losses of sites, in the extracted DNA, sensitive to a UV specific endonuclease were determined as precision measures of the excision of UV-induced pyrimidine dimers. Harman inhibited excision, rising from ~ 30% inhibition at 200 μM to 75% inhibition at 600 μM.  相似文献   

The in vitro DNA binding properties of wild-type and mutant fushi tarazu homeodomains (ftz HD) have been analysed. The DNA binding properties of the ftz HD are very similar to those of the Antp HD. In interference experiments with mutant ftz HDs, close approaches between specific portions of the ftz HD peptide and specific regions of the binding site DNA were mapped. A methylation interference, G7 on the beta strand of BS2, is absent from the interference pattern with a mutant ftz HD [ftz (R43A) HD] in which the Arg43 at the second position of helix III (the recognition helix) is replaced by an Ala. This indicated that Arg43 of the ftz HD is in close proximity to the N7 of G7 of the beta strand of BS2 in the major groove. The methylation and ethylation interference patterns with the ftz (NTD) HD, in which the first six amino acids of the homeodomain were deleted, were extensively altered relative to the ftz HD patterns. Methylation of A11 and G12 of the alpha strand and ethylation of the phosphate of nucleotide A12 of the alpha strand no longer interfere with binding. This indicated that the first six amino acids of the homeodomain of ftz interact with A11 of the alpha strand in the minor groove, the phosphate of the nucleotide A13 on the alpha strand and G12 of the alpha strand in the adjacent major groove of BS2. In a binding study using a change of specificity mutation [ftz (Q50K) HD], in which the Gln50 at the ninth position of the third helix is exchanged for a Lys (as in the bicoid HD), and variant binding sites, we concluded that position 50 of the ftz HD and the ftz (Q50K) HD peptides interacts with base pairs at positions 6 and 7 of BS2. These three points of contact allowed us to propose a crude orientation of the ftz HD within the protein-DNA complex. We find that the ftz HD and the Antp HD peptides contact DNA in a similar way.  相似文献   

The neutral carotenoids of wild-type Neurospora crassa and of carotenoid mutants at four discrete genetic loci were isolated using gradient elution chromatography on deactivated alumina columns. Carotenoids were identified by absorption spectrophotometry and thin layer cochromatography with carotenoid standards. Phytoene, phytofluene, -carotene, -carotene, neurosporene, torulene, lycopene, and 3,4-dehydrolycopene were isolated from wild type. Phytoene, phytofluene, -carotene, -carotene, neurosporene, -carotene, lycopene, and one unknown carotenoid, tentatively identified as 15,15-cis--carotene, were isolated from a yellow mutant, ylo-1. ylo-1 also contained residual carotenoids having similar absorption spectra to, but very different chromatographic behavior from, phytofluene, -carotene, -carotene, and lycopene. Albino and colored al-1 mutants contained large amounts of phytoene and only traces of other neutral carotenoids. Albino al-2 and al-3 mutants contained only traces of neutral carotenoids.  相似文献   

A Kappas 《Mutation research》1978,51(2):189-197
Four fungicides interfered with the segregation of chromosomes at mitosis of Aspergillus nidulans by increasing the somatic recombination, shown as colour sectors in green colonies, in a strain heterozygous for spore colour mutations. In an attempt to discover the mechanisms by which these fungicides increased the somatic recombination, a prototrophic diploid strain, heterozygous for colour and several other appropriate markers in all chromosomes, was used which enabled the detection and classification of all colour recombinants to be made by genetic analysis. The fungicides investigated were: benomyl (methyl-1-(butylcarbamoyl)-2-benzimidazole carbamate) a benzimidazole derivative, botran (2,6-dichloro-4-nitroaniline) and chloroneb (1,4-dichloro-2,5-dimethoxybenzene) of the aromatic hydrocarbon group of fungicides, and the antibiotic actinomycin D. At least three different mechanisms, non-disjunction, mitotic crossing-over and breakage-deletion, were found to be responsible for the recombinogenic activity of the compounds studied.  相似文献   

The yield of ultraviolet-induced dimers is similar for a fixed dose in both haploid and diploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The excision of these photo-products from the nuclear deoxyribonucleic acids of cells of both ploidies after ultraviolet incident doses of 2 times 10-3 to 4 times 10-3 ergs/mm2 decreased with the corresponding increasing dose. Postirradiation incubation in saline followed by a further incubation in nutrient medium increases the excision as compared to that seen in either nutrient medium or saline alone. Previous data regarding both pyrimidine dimer removal and the survival of haploid and diploid cells after ultraviolet irradiation and either immediate or delayed plating are discussed.  相似文献   

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