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The structure of the protein subunit of satellite tobacco necrosis virus has been solved at 3.7 Å resolution. We have now crystallographically refined the original model and extended the resolution to 2.5 Å in order to get a model accurate enough to explain the details of the subunit interactions. The refinement was done with a novel method utilizing the icosahedral symmetry of the virus particle.The final model shows a complicated network of interactions, involving salt linkages, hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic contacts. In addition, we have located three different metal ion sites in the protein shell, linking the protein subunits together. These sites are probably occupied by calcium ions. One site is found in a general position near the icosahedral 3-fold axis of the virus. The ligands form an octahedral arrangement, with two main chain carbonyl oxygens (O-61 and O-64), one carboxylate oxygen (OD1 from Asp194) of the same subunit and a second carboxylate oxygen (OE1 of Glu25) from a 3-fold related subunit. Two water molecules complete the octahedral arrangement. A second site is on the icosahedral 3-fold axis and is liganded by the carboxylate oxygens of the 3-fold related Asp55 residues. The third metal ion site is found on the 5-fold axis, liganded by the five carbonyl oxygens of Thr138 and two water molecules.We are unable to locate the first 11 N-terminal amino acid residues, which point into the virus interior. No interpretable density for RNA has been found, indicating that the nucleic acid of the virus does not have a unique orientation in the crystal.  相似文献   

The structure of the sulphydryl protease, actinidin, after refinement at 1.7 Å resolution, is described. The positions of most of the 1666 atoms have been determined with an accuracy better than 0.1 Å; only two residues (219 and 220) and the side-chain of a third (87) cannot be seen. In addition, the model contains 272 solvent molecules, all taken as water, except one which may be an ammonium ion. Atomic B values give a good indication of the mobility of different parts of the structure. Actinidin has a double domain structure, with one domain mostly helical in its secondary structure, and the other domain built around a twisted β-sheet. The geometry of hydrogen bonds in helices, β-structure and turns has been analysed. All are significantly non-linear, with the angle N-?…O ~160 °. Carbonyl groups are tilted outwards from the axis of each helix, the tilting apparently unaffected by whether or not additional hydrogen bonds are made (e.g. to water or side-chain atoms). Each domain is folded round a substantial core of non-polar side-chains, but the interface between domains is mostly polar. Interactions across this interface involve a network of eight buried water molecules, the buried carboxyl and amino groups of Glu35, Glu50, Lys181 and Lys17, other polar side-chains and a few hydrophobic groups. One other internal charged side-chain, that of Glu52, is adjacent to a buried solvent molecule, probably an ammonium ion. Other side-chain environments are described. One proline residue has a cis configuration. The sulphydryl group is oxidized, probably to SO2?, with one oxygen atom clearly visible but the other somewhat less certain. The active site geometry is otherwise compatible with the mechanism proposed by Drenth et al. (1975,1976) for papain. The positions of the 272 solvent molecules are described. The best-ordered water molecules are those that are internal (total of 17), in surface pockets, or in the intermolecular contact regions. These generally form three or four hydrogen bonds, two to proton acceptors and one or two to proton donors. Other water molecules make water bridges on the surface, sometimes covering the exposed edges of non-polar groups. Intermolecular contacts involve few protein atoms, but many water molecules.  相似文献   

Highlights? Improved models by DEN refinement at 7 Å ? Best method is DEN refinement with initial segmented rigid-body refinement ? Rfree has predictive power at 7 Å  相似文献   

The exopeptidase carboxypeptidase A forms a tight complex with a 39 residue inhibitor protein from potatoes. We have determined the crystal structure of this complex, and refined the atomic model to a crystallographic R-factor of 0.196 at 2.5 Å resolution. The structure of the inhibitor protein is organized around a core of disulfide bridges. No α-helices or β-sheets are present in this protein, although there is one turn of 310 helix. The four carboxy-terminal residues of the inhibitor protein bind in the active site groove of carboxypeptidase A, defining binding subsites S′1, S1, S2 and S3 on the enzyme. The carboxy-terminal glycine of the inhibitor is cleaved from the remainder of the inhibitor in the complex, and remains trapped in the back of the active site pocket. Interactions between the inhibitor and residues Tyr248 and Arg71 of carboxypeptidase A resemble possible features of binding stages for substrates both prior and subsequent to peptide bond hydrolysis. Not all of these interactions would be available to different types of ester substrates, however, which may be in part responsible for the observed kinetic differences in hydrolysis between peptides and various classes of esters. With the exception of residues involved in the binding of the inhibitor protein (such as Tyr248), the structure of carboxypeptidase A as determined in the inhibitor complex is quite similar to the structure of the unliganded enzyme (Lipscomb et al., 1968), which was solved from an unrelated crystal form.  相似文献   

The complex formed by porcine pancreatic kallikrein A with the bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (PTI) has been crystallized at pH 4 in tetragonal crystals of space group P41212 with one molecule per asymmetric unit. Its crystal structure has been solved applying Patterson search methods and using a model derived from the bovine trypsin-PTI complex (Huber et al., 1974) and the structure of porcine pancreatic kallikrein A (Bode et al., 1983). The kallikrein-PTI model has been crystallographically refined to an R-value of 0·23 including X-ray data to 2·5 Å.The root-mean-square deviation, including all main-chain atoms, is 0·45 Å and 0·65 Å for the PTI and for the kallikrein component, respectively, compared with the refined models of the free components. The largest differences are observed in external loops of the kallikrein molecule surrounding the binding site, particularly in the C-terminal part of the intermediate helix around His172. Overall, PTI binding to kallikrein is similar to that of the trypsin complex. In particular, the conformation of the groups at the active site is identical within experimental error (in spite of the different pH values of the two structures). Ser195 OG is about 2·5 Å away from the susceptible inhibitor bond Lys15 C and forms an optimal 2·5 Å hydrogen bond with His57 NE.The PTI residues Thr11 to Ile18 and Val34 to Arg39 are in direct contact with kallikrein residues and form nine intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The reactive site Lys15 protrudes into the specificity pocket of kallikrein as in the trypsin complex, but its distal ammonium group is positioned differently to accommodate the side-chain of Ser226. Ser226 OG mediates the ionic interaction between the ammonium group and the carboxylate group of Asp189. Model-building studies indicate that an arginine side-chain could be accommodated in this pocket. The PTI disulfide bridge 14–38 forces the kallikrein residue Tyr99 to swing out of its normal position. Model-building experiments show that large hydrophobic residues such as phenylalanine can be accommodated at this (S2) site in a wedge-shaped hydrophobic cavity, which is formed by the indole ring of Trp215 and by the phenolic side-chain of Tyr99, and which opens towards the bound inhibitor/substrate chain. Arg17 in PTI forms a favorable hydrogen bond and van der Waals' contacts with kallikrein residues, whereas the additional hydrogen bond formed in the trypsin-PTI complex between Tvr39 OEH and Ile19 N is not possible The kallikrein binding site offers a qualitative explanation of the unusual binding and cleavage at the N-terminal Met-Lys site of kininogen. Model-building experiments suggest that the generally restricted capacity of kallikrein to bind protein inhibitors with more extended binding segments might be explained by steric hindrance with some extruding external loops surrounding the kallikrein binding site (Bode et al., 1983).  相似文献   

A high-resolution structure of a ligand-bound, soluble form of human monoglyceride lipase (MGL) is presented. The structure highlights a novel conformation of the regulatory lid-domain present in the lipase family as well as the binding mode of a pharmaceutically relevant reversible inhibitor. Analysis of the structure lacking the inhibitor indicates that the closed conformation can accommodate the native substrate 2-arachidonoyl glycerol. A model is proposed in which MGL undergoes conformational and electrostatic changes during the catalytic cycle ultimately resulting in its dissociation from the membrane upon completion of the cycle. In addition, the study outlines a successful approach to transform membrane associated proteins, which tend to aggregate upon purification, into a monomeric and soluble form.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the deoxycholate-treated form of purple membrane has been determined to a resolution of about 6 Å. Using low temperature electron diffraction data, room temperature electron microscope images and improved methods of data analysis, higher resolution has been reached than was obtained using native membranes of the same size. Statistical analysis of the data shows that the new map is considerably better than earlier maps. The map indicates the probable sites for the lipid molecules that remain in the deoxycholate-treated membranes; some of these sites differ from those suggested by the projection map of Glaeser et al. (1985). Comparison of the bacteriorhodopsin structures now determined independently from three crystal forms shows that the monomer structure is independent of the detailed contacts with lipid molecules. The average of the three structures gives a picture with very little noise showing seven similar rod-like features which are clearly best interpreted as -helices; there is no indication that part of the structure is -sheet as suggested by Jap et al. (1983). Phases from the averaged structure at 6 Å resolution will enable better refinement of the parameters that will be required in the analysis of higher resolution images from tilted specimens needed to extend the projection map at 3.5 Å resolution (Henderson et al. 1986) to produce a three-dimensional atomic resolution map.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of bovine erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase, a tetrameric enzyme containing 4 gram atoms of selenium per mole (Mr = 84,000), has been determined at 2.8 Å resolution using the multiple isomorphous replacement method. By correlation calculations in Patterson space the tetramers were shown to exhibit molecular [222] symmetry, proving the monomers to be identical or at least very similar.The monomer consists of a single polypeptide chain of 178 amino acid residues. Its shape is nearly spherical with a radius of r ≈ 19 A?. A tentative sequence corresponding to a partially refined model (R = 0.38) is given. Each subunit is built up from a central core of two parallel and two anti-parallel strands of pleated sheet surrounded by four α-helices. One of the helices runs antiparallel to the neighbouring β-strands giving rise to a βαβ substructure, an architecture that has been found in several other proteins e.g. flavodoxin, thioredoxin, rhodanese and dehydrogenases. A comparison of the glutathione peroxidase subunit structure with thioredoxin-S2 revealed large regions of structural resemblance. The central four-stranded β structure together with two parallel α-helices resembles nearly 80% of the thioredoxin fold.The active sites of glutathione peroxidase are located in flat depressions on the molecular surface. Probably each active centre is built up by segments from two subunits. The catalytically active selenocysteines were found at the N-terminal ends of long α-helices and are surrounded by an accumulation of aromatic side-chains. A difference Fourier map between oxidized and substrate-reduced glutathione peroxidase as well as heavy-atom binding led to the conclusion that the two-electron redox-cycle involves a reversible transition of the active-site selenium from a selenenic acid (RSeOH) to a seleninic acid (RSeOOH).  相似文献   

The crystal structures of the intact immunoglobulin G1, (λ) Kol and its Fab2 fragment were crystallographically refined at 3.0 Å and 1.9 Å resolution, respectively. The methods used were real space refinement (RLSP) energy and residual refinement (EREF), phase combination, constrained rigid body refinement (CORELS) and difference and Fourier map inspection. The final R-values are 0.24 and 0.26. These analyses allowed the construction of atomic models of parts not seen in detail in the previous analyses at 5 Å and 3 Å resolution, respectively (Colman et al., 1976; Matsushima et al., 1978): i.e. the hinge segment, the hypervariable segments and their intimate interaction with the hinge segment of a crystallographically related molecule.The hinge segment forms a short poly-l-proline double helix from Cys527 to Cys530 (Eu numbering 226 to 230). The preceding segment forms an open turn of helix. This segment and the segment following the poly-l-proline part, which was found to be flexible in Fc fragment crystals (Deisenhofer et al., 1976) probably allow arm and stem movement of the antibody molecule. The combining site of Kol is compared with the combining site of Fab New (Saul et al., 1978). The narrow cleft formed by the hypervariable loops in Kol is filled with aromatic amino acid side-chains. In the crystal, the hypervariable loops contact the hinge and adjacent segments of a related molecule accompanied by a substantial loss in accessible surface area. This contact is preserved in Kol Fab crystals and presumably occurs in the Kol cryoprecipitate. A comparison of the quaternary structures of intact Kol and Fab New showed, in addition to the large change in elbow angle (Colman et al., 1976), changes in lateral domain association. These are discussed in the context of a possible signal transmission from the combining site to the distal end. An attempt was made to model build the IgG3 hinge segment, which is quadruplicated with respect to IgG1 (Michaelsen et al., 1977), on the basis of the Kol hinge structure. A polyproline double helix appeared to be the most plausible model. The Fc part was found to be disordered in intact Kol crystals (Colman et al., 1976). Refinement has reduced the electron density further in the crystal space, where the Fc parts must be located. Disorder, if static, must be fourfold or more in the crystalline state.Intensity measurements on Kol F(ab′)2 and their comparison with intact Kol crystals provide evidence that the disorder is predominantly of a static nature.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage RB69 DNA polymerase (RB69 pol) has served as a model for investigating how B family polymerases achieve a high level of fidelity during DNA replication. We report here the structure of an RB69 pol ternary complex at 1.8 ? resolution, extending the resolution from our previously reported structure at 2.6 ? [Franklin, M. C., et al. (2001) Cell 105, 657-667]. In the structure presented here, a network of five highly ordered, buried water molecules can be seen to interact with the N3 and O2 atoms in the minor groove of the DNA duplex. This structure reveals how the formation of the closed ternary complex eliminates two ordered water molecules, which are responsible for a kink in helix P in the apo structure. In addition, three pairs of polar-nonpolar interactions have been observed between (i) the Cα hydrogen of G568 and the N3 atom of the dG templating base, (ii) the O5' and C5 atoms of the incoming dCTP, and (iii) the OH group of S565 and the aromatic face of the dG templating base. These interactions are optimized in the dehydrated environment that envelops Watson-Crick nascent base pairs and serve to enhance base selectivity in wild-type RB69 pol.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the sulfhydryl protease calotropin DI from the madar plant, Calotropis gigantea, has been determined at 3·2 Å resolution using the multiple isomorphous replacement method with five heavy atom derivatives. A Fourier synthesis based on protein phases with a mean figure of merit of 0·857 was used for model building. The polypeptide backbone of calotropin DI is folded to form two distinct lobes, one of which is comprised mainly of α-helices, while the other is characterized by a system of all antiparallel pleated sheets. The overall molecular architecture closely resembles those found in the sulfhydryl proteases papain and actinidin.Despite the unknown amino acid sequence of calotropin DI a number of residues around its active center could be identified. These amino acid side-chains were found in a similar arrangement as the corresponding ones in papain and actinidin. The polypeptide chain between residues 1 and 18 of calotropin DI folds in a unique manner, providing a possible explanation for the unusual inability of calotropin DI to hydrolyze those synthetic substrates that papain and actinidin act upon.  相似文献   

The respiratory cytochrome bc(1) complex is a fundamental enzyme in biological energy conversion. It couples electron transfer from ubiquinol to cytochrome c with generation of proton motive force which fuels ATP synthesis. The complex from the α-proteobacterium Paracoccus denitrificans, a model for the medically relevant mitochondrial complexes, lacked structural characterization. We show by LILBID mass spectrometry that truncation of the organism-specific, acidic N-terminus of cytochrome c(1) changes the oligomerization state of the enzyme to a dimer. The fully functional complex was crystallized and the X-ray structure determined at 2.7-? resolution. It has high structural homology to mitochondrial complexes and to the Rhodobacter sphaeroides complex especially for subunits cytochrome b and ISP. Species-specific binding of the inhibitor stigmatellin is noteworthy. Interestingly, cytochrome c(1) shows structural differences to the mitochondrial and even between the two Rhodobacteraceae complexes. The structural diversity in the cytochrome c(1) surface facing the ISP domain indicates low structural constraints on that surface for formation of a productive electron transfer complex. A similar position of the acidic N-terminal domains of cytochrome c(1) and yeast subunit QCR6p is suggested in support of a similar function. A model of the electron transfer complex with membrane-anchored cytochrome c(552), the natural substrate, shows that it can adopt the same orientation as the soluble substrate in the yeast complex. The full structural integrity of the P. denitrificans variant underpins previous mechanistic studies on intermonomer electron transfer and paves the way for using this model system to address open questions of structure/function relationships and inhibitor binding.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of yellow fluorescent proteins zYFP538 (zFP538) from the button polyp Zoanthus sp. was determined at a resolution of 1.8 Å by X-ray analysis. The monomer of zYFP538 adopts a structure characteristic of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) family, a β-barrel formed from 11 antiparallel β segments and one internal α helix with a chromophore embedded into it. Like the TurboGFP, the β-barrel of zYFP538 contains a water-filled pore leading to the chromophore Tyr67 residue, which presumably provides access of molecular oxygen necessary for the maturation process. The post-translational modification of the chromophore-forming triad Lys66-Tyr67-Gly68 results in a tricyclic structure consisting of a five-membered imidazolinone ring, a phenol ring of the Tyr67 residue, and an additional six-membered tetrahydropyridine ring. The chromophore formation is completed by cleavage of the protein backbone at the C α -N bond of Lys66. It was suggested that the energy conflict between the buried positive charge of the intact Lys66 side chain in the hydrophobic pocket formed by the Ile44, Leu46, Phe65, Leu204 and Leu219 side chains is the most probable trigger that induces the transformation of the bicyclic green form to the tricyclic yellow form. A stereochemical analysis of the contacting surfaces at the intratetramer interfaces helped reveal a group of conserved key residues responsible for the oligomerization. Along with others, these residues should be taken into account in designing monomeric forms suitable for practical application as markers of proteins and cell organelles.  相似文献   

The protonation states and hydration structures of the α-thrombin–bivalirudin complex were studied by joint XN refinement of the single crystal X-ray and neutron diffraction data at resolutions of 1.6 and 2.8 Å, respectively. The atomic distances were estimated by carrying out X-ray crystallographic analysis at 1.25 Å resolution. The complex represents a model of the enzyme-product (EP) complex of α-thrombin. The neutron scattering length maps around the active site suggest that the side chain of H57/H was deuterated. The joint XN refinement showed that occupancies for Dδ1 and Dε2 of H57/H were 1.0 and 0.7, respectively. However, no significant neutron scattering length density was observed around the hydroxyl oxygen Oγ of S195/H, which was close to the carboxylic carbon atom of dFPR-COOH. These observations suggest that the Oγ atom of S195/H is deprotonated and maintains its nucleophilicity in the EP complex. In addition to the active site, the hydration structures of the S1 subsite and the Exosite I, which are involved in the recognition of bivalirudin, are presented.  相似文献   

A monomeric nine-haem cytochrome c (9Hcc) with 292 amino acid residues was isolated from cells of the sulfate- and nitrate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 grown under both nitrate- and sulfate-respiring conditions. The nucleotide sequence encoding the 292 residues was determined, allowing the correction of about 10% of the previous primary structure, determined from 1.8?Å electron density maps. The refinement at 1.8?Å resolution of the structural model was completed, giving an R-value of 16.5%. The nine haem groups are arranged into two tetrahaem clusters, located at both ends of the molecule, with Fe-Fe distances and local protein fold very similar to tetrahaem cytochromes c 3, and the extra haem is located asymmetrically between the two regions. The new primary sequence determination confirmed the 39% sequence homology found between this cytochrome and the C-terminal region (residues 229–514) of the high-molecular-weight cytochrome c (Hmc) from D. vulgaris Hildenborough, providing strong evidence of structural similarity between 9Hcc and the C-terminal region of Hmc. The interaction between 9Hcc and the tetrahaem cytochrome c 3 from the same organism was studied by modelling methods, and the results suggest that a specific interaction is possible between haem 4 of tetrahaem cytochrome c 3 and haem 1 or haem 2 of 9Hcc, in agreement with previous kinetic experiments which showed the catalytic effect of the tetrahaem cytochrome c 3 upon the reduction of 9Hcc by the [NiFe] hydrogenase from D. desulfuricans ATCC 27774. These studies suggest a role for 9Hcc as part of the assembly of redox proteins involved in recycling the molecular hydrogen released by the cell as a result of substrate oxidation.  相似文献   

Cateslytin (bCGA 344RSMRLSFRARGYGFR358), a five positively charged 15 amino-acid residues arginine-rich antimicrobial peptide, was synthesized using a very efficient procedure leading to high yields and to a 99% purity as determined by HPLC and mass spectrometry. Circular dichroism, polarized attenuated total reflectance fourier transformed infrared, polarization modulation infrared reflection Absorption spectroscopies and proton two-dimensional NMR revealed the flexibility of such a peptide. Whereas being mostly disordered as a dry powder or in water solution, the peptide acquires a α-helical character in the “membrane mimicking” solvent trifuoroethanol. In zwitterionic micelles of dodecylphophatidylcholine the helical character is retained but to a lesser extent, the peptide returning mainly to its disordered state. A β-sheet contribution of almost 100% is detected at the air–water interface. Such conformational plasticity is discussed regarding the antimicrobial action of Cateslytin. Presented at the joint biannual meeting of the SFB-GEIMM-GRIP, Anglet France, 14–19 October, 2006.  相似文献   

The focal accumulation of DNA repair factors, including the MRE11/Rad50/NBS1 (MRN) complex and the phospho-histone variant γ-H2A.X, is a key cytological feature of the DNA damage response (DDR). Although these foci have been extensively studied by light microscopy, there is comparatively little known regarding their ultrastructure. Using correlative light microscopy and electron spectroscopic imaging (LM/ESI) we have characterized the ultrastructure of chromatin and DNA repair foci within the nuclei of normal human fibroblasts in response to DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). The induction of DNA DSBs by etoposide leads to a global decrease in chromatin density, which is accompanied by the formation of invaginations of the nuclear envelope as revealed by live-cell microscopy. Using LM/ESI and the immunogold localization of γ-H2A.X and MRE11 within repair foci, we also observed decondensed 10nm chromatin fibers within repair foci and the accumulation of large non-chromosomal protein complexes over three hours recovery from etoposide. At 18 h after etoposide treatment, we observed a close juxtapositioning of PML nuclear bodies and late repair foci of γ-H2A.X, which exhibited a highly organized chromatin arrangement distinct from earlier repair foci. Finally, the dual immunogold labeling of MRE11 with either γ-H2A.X or NBS1 revealed that γ-H2A.X and the MRN complex are sub-compartmentalized within repair foci at the sub-micron scale. Together these data provide the first ultrastructural comparison of γ-H2A.X and MRN DNA repair foci, which are structurally dynamic over time and strikingly similar in organization.  相似文献   

Haem-containing proteins are directly involved in electron transfer as well as in enzymatic functions. The "split-Soret" cytochrome (SSC) was isolated from the sulfate- and nitrate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 and has no significant nitrate or nitrite reductase activity. The protein received its name due its unusual spectral properties. It is a dimer containing two identical subunits of 26.3 kDa, each with two haem-c groups. A preliminary model for the three-dimensional structure of this cytochrome was derived using the Multiple Wavelength Anomalous Dispersion (MAD) phasing method. This model shows that SSC is indeed a dimer containing four haems at one end of the molecule. In each monomer the two haems have their edges overlapped within van der Waals contacts with an iron-to-iron distance of 9?Å. The polypeptide chain of each monomer supplies the sixth axial ligand to the haems of the other monomer. This work shows that SSC constitutes a new class of cytochrome. The stacking of the two haems in the monomer within van der Waals distances of each other, and also the short (van der Waals) distances between the two monomers in the dimeric molecule are unprecedented in hemoproteins. This particular haem arrangement is an excellent model for the spectral study (undertaken several years ago) of haem-haem interaction using the aggregated haem undecapeptide derived from mammalian cytochrome c.  相似文献   

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