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The dynamics of increase of the predominant white muscle fibres of the myotomal bulk in bluntnose minnow, Pimephales notatus , ranging from 2.0 to 9.1 cm f.l. have been analysed by examination of modal progression of fibre diameter frequency classes in fish fed to satiation and growing at different rates at 15, 25 or 30°C. Recruitment of new fibres appeared to contribute little to increase in muscle bulk above 4 cm f.l. , and nothing beyond 6 cm. The dominant means of increase was increase in fibre diameter. The limiting fibre diameter seemed to be 120 μ. These dynamics, which result in an approximately 1: 1 ratio between mean fibre diameter and f.l. , are in contrast to those of the myotomal white muscle of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri , in which, regardless of differences in somatic growth produced by temperature, ration size or growth hormone administration, mean fibre diameter does not exceed that in bluntnose minnow until trout exceed 30 cm f.l. In trout there is, moreover, input of new fibres up to approximately 50 cm f.l. , when subsequent growth, as in the minnow, is by means of fibre diameter increase. The bluntnose minnow is a small, slow growing species; the rainbow trout is a large, fast growing species. The discussion links these facts with the observed differences in fibre growth dynamics in relation to a hypothesis of interspecific differences in fish growth capability.  相似文献   

Changes in the relative proportions of protein, lipid, water and caloric contents of bluntnose minnow growing at various temperatures (15, 25, 30° C) were investigated by application of the allometry equation, y=axb . Fish grew significantly faster at 25° C (closest to optimum), more slowly at 30° C and most slowly at 15° C. Protein, as a percentage of body wet weight, tended to increase with fish size at all temperatures ( b > 1.000), whereas in juveniles (<0.7 g) it decreased ( b < 1.000). However, with the exception of the 15° C group, protein as a percentage of body dry weight, decreased in all groups ( b < 1.000). Temperature appeared to modify the body composition of bluntnose minnows, e.g. decreasing temperature led to significantly enhanced protein content during growth. Lipid (%) and caloric content (cal g−1) increased with increasing fish weight ( b > 1). The slower growing fish (15°, 30° C) deposited significantly more lipid (and had higher caloric contents) than those growing most rapidly (at 25° C). Water content (%) decreased with increasing body weight in all groups. Despite intergroup growth rate differences, all groups showed evidence of a tendency to follow similar trends in b values for body constituents and caloric content (except for protein v. body dry weight for the 15° C group). This suggests a general conservativeness of body composition in bluntnose minnow. The correlations between body constituents, caloric content and body weight were high ( r 2>0.9) so that estimates of body composition can be obtained from body weight for all temperature groups.  相似文献   

Prostanoids are oxygenated derivatives of arachidonic acid with a wide range of physiological effects in vertebrates including modulation of inflammation and innate immune responses. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) act through inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) conversion of arachidonic acid to prostanoids. In order to better understand the potential of environmental NSAIDS for interruption of normal levels of COX products in fishes, we developed an LC/MS/MS-based approach for tissue analysis of 7 prostanoids. Initial studies examining muscle, gut and gill demonstrated that prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) was the most abundant of the measured prostanoids in all tissues and that gill tissue had the highest and most consistent concentrations of PGE2. After short-term 48-h laboratory exposures to nominal concentrations of 5, 25, 50 and 100μg/L ibuprofen, 50μg/L and 100μg/L exposure concentrations resulted in significant reduction of gill tissue PGE2 concentration by approximately 30% and 80% respectively. The lower exposures did not result in significant reductions when compared to unexposed controls. Measured tissue concentrations of ibuprofen indicated that this NSAID had little potential for bioconcentration (BCF=1.3) and the IC(50) of ibuprofen for inhibition of PGE2 production in gill tissue was estimated to be 0.4μM.  相似文献   

Shoals of fish vary in their degree of cohesiveness as certain conditions such as hunger, predation risk and shoal size vary: this study relates this variation to the benefits of shoaling. Shoals of bluntnose minnows, Pimephales notatus Rafinesque, consisting of different numbers of individuals were starved for 5, 24 or 72 h and allowed to forage in the presence or absence of a predator. Cohesiveness was measured as the dispersion offish within the shoal (the radius of the longest axis of the shoal corrected for the number of fish in the shoal), straggle frequency (the number of movements by individuals of at least 5 body lengths away from the shoal) and aggressive interactions between shoal members. Cohesiveness increased as shoal size and the benefits per individual increased. Cohesiveness also increased in the presence of a predator, as did the importance of shoaling as a means of reducing predation risk. Cohesivenes decreased as hunger level increased, possibly as a result of increased competition for food among shoal members.  相似文献   

The bluntnose minnow (Pimephales notatus) is abundant and widespread with a broad ecological niche. This species is also sexually dimorphic with strong competition between males during the mating season. We developed two genomic libraries enriched for microsatellite repeats - one dinucleotide and one tetranucleotide - and isolated 48 putative, novel microsatellite loci. Of those, we present 35 polymorphic and statistically independent microsatellite markers with two to 18 alleles per locus and heterozygosities ranging from 0.04 to 1. These markers will be useful for future behavioural, ecological, evolutionary and mating system studies using P. notatus.  相似文献   

A histochemical study was performed on the myotomal musculature of five teleost fish from four families (longnose dace, Rhinichthyes cataractae ; bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus , smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieul ; yellow perch, Perca flavescens ; lake whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis ). Three main types of fibre (red, pink, white) were distinguished in these species on the basis of relative activities of actomyosin adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) and NADH diaphorase. White muscle formed the bulk of the myotomal musculature. The proportion of red muscle was greater in the caudal region (11·–5% of the total cross-sectional area) than in more anterior regions of the body in all the species. Pink fibres comprised only a transitional layer (cells deep) between red and white. In bluegill, the red fibres penetrated deeper medially from the superficial lateral position than in the other four species.
It appears that, among the present five species, the somewhat greater amount of red muscle in yellow perch may be related to the free-cruising sometimes associated with that species, compared to the more desultory activity of the other four. It is noted that the amount of red muscle relative to white is appreciably greater in all five species than that revealed in two esocid species in an earlier study; the latter are' ambush predators'that swim very rapidly towards prey.  相似文献   

Synopsis Shoals of 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, and 20 bluntnose minnows,Pimephales notatus, were allowed to forage in the absence and presence of a fish predator, which was separated from the shoal by a clear plexiglass partition. A typical dilution effect was observed in that individual fish in larger shoals were approached less frequently by the predator. In the absence of a predator, foraging latency decreased significantly and the rate of foraging increased with increasing shoal size. Foraging latency for each shoal size tended to increase in the presence of a predator and foraging rate decreased, significantly for shoals of 7, 15, and 20 fish. Members of larger shoals were safer and enjoyed a greater level of food consumption, perhaps due to decreased individual vigilance for predators and social facilitation. However, foraging effort decreased when a predator was present, as more time was allocated to predator avoidance.  相似文献   

A histochemical study of the myotomal muscles in the roach revealed three main muscle regions: red, intermediate and white. These were distinguished on the basis of glycogen content, succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), and myofibrillar ATPase (mATPase) activity. Except for the red fibre region, none of these described regions is homogeneous. The principal new findings are the toniclike fibre, the presence of a transitional zone with two fibre types, and the mosaic organization of the white fibre region. The significance of this type of myotome architecture in relation to the locomotion of the species is discussed.  相似文献   

Fathead minnows Pimephales promelas were exposed to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid [poly(I:C)] to observe immunological responses during simulated bacterial and viral challenge at the level of gene expression and granulocyte function. Complementary DNA libraries were created from LPS- and poly(I:C)-treated fish and c. 5000 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were sequenced. The ESTs were subjected to BLASTx analysis and 1500 genes were annotated, grouped by function and 20 immune genes were selected for expression studies by real-time PCR. Lipopolysaccharide treatment significantly downregulated expression of interferon regulatory factor 2 binding protein 1 (nine-fold), Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 12a (three-fold) and TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand, TRAIL (two-fold). In poly(I:C)-treated fish, a significant upregulation was observed for IFN-inducible and antiviral proteins belonging to the family of Mx proteins (73-fold) and chemokine CCL-C5a (28-fold). Blood neutrophil count was significantly increased in poly(I:C)-treated fish at 24 and 48 h post-injection. Neutrophil extracellular trap release and respiratory burst of kidney granulocytes were suppressed in poly(I:C)-treated fish, while degranulation of primary granules was not affected significantly by the treatment. The changes in gene expression and neutrophil function in P. promelas exposed to LPS and poly(I:C) support the use of this species as an alternative model for studies of pathogen effects on the innate immune system of fishes.  相似文献   

The schooling behaviour of unparasitized fathead minnows, Pimephales promelus Rafinesque, was compared to that of minnows infected with brain-dwelling metacercariae of the fluke, Ornithodiplostomum ptychocheilus (Faust). Laboratory results showed that schools of infected fish divided more frequently, were less compact, and occupied positions closer to the water surface than control schools. These results are discussed with reference to the possibility that this larval parasite manipulates minnow behaviour to increase host vulnerability to predation.  相似文献   

The fathead minnow Pimephales promelas serves as a model organism for assessing the effects of environmental contaminants on early life stage growth and development. Yet, the utilization of genomic tools has been hindered by the lack of genome sequence and genomic information known from this model species. Utilizing published cDNA library sequences, the authors used sequence similarity to compare 4105 cDNAs isolated from fathead minnow fry (<14 days old) with over 250 000 adult cDNA sequences derived from whole body and various tissue types. The objectives of the computational subtraction were to (1) assess the extent of sequence similarity between developing and adult cDNA libraries and (2) predict which cDNA clones are expressed only in developing organisms. The results of the computational predictions were assessed through the construction of a development‐specific DNA microarray targeting all 4105 sequences in the fry cDNA library as well as 56 known mRNAs in P. promelas. Gene expression was determined by comparing total RNA isolated from fry with total RNA isolated from adult samples (whole animal, kidney, liver, brain, ovary and testes). The results showed that 1381 of the targeted fry cDNA sequences (34%) displayed expression across all sample comparisons, and of these, only 166 genes were found to harbour fry‐specific expression (i.e. no expression in adult samples). Of note, 69% of the genes computationally predicted to be fry specific were found across all experimental results; yet, only 27% of the computationally predicted fry‐specific sequences were experimentally confirmed to be fry specific. An important result was the identification of many novel mRNA sequences specific to the developing minnow, which lack homology with any other known sequence. In addition, the study results included tissue‐specific expression in adult samples. These results demonstrate the capabilities and limitations of inter‐library sequence comparisons as a predictor of gene activity in non‐sequenced organisms and tissues, as well as DNA microarray gene expression studies in non‐sequenced organisms.  相似文献   

A direct, rapid, quantitative colorimetric assay to determine neutrophil primary granule degranulation was adapted for use with fathead minnow kidney neutrophils. The assay measures the exocytosis of myeloperoxidase (MPO) using 3,3',5,5'-tetramethylbenzidine as a substrate. The assay was validated by comparing the total myeloperoxidase content of neutrophil populations obtained from adult cattle, as a known positive, and fish; evaluating the effects of calcium ionophore (CaI), phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), aqueous solution of beta-glucan (MGAQ) and zymosan (Z) with and without cytochalasin B (cyto B) as stimulants of degranulation; determining the kinetics of primary granule exocytosis and detecting changes in degranulation when fish were exposed to stress and anaesthesia with MS-222. The MPO assay detected MPO activity in fathead minnow neutrophils that correlated to neutrophil numbers, confirmed that degranulation was increased when CaI was used compared to other stimulants, determined degranulation peak at 60 min and confirmed decreased degranulation after exposure to handling and crowding stress, with and without MS-222. Therefore, the MPO assay is capable of detecting important differences that may occur in degranulation of fathead minnow kidney neutrophil primary granules and in total neutrophil myeloperoxidase content.  相似文献   

A histochemical study of the myotomal muscles in the grass pickerel, Esox americanus vermiculatus , and the muskellunge, E. masquinongy , was performed using actomyosin ATPase and NADH diaphorase activities. Three fibre types, i.e., red, white and pink were distinguished on the basis of their enzyme activities. White muscle fibres comprised the bulk of the myotomal musculature. The relative proportion of red muscle fibres was greater in the caudal region than in more anterior regions of the body. Pink fibres formed only a few layers between red and white. These findings are discussed in relation to the possible functional significance of the muscle fibre types in swimming and feeding behaviour in these species.  相似文献   

Environmental variables besides temperature such as length, weight, sex, and photoperiod were shown to affect the metabolic rate in gill and white muscle tissue. This required statistical adjustment to account for these factors. Oxygen consumption rates for gill tissue were greater following cold acclimation at all determination temperatures. This suggests thermal compensation had occurred. Metabolic rates for white muscle tissue showed inverse compensation between 7 °C and 15 °C, but little compensation was evident between 15 °C and 23 °C. Both gill and white muscle tissue had Q10 values ranging between 1–00 and 2–00. These are lower than values previously recorded for fathead minnows.  相似文献   

The fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) was employed to examine if dietary vitamin E supplementation could protect the inner ear from the deleterious effects of noise. Fish were fed one of the three experimental diets containing either: (1) low vitamin E content (14.5 mg/kg diet as alpha-tocopheryl acetate), (2) an adequate amount of vitamin E (50 mg/kg), or (3) high vitamin E content (450 mg/kg). After 4 weeks on the diet, fish were exposed to either 2 or 24 h of intense white noise (142 dB re: 1 microPa, bandwidth 0.3-4.0 kHz). Auditory thresholds were measured, using the auditory brainstem response (ABR) technique, within 0.5 days following noise exposure or within a recovery period of 1.5 days. Additionally, liver samples were analyzed for vitamin E content. Increased vitamin E supplementation was dose-dependently associated with a reduction in statistically significant threshold shifts after noise exposure and an enhancement of recovery (i.e., more complete recovery over a shorter period) for fish exposed to either 2 or 24 h of noise. The results obtained suggest that dietary vitamin E affords protection against noise exposure in a cyprinid fish.  相似文献   

This study describes the use of a 15 000 gene microarray developed for the toxicological model species, Pimephales promelas , in investigating the impact of acute and chronic methylmercury exposures in male gonad and liver tissues. The results show significant differences in the individual genes that were differentially expressed in response to each treatment. In liver, a total of 650 genes exhibited significantly ( P < 0·05) altered expression with greater than two-fold differences from the controls in response to acute exposure and a total of 267 genes were differentially expressed in response to chronic exposure. A majority of these genes were downregulated rather than upregulated. Fewer genes were altered in gonad than in liver at both timepoints. A total of 212 genes were differentially expressed in response to acute exposure and 155 genes were altered in response to chronic exposure. Despite the differences in individual genes expressed across treatments, the functional categories that altered genes were associated with showed some similarities. Of interest in light of other studies involving the effects of methylmercury on fish, several genes associated with apoptosis were upregulated in response to both acute and chronic exposures. Induction of apoptosis has been associated with effects on reproduction seen in the previous studies. This study demonstrates the utility of microarray analysis for investigations of the physiological effects of toxicants as well as the time-course of effects that may take place. In addition, it is the first publication to demonstrate the use of this new 15 000 gene microarray for fish biology and toxicology.  相似文献   

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