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A new species, Dorcopsinema mbaiso, from Dendrolagus mbaiso from Irian Jaya, Indonesia is described. It is most similar to D. dendrolagi, the other species of Dorcopsinema occurring in tree-kangaroos, but can be distinguished from it in having a distinct fleshy collar surrounding the buccal capsule, deirids close to the collar, shorter spicules (1,055 µm versus 1,420 in D. dendrolagi), the dorsal lobe of the bursa longer than the lateral lobe rather than the same length as in D. dendrolagi, and the dorsal ray with vestigial lateral branches versus longer lateral branches in D. dendrolagi. It can be distinguished from D. dorcopsinema occurring in Dorcopsis muelleri in having six, not eight perioral cuticular elements, deirids close to the collar (115 µm versus 790 in D. dorcopsis), the dorsal ray with very short lateral branches rather than one third the length of the dorsal ray as in D. dorcopsis, and shorter spicules (1,055 µm versus 2,150 in D. dorcopsis). New host records for D. dendrolagi are Dendrolagus scottae and D. inustus, new localities are Tembagapura in Irian Jaya, Indonesia and the West Sepik region of Papua New Guinea. A key to the species of Dorcopsinema is given.  相似文献   

Rugonema labiatum n. g., n. sp. is described from the stomach of Macropus irma (Jourdan) from Western Australia. The new genus possesses four branches to the dorsal ray, has a cylindrical buccal capsule and lacks a cervical groove, placing it within the subfamily Cloacininae Stossich, 1899. The presence of a prominently striated buccal capsule and labial as well as cephalic collars places the genus within the tribe Pharyngostrongylinea Popova, 1952, but it is distinguished from all existing genera within the tribe by the possession of four lips. The presence of lips is an important characteristic of the related tribe Zoniolaiminea (Popova, 1952) and the characters used in distinguishing these two tribes are discussed.  相似文献   

Corollonema thylogale n. g., n. sp. is described from the stomachs of Thylogale thetis and T. stigmatica from south-eastern Queensland. The new genus is characterised by four branches to the dorsal ray, a J-shaped ovejector, a cylindrical buccal capsule reduced to a posterior, thickened annulus and a leaf-crown of eight elements originating from the base of the buccal capsule. On the basis of these features, the new genus is placed in the subfamily Cloacininae Stossich, 1899 and the tribe Coronostrongylinea Beveridge, 1986. The presence of an internal leaf crown is unique within the tribe and the new genus is erected on this basis.  相似文献   

A new oxyurid nematode Syphacia (Syphacia) longaecauda n. sp. is described from the caecum and colon of the hydromyine rodents Melomys monktoni (type host) and M. rubex from Papua New Guinea and Irian Jaya, Indonesia. Syphacia longaecauda has an oval, laterally extended, relatively large cephalic plateau and can be distinguished from other species of Syphacia with similar characters by, amongst other features, tail length. The significance of the distribution of S. longaecauda, apparently restricted to New Guinea, is discussed.  相似文献   

Durettechina beveridgei n. g., n. sp. (Nematoda: Seuratidae) is described from Antechinus flavipes (Dasyuridae) from Victoria and New South Wales. A single female from A. bellus from the Northern Territory may also be D. beveridgei. This new genus is compared with other genera of the Echinonematinae, to which it has been assigned. The genus has a unique body armature and most closely resembles Chabaudechina, in the armature of the cephalic bulb, but has four rather than five rows of hooks, and Linstowinema, in having body hooks on the cuticle of the anterior region, but has 18–22 hooks in each row rather than 14–16. The hooks of Durettechina are also smaller and have a less complex root morphology than those of Linstowinema. Durettechina resembles Seurechina and Chabaudechina in having caudal alae into which papillae extend, but differs from both these genera in the number and arrangement of the caudal papillae, as well as in the body armature. Durettechina, is most different from Bainechina, which has neither hooks on a cephalic bulb nor body hooks on the anterior region nor caudal alae.  相似文献   

Summary Cassunema exigua n.g., n.sp., Monilonema lacunosa n.g., n.sp. and Foliostoma macropodis n.g., n.sp. are described from the stomach of the redlegged pademelon, Thylogale stigmatica Gould, 1860 (Marsupialia: Macropodidae), from north Queensland, Australia. All three genera belong to the subfamily Cloacininae Stossich, 1899 and to the tribe Macropostrongylinea Lichtenfels, 1980. The genus Cassunema is characterized by a poorly sclerotized buccal capsule with longitudinal ridges formed by the lining of the anterior part of the capsule. The genus Monilonema is characterized by a leaf-crown like flange at the mouth opening, a bulbous cervical collar, and paired dorsal and ventral tubular structures running internally and posteriorly from the collar. The genus Foliostoma is characterized by a leaf crown of tiny elements at the mouth opening, and oesophagus with short narrow anterior part, wide posterior part, bulb narrower than corpus and a heavily sclerotized ring between buccal capsule and oesophagus. A revised definition of the tribe Macropostrongylinea is given together with a key to the genera. ac]19810101  相似文献   

Neorhabditostomum yeni n. g., sp. is described from the intestine of the barking deer, Muntiacus muntjak, from Simatuoh, Sapulot, Sabah, Malaysia. It is distinguished from the nearest genera, namely Bourgelatoides and Rhabditostomum, in the subfamily Oesophagostominae by the presence of an elongate, unsegmented, oesophageal funnel, a single leaf crown, the separation of the oral collar by a wide groove from the cephalic vesicle, the position of the cervical papillae, the absence of filaments on the spicules and the absence of an evagination of the vulva. The significance of the arrangement of the cephalic papillae within the Stronglyloidea is discussed. ac]19860428  相似文献   

A new mange mite species, Macropodicoptes mironovi n. g., n. sp. (Acariformes: Sarcoptidae), is described from Wallabia bicolor (Desmarest) (Diprotodontia: Macropodidae) from the Taronga Western Plains Zoo at Dubbo, NSW, Australia. This is the fourth species and third genus allocated to the sarcoptid subfamily Diabolicoptinae, whose representatives exclusively parasitise marsupials. The new genus differs from Diabolicoptes Fain & Domrow, 1974, in both sexes, by the proportions of the gnathosoma, the shape of many hysterosomal setae and the absence of setae e1, pRII-II, sRIII and solenidion ω3I; and, in males, by the lack of fusion of coxal apodemes I.  相似文献   

An electrophoretic comparison of the nematodes Rugopharynx longibursaris and R. omega, both from Macropus rufogriseus in south-eastern Australia, revealed fixed genetic differences at 4.5% of the 23 enzyme loci examined. The electrophoretic data do not therefore reject the null hypothesis that the two taxa are conspecific. R. longibursaris was found in Tasmania and in the western mainland population of M. rufogriseus, while R. omega occurred only in the eastern mainland population. Implications for the taxonomic status of the western host population are considered. Specimens formerly assigned to R. omega, from Thylogale stigmatica from Queensland, were found to differ at 45.0% of enzyme loci from specimens from M. rufogriseus. Morphological examination revealed differences in the shape of the buccal capsule, the position of the deirid, the morphology of the spicule tip and the presence of a gubernaculum. A new species, R. sigma, is erected for specimens from T. stigmatica, T. thetis and T. calabyi.  相似文献   

Two atractid nematodes are reported from the large intestine of freshwater turtles of the genus Podocnemis in Colombia. Paratractis hystrix (Diesing, 1851) is redescribed in detail using the scanning electron microscope and is reported from P. expansa, P. vogli and P. unifillis, the last being a new host. Buckleyatractis marinkelli n. g., n. sp. from P. unifillis is characterized by the nature and arrangement of the spines on the body, particularly the dorsal crest restricted to the cervical region and formed of three longitudinal rows of large spines.  相似文献   

Strzeleckia major n. g., n. sp. and S. minor n. sp. are described from the dusky antechinus Antechinus swainsonii (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae) from the Kosciusko National Park in southern New South Wales, Australia. The two species were found together in the same individual host animals but occupy different sites in the intestine. The new genus is placed within the Hasstilesiidae, where it differs from the only other genus, Hasstilesia, by being more elongate and in having larger suckers, tandem testes, the ovary between rather than opposite the testes, and in having the caeca not reaching the posterior end of the body. It is suggested that the life-cycles of these species are similar to those of other hasstilesiids. Pupillid snails may act as sole intermediate hosts.  相似文献   

An electrophoretic study was conducted on Labiostrongylus (Labiomultiplex) uncinatus, nematodes that occur in the stomachs of two species of Australian macropodid, Macropus dorsalis and M. parryi. The allelic profiles of these nematodes were compared to those of a morphologically distinct species, L. (Lm.) billardierii, which infests Thylogale billardierii. Nematodes were genetically characterized at 17 enzymes encoding a presumptive 18 loci. The results revealed the existence of two species, one in M. dorsalis and the other in M. parryi, that had fixed genetic differences at 72% of loci. This level of fixed difference between these species is equivalent to that when each is compared to L. billardierii (87–89%). The new species in M. parryi, Labiostrongylus contiguus n. sp., is described herein. A morphological comparison with L. uncinatus revealed slight but consistent differences in the morphology of their anterior end; namely, rectangular rather than conical shaped lateral lips, small inconspicuous, not larger hook-shaped cephalic papillae, and convex rather than flat floor of the buccal capsule for L. (Lm.) contiguus as compared with L. (Lm.) uncinatus. Differentiation of L. contiguus from L. uncinatus is more clearly demonstrated by biochemical characters than morphological ones.  相似文献   

A new genus Sumatrella gen. n. is described and illustrated based on the new species Sumatrella chelonica sp. n. collected in Sumatra, Indonesia. The new genus belongs to the family Oplitidae based on its hypertrichous internal malae and the absence of strongly sclerotized structures on the dorsal shield. The new genus is closely related to the genus Chelonuropoda Sellnick, 1954 but the transverse furrow on ventral idiosoma close to coxae IV and the strongly sclerotized C-shaped dorsal line are missing in the new genus. These characters can be found in species of Chelonuropoda.  相似文献   

Summary Lobatodiscus australiensis n.g., n.sp. (family and subfamily uncertain) and Elseyatrema microacetabularis n.g., n.sp. (family Paramphistomidae, subfamily Dadaytrematinae?), from the intestine of the freshwater turtle Elseya dentata (Gray) in Queensland, Australia, are described. Lobatodiscus has a large lobed acetabulum, small oral diverticula which do not protrude out of the oral sucker, two pairs of lymph vessels and no oesophageal bulb. Elseyatrema has a small acetabulum, large protruding oral diverticula, an oesophageal bulb, juxtaposed testes, one pair of rudimentary lymph vessels and no cirrus-sac. ac]19830626  相似文献   

Progamotaenia capricorniensis sp. nov. (Cestoda: Anoplocephalidae) is described from the wallabies Macropus dorsalis (Gray, 1837) and Petrogale assimilis Ramsay, 1877 from Queensland, Australia. The new species is characterised by a fimbriated velum composed of 26-32 digitiform to triangular projections on each side of the proglottis, paired uteri and 140-190 testes distributed in a single band across the medulla. Minor variation occurs in the distribution of the testes. The above characters distinguish the new species from its most closely related congeners P. lagorchestis (Lewis, 1914), P. proterogyna (Fuhrmann, 1932), P. spearei Beveridge, 1980 and P. villosa (Lewis, 1914). P. capricorniensis appears to exhibit a highly disjunct distribution within its usual host, M. dorsalis.  相似文献   

The morphology and infraciliature of a new ciliate, Tunicothrix rostrata n. g., n. sp., isolated from the Yellow Sea, are investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation. Tunicothrix rostrata measures about 160 x 40 mum in vivo, and has a frontal beak-like protrusion, a conspicuous cortical alveolar layer, two right marginal rows, and usually three distinct midventral pairs. The discovery of T. rostrata enables us to reconsider the classification of Erniella wilberti, a curious ciliate with obscure midventral pairs. Both species are highly similar in overall appearance and nuclear and ciliary pattern. Thus, they are united in a new genus of the family Urostylidae, Tunicothrix, and E. wilberti is transferred to Tunicothrix: Tunicothrix wilbertiLin and Song, 2004 n. comb. By contrast, Erniella filiformis, type species of Erniella, has several ventral rows and does not belong to the urostylids. Tunicothrix rostrata is easily distinguished from T. wilberti by its beak-like anterior protrusion and by the distinctly elongated right marginal row 2, which curves anteriorly on the dorsal side of the cells. Tunicothrix is closely related to Parabirojimia, differing by the invariably two (vs. five-eight) right marginal rows and the conspicuous (vs. ordinary) alveolar layer, a unique feature in urostylid ciliates.  相似文献   

Two new species of Pseudohaploporinae, Pseudohaploporus pusitestis sp. n. and Parahaploporus elegantus n. g., sp. n., are described from intestines of the Vietnamese mullet fish Moolgarda seheli and Osteomugil cunnesius, respectively. Pseudohaploporus pusitestis sp. n. differs from two known Pseudohaploporus species, P. vietnamensis and P. planiliza, by the absence of a diverticulate hermaphroditic duct and muscular sphincters at the proximal end of the hermaphroditic sac. Metrically, P. pusitestis sp. n. is close to P. vietnamensis and differs from this species and from P. planilizum by lower maximum sizes of most parameters. Parahaploporus elegantus n. g., sp. differs from representatives of Pseudohaploporus by the presence of a single testis and the armament of hermaphroditic duct and is morphologically close to trematodes of the genus Haploporus. However, P. elegantus n. g differs from all known Haploporus species from mugilids of the Indo-West Pacific by the structure of the armament of the hermaphroditic duct and also by size of body, organs and eggs. The validity of designating two new species and a new genus of trematodes is supported by ITS and 28S rDNA sequence data. Phylogenetic reconstructions showed that the new trematodes belong to the Pseudohaploporinae, which formed a well-supported cluster within the monophyletic Haploporidae.  相似文献   

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