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Beta-Adrenergic receptors and epidermal growth factor receptors are both expressed on the cell surface of human astrocytoma cells. Incubation with a catecholamine or epidermal growth factor results in rapid internalization of the respective receptor. The internalized receptors co-migrate in light fractions on sucrose gradients. Astrocytoma cells maintain a constant ATP concentration by either glycolytic or mitochondrial ATP production. When cells are incubated in a medium depleted of substrates for glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, addition of inhibitors of mitochondrial ATP synthesis causes a rapid reduction in cellular ATP content. An immediate return to control ATP levels occurs upon addition of an appropriate nutrient, such as glucose. Decreasing the cellular ATP content to less than 10% of control markedly inhibits internalization of beta-adrenergic receptors and epidermal growth factor. The inhibition of endocytosis is reversed as soon as the intracellular ATP content is restored. Previous work by others (Clarke, B.L., and Weigel, P.H. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 128-133) suggested that ATP is not required for internalization (per se) of asialoglycoprotein in hepatocytes but was required for recycling of the asialoglycoprotein receptor. In contrast, our results indicate that in astrocytoma cells the process of internalization of epidermal growth factor and beta-adrenergic receptors, per se, is highly ATP dependent.  相似文献   

Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF), a small polypeptide which acts as a mitogen for many cell types, has previously been shown to bind to a specific plasma membrane receptor on 3T3 cells. If 125I-EGF is bound to 3T3 cells for one hour at 4°C, it remains predominantly associated with the plasma membrane-containing fractions obtained by subjecting cell supernatants to equilibrium sedimentation on sucrose gradients. When binding is followed by a 10-minute incubation at 37°C, over 50% of the 125I-EGF is associated with two internal membrane-containing peaks having higher densities than the plasma membrane. After one hour at 37°C, over 80% of the 125I-EGF is degraded and removed from the cells. The most rapidly labeled internal peak corresponds in density to brain-coated vesicles (CVs). Antiserum prepared against coated vehicles from brain precipitates the 125I-EGF in this peak. In addition, CVs containing 125I-EGF can be co-purified from 3T3 cells exposed to 125I-EGF, using brain as a carrier. Several lines of evidence suggest that the other 125I-EGF-labeled intracellular peak is 125I-EGF in lysosomes. These results provide kinetic and biochemical evidence for a unidirectional pathway for EGF catabolism by 3T3 cells. EGF first binds to the plasma membrane bound receptors, is then moved to the cytoplasm in CVs, and finally appears in lysosomes, where it is degraded and released from the cells. Ten-millimolar NH4Cl blocks lysosomal hydrolysis of EGF almost completely. Subsequently, EGF internalization is inhibited. This finding suggests that the pathway for EGF internalization and degradation is tightly coupled.  相似文献   

Rab11-FIP2 is a recently described member of the Rip11/Rab11-FIP/Rab coupling protein family of Rab11 interacting proteins. Rab11-FIP2 interacts with both Rab11 and myosin Vb and co-localizes with Rab11 in both HeLa and Madin-Darby canine kidney cells (Hales, C. M., Griner, R., Hobdy-Henderson, K. C., Dorn, M. C., Hardy, D., Kumar, R., Navarre, J., Chan, E. K., Lapierre, L. A., and Goldenring, J. R. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 39067-390751). Here, we characterized the specificity of the interaction between Rab11-FIP2 and Rab11 and report that it does not interact with Rab4, Rab3, Rab5, Rab6, or Rab7. We demonstrate that the COOH-terminal region of Rab11-FIP2, which contains the Rab11 binding domain (RBD), is necessary and sufficient for its early endosomal membrane association. In contrast, the amino-terminal region, which contains a phospholipid binding C2-domain, by itself was insufficient for membrane binding. Expression of a deletion mutant of Rab11-FIP2, containing the RBD, caused tubulation of a transferrin receptor-positive early endosomal compartment in HeLa cells. Endogenous Rab11 was also associated with this compartment. This phenotype cannot be reversed by excess wild-type Rab11, or dominant-positive Rab11 (Rab11Q70L), suggesting that Rab11-FIP2 functions downstream of Rab11 in endosomal trafficking.  相似文献   

Wei J  Fain S  Harrison C  Feig LA  Baleja JD 《Biochemistry》2006,45(22):6826-6834
The Rab11-family interacting protein (Rab11-FIP) group of effector proteins contain a highly conserved region in their C-termini that bind the GTPase, Rab11. Rab11 belongs to the largest family of small GTPases and is believed to regulate vesicle docking with target membranes and vesicle fusion. The amino acid sequence of the Rab11-FIP proteins predicts coiled-coil formation in the conserved C-terminal domain. In this study on Rab11-FIP2, we found experimental evidence for the coiled-coil and then defined the minimal structured core using limited proteolysis. We also showed that the Rab11-FIP2 coiled-coil domain forms a parallel homodimer in solution using cross-linking and mutagenesis and sedimentation equilibrium experiments. Various constructs representing the C-terminal domain of Rab11-FIP2 were characterized by circular dichroism, and their affinity with Rab11 was measured using isothermal titration calorimetry. The longest construct was both well-structured and bound Rab11. A construct truncated at the N-terminus was poorly structured but retained the same affinity for binding to Rab11. Conformational changes were also demonstrated upon complex formation between Rab11 and Rab11-FIP2. A construct truncated at the C-terminus, which was the minimal coiled-coil domain defined by limited proteolysis, did not retain the ability to interact with Rab11, although it was as well-structured as the longer peptide. These data show that coiled-coil formation and Rab11 binding are separable functions of the C-terminal domain of Rab11-FIP2. The dissection of Rab11 binding from the formation of defined structure in a coiled-coil provides a potential mechanism for regulating Rab11-dependent endosomal trafficking.  相似文献   

The Rab11 effector Rab11-family interacting protein 2 (Rab11-FIP2) regulates transcytosis through its interactions with Rab11a and myosin Vb. Previous studies implicated Rab11-FIP2 in the establishment of polarity in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells through phosphorylation of Ser-227 by MARK2. Here we examine the dynamic role of Rab11-FIP2 phosphorylation on MDCK cell polarity. Endogenous Rab11-FIP2 phosphorylated on Ser-227 coalesces on vesicular plaques during the reestablishment of polarity after either monolayer wounding or calcium switch. Whereas expression of the nonphosphorylatable Rab11-FIP2(S227A) elicits a loss in lumen formation in MDCK cell cysts grown in Matrigel, the putative pseudophosphorylated Rab11-FIP2(S227E) mutant induces the formation of cysts with multiple lumens. On permeable filters, Rab11-FIP2(S227E)-expressing cells exhibit alterations in the composition of both the adherens and tight junctions. At the adherens junction, p120 catenin and K-cadherin are retained, whereas the majority of the E-cadherin is lost. Although ZO-1 is retained at the tight junction, occludin is lost and the claudin composition is altered. Of interest, the effects of Rab11-FIP2 on cellular polarity did not involve myosin Vb or Rab11a. These results indicate that Ser-227 phosphorylation of Rab11-FIP2 regulates the composition of both adherens and tight junctions and is intimately involved in the regulation of polarity in epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Kim J  Ahn S  Guo R  Daaka Y 《Biochemistry》2003,42(10):2887-2894
The epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR) plays a central role in regulating cell proliferation, differentiation, and migration. Cellular responses to EGF are dependent upon the amount of EGFR present on the cell surface. Stimulation with EGF induces sequestration of the receptor from the plasma membrane and its subsequent downregulation. Recently, internalization of the EGFR was also shown to be required for mitogenic signaling via the activation of MAP kinases. Therefore, mechanisms regulating internalization of the EGFR represent an important facet for the control of cellular response. Here, we demonstrate that EGFR is removed from the cell surface not only following stimulation with EGF, but also in response to stimulation of G protein-coupled lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and beta2 adrenergic (beta2AR) receptors. Using a FLAG epitope-tagged EGFR to quantitate receptor internalization, we show that incubation with EGF, LPA, or isoproterenol (ISO) causes the time-dependent loss of cell surface EGFR. Internalization of EGFR by these ligands involves the tyrosine kinase activity of the receptor itself and c-Src, as well as the GTPase activity of dynamin. Unexpectedly, we find that internalization of the EGFR by EGF is dependent upon Gbetagamma and beta-arrestin proteins; expression of minigenes encoding the carboxyl terminii of the G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2, or beta-arrestin1, attenuates LPA-, ISO-, and EGF-mediated internalization of EGFR. Thus, G protein-coupled receptors can control the function of the EGFR by regulating its endocytosis.  相似文献   

Clathrin-mediated endocytosis is involved in the internalization, recycling, and degradation of cycling membrane receptors as well as in the biogenesis of synaptic vesicle proteins. While many constitutively internalized cargo proteins are recognized directly by the clathrin adaptor complex AP-2, stimulation-dependent endocytosis of membrane proteins is often facilitated by specialized sorting adaptors. Although clathrin-mediated endocytosis appears to be a major pathway for presynaptic vesicle cycling, no sorting adaptor dedicated to synaptic vesicle membrane protein endocytosis has been indentified in mammals. Here, we show that stonin 2, a mammalian ortholog of Drosophila stoned B, facilitates clathrin/AP-2-dependent internalization of synaptotagmin and targets it to a recycling vesicle pool in living neurons. The ability of stonin 2 to facilitate endocytosis of synaptotagmin is dependent on its association with AP-2, an intact mu-homology domain, and functional AP-2 heterotetramers. Our data identify stonin 2 as an AP-2-dependent endocytic sorting adaptor for synaptotagmin internalization and recycling.  相似文献   

A large body of knowledge relating to the constitution of Rab GTPase/Rab effector complexes and their impact on both membrane domain organization and overall membrane trafficking has been built up in recent years. However in the context of the live cell there are still many questions that remain to be answered, such as where and when these complexes assemble and where they perform their primary function(s). We describe here the dynamic processes that take place in the final steps of the Rab11A dependent recycling pathway, in the context of the membrane platform constituted by Myosin Vb, Rab11A, and Rab11-FIP2. We first confirm that a series of previously reported observations obtained during the study of a number of trafficking cargoes also apply to langerin. Langerin is a cargo molecule that traffics through Rab11A-positive membrane domains of the endosomal recycling pathway. In order to explore the relative dynamics of this set of partners, we make extensive use of a combinatory approach of Live-FRET, fast FRAP video, fast confocal and TIRF microscopy modalities. Our data show that the Myosin Vb/Rab11A/Rab11-FIP2 platform is spatially involved in the regulation of langerin trafficking at two distinct sites within live cells, first at the sorting site in the endosomal recycling compartment (ERC) where transport vesicles are formed, and subsequently, in a strict time-defined order, at the very late stage of docking/tethering and fusion of these langerin recycling vesicles to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

A Role of myosin Vb and Rab11-FIP2 in the aquaporin-2 shuttle   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Arginine-vasopressin (AVP) regulates water reabsorption in renal collecting duct principal cells. Its binding to Gs-coupled vasopressin V2 receptors increases cyclic AMP (cAMP) and subsequently elicits the redistribution of the water channel aquaporin-2 (AQP2) from intracellular vesicles into the plasma membrane (AQP2 shuttle), thereby facilitating water reabsorption from primary urine. The AQP2 shuttle is a paradigm for cAMP-dependent exocytic processes. Using sections of rat kidney, the AQP2-expressing cell line CD8, and primary principal cells, we studied the role of the motor protein myosin Vb, its vesicular receptor Rab11, and the myosin Vb- and Rab11-binding protein Rab11-FIP2 in the AQP2 shuttle. Myosin Vb colocalized with AQP2 intracellularly in resting and at the plasma membrane in AVP-treated cells. Rab11 was found on AQP2-bearing vesicles. A dominant-negative myosin Vb tail construct and Rab11-FIP2 lacking the C2 domain (Rab11-FIP2-DeltaC2), which disrupt recycling, caused condensation of AQP2 in a Rab11-positive compartment and abolished the AQP2 shuttle. This effect was dependent on binding of myosin Vb tail and Rab11-FIP2-DeltaC2 to Rab11. In summary, we identified myosin Vb as a motor protein involved in AQP2 recycling and show that myosin Vb- and Rab11-FIP2-dependent recycling of AQP2 is an integral part of the AQP2 shuttle.  相似文献   

Mounting evidence has shown that the Rab11-FIP2 has critical roles in cancer cell growth. However, the clinical significance of Rab11-FIP2 in Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) remains to be fully elucidated. In this study, we investigated the expression of Rab11-FIP2 using immunohistochemistry in 150 patients with NSCLC. We found that its expression level in NSCLC was much lower than that in the corresponding adjacent normal tissues. The DNA methylation data revealed that Rab11-FIP2 were significantly hypermethylated in NSCLC. The methylation level in the gene body was negatively correlated with the expression level of Rab11-FIP2 in NSCLC. Furthermore, enforced expression of Rab11-FIP2 dramatically reduced cancer cell proliferation and tumorigenesis, indicating a tumor suppressor role of PGK1 in NSCLC progression. Mechanistic investigations showed that Rab11-FIP2 interacted with the glycolytic kinase PGK1 and promoted its ubiquitination in NSCLC cells, leading to inactivation of the oncogenic AKT/mTOR signaling pathway. Overall, our data indicate that reduced expression of Rab11-FIP2 by DNA hypermethylation plays an important role in NSCLC tumor growth.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF)-dependent transfer of radiolabeled phosphate from [gamma-32P]ATP to 160-kDa EGF receptor solubilized from human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cell surface membranes was stimulated up to 3-fold by addition of 3',5'-cAMP and purified cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Phosphorylation of EGF receptors was stimulated to the same extent when cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit was substituted for 3',5'-cAMP and cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Phosphoamino acid analysis revealed that the extent of phosphorylation of EGF receptor at tyrosine residues was the same regardless of whether cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit was present in or omitted from the system. Increased EGF receptor phosphorylation occurring in response to cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit was accounted for by phosphorylation at serine or threonine residues. In samples phosphorylated in the presence of cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit, phosphate was present in tyrosine, serine, and threonine in a ratio of 32:60:8. Two-dimensional mapping of radiolabeled phosphopeptides produced from EGF receptors by digestion with trypsin revealed the generation of one additional major phosphoserine-containing peptide when cAMP-dependent protein kinase was present with EGF in the EGF receptor kinase system. Degradation of 160-kDa EGF receptors to a 145-kDa form by purified Ca2+-activated neutral protease produced a 145-kDa fragment with phosphoserine content increased over that present initially in the 160-kDa precursor.  相似文献   

Endosymbiotic association of the Symbiodinium dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) with their cnidarian host cells involves an alteration in the development of the alga-enclosing phagosomes. To uncover its molecular basis, we previously investigated and established that the intracellular persistence of the zooxanthella-containing phagosomes involves specific alga-mediated interference with the expression of ApRab5 and ApRab7, two key endocytic regulatory Rab proteins, which results in the selective retention of the former on and exclusion of the later from the organelles. Here we examined the role of ApRab11, a cnidarian homologue of the key endocytic recycling regulator, Rab11, in the Aiptasia-Symbiodinium endosymbiosis. ApRab11 protein shared 88% overall sequence identity with human Rab11A and contained all Rab-specific signature motifs. Co-localization and mutagenesis studies showed that EGFP-tagged ApRab11 was predominantly associated with recycling endosomes and functioned in the recycling of internalized transferrin. In phagocytosis of latex beads, ApRab11 was quickly recruited to and later gradually removed from the developing phagosomes. Significantly, although ApRab11 immunoreactivity was rapidly detected on the phagosomes containing either newly internalized, heat-killed zooxanthellae, or resident zooxanthellae briefly treated with the photosynthesis inhibitor DCMU, it was rarely observed in the majority of phagosomes containing either newly internalized live, or healthy resident, zooxanthellae. It was concluded that through active exclusion of ApRab11 from the phagosomes in which they reside, zooxanthellae interfere with the normal recycling process required for efficient phagosome maturation, and thereby, secure their intracellular persistence, and consequently their endosymbiotic relationship with their cnidarian hosts.  相似文献   

Endocytic trafficking plays an important role in the regulation of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). To address if cellular kinases regulate EGFR internalization, we used anisomycin, a potent activator of kinase cascades in mammalian cells, especially the stress-activated mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase subtypes. Here, we report that activation of p38 MAP kinase by anisomycin is sufficient to induce internalization of EGFR. Anisomycin and EGF employ different mechanisms to promote EGFR endocytosis as anisomycin-induced internalization does not require tyrosine kinase activity or ubiquitination of the receptor. In addition, anisomycin treatment did not result in delivery and degradation of EGFR at lysosomes. Incubation with a specific inhibitor of p38, or depletion of endogenous p38 by small interfering RNAs, abolished anisomycin-induced internalization of EGFR while having no effect on transferrin endocytosis, indicating that the effect of p38 activation on EGFR endocytosis is specific. Interestingly, inhibition of p38 activation also abolished endocytosis of EGFR induced by UV radiation. Our results reveal a novel role for p38 in the regulation of EGFR endocytosis and suggest that stimulation of EGFR internalization by p38 might represent a general mechanism to prevent generation of proliferative or anti-apoptotic signals under stress conditions.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane recycling is an important process necessary for maintaining membrane composition. The motor protein myosin Vb regulates plasma membrane recycling through its association with Rab11a. Overexpression of the tail of myosin Vb disrupts trafficking out of plasma membrane recycling systems and leads to the accumulation of Rab11a in both polarized and non-polarized cells. We have investigated the association of Rab11 family interacting protein 2 (Rab11-FIP2) with myosin Vb as an adapter protein between Rab11a and myosin Vb. Immunofluorescence studies indicated a colocalization of endogenous Rab11-FIP2 with green fluorescent protein-myosin Vb tail overexpressed in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. Yeast two hybrid assays showed that amino acids 129-356 of Rab11-FIP2 were important for binding to myosin Vb tail. In vitro association assays and co-transfection experiments in both MDCK and HeLa cells confirmed this result but further refined the binding site to amino acids 129-290 of Rab11-FIP2. Like myosin Vb, functional studies indicated that Rab11-FIP2 is also important for normal plasma membrane recycling. Green fluorescent protein-Rab11-FIP2 (129-512), which lacks its amino-terminal C2 domain, functioned as a dominant negative acting truncation that caused accumulation of Rab11a and disrupted IgA trafficking in MDCK cells and transferrin trafficking in HeLa cells. The ternary association of myosin Vb and Rab11-FIP2 with Rab11a suggests that a multimeric protein complex is involved in vesicle trafficking through plasma membrane recycling systems.  相似文献   

In previous experiments the surface expression of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors in freshly isolated rat hepatocytes varied temperature- and time-dependently and was depleted by monensin and cycloheximide in a way suggesting that a subpopulation of these receptors are subject to constitutive cycling (Gladhaug and Christoffersen; 1988). We here report the finding that pretreatment of the hepatocytes with amiloride exerts marked effects on cellular EGF receptor movements. After 2 h incubation with 1 mM amiloride, the receptor level was approximately 270,000 sites/cell surface vs. 140,000 in the untreated cell, with no change in receptor affinity. Amiloride thus stabilized the surface EGF receptor pool at an elevated level. In cells pretreated with amiloride for 60 min, the relative endocytosis decreased from about 2.6 EGF molecules internalized per receptor during 15 min endocytosis in untreated cells to about 1.5 molecules/receptor in amiloride-treated cells. These results suggest that amiloride causes an accumulation of EGF receptors at the hepatocyte surface due to inhibition of constitutive receptor internalization. In addition, it was found that in amiloride-treated hepatocytes the phorbol ester TPA strongly inhibited high-affinity EGF binding without affecting the total surface receptor number. In control cells, TPA did not consistently affect binding. Pretreatment with amiloride prevented surface EGF receptor depletion induced by cycloheximide and puromycin, but it did not significantly inhibit surface receptor depletion caused by monensin. Although the underlying mechanism of the amiloride effect on intracellular receptor trafficking is not clear, the results provide further evidence for a continuous, ligand-independent EGF receptor cycling pathway in hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Agonist-stimulated internalization followed by recycling to the cell membrane play an important role in fine-tuning the activity of chemokine receptors. Because the recycling of chemokine receptors is critical for the reestablishment of the cellular responsiveness to ligand, it is crucial to understand the mechanisms underlying the receptor recycling and resensitization. In the present study, we have demonstrated that the chemokine receptor CXCR2 associated with myosin Vb and Rab11-family interacting protein 2 (FIP2) in a ligand-dependent manner. Truncation of the C-terminal domain of the receptor did not affect the association, suggesting that the interactions occur upstream of the C terminus of CXCR2. After ligand stimulation, the internalized CXCR2 colocalized with myosin Vb and Rab11-FIP2 in Rab11a-positive vesicles. The colocalization lasted for approximately 2 h, and little colocalization was observed after 4 h of ligand stimulation. CXCR2 also colocalized with myosin Vb tail or Rab11-FIP2 (129-512), the N-terminal-truncated mutants of myosin Vb and Rab11-FIP2, respectively, but in a highly condensed manner. Expression of the enhanced green fluorescent protein-tagged myosin Vb tail significantly retarded the recycling and resensitization of CXCR2. CXCR2 recycling was also reduced by the expression Rab11-FIP2 (129-512). Moreover, expression of the myosin Vb tail reduced CXCR2- and CXCR4-mediated chemotaxis. These data indicate that Rab11-FIP2 and myosin Vb regulate CXCR2 recycling and receptor-mediated chemotaxis and that passage of internalized CXCR2 through Rab11a-positive recycling system is critical for physiological response to a chemokine.  相似文献   

The Grb2 adaptor protein is best known for its role in signaling to the small GTPase p21(ras), mediated through its interaction with the SOS guanine nucleotide exchange factor. Here, we demonstrate that Grb2 also signals to Rab5, a small GTPase that plays a key role in early endocytic trafficking. Grb2 functions through association with RN-tre, a GTPase-activating protein for Rab5. Grb2 and RN-tre associate both in vitro and in vivo, with interaction mediated by both SH3 domains of Grb2 and extended proline-rich sequences in RN-tre. Association between Grb2 and RN-tre is constitutive and occurs independently of Eps8, a previously identified binding partner of RN-tre. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) stimulates recruitment of RN-tre to the EGF receptor (EGFR) in a Grb2-dependent manner. Grb2 and the EGFR are internalized and co-localized in endocytic vesicles in response to EGF. Overexpression of RN-tre blocks the internalization of both proteins, consistent with its function as a negative regulator of Rab5 and endocytosis. Strikingly, RN-tre does not block EGF-induced internalization of a Grb2 mutant deficient in RN-tre binding. These results 1) suggest that the ability of RN-tre to inhibit internalization of the EGFR requires Grb2-mediated binding to the receptor and 2) identify Grb2 as a critical regulator of Rab5 and EGFR endocytosis.  相似文献   

It was previously demonstrated that freshly isolated rat hepatocytes can internalize severalfold more epidermal growth factor (EGF) molecules than the number of surface EGF receptors, suggesting extensive reutilization of receptors during endocytosis (Gladhaug, I. P. & Christoffersen, T. (1987) Eur. J. Biochem. 164, 267-275). The present report attempts to explore the pathways involved in the externalization of EGF receptors. Incubation of hepatocytes at 37 degrees C in the absence of ligand increased the surface receptor pool by 50-100% within 45 min. Pretreatment with monensin inhibited the turnover of the surface EGF receptor pool by 50-60% within 10 min and blocked the temperature-dependent externalization of receptors. Cycloheximide caused a slower attenuation of the surface receptor pool, whereas tunicamycin and chloroquine did not significantly affect the exchange of receptor pools. Monensin reduced the surface receptor pool and the endocytic uptake in corresponding proportions, without affecting the internalization of prebound EGF. Endocytic uptake was unaffected by chloroquine and slightly reduced by cycloheximide. The internalization of unoccupied receptors and the endocytosis of prebound EGF followed similar kinetics (t1/2 approximately 5 min), suggesting that unoccupied receptors are internalized at a rate comparable to that of occupied receptors. The results suggest that there is a rapid turnover of the surface pool of EGF receptors with constitutive internalization of unoccupied surface receptors and externalization of internal receptors. This is consistent with, but does not prove, a true recycling of the EGF receptors in the hepatocytes. The monensin-sensitive externalization pathway determines the capacity for continued endocytosis of EGF.  相似文献   

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