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An annotated checklist comprised of 458 taxa of orchids known from Nepal is provided, including 104 genera, 437 species, 16 varieties, 3 subspecies and 2 forma and 18 endemic species. In Nepal, orchid species are distributed from 60–5200 m a.s.l. In the checklist, notes on altitudinal ranges, habit, habitat, global distribution, phenology, etc. are presented.  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of the four traditional genera (Paphiopedilum, Selenipedium, Cypripedium, Phragmipedium) comprising the cypripedioid orchids indicates that the monads are sulcate, more or less smooth-surfaced, and covered by a non-acetolysis resistant layer called elastoviscin. Evidence from ultrathin sections of pollen grains shows that typical exine layers are present only inSelenipedium, modified inPhragmipedium and absent inPaphiopedilum and most species ofCypripedium; that a small, inconspicuous portion of the grain surface is constructed as a sulcus; and that the pollen grain wall acts as a sponge in rapidly absorbing water. Several instances of parallelisms between non-related families and among different groups of orchids are reported and new ideas on the evolution of theCypripedioideae are presented.Dedicated to Prof. DrE. Tschermak-Woess on the occasion of her 70th birthday.Reprint requests toM. Hesse.  相似文献   

兰科植物欺骗性传粉   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
植物与传粉动物的互利关系在生态系统中非常普遍。然而,有许多植物不为传粉者提供任何报酬,而是利用各种欺骗方式诱骗昆虫拜访,从而实现传粉,即欺骗性传粉。兰科是被子植物大科之一,其高度特化的繁殖器官和适应于昆虫传粉的精巧结构令人称奇。进化论创始人达尔文描述了许多兰花与昆虫精巧的传粉系统,但他忽视了欺骗性传粉的存在。事实上,近1/3的兰科植物都依赖于欺骗性传粉。欺骗性传粉可能是导致兰科植物多样性的重要原因之一。兰花利用或操作昆虫觅食、交配、产卵和栖息等行为,演化出各种各样的欺骗性传粉机制,常见的类型包括泛化的食源性欺骗、Batesian拟态、性欺骗、产卵地拟态和栖息地拟态。花的颜色、形态和气味在欺骗性传粉的成功实现中起到了重要作用。欺骗性兰花与传粉昆虫之间的演化可能是不同步的,兰花追踪昆虫的行为信号而发生分化,然而欺骗性传粉可能对昆虫造成一定的伤害,从而对昆虫也施加选择压力。由于昆虫的学习行为,欺骗性的兰花一般具有低的昆虫拜访率和结实率,其繁殖成功率受各种因素的影响。欺骗性加剧了兰花对传粉昆虫的依赖,使其具有更高的灭绝风险,传粉生物学的研究能为兰科植物的有效保护提供指导。在欺骗性传粉系统中,有报酬的伴生植物、拟态模型和其他拟态信号提供者对传粉成功有重要影响。因此,研究欺骗性传粉兰花、传粉昆虫和相关的生物和生态因子的网状进化关系具有重要理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

The Orchidaceae is a diverse and wide spread family of flowering plants that are of great value in ornamental, medical, conservation, and evolutionary research. The broad diversity in morphology, growth form, life history, and habitat mean that the members of Orchidaceae exhibit various physiological properties. Epiphytic orchids are often characterized by succulent leaves with thick cell walls, cuticles, and sunken stomata, whereas terrestrial orchids possess rhizomes, corms, or tubers. Most orchids have a long juvenile period, slow growth rate, and low photosynthetic capacity. This reduced photosynthetic potential can be largely explained by CO2 diffusional conductance and leaf internal structure. The amount of light required for plant survival depends upon nutritional mode, growth form, and habitat. Most orchids can adapt to their light environments through morphological and physiological adjustments but are sensitive to sudden changes in irradiance. Orchids that originate from warm regions are susceptible to chilling temperatures, whereas alpine members are vulnerable to high temperatures. For epiphytic orchids, rapid water uptake by the velamen radicum, water storage in their pseudobulbs and leaves, slow water loss, and Crassulacean Acid Metabolism contribute to plant-water balance and tolerance to drought stress. The presence of the velamen radicum and mycorrhizal fungi may compensate for the lack of root hairs, helping with quick absorbance of nutrients from the atmosphere. Under cultivation conditions, the form and concentration of nitrogen affect orchid growth and flowering. However, the limitations of nitrogen and phosphorous on epiphytic orchids in the wild, which require these plants to depend on mycorrhizal fungi for nutrients throughout the entire life cycle, are not clearly understood. Because they lack endosperm, seed germination depends upon obtaining nutrients via mycorrhizal fungi. Adult plants of some autotrophic orchids also gain carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and other elements from their mycorrhizal partners. Future studies should examine the mechanisms that determine slow growth and flower induction, the physiological causes of variations in flowering behavior and floral lifespan, the effects of nutrients and atmospheric-nitrogen deposition, and practical applications of mycorrhizal fungi in orchid cultivation.  相似文献   

Preliminary checklist of the orchids of Chile   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article provides a preliminary checklist of the orchids occurring in Chile, based on historical and recently published literature. Data compilation was assisted by using databases available on the Web (IPNI, W3Tropicos and KR). The list comprises seven genera ( Aa , Bipinnula , Brachystele , Chloraea , Codonorchis , Gavilea and Habenaria ) and 50 taxa (49 species and one variety), 25 of which are believed to be endemic to Chile. It includes the publication of a new combination, Gavilea feuilleana comb. nov.   © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 143 , 449−451.  相似文献   

腐生型兰科植物研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙悦  李标  郭顺星 《广西植物》2017,37(2):191-203
腐生型兰科植物又称完全菌根异养型兰(Fully Mycoheterotrophic Orchids),无绿叶,不含叶绿素,不能进行光合作用制造有机物,完全依靠与其共生的真菌提供营养。近年来,腐生兰独特的生活方式引起了生物学家对其生理生态及进化问题的广泛关注,但目前仍缺乏系统深入的研究。为此,作者通过整理《中国植物志》和近年来报道的相关文献,发现分布在中国的腐生型兰科植物约有23属81种,主要集中在天麻属(Gastrodia)(24种)、鸟巢兰属(Neottia)(8种)、无叶兰属(Aphyllorchis)(6种)、山珊瑚属(Galeola)(5种)等。由于腐生兰特殊的营养需求,相比于其他营养类型的兰科植物,其菌根真菌有较大区别。腐生兰的菌根真菌主要有两大类,即外生菌根真菌(Ectomycorrhizal fungi,ECM)和非丝核菌类的腐生菌(Non-rhizoctonia SAP fungi)。该文还综述了腐生兰与其菌根真菌的专一性、营养来源以及系统进化等问题,提出了目前研究存在的问题,并对今后的研究工作进行了展望,以期为腐生兰的资源保护及再生研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Fluorescence microscopy is a preferred technique for discriminating between heterotrophic and photoautotrophic microorganisms in plankton studies. An improved technique is described which employs sample concentration by filtration onto Nuclepore filters followed by transfer to a glycerine jelly preparation for identification of phytoplankton by autofluorescence of photosynthetic pigments and examination of all microorganisms by phase-contrast microscopy. The method is rapid, and has been used routinely at sea to provide semipermanent preparations of pico-and nanoplankton including naked flagellates for subsequent enumeration onshore.  相似文献   

This review deals with the forest vegetation of the Himalaya with emphasis on: paleoecological, phytogeographical, and phytosociological aspects of vegetation; structural and functional features of forest ecosystem; and relationship between man and forests. The Himalayan mountains are the youngest, and among the most unstable. The rainfall pattern is determined by the summer monsoon which deposits a considerable amount of rain (often above 2500 mm annually) on the outer ranges. The amount of annual rainfall decreases from east to west, but the contribution of the winter season to the total precipitation increases. Mountains of these dimensions separate the monsoon climate of south Asia from the cold and dry climate of central Asia. In general, a rise of 270 m in elevation corresponds to a fall of 1°C in the mean annual temperature up to 1500 m, above which the fall is relatively rapid. Large scale surface removals and cyclic climatic changes influenced the course of vegetational changes through geological time. The Himalayan ranges, which started developing in the beginning of the Cenozoic, earlier supported tropical wet evergreen forests throughout the entire area (presently confined to the eastern part). The Miocene orogeny caused drastic changes in the vegetation, so much so that the existing flora was almost entirely replaced by the modern flora. Almost all the dominant forest species of the Pleistocene continue to maintain their dominant status to the present. Presently the Himalayan ranges encompass Austro-Polynesian, Malayo-Burman, Sino-Tibetan, Euro-Mediterranean, and African elements. While the Euro-Mediterranean affinities are well represented in the western Himalayan region (west of 77°E long.), the Chinese and Malesian affinities are evident in the eastern region (east of 84°E long.). However, the proportion of endemic taxa is substantial in the entire region. A representation of formation types in relation to climatic factors, viz., rainfall and temperature, indicates that boundaries between the types are not sharp. Formation types often integrate continuously, showing broad overlaps. Climate does not entirely determine the formation type, and the influence of soil, fire, etc., is also substantial. The ombrophilous broad leaf forests located in the submontane belt (< 1000 m) of the eastern region are comparable to the typical tropical rain forests. On the other extreme, communities above 3000 m elevation are similar to sub-alpine and alpine types. From favorable to less favorable environments, as observed with decreasing moisture from east to west, or with decreasing temperature from low to high elevations, the forests become increasingly open, shortstatured and simpler, with little vertical stratification. Ordination of forest stands distributed within 300–2500 m elevations of the central Himalaya, by and large indicates a continuity of communities, with scattered centers of species importance values in the ordination field. Within the above elevational transect, sal (Shorea robusta) and oak (Quercus spp.) forests may be designated as the climax communities, respectively, of warmer and cooler climates. The flora of a part of the central Himalayan region is categorized as therohemigeophytic and that of a part of the western Himalayan region as geochamaephytic. An analysis of population structure over large areas in the central Himalaya, based on density-diameter distribution of trees, suggests that oldgrowth forests are being replaced by even-aged successional forests, dominated by a few species, such asPinus roxburghii. Paucity of seedlings of climax species, namelyShorea robusta andQuercus spp. over large areas is evident. The Himalayan catchments are subsurface-flow systems and, therefore, are particularly susceptible to landslips and landslides. Loss of water and soil in terms of overflow is insignificant. Studies on recovery processes of forest ecosystems damaged due to shifting cultivation or landslides indicate that the ecosystems can recover quite rapidly, at least in elevations below 2500 m. For example, on a damaged forest site, seedlings of climax species (Quercus leucotrichophora) appeared only 21 years after the landslide. In the central Himalaya, the biomass of a majority of forests (163-787 t ha?1) falls within the range (200-600 t ha?1) given for many mature forests of the world, and the net primary productivity (found in the range of 11.0–27.4 t ha?1 yr?1) is comparable with the range of 20–30 t ha?1 yr?1 given for highly productive communities of favorable environments. In most of the forests of this region, the litter fall values (2.1-3.8 t C ha?1 yr?1) are higher than the mean reported for warm temperate forests (2.7 t C ha?1 yr?1). Of the total litter, the tree leaves account for 54–82% in the Himalayan forests. The rate of decomposition of leaves in some broadleaf species of submontane belt (0.253-0.274% day?1) are comparable with those reported for some tropical rain forest species. Because of the paucity of microorganisms and microarthropods in the forest litter and soil, high initial C:N ratio and high initial lignin content in leaves, the rate of leaf litter decomposition inPinus roxburghii is markedly slower than in other species of the central Himalaya. The fungal species composition of the leaf litterof Pinus roxburghii is also distinct from those of other species. A greater proportion of nutrients is accumulated in the biomass component of the Himalayan forests than in the temperate forests. Although litter fall is the major route through which nutrients return from biomass to the soil pool, a substantial proportion of the total return is in the form of throughfall and stemflow. Among the dominant species of the central Himalaya, retranslocation of nutrients from the senescing leaves was markedly greater inPinus roxburghii than inQuercus spp. andShorea robusta. Consequently, the C:N ratio of leaf litter is markedly higher inPinus roxburghii than in the other species. Immobilization of nutrients by the decomposers of the litter with high C:N ratio is one of the principal strategies through whichPinus roxburghii invades other forests and holds the site against possible reinvasion by oaks. Observations on the seasonality of various ecosystem functions suggest that Himalayan ecosystems are geared to take maximum advantages of the monsoon period (rainy season). Most of the human population depends on shifting-agriculture in the eastern region and on settled agriculture in the central and western regions. Either of these is essentially a forest-dependent cultivation. Each unit of agronomic energy produced in the settled agriculture entails about seven units of energy from forests. Consequently, forests with reasonable crown cover account for insignificant percentage of the land. Tea plantations and felling of trees for timber, paper pulp, etc., are some of the major commercial activities which adversely affected the Himalayan forests.  相似文献   


Flowering is the most elusive and fascinating of all plant developmental processes. The ability to induce flowering in vitro in orchids would reduce the relatively long juvenile phase and provide deeper insight into the physiological, genetic and molecular aspects of flowering. This review synthesizes all available studies that have been conducted on in vitro flowering of orchids with the objective of providing valuable clues as to the mechanism(s) that is possibly taking place.  相似文献   

This work is the first to report the isolation and identification of bacteria colonizing the roots of the tropical epiphytic orchids Acampe papillosa (Lindl.) Lindl. and Dendrobium moschatum (Buch.-Ham.) Swartz. and bacteria inhabiting inner layers of the aerial and substrate roots of A. papillosa. We showed by the example of this epiphyte that associative bacteria are present in large amounts on the aerial but not the substrate roots. We isolated and identified bacteria from the substrate roots of D. Moschatum and from its growth substrate (pine bark). The structure of the intercellular matrix of the associative bacteria was studied.Translated from Mikrobiologiya, Vol. 73, No. 6, 2004, pp. 825–831.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2004 by Tsavkelova, Cherdyntseva, Netrusov.  相似文献   

This work is the first to report the isolation and identification of bacteria colonizing the roots of tropical epiphytic orchids Acampe papillosa (Lindl.) Lindl. and Dendrobium moschatum (Buch.-Ham.) Swartz. and bacteria inhabiting inner layers of the aerial and substrate roots of A. papillosa. We showed by the example of this epiphyte that associative bacteria are present in large amounts on the aerial but not substrate roots. We isolated and identified bacteria from the substrate roots of D. moschatum and from its growth substrate (pine bark). The structure of the intercellular matrix of the associative bacteria was studied.  相似文献   

With increased focus on watershed protection under the Surface Water Treatment Rule, indicators that discriminate among sources of microbial inputs (microbial source tracking) are needed to supplement the quantitative information provided by total and fecal coliform measurements for drinking water monitoring. Bifidobacteria are found in the digestive tract and feces of humans and other animals, and also in sewage. Sorbitol is a food additive used exclusively in food intended for human consumption. Therefore, the presence of sorbitol-fermenting Bifidobacteria in environmental waters can be indicative of sources of human fecal contamination. A series of media were evaluated using ATCC cultures of B. breve and B. adolescentis, feces from different animals, and domestic wastewater samples. The media evaluated were Human Bifid Sorbitol agar (HBSA), modified Human Bifid Sorbitol agar, Beerens Medium, modified Beerens Medium, Reinforced Clostridial agar, BIM-25 Medium, and modified BIM-25 Medium. Variables such as sample preservation, incubation time, different pH indicators, plating technique, and discontinuous exposure to sorbitol were also evaluated. A series of biochemical tests were used to confirm positive colonies enumerated on the various media. Membrane filtration and enumeration of sodium sulfite preserved samples on HBSA containing bromocresol purple using loose lidded plates for 48 h provided the best recoveries for presumptive positive colonies. A number of sorbitol-fermenters that were not Bifidobacteria were able to grow on all media tested, resulting in false-positives. Therefore, plating on HBSA should be followed by a confirmation step when monitoring for sorbitol-fermenting Bifidobacteria in environmental waters. A year-long sampling survey of a managed reservoir in Massachusetts provided field validation of the proposed methodology for sorbitol-fermenting Bifidobacteria as a human-related source tracking indicator tool.  相似文献   

Two laboratory-prepared media (Ampicillin Dextrin Agar, ADA, and Xylose Ampicillin Agar, XAA) were compared with two commercially-available media (Ryan's Aeromonas Medium and Bile Salt-Irgasan-Brilliant Green Agar, BIBA) for the enumeration of Aeromonas spp. from drinking water. Ryan's medium and ADA were superior for both recovery of Aeromonas and selectivity, with 95+% of typical colonies from both media confirming as Aeromonas . Colony characteristics were more consistent on Ryan's medium.  相似文献   

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