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Membrane-perturbing agents that cause transformation of biconcave erythrocytes into echinocytes or stomatocytes were used to investigate the influence of erythrocyte shape on the rate of Ca2+-induced scrambling of phospholipids. Erythrocytes were treated with a variety of lipid-soluble compounds to induce these shape changes, followed by incubation with calcium and ionomycin to activate lipid scramblase. Prothrombinase activity of the cells was used to monitor the rate of surface exposure of phosphatidylserine, which is taken as a measure of scramblase activity. Echinocytes show an enhanced rate of scrambling, whereas stomatocytes show a reduced rate, relative to normocytes. This phenomenon appears to correlate with enhanced and diminished micro-exovesicle shedding from echinocytes and stomatocytes, respectively. It is concluded that the rate of calcium-induced phosphatidylserine exposure (rate of lipid scrambling) in erythrocytes depends for a considerable part on the cells' ability to form microvesicles.  相似文献   

The effect of incorporation of glycophorin, the major integral sialoglycoprotein of the erythrocyte membrane, into bovine brain phosphatidylserine (PS) vesicles on the Ca2+-induced fusion of these vesicles has been investigated. Fusion was monitored by the terbium-dipicolinic acid fluorescence assay for the mixing of aqueous contents of the vesicles and by a resonance energy transfer assay that follows the intermixing of membrane lipids. The Ca2+-induced fusion of PS vesicles is completely prevented by incorporation of glycophorin (molar ratio of PS/glycophorin = 400-500:1) for Ca2+ concentrations up to 50 mM. The ability to fuse is partially restored after treating the glycophorin-containing vesicles with neuraminidase, which removes the negatively charged sialic acid residues of glycophorin. Fusion is further facilitated by trypsin treatment, removing the entire extravesicular glycosylated head group of glycophorin. However, Ca2+-induced fusion of enzyme-treated glycophorin-PS vesicles proceeds at a slower rate and to a smaller extent than fusion of protein-free PS vesicles. The influence of the aggregation state of the glycophorin molecules on fusion has been investigated in experiments using wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). Addition of WGA to the glycophorin-PS vesicles does not induce fusion. However, upon subsequent addition of Ca2+, distinct fusion occurs concomitantly with release of vesicle contents. The inhibition of Ca2+-induced fusion of PS vesicles by incorporation of glycophorin is explained by a combination of steric hindrance and electrostatic repulsion between the vesicles by the glycosylated head group of glycophorin and a direct bilayer stabilization by the intramembranous hydrophobic part of the glycophorin molecule.  相似文献   

The effect of cholesterol on the Ca2+-induced aggregation and fusion of large unilamellar phosphatidylserine (PS) vesicles has been investigated. Mixing of aqueous vesicle contents was followed continuously with the Tb/dipicolinate assay, while the dissociation of pre-encapsulated Tb/dipicolinate complex was taken as a measure of the release of vesicle contents. Vesicles consisting of pure PS or PS/cholesterol mixtures at molar ratios of 4:1, 2:1 and 1:1 were employed at three different lipid concentrations, each at four different Ca2+ concentrations. The results could be well simulated in terms of a mass-action kinetic model, providing separately the rate constants of vesicle aggregation, c11, and of the fusion reaction itself, f11. In the analyses the possibility of deaggregation of aggregated vesicles was considered explicitly. Values of both c11 and f11 increase steeply with the Ca2+ concentration increasing from 2 to 5 mM. With increasing cholesterol content of the vesicles the value of c11 decreases, while the rate of the actual fusion reaction, f11, increases. Remarkably, the effect of cholesterol on both aggregation and fusion is quite moderate. The presence of cholesterol in the vesicle bilayer does not affect the leakage of vesicle contents during fusion.  相似文献   

Dicoumarol, a widely used anticoagulant, may cause anemia, which may result from enhanced erythrocyte loss due to bleeding or due to accelerated erythrocyte death. Erythrocytes may undergo suicidal death or eryptosis, characterized by cell shrinkage and phospholipid scrambling of the cell membrane. Eryptosis may be triggered by increase of cytosolic Ca(2+)-activity ([Ca(2+)](i)). The present study explored, whether dicoumarol induces eryptosis. [Ca(2+)](i) was estimated from Fluo3-fluorescence, cation channel activity utilizing whole cell patch clamp, cell volume from forward scatter, phospholipid scrambling from annexin-V-binding, and hemolysis from haemoglobin release. Exposure of erythrocytes for 48 hours to dicoumarol (=10 μM) significantly increased [Ca(2+)](i), enhanced cation channel activity, decreased forward scatter, triggered annexin-V-binding and elicited hemolysis. Following exposure to 30 μM dicoumarol, annexin-V-binding affected approximately 15%, and hemolysis 2% of treated erythrocytes. The stimulation of annexin-V-binding by dicoumarol was abrogated in the nominal absence of Ca(2+). In conclusion, dicoumarol stimulates suicidal death of erythrocytes by stimulating Ca(2+) entry and subsequent triggering of Ca(2+) dependent cell membrane scrambling.  相似文献   

Apoptotic cells redistribute phosphatidylserine (PS) to the cell surface by both Ca(2+)-dependent and -independent mechanisms. Binding of dimeric galectin-1 (dGal-1) to glycoconjugates on N-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe (fMLP)-activated neutrophils exposes PS and facilitates neutrophil phagocytosis by macrophages, yet it does not initiate apoptosis. We asked whether dGal-1 initiated Ca(2+) fluxes that are required to redistribute PS to the surface of activated neutrophils. Prolonged occupancy by dGal-1 was required to maximally mobilize PS to the surfaces of fMLP-activated neutrophils. Like fMLP, dGal-1 rapidly elevated cytosolic Ca(2+) levels in Fluo-4-loaded neutrophils. An initial Ca(2+) mobilization from intracellular stores was followed by movement of extracellular Ca(2+) to the cytosolic compartment, with return to basal Ca(2+) levels within 10 min. Chelation of extracellular Ca(2+) did not prevent PS mobilization. Chelation of intracellular Ca(2+) revealed that fMLP and dGal-1 independently release Ca(2+) from intracellular stores that cooperate to induce optimal redistribution of PS. Ca(2+) mobilization by ionomycin did not permit dGal-1 to mobilize PS, indicating that fMLP initiated both Ca(2+)-dependent and -independent signals that facilitated dGal-1-induced exposure of PS. dGal-1 elevated cytosolic Ca(2+) and mobilized PS through a pathway that required action of Src kinases and phospholipase Cgamma. These results demonstrate that transient Ca(2+) fluxes contribute to a sustained redistribution of PS on neutrophils activated with fMLP and dGal-1.  相似文献   

Ca2+-induced phase separation in phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylethanolamine/phosphatidylcholine model membranes was studied using spin-labeled phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine and compared with that in phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine model membranes studied previously. The phosphatidylethanolamine-containing membranes behaved in qualitatively the same way as did phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine model membranes. There were some quantitative differences between them. The degree of phase separation was higher in the phosphatidylethanolamine-containing membranes. For example, the degree of phase separation in phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylethanolamine membranes containing various mole fractions of phosphatidylserine was 94--100% at 23 degrees C and 84--88% at 40 degrees C, while the corresponding value for phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine membranes was 74--85% at 23 degrees C and 61--79% at 40 degrees C. Ca2+ concentration required for the phase separation was lower for phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylethanolamine than that for phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine membranes; concentration to cause a half-maximal phase separation was 1.4 . 10(-7) M for phosphatidylserine-phosphatidylethanolamine and 1.2 . 10(-6) M for phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine membranes. The phase diagram of phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylethanolamine membranes in the presence of Ca2+ was also qualitatively the same as that of phosphatidylserine/phosphatidylcholine except for the different phase transition temperatures of phosphatidylethanolamine (17 degrees C) and phosphatidylcholine (-15 degrees C). These differences were explained in terms of a greater tendency for phosphatidylethanolamine, compared to phosphatidylcholine, to form its own fluid phase separated from the Ca2+-chelated solid-phase phosphatidylserine domain.  相似文献   

In the presence of MgCl2 and ATP, the specific viscosity of suspensions of unsealed freezethawed erythrocyte membranes decreased slowly with time at 37 °C. The decrease in viscosity was found to be an index of Mg-ATP-specific induced folding of these membranes. Mg-ATP-dependent shape or viscosity changes were found to be highly temperature dependent and the viscosity of these membranes did not decrease in the presence of 2 mm 5′-adenyl imidodiphosphate and MgCl2. Cyclic AMP, NaCl, or KCl did not have any effect on the rate of Mg-ATP-induced viscosity decreases. The Mg-ATP-dependent viscosity decreases were inhibited 100% by 1 mm chlorpromazine or 1 mmN-ethylmaleimide. Mg-ATP-dependent viscosity decreases were half-maximally inhibited by 1 μm Ca2+ and completely inhibited by 3–5 μm Ca2+. Ca2+ (5 μm) also inhibited Mg2+-dependent phosphorylation 25 to 30% in these membranes. However, if these membranes were preincubated in the absence of Ca2+ for greater than 10 min at 37 °C, 5 μm Ca2+ no longer inhibited Mg-ATP-dependent viscosity decreases and only inhibited Mg2+-dependent phosphorylation 5% in these preincubated membranes. Preincubation of these membranes at 37 °C for 10 min in the absence of Ca2+ also resulted in the loss of approximately 40 to 50% of the high-Ca2+ affinity Ca + Mg-ATPase activity. The presence of 5 μm Ca2+ in the preincubation medium protected against the loss of the inhibitory effect of Ca2+ on Mg2+-dependent phosphorylation and Mg-ATP-dependent viscosity decreases. The presence of Ca2+ in the preincubation medium also protected against the loss of Ca + Mg-ATPase activity in these membranes. It is hypothesized that freeze-thawed erythrocyte membranes contain a Ca2+ phosphatase activity which is temperature labile in the absence of Ca2+ and that this Ca2+ phosphatase activity may be involved in the regulation of shape of these membranes. Also discussed is the possible relationship of this Ca2+ phosphatase with Ca + Mg-ATPase activity and the problems inherent in studying Ca2+-regulated functions in freeze-thawed erythrocyte membranes.  相似文献   

The effect of several monovalent cations on the Ca2+-induced aggregation and fusion of sonicated phosphatidylserine (PS) vesicles is studied by monitoring the mixing of internal compartments of the fusing vesicles using the Tb/dipicolinic acid assay. The dissociation of the fluorescent Tb-dipicolinate complex which accompanies Ca2+-induced vesicle fusion is determined directly and is due to leakage of contents and entry of medium into vesicles. PS vesicles do not fuse when the medium contains only monovalent cations (at pH 7.4), regardless of the cation concentration or whether there is aggregation of the vesicles. A mass-action kinetic analysis of the data provides estimates for the rate of aggregation, C11, and for the rate of fusion per se, f11. Values of f11 increase dramatically with reduction in monovalent cation concentration and are primarily determined by binding ratios of Ca2+ or Mg2+ per PS. With 300 mM of monovalent cations, the fusion per se is essentially rate-limiting to the overall fusion process and values of f11 are significantly larger with the monovalent cations which bind the least, i.e., according to the sequence tetramethylammonium greater than K+ greater than Na+ greater than Li+. With monovalent cations in concentrations of 100 mM or less, the aggregation is rate-limiting to the fusion and the overall initial fusion rates are determined by an interplay between aggregation and fusion rates. Under conditions of fast aggregation, the Ca2+-induced fusion of small PS vesicles can occur within milliseconds or less.  相似文献   

Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release (CICR) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) occurs in smooth muscle as spontaneous SR Ca(2+) release or Ca(2+) sparks and, in some spiking tissues, as Ca(2+) release that is triggered by the activation of sarcolemmal Ca(2+) channels. Both processes display spatial localization in that release occurs at a higher frequency at specific subcellular regions. We have used two-photon flash photolysis (TPFP) of caged Ca(2+) (DMNP-EDTA) in Fluo-4-loaded urinary bladder smooth muscle cells to determine the extent to which spatially localized increases in Ca(2+) activate SR release and to further understand the molecular and biophysical processes underlying CICR. TPFP resulted in localized Ca(2+) release in the form of Ca(2+) sparks and Ca(2+) waves that were distinguishable from increases in Ca(2+) associated with Ca(2+) uncaging, unequivocally demonstrating that Ca(2+) release occurs subsequent to a localized rise in [Ca(2+)](i). TPFP-triggered Ca(2+) release was not constrained to a few discharge regions but could be activated at all areas of the cell, with release usually occurring at or within several microns of the site of photolysis. As expected, the process of CICR was dominated by ryanodine receptor (RYR) activity, as ryanodine abolished individual Ca(2+) sparks and evoked release with different threshold and kinetics in FKBP12.6-null cells. However, TPFP CICR was not completely inhibited by ryanodine; Ca(2+) release with distinct kinetic features occurred with a higher TPFP threshold in the presence of ryanodine. This high threshold release was blocked by xestospongin C, and the pharmacological sensitivity and kinetics were consistent with CICR release at high local [Ca(2+)](i) through inositol trisphosphate (InsP(3)) receptors (InsP(3)Rs). We conclude that CICR activated by localized Ca(2+) release bears essential similarities to those observed by the activation of I(Ca) (i.e., major dependence on the type 2 RYR), that the release is not spatially constrained to a few specific subcellular regions, and that Ca(2+) release through InsP(3)R can occur at high local [Ca(2+)](i).  相似文献   

Ca2+-ATPase of human erythrocyte membranes, after being washed to remove Ca2+ after incubation with the ion, was found to be activated. Stimulation of the ATPase was related neither to fluidity change nor to cytoskeletal degradation of the membranes mediated by Ca2+. Activation of the transport enzyme was also unaffected by detergent treatment of the membrane, but was suppressed when leupeptin was included during incubation of the membranes with Ca2+. Stimulation of the ATPase by a membrane-associated Ca2+-dependent proteinase was thus suggested. Much less 138 kDa Ca2+-ATPase protein could be harvested from a Triton extract of membranes incubated with Ca2+ than without Ca2+. Activity of the activated enzyme could not be further elevated by exogenous calpain, even after treatment of the membranes with glycodeoxycholate. There was also an overlap in the effect of calmodulin and the Ca2+-mediated stimulation of membrane Ca2+-ATPase. While Km(ATP) of the stimulated ATPase remained unchanged, a significant drop in the free-Ca2+ concentration for half-maximal activation of the enzyme was observed.  相似文献   

Characterization of the putative Ca2+-gated Ca2+ channel of sarcoplasmic reticulum, which is thought to mediate Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release, was carried out in order to elucidate the mechanism of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release. Heavy and light fractions of fragmented sarcoplasmic reticulum isolated from rabbit skeletal muscle were loaded passively with Ca2+, and then passive Ca2+ efflux was measured under various conditions. The fast phase of the Ca2+ efflux depended on the extravesicular free Ca2+ concentration and was assigned to the Ca2+ efflux through the Ca2+-gated Ca2+ channel. Vesicles with the Ca2+-gated Ca2+ channels comprised about 85% of the heavy fraction and about 40% of the light fraction. The amount of Ca2+ loaded in FSR was found to be much larger than that estimated on the basis of vesicle inner volume and the equilibration of intravesicular with extravesicular Ca2+, indicating Ca2+ binding inside FSR. Taking this fact into account, the Ca2+ efflux curve was quantitatively analyzed and the dependence of the Ca2+ efflux rate constant on the extravesicular free Ca2+ concentration was determined. The Ca2+ efflux was maximal, with the rate constant of 0.75 s-1, when the extravesicular free Ca2+ was at 3 microM. Caffeine increased the affinity for Ca2+ of Ca2+-binding sites for opening the channel with only a slight change in the maximum rate of Ca2+ efflux. Mg2+ inhibited the Ca2+ binding to the sites for opening the channel while procaine seemed to inhibit the Ca2+ efflux by blocking the ionophore moiety of the channel.  相似文献   

Respiring rat liver mitochondria are known to spontaneously release the Ca2+ taken up when they have accumulated Ca2+ over a certain threshold, while Sr2+ and Mn2+ are well tolerated and retained. We have studied the interaction of Sr2+ with Ca2+ release. When Sr2+ was added to respiring mitochondria simultaneously with or soon after the addition of Ca2+, the release was potently inhibited or reversed. On the other hand, when Sr2+ was added before Ca2+, the release was stimulated. Ca2+-induced mitochondrial damage and release of accumulated Ca2+ is generally believed to be due to activation of mitochondrial phospholipase A (EC by Ca2+. However, isolated mitochondrial phospholipase A activity was little if at all inhibited by Sr2+. The Ca2+ -release may thus be triggered by some Ca2+ -dependent function other than phospholipase.  相似文献   

In cardiac mitochondria, matrix free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]m) is primarily regulated by Ca2+ uptake and release via the Ca2+ uniporter (CU) and Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCE) as well as by Ca2+ buffering. Although experimental and computational studies on the CU and NCE dynamics exist, it is not well understood how matrix Ca2+ buffering affects these dynamics under various Ca2+ uptake and release conditions, and whether this influences the stoichiometry of the NCE. To elucidate the role of matrix Ca2+ buffering on the uptake and release of Ca2+, we monitored Ca2+ dynamics in isolated mitochondria by measuring both the extra-matrix free [Ca2+] ([Ca2+]e) and [Ca2+]m. A detailed protocol was developed and freshly isolated mitochondria from guinea pig hearts were exposed to five different [CaCl2] followed by ruthenium red and six different [NaCl]. By using the fluorescent probe indo-1, [Ca2+]e and [Ca2+]m were spectrofluorometrically quantified, and the stoichiometry of the NCE was determined. In addition, we measured NADH, membrane potential, matrix volume and matrix pH to monitor Ca2+-induced changes in mitochondrial bioenergetics. Our [Ca2+]e and [Ca2+]m measurements demonstrate that Ca2+ uptake and release do not show reciprocal Ca2+ dynamics in the extra-matrix and matrix compartments. This salient finding is likely caused by a dynamic Ca2+ buffering system in the matrix compartment. The Na+- induced Ca2+ release demonstrates an electrogenic exchange via the NCE by excluding an electroneutral exchange. Mitochondrial bioenergetics were only transiently affected by Ca2+ uptake in the presence of large amounts of CaCl2, but not by Na+- induced Ca2+ release.  相似文献   

Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR) is a well characterized activity in skeletal and cardiac muscles mediated by the ryanodine receptors. The present study demonstrates CICR in the non-excitable parotid acinar cells, which resembles the mechanism described in cardiac myocytes. Partial depletion of internal Ca2+ stores leads to a minimal activation of Ca2+ influx. Ca2+ influx through this pathway results in an explosive mobilization of Ca2+ from the majority of the stores by CICR. Thus, stimulation of parotid acinar cells in Ca2+ -free medium with 0.5 microm carbachol releases approximately 5% of the Ca2+ mobilizable by 1 mm carbachol. Addition of external Ca2+ induced the same Ca2+ release observed in maximally stimulated cells. Similar results were obtained by a short treatment with 2.5-10 microm cyclopiazonic acid, an inhibitor of the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase pump. The Ca2+ release induced by the addition of external Ca2+ was largely independent of IP(3)Rs because it was reduced by only approximately 30% by the inhibition of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors with caffeine or heparin. Measurements of Ca2+ -activated outward current and [Ca2+](i) suggested that most CICR triggered by Ca2+ influx occurred away from the plasma membrane. Measurement of the response to several concentrations of cyclopiazonic acid revealed that Ca2+ influx that regulates CICR is associated with a selective portion of the internal Ca2+ pool. The minimal activation of Ca2+ influx by partial store depletion was confirmed by the measurement of Mn2+ influx. Inhibition of Ca2+ influx with SKF96365 or 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate prevented activation of CICR observed on addition of external Ca2+. These findings provide evidence for activation of CICR by Ca2+ influx in non-excitable cells, demonstrate a previously unrecognized role for Ca2+ influx in triggering CICR, and indicate that CICR in non-excitable cells resembles CICR in cardiac myocytes with the exception that in cardiac cells Ca2+ influx is mediated by voltage-regulated Ca2+ channels whereas in non-excitable cells Ca2+ influx is mediated by store-operated channels.  相似文献   

Human erythrocyte membranes (ghosts) prepared from fresh blood changed in shape from spherical to crenated, when suspended in 10(-7)-10(-6) M Ca2+-EGTA buffers. Although the ghosts from long-stored ACD blood (10 weeks) were less sensitive to 10(-7)-10(-6) M Ca2+, the ghosts obtained from this blood after it had been preincubated with adenine and inosine for 3 h at 37 degrees C were highly sensitive to Ca2+. When these highly sensitive ghosts were incubated in 10 mM Tris-Cl buffer (pH 7.4) or 1 mM MgCl2 (pH 7.4) at 0 degrees C, they gradually lost Ca2+ sensitivity within 60 min, but they recovered Ca2+ sensitivity again after re-incubation with 2 mM Mg-ATP for 20 min at 37 degrees C followed by washing with 1 mM MgCl2 (pH 7.4). The shape of these highly Ca2+-sensitive ghosts immediately changed from crenate to disc on addition of 1 mM Mg-ATP even at 6 degrees C in the presence of 10(-7)-10(-6) M Ca2+. A similar shape change was also observed when ghosts treated with 0.5% Triton X-100 (Triton shells) were used. Triton shells from fresh blood ghosts or from long-stored blood ghosts which had been preincubated with 2 mM Mg-ATP for 20 min at 37 degrees C shrank immediately in the presence of 10(-6) M Ca2+ and then swelled on addition of 1 mM Mg-ATP. The specificity to ATP and the dependency on ATP concentration are in agreement with those of the ghost shape change at step 2 (Jinbu, Y. et al., Biochem biophys res commun 112 (1983) 384-390) [18]. These results suggest that cytoskeletal protein phosphorylation enhances sensitivity to Ca2+ and induces erythrocyte shape change in the presence of physiological concentrations of ATP and Ca2+.  相似文献   

Summary Calpain I purified from human erythrocyte cytosol activates both the ATP hydrolytic activity and the ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport function of the Ca2+-translocating ATPase solubilized and purified from the plasma membrane of human erythrocytes and reconstituted into phosphatidylcholine vesicles. Following partial proteolysis of the enzyme by calpain I, both the initial rates of calcium ion uptake and ATP hydrolysis were increased to near maximal levels similar to those obtained upon addition of calmodulin. The proteolytic activation resulted in the loss of further stimulation of the rates of Ca2+ translocation or ATP hydrolysis by calmodulin as well as an increase of the affinity of the enzyme for calcium ion. However, the mechanistic Ca2+/ATP stoichiometric ratio was not affected by the proteolytic treatment of the reconstituted Ca2+-translocating ATPase. The proteolytic activation of the ATP hydrolytic activity of the reconstituted enzyme could be largely prevented by calmodulin. Different patterns of proteolysis were obtained in the absence or in the presence of calmodulin during calpain treatment: the 136-kDa enzyme was transformed mainly into a 124-kDa active ATPase fragment in the absence of calmodulin, whereas a 127-kDa active ATPase fragment was formed in the presence of calmodulin. This study shows that calpain I irreversibly activates the Ca2+ translocation function of the Ca2+-ATPase in reconstituted proteoliposomes by producing a calmodulin-independent active enzyme fragment, while calmodulin antagonizes this activating effect by protecting the calmodulin-binding domain against proteolytic cleavage by calpain.  相似文献   

Ontogeny of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release in rabbit ventricular myocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is commonly accepted that L-type Ca(2+) channel-mediated Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release (CICR) is the dominant mode of excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling in the adult mammalian heart and that there is no appreciable CICR in neonates. However, we have observed that cell contraction in the neonatal heart was significantly decreased after sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+) depletion with caffeine. Therefore, the present study investigated the developmental changes of CICR in rabbit ventricular myocytes at 3, 10, 20, and 56 days of age. We found that the inhibitory effect of the L-type Ca(2+) current (I(Ca)) inhibitor nifedipine (Nif; 15 microM) caused an increasingly larger reduction of Ca(2+) transients on depolarization in older age groups [from approximately 15% in 3-day-old (3d) myocytes to approximately 90% in 56-day-old (56d) myocytes]. The remaining Ca(2+) transient in the presence of Nif in younger age groups was eliminated by the inhibition of Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX) with the subsequent addition of 10 microM KB-R7943 (KB-R). Furthermore, Ca(2+) transients were significantly reduced in magnitude after the depletion of SR Ca(2+) with caffeine in all age groups, although the effect was significantly greater in the older age groups (from approximately 40% in 3d myocytes up to approximately 70% in 56d myocytes). This SR Ca(2+)-sensitive Ca(2+) transient in the earliest developmental stage was insensitive to Nif but was sensitive to the subsequent addition of KB-R, indicating the presence of NCX-mediated CICR that decreased significantly with age (from approximately 37% in 3d myocytes to approximately 0.5% in 56d myocytes). In contrast, the I(Ca)-mediated CICR increased significantly with age (from approximately 10% in 3d myocytes to approximately 70% in 56d myocytes). The CICR gain as estimated by the integral of the CICR Ca(2+) transient divided by the integral of its Ca(2+) transient trigger was smaller when mediated by NCX ( approximately 1.0 for 3d myocytes) than when mediated by I(Ca) ( approximately 3.0 for 56d myocytes). We conclude that the lower-efficiency NCX-mediated CICR is a predominant mode of CICR in the earliest developmental stages that gradually decreases as the more efficient L-type Ca(2+) channel-mediated CICR increases in prominence with ontogeny.  相似文献   

Substrate specificity of the erythrocyte Ca2+-ATPase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the absence of Mg2+, the observed activity of the erythrocyte plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase is due to the hydrolysis of CaATP at a low rate. In the presence of Mg2+, the activity of the enzyme is much higher, but it is inhibited by high levels of free Mg2+. This inhibition appears to be due to competition of Mg2+ and Ca2+ for a site on the enzyme, rather than for ATP.  相似文献   

We have employed both small unilamellar vesicles (SUV) and large unilamellar vesicles formed by the reverse phase evaporation technique (REV) to study the initial kinetics of membrane aggregation and fusion. Stopped flow measurements of the calcium-induced changes in the turbidity of SUV and REV, formed from 1:1 (mol/mol) mixtures of bovine phosphatidylserine (PS) and Escherichia coli phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), were used to follow particle aggregation. Simultaneous measurements of the fluorescence resonance energy transfer from N-(7-nitro2,1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl) (NBD)-PE to rhodamine (Rho)-PE incorporated into the vesicle bilayers established that 1) both initial aggregation and fusion can be described as a bimolecular process and 2) the rate-limiting step of membrane fusion is aggregation. Thus fusion takes place in the microsecond time domain. Parallel experiments, which simultaneously measured aggregation and the dequenching of encapsulated carboxyfluorescein (CF) in the presence and absence of antifluorescein antibodies in the suspension medium, established that the small unilamellar vesicles rapidly lose their contents of CF as they fuse. On the other hand, the first few cycles of fusion of the large unilamellar vesicles are nonleaky, but leakage develops within 1-2 s as the particles grow in size. Thus the results demonstrate that the SUV are poor models for the study of nonleaky fusion, while the REV must be carefully tested before unambiguous interpretation of fusion assays involving the formation of tight complexes (such as the terbium-dipicolinic assay) can be made. NBD-PE undergoes very rapid, Ca2+-promoted changes in quantum yield which can obscure the resonance energy transfer signals. Thus data from the NBD-PE/Rho-PE energy transfer pair must be carefully scrutinized for artifacts.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of physiological concentrations of different diacylglycerols on Ca(2+)-induced fusion between phosphatidylserine vesicles. We monitored vesicle fusion as mixing of membrane lipids under conditions where the limiting factor was the aggregation and also in conditions where this aggregation was not the limiting factor. We found that diacylglycerols have a different modulating effect on the Ca(2+)-induced fusion: i) depending on their interfacial conformation, so that 1,2-isomers of diacylglycerols containing unsaturated or short saturated acyl chains stimulated fusion and their 1,3-isomers did not, and ii) depending on their specific type of bilayer interior perturbation, so that diacylglycerols containing unsaturated or short chain saturated acyl chains stimulated fusion but those containing long-chain saturated acyl chains did not. These requirements resembled those required for the diacylglycerol activation of protein kinase C, suggesting that diacylglycerol acts in both the specific activation of this enzyme and the induction of membrane fusion through the same perturbation of lipid structure. We found that polylysine affected the stimulatory role of 1,2-dioleoylglycerol differently, depending on whether aggregation was the limiting factor of fusion. When we studied the effect of very low concentrations of diacylglycerols on the bulk structural properties of phosphatidylserine, we found that they neither significantly perturbed the thermotropic transitions of phosphatidylserine nor affected the interaction of Ca2+ with the phosphate group of phosphatidylserine. The underlying mechanism of fusion between phosphatidylserine vesicles is discussed.  相似文献   

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