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Burns RG  Ingle J 《Plant physiology》1970,46(3):423-428
Fern gametophytes were grown under blue light with and without the addition of 5-fluorouracil or 8-azaguanine, and under red light. Nucleic acids were extracted by either the detergent-chloroform or the detergent-diethylpyrocarbonate method and analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. No significant differences in the relative distribution of the stable RNA components accompanied the transition to biplanar growth. The RNA content per average cell decreased with growth and also varied between the cultural conditions, yet it was independent of the pattern of morphological development. The falling RNA content per average cell resulted from a progressive reduction of the RNA content of the apical cell, as determined histochemically. Since filamentous growth occurred by division of this apical cell, the rate of cell division was independent of the RNA content of the dividing cell.  相似文献   

银粉背蕨是一种小型观赏蕨类植物,但目前我国对该蕨的研究还不够成熟。本文利用改良Knop's培养基和腐殖土培养银粉背蕨的孢子,观察其配子体及幼孢子体形态发育特征,并研究了其配子体发育的最适培养基pH值。研究结果显示:(1)银粉背蕨孢子黄褐色,具三裂缝,极面观三角圆形,赤道面观为近半圆形,孢子具网状纹饰;孢子萌发为书带蕨型;原叶体发育为水蕨型;颈卵器和精子器为薄囊蕨型;成熟原叶体为对称的心脏形,不具毛状体;上述特征为银粉背蕨孢子和配子体发育的稳定特征。(2)培养基pH值在7.0~9.0时随着碱性的增强,银粉背蕨孢子萌发和配子体生长发育速度逐渐增加。(3)利用腐殖土培养银粉背蕨孢子,7~8周可发育成幼叶,成苗率达90%,成苗健壮,根系发达,是扩繁银粉背蕨的适宜方式。本文为资源植物银粉背蕨人工繁殖和演化研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

三角鳞毛蕨配子体发育的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用混合土培养三角鳞毛蕨(Dryopteris subtriangularis)孢子,显微镜下观察记录其孢子萌发及配子体发育过程。结果表明:孢子深褐色,赤道面豆形,极面观椭圆形,单裂缝。播种1周左右孢子萌发,萌发类型为书带蕨型,配子体发育为三叉蕨型。播种2周左右发育为片状体。播种4周左右发育形成幼原叶体,成熟原叶体呈心脏形。原叶体边缘及腹面均可产生毛状体,数量丰富,为单细胞。播种6周左右开始有性器官出现,精子器近圆球形,由3细胞组成,成熟颈卵器颈部由4列细胞组成,3~5层细胞高。原叶体受精后1个月内即可观察到从原叶体上生成的幼胚。  相似文献   

配子体及幼孢子体发育过程对蕨类植物的系统学研究具有重要意义,但在假瘤蕨属植物中较少报道.本研究比较了3种假瘤蕨属植物的配子体及幼孢子体发育过程:孢子均为单裂缝,萌发类型为书带蕨型.原叶体发育为槲蕨型.丝状体2~6细胞,成熟配子体心形,中肋明显加厚.配子体两性,在播种后48 ~ 55 d产生精子器,之后15 ~ 18 d产生颈卵器.播种后80 ~ 100 d,形成胚胎,后者分化出第一叶、第一根和茎端,发育为幼孢子体.配子体边缘分布有单细胞毛状体,配子体腹面分布有单列多细胞的毛状体,以中肋处最多,围绕并保护胚胎和幼孢子体.本属3个种的配子体和幼孢子体,在孢子体积、萌发时间、丝状体和成熟配子体特征以及性器产生时间等方面存在差异.土培条件下的配子体发育不同步,即配子体分批发育,原因为配子体的营养繁殖或孢子萌发不整齐.  相似文献   

The sporophyte of bryophytes is dependent on the gametophyte for its carbon nutrition. This is especially true of the sporophytes of Polytrichum species, and it was generally thought that sucrose was the main form of sugar for long distance transport in the leptom. In Polytrichum formosum, sucrose was the main soluble sugar of the sporophyte and gametophyte tissues, and the highest concentration (about 230 mm) was found in the haustorium. In contrast, sugars collected from the vaginula apoplast were mainly hexoses, with traces of sucrose and trehalose. p-Chloromercuribenzene sulfonate, a nonpermeant inhibitor of the cell wall invertase, strongly reduced the hexose to sucrose ratio. The highest cell wall invertase activity (pH 4.5) was located in the vaginula, whereas the highest activity of a soluble invertase (pH 7.0) was found in both the vaginula and the haustorium. Glucose uptake was carrier-mediated but only weakly dependent on the external pH and the transmembrane electrical gradient, in contrast to amino acid uptake (S. Renault, C. Despeghel-Caussin, J.L. Bonnemain, S. Delrot [1989] Plant Physiol 90: 913-920). Furthermore, addition of 5 or 50 mm glucose to the incubation medium induced a marginal depolarization of the transmembrane potential difference of the transfer cells and had no effect on the pH of this medium. Glucose was converted to sucrose after its absorption into the haustorium. These results demonstrate the noncontinuity of sucrose at the gametophyte/sporophyte interface. They suggest that its conversion to glucose and fructose at this interface, and the subsequent reconversion to sucrose after hexose absorption by haustorium cells, mainly governs sugar accumulation in this latter organ.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane vesicles from wild carrot cells grown in suspension culture were isolated by aqueous two-phase partitioning, and ATP-dependent phosphorylation was measured with [γ-32P]ATP in the presence and absence of calcium. Treatment of the carrot cells with the cell wall digestion enzymes, driselase, in a sorbitol osmoticum for 1.5 min altered the protein phosphorylation pattern compared to that of cells treated with sorbitol alone. Driselase treatment resulted in decreased phosphorylation of a band of Mr 80,000 which showed almost complete calcium dependence in the osmoticum treated cells; decreased phosphorylation of a band of Mr 15,000 which showed little calcium activation, and appearance of a new band of calcium-dependent phosphorylation at Mr 22,000. These effects appeared not to be due to nonspecific protease activity and neither in vivo nor in vitro exposure to driselase caused a significant loss of Coomassie blue-staining bands on the gels of the isolated plasma membranes. However, protein phosphorylation was decreased. Adding driselase to the in vitro reaction mixture caused a general decrease in the membrane protein phosphorylation either in the presence or absence of calcium which did not mimic the in vivo response. Cells labeled in vivo with inorganic 32P also showed a response to the Driselase treatment. An enzymically active driselase preparation was required for the observed responses.  相似文献   

Isoprenylation facilitates the association of proteins with intracellular membranes and/or other proteins. In mammalian and yeast cells, isoprenylated proteins are involved in signal transduction, cell division, organization of the cytoskeleton, and vesicular transport. Recently, protein isoprenylation has been demonstrated in higher plants, but little is currently known about the functions of isoprenylated plant proteins. We report that inhibitors of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (lovastatin) or prenyl:protein transferases (perilly alcohol) severely impair the growth of cultured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cells but only when added within the first 2 d following transfer to fresh medium, before any increase in culture volume is detectable. This "window" of sensitivity to inhibitors of protein isoprenylation correlates temporally with an increase in [14C]mevalonate incorporation into tobacco cell proteins in vitro. We have also observed a marked increase in farnesyl:protein transferase activity at this early time in the growth of tobacco cultures. In contrast, type I geranylgeranyl:protein transferase activity does not change significantly during culture growth. Although these events coincide with the replication of DNA, I [mu]M lovastatin-treated cells are capable of DNA synthesis, suggesting that lovastatin-induced cell growth arrest is not due to inhibition of DNA replication. Together, these data support the hypothesis that protein isoprenylation is necessary for the early stages of growth of tobacco cultures.  相似文献   

BROWN  D. H.; BUCK  G. W. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(4):923-929
Analyses have been made of the K, Ca and Mg in separated sporophytes,spores and gametophytes of the moss Funaria hygrometrica duringsporophyte development. Degeneration of the gametophyte wasaccompanied by loss of K and a gain in Ca while the K contentof the developing sporophyte increased more rapidly than thatof Ca. The presence of an air–gap in the expanding capsulesignificantly influenced the observed cellular location of ions.Relative to the sporophyte the spores were shown to have a higherK and a lower Ca concentration. The behaviour of Mg was intermediatebetween K and Ca throughout. Funaria hygrometrica, potassium, calcium, magnesium, cation distribution, gametophyte, sporophyte  相似文献   

杨征  朱英力 《遗传学报》1999,26(5):518-523
对水稻配子体细胞质雄性不育系粤泰A,保持系粤泰B,F1代泰优2号和孢子体细胞质雄性不育系珍汕97A,保持系珍汕97B,F1代汕优63及另一种孢子体细胞质雄性不育系马协A,保持系马协B,F1代马协63的黄化苗线粒体离体翻译产物进行SDS-PAGE分析。结果表明:粤泰A的线粒体比粤泰B,泰优2号少合成2条多肽,B与F1的带型相近,A特异合成40.7kD多肽;  相似文献   

研究了荷叶铁线蕨(Adiantum reniforme var.sinense)的不同贮藏时间与培养条件对其配子体发育和孢子体形成的影响,结果表明:荷叶铁线蕨孢子为不含叶绿素孢子,在室温下保存5年以上时间依然具有活力,但不同的贮藏时间对配子体和孢子体的形成具有显著的影响。其中,室温贮藏7d的配子体形成的时间为29d,而贮藏5年的为38d;贮藏7d的孢子体形成的时间为96d,贮藏4个月的为105d。在培养室[(25±1)℃恒温和每天2000~2500lx12h光照]沙基质中,从孢子播种到形成孢子体时间最短,为87d;沙基质比腐殖土更利于孢子体的形成;配子体密度在不超过3株/cm2的情况下,密度越高越有利于孢子体的形成。  相似文献   

Escherichia coli grew exponentially at a reduced rate in the presence of 50 or 100 mug of trimethoprim/ml if the low-molecular-weight products of folate metabolism or their precursors (thymidine, purines, methionine, glycine, and pantothenate) were supplied in the medium. Folate metabolism was inhibited 99.9% by these concentrations of trimethoprim, but a low level of formylation of methionyl transfer ribonucleic acid (met-tRNA(F)) could be detected. However, in a medium containing all major amino acids, nucleosides, and vitamins, formylation of met-tRNA(F) was undetectable in the presence of trimethoprim. No other amino-masked amino acids were detected, and methionine remained a major amino-terminal amino acid of mature proteins. met-tRNA(F) was rapidly labeled with exogenous methionine and was associated with 30s ribosomal subunits and 70s ribosomes. It was concluded that initiation of protein synthesis can occur with unformylated met-tRNA(F) in E. coli. Changes in macromolecular composition were associated with the lack of formylation, in particular a fourfold increase in both met-tRNA(F) and ribosomal subunits. These changes would tend to compensate for the low specific rate of initiation with unformylated met-tRNA(F).  相似文献   

LYNDON  R. F. 《Annals of botany》1982,49(3):281-290
In the apical dome of the pea shoot apex the axis of growthof the epidermal cells becomes predominantly longitudinal inthe I1 region one plastochron before a leaf is initiated, andthis orientation persists into the young primordium. In contrast,in the underlying, non-epidermal cells the growth axis in theI1 region becomes randomized half a plastochron before leafinitiation, but in the young primordium it becomes the sameas in the epidermis. The initiation of a leaf primordium thereforetakes place without any major change in the orientation of growthaxes in the epidermis. A controlling role for the epidermisis therefore suggested. No marked reorientation of the growthaxis occurs on the sides of the newly initiated primordium.The shape of the young primordium can be related to the differentialrates of growth and division within it rather than to changesin growth orientation. Pisum sativum, pea, shoot apex, meristem, growth, epidermis, polarity  相似文献   

The variations of the amounts of phospholipid transfer proteins (PLTP), determined by ELISA and immunoblotting methods, were followed during the maturation and germination of maize (Zea mays L.) seeds. Changes of the amounts of PLTP occur during seed maturation. The levels of PLTP, low in the first 3 weeks after fecondation, strongly raised 3 to 5 weeks after, then reached and maintained a high value (10% of total soluble proteins) during the last steps of maturation. These variations, determined by ELISA, are in accordance with the observations made by immunoblotting. Changes in phospholipid transfer activity were also found when protein extracts prepared from seeds at different stages of maturation were assayed for transfer activity. The levels of PLTP were also determined during the germination of maize seeds and the early growth of the plantlets, both in the endosperm and the aerial parts. While no major change was observed in the endosperm, a high increase in PLTP level was found in the aerial part of the plantlet, both by ELISA and immunoblotting. An enhancement of the phospholipid transfer activity was parallely observed in the protein extracts of plantlets at various stages of germination. These results are consistent with an in vivo correlation between the synthesis of phospholipid transfer protein, observed during the maturation and germination of maize seeds, and the biogenesis of membranes which involves intracellular movements of phospholipids.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological procedures were used to evaluate cellular responses of fern (Onoclea sensibilis L.) gametophytes to photomorphogenetically active light. Red, far red, and blue light caused rapid changes in the membrane potential of the apical cell of the gametophyte filament; other cells in the filament were not similarly responsive. Measurements made with one electrode in the apical cell revealed that the membrane potential depolarized in red light and repolarized in far red light. Irradiation with blue light caused a hyperpolarization, the rapidity of which was dependent on a red light pretreatment. More refined measurements with one electrode in the tip of the apical cell and another in the base of the cell showed that both red and blue light treatments cause the apical cell to behave as a dipole. Because of the profound, long-term morphological changes that follow light irradiation in this organism, it was hoped to use it to elucidate the role that electrical parameters play in determining subsequent developmental events.  相似文献   

邱东  张静  吴楠  陶冶 《植物研究》2019,39(6):835-845
植物性状是植物对环境变化响应和适应的综合反映。目前对苔藓植物个体水平功能性状的研究较为匮乏。以安徽大龙山国家森林公园分布的东亚小金发藓(Pogonatum inflexum)雌株为例,在其孢子体成熟期测定地上部分孢子体和配子体的形态特征及生物量,系统分析了植株性状变异特征、异速生长关系及协变(整合)格局。结果表明,东亚小金发藓配子体形态性状变异性高于孢子体,且二者生物量变异系数最大。孢子体高度是配子体的2倍,但其生物量仅占地上部分的23%。孢子体和配子体功能性状之间有一定相关性;形态性状(Y)与生物量(X)之间多为指数<1.0异速生长关系,而孢子体和配子体生物量之间为等速生长关系(指数为1.135±0.158)。孢子体生物量分配比例随个体增大而显著减小,体现出显著的负的个体大小依赖。主成分分析表明,东亚小金发藓孢子体和配子体主要个体性状具有不同的协变方向(即两个不同的性状群),其中孢子体生物量是两类性状群的关键结点。综合来看,东亚小金发藓个体性状间具有与维管植物相似的协变关系。  相似文献   

Protein and soluble nitrogen distribution in different parts of lettuce seedling was studied in light and darkness and in presence and absence of gibberellic acid. In dark, applied gibberellic acid failed to show any marked effect on the nitrogen changes in lettuce. Light inhibits translocation of nitrogen reserves from the cotyledons. Gibberellic acid reverses the light inhibition of longitudinal growth but has no effect on the inhibition of translocation from the cotyledons. Light grown, gibberellic acid treated seedlings exhibit a pattern of protein and soluble-N which is characteristic of the dark grown seedlings. Thus gibberellic acid not only causes morphological reversal of light inhibition but also shifts the nitrogen metabolism of light grown plants, close to that of plants grown in darkness.  相似文献   

Calretinin (CR)-immunoreactive interneurons are well known as the interneuron specific interneurons in the hippocampus. CR-immunoreactive neurons form cellular network and regulate the activity of other GABAergic inhibitory interneurons in the hippocampus. In the present study, we investigated age-related changes in CR-immunoreactive neurons and protein levels in the gerbil hippocampus during normal aging. In all subregions of the gerbil hippocampus, the number of CR-immunoreactive neurons was significantly decreased in the postnatal month 6 (PM 6) group compared to that in the PM 1 group. Thereafter, CR-immunoreactive neurons were decreased with age. In addition, the number of CR-immunoreactive cells in the subgranular zone were significantly decreased in the PM 6 group. We also observed that CR protein levels were decreased gradually with age. These results indicate that both CR immunoreactivity and its protein level were decreased with age in the gerbil hippocampus during normal aging.  相似文献   

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