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Signals from the IL-7R are uniquely required for T cell development and maintenance, despite the resemblance of IL-7R to other cytokine receptors and the apparent sharing of common signaling pathways. This unique requirement could either reflect unique expression of IL-7R or IL-7, or it could indicate that the IL-7R delivers unique signals. To determine whether the IL-7R provided unique signals, we exchanged its intracellular domain with that of other cytokine receptors: IL-4R, IL-9R, and prolactin receptor (PRLR). Chimeric receptors were used to reconstitute development of IL-7R(-/-) hemopoietic progenitors by transducing the receptors in retroviral vectors. Whereas IL-7R(-/-) thymocytes are arrested at the double-negative stage, IL-4R, IL-9R, or PRLR all imparted some progression to the double-positive stage. IL-4R and PRLR gave only small numbers of thymocytes, whereas IL-9R gave robust alphabeta T cell development and reconstitution of peripheral CD4 and CD8 cells, indicating that it can duplicate many of the functions of IL-7R. However, IL-9R failed to reconstitute rearrangement of the TCRgamma locus or development of gammadelta T cells. Thus, the IL-7R signals required in the alphabeta T cell lineage (such as survival and proliferation) are not unique to this receptor, whereas rearrangement of the TCRgamma locus may require a signal that is not shared by other receptors.  相似文献   

Expression of IL-7Ralpha on a subset of Ag-specific effector CD8 T cells is believed to identify memory cell precursors. However, whether IL-7 regulates IL-7Ralpha expression in vivo and is responsible for selective survival of IL-7Ralpha(+) effector cells is unknown. Our results show that in the absence of IL-7, IL-7Ralpha expression was extinguished on the majority of CD8 T cells responding to virus infection, sustained on a subset of effector cells transitioning to memory, and expressed at high levels by memory cells. Additionally, an IL-7-deficient environment was capable of supporting bcl-2 up-regulation and memory cell development in response to virus infection. Thus, IL-7Ralpha regulation occurs independently of IL-7 in responding CD8 T cells, indicating that CD8 memory T cell precursors are not selected by IL-7/IL-7Ralpha interactions.  相似文献   

Regulation of T cell proliferation by IL-7   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The regulation of murine T cell proliferation by IL-7 was investigated. Highly purified resting splenic T cells were induced to proliferate in a short term assay by IL-7 in the presence of the comitogen, Con A. The proliferation of these resting T cells showed both IL-2-dependent and -independent components as determined by the susceptibility of the response to the blocking effects of anti-IL-2 mAb. Furthermore, IL-7 was found to augment the Con A-induced production of IL-2 and expression of IL-2R by resting splenic T cells. In contrast, Con A blasts and long term, Ag-dependent cloned T cells proliferated in response to IL-7 independently of any involvement of IL-2. Finally, differences were observed between IL-7 and IL-6 with regard to the regulation of T cell growth and activation. As with IL-7, IL-6 stimulated resting splenic T cells to proliferate in the presence of comitogen. However, in contrast to IL-7, IL-6 failed to stimulate the proliferation of Con A blasts or T cell clones and did not augment the Con A-induced expression of IL-2R on resting T cells.  相似文献   

The expression of the TCR/CD3 complex and the IL-2R alpha chain (p55) on fetal thymocytes has been analyzed by flow cytometry (FCM). Two-parameter immunofluorescence identified three subpopulations which were respectively IL-2R alpha-/CD3+, IL-2R alpha+/CD3-, or IL-2R alpha-/CD3-; no detectable population of IL-2R alpha+/CD3+ cells was found in unstimulated fetal thymocytes. Fractionation by "panning" and by sterile flow cytometric separation was used to characterize the functional responsiveness of these three subpopulations to a variety of stimuli. All three populations proliferated in response to PMA + ionomycin + rIL-2. In contrast, stimulation with anti-CD3 + IL-2 induced proliferation in IL-2R alpha-/CD3+ and IL-2R alpha-/CD3- but not in IL-2R alpha+/CD3- thymocytes. IL-2R alpha- cells, including sorted IL-2R alpha-/CD3- thymocytes, underwent a phenotypic change in response to in vitro stimulation with anti-CD3 + IL-2, resulting in the appearance of an IL-2R alpha+/CD3+ population that was not detected in freshly isolated thymocytes. The ability of fractionated fetal thymocytes to produce lymphokine in response to PMA + ionomycin was also evaluated. Only the IL-2R alpha-/CD3- fraction generated detectable IL-2. These findings demonstrate for the first time that CD3 and IL-2R alpha are expressed in a mutually exclusive fashion in fetal thymocytes and define three subpopulations of thymocytes that differ significantly in their proliferative and differentiative responses to TCR-mediated, IL-2R-mediated, and pharmacologic stimulation.  相似文献   

Regulation of human T cell proliferation by IL-7   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
The regulation of human T cell proliferation by rIL-7 was investigated. Purified peripheral blood T cells were stimulated to proliferate in a short-term assay by IL-7 in the presence of CD3 mAb or lectin. This stimulation was accompanied by a significant increase in the expression of IL-2R on both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells over that seen with mitogen alone. The proliferation of these cells in the presence of exogenous IL-7 involved both IL-2-dependent and - independent mechanisms as shown by the ability of neutralizing IL-2 antibody to partially inhibit the response. Anti-IL-4 and anti-IL-6 antibodies had no effect on IL-7-induced T cell growth. These results suggest that the costimulatory effect of IL-7 on human T cells is primarily direct, not involving other intermediate T cell growth factors. IL-7 was also found to be mitogenic in a long-term assay in the absence of any costimulus, with the onset of proliferation occurring later than that seen in the presence of mitogen. These results demonstrate that IL-7 provides a potent T cell stimulus either alone or in the presence of co-mitogen and, although this stimulus is accompanied by an increase in the level of IL-2R expression, it is not dependent on the action of IL-2 for its effect.  相似文献   

Despite the effects of glucocorticoids on immune function, relatively little is known about glucocorticoid-inducible genes and how their products may regulate lymphocyte function. Using DNA microarray technology to analyze gene expression in PBMC from healthy donors, we identified IL-7Ralpha as a glucocorticoid-inducible gene. This observation was confirmed at the mRNA and protein levels. Conversely, TCR signaling decreased IL-7Ralpha expression, and the relative strength of signaling between these two receptors determined the final IL-7Ralpha levels. The up-regulation of IL-7Ralpha by glucocorticoids was associated with enhanced IL-7-mediated signaling and function. Moreover, IL-7-mediated inhibition of apoptosis at increasing concentrations of glucocorticoids is consistent with enhanced cell sensitivity to IL-7 following glucocorticoid exposure. These observations provide a mechanism by which glucocorticoids may have a positive influence on T cell survival and function.  相似文献   

Regulation of human cytotoxic T lymphocyte development by IL-7   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The effects of IL-7 on the generation of human CTL in alloantigen-, virus-, and lectin-stimulated systems were examined. Addition of IL-7 at the onset of cultures resulted in marked (up to 80-fold) augmentation of cytotoxicity accompanied by smaller (1.5- to 4-fold) increases in total lymphocyte number. Studies of CTL development in purified lectin-stimulated CD8+ T cell populations demonstrated that IL-7 could act directly on the CD8+ lymphocyte subset to augment cytotoxicity. In MLC, the IL-7-induced enhancement of cytotoxicity was found to be mediated primarily by the CD8+ subpopulation of lymphocytes. Late addition of IL-7 (day 5 of 7) resulted in an increase in cytolytic activity that was associated with little or no increase in total or activated CD8+ lymphocyte number indicating that IL-7 may act as a differentiation factor for human CTL. A role for endogenous IL-7 in CTL development was suggested by the observation that addition of neutralizing antiserum to IL-7 to MLC at initiation (or 5 days thereafter) resulted in decreased levels of cytotoxicity. These results indicate that IL-7 can exert major up-regulatory effects on human CTL development and suggest that these effects are both proliferative and differentiative.  相似文献   

Within the thymus, developing T cells must acquire the competence to respond to appropriate signals by inducing the expression of genes required for immunologic function; one such gene encodes the 55-kDa-chain of the IL-2R (IL-2R alpha). Previously, we showed that most cortical-type thymocytes lack the competence to make this particular response, while most medullary-type cells respond like mature T lymphocytes. The noninducibility of cortical-type cells was striking, because most of their presumed precursors were inducible. To test the relationship between this apparent loss of competence and the positive and negative selection processes that may occur in the thymic cortex, we have assayed the inducibility of thymocyte populations, staged carefully with respect to their expression of TCR. Using size fractionation to enrich for dividing cells, we concentrated and thereby revealed defined developmental intermediates. We report that, although CD4+CD8- thymocytes behave as mature T cells, a significant fraction of CD4-CD8+ cells are noninducible. These noninducible thymocytes are dividing cells, which appear to be in a major developmental continuum between CD4-CD8- blasts and CD4+CD8+ blasts. Furthermore, the noninducible blasts as yet lack surface TCR expression. We also demonstrate the functional similarity of these CD4-CD8+ cells to a major subset of dividing CD4-CD8- precursor cells, which appear to have lost IL-2R alpha expression. These results suggest that precursors of cortical thymocytes lose competence to be induced to express IL-2R alpha several stages before their acquisition of cell-surface TCR complexes. The implications of this characterization are discussed in terms of the possible relationships between IL-2R alpha gene regulation and intrathymic fate determination.  相似文献   

IL-15 is a T cell growth factor that shares many functional similarities with IL-2 and has recently been shown to be present in tissue and organ allografts, leading to speculation that IL-15 may contribute to graft rejection. Here, we report on the in vivo use of an IL-15 antagonist, a soluble fragment of the murine IL-15R alpha-chain, to investigate the contribution of IL-15 to the rejection of fully vascularized cardiac allografts in a mouse experimental model. Administration of soluble fragment of the murine IL-15R alpha-chain (sIL-15Ralpha) to CBA/Ca (H-2k) recipients for 10 days completely prevented rejection of minor histocompatibility complex-mismatched B10.BR (H-2k) heart grafts (median survival time (MST) of >100 days vs MST of 10 days for control recipients) and led to a state of donor-specific immunologic tolerance. Treatment of CBA/Ca recipients with sIL-15Ralpha alone had only a modest effect on the survival of fully MHC-mismatched BALB/c (H-2d) heart grafts. However, administration of sIL-15Ralpha together with a single dose of a nondepleting anti-CD4 mAb (YTS 177.9) delayed mononuclear cell infiltration of the grafts and markedly prolonged graft survival (MST of 60 days vs MST of 20 days for treatment with anti-CD4 alone). Prolonged graft survival was accompanied in vitro by reduced proliferation and IFN-gamma production by spleen cells, whereas CTL and alloantibody levels were similar to those in animals given anti-CD4 mAb alone. These findings demonstrate that IL-15 plays an important role in the rejection of a vascularized organ allograft and that antagonists to IL-15 may be of therapeutic value in preventing allograft rejection.  相似文献   

The IL-2 receptor alpha-chain alters the binding of IL-2 to the beta-chain   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The binding of IL-2 to its high affinity receptor results in the formation of the ternary complex consisting of IL-2, alpha-chain (p55, Tac) and beta-chain (p75). We studied the role of alpha-chain in IL-2 binding to the high affinity receptor using IL-2 analog Lys20 which was made by the substitution of Lys for Asp20 of wild-type rIL-2. Lys20 bound to MT-1 cells solely expressing alpha-chain at low affinity, but did not bind to YT-2C2 cells which solely expressed beta-chain. However, direct binding of radiolabeled Lys20 to ED515-D cells, an HTLV-I-infected and IL-2-dependent T cell line, revealed both high affinity and low affinity binding although the Kd value of high affinity binding was 50 to 100 times higher than that of the high affinity binding of wild-type rIL-2. High affinity binding of Lys20 was completely blocked by 2R-B mAb recognizing IL-2R beta-chain. Anti-Tac mAb recognizing IL-2R alpha-chain abolished all of the specific Lys20 bindings. In contrast to the replacement of cell bound 2R-B mAb with wild-type rIL-2 at 37 degrees C, the addition of an excess of Lys20 did not cause the detachment of cell-bound radiolabeled or FITC-labeled 2R-B mAb. Consistent with the results of binding studies, Lys20 induced the proliferation of ED515-D cells, but not large granular lymphocyte leukemic cells. The growth of ED-515D cells was completely suppressed by either anti-Tac mAb or 2R-B mAb. These results strongly suggest that coexpression of the IL-2R alpha- and beta-chains alters the binding affinity of Lys20 and that the interaction between IL-2 and the alpha-chain is a key event in the formation of the IL-2/IL-2R ternary complex.  相似文献   

All T cells are dependent on IL-7 for their development and for homeostasis. Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells (Tregs) are unique among T cells in that they are dependent on IL-2. Whether such IL-2 dependency is distinct from or in addition to an IL-7 requirement has been a confounding issue, particularly because of the absence of an adequate experimental system to address this question. In this study, we present a novel in vivo mouse model where IL-2 expression is intact but IL-7 expression was geographically limited to the thymus. Consequently, IL-7 is not available in peripheral tissues. Such mice were generated by introducing a thymocyte-specific IL-7 transgene onto an IL-7 null background. In these mice, T cell development in the thymus, including Foxp3(+) Treg numbers, was completely restored, which correlates with the thymus-specific expression of transgenic IL-7. In peripheral cells, however, IL-7 expression was terminated, which resulted in a general paucity of T cells and a dramatic reduction of Foxp3(+) Treg numbers. Loss of Tregs was further accompanied by a significant reduction in Foxp3(+) expression levels. These data suggest that peripheral IL-7 is not only necessary for Treg survival but also for upregulating Foxp3 expression. Collectively, we assessed the effect of a selective peripheral IL-7 deficiency in the presence of a fully functional thymus, and we document a critical requirement for in vivo IL-7 in T cell maintenance and specifically in Foxp3(+) cell homeostasis.  相似文献   

Mice that lack IL-15 or the IL-15R alpha-chain (IL-15Ralpha) are deficient in peripheral CD8(+), but not in CD4(+), T cells. This CD8(+) T cell-specific deficiency has now been investigated further by characterization of a new strain of IL-15Ralpha(-/-) mice. The adult mutant mice exhibited a specific reduction in the percentage of CD8-single positive TCR(high) thymocytes. The expression of Bcl-2 was reduced in both CD8(+) thymocytes and naive T cells of the mutant animals, and the susceptibility of these cells to death was increased. Memory CD8(+) cells were profoundly deficient in IL-15Ralpha(-/-)mice, and the residual memory-like CD8(+) cells contained a high percentage of dead cells and failed to up-regulate Bcl-2 expression compared with naive CD8(+) cells. Moreover, exogenous IL-15 both up-regulated the level of Bcl-2 in and reduced the death rate of wild-type and mutant CD8(+) T cells activated in vitro. These results indicate that IL-15 and IL-15Ralpha regulate the expression of Bcl-2 in CD8(+) T cells at all developmental stages. The reduced Bcl-2 content in CD8(+) cells might result in survival defect and contribute to the reduction of CD8(+) cells in IL-15Ralpha(-/-)mice.  相似文献   

IL-7, a member of the common gamma-chain family of cytokines, is essential for B and T lymphocyte development and homeostasis of mature T cell subsets. Thus, naive and memory T cells are both dependent on IL-7 for survival and homeostatic proliferation under lymphopenic conditions. In line with prior findings with IL-2, we show in this study that the biological activity of IL-7 in vivo is greatly increased by association with anti-IL-7 mAb. Under in vivo conditions, IL-7/mAb complexes displayed 50- to 100-fold higher activity than free IL-7 and induced massive expansion of pre-B cells. IL-7/mAb complexes also increased thymopoiesis in normal mice and restored thymopoeisis in IL-7-deficient mice. For mature T cells, IL-7/mAb complexes induced marked homeostatic proliferation of both naive and memory CD4(+) and CD8(+) cell subsets even under normal T cell-replete conditions. Finally, IL-7/mAb complexes were able to enhance the magnitude of the primary response of Ag-specific naive CD8(+) cells. The strong stimulatory activity of IL-7/mAb complexes could be useful for treatment of immunodeficiency and cancer.  相似文献   

IL-15Ralpha-deficient (IL-15Ralpha(-/-)) mice lack NK cells. However, when bone marrow (BM) progenitors from IL-15Ralpha(-/-) mice were cultured with IL-7, stem cell factor and flt3 ligand, followed by IL-15, they were able to differentiate into functional NK cells, indicating that IL-15Ralpha is not critical for NK cell development. Whereas NK cells generated in vitro from IL-15Ralpha(-/-) BM progenitors expressed CD94/NKG2, they failed to express Ly-49 receptors. In keeping with this, when IL-15Ralpha(-/-) BM cells were transferred into wild type recipients, they gave rise to NK cells in vivo, but with greatly reduced expression of Ly-49 receptors. Furthermore, the small numbers of NK cells found in IL-15(-/-) as well as IL-15Ralpha(-/-) but not flt3 ligand(-/-) mice expressed much lower levels of Ly-49 receptors than those from wild type mice. These results indicate a novel role for IL-15Ralpha-chain in Ly-49 induction on developing NK cells.  相似文献   

Signal transduction by the erythropoietin receptor (EPOR) is activated by ligand-mediated receptor homodimerization. However, the relationship between extracellular and intracellular domain oligomerization remains poorly understood. To assess the requirements for dimerization of receptor cytoplasmic sequences for signaling, we overexpressed mutant EPORs in combination with wild-type (WT) EPOR to drive formation of heterodimeric (i.e. WT-mutant) receptor complexes. Dimerization of the membrane-proximal portion of the EPOR cytoplasmic region was found to be critical for the initiation of mitogenic signaling. However, dimerization of the entire EPOR cytoplasmic region was not required. To examine this process more closely, we generated chimeras between the intracellular and transmembrane portions of the EPOR and the extracellular domains of the interleukin-2 receptor beta and gammac chains. These chimeras allowed us to assess more precisely the signaling role of each receptor chain because only heterodimers of WT and mutant receptor chimeras form in the presence of interleukin-2. Coexpression studies demonstrated that a functional receptor complex requires the membrane-proximal region of each receptor subunit in the oligomer to permit activation of JAK2 but only one membrane-distal tail to activate STAT5 and to support cell proliferation. Thus, this study defines key relationships involved in the assembly and activation of the EPOR signal transduction complex which may be applicable to other homodimeric cytokine receptors.  相似文献   

We have derived T cell lines from mice inoculated with Gross leukemia virus, which appear to represent early T cell developmental stages and to reflect normal T cell development. These cell lines may provide a breakthrough in the study of T cell development as Abelson transformants have done for the study of B cell development. Analysis of the TCR gene expression in these cell lines reveals that the sequence of rearrangement and expression of each TCR gene is not strictly ordered. Expression of RNA for the TCR alpha and -beta genes appears to be coordinated with rearrangement at the alpha and beta loci. This is not the case for gamma gene expression. Availability of the homogeneous populations of cells represented in these cells lines allows for a more detailed molecular analysis of T cell development than was previously possible.  相似文献   

Katrin Schlie 《FEBS letters》2010,584(21):4379-4382
The Lassa virus glycoprotein consists of an ectodomain, a transmembrane anchor, and a cytoplasmic domain. It is synthesized as an inactive precursor and cleaved within the ectodomain to yield the mature form. Here, we show that this maturation cleavage can be abolished by mutation of single conserved amino acids within the cytoplasmic domain at the carboxy-terminus of the glycoprotein. Moreover, substitutions and deletions of multiple amino acids result in destabilization of the glycoprotein oligomers. These results indicate that conformation changes in the cytoplasmic domain travel across the membrane and subsequently abolish the maturation cleavage. Therefore, we postulate that the cytoplasmic domain is an important maturation factor stabilizing the overall conformation of the glycoprotein.

Structured summary

MINT-7997004: LASV GP (uniprotkb:P08669) and LASV GP (uniprotkb:P08669) physically interact (MI:0915) by cosedimentation through density gradient (MI:0029)  相似文献   

SOCS1(-/-) mice accumulate within the thymus and periphery CD8(+) lymphocytes that express memory cell markers and display heightened in vitro responses to common gamma-chain cytokines. To investigate whether dysregulated homeostasis of T lymphocytes and acquisition of memory phenotype by CD8(+) cells in SOCS1(-/-) mice were mediated by IL-7 and/or IL-15 in vivo, we have generated SOCS1(-/-)IL-7(-/-), SOCS1(-/-)IL-15(-/-) and SOCS1(-/-)IL-7(-/-)IL-15(-/-) mice. We observed that in mice lacking SOCS1, either IL-7 or IL-15 skewed thymocyte development toward CD8 lineage, whereas IL-15 is the principal mediator of dysregulated homeostasis in the periphery. Homeostatic proliferation of SOCS1(-/-) CD8(+) lymphocytes in Rag1(-/-), Rag1(-/-)IL-7(-/-), Rag1(-/-)IL-15(-/-), and Rag1(-/-)IL-7(-/-)IL-15(-/-) mice showed that SOCS1 deficiency did not overcome the requirement for IL-7 and IL-15 to sustain homeostatic expansion. Differential expression of memory phenotype markers CD44, CD122, and Ly6C by SOCS1(-/-)IL-15(-/-) CD8(+) lymphocytes suggest that multiple signals contributed to the memory cell differentiation program. To address whether increased IL-15 responsiveness of SOCS1(-/-) CD8(+) lymphocytes required prior TCR sensitization, we generated SOCS1(-/-) H-Y TCR transgenic (Tg) mice. Using female SOCS1(-/-) H-Y TCR(tg) mice in Rag1(+/+) and Rag1(-/-) backgrounds, we show that acquisition of the memory phenotype by SOCS1-deficient CD8(+) lymphocytes did not require prior antigenic stimulation, but required the presence of activated T cells. SOCS1 deficiency accelerated the maturation of CD8 single-positive thymocytes expressing Tg TCR, but did not compromise negative selection in HY-TCR(tg) males. Our findings illustrate distinct functions for IL-7 and IL-15 in T lymphocyte development and homeostasis, and stringent regulation of these processes by SOCS1.  相似文献   

In mammals, the cytokine IL-7 is a key regulator of various aspects of lymphocyte differentiation and homeostasis. Because of the difficulty of identifying cytokine homologs in lower vertebrates and the paucity of assay systems and reagents, the degree of functional conservation of cytokine signaling pathways, particularly those pertaining to lymphocyte development, is unclear. In this article, we report on the analysis and characterization of three zebrafish mutants with severely impaired thymopoiesis. The identification of affected genes by positional cloning revealed components of the IL-7 signaling pathway. A presumptive null allele of the zebrafish homolog of the IL-7Rα-chain causes substantially reduced cellularity of the thymus but spares B cell development in the kidney. Likewise, nonsense mutations in the zebrafish homologs of janus kinases JAK1 and JAK3 preferentially affect T cell development. The functional interactions of the cytokine receptor components were examined in the three groups of fish hetero- or homozygous for either il7r and jak1, il7r and jak3, or jak1 and jak3 mutations. The differential effects on T cell development arising from the different genotypes could be explained on the basis of the known structure of the mammalian IL-7R complex. Because IL-7 signaling appears to be a universal requirement for T cell development in vertebrates, the mutants described in this article represent alternative animal models of human immunodeficiency syndromes amenable to large-scale genetic and chemical screens.  相似文献   

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