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Electrophoretic heterogeneity of glycosynthetase I from rabbit skeletal muscles is observed. Multiple glycosynthetase forms are separated in sucrose density gradient, their molecular weights are estimated. The existence of the enzyme as an equilibrium system of oligomeric forms, capable of reversible association-dissociation, is demonstrated. Dissociating effect of ATP, high pH values (11--12) and high ionic strength (2 M KCl) on oligomers of glycogen synthetase I is found to take place. Different activity of oligomers of different association degree is observed.  相似文献   

The coupled reactions of electron transport and ATP synthesis for the first two sites of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation have been previously reported to be near equilibrium in isolated respiring pigeon heart (Erecińska, M., Veech, R. L., and Wilson, D. F. (1974) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 160, 412-421) and rat liver mitochondria (Forman, N. G., and Wilson, D. F. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 12908-12915). Measurements are presented in this paper which demonstrate that the same relationship exists for both forward and reverse electron transport in rat heart mitochondria. This conclusion implies that adenine nucleotide translocation, a partial reaction of the system, is also near equilibrium, contrasting with proposals that the translocase is rate-limiting for oxidative phosphorylation. To resolve this controversy, the respiratory rates of suspensions of isolated rat liver and rat heart mitochondria were controlled by varying either the added [ATP]/[ADP][Pi] ratios ratios or [ADP] (by varying hexokinase in a regenerating system). Titrations with carboxyatractyloside, a high affinity inhibitor of the translocase which is noncompetitive with ADP, were carried out to assess the dependence of the respiratory rate on translocase activity. Plots of respiratory rate versus [carboxyatractyloside] were all strongly sigmoidal. In liver mitochondria, 40%-70% and in heart mitochondria 66% of the sites could be blocked with carboxyatractyloside before a 10% decrease in the respiratory rate was observed. Further analysis showed that liver and heart mitochondria have translocase/cytochrome a ratios of 1.52 and 3.20, respectively, and that at 23 degrees C the maximal turnover numbers for the translocases were 65 s-1 and 23 s-1. In all states of controlled respiration (no added inhibitor), a substantial excess of translocase activity was present, suggesting that the translocase was not normally rate-limiting in oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The mechanism of functional coupling between mitochondrial creatine kinase (MiCK) and adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT) in isolated heart mitochondria is analyzed. Two alternative mechanisms are studied: 1), dynamic compartmentation of ATP and ADP, which assumes the differences in concentrations of the substrates between intermembrane space and surrounding solution due to some diffusion restriction and 2), direct transfer of the substrates between MiCK and ANT. The mathematical models based on these possible mechanisms were composed and simulation results were compared with the available experimental data. The first model, based on a dynamic compartmentation mechanism, was not sufficient to reproduce the measured values of apparent dissociation constants of MiCK reaction coupled to oxidative phosphorylation. The second model, which assumes the direct transfer of substrates between MiCK and ANT, is shown to be in good agreement with experiments—i.e., the second model reproduced the measured constants and the estimated ADP flux, entering mitochondria after the MiCK reaction. This model is thermodynamically consistent, utilizing the free energy profiles of reactions. The analysis revealed the minimal changes in the free energy profile of the MiCK-ANT interaction required to reproduce the experimental data. A possible free energy profile of the coupled MiCK-ANT system is presented.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthetase I from rabbit skeletal muscles was studied by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The presence of glycogen in the preparation prevented the destruction of the quaternary structure of the enzyme. In order to separate glycogen synthetase I from glycogen, alpha-amylase from saliva, pig pancrease and bacterial amyloglucosidase were used. The subunit composition of the total preparation and that of the individual glycogen synthetase forms separated ultracentrifugally in the sucrose density gradient, were shown to be identical. The molecular weight of the minimal subunit of glycogen synthetase I from rabbit skeletal muscles was shown to be 36,000. A comparison of the subunit composition of the enzyme preparations stored in the presence and in the absence of phenylmethylsulfanylfluoride did not show that the preparation possesses proteolytic activity.  相似文献   

1. During late foetal and early post-natal development of rabbit skeletal muscle the total protein increased more rapidly than the non-protein nitrogen content per g. wet wt. 2. AMP-deaminase activity of rabbit leg muscles increased rapidly over the period 5-15 days after birth. In diaphragm muscle from the same animal the rapid increase to the adult enzymic activity took place at about the time of birth. 3. The rapid increase in AMP-deaminase activity of leg muscle occurred earlier in animals born relatively mature, such as the chick and guinea pig, than in animals less well developed at birth, such as the rabbit and rat. 4. The pattern of enzymic activity shown by AMP deaminase during development in diaphragm, leg and cardiac muscles in a given species was closely paralleled by those of adenylate kinase and creatine phosphokinase. 5. When young rabbits were encouraged to become active at an earlier stage than is normal, the rise in creatine-phosphokinase activity occurred at an earlier age than in the control animals. 6. The results suggest that the activity pattern of the muscle is an important factor in determining the time at which the activities of the enzymes of special significance for muscle rise sharply to the adult values. 7. Development in rabbit leg muscle also involved an increase in aldolase activity. The pattern of change was similar to that obtained with other enzymes studied.  相似文献   

Mechanisms responsible for limitation of exercise capacity in lung transplant recipients (LR) and benefits gained by exercise training were studied. Mitochondrial respiration parameters, energy transfer, and cell structure were assessed in vastus lateralis biopsies using the permeabilized fiber technique with histochemical and morphometric measurements. Twelve male controls (C) and 12 LR performed exercise training over 12 wk. Before exercise training, there were strong correlations between exercise capacity (maximal O(2) consumption and endurance time at 70% maximal power output) and cellular events, as assessed by percentage of type I fibers and apparent K(m) for exogenous ADP. Anticalcineurins were not involved in LR exercise limitation, since there were no differences in maximal mitochondrial rate of respiration before exercise training and no abnormalities in respiratory chain complexes compared with C. Training resulted in a significant increase in physiological parameters both at the cellular (apparent K(m) for exogenous ADP and stimulating effect of creatine) and integrated (maximal O(2) consumption, power output at ventilatory threshold, maximal power output, and endurance time at 70% maximal power output) levels in LR and C. After the training period, improvements in maximal O(2) consumption and in maximal mitochondrial rate of respiration were noted, as well as changes in endurance time and percentage of type I fibers. Because there were no changes in diameters and fiber types, baseline alteration of apparent K(m) for exogenous ADP and its improvement after training might be related to changes within the intracellular energetic units. After the training period, intracellular energetic units exhibited a higher control of mitochondrial respiration by creatine linked to a more efficient functional coupling adenine nucleotide translocase-mitochondrial creatine kinase, resulting in better exercise performances in C and LR.  相似文献   

Abdominal neutrophils effect on rat skeletal muscle m. soleus was investigated in vitro. The incubation was carried out in Hanks balanced solution within 24 hrs. It was a release of proteins from m. soleus 1 hr later. Creatine kinase (CK) and aspartate aminotransferase (AAT) activities increase was detected in incubation medium. The neutrophils released their proteins quicker than muscles. A dramatic inhibition of CK and AAT activities took place during coincubation of m. soleus and neutrophils. Zymosan-activated cells had a higher inhibition potency in comparison to nonactivated neutrophils. Analysis of proteinase and myeloperoxidase activities in incubation medium has given evidence that CK and AAT inhibition by non-activated neutrophils mainly depends on cell-secreted proteinases. Zymosan-activated neutrophil inhibition of CK and AAT consists of proteinases and myeloperoxidase effects. AAT appeared to be more resistant than CK to the damage by neutrophils. The used approach failed to demonstrate the direct damage effect of neutrophils on m. soleus, but the described enzyme inhibition mechanism can take place in vivo during leukocyte infiltration of skeletal muscles after intensive muscular activity.  相似文献   

Interaction between mitochondrial creatine kinase (MtCK) and adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT) can play an important role in determining energy transfer pathways in the cell. Although the functional coupling between MtCK and ANT has been demonstrated, the precise mechanism of the coupling is not clear. To study the details of the coupling, we turned to molecular dynamics simulations. We introduce a new coarse-grained molecular dynamics model of a patch of the mitochondrial inner membrane containing a transmembrane ANT and an MtCK above the membrane. The membrane model consists of three major types of lipids (phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, and cardiolipin) in a roughly 2:1:1 molar ratio. A thermodynamics-based coarse-grained force field, termed MARTINI, has been used together with the GROMACS molecular dynamics package for all simulated systems in this work. Several physical properties of the system are reproduced by the model and are in agreement with known data. This includes membrane thickness, dimension of the proteins, and diffusion constants. We have studied the binding of MtCK to the membrane and demonstrated the effect of cardiolipin on the stabilization of the binding. In addition, our simulations predict which part of the MtCK protein sequence interacts with the membrane. Taken together, the model has been verified by dynamical and structural data and can be used as the basis for further studies.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to identify calpain substrates in muscle cells. Our hypothesis was that the yeast two-hybrid method could be used to identify novel calpain substrates. To accomplish this, native mu- and m-calpains, as well as a variety of calpain DNA fragments, were expressed in yeast cells and used to screen for binding proteins in a human skeletal muscle cDNA library. Calpain constructs that were used in the screening process included native mu- and m-calpains, a dominant negative (DN) m-calpain (i.e. active site modified), N-terminal truncated DN m-calpain (i.e. autolyzed DN-m-calpain) and, finally, an N- and C-terminal truncated m-calpain (i.e. autolyzed DN-m-calpain lacking a calcium-binding domain). Yeast cells were transformed using yeast two-hybrid expression vectors containing the different calpain constructs as "baits". Beta-galactosidase activity was assayed as an index of interaction between calpain and its potential target proteins. From this analysis, four clones (Ca2+-ATPase, novel nebulin-related protein (N-RAP), creatine kinase and glycogen phosphorylase) were recovered. Two of these, creatine kinase and glycogen phosphorylase, were selected for further study. In in-vitro assays, calpain was able to partially digest both proteins, suggesting that both creatine kinase and glycogen phosphorylase are natural calpain substrates.  相似文献   

The changes in the quaternary structure of chicken skeletal muscle phosphorylase kinase during limited proteolysis by trypsin and chymotrypsin were studied. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate of the products of phosphorylase kinase limited proteolysis revealed a similarity in the structure of the alpha'- and beta-subunits and some differences in the structure of the gamma-subunits of the chicken and rabbit enzymes. Phosphorylation with the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (up to 2 mol of 32P/mol of alpha' beta gamma' sigma monomer) and autophosphorylation (up to 8 mol of 32P/mol alpha' beta gamma' delta monomer) increased the activity of chicken phosphorylase kinase 1.5-fold and 2.0-fold, respectively. The incorporation of phosphate into the alpha' and beta-subunits in the course of the protein kinase-catalyzed reaction was demonstrated.  相似文献   

The synthesis of creatine phosphate (CP) by mitochondrial creatine kinase during oxidative phosphorylation was terminated when the mass action ratio of the creatine kinase reaction = [ADP]·[CP][ATP]·[Cr] became equal to the apparent equilibrium constant (K eq app) of this reaction. Subsequent excess of over the K eq app was due to an increase in the ADP concentration in the medium. A comparable increase in the ADP concentration also occurred in the absence of creatine (Cr) in the incubation medium. Increase in the ADP concentration was shown to be associated with a decrease in the rate of oxidative phosphorylation and with a relative increase in the ATPase activity of mitochondria during the incubation. A low concentration of ADP (<30 M) and relatively high concentrations (1-6 mM) of other components of the creatine kinase reaction prevented the detection of the reverse reaction within 10 min after exceeded the K eq app, but the reverse reaction became evident on more prolonged incubation. The reverse reaction was accompanied by a further increase in . Low ADP concentration in the medium was also responsible for the lack of an immediate conversion of the excess creatine phosphate added although > K eq app. The findings are concluded to be in contradiction with the concept of microcompartment formation between mitochondrial creatine kinase and adenine nucleotide translocase.  相似文献   

Rabbit skeletal muscle glycogen synthetase was phosphorylated by incubation with [γ-32P]ATP, Mg++ and cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit from the same source. One of the major phosphorylation site peptides was isolated following brief tryptic-hydrolysis, and shown to have the sequence

The content of adenylic system components and creatine phosphate was determined in skeletal muscles and myocardium after intraperitoneal injection and short-term action of myorelaxin and arduan. The injected myorelaxin causes no significant changes in macroergic phosphates in skeletal muscles, whereas arduan lowers the ATP amount by 39%. The both myorelaxants have the same effect on the adenylic system components of the myocardium: they lower significantly the level of ATP and enhance that of ADP and AMP. Different variational tendences of variation in the content of creatine phosphate in skeletal muscles (a certain rise) and in the myocardium (a decrease more than by 30%) are observed.  相似文献   

Activities of glycogen synthase (total) and branching enzyme in slow (soleus) muscle are higher than those in fast (vastus lateralis) muscle, while those of phosphorylase kinase (total), phosphorylase (total) and debranching enzyme are reversed. The active form ratio of glycogen synthase is higher in fast muscle, while those of phosphorylase kinase and phosphorylase are higher in slow muscle. Activities of cAMP-dependent protein kinase and protein phosphatase in slow muscle are higher than those in fast muscle. These results suggest that glycogen metabolizing enzymes in slow muscle, distinct from those in fast muscle, are regulated more strongly by cAMP-dependent protein kinase rather than by protein phosphatase.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthase I (EC from rat and from rabbit skeletal muscle was phosphorylated in vitro by glycogen synthase kinase 4 (EC to the extent of 0.8 phosphates/subunit. For both phosphorylated enzymes, the activity ratio (activity without glucose 6-P divided by activity with 8 mM glucose 6-P) was 0.8 when determined with low concentrations of glycogen synthase and/or short incubation times. However, the activity ratio was 0.5 with high enzyme concentrations and longer incubation times. It was found that the lower activity ratios result largely from UDP inhibition of activity measured in the absence of glucose 6-P. Inhibition by UDP was much less pronounced for glycogen synthase I, indicating that a major consequence of phosphorylation by glycogen synthase kinase 4 is an increased sensitivity to UDP inhibition.  相似文献   

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