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The myelin sheath insulates axons in the vertebrate nervous system, allowing rapid propagation of action potentials via saltatory conduction. Specialized glial cells, termed Schwann cells in the PNS and oligodendrocytes in the CNS, wrap axons to form myelin, a compacted, multilayered sheath comprising specific proteins and lipids. Disruption of myelinated axons causes human diseases, including multiple sclerosis and Charcot-Marie-Tooth peripheral neuropathies. Despite the progress in identifying human disease genes and other mutations disrupting glial development and myelination, many important unanswered questions remain about the mechanisms that coordinate the development of myelinated axons. To address these questions, we began a genetic dissection of myelination in zebrafish. Here we report a genetic screen that identified 13 mutations, which define 10 genes, disrupting the development of myelinated axons. We present the initial characterization of seven of these mutations, defining six different genes, along with additional characterization of mutations that we have described previously. The different mutations affect the PNS, the CNS, or both, and phenotypic analyses indicate that the genes affect a wide range of steps in glial development, from fate specification through terminal differentiation. The analysis of these mutations will advance our understanding of myelination, and the mutants will serve as models of human diseases of myelin.  相似文献   

Saltatory conduction in myelinated axons requires organization of the nodes of Ranvier, where voltage-gated sodium channels are prominently localized [1]. Previous results indicate that alphaII-spectrin, a component of the cortical cytoskeleton [2], is enriched at the paranodes [3, 4], which flank the node of Ranvier, but alphaII-spectrin's function has not been investigated. Starting with a genetic screen in zebrafish, we discovered in alphaII-spectrin (alphaII-spn) a mutation that disrupts nodal sodium-channel clusters in myelinated axons of the PNS and CNS. In alphaII-spn mutants, the nodal sodium-channel clusters are reduced in number and disrupted at early stages. Analysis of chimeric animals indicated that alphaII-spn functions autonomously in neurons. Ultrastructural studies show that myelin forms in the posterior lateral line nerve and in the ventral spinal cord in alphaII-spn mutants and that the node is abnormally long; these findings indicate that alphaII-spn is required for the assembly of a mature node of the correct length. We find that alphaII-spectrin is enriched in nodes and paranodes at early stages and that the nodal expression diminishes as nodes mature. Our results provide functional evidence that alphaII-spectrin in the axonal cytoskeleton is essential for stabilizing nascent sodium-channel clusters and assembling the mature node of Ranvier.  相似文献   

Protein 4.1B contributes to the organization of peripheral myelinated axons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neurons are characterized by extremely long axons. This exceptional cell shape is likely to depend on multiple factors including interactions between the cytoskeleton and membrane proteins. In many cell types, members of the protein 4.1 family play an important role in tethering the cortical actin-spectrin cytoskeleton to the plasma membrane. Protein 4.1B is localized in myelinated axons, enriched in paranodal and juxtaparanodal regions, and also all along the internodes, but not at nodes of Ranvier where are localized the voltage-dependent sodium channels responsible for action potential propagation. To shed light on the role of protein 4.1B in the general organization of myelinated peripheral axons, we studied 4.1B knockout mice. These mice displayed a mildly impaired gait and motility. Whereas nodes were unaffected, the distribution of Caspr/paranodin, which anchors 4.1B to the membrane, was disorganized in paranodal regions and its levels were decreased. In juxtaparanodes, the enrichment of Caspr2, which also interacts with 4.1B, and of the associated TAG-1 and Kv1.1, was absent in mutant mice, whereas their levels were unaltered. Ultrastructural abnormalities were observed both at paranodes and juxtaparanodes. Axon calibers were slightly diminished in phrenic nerves and preterminal motor axons were dysmorphic in skeletal muscle. βII spectrin enrichment was decreased along the axolemma. Electrophysiological recordings at 3 post-natal weeks showed the occurrence of spontaneous and evoked repetitive activity indicating neuronal hyperexcitability, without change in conduction velocity. Thus, our results show that in myelinated axons 4.1B contributes to the stabilization of membrane proteins at paranodes, to the clustering of juxtaparanodal proteins, and to the regulation of the internodal axon caliber.  相似文献   

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - The propagation of an action potential in nerves is accompanied by mechanical and thermal effects. Several mathematical models explain the deformation...  相似文献   

Fgf21 is essential for haematopoiesis in zebrafish   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Fibroblast growth factors (Fgfs) function as key secreted signalling molecules in many developmental events. The zebrafish is a powerful model system for the investigation of embryonic vertebrate haematopoiesis. Although the effects of Fgf signalling on haematopoiesis in vitro have been reported, the functions of Fgf signalling in haematopoiesis in vivo remain to be explained. We identified Fgf21 in zebrafish embryos. Fgf21-knockdown zebrafish embryos lacked erythroid and myeloid cells but not blood vessels and lymphoid cells. The knockdown embryos had haemangioblasts and haematopoietic stem cells. However, the knockdown embryos had significantly fewer myeloid and erythroid progenitor cells. In contrast, Fgf21 had no significant effect on cell proliferation and apoptosis in the intermediate cell mass. These results indicate that Fgf21 is a newly identified factor essential for the determination of myelo-erythroid progenitor cell fate in vivo.  相似文献   

Brain Cell Biology - The axoplasmic reticulum in myelinated axons is an extensive system of branched smooth membranous tubules which is found throughout the length of large axons. To investigate...  相似文献   

Myelination results in a highly segregated distribution of axonal membrane proteins at nodes of Ranvier. Here, we show the role in this process of TAG-1, a glycosyl-phosphatidyl-inositol-anchored cell adhesion molecule. In the absence of TAG-1, axonal Caspr2 did not accumulate at juxtaparanodes, and the normal enrichment of shaker-type K+ channels in these regions was severely disrupted, in the central and peripheral nervous systems. In contrast, the localization of protein 4.1B, an axoplasmic partner of Caspr2, was only moderately altered. TAG-1, which is expressed in both neurons and glia, was able to associate in cis with Caspr2 and in trans with itself. Thus, a tripartite intercellular protein complex, comprised of these two proteins, appears critical for axo-glial contacts at juxtaparanodes. This complex is analogous to that described previously at paranodes, suggesting that similar molecules are crucial for different types of axo-glial interactions.  相似文献   

Molecular domains of myelinated axons   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Myelinated axons are organized into specific domains as the result of interactions with glial cells. Recently, distinct protein complexes of cell adhesion molecules, Na(+) channels and ankyrin G at the nodes, Caspr and contactin in the paranodes, and K(+) channels and Caspr2 in the juxtaparanodal region have been identified, and new insights into the role of the paranodal junctions in the organization of these domains have emerged.  相似文献   

Polarized domains of myelinated axons   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Salzer JL 《Neuron》2003,40(2):297-318
The entire length of myelinated axons is organized into a series of polarized domains that center around nodes of Ranvier. These domains, which are crucial for normal saltatory conduction, consist of distinct multiprotein complexes of cell adhesion molecules, ion channels, and scaffolding molecules; they also differ in their diameter, organelle content, and rates of axonal transport. Juxtacrine signals from myelinating glia direct their sequential assembly. The composition, mechanisms of assembly, and function of these molecular domains will be reviewed. I also discuss similarities of this domain organization to that of polarized epithelia and present emerging evidence that disorders of domain organization and function contribute to the axonopathies of myelin and other neurologic disorders.  相似文献   

Mutations in sarcoglycans (alpha-, beta-, gamma-, and delta-) have been linked with limb girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) types 2C-F in humans. We have cloned the zebrafish orthologue encoding delta-sarcoglycan and mapped the gene to linkage group 21. The predicted zebrafish delta-sarcoglycan protein is highly homologous with its human orthologue including conservation of two of the three predicted glycosylation sites. Like other members of the dystrophin-associated protein complex (DAPC), delta-sarcoglycan localizes to the sarcolemmal membrane of the myofiber in adult zebrafish, but is more apparent at the myosepta in developing embryos. Zebrafish embryos injected with morpholinos against delta-sarcoglycan were relatively inactive at 5 dpf, their myofibers were disorganized, and swim bladders uninflated. Immunohistochemical and immunoblotting experiments show that delta-, beta-, and gamma-sarcoglycans were all downregulated in the morphants, whereas dystrophin expression was unaffected. Whereas humans lacking delta-sarcoglycan primarily show adult phenotypes, our results suggest that delta-sarcoglycan plays a role in early zebrafish muscle development.  相似文献   

Exact cable theory is used to calculate voltage distributions along fully myelinated axons and those with various patterns of demyelination. The model employed uses an R-C circuit for the soma, an equivalent cable for the dendrites, a myelinated axon with n internodes and a cable representing telodendria. For the case of a voltage clamp at the soma, a system of 2n + 1 equations must be solved to obtain the potential distribution and this is done for arbitrary n. An explicit calculation is performed for one internode whereas computer-generated solutions are obtained for several internodes. The relative importance of the position of a single demyelinated internode is determined. An approximate expression is given for the critical internodal length necessary for action potential generation.  相似文献   



Embryonic morphogenesis of vascular and muscular systems is tightly coordinated, and a functional cooperation of Mtmr8 with PI3K in actin filament modeling and muscle development has been revealed in zebrafish. Here, we attempt to explore the function of Mtmr8 in vasculature development parallel to its function in muscle development.  相似文献   

Summary In the dorsal root ganglia of the rat, ribosomes were found not only in the initial segment, but they were also observed in the axoplasm of intraganglionar myelinated fibres and in the sensory portion of spinal nerves. Axons of seven-days-old rats contained more ribosomes than those of adult animals. The amount of particles decreased gradually from the initial segment trough intraganglionar internodes to the axons of spinal nerves. No ribosomes were found in axons of dorsal roots. In intraganglionar fibres, ribosomal particles were usually observed near the nodes of Ranvier, in the vicinity of Schmidt-Lantermann clefts and in axons near the Schwann cell nuclei. They were arranged in tetrads, pentads or in larger polysomes, and they were often observed adjacent to a group of mitochondria.The particles had invariably a stable size, their average diameters measuring 234 ± 2 × 197 ± 3 Å, which is practically equal to the diameters of 232 ± 2 × 203 ± 3 Å of ribosomes in the Schwann cell cytoplasm. These values fall within the range of diameters of ribosomes isolated from various cells of eukaryotic organisms as given in the literature. Since no other granular component of the cytoplasm has similarly stable dimensions, the measurements are considered to prove that the axonal particles described here are ribosomes.The author wishes to thank Dr. K. Smetana for his valuable suggestions and Mrs. M. Sobotková, Ing. M. Doubek and Mr. H. Kunz for their skillful technical assistance. The investigation was in part supported by a grant-in-aid from the Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America, Inc.  相似文献   

Using a very simple hypothesis concerning the length of the depolarized area during propagation of action potentials, distributions of latencies in bundles of myelinated axons have been derived. The internodal length, the number of nodes of Ranvier, the depolarized area and the variation in internodal length are the important parameters.To demonstrate the applicability of the derivation proposed here some examples taken from neurophysiological experiments are given.  相似文献   

Myelinated fibers are organized into distinct domains that are necessary for saltatory conduction. These domains include the nodes of Ranvier and the flanking paranodal regions where glial cells closely appose and form specialized septate-like junctions with axons. These junctions contain a Drosophila Neurexin IV-related protein, Caspr/Paranodin (NCP1). Mice that lack NCP1 exhibit tremor, ataxia, and significant motor paresis. In the absence of NCP1, normal paranodal junctions fail to form, and the organization of the paranodal loops is disrupted. Contactin is undetectable in the paranodes, and K(+) channels are displaced from the juxtaparanodal into the paranodal domains. Loss of NCP1 also results in a severe decrease in peripheral nerve conduction velocity. These results show a critical role for NCP1 in the delineation of specific axonal domains and the axon-glia interactions required for normal saltatory conduction.  相似文献   

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