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The binding curves of histones H1 and H5 to chromatin in nuclei have been determined by a novel method which utilises the differential properties of free and bound histones on cross-linking with formaldehyde. The dissociation is thermodynamically reversible as a function of [NaCl]. The binding curves are independent of temperature over the range 4 degrees - 37 degrees C and independent of pH over the range 5.0 to 9.0. The curves are sigmoid, indicating co-operative dissociation with NaCl. The standard free energy of dissociation in 1 M NaCl for H1 is 0.5 Kcals/mole and for H5 is 3.5 Kcals/mole.  相似文献   

Chemical cross-linking with dithiobis(succinimidyl propionate) has been used to investigate the relative disposition of neighbouring H5 (H1) molecules in chicken erythrocyte chromatin in the extended (nucleosome filament) and condensed (300 A filament) states; in this chromatin H5 and H1 are interspersed along the nucleosome filament, rather than segregated into blocks, as shown by the nature of the cross-linked dimers and their relative amounts. Detailed analysis of the cross-linked H5 homopolymers from extended chromatin and condensed nuclear chromatin indicates which domains of H5 are in contact (or close proximity) in the two states. Two results suggest a polar, head-to-tail arrangement of H5 molecules along the nucleosome filament. This arrangement persists when chromatin adopts higher-order structure but in the folded state neighbouring basic C-terminal domains, in particular, are more closely juxtaposed than they are in extended chromatin.  相似文献   

1. Chicken erythrocyte histones H1a, H1b and H5 were associated to H1-depleted polynucleosomes from rat liver and the products were probed by digestion with micrococcal nuclease. 2. The digestion response of complexes with purified H1a or H1b resembled that of native polynucleosomes, while the digestion response of complexes with purified H5 exhibited specific different features--but none of these complexes resembled those with unfractionated histones H1a, H1b and H5. 3. However, after mixing purified histones H1a, H1b and H5 in the proportions (0.15:0.25:0.9) as these occur in erythrocyte nuclei and associating this mixture, the digestion response of the complexes was similar to that of the complexes with unfractionated histones.  相似文献   

Nucleosome dimers containing, on average, a single molecule of histone H5 have been isolated from chicken erythrocyte nuclei and the associated DNA fragments cloned and sequenced. The average sequence organization of at least one of the two nucleosomes in the dimers is highly asymmetric and suggests that the torsional, as well as the axial, flexibility of DNA is a determinant of nucleosome positioning. On average the nucleosome dimer is a polar structure containing linker DNA of variable lengths. The sequences associated with H5 containing nucleosomes and core particles are sufficiently different to indicate that removal of histone H5 (or H1) from chromatin may result in the migration of the histone octamer and a consequent exposure of sites for regulatory proteins.  相似文献   

Octamer reconstitution from acid-extracted chicken erythrocyte histones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Histone octamers have been reconstituted from acid-extracted chicken erythrocyte histones. By the criteria of molecular size on exclusion chromatography as well as sedimentation velocity and conformational properties established by circular dichroism, fluorescence spectroscopy and imido-ester cross-linking, the reconstituted octamers have a structure identical to that of salt-extracted octamers.  相似文献   

The distribution of histones H1 and H5 along chromatin fibers has been examined in the nucleated hen erythrocyte. Nucleosome oligomers, produced by micrococcal nuclease digestion of nuclei, were sequentially reacted with affinity-chromatography purified rabbit anti-H5 and sheep anti-rabbit antibodies. Quantitation of the relative amounts of H1 and H5 in the precipitated and supernatant fractions as a function of the oligomer number was consistent with a close interspersion of both types of histones, probably a random one. This conclusion was supported by the immunoprecipitation of longer chromatin fibers. This pattern of distribution appears to apply both to bulk chromatin and to chromatin inactivated during the maturation of the erythrocyte.  相似文献   

Rat liver telomeric DNA is organised into nucleosomes characterised by a shorter and more homogeneous average nucleosomal repeat than bulk chromatin as shown by Makarov et al. (1). The latter authors were unable to detect the association of any linker histone with the telomeric DNA. We have confirmed these observations but show that in sharp contrast chicken erythrocyte telomeric DNA is organised into nucleosomes whose spacing length and heterogeneity are indistinguishable from those of bulk chromatin. We further show that chicken erythrocyte telomeric chromatin contains chromatosomes which are preferentially associated with histone H1 relative to histone H5. This contrasts with bulk chromatin where histone H5 is the more abundant species. This observation strongly suggests that telomeric DNA condensed into nucleosome core particles has a higher affinity for H1 than H5. We discuss the origin of the discrimination of the lysine rich histones in terms of DNA sequence preferences, telomere nucleosome preferences and particular constraints of the higher order chromatin structure of telomeres.  相似文献   

Chicken erythrocyte chromatins containing a single species of linker histone, H1 or H5, have been prepared, using reassembly techniques developed previously. The reconstituted complexes possess the conformation of native chicken erythrocyte chromatin, as judged by chemical and structural criteria; saturation is reached when two molecules of linker histone are bound per nucleosome, as in native erythrocyte chromatin, which the resulting material resembles in its appearance in the electron microscope and quantitatively in its linear condensation factor relative to free DNA. The periodicity of micrococcal nuclease-sensitive sites in the linker regions associated with histone H1 or H5 is 10.4 base pairs, suggesting that the spatial organization of the linker region in the higher-order structure of chromatin is similar to that in isolated nucleosomes. The susceptible sites are cut at differing frequencies, as previously found for the nucleosome cores, leading to a characteristic distribution of intensities in the digests. The scission frequency of sites in the linker DNA depends additionally on the identity of the linker histone, suggesting that the higher-order structure is subject to secondary modulation by the associated histones.  相似文献   

Among the erythrocytes of chicken, trout, carp, and sucker, the relative proportion of the lysine-rich histone H5 varied from 20 to 0% of the total histones. Following digestion of nuclear chromatin with micrococcal nuclease, each of them displayed a longer DNA repeat length and greater repeat length heterogeneity than found in liver chromatin. Fish erythrocytes possessed similar repeat lengths of 207-209 base pairs which was 10-12 base pairs shorter than in chicken erythrocyte chromatin and approximately 10 base pairs longer than in liver chromatin. No correlation existed between the DNA repeat length or repeat length heterogeneity and the relative proportion of H5.  相似文献   

The 31P NMR method was first applied to characterize in vivo phosphorylation of H1 and H5 in calf thymus and chicken erythrocytes as well as in vitro phosphorylation of H1 and H5 by cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The amino acid residues phosphorylated in vivo in the histones were exclusively serine residues, and the mole fraction of phosphoserine was estimated to be 0.34 and 0.27 per molecule of calf thymus H1 and chicken erythrocyte H5, respectively. Interestingly, chicken erythrocyte H1 was not phosphorylated in vivo. Three H1 subtypes from calf thymus H1 varied in the 31P NMR spectra, and the bisected fragments of calf thymus H1 and chicken erythrocyte H5 exhibited characteristic spectral patterns, indicating that there are considerable diversities of the degree of phosphorylation and phosphorylation sites in very-lysine-rich histones. Furthermore, it was found that the microenvironment of phosphoserine residues phosphorylated in vivo in calf thymus H1 and chicken erythrocyte H5 is quite distinct from that of phosphoserine residues phosphorylated in vitro by bovine heart cAMP-dependent protein kinase.  相似文献   

1. A fractionation of chicken erythrocyte histones was achieved simultaneously with their extraction from saline-washed nuclei by stepwise titrations to progressively lower pH values. 2. Different acids and dilute buffer solutions of comparable pH behaved similarly in stepwise extractions of histones. 3. The histone preparations so obtained were characterized by their amino acid composition and behaviour on zone electrophoresis in starch gels. 4. The fractionation by titration was quite sharp at appropriate pH ranges, and the histone fraction that is apparently unique to avian erythrocytes was obtained without contamination by other histone fractions. 5. Histones prepared by stepwise titration were fractionated further by cation-exchange and exclusion chromatography. The chromatographic behaviour and amino acid composition of the components permitted comparison with histones prepared by other methods. 6. Histone fraction IIb was resolved into its subfractions IIb(1) and IIb(2) by exclusion chromatography on Bio-Gel P-60. 7. Histone fractions III and IV, previously reported to be absent from chicken erythrocyte nuclei, were found in extracts made at pH1.  相似文献   

Chromatin of chicken erythrocyte nuclei was extracted by digestion with micrococcal nuclease. The length distribution of the soluble chromatin was determined by gel electrophoresis and electron microscopy. These results were fitted with a theoretical distribution which was an outcome of the domain model proposed by Igo-Kemenes and Zachau (Igo-Kemenes, T. and H.G. Zachau (1977) Cold Spring Harbour Symp. Quant. Biol. 42, 109–118). A domain length of 45 kbp was obtained.  相似文献   

Histone H1 was depleted selectively from chicken erythrocyte polynucleosomes, without any detectable concomitant loss of H5 or core particle histones. The depletion is performed with ion exchange resin at low ionic strength (80 mM NaCl). The nucleosomes did not slide during the procedure. In contrast to the native chromatin, H1 depleted polynucleosomes are completely soluble in the 5--600 mM NaCl range.  相似文献   

The higher-order organisation of chromatin in chicken erythrocyte nuclei as a function of the ionic strength of the nuclear suspension buffer and also of the time of incubation in this buffer prior to nuclease digestion has been investigated. This organisation is described in terms of a physical parameter called the domain length. The 45-kbp-long domains of control nuclei were unravelled to give rise to domains of length 150 kbp on overnight equilibration at 0 degree C of the nuclei in standard isolation buffer containing 0.135 M NaCl prior to nuclease digestion. However, transition to the equilibrium state was preceded by a metastable and irregular domain architecture when the nuclei were incubated for only 1 h. In contrast, the domain length remained unchanged when nuclei were incubated in the isolation buffer alone for identical periods of time. The proteins dissociated at the higher ionic strength were characterised and their role in stabilising the domain structure is discussed.  相似文献   

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