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This paper summarizes the current knowledge of unsaturated organic acids in their role as terminal electron acceptors for reductase chains of anaerobic bacteria. The mechanisms and enzyme systems involved in the reduction of fumarate by Escherichia coli, Wolinella succinogenes, and some species of the genus Shewanella are considered. Particular attention is given to reduction of the double bond of the unnatural compound methacrylate by the δ-proteobacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens AM-1. Soluble periplasmic flavocytochromes c, found in bacteria of the genera Shewanella and Geobacter, are involved in the hydrogenation of fumarate (in Shewanella species) and methacrylate (in G. sulfurreducens AM-1). In E. coli and W. succinogenes, fumarate is reduced in cytosol by membrane-bound fumarate reductases. The prospects for research into organic acid reduction at double bonds in bacteria are discussed.  相似文献   

Anaerobic oxidation of [1,2-14C]vinyl chloride and [1,2-14C]dichloroethene to 14CO2 under humic acid-reducing conditions was demonstrated. The results indicate that waterborne contaminants can be oxidized by using humic acid compounds as electron acceptors and suggest that natural aquatic systems have a much larger capacity for contaminant oxidation than previously thought.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the ability of Desulfitobacterium spp. to utilize aliphatic sulfonates as terminal electron acceptors (TEA) for growth. Isethionate (2-hydroxyethanesulfonate) reduction by Desulfitobacterium hafniense resulted in acetate as well as sulfide accumulation in accordance with the expectation that the carbon portion of isethionate was oxidized to acetate and the sulfur was reduced to sulfide. The presence of a polypeptide, approximately 97 kDa, was evident in isethionate-grown cells of Desulfitobacterium hafniense, Desulfitobacterium sp. strain PCE 1, and the two sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB)—Desulfovibrio desulfuricans IC1 (T. J. Lie, J. R. Leadbetter, and E. R. Leadbetter, Geomicrobiol. J. 15:135–149, 1998) and Desulfomicrobium norvegicum; this polypeptide was not detected when these bacteria were grown on TEA other than isethionate, suggesting involvement in its metabolism. The sulfate analogs molybdate and tungstate, effective in inhibiting sulfate reduction by SRB, were examined for their effects on sulfonate reduction. Molybdate effectively inhibited sulfonate reduction by strain IC1 and selectively inhibited isethionate (but not cysteate) reduction by Desulfitobacterium dehalogenans and Desulfitobacterium sp. strain PCE 1. Desulfitobacterium hafniense, however, grew with both isethionate and cysteate in the presence of molybdate. In contrast, tungstate only partially inhibited sulfonate reduction by both SRB and Desulfitobacterium spp. Similarly, another inhibitor of sulfate reduction, 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone, effectively inhibited sulfate reduction by SRB but only partially inhibited sulfonate reduction by both SRB and Desulfitobacterium hafniense.  相似文献   

The anaerobic microbial oxidation of toluene to CO2 coupled to humus respiration was demonstrated by use of enriched anaerobic sediments from the Amsterdam petroleum harbor (APH) and the Rhine River. Both highly purified soil humic acids (HPSHA) and the humic quinone moiety model compound anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS) were utilized as terminal electron acceptors. After 2 weeks of incubation, 50 and 85% of added uniformly labeled [13C]toluene were recovered as 13CO2 in HPSHA- and AQDS-supplemented APH sediment enrichment cultures, respectively; negligible recovery occurred in unsupplemented cultures. The conversion of [13C]toluene agreed with the high level of recovery of electrons as reduced humus or as anthrahydroquinone-2,6-disulfonate. APH sediment was also able to use nitrate and amorphous manganese dioxide as terminal electron acceptors to support the anaerobic biodegradation of toluene. The addition of substoichiometric amounts of humic acids to bioassay reaction mixtures containing amorphous ferric oxyhydroxide as a terminal electron acceptor led to more than 65% conversion of toluene (1 mM) after 11 weeks of incubation, a result which paralleled the partial recovery of electron equivalents as acid-extractable Fe(II). Negligible conversion of toluene and reduction of Fe(III) occurred in these bioassay reaction mixtures when humic acids were omitted. The present study provides clear quantitative evidence for the mineralization of an aromatic hydrocarbon by humus-respiring microorganisms. The results indicate that humic substances may significantly contribute to the intrinsic bioremediation of anaerobic sites contaminated with priority pollutants by serving as terminal electron acceptors.  相似文献   

The biochemical and molecular mechanisms used by alkaliphilic bacterial communities to reduce metals in the environment are currently unknown. We demonstrate that an alkaliphilic (pH > 9) consortium dominated by Tissierella, Clostridium, and Alkaliphilus spp. is capable of using iron (Fe3+) as a final electron acceptor under anaerobic conditions. Iron reduction is associated with the production of a freely diffusible species that, upon rudimentary purification and subsequent spectroscopic, high-performance liquid chromatography, and electrochemical analysis, has been identified as a flavin species displaying properties indistinguishable from those of riboflavin. Due to the link between iron reduction and the onset of flavin production, it is likely that riboflavin has an import role in extracellular metal reduction by this alkaliphilic community.  相似文献   

The ability of microorganisms to use chlorate (ClO3-) as an electron acceptor for respiration under anaerobic conditions was studied in batch and continuous tests. Complex microbial communities were cultivated anaerobically in defined media containing chlorate, all essential minerals, and acetate as the sole energy and carbon source. It was shown that chlorate was reduced to chloride, while acetate was oxidized to carbon dioxide and water and used as the carbon source for synthesis of new biomass. A biomass yield of 1.9 to 3.8 g of volatile suspended solids per equivalent of available electrons was obtained, showing that anaerobic growth with chlorate as an electron acceptor gives a high energy yield. This indicates that microbial reduction of chlorate to chloride in anaerobic systems is coupled with electron transport phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Simple pour plate and spectrophotometric techniques for the evaluation of growth curves of several anaerobic bacteria on solid media are described. Three basic patterns of anaerobic growth were observed. The curves obtained were very reproducible when studied on separate occasions. The curves obtained by spectrophotometric measurement were comparable to those obtained by the pour plate method, especially when a large bacterial inoculum was used. Limitations in the interpretation of the results are discussed. The methods and principles reported could provide the basis for the determination of bacterial growth on solid media using other organisms and different experimental conditions.  相似文献   

A competitive PCR (cPCR) assay targeting 16S ribosomal DNA was developed to enumerate growth of a Dehalococcoides-like microorganism, bacterium VS, from a mixed culture catalyzing the reductive dehalogenation of cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cDCE) and vinyl chloride (VC), with hydrogen being used as an electron donor. The growth of bacterium VS was found to be coupled to the dehalogenation of VC and cDCE, suggesting unique metabolic capabilities. The average growth yield was (5.2 ± 1.5) × 108 copies of the 16S rRNA gene/μmol of Cl (number of samples, 10), with VC being used as the electron acceptor and hydrogen as the electron donor. The maximum VC utilization rate () was determined to be 7.8 × 10−10 μmol of Cl (copy−1 day−1), indicating a maximum growth rate of 0.4 day−1. These average growth yield and values agree well with values found previously for dechlorinating cultures. Decay coefficients were determined with growth (0.05 day−1) and no-growth (0.09 day−1) conditions. An important limitation of this cPCR assay was its inability to discriminate between active and inactive cells. This is an essential consideration for kinetic studies.  相似文献   

The selenate-respiring bacterial strain SES-3 was able to use a variety of inorganic electron acceptors to sustain growth. SES-3 grew with the reduction of arsenate to arsenite, Fe(III) to Fe(II), or thiosulfate to sulfide. It also grew in medium in which elemental sulfur, Mn(IV), nitrite, trimethylamine N-oxide, or fumarate was provided as an electron acceptor. Growth on oxygen was microaerophilic. There was no growth with arsenite or chromate. Washed suspensions of cells grown on selenate or nitrate had a constitutive ability to reduce arsenate but were unable to reduce arsenite. These results suggest that strain SES-3 may occupy a niche as an environmental opportunist by being able to take advantage of a diversity of electron acceptors.  相似文献   

Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology - The characteristics of anaerobic glucose utilization and metabolite production by recombinant Escherichia coli strains with impaired fermentation ability...  相似文献   

Anaerobic Growth of Purple Nonsulfur Bacteria Under Dark Conditions   总被引:18,自引:11,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Purple nonsulfur photosynthetic bacteria were cultured anaerobically in the absence of light by a modification of the Hungate technique. Growth was slow and resembled that of fastidious anaerobes; on yeast extract-peptone-agar medium, each cell produced about 16 descendants in 15 to 20 days. Growth was stimulated by addition of ethyl alcohol, acetate and H2, or pyruvate and H2. Cells grown in the presence of pyruvate and H2 produced acetate and CO2; each cell produced approximately 10 descendants in 24 hr under anaerobic, dark conditions. Spectrophotometric evidence obtained from cells which were the product of five generations suggests no difference between the bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoids synthesized by cells grown anaerobically under dark or light conditions. Likewise, the ultrastructure of the photosynthetic apparatus in cells grown anaerobically in the dark and in the light appears similar.  相似文献   

Four pure cultures of denitrifying bacteria, which had previously been isolated on defined alkylbenzenes, were capable of anaerobic growth with crude oil as the only source of organic substrates. Chemical analyses after growth revealed that the known growth substrates toluene, ethylbenzene, and m-xylene were selectively consumed from the oil. o-Xylene and p-xylene, which as pure compounds did not support growth, were consumed to a lesser extent.  相似文献   

Desulfitobacterium dehalogenans grew with formate as the electron donor and 3-chloro-4-hydroxyphenylacetate (3-Cl-4-OHPA) as the electron acceptor, yielding Y(X/formate), Y(X/2e), and Y(X/ATP) ranging from 3.2 to 11.3 g of biomass (dry weight)/mol, thus indicating that energy was conserved through reductive dechlorination. Pyruvate was utilized as the electron donor and acceptor, yielding stoichiometric amounts of acetate and lactate, respectively, and a Y(X/reduced acceptor) of 13.0 g of biomass (dry weight)/mol. The supplementation of pyruvate-containing medium with additional electron acceptors, such as 3-Cl-4-OHPA, nitrate, fumarate, or sulfite, caused pyruvate to be replaced as the electron acceptor and nearly doubled the Y(X/ATP) (Y(X/acetate formed)). A comparison of the yields for 3-Cl-4-OHPA with those for other traditional electron acceptors indicates that the dehalogenation reaction led to the formation of similar amounts of energy equivalents. The various electron acceptors were used concomitantly with 3-Cl-4-OHPA in nonacclimated cultures, but the utilization rates and amounts utilized differed.  相似文献   

脱色希瓦氏菌Shewanella decolorationisS12在厌氧环境下能够使用多种电子受体进行厌氧呼吸。为了取得足够的细胞量用于膜蛋白质组学等科学研究的需要,本研究选取无机小分子(硝酸钠)、金属离子(柠檬酸铁)和有机大分子(偶氮染料苋菜红)作为电子受体,在使用确定成分的无机盐培养基条件下,使用不同浓度的电子供体和碳源对S12进行厌氧条件下静置和发酵罐的优化培养,采用连续补充电子受体的培养方式,确认了电子供体和碳源的合适浓度,建立了S12厌氧发酵罐培养方法。相比传统的静置厌氧培养,厌氧发酵罐培养方法在保证了严格厌氧条件下高效率还原电子受体的同时,还极大的提高了细胞生长密度。连续补充电子受体的厌氧发酵罐培养的S12最大细胞密度最大分别可达到静置厌氧培养细胞密度的325,304,369倍,而生长时间也比静置厌氧培养分别缩短了26.5%,17.6%,7.5%。这为需要大量细胞和蛋白的细菌厌氧呼吸生长实验建立了可行方法,对于进行兼性厌氧呼吸的微生物的大规模厌氧培养具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Desulfitobacterium dehalogenans grew with formate as the electron donor and 3-chloro-4-hydroxyphenylacetate (3-Cl-4-OHPA) as the electron acceptor, yielding YX/formate, YX/2e, and YX/ATP ranging from 3.2 to 11.3 g of biomass (dry weight)/mol, thus indicating that energy was conserved through reductive dechlorination. Pyruvate was utilized as the electron donor and acceptor, yielding stoichiometric amounts of acetate and lactate, respectively, and a YX/reduced acceptor of 13.0 g of biomass (dry weight)/mol. The supplementation of pyruvate-containing medium with additional electron acceptors, such as 3-Cl-4-OHPA, nitrate, fumarate, or sulfite, caused pyruvate to be replaced as the electron acceptor and nearly doubled the YX/ATP (YX/acetate formed). A comparison of the yields for 3-Cl-4-OHPA with those for other traditional electron acceptors indicates that the dehalogenation reaction led to the formation of similar amounts of energy equivalents. The various electron acceptors were used concomitantly with 3-Cl-4-OHPA in nonacclimated cultures, but the utilization rates and amounts utilized differed.  相似文献   

Succinate-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (SQR) from Escherichia coli is expressed maximally during aerobic growth, when it catalyzes the oxidation of succinate to fumarate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle and reduces ubiquinone in the membrane. The enzyme is similar in structure and function to fumarate reductase (menaquinol-fumarate oxidoreductase [QFR]), which participates in anaerobic respiration by E. coli. Fumarate reductase, which is proficient in succinate oxidation, is able to functionally replace SQR in aerobic respiration when conditions are used to allow the expression of the frdABCD operon aerobically. SQR has not previously been shown to be capable of supporting anaerobic growth of E. coli because expression of the enzyme complex is largely repressed by anaerobic conditions. In order to obtain expression of SQR anaerobically, plasmids which utilize the PFRD promoter of the frdABCD operon fused to the sdhCDAB genes to drive expression were constructed. It was found that, under anaerobic growth conditions where fumarate is utilized as the terminal electron acceptor, SQR would function to support anaerobic growth of E. coli. The levels of amplification of SQR and QFR were similar under anaerobic growth conditions. The catalytic properties of SQR isolated from anaerobically grown cells were measured and found to be identical to those of enzyme produced aerobically. The anaerobic expression of SQR gave a greater yield of enzyme complex than was found in the membrane from aerobically grown cells under the conditions tested. In addition, it was found that anaerobic expression of SQR could saturate the capacity of the membrane for incorporation of enzyme complex. As has been seen with the amplified QFR complex, E. coli accommodates the excess SQR produced by increasing the amount of membrane. The excess membrane was found in tubular structures that could be seen in thin-section electron micrographs.  相似文献   

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