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The traY gene product of plasmid R100 was purified as a hybrid protein, TraY-collagen-beta-galactosidase. The hybrid protein as well as the TraY' protein, which was obtained by collagenolysis of the hybrid protein, specifically binds to an AT-rich 36-base pair sequence (here called sbyA) within the region including the origin of transfer, oriT. The oriT region consists of highly conserved and nonconserved regions among R100-related plasmids, and sbyA was located within the nonconserved region immediately adjacent to the conserved region. This supports the idea that the TraY protein has a role as a component of endonuclease in recognizing its own oriT sequence. Unexpectedly, however, the hybrid protein and the TraY' protein were also found to bind to two different AT-rich sequences (each 24 base pairs in length) in the promoter region preceding the traY gene (here called sbyB and sbyC). This suggests that the TraY protein may have another role in regulating the expression of its own gene. The "TAA(A/T)T" sequence motif observed in these binding sites might constitute a core sequence recognized by the TraY protein. Mg2+ is not required for the specific binding of the TraY protein.  相似文献   

Purified Escherichia coli F-factor TraY protein binds oriT.   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
The traY gene of the Escherichia coli F plasmid has been shown by genetic studies (R. Everett and N. Willetts, J. Mol. Biol. 136:129-150, 1980) to be involved in the site-specific nicking reaction at oriT required for the initiation of DNA transfer during bacterial conjugation. In order to assign a biochemical function to TraY protein, the traY gene was cloned in a plasmid vector which utilizes the strong T7 phi 10 promoter to overproduce the protein. The plasmid-encoded TraY protein was specifically labeled with [35S]methionine, and purification of the polypeptide was accomplished by monitoring the radioactive label. Purified TraY protein had a relative molecular mass of approximately 17,000, as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The amino terminus of the purified protein was sequenced to confirm that the protein was encoded by the traY gene. The protein sequence revealed that the start codon for the TraY protein was a UUG codon 36 base pairs upstream of the AUG start site originally deduced from the DNA sequence (T. Fowler, L. Taylor, and R. Thompson, Gene 26:79-89, 1983). This start sequence confirmed the premise of Inamoto et al. that the F-plasmid TraY polypeptide-coding sequence would begin with UUG, creating a reading frame which renders a large degree of amino acid sequence identity with the TraY polypeptide from R100 (S. Inamoto, Y. Yoshioka, and E. Ohtsubo, J. Bacteriol. 170:2749-2757, 1988). The purified TraY protein from F bound specifically to the origin of transfer region of the F plasmid. However, no nicking activity was detected at oriT by using TraY protein or TraY protein in conjunction with helicase I.  相似文献   

Conjugative DNA transfer is a highly conserved process for the direct transfer of DNA from a donor to a recipient. The conjugative initiator proteins are key players in the DNA processing reactions that initiate DNA transfer - they introduce a site- and strand-specific break in the DNA backbone via a transesterification that leaves the initiator protein covalently bound on the 5'-end of the cleaved DNA strand. The action of the initiator protein at the origin of transfer (oriT) is governed by auxiliary proteins that alter the architecture of the DNA molecule, allowing binding of the initiator protein. In the F plasmid system, two auxiliary proteins have roles in establishing the relaxosome: the host-encoded IHF and the plasmid-encoded TraY. Together, these proteins direct the loading of TraI which contains the catalytic centre for the transesterification. The F-oriT sequence includes a binding site for another plasmid-encoded protein, TraM, which is required for DNA transfer. Here the impact of TraM protein on the formation and activity of the F plasmid relaxosome has been examined. Purified TraM stimulates the formation of relaxed DNA in a reaction that requires the minimal components of the relaxosome, TraI, TraY and IHF. Unlike TraY and IHF, TraM is not essential for the formation of the relaxosome in vitro and TraM cannot substitute for either TraY or IHF in this process. The TraM binding site sbmC, along with both IHF binding sites, is essential for stimulation of the relaxase reaction. In addition, stimulation of transesterification appears to require the C-terminal domain of TraI suggesting that TraM and TraI may interact through this domain on TraI. Taken together, these results provide additional evidence of a role for TraM as a component of the relaxosome, suggest a previously unknown interaction between TraI and TraM, and allow us to propose a molecular role for the C-terminal domain of TraI.  相似文献   

oriT sequence of the antibiotic resistance plasmid R100.   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
We present the nucleotide sequence of the oriT region from plasmid R100. Comparison to other IncF plasmids revealed homology around the proposed nick sites as well as conservation of inverted repeated sequences in the nonhomologous region. Three areas showed strong homology (eight of nine nucleotides) to the consensus sequence for binding of integration host factor, suggesting a role for this DNA-binding protein in nicking at oriT.  相似文献   

Apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites are among the most frequent DNA lesions. The first step in the AP site repair involves the magnesium-dependent enzyme AP endonuclease 1 (APE1) that catalyzes hydrolytic cleavage of the DNA phosphodiester bond at the 5′ side of the AP site, thereby generating a single-strand DNA break flanked by the 3′-OH and 5′-deoxyribose phosphate (dRP) groups. Increased APE1 activity in cancer cells might correlate with tumor chemoresistance to DNA-damaging treatment. It has been previously shown that the multifunctional oncoprotein Y-box-binding protein 1 (YB-1) interacts with APE1 and inhibits APE1-catalyzed hydrolysis of AP sites in single-stranded DNAs. In this work, we demonstrated that YB-1 stabilizes the APE1 complex with double-stranded DNAs containing the AP sites and stimulates cleavage of these AP sites at low magnesium concentrations.  相似文献   

N Furuya  T Nisioka    T Komano 《Journal of bacteriology》1991,173(7):2231-2237
Two transfer genes of IncI1 plasmid R64, tentatively designated nikA and nikB, were cloned and sequenced. They are located adjacent to the origin of transfer (oriT) and appear to be organized into an operon, which we call the oriT operon. On the basis of the DNA sequence, nikA and nikB were concluded to encode proteins with 110 and 899 amino acid residues, respectively. Complementation analysis indicated that these two genes are indispensable for the transfer of R64 but are not required for the mobilization of ColE1. By the maxicell procedure, the product of nikA was found to be a 15-kDa protein. On treating a cleared lysate prepared from cells harboring a plasmid containing oriT, nikA, and nikB with sodium dodecyl sulfate or proteinase K, superhelical plasmid DNA in the cleared lysate was converted to an open circular form (relaxation). Relaxation of plasmid DNA was found to require the oriT sequence in cis and the nikA and nikB sequences in trans. It would thus follow that the products of nikA and nikB genes form a relaxation complex with plasmid DNA at the oriT site.  相似文献   

T Abo  S Inamoto    E Ohtsubo 《Journal of bacteriology》1991,173(20):6347-6354
The product of the traM gene of plasmid R100 was purified as the TraM-collagen-beta-galactosidase fusion protein (TraM*) by using a beta-galactosidase-specific affinity column, and the TraM portion of TraM* (TraM') was separated by collagenolysis. Both the TraM* and TraM' proteins were found to bind specifically to a broad region preceding the traM gene. This region (designated sbm) was located within the nonconserved region in oriT among conjugative plasmids related to R100. The region seems to contain four core binding sites (designated sbmA, sbmB, sbmC, and sbmD), each consisting of a similar number of nucleotides and including a homologous 15-bp sequence. This result, together with the observation that the TraM* protein was located in the membrane fraction, indicates the possibility that the TraM protein has a function in anchoring the oriT region of R100 at the sbm sites to the membrane pore, through which the single-stranded DNA is transferred to the recipient. sbmC and sbmD, each of which contained a characteristic inverted repeat sequence, overlapped with the promoter region for the traM gene. This suggests that the expression of the traM gene may be regulated by its own product.  相似文献   

The nick site at the origin of transfer, oriT, of IncI1 plasmid R64 was determined. A site-specific and strand-specific cleavage of the phosphodiester bond was introduced during relaxation of the oriT plasmid DNA. Cleavage occurred between 2'-deoxyguanosine and thymidine residues, within the 44-bp oriT core sequence. The nick site was located 8 bp from the 17-bp repeat. A protein appeared to be associated with the cleaved DNA strand at the oriT site following relaxation. This protein was observed to bind to the 5' end of the cleaved strand, since the 5'-phosphate of the cleaved strand was resistant to the phosphate exchange reaction by polynucleotide kinase. In contrast, the 3' end of the cleaved strand appeared free, since it was susceptible to primer extension by DNA polymerase I. The global similarity of the oriT structures of IncI1 and IncP plasmids is discussed.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence at the oriT region of the IncI1 plasmid R64 was determined. A recombinant plasmid carrying a 141-base-pair R64 sequence was mobilized with a normal frequency, while a plasmid carrying only 44 base pairs of this R64 sequence was mobilized with a frequency 1/10 that of the original plasmid. The oriT region of the R64 plasmid contains two inverted-repeat sequences.  相似文献   

Relaxosomes are specific nucleoprotein structures involved in DNA-processing reactions during bacterial conjugation. In this work, we present evidence indicating that plasmid R388 relaxosomes are composed of origin of transfer (oriT) DNA plus three proteins TrwC relaxase, TrwA nic-cleavage accessory protein and integration host factor (IHF), which acts as a regulatory protein. Protein IHF bound to two sites (ihfA and ihfB) in R388 oriT, as shown by gel retardation and DNase I footprinting analysis. IHF binding in vitro was found to inhibit nic-cleavage, but not TrwC binding to supercoiled DNA. However, no differences in the frequency of R388 conjugation were found between IHF- and IHF+ donor strains. In contrast, examination of plasmid DNA obtained from IHF- strains revealed that R388 was obtained mostly in relaxed form from these strains, whereas it was mostly supercoiled in IHF+ strains. Thus, IHF could have an inhibitory role in the nic-cleavage reaction in vivo. It can be speculated that triggering of conjugative DNA processing during R388 conjugation can be mediated by IHF release from oriT.  相似文献   

The broad-host-range, multicopy plasmid R1162 is efficiently mobilized during conjugation by the self-transmissible plasmid R751. The relaxosome, a complex of plasmid DNA and R1162-encoded proteins, forms at the origin of transfer ( oriT ) and is required for mobilization. Transfer is initiated by strand- and site-specific nicking of the DNA within this structure. We show by probing with potassium permanganate that oriT DNA is locally melted within the relaxosome, in the region from the inverted repeat to the site that is nicked. Mutations in this region of oriT , and in genes encoding the protein components of the relaxosome, affect both nicking and melting of the DNA. The nicking protein in the relaxosome is MobA, which also ligates the transferred linear, single strand at the termination of a round of transfer. We propose that there is an underlying similarity in the substrates for these two MobA-dependent, DNA-processing reactions. We also show that MobA has an additional role in transfer, beyond the nicking and resealing of oriT DNA.  相似文献   

Mutational and physical analysis of F plasmid traY protein binding to oriT   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
F plasmid traY protein binding to wild-type or deleted regions containing the TraY-binding site, sbyA, was studied in vitro. The principal DNA-protein complex was formed with DNA segments including the sbyA site defined by footprinting and (with lesser affinity) with truncated segments that retained the leftward two-thirds of sbyA. This located the major sequence determinants for TraY binding between bp 204 and 227 on the oriT map. For all sequences tested, bound TraY induced bending of approximateiy 50 to 55°, and centred between bp 214 and 221. Thermodynamic and mobility analyses indicated that two TraY protomers bind to sbyA. At higher TraY concentrations, additional TraY bound to the left of the sbyA in a region previously shown to bind IHF (site IHF A). TraY binding to this additional site (sbyC) was inhibited by IHF. Sequence similarities shared by sbyA, sbyB, and SbyC may include the critical base pairs for TraY binding.  相似文献   

R1162 is efficiently comobilized during conjugative transfer of the self-transmissible plasmid R751. Bacteriophage M13 derivatives that contain two directly repeated copies of oriT, the site on R1162 DNA required in cis for mobilization, were constructed. Phage DNA molecules underwent recombination during infection of Escherichia coli, with the product retaining a single functional copy of oriT. Recombination was strand specific and depended on R1162 gene products involved in mobilization, but did not require the self-transmissible plasmid vector. Two genes were identified, one essential for recombination and the other affecting the frequency of recombination. Recombination of bacteriophage DNA could form the basis of a simple model for some of the events occurring during conjugation without the complexity of a true mating system.  相似文献   

The origin of transfer (oriT) of a bacterial plasmid plays a key role in both the initiation and termination of conjugative DNA transfer. We have previously shown that a conjugation-dependent recombination between the tandem R64 oriT sequences cloned into pHSG398 occurred, resulting in the deletion of the intervening sequence during DNA transfer. In this study, we tandemly cloned two oriT sequences of IncI1 plasmid R64 into pUC18. Specific recombination between the two oriT sequences in pUC18 was observed within Escherichia coli cells harboring mini-R64. This recombination was found to be independent of both the recA gene and conjugative DNA transfer. The R64 genes nikA and nikB, required for conjugal DNA processing, were essential for this recombination. Although a fully active 92-bp oriT sequence was required at one site for the recombination, the 44-bp oriT core sequence was sufficient at the other site. Furthermore, when two oriT sequences were tandemly cloned into the single-stranded phage vector M13 and propagated within E. coli cells, recombination between the two oriT sequences was observed, depending on the nikB gene. These results suggest that the R64 relaxase protein NikB can execute cleavage and rejoining of single-stranded oriT DNA within E. coli cells, whereas such a reaction in double-stranded oriT DNA requires collaboration of the two relaxosome proteins, NikA and NikB.  相似文献   

Cleavage at the F plasmid nic site within the origin of transfer (oriT) requires the F-encoded proteins TraY and TraI and the host-encoded protein integration host factor in vitro. We confirm that F TraY, but not F TraM, is required for cleavage at nic in vivo. Chimeric plasmids were constructed which contained either the entire F or R100-1 oriT regions or various combinations of nic, TraY, and TraM binding sites, in addition to the traM gene. The efficiency of cleavage at nic and the frequency of mobilization were assayed in the presence of F or R100-1 plasmids. The ability of these chimeric plasmids to complement an F traM mutant or affect F transfer via negative dominance was also measured using transfer efficiency assays. In cases where cleavage at nic was detected, R100-1 TraI was not sensitive to the two-base difference in sequence immediately downstream of nic, while F TraI was specific for the F sequence. Plasmid transfer was detected only when TraM was able to bind to its cognate sites within oriT. High-affinity binding of TraY in cis to oriT allowed detection of cleavage at nic but was not required for efficient mobilization. Taken together, our results suggest that stable relaxosomes, consisting of TraI, -M, and -Y bound to oriT are preferentially targeted to the transfer apparatus (transferosome).  相似文献   

The TraM protein of plasmid R1 is a DNA-binding protein   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
The TraM protein of the resistance plasmid R1 was purified to homogeneity and used for DNA-binding studies. Both gel retardation- and footprint experiments showed that TraM specifically binds to DNA of plasmid R1 comprising the region between the origin of transfer and the traM gene. Several TraM molecules bind and, according to the footprint experiments, two distinct sites of specific binding exist. The two sites are separated from each other by 12 nucleotides and each contains an inverted repeat. DNase I protection assays showed that the initial TraM binding occurs at these palindromic sequences. At higher protein concentrations the lengths of the DNA segments protected by TraM were increased towards the traM gene. In one region this extension leads to binding of TraM protein at its own promoters.  相似文献   

We developed an in vitro system to reproduce a site- and strand-specific nicking at the oriT region of plasmid R100. The nicking reaction was dependent on the purified TraY protein and on the lysate, which was prepared from cells overproducing the TraI protein. This supports the idea that the protein products of two genes, traY and traI, constitute an endonuclease that introduces a specific nick in vivo in the oriT region of the conjugative plasmids related to R100. The products were the "complex" DNA molecules with a protein covalently linked with the 5'-end of the nick. The nick was introduced in the strand, which is supposed to be transferred to recipient cells during conjugation, and was located at the site 59 base pairs upstream of the TraY protein binding site, sbyA.  相似文献   

To locate the transfer region of the 122-kiloase plasmid R64drd-11 belonging to incompatibility group I1, a series of deletion derivatives was constructed by in vitro recombinant DNA techniques followed by double homologous recombination in vivo. A plasmid designated pKK609 and bearing a 56.7-kilobase R64 sequence was the smallest transferable plasmid. A plasmid designated pKK610 and no longer possessing the 44-base-pair sequence of the R64 transfer system is located at one end. The other end of the R64 transfer region comprises a DNA segment of about 19 kilobases responsible for pilus formation. Shufflon, DNA with a novel rearrangement in R64, was found to be involved in pilus formation.  相似文献   

Transposon Tn7 insertion mutations of the promiscuous IncP-1 plasmid R18 which affect its conjugational transmissibility from Pseudomonas aeruginosa to Escherichia coli C, a strain of E. coli K12, Salmonella typhimurium and P. maltophilia have been mapped physically. They map to coordinate 53.5 kb in the Tral region of the plasmid. An 800-bp fragment mapping between R18 coordinates 52.85 and 53.65 kb, which complemented the host range defect of the mutants when tested with E. coli C as recipient, has been identified. However, complementation occurred only when the 800-bp cloned fragment was provided in the E. coli C recipient but not when situated in the P. aeruginosa donor. It is concluded that a trans-acting gene product of R18 is required, in the transcipient, for conjugative DNA metabolism during, or immediately following, the conjugational transfer of this plasmid between certain donor and recipient hosts.  相似文献   

The regions of B6K DNA corresponding to oriT, finO and traS are mapped using a number of hybrid plasmids and deletion mutants pAS3::Tn5, pAS3::Tn7 and pAS3::Tn9 obtained in vitro after treatment with restriction endonucleases EcoRI and BamHI. FinO- and traS-like genes were mapped in the regions of 10 and 25,0-25,4 MD, respectively, oriT being situated in the region of 4,6-4,7 Md.  相似文献   

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