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The six "core" proteins of HeLa cell 40S nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (hnRNP particles) package 700-nucleotide lengths of pre-mRNA into a repeating array of regular particles. We have previously shown that the C proteins exist as anisotropic tetramers of (C1)3C2 in 40S hnRNP particles and that each particle probably contains three such tetramers. We report here that proteins A2 and B1 also exist in monoparticles as (A2)3B1 tetramers and that each monoparticle contains at least three such tetramers. Proteins A2 and B1 dissociate from isolated monoparticles as a stable tetramer upon nuclease digestion. In low-salt gradients, the tetramers sediment at 6.8S, which is consistent with a mass of 145 kDa. In 200 mM salt, the concentration which dissociates these proteins from RNA, only 4.2S dimers exist in solution. Tetramers of (A2)3B1 possess the ability to package multiples of 700 nucleotides of RNA in vitro into an array of regular, 22.5-nm 43S particles. Unlike the in vitro assembly of intact 40S hnRNP, the (A2)3B1 tetramers assemble by means of a highly cooperative process. These findings indicate that the (A2)3B1 tetramers play a major role in hnRNP assembly and they further support the contention that 40S monoparticles are regular structures composed of three copies of three different tetramers, i.e., 3[(A1)3B2, (A2)3B1, (C1)3C2].  相似文献   

The majority of the protein mass of HeLa 40S heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein monoparticles is composed of multiple copies of six proteins that resolve in SDS gels as three groups of doublet bands (A1, A2; B1, B2; and C1, C2) (Beyer, A. L., M. E. Christensen, B. W. Walker, and W. M. LeStourgeon. 1977. Cell. 11: 127-138). We report here that when 40S monoparticles are exposed briefly to ribonuclease, proteins A1, C1, and C2 are solubilized coincidentally with the loss of most premessenger RNA sequences. The remaining proteins exist as tetramers of (A2)3(B1) or pentamers of (A2)3(B1)(B2). The tetramers may reassociate in highly specific ways to form either of two different structures. In 0.1 M salt approximately 12 tetramers (derived from three or four monoparticles) reassemble to form highly regular structures, which may possess dodecahedral symmetry. These structures sediment at 43S, are 20-22 nm in width, and have a mass near 2.3 million. These structures possess 450-500 bases of slowly labeled RNA, which migrates in gels as fragments 200-220 bases in length. In 9 mM salt the tetramers reassociate to form 2.0 M salt-insoluble helical filaments of indeterminant length with a pitch near 60 nm and diameter near 18 nm. If 40S monoparticles are treated briefly with nuclease-free proteases, the same proteins solubilized by nuclease (A1, C1, and C2) are preferentially cleaved. This protein cleavage is associated with the dissociation of most of the heterogeneous nuclear RNA. Proteins A2 and B1 again reassemble to form uniform, globular particles, but these sediment slightly slower than intact monoparticles. These findings indicate that proteins A1, C1, and C2 and most of the premessenger sequences occupy a peripheral position in intact monoparticles and that their homotypic and heterotypic associations are dependent on protein-RNA interactions. Protein cross-linking studies demonstrate that trimers of A1, A2, and C1 exist as the most easily stabilized homotypic association in 40S particles. This supports the 3:1 ratio (via densitometry) of the A and C proteins to the B proteins and indicates that 40S monoparticles are composed of three or four repeating units, each containing 3(A1),3(A2),1(B1),1(B2),3(C1), and 1(C2).  相似文献   

Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) complexes, the structures that contain heterogeneous nuclear RNA and its associated proteins, constitute one of the most abundant components of the eukaryotic nucleus. hnRNPs appear to play important roles in the processing, and possibly also in the transport, of mRNA. hnRNP C proteins (C1, M(r) of 41,000; C2, M(r) of 43,000 [by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis]) are among the most abundant pre-mRNA-binding proteins, and they bind tenaciously to sequences relevant to pre-mRNA processing, including the polypyrimidine stretch of introns (when it is uridine rich). C proteins are found in the nucleus during the interphase, but during mitosis they disperse throughout the cell. They have been shown previously to be phosphorylated in vivo, and they can be phosphorylated in vitro by a casein kinase type II. We have identified and partially purified at least two additional C protein kinases. One of these, termed Cs kinase, caused a distinct mobility shift of C proteins on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. These phosphorylated C proteins, the Cs proteins, were the prevalent forms of C proteins during mitosis, and Cs kinase activity was also increased in extracts prepared from mitotic cells. Thus, hnRNP C proteins undergo cell cycle-dependent phosphorylation by a cell cycle-regulated protein kinase. Cs kinase activity appears to be distinct from the well-characterized mitosis-specific histone H1 kinase activity. Several additional hnRNP proteins are also phosphorylated during mitosis and are thus also potential substrates for Cs kinase. These novel phosphorylations may be important in regulating the assembly and disassembly of hnRNP complexes and in the function or cellular localization of RNA-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Nuclear 14 S RNP particles containing poly (A) from Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells and rat liver were purified by re-sedimentation in sucrose gradients, by Cs2SO4 density gradient centrifugation and by affinity chromatography on a poly (dT)-Sepharose column. Proteins of these RNP particles were electrophoresed in urea and SDS-polyacrylamide gels. RNP particles of ascites carcinoma cells contain two main bands having molecular weights of 51 000 and 69 000 daltons, respectively, and two or three minor components.  相似文献   

The 40 S heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) particles from HeLa cells reveal tryptophan fluorescence with a bi-exponential decay, indicating that only a few of the 'core' proteins contain tryptophan residues. The presence of tryptophan residues distinguishes hnRNP particles from nucleosomes, with which they otherwise share a number of properties. This difference, however, is not essential for protein-RNA binding, as the fluorescence decay remains unchanged when hnRNP particles are dissociated into protein and RNA. However, the Stern-Volmer quenching constant is doubled upon salt dissociation, i.e. tryptophan residues become more accessible to solvent. Thus tryptophan quenching is a useful parameter for monitoring protein-protein interactions in hnRNP particles.  相似文献   

We have purified HeLa histone mRNA from polysomes of S-phase cells which had been synchronized by hydroxyurea treatment. This mRNA was shown to direct the in vitro synthesis of all five histones which amount to at least 90-95% of its total translational activity. Polysomal histone mRNP was also purified and identified by cell-free translation and hybridization to a clone of histone DNA from E. esculentus. The protein moiety of this mRNP contained three prominent species of molecular weight 86,000, 73,000 and 53,000 daltons. The presence of the 73,000 species previously assessed to be bound to poly(A) is discussed in view of the fact that histone mRNA does not contain a pail. As globin mRNA, histone mRNA as well as histone mRNP were translated with equal efficiency in cell-free extracts from either S-phase or hydroxyurea blocked HeLa cells.  相似文献   

Several proteins of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) particles display very high binding affinities for different ribonucleotide homopolymers. The specificity of some of these proteins at high salt concentrations and in the presence of heparin allows for their rapid one-step purification from HeLa nucleoplasm. We show that the hnRNP C proteins are poly(U)-binding proteins and compare their specificity to that of the previously described cytoplasmic poly(A)-binding protein. These findings provide a useful tool for the classification and purification of hnRNP proteins from various tissues and organisms and indicate that different hnRNP proteins have different RNA-binding specificities.  相似文献   

Rat liver nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles were prepared by two different methods and defined as 40S ribonucleoprotein (40S RNP) and heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (HnRNP) particles. The RNP particles were either solubilized in 8 M urea--6 mM 2-mercaptoethanol--20 mM glycine--20 mM Tris--HCl (pH 8.4) or subjected to removal of RNA by phenol extraction prior to solubilizing the proteins in the urea buffer. The proteins associated with 40S RNP and HnRNP were heterogeneous and very similar in their electrophoretic patterns when analyzed by two-dimensional PAGE, except a protein with molecular weight of 62 000 and an isoelectric point (pI) of 6.2 was present only in HnRNP particles. At least 12 major and 22 minor components could be identified in both preparations. The major proteins were found at pI values varying from 6.0 to 8.5 and with molecular weights from 32 000 to 42 000, and a group of proteins with molecular weight approximately 65 000 were more prominent in HnRNP than in 40S RNP. The other components were found mainly at pI ranges from 5.0 to 6.5 with molecular weights from 43 000 to 65 000. The phenol method extracted essentially all proteins associated with either 40S RNP and HnRNP, but was less effective in extracting a group of proteins with pI values from 5.0 to 5.5 and more efficient for proteins with pI values from 7.5 to 8.5. When chromatin proteins isolated by phenol extraction were compared with HnRNP particle proteins isolated by the same method, the electrophoretic mobilities of the HnRNP particle proteins were found to be identical with a fraction nonhistone chromatin proteins. The 40S RNP particles were further purified by metrizamide isopycnic density gradient centrifugation. The electrophoretic patterns of these proteins were very similar to those prepared by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Therefore, we concluded that the proteins of RNP particles constituted part of the chromatin proteins.  相似文献   

The distribution of simian virus 40 (SV40)-specific proteins in nuclear subfractions of pulse-chase-labeled HeLa cells infected with nondefective adenovirus type 2 (Ad2)-SV40 hybrid viruses was analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The SV40-specific proteins of Ad2+ND1, Ad2+ND2, and Ad2+ND5 specifically associate with the nuclear matrix and are virtually absent from the high-salt nuclear extract. In Ad2+ND4-infected HeLa cells, the SV40-specific proteins with molecular weights of 64,000 (64K) and lower also specifically associate with the nuclear matrix. The SV40-specific 72K, 74K, and 95K proteins were found both in the nuclear matrix and in the high-salt nuclear extract. Analyses of the nuclear matrices isolated from hybrid virus-infected cells by immunofluorescence microscopy showed that SV40 U-antigen-positive sera from SV40 tumor-bearing hamsters react with SV40-specific proteins integrated into nuclear matrices of HeLa cells infected by Ad2+ND1, Ad2+ND2, and Ad2+ND4, but not with nuclear matrices of HeLa cells infected by Ad2+ND5. This suggests that SV40-specific proteins of Ad2+ND1, Ad2+ND2, and Ad2+ND4 integrated into the nuclear matrix carry SV40 U-antigen determinants. The apparent discrepancy in the subcellular localization of SV40-specific proteins in hybrid virus-infected cells when analyzed by biochemical cell fractionation procedures and when analyzed by immunofluorescence staining is discussed.  相似文献   

A nuclear protein apparently homologous to the two major proteins of 40S heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles from mammalian cells has been isolated from the lower eukaryote Physarum polycephalum, purified, and found to contain a substantial amount of the unusual amino acid NG, NG-dimethylarginine. The apparent homology is based on similar molecular weights, basic isoelectric points and amino acid compositions including the dimethylarginine and a high content of glycine. The implications of the presence of this protein in Physarum polycephalum and the possible significance of the NG, NG-dimethylarginine are discussed.  相似文献   

Balbiani ring (BR) granules are premessenger ribonucleoprotein particles (RNPs) generated in giant chromosomal puffs, the BRs, in the larval salivary glands of the dipteran chironomus tentans. Monoclonal antibodies were raised against nuclear proteins collected on a single-stranded-DNA-agarose affinity column, and two of them were used to identify RNA-binding proteins in BR granules. First, in Western blots (immunoblots), one of the antibodies recognized a 36-kDa protein and the other recognized a 45-KDa protein. Second, both antibodies bound to the BRs in immunocytological experiments. It was shown in cross-linking experiments that the two proteins are associated with heterogeneous nuclear RNP (hnRNP) complexes extracted from C. tentans nuclei. By immunoelectron microscopy of isolated and partly unfolded BR RNPs, it was specifically demonstrated that the BR granules contain the two proteins and, in addition, that both proteins are distributed frequently along the RNP fiber of the particles. Thus, the 36- and 45-KDa proteins are likely to be abundant, RNA-binding proteins in the BR particles. To elucidate to what extent the two proteins are also present in other hnRNPs, we studied the binding of the antibodies to chromosomal puffs in general. It was observed that many puffs in addition to the BRs harbor the two proteins, but there are also puffs containing only one of the components, either the 36- or the 45-kDa protein. We conclude that the two proteins are not randomly bound to all hnRNPs but that each of them seems to be linked to a specific subset of the particles.  相似文献   

Brief digestion of HeLa nuclei with mirococcal nuclease releases monomer hnRNP particles as well as monomer and polynucleosomes. Sucrose gradient analysis of the nuclease released material reveals a series of small A260 peaks overlapping a more predominant peak in the 40S region of the gradient. Analysis of the proteins, DNa, and RNA in successive gradient fractions has confirmed that the smaller peaks are monomer and polynucleosomes, and that the larger peak is 40S hnRNP. Like 40S particles isolated by low salt extraction or by sonication, the nuclease released particles are composed of rapidly labeled RNA associated with a group of non-histone proteins the most predominant of which are the 32,000-44,000 MW proteins previously identified as core hnRNP proteins. These results provide further evidence that 40S hnRNP particles exist as discrete structural components of larger in vivo ribonucleoprotein complexes.  相似文献   

The core proteins of HeLa 40 S hnRNP monoparticles have been identified in the HeLa protein catalogue. Human proteins previously identified as proliferation-sensitive [NEPHGE 21 and 17; Bravo, R. and Celis, J.E. (1982) Clin. Chem. 28, 766], as well as two proteins characterized in this study (NEPHGE 16 W and 16 W1), are shown to be components of these particles. These basic nuclear polypeptides correspond to core proteins A1, B1a, B2 and C4, respectively. The significance of these results in terms of composition and function of hnRNP particles is discussed.  相似文献   

The processing of heterogeneous nuclear RNA into messenger RNA takes place in special nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles known as hnRNP. We report here the identification of proteins tightly complexed with poly(A)+ hnRNA in intact HeLa cells, as revealed by a novel in situ RNA- protein cross-linking technique. The set of cross-linked proteins includes the A, B, and C "core" hnRNP proteins, as well as the greater than 42,000 mol wt species previously identified in noncross-linked hnRNP. These proteins are shown to be cross-linked by virtue of remaining bound to the poly(A)+ hnRNA in the presence of 0.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate, 0.5 M NaCl, and 60% formamide, during subsequent oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography, and in isopycnic banding in Cs2SO4 density gradients. These results establish that poly(A)+ hnRNA is in direct contact with a moderately complex set of nuclear proteins in vivo. This not only eliminates earlier models of hnRNP structure that were based upon the concept of a single protein component but also suggests that these proteins actively participate in modulating hnRNA structure and processing in the cell.  相似文献   

Assembly of splicing precursor RNAs into ribonucleoprotein particle (RNP) complexes during incubation in in vitro splicing extracts was monitored by a new system of RNP gel electrophoresis. The temporal pattern of assembly observed by our system was identical to that obtained by other gel and gradient methodologies. In contrast to the results obtained by other systems, however, we observed requirements of U1 small nuclear RNPs (snRNPs) and 5' splice junction sequences for formation of specific complexes and retention of U1 snRNPs within gel-fractionated complexes. Single-intron substrate RNAs rapidly assembled into slow-migrating complexes. The first specific complex (A) appeared within a minute of incubation and required ATP, 5' and 3' precursor RNA consensus sequences, and intact U1 and U2 RNAs for formation. A second complex (B) containing precursor RNA appeared after 15 min of incubation. Lariat-exon 2 and exon 1 intermediates first appeared in this complex, operationally defining it as the active spliceosome. U4 RNA was required for appearance of complex B. Released lariat first appeared in a complex of intermediate mobility (A') and subsequently in rapidly migrating diffuse complexes. Ligated product RNA was observed only in fast-migrating complexes. U1 snRNPs were detected as components of gel-isolated complexes. Radiolabeled RNA within the A and B complexes was immunoprecipitated by U1-specific antibodies under gel-loading conditions and from gel-isolated complexes. Therefore, the RNP antigen remained associated with assembled complexes during gel electrophoresis. In addition, 5' splice junction sequences within gel-isolated A and B complexes were inaccessible to RNase H cleavage in the presence of a complementary oligonucleotide. Therefore, nuclear factors that bind 5' splice junctions also remained associated with 5' splice junctions under our gel conditions.  相似文献   

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