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Cadmium induced lipid peroxidation (LPO) and the activity of antioxidantenzymes after the administration of a single dose of CdCl 2 (0.4 mg kg body wt, ip) was studied in rat erythrocytes.Cd intoxication increased erythrocyte LPO along with a decrease insuperoxide dismutase (SOD) up to three days of Cd treatment. Thedecrease in erythrocyte catalase (CAT) activity was marked within9 h of Cd intoxication. After three days of Cd treatment, LPOdecreased towards normal, along with an increase in erythrocyteSOC and CAT activity. Blood glutathione (GSH) decreased significantlywithin 24 h of Cd treatment, followed by an increase towards normal.Erythrocyte glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity increased up to10 days of Cd intoxication, probably in an attempt to reduce Cd toxicity.Serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT), serum alkaline phosphatase(SALP) and serum bilirubin increased up to 10 days of Cd intoxication.Blood urea increased significantly up to three days, followed by a decreasetowards normal. The results show that Cd induced LPO was associated with adecrease in antioxidant enzymes and GSH in erythrocytes; as these antioxidantsincrease in erythrocytes with recovery from Cd intoxication, the Cd inducedLPO reversed towards normal. The increase in the SGPT, SALP and serum bilirubincorrelated with LPO. The results suggest that Cd intoxication induces oxidativestress and alters the antioxidant system, resulting in oxidative damage torat erythrocytes. © Rapid Science 1998  相似文献   

Alloxan is a diabetogenic drug and is known to induce diabetes through generation of free radicals. The toxic oxygen species can be detoxified by antioxidant enzyme system and thus reduce the deleterious effect of lipid peroxidation. Erythrocytes exposed to alloxan induced lipid peroxidationin vivo as well asin vitro. Although alloxan treatment produced a deleterious effect on antioxidant enzymes, pretreatment with glutathione and selenium led to a recovery of the activities of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. However, catalase activity increased on alloxan treatment. Alloxan reduced blood glucose level significantly within 60 min but thereafter a slow and steady rise was observed.  相似文献   

Oxidative injury and antioxidant responses were investigated in two banana genotypes (Musa AAA Berangan and Musa AA Mas) subjected to 40 % PEG-induced water stress. PEG treatment resulted in oxidative injury, as expressed in increased lipid peroxidation and reduced membrane stability index, in both cultivars; however, greater oxidative injury was detected in Mas. Under PEG treatment, catalase activity and glutathione reductase activity were enhanced in both cultivars, but were higher in Mas. Ascorbate peroxidase activity was enhanced in Berangan under water stress, but was unaffected in Mas. Meanwhile, superoxide dismutase activity was inhibited in both cultivars under water stress, but higher activity was detected in Berangan. Higher ascorbate peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activities were associated with greater protection against water stress-induced oxidative injury.  相似文献   

Diazinon is one of the most widely used organophosphate insecticides (OPIs) in agriculture and public health programs. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) caused by OPIs may be involved in the toxicity of various pesticides. The aim of this study was to investigate how diazinon affects lipid peroxidation (LPO) and the antioxidant defense system in vivo and the possible ameliorating role of vitamins E and C. For this purpose, experiments were done to study the effects of DI on LPO and the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), and catalase (CAT) in adult rat heart. Experimental groups were: (1) control group, (2) diazinon treated (DI) group, (3) DI+vitamins E and C-treated (DI+Vit) group. The levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) and the activities of SOD and CAT increased significantly in the DI group compared with the control group. The activity of SOD and the levels of MDA decreased significantly in the DI+Vit group compared with the DI group. The differences between the DI+Vit and control groups according to the MDA levels and the activities of both SOD and CAT were statistically significant. These results suggest that treating rats with a single dose of diazinon increases LPO and some antioxidant enzyme activities in the rat myocardium and, in addition, that single-dose treatment with a combination of vitamins E and C after the administration of diazinon can reduce LPO caused by diazinon, though this treatment was not sufficiently effective to reduce the values to those in control group.  相似文献   

Many secondary plant compounds are capable of photoactivation resulting in the production of toxic species of oxygen. One mechanism of defense for insects feeding on phototoxic plants may be the presence of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPOX), and glutathione reductase (GR). The activities of these enzymes were examined in larvae of three lepidoptera: Ostrinia nubilalis, Manduca sexta, and Anaitis plagiata. Highest levels of antioxidant enzyme activity were found in A. plagiata, a specialist feeder on Hypericum perforatum, which contains high levels of the phototoxin hypericin. Larvae of A. plagiata fed leaf discs treated with hypericin exhibited a short-term, concentration-dependent decline in enzyme activity. Longer term studies with A. palgiata fed either the photoxic H. perforatum, or the closely related but non-phototoxic H. calycinum, resulted in increased CAT and GR activity in larvae fed the phototoxic plant whereas SOD activity was not significantly different. These results suggest that CAT and GR may be inducible defenses against phototoxins.  相似文献   

The 24 h effect of low (20°C) and high (43°C) temperature on the antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation was investigated in intact cells of the cyanobacteriumSynechocystis PCC 6803 grown at 36°C. At low temperature treated cells, the superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase activities were significantly higher and the protein content lower than in high temperature treated cells. The increase of hydroxyl free radical level and malonyldialdehyde formation, when algal cells were exposed to low temperature, were due to the stimulated production of superoxide radicals O2 and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).  相似文献   

The black swallowtail butterfly larvae, Papilio polyxenes, are specialist feeders that have adapted to feeding on plants containing high levels of prooxidant allelochemicals. Third, fourth, and fifth instar larvae were tested for their antioxidant enzyme activities, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione reductase (GR), and glutathione peroxidase (GPOX), using 850-g supernatants from whole-body homogenates. The overall antioxidant enzyme profile for P. polyxenes was high compared to other insects, with activities ranging as follows: SOD, 1.1–7.5; CAT, 124–343; GR, 1.0–7.5; and GPOX, 0 units. To determine whether these antioxidant enzymes were inducible, P. poly xenes larvae were given a prooxidant challenge by dipping parsley leaves (their diet in the initial studies) in solutions of quercetin, such that the leaves became coated with this prooxidant flavonoid. Mid-fifth instar larvae fed on quercetin-coated leaves were assayed for antioxidant enzyme activities as was previously done with the larvae fed the standard diet. Food consumption and quercetin intake were monitored. SOD activity was increased almost twofold at the highest quercetin concentration tested. CAT and GR activity, on the other hand, were inhibited by increased quercetin consumption, with GR activity completely inhibited at the highest quercetin concentration after 12 h of feeding. GPOX activity, not present in control insects, was also not inducible by a quercetin challenge. These studies point out the key role that the antioxidant enzymes play in insect defenses against plant prooxidants.  相似文献   

The effect of the liver mitogen, lead nitrate [Pb(NO3)2], on protein-undernutrition-induced increased lipid peroxidation and reduced antioxidants levels was investigated in rats. Animals were divided into four groups: A, B, C, and D of five animals each. Animals in groups C and D were placed on a low-protein diet (5% casein) and animals in groups A and B were maintained on a normal diet (16% casein) for 14 wk and fed ad libitum. Animals in groups B and D were each given a single intravenous injection of Pb(NO3)2 (100 μmol/kg body weight) 72 h before sacrifice. The results confirm that protein undernutrition (PU) induced an increase in lipid peroxidation with concomitant reductions in catalase (CAT) activity, glutathione (GSH) level, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. Lead (Pb) treatment, however, provoked increased lipid peroxidation, CAT activity, and GSH level but resulted in reduced SOD activity in both normal and PU-rats. These results suggest that Pb exacerbates liver lipid peroxidation in PU rats and suggests the involvement of free radicals in the pathogenesis of Pb poisoning. In addition, the results show that Pb affects well-fed and PU rats in similar ways but that the CAT activity of PU rats is more sensitive to the effect of Pb than that of normal rats.  相似文献   

Earlier we reported that probucol treatment subsequent to the induction of diabetes can prevent diabetes-associated changes in myocardial antioxidants as well as function at 8 weeks. In this study, we examined the efficacy of probucol in the reversal of diabetes induced myocardial changes. Rats were made diabetic with a single injection of streptozotocin (65 mg/kg, i.v.). After 4 weeks of induction of diabetes, a group of animals was treated on alternate days with probucol (10 mg/kg i.p.), a known lipid lowering agent with antioxidant properties. At 8 weeks, there was a significant drop in the left ventricle (LVSP) and aortic systolic pressures (ASP) in the diabetic group. Hearts from these animals showed an increase in the thiobarbituric acid reacting substances (TBARS), indicating increased lipid peroxidation. This was accompanied by a decrease in the myocardial antioxidant enzymes activities, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx). Myocardial catalase activity in the diabetic group was higher. In the diabetic + probucol group both LVSP and ASP showed significant recovery. This was also accompanied by an improvement in SOD and GSHPx activities and there was further increase in the catalase activity. Levels of the TBARS were decreased in this group. These data provide evidence that diabetic cardiomyopathy is associated with an antioxidant deficit which can be reversed with probucol treatment. Improved cardiac function with probucol may be due to the recovery of antioxidants in the heart.  相似文献   

Lemna minor L. roots were treated with different concentrations of NaCl. Lipid peroxidation was investigated histochemically and biochemically. At higher NaCl concentrations an increase in staining was observed in the root apices as compared to control for lipid peroxidation and loss of membrane integrity as well as an increase in contents of thiobarbituric acid reactive substance and peroxide. Both the non-enzymic antioxidants, ascorbate and glutathione increased with the NaCl concentration in the roots. Whereas an increase in superoxide dismutase, guaiacol peroxidase, and glutathione reductase activities were marked, catalase activity decreased in the roots under NaCl stress. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Activities of the anti-oxidative enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and catalase were studied in rat tissues to determine the ability of detergents both to solubilize the enzymes and also to stabilize enzyme activity. Rat brain, heart and liver were homogenized in 0.1M KCl, 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate, 0.1% lubrol, or 0.1% cetyl-trimethylammonium bromide. In general lubrol was more effective than the other solutions in solubilizing GPx and catalase. Lubrol and 0.1M KCl were equally effective in solubilizing SOD. The highest enzyme activities were (1) SOD: 2484 ng/mg (brain), 2501 ng/mg (heart), and 5586 ng/mg (liver); (2) GPx: 224 mU/mg (brain), 1870 mU/mg (heart), and 7332 mU/mg (liver); (3) catalase: 2.8 mU/mg (brain), 10.6 mU/mg (heart), and 309 mU/mg (liver). While cetyl trimethylammonium bromide is marginally better than sodium dodecyl sulfate in solubilizing active enzyme, neither ionic detergent has any advantage over lubrol or 0.1M KCl. For catalase and GPx, enzyme activity loss with time is biphasic. After initial, rapid activity loss (1–5 days for GPx and 7–10 days for catalase) the differences noted among the homogenizing solutions disappear and very little if any activity loss is noted over the next 2–3 weeks. For catalase and GPx, only baseline enzyme activity from t = 0 – 3 weeks is found in the most chaotropic solution, 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate while biphasic activity loss is most pronounced in 0.1% lubrol. These results may indicate active GPx and catalase species stabilized by a lipid-like environment. Correlatingin vitro catalase or GPx measurements within vivo anti-oxidative protection may underestimate tissue defences.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(4-5):221-226
Consumption of excess methionine by rats is known to cause membrane damage, liver enlargement and accumulation of iron in the spleen. In this study two groups (n = 5) of male, Wistar rats were pair-fed either a methionine supplemented (20.0 g/kg) or control (2.0 g/kg) diet for 7 weeks. Hepatic and erythrocyte copper-zinc superoxide dismutase activities were significantly reduced (P < 0.05 and P < 0.001 respectively) by methionine supplementation while the activities of catalase (P < 0.01 and 0.05) and glutathione peroxidase (P < 0.05) were significantly increased. Methionine supplementation also increased hepatic lipid peroxidation (P < 0.01), as measured by the level of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, and iron (P < 0.001) concentrations. These changes are indicative of increased oxidative stress resulting from methionine toxicity.  相似文献   

The black swallowtail butterfly, Papilio polyxenes, larvae are specialized feeders of pro-oxidant rich plants of Apiaceae and Rutaceae. An important defense against toxic forms of oxygen species generated by ingestion of the pro-oxidants, are the antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), GSH-dependent glutathione peroxidases (selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase [GPOX] and peroxidase activity of selenium-independent glutathione-S-transferase [GTpx]), and glutathione reductase (GR). The subcellular distribution of these enzymes in black swallowtail larvae was investigated and was found to resemble the patterns described for larvae of two other lepidopteran species: the southern armyworm, Spodoptera eridania, and the cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni. The confinement of SOD in the cytosol and mitochondria was typically eukaryotic, but the relative proportion (1:1) was markedly different from the mammalian pattern (4:1; cytosol:mitochondria). The most obvious difference between the black swallowtail and other lepidoptera as a group, and mammalian species, is in very wide intracellular distributions of CAT, GTpx, and GR in insect species. Insects possess very low levels of a GPOX-like activity which reduces both H2O2 and organic peroxides. Consequently, insects have elaborate activities with a wide subcellular distribution of both CAT which decomposes H2O2, and GTpx which decomposes organic peroxides. The reduction of peroxides is dependent on GSH, which in this process is oxidized to GSSG. GR which reduces GSSG to GSH is also of wide subcellular distribution, analogous to the distribution pattern of GTpx.  相似文献   

Cytokinin (CK) content and activities of several antioxidant enzymes were examined during plant ontogeny with the aim to elucidate their role in delayed senescence of transgenic Pssu-ipt tobacco. Control Nicotiana tabacum L. (cv. Petit Havana SR1) and transgenic tobacco with the ipt gene under the control of the promoter of small subunit of Rubisco (Pssu-ipt) were both grown either as grafts on control rootstocks or as rooted plants. Both control plant types showed a decline in total content of CKs with proceeding plant senescence. Contrary to this both transgenic plant types exhibited at least ten times higher content of CKs than controls and a significant increase of CK contents throughout the ontogeny with maximal values in the later stages of plant development. Significantly higher portion of O-glucosides was found in both transgenic plant types compared to control ones. In transgenic plants, zeatin and zeatin riboside were predominant type of CKs. Generally, Pssu-ipt tobacco exhibited elevated activities of antioxidant enzymes compared to control tobacco particularly in the later stages of plant development. While in control tobacco activity of glutathione reductase (GR) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) showed increasing activity up to the onset of flowering and then gradually decreased, in both transgenic types GR increased and SOD activity showed only small change throughout the plant ontogeny. Ascorbate peroxidase (APOD) was stimulated in both transgenic types. The manifold enhancement of syringaldazine and guaiacol peroxidase activities was observed in transgenic grafts throughout plant ontogeny in contrast to control and transgenic rooted plants, where the increase was found only in the late stages. Electron microscopic examination showed higher number of crystallic cores in peroxisomes and abnormal interactions among organelles in transgenic tobacco in comparison with control plant. The overproduction of cytokinins resulted in the stimulation of activities of AOE throughout the plant ontogeny of transgenic Pssu-ipt tobacco.  相似文献   

In third-, fourth-, and fifth-instar larvae of the cabbage looper moth, Trichoplusia ni, the activities of the antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase (SOD*), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPOX), and glutathione reductase (GR) were examined using 850 g supernatants of whole-body homogenates. The enzyme activities, expressed as units mg−1 protein min−1 at 25°C ranged as follows: SOD, 0.67-2.13 units; CAT, 180.5-307.5 units; GPOX, none detectable; and GR, 0.40-1.19 units. There was a similar pattern of changes for SOD and CAT activities with larval ontogeny, but not for GR. The cabbage looper apparently uses SOD and CAT to form a “defensive team” effective against endogenously produced superoxide anion (O2⪸). Glutathione may serve as an antioxidant for the destruction of any organic/lipid peroxides formed, and GSH oxidized to glutathione disulfide would be recycled by GR. Bioassays against pro-oxidant compounds exogenous sources of (O2⪸) show high sensitivity of mid-fifth instars to the linear furanocoumarin, 8-methoxypsoralen (xanthotoxin) primarily from photoactivation (320-380 nm), and auto-oxidation of the flavonoid, quercetin. The LC50s are 0.0004 and 0.0045% (w/w) concentration of xanthotoxin and quercetin, respectively. Both pro-oxidants have multiple target sites for lethal action and, in this context, the role of antioxidant enzymes is discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of two biosynthetically distinct plant phototoxins—xanthototoxin, a furanocoumarin, and harmine, a β-carboline alkaloid, which are known to produce toxic oxygen species—on the food utilization efficiencies and enzymatic detoxification systems of the polyphagous cabbage looper. Trichoplusia ni (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), were studied. Newly molted fifth-instar larvae were allowed 36 h to ingest diets containing these two phototoxins at 0.15% wet weight in the presence of near ultraviolet (UVA). The growth and development of the larvae, as well as the corresponding activities of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPOX), and glutathione reductase (GR) and the detoxification enzyme cytochrome P-450, were measured. Xanthotoxin reduced rates of relative growth and consumption and efficiencies of conversion of ingested and digested food to biomass. Harmine reduced rates of growth and consumption without affecting efficiencies of conversion. Specific activities of SOD, CAT, GPOX, and GR of whole-body homogenates in the absence of compounds were 0.88 units, 153μmol H2O2 decomposed·mg protein?1·min—1, 38.3 nmol NADPH oxidized·mg protein?1·min?1, and 0.56 nmol NADPH oxidized·mg protein?1·min?1, respectively. SOD activity was induced 2.9-fold and 3.8-fold by dietary xanthotoxin and harmine, respectively. CAT and GPOX activities were induced 1.2-fold by harmine only, and GR activity was not changed by either chemical. The P-450 activity toward xanthotoxin in the microsomal fraction of midguts was low (0.15 nmol xanthotoxin metabolized·mg protein?1·min?1) and was not induced by xanthotoxin ingestion. These studies indicate that P-450 and antioxidant enzyme systems may be independent but consequential, the induction of antioxidant enzymes by phototoxins occurring when low P-450 activity toward the phototoxin permits the accumulation of oxidative stress from unmetabolized phototoxin, which in turn induces antioxidant enzymes.  相似文献   

The effect of ad libitum ingestion of selenium (Se) in drinking water (0.15 mg SeO2/L) for 3 wk on the brain weight, total brain protein, glutathione (GSH) level, catalase activity, and lipid peroxidation in the brain of protein-undernourished (PU) rats was investigated, in an attempt to determine whether antioxidants alone can reverse some of the neuropathological changes associated with protein undernutrition in rats. Feeding on a normal diet (16% casein) by well-fed rats or a low-protein diet (5% casein) by PU rats and Se-treated PU rats lasted 14 wk. Setreated PU rats were given Se in drinking water during the last 3 wk of the experiment. Results show that protein undernutrition induced significant reductions (p<0.001) in brain weight, total brain protein, and catalase activity (p<0.05) while it induced a significant increase (p<0.05) in lipid peroxidation when compared with well-nourished rats; but no significant effect was observed for the GSH level. However, the ingestion of Se in drinking water by PU rats for 3 wk resulted in significant increases (p<0.05) in brain weight, catalase activity, and total brain protein but induced a significant reduction (p<0.05) in lipid peroxidation when compared with PU rats given water. The values obtained for Setreated PU rats are comparable with those obtained for well-nourished rats. The GSH level was, however, not affected by Se ingestion. We suggest that Se, by inducing increases in the concentration of certain proteins, including catalase, in the brain, abolished some of the pathological changes associated with protein undermutrition in the brain, and appears as a promising antioxidant in the prevention and management of pro-oxidant-induced brain damage.  相似文献   

The pathological sequelae of traumatic brain injury (TBI) include increased oxidative stress due to the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Regulation of ROS levels following TBI is determined primarily by antioxidant enzyme activity that in turn can be influenced by nerve growth factor (NGF). Hypothermia is one of the current therapies designed to combat the deleterious effects of TBI. However, it has been shown to suppress post-trauma increases in NGF levels in rat brain. The present study sought to determine whether post-injury hypothermia also impairs the antioxidant response to injury, and if such an effect could be reversed by infusion of exogenous NGF. We employed a lateral controlled cortical impact injury model in rat, followed by moderate hypothermia treatment with supplemental intracerebroventricular infusion of NGF or vehicle. The time course of changes in post-injury/intervention levels of NGF and activity of three major enzymes responsible for ROS scavenging, catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD), was determined in the hippocampus. Relative to levels in injured, normothermic animals, hypothermia treatment not only suppressed NGF levels, but also attenuated CAT and GPx activity, and increased SOD activity. Infusion of NGF in injured, hypothermia-treated animals was ineffective in restoring hippocampal antioxidant enzymes activity to levels produced after injury under normothermic conditions, although it was able to increase septal cholinergic (choline acetyltransferase) enzyme activity. These results have implications for clinical treatment of TBI, demonstrating that moderate hypothermia suppresses NGF and the antioxidant response after TBI; the latter cannot be countered by exogenous NGF administration.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the efficiency of short-term treatment with gemfibrozil in the reversal of diabetes-induced changes on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and antioxidant status of aorta. Diabetes was induced by a single injection of streptozotocin (45 mg/kg, i.p.). After 12 weeks of induction of diabetes, the control and diabetic rats were orally gavaged daily with a dosing vehicle alone or with 100 mg/kg of gemfibrozil for 2 weeks. At 14 weeks, there was a significant increase in blood glucose, plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels of untreated-diabetic animals. Diabetes was associated with a significant increase in thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in both plasma and aortic homogenates, indicating increased lipid peroxidation. Diabetes caused an increase in vascular antioxidant enzyme activity, catalase, indicating existence of excess hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). However, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) activities in aortas did not significantly change in untreated-diabetic rats. In diabetic plus gemfibrozil group both plasma lipids and lipid peroxides showed a significant recovery. Gemfibrozil treatment had no effect on blood glucose, plasma insulin and vessel antioxidant enzyme activity of diabetic animals. Our findings suggest that the beneficial effect of short-term gemfibrozil treatment in reducing lipid peroxidation in diabetic animals does not depend on a change of glucose metabolism and antioxidant status of aorta, but this may be attributed to its decreasing effect on circulating lipids. The ability of short-term gemfibrozil treatment to recovery of metabolism and peroxidation of lipids may be an effective strategy to minimize increased oxidative stress in diabetic plasma and vasculature.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease may arise from or produce oxidative damage in the brain. To assess the responses of the Alzheimer's brain to possible oxidative challenges, we assayed for glutathione, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, catalase and superoxide dismutase in twelve regions of Alzheimer's disease and aged control brains. In addition, we determined levels of malondialdehyde to evaluate lipid peroxidation in these brain regions. Most brain regions showed evidence of a response to an oxidative challenge, but the cellular response to this challenge differed among brain regions. These data suggest that the entire Alzheimer's brain may be subject to an oxidative challenge, but that some brain areas may be more vulnerable than others to the consequent neural damage that characterizes the disease.  相似文献   

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