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Using a 27 gauge hypodermic needle, bone marrow is aspirated from a lumbar vertebra into 0.1 ml of Hanks' salt solution. The aspirate is kept well mixed in 1% sodium citrate for 15 min, centrifuged, and the cell pellet fixed for 30 min in Clarke's 3:1 ethanol-acetic fixative. After removal of the fixative the cells are suspended in 0.05-0.1 ml of 60% acetic acid, centrifuged and resuspended in 0.03 ml of this fixative. Chromosome preparations are made by spreading the suspension on a slide heated to 60 C.  相似文献   

We have developed a method which improves the spreading of chromosomes and permits banding analysis of cytogenetic samples of bone marrow and unstimulated peripheral blood which have been stored in fixative for up to 15 years. Metaphase cells had been harvested as usual and stored in fixative (acetic acid:methanol 1:3) at -15 C. The procedure includes 4-5 changes of fixative (acetic acid:ethanol 1:1). Next, cells are dropped onto a chilled, wet slide. The back of the slide is then rinsed with 70% ethanol and dried by ignition. C-, G-, Q-, or R-banding patterns can now be obtained with these specimens. The procedure is useful for reinvestigation of cytogenetic samples that were obtained prior to the development of banding techniques.  相似文献   

Deparaffinized and dehydrated sections (on slides) of human, dog, pig, guinea pig and rat thyroid were coated with 1% CHCl3 solution of Plexiglas, dried thoroughly and immersed in water at 15°C for 2-10 min. When the Plexiglas film loosened, it was stripped from the slide; the colloid remained on the slide while the rest of the gland was removed in the film. Each glandular component was then subjected to separate autoradiographic processing.  相似文献   

Sections 1 μ thick of epoxy-embedded, OsO4-fixed tissues were stained with 4% aqueous basic fuchsin at 70 C for 1 min, rinsed well and destained, also at 70 C, for 1 min. A 2% aqueous methylene blue solution, alkalinized to pH 12.5 by mixing 1 N NaOH with the dye on the slide in the proportion of about 2:1, was then allowed to act for 2 min at 23-27 C. The stain was rinsed off the slide, and the preparation air dried before applying a mounting medium and cover glass. The mounting medium consisted of immersion oil sealed with epoxy household cement. Stains had not faded after 1 yr. The method is simple, rapid (total time 4-5 min), and provides sharp contrast between cellular and connective tissue components.  相似文献   

The method differs from mammalian techniques for somatic chromosomes in that it uses very small amounts of material. Drosophila melanogaster and an ant, Dorymyrmex sp., are used as examples. Pretreatment with 0.05% Colcemid in insect Ringer solution is applied to mature Drosophila larvae for 5 hr, by feeding, but Dorymyrmex prepupae require puncture and a 15 hr exposure of the puncture to the solution. Organs are removed under 1% sodium citrate, tansferred to fresh citrate for 10-20 min, than fixed in acetic-methanol, 1:3, for 30 min. Transfer to a drop of 60% acetic acid on a clean warmed slide dissociates the cells, which are spread by adding a small drop of fixative and tilting the slide in all directions. After immersion in acetic ethanol, 1:3, for 4 hr, rinsing in the stain solvent and draining the slides then have 2-3 drops of aceto-lactic orcein placed on each, coverslips added, and warmed (at about 50 C) for about 12 hr or until staining is sufficient. They can then either be treated as semipermanent or made permanent by allowing the coverslips to slide off in acetic-ethanol, dehydrating, and mounting in Euparal, or a synthetic resin.  相似文献   

A technic was developed which resulted in preparations containing many mitotic divisions with chromosomes well fixed and stained, rod-shaped, and spread throughout the cell. This technic has given good results with guayule (Parthenium argentatum), Crepis, Allium, Pisum, Lycopersicon, Tradescantia, and other plants. Material is prefixed in a saturated solution of paradichlorobenzene for 1-4 hours, fixed in 65% acetic acid (or other suitable fixative) for 12-24 hours, hydrolyzed in 10% HCl for 10-30 minutes at 60° C, rinsed in water, transferred to a drop of 45% acetic acid on a slide, and smeared and stained in aceto-orcein. The preparation may be made permanent by separating slide and cover glass in 1 part glacial acetic acid to 1 part absolute alcohol, putting them in absolute alcohol, and then recombining them with a drop of euparol.  相似文献   

A 0.5-1 ml sample of bone marrow is aspirated into a syringe containing 3 drops of 15% K2-EDTA and an additional 1-2 drops of the EDTA solution previously placed on a slide, is then drawn into the syringe. All of the contents are ejected onto this slide, which is carefully tilted 2 or 3 times to an angle of 5-10°, and the edge brought to the center of another slide. The slide with the aspirate is then slowly tilted to 80-90°. Most of the blood and part of the marrow will drain off, leaving spicules of marrow and some blood on the original slide. A small drop of this concentrated marrow is dragged off with the edge of a third slide and deposited about 2 cm from the edge of a fourth slide on which the smear is to be made. The smear is made by bringing a clean (smearing) slide to the slide with the deposited marrow with flat surfaces parallel and the edges at a 90° angle. With gentle pressure, the smearing slide is pushed toward the empty end of the slide upon which the smear is made. This separates the marrow from the circulating blood. Before staining the smear is air dried and heated in an oven at 120-125 C for 2 min; or alternately for satisfactory but less uniform results the smear is heated over a microburner for 10 sec; then the smear is covered with 1 part of undiluted Wright's stain for 30—45 sec which is then diluted with 2 parts of a solution of 0.1-0.2 gm of Na2S2O3 in 1 liter of distilled water and stained for 10-13 min with this diluted stain. Smears made in this manner have 3 concentric zones; the central zone contains the myeloid tissue; the middle, erythropoetic tissue; the outer, a mixture of blood and marrow.  相似文献   

Germinating and growing pollen grains (male gametophytes) of Ricinus communis L. in liquid culture is achieved as follows: Pollen is collected over a 10-15 min period from mature anther clusters which have been removed from the male flowers and which have been kept at 25° C and 40-60% relative humidity. Samples weighing between 2.5 and 5.0 mg are brought as quickly as possible into a Desicote treated vial containing 17% sucrose and 30 ppm H3BO3 in boiled distilled water. The proportion (w/v) of pollen to culture solution should be 1:100. Shed pollen is kept in a humidity chamber whenever it is not being handled. The air in the culture vial is replaced by O2 at the pressure of 1 atmosphere plus 5 lb and the sealed vials are shaken gently for 8-10 hr while partially immersed in a waterbath kept at 30° C. The pollen is fixed by the addition to the incubation suspension of an absolute alcohol-lactic acid (4:1) fixing fluid. The proportion used is 36 parts of fixing fluid to 1 part of culture solution. The fixed pollen can be stored in the fixative. Smears are prepared by applying single drops of the constantly agitated suspension of fixed pollen to a microscope slide. After each drop has spread out and dried, an additional drop is added until 10-20 have been applied. The preparations are stained by adding a drop of 1% acetic-orcein and are sealed with fingernail lacquer. The method is well adapted to the following types of studies: pollen germination, physiology of pollen tube growth, morphology of the male gametocyte, and physiology and cytology of the generative cell and nucleus.  相似文献   

A procedure for the differentiation of the mesenchymal derivatives, myofibrillae, reticular and collagenous fibers is presented. Formol-Zenker fixation (5-12 hours) is followed by the washing, iodinization, dehydration and paraffin embedding steps routine for that fixative with the following modifications. Zirkle's butyl alcohol series is used for dehydration and infiltration with paraffin as well as in the alcohol slide series. Embedding paraffin used is Parawax plus 8-10% bayberry wax. Tissue-exposed surface of paraffin block is soaked in water overnight before cutting serial sections at 3-5μ. Sections are mounted using the dilute albumen method, and the slides, thoroughly dried at 37oC. overnight, are left at 60o for 10 minutes to melt the paraffin of the sections. Before staining, the sections are given a preliminary treatment with potassium permanganate and oxalic acid. For reticular staining a 10% silver nitrate bath is succeeded by an ammoniacal silver carbonate solution followed by reduction in 1% neutral formalin, toning in gold chloride and fixing in sodium thiosulphate. Myofibrillae, the sacroplasmic limiting membrane and other sarcous elements are stained by Heidenhain's azocarmine solution, adult tissues at room temperature and fetal tissues at 50 oC. Differentiation in phosphotungstic acid is followed by the staining of collagenous fibers. For adult tissue, light green SF (C.C.) is used and for fetal tissue, fast green FCF (C.C). A discussion of the preparation of ammoniacal silver solutions is included. Both stock and used solutions of ammoniacal silver have been in use by the author for over a period of two years.  相似文献   

Enterobacter sakazakii may be related to outbreaks of meningitis, septicemia, and necrotizing enterocolitis, mainly in neonates. To reduce the risk of E. sakazakii in baby foods, thermal characteristics for Korean E. sakazakii isolates were determined at 52, 56, and 60 degrees C in saline solution, rehydrated powdered infant formula, and dried baby food. In saline solution, their D-values were 12-16, 3-5, and 0.9-1 min for each temperature. D-values increased to 16-20, 4-5, and 2-4 min in rehydrated infant formula and 14-17, 5-6, and 2-3 min in dried baby food. The overall calculated z-value was 6-8 for saline, 8-10 for powdered infant formula, and 9-11 for dried baby food. Thermal inactivation of E. sakazakii during rehydration of powdered infant formula was investigated by viable counts. Inactivation of cultured E. sakazakii in infant formula milk did not occur for 20 min at room temperature after rehydration with the water at 50 degrees C and their counts were reduced by about 1-2 log CFU/g at 60 degrees C and 4-6 log CFU/ml with the water at 65 and 70 degrees C. However, the thermostability of adapted E. sakazakii to the powdered infant formula increased more than two times. Considering that the levels of E. sakazakii observed in powdered infant formula have generally been 1 CFU/100 g of dry formula or less, contamination with E. sakazakii can be reduced or eliminated by rehydrating water with at least 10 degrees C higher temperature than the manufacturer-recommended 50 degrees C.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the best fixative solution and the most suitable temperature for fixing sperm cells from goat ejaculates. In Experiment 1, a 6x3 factorial design was used to test 4 glutaraldehyde concentrations (0.5, 1, 2 and 4%) plus 1 treatment that did not contain a fixative (0%) but to which 0.3% sodium fluoride (NaF) had been added to immobilize the spermatozoa; the control treatment contained no fixative or NaF. The 6 treatments were tested with 3 different solvents: PBS, Na citrate and BL-1, representing a total of 18 samples per replicate. The fixed samples always provided a significantly higher (P<0.01) percentage of normal acrosomes than the unfixed samples, whether immobilized with NaF or observed inmediately after dilution. In Experiment 2, a 3x3 factorial design was used to determine the effect of the temperature of the glutaraldehyde fixative solution on the number of morphologically normal acrosomes from goat semen samples kept at 3 different temperatures. Our findings indicated that at all 3 fixative solution temperatures (5, 20 and 37 degrees C) there was a significant difference (P<0.01) in the percentage of normal acrosomes. At 5 degrees C, glutarhaldehyde yielded a general mean number of 53.6 normal acrosomes vs 75.1 at 20 degrees C and 83.05 at 37 degrees C. Based on these results, we recommend that the temperature of a fixative solution be established when designing an experiment using goat semen, since the temperature has a significant effect on the number of the normal acrosomes found in a semen sample.  相似文献   

Mouse morulae were exposed in one step to a vitrification solution (EFS, a modified PBS containing 40% ethylene glycol, 18% Ficoll, and 0.3-M sucrose) at various temperatures, then cooled rapidly in liquid nitrogen, and then warmed rapidly. All of the embryos exposed to the EFS solution for 0.5 min at 25 degrees C before vitrification developed in culture. However, survival rates were lower if the duration of exposure was prolonged to 2, 5, or 10 min. At lower ambient temperatures (20, 10, and 5 degrees C), high survival rates were associated with longer exposure to the EFS solution. The toxicity of the EFS solution was also lower at lower temperatures. The toxic injury of morulae was manifested as decompaction of the blastomeres. Among the three additives in the EFS solution, ethylene glycol, which can cross cell membranes, was responsible for the toxicity. The results show that the optimum time for exposure of the embryos to the EFS solution before rapid cooling varies with the ambient temperature, i.e., 0.5 min at 25 degrees C, 0.5-5 min at 20 degrees C, 2-5 min at 10 degrees C, and 2-10 min at 5 degrees C. If they are exposed for an optimum period, almost all mouse morulae can survive vitrification (94-100%).  相似文献   

Summary Autoradiograms of sections 0.8–1.0 thick of epoxy-embedded, glutaraldehyde and OsO4 fixed lymphatic and hemopoietic tissues were stained with 4% aqueous basic fuchsin at 70°C for 3 min, rinsed well and destained twice at 70°C for 1 min. A 1% methylene blue solution dissolved in 1% borax aqueous solution mixed with 1% aqueous azur II solution in the proportion of 1:1 was then allowed to act on the slide at 70°C for 1 min. The stain was rinsed well off slide and destained also twice at 70°C for 1 min.The preparation was dried before applying a mounting medium (Eukitt) and cover glass. An Eukitt mounting prevented the stain from fading for at least 1 year. The method is simple, rapid and provides sharp contrast in autoradiography with well destained nucleal emulsion.This study was supported by Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation.  相似文献   

In order to develop cryopreservation techniques for Japanese pearl oyster spermatozoa, the effects of various cryopreservation conditions on post-thaw motility were examined. Spermatozoa cryopreserved with 10% methanol (MET), dimethylformamide or dimethylacetamide plus 90% diluent comprising 80% seawater and 20% fetal bovine serum (FBS) showed higher percentages of post-thaw motility than those cryopreserved with 10% dimethylsulfoxide or glycerol. When spermatozoa were cryopreserved with various concentrations (0-20%) of MET and 100-80% diluent, 10% MET showed the highest percentages of post-thaw motility. When spermatozoa were cryopreserved with 10% MET and 90% diluent comprising various concentrations (0-100%) of FBS or Ringer solution mixed with seawater, the percentages of post-thaw motility peaked at 20% FBS or Ringer solution, and were significantly higher for 20% FBS than for 20% Ringer solution. The percentages of post-thaw motility increased with increasing dilution ratios from 2.5- to 50-fold. Spermatozoa cooled to -50 degrees C and then immersed in liquid nitrogen (LN) showed higher post-thaw motility than those cooled to -30 degrees C or -40 degrees C. When spermatozoa were cryopreserved to -50 degrees C at various cooling rates by changing the sample height above the LN surface, the post-thaw motilities of spermatozoa cooled at 10 cm (cooling rate: -21.3 degrees C/min) and 12.5 cm (-15.6 degrees C/min) from the LN surface were higher than those at 5, 7.5 or 15 cm. These results indicate that 10% MET plus 90% diluent comprising 80% seawater and 20% FBS is a suitable extender for cryopreservation of Japanese pearl oyster spermatozoa and that samples should be cooled to -50 degrees C at a cooling rate between -15 and -20 degrees C/min for efficient storage.  相似文献   

Glycerol has been the most widely used cryopreservation agent for spermatozoa and a wide range of factors affect its action on sperm viability and fertilizing capacity. We tested three methods for freezing ram semen packed in 0.25 ml straws (final cellular concentration: 100 x 10(6) spz/ml). Method M1: Two-thirds of the final volume of diluent was added as solution A (without glycerol) to the pure semen at 35 degrees C. The sample was cooled to 5 degrees C (-0.30 degrees C/min), one-third of final diluent volume was added as solution B (final concentration of glycerol 4%) and the sample was maintained at 5 degrees C for 2h. It was then frozen in a programmable biofreezer (-20 degrees C/min down to -100 degrees C). Method M2: The sample was diluted with a specific solution at 35 degrees C (final concentration of glycerol 3%), cooled to 5 degrees C (-0.20 degrees C/min) and left for 2h. After that, it was frozen in nitrogen vapours. Method M3: Semen was diluted 1:1 in a specific solution (concentration of glycerol 2%) and cooled to 5 degrees C (-0.25 degrees C/min). The sample was then diluted again in the same solution to the final cellular concentration (final concentration of glycerol 4%). It was left for 1h at 5 degrees C and then frozen in a programmable biofreezer (-20 degrees C/min down to -100 degrees C). Best total motility (TM) and progressive motility (PM) (75.8 and 55.18%) were obtained using Method M3. Methods M1 and M3 gave significantly higher values (P<0.05) for kinetic parameters: average path velocity (VAP) (81.3 and 85.2 microm/s), straight-line velocity (VSL) (72.8 and 77.3 microm/s) and linearity (LIN) (66.6 and 68.8%). Method M2 showed the lowest kinetic parameters of motility (VAP 74.4, VSL 67.3 and LIN 62.5) and the highest percentage of cells with damaged plasma membrane (53.8%). Method M1 gave the worst results in viability and acrosome status assessed using fluorescence probes (31.3%-dead cells with damaged acrosomes-versus 25.4% in M2 and 23.3% in M3). A field trial carried out on fertility showed a significantly higher percentage of pregnant or lambing ewes (P<0.05) with Method M3 (67.3% versus 51.1% for M1 and 58.8% for M2). We concluded that the use of a simple dilution medium (test-fructose-glycerol-egg yolk) with the addition of glycerol (to 2% at 35 degrees C and to 4% at 5 degrees C) in two steps together with a programmable biofreezer was a productive method for freezing ram semen.  相似文献   

Viveiros AT  So N  Komen J 《Theriogenology》2000,54(9):1395-1408
Methods for cryopreserving spermatozoa and optimizing sperm:egg dilution ratio in African catfish Clarias gariepinus were developed. Five percent to 25% DMSO and methanol were tested as cryoprotectants, by diluting semen in Ginzburg fish ringer and freezing in 1-milliliter cryovials in a programmable freezer. To avoid an excess of spermatozoa per egg, post-thaw semen was diluted 1:20, 1:200 or 1:2,000 before fertilization. Highest hatching rates were obtained by spermatozoa frozen in 10% methanol and post-thaw diluted to 1:200. Then, slow freezing rates (-2, -5 or -10 degrees C/min) to various endpoint temperatures (range -25 to -70 degrees C) before fast freezing in liquid nitrogen (LN2) were evaluated. Hatching rates equal to control (P > 0.05) were obtained by spermatozoa frozen at -5 degrees C/min to -45 to -50 degrees C and at -10 degrees C/min to -55 degrees C. In 3-step freezing programs, at -5 degrees C/min, the effect of holding spermatozoa for 0, 2 or 5 min at -30, -35 or -40 degrees C before fast freezing in LN2 was analyzed. Hatching rates equal to control (P > 0.05) were produced by spermatozoa frozen to, and held at, -35 degrees C for 5 min and at -40 degrees C for 2 or 5 min. Finally, frozen spermatozoa (10% methanol, -5 degrees C/min, 5-min hold at -40 degrees C, LN2, post-thaw diluted to 1:200) were tested in on-farm fertilization conditions. Again, no difference (P > 0.05) in hatching rate was observed between frozen and fresh spermatozoa. Cryopreservation offers utility as a routine method of sperm storage and management for catfish.  相似文献   

Five young unacclimatised subjects were exposed for 4 h at 34 degrees C (10 degrees C dew-point temperature and 0.6 m X s-1 air velocity), while exercising on a bicycle ergometer: 25 min work--5 min rest cycles for 2 hours followed by 20 min work--10 min rest cycles for two further hours. 5 experimental sessions were carried out: one without rehydration (NO FLUID) resulting in 3.1% mean loss of body weight (delta Mb), and four sessions with 20 degrees C fluid ingestion of spring water (WATER), hypotonic (HYPO), isotonic (ISO) and hypertonic (HYPER) solutions to study the effects of fluid osmolarity on rehydration. Mean final rehydration (+/- SE) after fluid intake was 82.2% (+/- 1.2). Heart rate was higher in NO FLUID while no difference among conditions was found in either delta Mb or hourly sweat rates. Sweating sensitivity was lowest in the dehydration condition, and highest in the WATER one. Modifications in plasma volume and osmolarity demonstrated that NO FLUID induced hyperosmotic hypovolemia, ISO rehydration rapidly led to plasma isoosmotic hypervolemia, while WATER led to slightly hypoosmotic normovolemia. It is concluded that adequate rehydration through ingestion of isotonic electrolyte-sucrose solution, although in quantities much smaller than evaporative heat loss, rapidly restored and expanded plasma volume. While osmolarity influenced sweating sensitivity, the plasma volume changes (delta PV) within the range -6% less than or equal to delta PV + 4% had little effect on temperature adjustments in our conditions.  相似文献   

Pegg DE 《Cryobiology》2002,44(1):46-53
This paper reports the cryopreservation of an immortalized human endothelial cell line (ECV304), either as a single cell suspension or as a confluent layer on microcarrier beads. Cell suspensions were exposed to 10% w/w dimethyl sulfoxide in a high-potassium solution (CPTes) at 0 degrees C. The cells were then cooled to -60 degrees C at controlled rates between 0.3 and 500 degrees C/min and stored below -180 degrees C. Samples were thawed in a 37 degrees C water bath and the cryoprotectant was removed by serial dilution at 22 degrees C over 6 min. The recovery of cell suspensions was assayed by culturing aliquots in 24-well plates for 7-9 days and counting the number of colonies that contained >25 cells. Maximum survival was 45-50% at cooling rates of 0.3, 1.0, and 10 degrees C/min, but decreased to 20% at 50 degrees C/min and to <1% at 500 degrees C/min. Biosilon microcarrier beads were used for the attached cells. Confluent beads were cryopreserved by exactly the same technique and cell function was assayed by measuring active amino acid (leucine) transport at 37 degrees C. Control, untreated confluent beads gave approximately 73% of control uptake and negative controls (frozen without cryoprotectant) gave approximately 4% uptake. The cells attached to beads showed percentage uptakes that were numerically similar to the survival of cells in suspension at cooling rates between 10 and 500 degrees C/min, but at lower cooling rates the recovery of attached cells increased to 70% at 1 degrees C/min and to 85% at 0.3 degrees C/min. These results indicate a marked difference in the effect of cooling rate on ECV304 cells depending upon attachment.  相似文献   

Germinating and growing pollen grains (male gametophytes) of Ricinus communis L. in liquid culture is achieved as follows: Pollen is collected over a 10-15 min period from mature anther clusters which have been removed from the male flowers and which have been kept at 25° C and 40-60% relative humidity. Samples weighing between 2.5 and 5.0 mg are brought as quickly as possible into a Desicote treated vial containing 17% sucrose and 30 ppm H3BO3 in boiled distilled water. The proportion (w/v) of pollen to culture solution should be 1:100. Shed pollen is kept in a humidity chamber whenever it is not being handled. The air in the culture vial is replaced by O2 at the pressure of 1 atmosphere plus 5 lb and the sealed vials are shaken gently for 8-10 hr while partially immersed in a waterbath kept at 30° C. The pollen is fixed by the addition to the incubation suspension of an absolute alcohol-lactic acid (4:1) fixing fluid. The proportion used is 36 parts of fixing fluid to 1 part of culture solution. The fixed pollen can be stored in the fixative. Smears are prepared by applying single drops of the constantly agitated suspension of fixed pollen to a microscope slide. After each drop has spread out and dried, an additional drop is added until 10-20 have been applied. The preparations are stained by adding a drop of 1% acetic-orcein and are sealed with fingernail lacquer. The method is well adapted to the following types of studies: pollen germination, physiology of pollen tube growth, morphology of the male gametocyte, and physiology and cytology of the generative cell and nucleus.  相似文献   

The effect of different macromolecules [bovine serum albumin (BSA), Pluronic F-68, (ET surfactant), or sodium hyaluronate (SH)] on postthaw survival of mouse morulae and in vivo- and in vitro-derived bovine blastocysts frozen in 10, 5, or 1% glycerol solutions was investigated. Embryos were equilibrated with cryoprotectant solution at 25 degrees C for 10 min, seeded at -5 degrees C, cooled at 0.5 degrees C/min to -35 degrees C, and plunged into liquid nitrogen. Embryos were thawed in a 35 degrees C water bath, glycerol was removed with 0.6 M sucrose at 25 degrees C for 5 min, and postthaw viability was evaluated after 1, 24, and 48 h in culture. The addition of BSA supplementation improved postthaw survival of mouse morulae frozen in 5% glycerol, but not in 10% glycerol. All three macromolecular supplements were effective in increasing survival of mouse morulae in 5% glycerol but only BSA and SH were effective in increasing postthaw survival of in vivo- and in vitro-derived bovine blastocysts. None of the macromolecular supplements improved postthaw survival of embryos frozen in 1% glycerol.  相似文献   

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