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Group I intron ribozymes can repair mutated mRNAs by replacing the 3′-terminal portion of the mRNA with their own 3′-exon. This trans-splicing reaction has the potential to treat genetic disorders and to selectively kill cancer cells or virus-infected cells. However, these ribozymes have not yet been used in therapy, partially due to a low in vivo trans-splicing efficiency. Previous strategies to improve the trans-splicing efficiencies focused on designing and testing individual ribozyme constructs. Here we describe a method that selects the most efficient ribozymes from millions of ribozyme variants. This method uses an in vivo rescue assay where the mRNA of an inactivated antibiotic resistance gene is repaired by trans-splicing group I intron ribozymes. Bacterial cells that express efficient trans-splicing ribozymes are able to grow on medium containing the antibiotic chloramphenicol. We randomized a 5′-terminal sequence of the Tetrahymena thermophila group I intron and screened a library with 9 × 106 ribozyme variants for the best trans-splicing activity. The resulting ribozymes showed increased trans-splicing efficiency and help the design of efficient trans-splicing ribozymes for different sequence contexts. This in vivo selection method can now be used to optimize any sequence in trans-splicing ribozymes.  相似文献   

Group I introns have been engineered into trans-splicing ribozymes capable of replacing the 3'-terminal portion of an external mRNA with their own 3'-exon. Although this design makes trans-splicing ribozymes potentially useful for therapeutic application, their trans-splicing efficiency is usually too low for medical use. One factor that strongly influences trans-splicing efficiency is the position of the target splice site on the mRNA substrate. Viable splice sites are currently determined using a biochemical trans-tagging assay. Here, we propose a rapid and inexpensive alternative approach to identify efficient splice sites. This approach involves the computation of the binding free energies between ribozyme and mRNA substrate. We found that the computed binding free energies correlate well with the trans-splicing efficiency experimentally determined at 18 different splice sites on the mRNA of chloramphenicol acetyl transferase. In contrast, our results from the trans-tagging assay correlate less well with measured trans-splicing efficiency. The computed free energy components suggest that splice site efficiency depends on the following secondary structure rearrangements: hybridization of the ribozyme's internal guide sequence (IGS) with mRNA substrate (most important), unfolding of substrate proximal to the splice site, and release of the IGS from the 3'-exon (least important). The proposed computational approach can also be extended to fulfill additional design requirements of efficient trans-splicing ribozymes, such as the optimization of 3'-exon and extended guide sequences.  相似文献   

The use of anti-idiotypic antibodies as immunogens represents one potential approach to active specific immunotherapy of cancer. Two panels of syngeneic monoclonal anti-idiotypic antibodies were generated. One panel was directed against mAb CC49 and the other to mAb COL-1. mAb CC49 recognizes the pancarcinoma antigen (Ag), tumor-associated glycoprotein-72 (TAG-72), and mAb COL-1 recognizes carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). Seven anti-idiotypic (AI) antibodies (Ab2) designated AI49-1–7 were generated that recognize the variable region of mAb CC49. These mAb were shown to inhibit the interaction of mAb CC49 (Ab1) with TAG-72 (Ag). Five anti-idiotypic antibodies designated CAI-1–5 were also generated to the anti-CEA mAb, COL-1 (Ab1). These Ab2 were shown to inhibit the interaction between COL-1 (Ab1) and CEA (Ag). Immunization of mice, rats, and rabbits with Ab2 directed against CC49 or COL-1 could not elicit specific Ab3 humoral immune responses, i.e., antibody selectively reactive with their respective target antigens. However, immunization of mice with the CC49 anti-idiotypic antibody (Ab2), designated AI49-3, could induce a delayed-type hypersensitivity response (DTH) specific for tumor cells that express TAG-72. Similarly, immunization of mice with an anti-idiotypic antibody directed against COL-1, designated CAI-1, could induce specific DTH cell-mediated immune responses to murine tumor cells that express human CEA on their surface. These results thus demonstrate that while some anti-idiotype mAb may not be potent immunogens in eliciting Ab3 humoral responses, they are capable of eliciting specific cellular immune responses against human carcinoma-associated antigens. This type of mAb may ultimately be useful in active immunotherapy protocols for human carcinoma.Some of the studies described in this paper were in partial fulfillment of requirements for the completion of Dr. Irvine's dissertation at the George Washington University  相似文献   

Although spliceosomal introns are an abundant landmark in eukaryotic genomes, the nuclear genome of the divergent eukaryote Giardia intestinalis, the causative agent of giardiasis, has been considered as “intron-poor” with only five canonical (cis-spliced) introns. However, three research groups (including ours) have independently reported a novel class of spliceosomal introns in the G. intestinalis genome. Three protein-coding genes are split into pieces in the G. intestinalis genome, and each of the partial coding regions was independently transcribed into polyadenylated premature mRNAs (pre-mRNAs). The two pre-mRNAs directly interact with each other by an intermolecular-stem structure formed between their non-coding portions, and are then processed into mature mRNAs by spliceosome-mediated trans-splicing. Here, we summarize the recently published works on split introns (“splintrons”) in the G. intestinalis genome, and then provide our speculation on the functional property of the Giardia spliceosomes based on the putative ratio of splintrons to canonical introns. Finally, we discuss a scenario for the transition from typical GT-AG boundaries to non-typical AT-AC boundaries in a particular splintron of Giardia.  相似文献   

Summary A mitochondrial RNA splice defect in the first intron of the COB gene (bI1) can be suppressed by a dominant nuclear mutation SUP-101. Starting with a gene bank of yeast nuclear DNA from a SUP-101 suppressor strain cloned in the YEp13 plasmid, we have isolated a recombinant plasmid which exerts a suppressor activity similar to the SUP-101 allele. The N3(2) insert of this plasmid contains an open reading frame (ORF) of 1014 bp which is transcribed to a 12 S RNA. Deletion of the 5 end of this ORF and its upstream sequences abolishes the suppressor activity. The N3(2) insert thus carries a functional gene (called MRS3) which can suppress a mitochondrial splice defect. The chromosomal equivalent of the cloned gene has been mapped to chromosome 10. Disruption of this chromosomal gene has no phenotypic effect on wild-type cells.  相似文献   

RNA molecules that are assembled from the four standard nucleotides contain a limited number of chemical functional groups, a characteristic that is generally thought to restrict the potential for catalysis by ribozymes. Although polypeptides carry a wider range of functional groups, many contemporary protein-based enzymes employ coenzymes to augment their capabilities. The coenzymes possess additional chemical moieties that can participate directly in catalysis and thereby enhance catalytic function. In this work, we demonstrate a mechanism by which ribozymes can supplement their limited repertoire of functional groups through RNA-catalyzed incorporation of various coenzymes and coenzyme analogues. The group I ribozyme of Tetrahymena thermophila normally mediates a phosphoester transfer reaction that results in the covalent attachment of guanosine to the ribozyme. Here, a shortened version of the ribozyme is shown to catalyze the self-incorporation of coenzymes and coenzyme analogues, such as NAD+ and dephosphorylated CoA-SH. Similar ribozyme activities may have played an important role in the RNA world, when RNA enzymes are thought to have maintained a complex metabolism in the absence of proteins and would have benefited from the inclusion of additional functional groups.Correspondence to: G.F. Joyce  相似文献   

The wildtype Tetrahymena ribozyme cannot catalyze detectable levels of phosphotransfer activity in vitro on an exogenous RNA substrate oligonucleotide when calcium(II) is supplied as the only available divalent ion. Nevertheless, low-error mutants of this ribozyme have been acquired through directed evolution that do have activity in 10 mM CaCl2. The mechanisms for such Ca(II) accommodation are not known. Here, we assayed the entire molecule in an effort to identify the roles of the mutations in allowing catalytic activity in Ca(II). We used four biochemical probing techniques - native-gel electrophoresis, hydroxyl radical footprinting, terbium(III) cleavage footprinting, and phosphorothioate interference mapping - to compare the solution structure of the wildtype ribozyme with that of a Ca(II)-active five-site mutant. We compared the gross folding patterns and specific metal-binding sites in both MgCl2 and CaCl2 solutions. We detected no large-scale folding differences between the two RNAs in either metal. However, we did discover a limited number of local folding differences, involving regions of the RNA affected by positions 42, 188, and 270. These data support the notion that Ca(II) is accommodated by the Tetrahymena ribozyme by a slight breathing at the active site, but that alterations at, near to, and distal from the active site can all contribute to Ca(II)-based activity.  相似文献   

ras mutations represent one of the most common oncogenetic lesions in human non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and adversely affect the survival of patients afflicted with this disease. ras-directed gene therapy in the past employed primarily antisense oligonucleotides (AS-ODN) or expression vectors (such as a viral vector construct) that deliver the antisense sequence to inactivate the mutant oncogene message. These approaches produced minimal toxicity, and yet were limited in efficacy. Ribozymes present a viable alternative in antisense therapy by virtue of their renewable catalytic capability for site-specific RNA cleavage. We recently produced an adenoviral vector with a hammerhead ribozyme transgene (KRbz) that is specific for the K-ras codon 12 mutant sequence GUU, given the considerations that (a) in the United States, approx 30% of human NSCLCs express K-ras oncogene mutations, nearly all of which reside in codon 12; (b) anti-K-ras, anti-H, as well as anti-N-ras hammerhead ribozymes are potent growth inhibitors in various human cancers tested; and (c) in vitro and animal model studies suggest that ribozymes directed at oncogene (K- and H-ras C-fos, BCR-ABL) or human immunodeficiency viral gene messages are more effective than their antisense counterpart. This article describes the techniques involved in the production of the KRbz-adenoviral vector that is specific for the K-ras mutation GTT, and summarizes its in vivo antitumor effect against NSCLC xenografts expressing the relevant K-ras mutation in athymic mice.  相似文献   

Aminoglycoside antibiotics inhibit several types of ribozymes, including group I introns, by displacing critical Mg2+ ions. However, they stimulate activity of the small hairpin ribozyme. We show here that aminoglycosides promote self-splicing of the Cr.psbA2 group I intron at subthreshold Mg2+ concentrations. Neomycin is the most effective of the aminoglycosides tested; it stimulates splicing of Cr.psbA2 at micromolar concentrations, and, in this respect, is >100-fold more effective than spermidine. At optimal Mg2+ for Cr.psbA2 splicing, these drugs, especially kanamycin B and tobramycin, promote GTP attack at the 3' splice-site. Kinetic analysis suggests that this is due to an alternatively folded state of the ribozyme that is induced, or stabilized, by aminoglycosides. A similar effect is observed at high Mg2+ concentrations. Comparing the effects of structurally related aminoglycosides indicates that splicing promotion is more sensitive to drug structure than misfolding and occurs at lower drug concentrations. These data show that aminoglycosides can promote biochemical activities of a large ribozyme by acting as a Mg2+ mimic. The results also underscore the functional diversity of group I introns in nature.  相似文献   

Neobenedenia girellae, a monogenean, is an important pathogen in marine cultured fish such as yellowtail and amberjack. An effective control method is required but none has yet been established. Aiming to establish a new control method by interfering with the gametogenesis of N. girellae, we focused on vasa (vas)-related genes that are expressed exclusively in the germline granules in Drosophila, Caenorhabditis elegans and other animals. Three vas-related genes (N. girellae vasa-like gene, Ngvlg1, Ngvlg2 and Ngvlg3) were isolated by PCR and Ngvlg1 and Ngvlg2 were shown to be expressed only in germ cells. We demonstrated that introduction of double-stranded Ngvlg1 or Ngvlg2 RNA by soaking resulted in partial or complete loss of germ cells. Moreover, the hatching rate of eggs from animals showing partial loss of germ cells decreased significantly. These results suggest that Ngvlg1 and Ngvlg2 are essential genes for germ cell quantity and quality. The possibility that a new control method can be developed by controlling gametogenesis of N. girellae was proven, because sterilised N. girellae could be produced.  相似文献   

Searching for agents that could be effective in the treatment of cancer, special highlight has focused on the study of numerous plant-derived compounds. We previously demonstrated that anthraquinones (AQs) isolated from a vegetal species: Heterophyllaea pustulata Hook f. (Rubiaceae), such as rubiadin, rubiadin-1-methyl ether, soranjidiol, soranjidiol-1-methyl ether exhibit photosensitizing properties without antecedents as photodynamic agents in malignant cells. In the present study, we investigated the potential role of these AQs as a phototoxic agent against human breast carcinoma using MCF-7c3 cells. All AQs exhibited significant photocytotoxicity on cancer cells at the concentration of 100 μM with 1 J/cm2 light dose, resulting soranjidiol-1-methyl ether in complete cell destruction. The observed cellular killing by photoactivated AQs exhibited close relation with singlet oxygen production, except for soranjidiol-1-methyl ether, where cell viability decrease is in relation to uptake by tumor cells.  相似文献   

Huntington disease (HD) is a devastating neurologic disorder that is characterized by abnormal expansion of a CAG nt repeat in the first exon of the huntingtin (htt) gene, producing a mutant protein with an elongated polyglutamine stretch. The presence of this mutant protein is correlated with the characteristic loss of striatal neurons and the clinical manifestation of HD. Currently there is no effective treatment for the associated cell death. The aim of this study was to evaluate an innovative strategy combining RNA interference (RNAi) and gene transfer via the nonviral Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon system to down-regulate Htt expression. siRNA expression vectors were designed to target exons 1, 4, 6, and 62 of the human htt gene. Real-time RT-PCR and Western blot analysis were used to quantify Htt mRNA and protein levels, respectively, in human cell lines. The results indicated that selected siRNA constructs significantly decreased Htt mRNA and protein levels relative to controls. In addition, SB transposition of the siRNA constructs into the genome reduced long-term protein expression of Htt by approximately 90%. The combination of siRNA, the SB transposon, and an accurate transgenic mouse model may permit evaluation of this approach in preventing the pathogenesis associated with expression of mutant Htt.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that over-expression of estrogen receptor (ER) in hormone-sensitive breast cancer could be harnessed synergistically with the tumor-migrating effect of porphyrins to selectively deliver estrogen-porphyrin conjugates into breast tumor cells, and preferentially kill the tumor cells upon exposure to red light. In the present work we synthesized four (4) conjugates of C17-alpha-alkynylestradiol and chlorin e6-dimethyl ester with varying tether lengths, and showed that all these conjugates specifically bound to recombinant ER alpha. In a cellular uptake assay with ER-positive MCF-7 and ER-negative MDA-MB 231 human breast cancer cell-lines, we observed that one such conjugate (E17-POR, XIV) was selectively taken up in a dose-dependent and saturable manner by MCF-7 cells, but not by MDA-MB 231 cells. Furthermore, MCF-7 cells, but not MDA-MB 231 cells, were selectively and efficiently killed by exposure to red light after incubation with E17-POR. Therefore, the combination approach, including drug and process modalities has the potential to be applied clinically for hormone-sensitive cancers in organs where ER is significantly expressed. This could potentially be carried out either as monotherapy involving a photo-induced selective destruction of tumor cells and/or adjuvant therapy in post-surgical treatment for the destruction of residual cancer cells in tissues surrounding the tumor.  相似文献   

We present phylogenetic evidence that a group I intron in an angiosperm mitochondrial gene arose recently by horizontal transfer from a fungal donor species. A 1,716-bp fragment of the mitochondrial coxI gene from the angiosperm Peperomia polybotrya was amplified via the polymerase chain reaction and sequenced. Comparison to other coxI genes revealed a 966-bp group I intron, which, based on homology with the related yeast coxI intron aI4, potentially encodes a 279-amino-acid site-specific DNA endonuclease. This intron, which is believed to function as a ribozyme during its own splicing, is not present in any of 19 coxI genes examined from other diverse vascular plant species. Phylogenetic analysis of intron origin was carried out using three different tree-generating algorithms, and on a variety of nucleotide and amino acid data sets from the intron and its flanking exon sequences. These analyses show that the Peperomia coxI gene intron and exon sequences are of fundamentally different evolutionary origin. The Peperomia intron is more closely related to several fungal mitochondrial introns, two of which are located at identical positions in coxI, than to identically located coxI introns from the land plant Marchantia and the green alga Prototheca. Conversely, the exon sequence of this gene is, as expected, most closely related to other angiosperm coxI genes. These results, together with evidence suggestive of co-conversion of exonic markers immediately flanking the intron insertion site, lead us to conclude that the Peperomia coxI intron probably arose by horizontal transfer from a fungal donor, using the double-strand-break repair pathway. The donor species may have been one of the symbiotic mycorrhizal fungi that live in close obligate association with most plants. Correspondence to: J.C. Vaughn  相似文献   

The spread of group I introns depends on their association with intron-encoded homing endonucleases. Introns that encode functional homing endonuclease genes (HEGs) are highly invasive, whereas introns that only encode the group I ribozyme responsible for self-splicing are generally stably inherited (i.e., vertical inheritance). A number of recent case studies have provided new knowledge on the evolution of group I introns, however, there are still large gaps in understanding of their distribution on the tree of life, and how they have spread into new hosts and genic sites. During a larger phylogenetic survey of chlorophyceaen green algae, we found that 23 isolates contain at least one group I intron in the rbcL chloroplast gene. Structural analyses show that the introns belong to one of two intron lineages, group IA2 intron-HEG (GIY-YIG family) elements inserted after position 462 in the rbcL gene, and group IA1 introns inserted after position 699. The latter intron type sometimes encodes HNH homing endonucleases. The distribution of introns was analyzed on an exon phylogeny and patterns were recovered that are consistent with vertical inheritance and possible horizontal transfer. The rbcL 462 introns are thus far reported only within the Volvocales, Hydrodictyaceae and Bracteacoccus, and closely related isolates of algae differ in the presence of rbcL introns. Phylogenetic analysis of the intron conserved regions indicates that the rbcL699 and rbcL462 introns have distinct evolutionary origins. The rbcL699 introns were likely derived from ribosomal RNA L2449 introns, whereas the rbcL462 introns form a close relationship with psbA introns.  相似文献   

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