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The aim of this study was to investigate whether there were differences in the genetic variability and rate and velocity of the seed germination produced by Psychotria tenuinervis located at anthropogenic edges, natural edges, and in the forest interior. The populations of P. tenuinervis showed no differences in genetic variability or structure among the three habitats. There was, however, an indication of inbreeding, which was significantly higher in natural edges than in anthropogenic edges and the forest interior. Within-habitat variation was considerable, but there were no differences in seed mass or rate and velocity of germination among the three habitats. These results suggest that seed characteristics were not influenced by the genetic pattern of P. tenuinervis and that other characteristics of the forest fragment, such as gaps, edge age, and type of matrix exert more influence on seed mass and germination than the distance from the edges.  相似文献   

Pollinators, especially insects, could be influenced by forest fragmentation. The aim of this paper was to examine whether there were differences in 1) the communities of floral visitors; 2) the frequency of visits; and 3) the fruit and seed sets of individuals of Psychotria tenuinervis occurring at anthropogenic edges (AEs), natural edges (NEs), and in the forest interior (FI) in 2 yr of study. In 2002, the total number of flower visits was greater in NE and lower in AE, while no difference among habitats was found in 2003. There were differences among sample plots, within habitats, in both years. Bees were the most frequent visitors of P. tenuinervis flowers, and the introduced honeybee Apis mellifera was the most common species observed. There were no differences in the fruit and seed sets, or in the density of reproductive individuals of P. tenuinervis among habitats. However, in 2002, NE showed the greatest proportion of fruits per flower and AE the smallest. The similarity among the habitats was probably due to the marked variation or heterogeneity among the sample plots and among the plants within the habitats, which may have masked any interhabitat differences. The observed heterogeneity and the likely importance of other factors, such as gaps and the age of the edge, on the fragment studied, could be viewed as important issues for conservation programs.  相似文献   

Two species, Psychotria tenuinervis (shrub, Rubiaceae) and Guarea guidonia (tree, Meliaceae), were used as models to compare the genetic structure of tree and shrubby species among natural edges, anthropogenic edges, and a fragment interior. There were significant differences between two genetic markers. For isozymes, P. tenuinervis presented greater heterozygosity (expected and observed) and a higher percentage of polymorphic loci and median number of alleles than G. guidonia. For microsatellites, there was no difference in genetic variability between the species. Only P. tenuinervis, for isozymes, showed differences in genetic variability among the three habitats. There was no genetic structure (F ST < 0.05) among habitats in both plant species for both genetic markers. Isozymes showed great endogamy for both plant species, but not microsatellites. The forest fragmentation may have negative effects on both spatial (among edges and interior) and temporal genetic variability.  相似文献   

The shrub species Psychotria tenuinervis (Rubiaceae) is native to the Brazilian Atlantic forest and is largely found within natural and disturbed forest fragments. Aiming to develop studies on population genetic structure of forest fragment species, eigth microsatellite markers were developed for P. tenuinervis. Also, 15 loci already developed for Coffea (Rubiaceae) were tested for transferability to this species. We utilized 45 individuals from natural populations of three different fragments-anthropic edge, interior fragment and natural edge, within the Brazilian Atlantic forest. The average number of alleles per locus was 2.5 (two–four alleles/locus). These loci will be useful for future population genetic studies aiming to the conservation and management of this species.  相似文献   

Lek polygyny, monogamy and scramble promiscuity have been reported in the two families and five species of Recent sirenians. Evidence for lek mating in the dugong or "sea pig" (Dugong dugon), monogamy in Steller's sea cow (Hydrodamalis gigas), and scramble promiscuity in the three manatees or "river cows" (Trichechus manatus, Trichechus senegalensis, and Trichechus inunguis), as well as in one dugong population, is reviewed. Sirenians are long-lived "K-strategists" with precocious young, few potential young per female lifetime, high female investment in a few young, little apparent opportunity for post-copulatory male investment, and "paenungulate" reproductive physiologies that appear to increase uncertainty as to female receptivity and assurance as to paternity. Common features notwithstanding, diverse habitats, climates, and niches may account for mating system diversity. Scenarios for evolution of diverse mating systems, based on our understanding of mating systems in terrestrial herbivores, are presented. The dugong retains the ancestral low latitude marine, seagrass dependent, bottom-feeding, niche characteristic of diverse, tusked, Oligocene and Miocene sirenian faunas. With a long breeding season and high polygyny potential, retention of tusks by male dugongs in the absence of any foraging function suggests that tusks may have always had social functions and lekking may be of ancient origin. The sea cow lineage, isolated on the shoreline of the northeastern Pacific as seagrasses declined, turned to surface foraging on chemically undefended kelps and lost both tusks and molar teeth. As it followed kelps northwards, adaptation to a cold-temperate climate compressed the breeding season, limited the polygyny potential, and, in conjunction with incentives for paternal investment, favored pair bonding and the monogamous mating system postulated by George Steller (1751). Manatees, evolving in botanically-rich fresh waters of the Amazon basin as an aberrant offshoot of the marine dugongid line, remained in the tropics and retained a high polygyny potential, but became generalist foragers in the upper few meters of the water column. Labyrinthine river systems provided little opportunity for male aggregation and display (or rhizome foraging) and tusks were lost as the uncertainty of female inseminability drove the mating system toward scramble promiscuity and sperm competition. An observation of manatee-like behavior in a dense and sedentary dugong population in eastern Australia suggests plasticity in sirenian mating, and the likelihood that a form of scramble promiscuity may exist where no suitable site for lekking is available, where large group size makes female defence impossible, or where vulnerability of territorial males to hunting has resulted in extirpation of a lekking tradition. Dugong and manatee life history characteristics conform to expectations based on observed differences in mating systems.  相似文献   

Reciprocal herkogamy is known to promote intermorph-pollination in distylous species, which are generally self- and intramorph-incompatible. Legitimate crossing rates are also influenced by pollinator foraging strategy, which determines most of the pollen flow in natural populations. This study reports on the floral morphology, compatibility relations and pollination biology of Psychotria nuda (Cham. and Schltdl.) Wawra in the Atlantic rain forest, southeastern Brazil, based on floral measurements, hand-pollination experiments and focal observation of floral visitors. It was found that P. nuda does not present an exactly reciprocal herkogamy, however, this morphological trait in P. nuda is as good as in most of Rubiaceae. Reproductive experiments showed compatibility relations similar to those frequently observed in distylous species. The hummingbirds Ramphodon naevius and females of Thalurania glaucopis were the main pollinators of P. nuda, presenting the traplining foraging strategy, which seems to maximize intermorph crosses in P. nuda flowers. These hummingbirds pollinated P. nuda flowers sequentially throughout the flowering period.  相似文献   

Intense competition between males for reproduction has led to the evolution of alternative mating tactics (AMTs). Feral goat males usually use a tactic called tending, in which they defend oestrous females from other males. Males may also use a second mating tactic called coursing, in which they gain access to oestrous females by disturbing a tending pair. Herein, we examine estimated mating success (EMS) and risks of using these tactics. Tending was only used by mature (≥4 years old), higher-ranking males and accounted for 75% of EMS. Coursing was used by males of all ages and dominance ranks, and accounted for 25% of EMS. Using coursing, male kids achieved 8% of EMS. Mature males achieved 92% of EMS. Both age and dominance rank were related to EMS, but age was not important after its relationship with dominance was controlled. Tending bouts were, on average, ca. 30 min long, while coursing bouts only averaged ca. 2 min. Males were more likely to suffer a butt while coursing than while tending, and formerly tending males were responsible for most butts. Kids that coursed had the highest risk of being butted. In most AMTs, there are reductions in the risks in relation to low fitness benefits. However, we found that the risks of butts during coursing were high, while our evidence suggests that the EMS was probably low. Nevertheless, the existence of an effective AMT in male feral goats may have an important influence on the intensity of sexual selection and the effective population size.  相似文献   

The phytochemical investigation of Psychotria vellosiana aerial parts yielded five compounds, including two triterpenes (squalene and lupeol), two steroids (stigmasterol and sitosterol), and one coumarin (scopoletin). The structures of the isolates were established based on analysis of their spectroscopic data and comparison with literature. All metabolites isolated were previously detected in Psychotria, excepting squalene that is being described for the first time from this genus. This study adds a new species to a number of reports showing the absence of alkaloid in Psychotria.  相似文献   

Rudgea jasminoides (Rubiaceae) is a tropical tree species native of the Atlantic Forest in the south of Brazil. Previous studies with leaf cell walls of R. jasminoides showed a different proportion of cross-linked glycans compared to what is usually reported for eudicots. However, due to the difficulties of working with whole plant organs, cell suspensions of R. jasminoides, consisting of predominantly undifferentiated cells with mainly primary cell walls, were used to examine cell walls and extracellular soluble polysaccharides (EP) released into the culture medium. Sugar composition and linkage analysis showed homogalacturonans, xylogalacturonans and arabinogalactans to be the predominant EP. In the cell wall, homogalacturonans and arabinogalactans are the major pectins, and xyloglucans and xylans are the major cross-linking glycans. The presence of xylogalacturonans in the R. jasminoides cell cultures seems to be related to the occurrence of a homogeneous cell suspension with loosely attached cells. Although all alkali extractions from the cell walls yielded amounts of xyloglucan that exceed those of the xylans, the latter was found in a proportion that is higher than what has been usually reported for primary cell walls of most eudicots. The xyloglucan from cell walls of cell suspension cultures of R. jasminoides has low fucosylation levels and high proportion of galactosyl residues, a branching pattern commonly found in storage cell-wall xyloglucans.  相似文献   

Mating behavior and paternity of offspring of wild patas monkeys were studied at Kala Maloue National Park, Cameroon. Observation of patas groups over three years revealed that multi-male situations occurred after takeover of the position of a resident male. Direct observation of behavior showed that resident males (harem males) occupied only 31% of mating in multi-male situations and 100% in one-male situations. DNA-typing revealed that resident males sired two of four of infants in the one-male situation and four of five in the multi-male situation. Under the two years cycle of the one-male situation and the multi-male situation, calculation shows that resident males sired more offspring than sneakers both in observation and paternity testing. Sneak mating occurred during both one-male and multi-male situations, and resident males performed compensatory mating, with dilution of sneaker sperm; these activities explain the discrepancy found between observation of mating and results of paternity discrimination.  相似文献   

This paper represents an attempt to investigate the mating behaviour of Symmorphus allobrogus, explaining the willingness of male to mount and copulate. The male displays including mode and frequency of antennation and position while copulating, the displays further comprises of intensity and frequency of rejecting behaviour. The presence of the male’s copulatory and postcopulatory courtship studies, understands the maintenance of monandry. The wasp has numerous secondary sexual characters, and the mating behaviour follows a phyletic and the specific sexual mating characters in context of sexual selection. The duration of mating phases and the number of male antennation series during precopulatory, copulatory and postcopulatory phases of mounting, differs significantly. Mating success depends mostly on the activities of male in the premounting phase and the behaviour of both sexes has a roughly equal importance for it in precopulatory phase. While during copulation, activity of male has little influence on its duration; however, behaviour of female has crucial effect, inducing its earlier termination.  相似文献   

矮慈姑的传粉机制与交配系统   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
对矮慈姑(SagitariapygmaeaMiq)的传粉过程与花粉流作了观察,用同工酶遗传标记法对其一个自然居群的异交率作出定量估计。在自然及人工居群中均观察到虫媒传粉,其中有较大比例的近距离传粉。未检出风媒花粉流。自交可育,同时存在雌雄同株和花序内雌雄花异熟等异交机制。异交率估计结果(t=499%)表明其交配系统为异交/自交兼性系统。作者认为,其较大比例的自交应归因于同株之不同克隆分株间交配的频繁发生  相似文献   

Rubiaceae contains the largest number of distylous species in the Angiosperms, but the evolution and control of distyly is poorly understood in this group. Atypical distylous populations and species have been described in this family and associated with disturbance, pollination failure and impaired reproductive success. Some of these atypical taxa belong to Psychotria, the largest genus in the family. In the present study, we investigate the pollination and breeding biology of Psychotria carthagenensis Jacq., a widely distributed species that has been described as typically distylous. Fieldwork was carried out mainly at the Panga Ecological Station, in Uberlândia, MG, Brazil. We carried out phenological observations, floral biology studies and hand pollination experiments within the Panga Ecological Station population. We complemented these data with herbarium and field surveys from elsewhere in Brazil. The studied population bloomed at the beginning of the rains (September–December). The main pollinators were Bombus and small Halictidae bees. The Panga Ecological Station population presented pin‐monomorphism with only two thrum individuals in more than 100 flowering individuals surveyed. Hand pollinations at the Panga Ecological Station showed self‐compatibility and intramorph compatibility. Typical distyly and isoplethy were found in other areas and both morphs appeared in herbarium material. However, pin‐monomorphism was also observed elsewhere in Brazil. Typical distyly, pin‐monomorphism and homostyly observed concurrently in Brazilian populations of P. carthagenensis indicate that alternative reproductive strategies, probably favoring selfing, appear to have developed independently in this species.  相似文献   

Floral morphology and breeding system were examined in natural populations of Psychotria rubra (Rubiaceae) occurring in the Ryukyu Islands in southwest Japan. This species is morphologically dimorphic with long‐ and short‐styled morphs; however, these morphs are functionally dioecious. All long‐styled morphs set fruits, but their short anthers completely lack pollen grains; thus, they function as pistillate flowers. Alternately, short‐styled morphs usually have fertile pollen and never set fruit, whether after open or obligate pollinations; thus, they function as staminate flowers. However, some short‐styled morphs in Mounts Katsuu‐dake and Oppa‐dake populations have no fertile pollens. No fruit was obtained from bagging experiments, indicating that P. rubra requires pollinators for its reproduction. In our pollinator observations, flies and short‐tongued wasps were the main visitors of the flowers of P. rubra. Thus, these insects are probably effective pollinators for P. rubra in the Ryukyu Islands. Considering the morphological features, the dioecy found in P. rubra is probably derived from distyly; however, no sufficient evidence is available showing that dioecy has evolved “directly” from distyly.  相似文献   

The road tarantula Eupalaestrus weijenberghi shows a strongly female-biased sex ratio since adult females live several years while adult males live only for 2 months. In this scenario selective males could be expected. However, several factors such as the rates of reproduction of each sex, degree of sexual selectivity and synchronicity of female receptiveness determine the operational sexual ratio and mating system of the species. Our objective was to determine the mating rates and mating tactics for females and males of E. weijenberghi and their variation throughout the reproductive period. Four hundred sexual encounters among 20 females and 20 males in all possible pair-wise combinations were carried out during 29 days, a brief but intense experimental period, as it also occurs in the field. Mating success differed strongly between sexes. Females mated once: five females mated at the first attempt, eight initially rejected males and copulated in subsequent attempts. Half of the males did not copulate and the others copulated 1-3 times. Mated females actively rejected males. Results indicate a mating system with monogamous females and polygamous males. Not all the females were receptive in every reproductive season. We suggest that female monogamy drastically affects the operational sex ratio, since several females were unreceptive after a single copulation, directly diminishing the male potential reproductive rate. This is the first experimental approach to estimate tarantula mating systems, their determinants and the consequences of the strategies shown by each sex.  相似文献   

In insects, a sexual size dimorphism commonly occurs, with larger females. However, as a deviation from this general rule, larger males are found in some species. In these species often sexual selection for large males has been presumed. The spittlebug Cercopis sanguinolenta exhibits a distinct sexual size dimorphism with larger males. Mating behaviour was studied in a field population in respect to mating success of males and females. The aim of this study was to examine the mechanisms that lead to the observed non-random mating pattern. The results showed a mating pattern without size-assortative mating. A correlation was found between mating success and body size in males. In females no such correlation was found. The mobility of males depends on their body size and mobility is high only when females are present. However, in an analysis of covariance it was found that male mating success is not correlated with mobility, when controlled for body size. The mating system of the spittlebug was classified as scramble competition polygyny. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Forested edges, especially those that border humanized landscapes, provide opportunities for nonhuman primates and people to interact, and such interactions are predicted to alter disease dynamics. Given the rapid expansion of edge habitats globally, understanding changes occurring on edges is important in evaluating primate behavioral ecology and developing conservation plans. Our research investigates predictions concerning how gastrointestinal parasite and stress levels (cortisol) in red colobus and black-and-white colobus (Procolobus rufomitratus; Colobus guereza) in Kibale National Park, Uganda, differ between humanized and nonhumanized forest edges. We found Trichuris sp., an unidentified strongyle, and Strongyloides sp. in the fecal samples. Results did not generally support our expectation that humanized forest edges increase parasite infection and, counter to what we predicted, fecal cortisol did not differ between habitats, suggesting that proximity to edges and/or to humans did not result in increased stress. We conclude that broad habitat classifications, e.g., “humanized,” may be too general to identify consistent differences in parasite infection, as other factors, specific to the parasite (e.g., life cycled), host (e.g., immune systems strength), or environment (e.g., moisture level), likely also play important roles.  相似文献   

The mating systems operating in seven species of Marasmius collected recently in northern Thailand were determined. Marasmius cremeus belonging to sect. Sicci subsect. Siccini ser. Leonini, and Marasmius straminiceps belonging to sect. Marasmius subsect. Sicciformes are described as new species. Five members of sect. Marasmius were tetrapolar (bifactorial), viz. M. apatelius, M. guyanensis, M. nigrobrunneus, M. ruforotula, and M. straminiceps. Two members of sect. Sicci were bipolar (unifactorial), viz., M. corneri (syn. M. incarnatus) and M. cremeus. Our data support the hypothesis that the mating system is consistent within infrageneric taxa. The seven species that are herein described, illustrated, and compared with phenetically similar species represent the first reports for this genus in Thailand.  相似文献   

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