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Many Salmonella Enteritidis virulence factors are encoded by genes localized on plasmids, especially large virulence plasmid, in highly conserved fragment, they create spv plasmid gene group. The aims of realized researches were spv genes occurrence evaluation and composition analysis among Salmonella Enteritidis strains caused infection in chickens. Researches were realized on 107 isolates, where in every cases large virulence plasmid 59 kbp size were detected. Specific nucleotides sequences of spv genes (spvRABCD) were detected in 47.7% of isolates. In the rest of examined bacteria spv genes occurred variably. Most often extreme genes of spv group, like spvR and spvD were absent, what could indicate that factors encoded by them are not most important for Salmonella Enteritidis live and their expressed virulence.  相似文献   

The virulence properties of various non-typhoid Salmonella serotypes depend on the presence of large plasmids 60-100 kb in size. We have shown previously that the virulence region on the 80 kb plasmid pSDL2 of Salmonella dublin Lane maps within a 14kb SalI fragment. In this report we show that an 8.2 kb region within this fragment is sufficient to express lethal disease in BALB/c mice. Sequence analysis of this segment revealed six sequential open reading frames designated vsdA-F, which encode putative proteins of 13-65kDa. Deletion analysis and location of Tn5-oriT inserts which abolish virulence suggest that vsdA, vsdC, vsdD and vsdE are essential for virulence expression. Downstream of vsdF we discovered a locus involved in stable plasmid maintenance. Deletion of that region resulted in plasmid multimerization and instability.  相似文献   

The Salmonella dublin virulence plasmid pSDL2 is a low-copy-number plasmid that is highly conserved in its host. Deletion of the 8-kb EcoRI C fragment downstream of the virulence region leads to plasmid instability and formation of multimers. We identified a multimer resolution system in the EcoRI C fragment composed of a trans-acting resolvase gene and a cis-acting resolution site. The resolvase gene, rsd, maps within a 2-kb EcoRV fragment and appears to be part of a multicistronic unit together with at least two other genes of unknown function. The derived protein, 28.7-kDa in size, is almost identical to the D protein of miniF. The C-terminal region was shown to have substantial similarity to the conserved C-terminal domains of the site-specific recombinases of the integrase family. The cis-acting resolution site, crs, is located upstream of rsd within a 628-bp SmaI-HpaI fragment. It contains eight direct incomplete 17-bp repeats followed by a segment rich in indirect repeats, the latter being homologous to the oriV1 sequence of miniF. crs contains the crossover site for specific recombination and mediates bidirectional promoter activity. A replicative function in analogy to that of oriV1 of F could not be demonstrated. The multimer resolution system was shown to stabilize pACYC184 and is dependent on the recA-mediated formation of multimeric plasmids. Screening different Salmonella serovars with a pSDL2-specific recombination assay revealed that only strains harboring a virulence plasmid encode for resolvase activity. Our results suggest that site-specific recombination contributes to the stable inheritance of pSDL2 and other Salmonella virulence plasmids.  相似文献   

E F Boyd  D L Hartl 《Genetics》1998,149(3):1183-1190
The spv operon is common to all Salmonella virulence plasmids. DNA hybridization analysis indicates that the spv region is limited in distribution to serovars of Salmonella enterica subspecies I, II, IIIa, IV, and VII and is absent from Salmonella bongori isolates. Among strains of subspecies II, IIIa, and VII, all isolates examined contained sequences that hybridized with the spv region. However, among isolates of subspecies I, DNA sequences capable of hybridizing with the spv region were found in some isolates of certain serovars. Furthermore, in isolates of subspecies I, the virulence plasmid was found in the same set of isolates as an F-related plasmid, as determined by the presence of the spv region of the virulence plasmid and the finO, traD, and repA sequences of the F-plasmid. The concordance of the virulence plasmid and all three F-plasmid sequences in subspecies I serovar Choleraesuis, Paratyphi, and Typhimurium is most easily explained if the spv region is carried in an F-related plasmid in these isolates. In contrast, among S. enterica subspecies II, IIIa, IV, and VII, the isolates that contain spv sequences did not hybridize with an F-related plasmid or any other identifiable plasmid. With the use of pulse-field gel electrophoresis, the spv region in subspecies II, IIIa, and VII was found to be encoded on the chromosome. Analysis of the phylogenetic distribution of spv among Salmonella isolates and comparative nucleotide sequence analysis of spvA and spvC suggests that the spv region was acquired very recently, after speciation of the salmonellae.  相似文献   

A plasmid pDEP34 that codes for resistance to ampicillin, streptomycin, sulphonamides and tetracyclines has been identified in strains of Salmonella typhimurium phage type 193 which have become increasingly common in England and Wales since 1988. pDEP34 is also self-conjugative, carries the genes responsible for the virulence of host strains for BALB/c mice ( spv genes) and is closely related to the Salm. typhimurium 'serotype-specific' plasmid pSLT.  相似文献   

M.D. HAMPTON, E.J. THRELFALL, J.A. FROST, L.R. WARD AND B. ROWE. 1995. Of over 2000 isolates of Salmonella typhimurium DT 193 from humans examined in the 2 year period 1991–92, 93% were antibiotic-resistant with the most common R-types being ASSuT (38%) and T (29%). Fourteen plasmid profiles were identified in DT 193 R-type ASSuT with the majority of isolates being characterized by a single plasmid of 80 MDa (pDEP 34) which in addition to coding for ASSuT, also hybridized with a spv gene probe prepared from the 50 MDa Salm. dublin serovar-specific plasmid. On the basis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms, two variant lines of pDEP 34-like plasmids were identified and a third line which had lost the genes coding for resistance to ampicillin, streptomycin and sulphonamides, was recognized. Although 18 plasmid profile types were identified in DT 193 R-type T, all isolates carried a high mol. wt plasmid which coded for tetracycline resistance only. Further discrimination was achieved on the basis of hybridization of tetracycline resistance plasmids with the spv gene probe and restriction enzyme fingerprinting. These results demonstrate that Salm. typhimurium DT 193 can be rapidly subdivided by antibiogram and that further subdivision can be achieved on the basis of plasmid profile, plasmid fingerprint and hybridization with a spv gene probe.  相似文献   

Both the acridine half-mustard, ICR191, and the nonalkylating azaacridine derivative, ICR364-OH, induce three classes of frameshift mutations in the histidine operon of Salmonella typhimurium. (i) One class is completely stable in reversion tests and is presumed to represent deletion of one or a few critical nucleotide pairs or two nearby frameshifts. One extended deletion was found out of 11 stable mutations. (ii) Of two spontaneously reverting classes which also are considered to predominantly involve base deletions, one is unaffected in reversion with ICR191, nitrosoguanidine, and diethylsulfate, and the other is induced to revert with ICR191. (iii) A third class, considered to predominantly involve base additions, responds in reversion tests with ICR191 as well as with nitrosoguanidine and diethylsulfate. Other investigators have shown that one mutant of this class is a "plus" frameshift and that nitrosoguanidine acts in reversion to delete a guanine plus cytosine base pair. Although such plus frameshifts are found with high frequency among mutations selected from acridine-treated bacteria or when strong selection pressure is applied for their detection in reversion tests, data from this laboratory indicate that this class of plus frameshifts is rare among mutations derived spontaneously or after treatment with a variety of other mutagens. Finally, we demonstrate that the alkylating ICR191 and the nonalkylating ICR364-OH preferentially cause mutations in different chromosome regions and that their spectra of activity only partially overlap that found for spontaneous frameshift mutations.  相似文献   

Molecular analysis of spv virulence genes of the salmonella virulence plasmids   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:21  
Genes on an 8 kb region common to the virulence plasmids of several serovars of Salmonella are sufficient to replace the entire plasmid in enabling systemic infection in animal models. This virulence region encompasses five genes which previously have been designated with different names from each investigating laboratory. A common nomenclature has been devised for the five genes, i.e. spv for s almonella p lasmid v irulence. The first gene, spvR, encodes a positive activator for the following four genes, spvABCD. DNA sequence analysis of the spv genes from Salmonella typhimurium. Salmonella dublin, and Salmonella choleraesuis demonstrated extremely high conservation of the DNA and amino acid sequences. The spv genes are induced at stationary phase and in carbon-poor media, and optimal expression is dependent on the katF locus. The cirulence functions of the spv genes are not known, but these genes may increase the growth rate of salmonellae in host cells and affect the interaction of salmonellae with the host immune system.  相似文献   

Exposure to bile induces curing of the virulence plasmid in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (pSLT). Disruption of the ccdB gene increases pSLT curing, both spontaneous and induced by bile, suggesting that the pSLT ccdAB genes may encode a homolog of the CcdAB addiction module previously described in the F sex factor. Unlike the F sex factor, synthesis of pSLT-encoded pili does not confer bile sensitivity. These observations may provide insights into the evolution of virulence plasmids in Salmonella subspecies I, as well as the causes of virulence plasmid loss in other Salmonella subspecies.  相似文献   

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