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Phanerochaete velutina is a major agent of wood decomposition in temperate forests. It grows out of woody resources in search of other resources and is then vulnerable to grazing by invertebrates. The aim of this study was to determine how continuous grazing and grazing for only 2 days by different densities of collembola, Folsomia candida, affect mycelial development (radial extension, hyphal coverage and fractal dimension) of P. velutina growing across non-sterile soil. High density (80 collembola) continuous grazing resulted in different mycelial foraging patterns compared to controls and lower density (20 and 40 collembola) continuous grazing: radial extension rate was reduced from 8.4 mm day(-1) (control) to 6.9 mm day(-1) (80 collembola), hyphal coverage was reduced to 81% of controls and mass fractal dimension increased from 1.68 (control) to 1.72 (80 collembola). There was evidence of over-compensatory growth: when high density grazing ceased the new growth was considerably greater (38%) than in controls. Grazing also resulted in growth stimulation: at low density continuous grazing (20 collembola) hyphal coverage was 15.6% greater than in controls. The ecological implications of compensatory and stimulatory growth in fungal-invertebrate interactions are considered. 相似文献
Effect of soil and litter type on outgrowth patterns of mycelial systems of Phanerochaete velutina 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Abstract: The outgrowth patterns of Phanerochaete velutina from woody resources varied depending on the soil/litter type. There were clear differences in mycelial extension rate, time between contact with and emergence from baits, mycelial biomass, and extra-resource mycelial responses to contact with new resources depending on soil type, though there was little difference between fractal dimension, i.e. space filling, of mycelia with time or soil/litter type. In a few replicates, particularly in components from the Lawson's cypress stand, mycelia sometimes became brownish colour, ceased growth and eventually disintegrated. In litter the pattern of mycelial development was quite different from that in soil due to subsurface growth in which needles were often colonised. In humus, mycelial development was somewhat similar to that in soil. 相似文献
The relationship between CO2 assimilation rate, growth and partitioning of carbon among starch, sucrose, glucose and fructose were studied in phosphorus (Pi )-limited Lemna gibba L. G3. Two experimental models were used: 1) Cultures were grown at various stable, suboptimal rates regulated by the supply of Pi ; 2) cultures growing at optimal rates were transferred to Pi -free medium. The response to a Pi deficiency can be divided into two phases. Phase I is characterized by hyperactivity of the sucrose synthesis pathway, leading to high levels of glucose and fructose. Phase II is characterized by starch accumulation associated with a decrease in the cytoplasmic pools of soluble sugars owing to inhibition of carbon export from the chloroplast. A strong negative correlation was found between the CO2 assimilation rate and starch levels. No significant correlation was found between assimilation and ATP levels and decrease in relative growth rate did not significantly affect the adenylate energy charge (EC). The regulatory aspects of the partitioning of carbon among soluble sugars and starch as well as the negative correlation between carbohydrate levels and CO2 assimilation at Pi -limited growth are discussed. 相似文献
Allocation of carbon in a mature eucalypt forest and some effects of soil phosphorus availability 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Pools and annual fluxes of carbon (C) were estimated for a mature Eucalyptus pauciflora (snowgum) forest with and without phosphorus (P) fertilizer addition to determine the effect of soil P availability on allocation of C in the stand. Aboveground biomass was estimated from allometric equations relating stem and branch diameters of individual trees to their biomass. Biomass production was calculated from annual increments in tree diameters and measurements of litterfall. Maintenance and construction respiration were calculated for each component using equations given by Ryan (1991a). Total belowground C flux was estimated from measurements of annual soil CO2 efflux less the C content of annual litterfall (assuming forest floor and soil C were at approximate steady state for the year that soil CO2 efflux was measured). The total C content of the standing biomass of the unfertilized stand was 138 t ha-1, with approximately 80% aboveground and 20% belowground. Forest floor C was 8.5 t ha-1. Soil C content (0–1 m) was 369 t ha-1 representing 70% of the total C pool in the ecosystem. Total gross annual C flux aboveground (biomass increment plus litterfall plus respiration) was 11.9 t ha-1 and gross flux belowground (coarse root increment plus fine root production plus root respiration) was 5.1 t ha-1. Total annual soil efflux was 7.1 t ha-1, of which 2.5 t ha-1 (35%) was contributed by litter decomposition.The short-term effect of changing the availability of P compared with C on allocation to aboveground versus belowground processes was estimated by comparing fertilized and unfertilized stands during the year after treatment. In the P-fertilized stand annual wood biomass increment increased by 30%, there was no evidence of change in canopy biomass, and belowground C allocation decreased by 19% relative to the unfertilized stand. Total annual C flux was 16.97 and 16.75 t ha-1 yr-1 and the ratio of below- to aboveground C allocation was 0.43 and 0.35 in the unfertilized and P-fertilized stands, respectively. Therefore, the major response of the forest stand to increased soil P availability appeared to be a shift in C allocation; with little change in total productivity. These results emphasise that both growth rate and allocation need to be estimated to predict changes in fluxes and storage of C in forests that may occur in response to disturbance or climate change. 相似文献
The acid and alkaline phosphatase activities were determined in bacteroid free fraction of nodules during development, using
different phosphorylated substrates. Both enzymes change their substrate specificities with nodule development. Alkaline phosphatase,
20 days after sowing (DAS), showed negligible activity with ATP while at later stages maximum activity with ATP was observed.
Invariably fructose 1,6 bisphosphate was a better substrate compared to fructose-6-phosphate and glucose-6-phosphate. Using
Sephadex G-150 column chromatography, only one peak of acid phosphatase around Ve/Vo of 2.2 to 2.3 was observed at 20 and
30 DAS stages while at 40 DAS stage an additional ATP specific peak at around Ve/Vo of 2.9 was also observed. There was only
one alkaline phosphatase peak at 20 and 30 DAS. However, at 40 DAS additional ATP specific peaks of phosphatases were observed
at Ve/Vo of 1.4 and 2.6. Alkaline phosphatase could not be detected in the bacteroids whereas activity of acid phosphatase
was about 5–7 % of that observed in the bacteroid free preparation. A low activity of both acid and alkaline phytases was
observed at all stages of nodule development. However, phytic acid could not be detected. Increase in phosphorus content of
water soluble organic phosphate at late stage of nodule development appears to be related with low level of phosphatase activity. 相似文献
Effects of soil phosphorus availability,temperature and moisture on soil respiration in Eucalyptus pauciflora forest 总被引:33,自引:1,他引:33
Rates of soil respiration (CO2 efflux) were measured for a year in a mature Eucalyptus pauciflora forest in unfertilized and phosphorus-fertilized plots. Soil CO2 efflux showed a distinct seasonal trend, and average daily rates ranged from 124 to 574 mg CO2 m–2 hr–1. Temperature and moisture are the main variables that cause variation in soil CO2 efflux; hence their effects were investigated over a year so as to then differentiate the treatment effect of phosphorus (P) nutrition.Soil temperature had the greatest effect on CO2 efflux and exhibited a highly significant logarithmic relationship (r2 = 0.81). Periods of low soil and litter moisture occurred during summer when temperatures were greater than 10 °C, and this resulted in depression of soil CO2 efflux. During winter, when temperatures were less than 10 °C, soil and litter moisture were consistently high and thus their variation had little effect on soil CO2 efflux. A multiple regression model including soil temperature, and soil and litter moisture accounted for 97% of the variance in rates of CO2 efflux, and thus can be used to predict soil CO2 efflux at this site with high accuracy. Total annual efflux of carbon from soil was estimated to be 7.11 t C ha–1 yr–1. The model was used to predict changes in this annual flux if temperature and moisture conditions were altered. The extent to which coefficients of the model differ among sites and forest types requires testing.Increased soil P availability resulted in a large increase in stem growth of trees but a reduction in the rate of soil CO2 efflux by approximately 8%. This reduction is suggested to be due to lower root activity resulting from reduced allocation of assimilate belowground. Root activity changed when P was added to microsites within plots, and via the whole tree root system at the plot level. These relationships of belowground carbon fluxes with temperature, moisture and nutrient availability provide essential information for understanding and predicting potential changes in forest ecosystems in response to land use management or climate change. 相似文献
湿地农田土壤磷素的分布、形态与有效性及磷素循环 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
对江汉平原四湖地区湿地农田土壤磷素的含量分布、形态、有效性、磷素循环及施肥效应进行了研究.结果表明农田土壤全磷和有效磷含量随着地势的降低呈明显降低趋势,潜育性土壤全磷和有效磷含量均极显著低于非潜育性土壤.水田土壤Ca-P、Al-P、Fe-P和O-P分别占无机磷总量的58.1%、3.7%、10.6%和27.5%,其中Ca-P和Al-P与有效磷呈高度正相关(r分别为0.9286**和0.9038**),说明Ca P和Al-P是该地区水田土壤有效磷的主要来源之一.潜育性土壤Ca-P、Al-P和Fe-P的平均含量分别比非潜育性土壤低84.0、10.2和21.1mg/kg,其差异达显著或极显著水平,证明潜育性土壤磷素降低的主要原因是Ca-P、Al-P和Fe-P的损失.五种耕作制度下潜育性稻田土壤磷素输入输出平衡值为盈余2.3~27.9kg/hm2·a,其输入输出比(1/0)为1.06~1.88.对于土壤速效磷小于5mg/kg的潜育性稻田,早、中、晚稻的最高产量施磷量分别为4.83,4.93和1.78 P2O5kg/666.7m2. 相似文献
The growth of the freshwater microalga Scenedesmus obliquus was studied at 30°C in a mineral culture medium with phosphorus concentrations of between 0 and 372 μ
. The values for the specific growth rates, between
, fitted a semistructured substrate-limitation model with μm1 = 0·0466 h−1, μm2 = 0·0256 h−1 and
. The specific uptake rate of phosphorus reached a maximum value of qSm1 = 658·01 × 10−4 μmol P mg−1 biomass h−1. 相似文献
Dissolved and particulate organic materials were analysed in 14 streamwaters of the McMurdo Sound region of Antarctica. These streams are fed by glacial meltwaters and pass through catchments largely devoid of terrestrial vegetation. Nonetheless they contained measurable amounts of organic material in both dissolved and particulate form. Most of the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) values lay in the range 1–3 g C m–3. Higher values were recorded close to penguin rookeries on the coast. Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) concentrations were generally two orders of magnitude less than DOC and in flowing waters with rich blue-green algal growth DON increased with distance downstream. Dissolved organic phosphorus levels were generally much lower than DON, but highly variable. Particulate organic carbon concentrations (both fine and coarse) were unexpectedly high. Five sources of organic matter were identified: birdlife (only near the coast), autochthonous algal production (especially important for DON), streambed soils (important at first flows), lacustrine and marine sediments, through which certain streams and glaciers cut, and the glacial ice, which received organic input from wind-blown particulates, snowfall and the underlying bedrock of sedimentary origin. Highest organic levels were recorded in the first melt down the glacier face, suggesting that winter deposition of organic materials may be especially important. 相似文献