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Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is an important agricultural trait characterized by lack of functional pollen, and caused by ectopic and defective mitochondrial gene expression. The pollen function in CMS plants is restored by the presence of nuclear‐encoded restorer of fertility (Rf) genes. Previously, we cloned Rf2, which restores the fertility of Lead Rice (LD)‐type CMS rice. However, neither the function of Rf2 nor the identity of the mitochondrial gene causing CMS has been determined in LD–CMS rice. Here, we show that the mitochondrial gene orf79 acts as a CMS‐associated gene in LD–CMS rice, similar to its role in BT–CMS rice originating from Chinsurah Boro II, and Rf2 weakly restores fertility in BT–CMS rice. We also show that RF2 promotes degradation of atp6–orf79 RNA in a different manner from that of RF1, which is the Rf gene product in BT–CMS rice. The amount of ORF79 protein in LD–CMS rice was one‐twentieth of the amount in BT–CMS rice. The difference in ORF79 protein levels probably accounts for the mild and severe pollen defects in LD–CMS and BT–CMS rice, respectively. In the presence of Rf2, accumulation of ORF79 was reduced to almost zero and 25% in LD–CMS and BT–CMS rice, respectively, which probably accounts for the complete and weak fertility restoration abilities of Rf2 in LD–CMS and BT–CMS rice, respectively. These observations indicate that the amount of ORF79 influences the pollen fertility in two strains of rice in which CMS is induced by orf79.  相似文献   

利用化学诱变剂甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)处理籼稻品种冈46B获得雄性不育突变体D63,并对该突变体进行表型鉴定、遗传分析和基因定位。结果显示D63突变体花药瘦小呈乳白色,花药内完全无花粉粒,属于无花粉型雄性不育。与野生型亲本冈46B相比,D63突变体成熟期株高降低了13.7%,穗伸出度减少了266.7%,自交结实率为0,其他农艺性状无显著差异。遗传分析表明该不育性状受1对隐性核基因控制,该突变基因定位于第2号染色体长臂靠近着丝粒区域In Del标记J2和J4之间,与J2和J4的遗传距离分别为0.2 c M和0.1 c M,该定位区间的物理距离为105.8 kb。候选基因分析结果表明,D63突变体在编码分泌性成束糖蛋白基因LOC_Os02g28970编码区第1580位碱基A突变为C,使编码蛋白的氨基酸序列第527位组氨酸(His)突变为脯氨酸(Pro)。D63突变体与已报道的mtr1突变体表型上不同之处主要是后者花药含有败育花粉粒,二者表型上的差异可能是由于LOC_Os02g28970基因序列突变位点不同,以及它们分别属于籼、粳亚种2个不同遗传背景所致。  相似文献   

Potassium antimonate was used to locate Ca2+ in fertile and sterile anthers of a photoperiod-sensitive genic male-sterile rice (Oryza sativa L. japonica). During the development of fertile anthers, abundant calcium precipitates accumulated in the anther walls and on the surface of pollen grains and Ubish bodies at the late developmental stage of the microspore, but not in the cytoplasm of pollen grains. Following the accumulation of starch grains in pollen, calcium precipitates on pollen walls diminished and increased in parenchymatous cells of the connective tissue. In sterile anthers, calcium precipitates were abundant in the middle layer and endothecium, but not in the tapetum, as was found in fertile anthers. A special cell wall was observed between the tapetum and middle layer of sterile anthers that appeared to relate to distinctive calcium accumulation patterns and poor pollen wall formation in the loculi. The formation of different patterns of antimonate-induced calcium precipitates in the anthers of photoperiod-sensitive genic male-sterile rice indicates that anomalies in the distribution of calcium accumulation correlate with the failure of pollen development and pollen abortion. Received: 30 May 1997 / Accepted: 5 July 1997  相似文献   

通过对双亲及F1的感光性分析和F2群体单株的感光性及短光不育特性分析表明,强感光性对弱感光性表现为显性;具短光不育特性的单株其感光性均表现为中度以上感光(短日出穗促进率〉15%)。对宜DIS与宜D2S的光敏性、感光性分析和不育基因的等位性测定表明,两者感光性与光敏性符合正相关的结论,它们的不育主基因是等位的。可以认为,对短光低温不育水稻,短光不育基因需要在感光性基因存在时才能得到表达,同一不育基因  相似文献   

为了选育新类型玉米雄性核不育系,提出了为玉米核不育性添加温光敏感性的设想和选择与鉴定相结合的策略.同时应用分期播种的方法为作物提供不同的生长和发育的环境条件,以鉴定玉米雄穗的育性变化和对不同环境条件温光的反应。研究结果表明.春播环境下可鉴定和选择玉米的不育性,夏播环境下可鉴定和选择其温光敏感性。针对玉米核不育性难以找到保持系的特性,结合两种播期选择两种性状。但春播环境下选择的不育性群体难以通过选择单株来保持其不育性,为记录性群体选择。通过从春播入选的杂合不育性优良株系群体转移到其对应的夏播温光敏感性入选的同一优良群体中进行优良单株选择.能逐渐使不育性和温光敏感性相结合而选育出纯合温光敏不育系。这种新的选择程序主要包括应用分期播种法、记录性选择法和春夏两季交叉式选择法,使含有不育基因的可育株系逐步累积不育基因并增加了温光敏感性而育成玉米温光敏不育系。  相似文献   

王伟  陈亮   《广西植物》1999,19(1):70-72
从光敏核不育水稻"农垦585"幼穗分化至二次枝梗期开始,在每天的短日照光期(10h日光)结束、暗期开始时(EOD)进行15d的远红光(FR)照射实验,以比较开花、育性转变过程对短暂的远红光(FR)或红光(R)的反应。EODFR明显抑制水稻植株开花(穗分化),导致"农垦585"和原种"农垦58"的抽穗期均比短日照下推退7d,表现为长日照效应,而"农垦58S"的结实率与原种相比却无显著变化。这暗示诱导农垦58S开花、育性转变过程的光反应可能有差异,前者不仅与光周期有关,且受EODFR的剧烈影响,而育性主要受光周期(临界暗期)控制,基本上不受EODFR的调控。  相似文献   

Plant male reproductive development is a complex biological process, but the underlying mechanism is not well understood. Here, we characterized a rice (Oryza sativa L.) male sterile mutant. Based on map‐based cloning and sequence analysis, we identified a 1,459‐bp deletion in an adenosine triphosphate (ATP)‐binding cassette (ABC) transporter gene, OsABCG15, causing abnormal anthers and male sterility. Therefore, we named this mutant osabcg15. Expression analysis showed that OsABCG15 is expressed specifically in developmental anthers from stage 8 (meiosis II stage) to stage 10 (late microspore stage). Two genes CYP704B2 and WDA1, involved in the biosynthesis of very‐long‐chain fatty acids for the establishment of the anther cuticle and pollen exine, were downregulated in osabcg15 mutant, suggesting that OsABCG15 may play a key function in the processes related to sporopollenin biosynthesis or sporopollenin transfer from tapetal cells to anther locules. Consistently, histological analysis showed that osabcg15 mutants developed obvious abnormality in postmeiotic tapetum degeneration, leading to rapid degredation of young microspores. The results suggest that OsABCG15 plays a critical role in exine formation and pollen development, similar to the homologous gene of AtABCG26 in Arabidopsis. This work is helpful to understand the regulatory network in rice anther development.  相似文献   

无花粉型水稻温敏核不育系籼S的育性表现与细胞学观察   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
温敏核不育水稻籼S是从优质常规稻籼黄占自然突变而来的一个无花粉型光温敏核不育种质资源。在广州(23°08′N)自然条件下,一年中具有明显的“可育-不育-可育”的育性转换,5月初至10月底为稳定不育期。在人控光温条件下,低温诱导其由不育转为可育需要较长的持续时间,日均温21℃需7d以上,23.5℃需15d以上。细胞学观察表明其无花粉败育主要是由减数分裂时期的异常引起的,表现为小孢子母细胞粘连与液泡化、减数分裂受阻于前期Ⅰ的细线期、进行无丝分裂与异常的胞质分裂,始终没有正常四分体的形成,而是产生大小不同、核数不等的异常细胞,并最终解体消失。其花粉败育特点不同于以往研究过的光温敏核不育水稻,具有花粉败育时期早而败育彻底的特点。  相似文献   

在杭州男单通过分期播种,比较了两个籼稻光温敏核不育系的育性及其转换特性。结果表明,光照长度对浙大247S和培矮64S两不育系育性表达的影响小,温度起主导作用,均属温敏型不育系,且日最低温度对不育系育性效应显著高于日平均温度和日最高温度。不育系浙大247S和培矮64S的温度敏感期分析是抽穗前3-18和6-21d,育性转换的临界日期为9月19日和9月25日,转换临界温度为25.28和25.66℃,与培矮64S相比,浙大247S不育期败育较彻底,可育期较长且自交结实率高,在杭州田间可以繁种。  相似文献   

基因工程培育可恢复的植物雄性不育系的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wang YF  Huang JY  Yang JS 《遗传》2011,33(1):40-47
植物雄性不育是植物杂种优势利用的资源, 具有重要的生产利用价值。植物雄性不育可从自然突变、人工诱变和远缘杂交中发现, 现在可通过细胞工程和基因工程等方法来创造。文章综述了利用基因工程方法制备雄性不育品系及其相应的育性恢复策略, 分为“单组分策略”和“双组分策略”。其中利用“单组分策略”制备的不育植株是条件型雄性不育(可逆转的雄性不育), 它能在特定的条件下实现雄性可育与不育的转换, 实践中可直接作为两用系(不育系和保持系)用于两系法杂交制种; “双组分策略”是利用基因互作和亲本杂交直接培育雄性不育系, 或利用基因互作原理分别研制不育系和恢复系, 用于三系法生产杂交种。文章分析了 “单组分策略”和“双组分策略”的基因工程方法培育雄性不育系及其相应育性恢复策略优缺点, 对以上两种技术路线在实际应用中的现状作了分析和展望。  相似文献   

从水稻中分离了乙醛脱氢酶基因 (Osaldh)的全长cDNA ,序列分析显示OsaldhcDNA含有一个完整的编码 5 49个氨基酸的开放阅读框 ,其编码蛋白OSALDH的N端为预期的线粒体前导肽 ,中部具有醛类脱氢酶基因家族的酶催化活性中心 ,OSALDH与玉米、烟草、人类的线粒体乙醛脱氢酶同源性分别高达 87%、77%、5 9%。Northern分析显示 ,幼根中Osaldh的表达水平高于幼苗、幼穗 ,不育品种幼穗中Osaldh的转录水平普遍高于对应的可育恢复系。植物线粒体乙醛脱氢酶的功能及其与雄性不育的关系值得进一步研究  相似文献   

Causes of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in plants have beenstudied for two decades, and mitochondrial chimeric genes havebeen predicted to induce CMS. However, it is unclear what happensafter CMS-associated proteins accumulate in mitochondria. Inour previous study of microarray analysis, we found that 140genes are aberrantly regulated in anthers of CW-type CMS ofrice (Oryza sativa L.). In the present study, we investigatedDCW11, one of the down-regulated genes in CW-CMS encoding aprotein phosphatase 2C (PP2C). DCW11 mRNA was preferentiallyexpressed in anthers, with the highest expression in maturepollen. As predicted by the N-terminal sequence, DCW11 signalpeptide–green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion proteinwas localized in mitochondria. Knockdown of DCW11 in wild-typerice by RNA interference caused a major loss of seed-set fertility,without visible defect in pollen development. Since this knockdownphenotype resembled that of CW-CMS, we concluded that the down-regulationof DCW11 is correlated with CW-CMS. This idea was supportedby the up-regulation of alternative oxidase 1a (AOX1a), whichis known to be regulated by mitochondrial retrograde signaling,in DCW11 knockdown lines. Down-regulation of DCW11 and up-regulationof AOX1a were also observed in two other types of rice CMS.Our result indicates that DCW11 could play a role as a mitochondrialsignal transduction mediator in pollen germination.  相似文献   

以甘蓝型油菜雄性不育系160S为试验材料,分别在自然栽种和人工控温条件下对其花器官形态变化、花粉育性转换和杂种优势等进行了初步研究,以探讨植物温敏雄性不育的发生机制。结果表明:环境温度对160S的花器官形态及育性转换具有明显的作用,高温可使花瓣变小,雄蕊退化,花粉活力、角粒数与自交有效结角率降低,表现为低温可育、高温不育,育性变化趋势表现为完全可育-半不育-彻底败育。160S恢复源广泛,且具有较好的配合力和杂种优势,为利用两系法生产油菜杂交种提供了一个较好的途径。  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is associated with a mitochondrial mutation that causes an inability to produce fertile pollen. The fertility of CMS plants is restored in the presence of a nuclear-encoded fertility restorer (Rf) gene. In Lead Rice-type CMS, discovered in the indica variety 'Lead Rice', fertility of the CMS plant is restored by the single nuclear-encoded gene Rf2 in a gametophytic manner. We performed map-based cloning of Rf2, and proved that it encodes a protein consisting of 152 amino acids with a glycine-rich domain. Expression of Rf2 mRNA was detected in developing and mature anthers. An RF2-GFP fusion was shown to be targeted to mitochondria. Replacement of isoleucine by threonine at amino acid 78 of the RF2 protein was considered to be the cause of functional loss in the rf2 allele. As Rf2 does not encode a pentatricopeptide repeat protein, unlike a majority of previously identified Rf genes, the data from this study provide new insights into the mechanism for restoring fertility in CMS.  相似文献   

水稻雄性不育恢复系明恢63的感光基因分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
水稻恢复系明恢63是中国应用面积最大、利用最广泛的恢复系。利用抽穗期感光性近等基因系EG0~EG7及ER~LR对明恢63进行的分析表明,明恢63在E1、E2、E3位点分别带有E1、e3、E3基因,在Se-1位点带无感光功能的Se-1^e基因。进一步用抽穗期QTL近等基因系NIL(Hd1)和NIL(Hd4)进行的研究表明,明恢63带有显性感光基因E1和无感光功能的Se-1^e基因,并推测明恢63带有能抑制E,基因表达的隐性抑制基因。认为籼型杂交稻抽穗期受不育系和恢复系感光基因及感光性抑制基因的共同作用。初步讨论了明恢63广适性的遗传基础。  相似文献   

To clarify the time and cause of pollen abortion, differences on the microsporogenesis and tapetum development in the anthers of male fertile maintainer line and cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) line pepper were studied using transmission electron microscopy. The results showed that CMS line anthers appeared to have much greater variability in developmental pattern than male fertile maintainer line ones. The earliest deviation from normal anther development occurred in CMS line anthers at prophase I was cytomixis in some microspore mother cells (MMCs), and vacuolisation in tapetal cells. Then, MMCs in CMS line anthers developed asynchronously and a small part of ones at the different stage degenerated in advance appearing to have typical morphological features of programmed cell death (PCD). Most MMCs could complete the meiosis, but formed non-tetrahedral tetrad microspores with irregular shape and different size and uncertain number of nuclei, and some degenerated ahead of time as well. Tapetal cells in CMS line anther degenerated during meiosis, and were crushed at the tetrad stage, which paralleled the collapse of pollens. Pollen abortion in CMS line anthers happened by PCD themselves, and the premature PCD of tapetal cells were closely associated with male sterility.  相似文献   

Characterization and Use of Male Sterility in Hybrid Rice Breeding   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.) breeding that was Initiated In China in the 1970s led to a great improvement in rice productivity. In general, It increases the grain yield by over 20% to the inbred rice varieties, and now hybrid rice has been widely introduced into Africa, Southern Asia and America. These hybrid varieties are generated through either three-line hybrid and two-line hybrid systems; the former is derived from cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and the latter derived from genlc male sterility (GMS). There are three major types of CMS (HL, BT and WA) and two types of GMS (photoperlod-sensitlve (PGMS) and temperature-sensitive (TGMS)). The BT- and HL-type CMS genes are characterized as orf79 and orfH79, which are chimeric toxic genes derived from mltochondrial rearrangement. Rf3 for CMS-WA Is located on chromosome 1, while Rf1, Rf4, Rf5 and Rf6 correspond to CMS-BT, CMSoWA and CMS- HL, located on chromosome 10. The Rfl gene for BT-CMS has been cloned recently, and encodes a mltochondriatargeted PPR protein. PGMS Is thought to be controlled by two recessive loci on chromosomes 7 and 12, whereas nine recessive alleles have been identified for TGMS and mapped on different chromosomes. Attention Is still urgently needed to resolve the molecular complexity of male sterility to assist rice breeding.  相似文献   

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